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Dizzy's Fantasies by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:55:27
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:09:18
Expiry: Never

  1. Dizzy's Fantasies by DCFTEF
  2. (Mom / Dizzy)
  4. (25/08/2016)
  7. ---
  9. >"It's time, Dizzy."
  10. >you are Dizzy the bat filly and you're in trouble
  11. >using your mom's dress for playing outside after the rain was not the best idea
  12. >you are lying on the side in your bed and slowly falling asleep under the warm blanket
  13. >the door opened and you knew the punishment will come before the bed time
  14. >before you picked yourself up, you felt a gentle touch on your arm
  15. >"Stay in the bed, let's make it quick"
  16. >you feel a chilling gust of wind around your back as your mom moved away the blanket from your butt
  17. >obediently, you move your tail away and stuck the buttcheeks towards the edge of the bed
  18. >without any warning, the first smack land with a loud clapping noise
  19. >and another
  20. >and another
  21. >breathing calmly you count the spanks
  22. >sometimes it's hard to stay completely silent, but you never cried during a spanking
  23. >maybe it's because your mom and dad never spanked you too hard or too long
  24. >even now your mommy uses enough force to leave a stiging mark, but nothing more
  25. >you know you deserved it and it helps you go through the punishment
  26. >after a few minutes the spanking stops
  27. >you hear your mom panting quietly, her hoof gently moving around your red buttcheeks
  28. >you don't know why, but it feels... strange this time
  29. >almost... nice?
  30. >like, tickling and making you all tingly and giddy
  31. >"I hope you've learned your lesson, Dizzy. Don't take any of my clothes without asking."
  32. >you sigh with and respond
  33. "Yes, mommy, I'm sorry."
  34. >you feel the gentle hoof moving your tail back in place and a warm surface of the blanket covering your butt again
  35. >"Sweet dreams, Dizzy."
  36. >a quick, gentle peck lands on your cheek
  37. >the door closes behind your mom, the stinging on your rear is still present
  38. >what is that feeling in your belly?
  39. >like when you run outside during the sunny and windy day
  40. >and the wind, so sweet and breathtaking fills your mouth, nose, ears, lungs
  41. >the gentle massage made by invisible hooves running all around your body, brushing your fur...
  43. >*wink*
  44. >you gasp as your flower suddenly opens
  45. >are you... aroused?
  46. >you move your forehoof under your tail
  47. >ow
  48. >the skin is slightly burning, but you aim at your more private place
  49. >to your surprise you feel your petals are all wet
  50. >you bring your hoof back to the front of your muzzle
  51. >it's covered with thick, syrup-like liquid
  52. >and it smells so sweet...
  53. >you stick the tongue and give a testing lick
  54. >what are your doing, that's so gross!
  55. >but your mind works on its own
  56. >and the taste is also very sweet
  57. >how is this possible?
  58. >slowly you move on your back to have a better access to your fillyhood
  59. >when your buttcheeks touch the bedsheets, you hiss from the stinging feeling
  60. >but also, you feel as your slit opens several times, winking and getting hot
  61. >oh Celestia, the spanking made your cooch itchy and needy for more touching....
  62. >praying to Luna that your mom is asleep, you move your hoof between your legs and start rubbing
  63. >the pain from your butt and pleasure from the masturbation mixed together, making you moan and gasp for air
  64. >it's going to be a long night for you...
  66. ---
  68. Okay, as promised, my take on Anon's Dizzy tale. I didn't follow his lead exactly, had to play with a few things at the beginning to get started.
  69. Enjoy.
  72. >"Alright, sweetie, you can go now."
  73. Momma gave a final hug and allowed her red faced, red bottomed filly to slide off her lap.
  74. Still sniffling, with fresh tears in her eyes, Dizzy Creme did not need to be told twice. After the spanking Momma had assured her all was forgiven, but Dizzy still felt terribly guilty about getting Momma's beautiful new dress filthy. What the little bat-filly wanted more than anything was a little alone time in her bedroom to collect her thoughts and just feel miserable for a while. Her rear-end sure felt miserable...Momma never spanked particularly hard or long, but she'd done enough to leave a deep shade of pink that was still visible through Dizzy's butt fur.
  75. >Owww!
  76. Even walking hurt, but at last she flopped face first onto the bed. The cool, freshly washed sheets were a comfort but they didn't do much to put out the fire in her chastised bottom.
  78. Face down, Dizzy reached back and rubbed her sore rear-end.
  79. >Why am I such a big dummy!? Why did I take Momma's new dress without asking?
  80. >I knew what was gonna happen if I got caught.
  81. Of course, Dizzy hadn't intended to get it covered in mud.
  82. >But how was I supposed to know the pegasus ponies had a rain shower scheduled for today?
  83. By the time she'd realized what was happening the frock was a hopeless mess, beyond Dizzy's feeble ability to clean herself.
  84. She could have confessed to Momma right there, but the fear of getting yelled at and possibly getting a spanking was too great at the time.
  85. >Oh! Why didn't I just 'fess up when I had the chance?
  86. Instead, she'd tried to hide it in the laundry hamper with the rest of the clothes. That got mud all over EVERYTHING, and when Momma saw it she had little doubt who the culprit was. After that everything was just a formality leading to the spanking.
  88. Rubbing made things feel a little better, but Dizzy wasn't sure she wanted to feel better. Of course, like any young filly or colt, she feared and hated getting punished. When Momma pronounced sentence Dizzy had cried and begged to be forgiven...she'd have done anything to escape the terrible fate she'd earned for herself...but the truth was she really had earned it.
  90. Momma really loved that dress, it was an original by that white unicorn dress-maker who owned a shop in town. She'd planned on wearing it to the Ponyville Days celebration...but Dizzy knew she'd ruined all that. Even if the dress could be cleaned it would never be ready in time. Momma would have to wear something old.
  91. >I deserve a thousand million spankings!
  92. The filly wallowed in guilt and self-pity, but she did not stop rubbing her sore fanny.
  94. Then her hoof scraped the tender crack between her rump cheeks. It felt like a bolt of electricity rushed through her little body...and she knew what that felt like because she'd played with a lightning cloud before (and earned a painful session over Daddy's lap for doing something so dangerous).
  95. Cautiously, Dizzy brushed her hoof through there again, softly. The intense shock did not return this time, but it felt good to feel her soft, fuzzy fetlock hairs sweep across the bare, hