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Dinky's First Time by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:54:35
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:07:19
Expiry: Never

  1. Dinky's First Time by DCFTEF
  2. (Derpy / Dinky)
  3. F/f, hoof, otk, non-consensual
  5. (14/04/2014)
  8. ---
  10. Outside Ponyville Elementary School a single filly sat alone on the back steps. School was over for the day, but not all of the students had left yet. Some stayed to work on extra-curricular activities like clubs or the school newspaper. Others just hung around to enjoy the playground for a while before heading home. Dinky Hooves wished she was doing either of those things instead of sitting where she was the worst trouble of her young life.
  12. The other school-foals could see her sitting there, next to the back door, but none came over to talk to her. What was there to say? Some pitied her, some felt satisfaction at her predicament but not a single one denied Dinky had earned the trouble she was in.
  13. >"Ya think she's gonna get it?" muttered Scootaloo.
  14. Her fellow fillies and colts nodded, some gulping with dry mouths at the thought.
  15. >"She thure ith" sighed Twist, "It thucks to be thitting there...jutht waiting for a thpanking you can't avoid."
  16. Silver Spoon snorted indignantly.
  17. >"Well she deserves what she's getting! If Miss Cheerilee hadn't figured out what she did there would be five of us sitting on those steps right now!"
  18. >"You don't have to be so mean about it" objected Sweetie Belle.
  19. To everyone's surprise, Apple Bloom supported Silver Spoon's argument.
  20. >"It was a mean thing to do" she said, "I'm just surprised Dinky Hooves was the one who did it."
  21. The pale yellow Earth filly turned to Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, adding;
  22. >"It's the kinda thing I'd expect you two manure-heads to pull."
  24. Normally such an insult would have precipitated a fight, but Diamond Tiara actually defused it.
  25. >"Whatever" muttered the rich filly, "let's get going. Dinky has it bad enough right now without all us standing around talking about her."
  26. It was a rare moment of mercy from the notoriously vicious bully, but Dinky's act had left the whole school turned upside-down.
  28. >"I'm terribly sorry you had to leave work for this" apologized Cheerilee.
  29. Inside the school office she was having a conference with Dinky's mother, Derpy Hooves. Calling a parent in was an extreme step, one Cheerilee did not have to do often, but considering what Dinky had done there was no other choice.
  30. >"It's okay Miss Cheerilee" Derpy answered, "I'm just so sorry it happened. Dinky has never done anything like this before. It's just so..."
  31. >"Surprising?" suggested the teacher, "Personally I was shocked. Dinky is one of the brightest foals in school...she does work at a much higher level than other foals her age. I guess that's why it caught me off guard."
  32. Calmly, Derpy pointed out;
  33. >"But it didn't catch you off guard. You recognized what she'd done and put a stop to it."
  34. >"Barely!" exclaimed Cheerilee, "Miss Hooves, honestly, she almost tricked me too! If it wasn't for just one word that she always misspells she would have gotten away with it and five students would have been punished unfairly!"
  35. Derpy blushed, turning her eyes down (although one sort of stared of to the left). She hadn't actually believed what she was hearing when Cheerilee first told her what had happened, but confronted by incontrovertible evidence she made no attempt to deny it. The whole incident was very embarrassing to her.
  36. >"Miss Cheerilee, I promise you, I'm going to deal with this. Dinky's actions were inexcusable. I assure you she'll be punished for it. She's...never been spanked before..."
  37. >"Well, Miss Hooves, that's a rare thing in Equestria but many modern parenting journals agree with you in that..."
  38. >"...but she's going to be spanked tonight."
  40. Cheerilee was silent for a few moments. This was a part of the job she didn't enjoy one bit. As teacher she was charged with maintaining discipline in the classroom, and prevailing culture in a rural town like Ponyville demanded that it be done with a paddle. Even when Cheerilee passed the unpleasant task along to the parents she still felt awful about it. She knew what a poor report card, or a bad behavior letter would earn the unhappy filly or colt she gave it to...she saw that written on their trembling, sobbing faces every time. Some foals took the bad news with solemn dignity...others fell to their knees in full crying fits, begging her to reconsider the sentence of doom. Neither strategy worked; as a personal policy Miss Cheerilee never rescinded or commuted a punishment.
  42. Sending Dinky Hooves off to suffer a spanking was particularly difficult. She was one of the most promising students in school, with the added bonus of being a genuinely helpful, friendly & courteous filly.
  43. >"I never expected such a thing from Dinky" said Cheerilee.
  44. Derpy said nothing, she just looked sad & humiliated.
  45. >"Miss Hooves, how about you? Are you alright?"
  46. The gray mare did not answer immediately, so Cheerilee got up and put a pot of tea on the Bunsen burner kept for science lessons. The tea was already brewed, it only needed to be warmed up, so Cheerilee poured out two cups just a minute later.
  47. >"I feel like this is my fault" confessed Derpy, "I should have seen it coming."
  48. >"Miss Hooves..."
  49. >"Derpy...please."
  50. >"Derpy, neither of us saw this coming. You can't put the blame on yourself."
  51. Derpy Hooves sipped her tea and continued;
  52. >"I've never felt like a 'real' mom."
  53. >"Nonsense, I see how you interact with Dinky. You're a terrific mother."
  54. >"What I mean is...Dinky and I have always felt more like a team than mother & daughter."
  56. >"I don't see a problem with that" replied Cheerilee.
  57. Derpy shook her head.
  58. >"It's become a problem. My Dinky is so used to helping...with the cooking, cleaning, shopping...that she's become very self-reliant."
  59. Cheerilee still did not see the problem.
  60. >"Most parents would be pleased by that."
  61. >"I am." Derpy answered, "but it means she often looks for solutions to problems on her own, instead of coming to me when she has one. That's what got her into trouble today, isn't it, Miss Cheerilee?"
  62. >"Just Cheerilee, please."
  63. The school-mare was beginning to understand.
  64. >"I see what you're saying. Dinky was having a difficult time with bullies and instead of coming to an adult she took matters into her own hooves."
  65. The gray pegasus nodded, but did not look up to make eye contact. She still felt very guilty about all this.
  66. >"She shouldn't have tried to get revenge...she knows better."
  68. The two let a minute or two pass, sipping on their tea & thinking about what to say next. At last Cheerilee spoke up;
  69. >"I would love to say 'It's alright, just make sure she understands and doesn't do it again, but I'm afraid it's more serious than that. Dinky is so smart, she almost got away with it this time...she only made one little mistake that tipped me off. I doubt she'll make any mistakes next time."
  70. >"There won't be a next time" said Derpy conclusively, "I'll see to it."
  71. >"I hope you can" Cheerilee replied, "for her own good you need to send a very strong signal."
  72. Derpy took a deep breath, finished her tea and spoke.
  73. >"This is going to be hard" she admitted, "I hate even raising my voice to her. She's only been punished a few times in her life...never by spanking."
  74. >"Are you sure that's what you're going to do?"
  75. She nodded, then set down her tea cup.
  76. >"Yes. It's going to be difficult, but Dinky is getting her first spanking tonight."
  78. Momma was taking a long time talking to Miss Cheerilee. That was a bad sign. Dinky squirmed on the school steps and considered what she'd done. She wished there was a way to take it back, but even a bright filly like her didn't know how to change the past.
  80. She jumped to her hooves when the door opened. Momma came out with a stern look on her face, one Dinky rarely saw. It sent a shiver down her spine.
  81. >"Thank you for the tea, Miss Cheerilee. Dinky, do you have anything to say to your teacher?"
  82. The filly knew what was expected. She hung her head low and apologized;
  83. >"I'm sorry I made so much trouble, Miss Cheerilee."
  84. The teacher gave her a sad, sympathetic look and replied;
  85. >"I understand. I'll see you tomorrow morning."
  87. Mother and daughter walked through Ponyville silently, Dinky staying a half step behind, head still hung low in shame. She was glad momma didn't yell at her right there in the street, in front of everypony. She'd seen some of her schoolmates get scolded like that and the humiliation seemed at bad as any punishment.
  88. Dinky gulped hard.
  89. She wished she hadn't thought about that word. Punishment. She knew it was coming...there was no escaping that awful fact. What would it be? How bad would it be? She knew the other foals at school got spankings for much less than she'd done, but so far in her life Dinky Hooves had been lucky. The fearful filly almost wished momma would start yelling at her...this waiting was miserable.
  91. She didn't have to wait long. As soon as they passed out of town momma slowed her gait. Dinky matched her pace, remaining slightly behind like she felt a bad filly should.
  92. >"Dinky, come walk with me" ordered her mother.
  93. With a dry mouth and trembling knees, Dinky took that last step forward, half expecting to get smacked right there. But momma only talked;
  95. >"Muffin, I really can't believe what you did at school today, and I honestly don't know what to say about it."
  96. >"I'm sorry, momma."
  97. >"Well, you ought to be" Derpy scolded, "you could have gotten five of your classmates into big trouble for something they didn't do. That's terribly unfair, I hope you understand. Now I want you to explain it to me, step by step."
  98. Dinky whimpered in dismay. She really didn't want to rehash the whole embarrassing incident.
  99. >"Do I have to?"
  100. >"Yes, young filly, you do" answered momma sternly.
  102. Dinky Hooves began at the start;
  103. >"I was just so tired of those other foals making stupid jokes about me...and about you. The stuff they say isn't even's just dumb."
  104. >"If it's so dumb why do you let it bother you so much?"
  105. >"It's not that easy!" Dinky snapped, letting some of her anger out.
  106. Her mother said nothing, waiting for Dinky to continue;
  107. >"Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Snips, Snails, Peachy Pie...alone they're okay but when they gang up they're awful. Even if one of them says something totally stupid, something everypony knows isn't true, the other ones just agree. They make me so angry!"
  108. Dinky stopped, and stomped her hoof in the dust, but her mother gave a disapproving glance, stopping the outburst in its tracks.
  109. >"Go on..."
  110. Resigned to her fate, Dinky continued;
  111. >"So...if I couldn't beat 'em head on I sorta came up with a plan. Miss Cheerilee sometimes lets students help her grade papers. She asks me to help a lot because I'm so far ahead of the other foals my age."
  112. She hoped that little detail would curry favor with momma.
  113. >"And...I kinda..."
  114. Dinky mumbled the rest of her sentence, but her mother didn't let her get away with it.
  115. >"Speak up, young filly."
  116. >"I kinda changed some of their answers."
  118. Red faced with humiliation, Dinky confessed her crime.
  119. >"Those 5 bullies who made me angry...I changed their answers on a test. Some I changed to right, some I changed to wrong, but I made sure all their answers were exactly the same."
  120. Derpy already knew this, but she made her daughter explain it all.
  121. >"Go on..."
  122. >"Then I made a fake cheat sheet...and I left it where I knew Miss Cheerilee would find it. I made it look like one of those meanies wrote it."
  123. A tear rolled down Dinky's cheek. In her head it had sounded like a brilliant plan for well justified revenge, but saying it out loud made it sound cruel. She was genuinely ashamed.
  124. >"Miss Cheerilee caught me because I always spell 'recipe' wrong. I guess you know what happened from there."
  126. It had taken just long enough to tell the story; mother and daughter arrived at their doorstep just as Dinky finished.
  127. >"Dinky, I don't know what to say. You know how bad this is. You tried to frame five of your schoolmates for something they didn't do. I know they treated you badly, but that's no excuse. If they had been punished unfairly it would have been your fault."
  128. Derpy Hooves pushed the door open, and gave her filly a nudge, pushing her inside.
  129. >"I'm going to start cooking dinner now. We are not done talking about this."
  130. >"Do I have to go to my room?" asked Dinky, mournfully.
  131. She expected to be grounded for a very long time.
  132. >"No. I want your nose in that corner until I call for you."
  133. This was a surprise. Momma had never made Dinky stand in the corner before. She nervously did as she was told, wondering what other new punishments mom had in mind.
  135. Dinky could hear her mother in the kitchen, pots and pans banging. Momma was always a little clumsy. She usually made a joke out of it, exaggerating her own fumbling to make Dinky laugh...but there was nothing to laugh at today. With her muzzle in the corner of the living room the little unicorn alternated between shame and fear. She felt like she deserved to be punished...but at the same time she didn't want to be punished.
  136. Obviously, she wouldn't have any choice in the matter.
  138. Momma came back sooner than Dinky expected.
  139. >"I've started dinner. Come over here and sit down, Dinky."
  140. Nervously, the filly took her nose out of the corner and approached her mother. Derpy patted her hoof on the couch, motioning for her to sit down next to her. Dinky did as she was instructed.
  141. >"Muffin, do you remember the serious discussion you had with Miss Sparkle the librarian and your foalsitter, Amethyst Star? About how a Unicorn must NEVER, under any circumstances use his or her magic to harm or take advantage of another pony?"
  142. Dinky's eyes grew wide. That was a grave cultural taboo in pony that could never be violated.
  143. >"But Momma, I didn't do that! I'm not even old enough to use magic yet!"
  144. The filly was visibly upset and frightened at the mere suggestion that she would do such a thing.
  145. >"I know, I know, my muffin" Derpy reassured her, stroking her daughter's mane, "but you have another power that can be just as dangerous...your intelligence. You are a very smart little filly, and those smarts are just as powerful as any unicorn magic. The rules are the same; you must never use your intelligence to hurt another you did today."
  146. Dinky's face twisted into a miserable frown.
  147. >"I didn't mean to..."
  148. But Momma did not accept that answer.
  149. >"Really? Dinky Hooves, tell the truth. Did you really think framing your classmates wasn't hurting them? What do you think would have happened to them if you hadn't been found out?"
  151. There was no denying it; Momma was right.
  152. >"They would have gotten punished" admitted Dinky.
  153. >"And how awful would it feel to be punished for something you didn't do?"
  154. Dinky hung her head low in shame.
  155. >"I'm sorry...but sometimes I just get so angry!"
  156. Momma put her arm around the little unicorn and squeezed her tight.
  157. >"That's when you come to an adult for help. You know this."
  158. The gray pegasus took a deep breath and moved into the unpleasant part of the conversation...the part she had been dreading.
  159. >"Muffin, you're just a little filly, you're entitled to make mistakes and I would never punish you for a simple mistake, but this time you knew better. It wasn't a intentionally harmed 5 other ponies without considering the consequences. For that I need to punish you."
  161. Dinky knew this part was coming...she'd known it since she'd been sent to sit on the steps outside the school and wait for Momma & Miss Cheerilee to have a talk. She'd been dreading it, and that filled her with as much shame as the guilt for what she had done. Dinky knew she was guilty...she knew Momma was right and she deserved whatever punishment Momma gave her, but at the same time she was terrified of it. She knew she should be brave and accept what she had coming without complaint, but poor Dinky would have given anything to avoid her punishment.
  162. >"Momma...please...I'm sorry."
  163. But Derpy shook her head sadly.
  164. >"I'm sorry too, muffin. You've never been spanked before, but that changes today."
  166. The filly gulped hard.
  167. Dinky knew plenty about spankings. She listened with horrified fascination when the other foals at school talked about the butt whackings they'd received. Some were humiliated by them, and didn't want to talk about it. Some thought they were funny, an unavoidable side effect of worthwhile mischief. Some feared them, and enlisted the help of their classmates to think of ways to avoid them. Others boasted about the spankings they'd endured, showing off their reddened rumps like a medal for toughness.
  168. Little Dinky had nothing to contribute to these conversations. She felt like the only pony in school who had never felt that painful burn in her rump, so she kept quiet about it, fearing that admission would mark her as even more of a weirdo. Today, though, Dinky Hooves would join the club.
  170. Momma wasted no time. She grasped her trembling foal gently, and pulled her across the maternal lap. Dinky kept her tail tucked tightly against her rump but when she felt Momma lift it out of the way the awful realization that this was REALLY happening came flooding in.
  171. >"Momma, please! I'm so sorry! I'll never do anything like this again! I'll come talk to an adult if I'm having problems! I'll do whatever you say...PLEASE don't spank me!"
  173. This was intensely difficult for Derpy too. She'd gotten spankings as a foal...thankfully not too many...and she'd always been proud of the fact that she'd never had to do it to her own filly. She knew how much it hurt, how helpless and humiliating it felt. There was nothing she could do about that now. Dinky had to experience it. What she had done was too dangerous, and imperiled her entire future. Derpy wished there was another way, but she could not see it.
  174. >"Momma...I'm soooooo sooorrrrryyyyy! Please, please, PLEASE don't!"
  175. Derpy took a deep breath, then delivered the first smack.
  177. Dinky gasped when Momma's hoof smacked her trembling behind. A shocking bolt of pain went through her rump and all over her body. So this is what a spanking felt like. She gave a yelp, wishing the pain would fade away quickly...but then there was a shocking surprise. A second spank fell on her bottom, adding to the pain of the first. Dinky was a very smart filly, but she'd only been considering how bad the first smack hurt. All of a sudden her mind grasped the horrifying was only beginning and every single spank would make it worse!
  178. She panicked, and tried to scramble forward off Momma's lap, but she was held tight. Terrible, stinging blows rained down on her skinny rump and it wasn't long before it started to burn.
  179. >"Whhhhhaaahhhh! It hurts! Momma please stop, it hurts!"
  180. That was the point, of course, but Dinky just wanted the pain to stop. She twisted and bawled, begging for mercy but the horrible pain just got worse. Kicking her legs didn't help, crying didn't help. It was the most awful experience in Dinky Hooves' young life.
  182. Things were no easier for her mother. Her little filly was a ball of squirming, fighting was surprising how strong such a tiny pony could be when she was desperate. Derpy had to use considerable effort to keep Dinky in place, bare bottom safely in the target area. She did not want a single blow to land wrong, and really hurt her daughter...but that same wailing, screeching daughter wasn't making it easy. Her cheeks already showed pink through the thin fur of her rump, but a light pink wasn't good enough. This was going to be a spanking Dinky remembered for a long time, and hopefully she wouldn't need another for a long time.
  184. Poor Dinky's suffering seemed endless. There was no counting...that was impossible. All she could do was bawl her eyes out and pray the last spank was the end. But another one always arrived, stinging her tortured fanny terribly, adding to the blazing inferno.
  185. >"M-Moooommmmaaa, *hic* I'm soooorrrryyyyy, bwwhhaaaaaahhhhhaaaaa!"
  186. Dinky cried so hard the tears were coming out of her nose, running down her cheeks and into her mouth. It was an awful, salty flavor that the filly would remember vividly as one of the worst parts of the experience. She'd have preferred a bar of soap in her mouth (Dinky had experienced that punishment) to the bitter taste of her own tears.
  188. >"Be strong, baby, we're almost done, it won't be long now."
  189. >"Momma loves you."
  190. Those words were meant to comfort, but they just made Dinky feel worse. When this had begun she tried to think of the other foals she'd framed, and how she'd betrayed Miss Cheerilee's trust...but now all she could think of was how she'd disappointed Mommy, the best mother in all Equestria. Dinky felt unworthy of love. This spanking was all she deserved...pain was all she deserved.
  191. >"WhhhhhaaAAAHHHHH! I'm sorry! I'm s-sorry! I'm sorry!"
  192. Dinky couldn't see it, but she could feel her bottom. It had to be bright red by now, glowing with fiery heat. How Momma could continue without burning her hoof was unimagineable.
  194. In truth, Dinky's rear end was a medium shade of pink, as befit the stern but medium intensity spanking she was receiving. Other foals had gotten punished with hairbrushes, straps, paddles & switches, but this was Dinky's first experience, so even a simple hoof spanking felt like the end of the world.
  195. Derpy decided it was time to end. She knew from experience (long ago, thankfully!) that a naughty filly's rump gets a little numb near the end of a spanking, so the last flurry of whacks had to be extra hard and fast.
  196. >"Okay, let's get this over with..."
  198. Dinky's sobbing and moaning turned into fresh screams as the last terrible spanks were laid on. These were the worst! Tears exploded from her eyes...was this the beginning or the end? She'd lost track of time ages ago. What if the first part was only a warm-up? What if this was the real spanking? Helpless to do anything about it Dinky just howled in agony and struggled with every muscle in her body.
  200. It took a while for her to realize she wasn't being spanked anymore. The stinging slaps had stopped, replaced by a dull, throbbing ache and the burn which had never gone away. She gasped for breath, still crying but at least not screaming herself hoarse anymore. As soon as Dinky had regained some degree of composure she climbed up and threw her arms around Momma's chest, burying her face in soft fur and sobbing out apologies.
  201. >"M-Momma, I'm *sniff* soooooo sorrrrryyyy, *hic*, *sob*.
  202. To her immense joy, Momma returned the hug, rocking her back and forth gently. It was the best feeling in the world...the relief of forgiveness almost made the spanking worth it.
  204. Sadly, the hug couldn't last near as long as Dinky would have liked. A pot was whistling in the kitchen...Momma had to go attend to it.
  205. >"You go to the bathroom and get washed up" said Derpy, wiping away her filly's tears, "I'm going to go get dinner on the table."
  206. She gave Dinky one last tight hug, nearly squeezing the air out of her lungs. It felt good to both of them.
  208. Dinky washed the tears and drool from her muzzle, and rinsed her mouth with a cup of water to get rid of the awful salty taste. She climbed up on the sink to inspect her rump in the bathroom mirror...surprised to find that it wasn't nearly as red as she'd imagined.
  209. >"Well, that's embarrassing."
  210. She'd have to exaggerate the severity of her punishment when she told the other foals at school, or she'd be a laughing stock. Then the smell of supper hit her nostrils, and all else was forgotten.
  212. Over a satisfying dinner of cabbage, potato & carrot stew, with fresh hay on the side, mother and daughter talked about the days events. Dinky nervously asked if she'd be grounded as well, so Momma explained the concept of a 'suspended sentence'. Dinky was free on her own recognizance for now, but if there was any misbehavior in the near future she'd do a full two weeks of hard time in her room in addition to any punishment that new error earned her.
  214. It made Derpy sad, but proud when Dinky confessed that most of her problems at school resulted from defending her mother from cruel jokes at her expense. She knew she was sometimes a bit clumsy & goofy, but she'd never considered how that effected her daughter.
  215. >"You know what I wish those other foals knew?" asked Dinky, chewing a mouthful of hay, "I wish they knew how really smart you are."
  216. Again, Derpy blushed.
  217. >"I'm nowhere near as bright as you are, muffin."
  218. But Dinky disagreed;
  219. >"That's nonsense! I do much higher level work in school than other kids my age...sometimes I get the same assignments as foals who have their cutie marks already...and I'm YEARS from being old enough to get mine. But I wouldn't understand any of that stuff if you didn't help me study every night!"
  220. >"That's my job, Dinky, I'm your mother."
  221. Dinky continued;
  222. >"And even if you don't understand something, you figure it out. Do you remember when I couldn't make any sense out of how to multiply fractions? You didn't understand it either, so you let me go to bed and you stayed up late figuring it out...even though you had to get up early and go to work the next day! When I woke up you were able to explain it to me over breakfast!"
  223. >"It's like I said; it's my job, I'm your mother."
  224. Dinky still wasn't convinced.
  225. >"Other moms don't do that."
  226. Derpy smiled and shook her head.
  228. >"You're not listening. It's my job because I'm YOUR mother. The standards are higher for me because I've got such a bright daughter with so much potential. I have to work harder...because you're worth it."
  229. That sentiment made Dinky cry all over again. This time she didn't mind the taste.
  231. By luck of the draw, Dinky Hooves was next in line to bring an adult to school for Family Appreciation Day. Of course, there was no better choice than her own mother. Some of the foals snickered when Derpy Hooves was introduced, but the hard-working mail mare blew everyone away with an exciting presentation on how the mail gets from its starting point to its destination. None of the school-foals knew how difficult and complex the whole process was, or how efficient the system was. It was amazing that a pony could send a letter anywhere in Equestria for less than a single bit & reliably trust that it was going to get there on time. Nopony, even Miss Cheerilee, knew that the Equestria Royal Postal Service had its own corps of law enforcement officers, the Postal Inspectors, who fought everything from mail fraud to smuggling to terrorist threats.
  232. >"But don't a lot of letters get lost?" challenged Diamond Tiara, "Ponies are always telling my Daddy 'The post office must have lost my check' when their accounts are overdue!"
  233. Derpy grinned and replied;
  234. >"That's just what ponies say when they forget to pay their bills on time."
  235. It got a big laugh from the whole class.
  236. >"In truth, lost letters are one in a million, and even that we work to improve on."
  237. After her speech Derpy Hooves produced a roll of "EXPRESS MAIL" stickers to hand out to the class. Everypony agreed, it was one of the best Family Appreciation Day presentations of the year.
  239. After school, all the foals played Post Office for a week, delivering important packages all over Ponyville...and it only seemed fair that they make Dinky Hooves their Postmaster.
  241. THE END

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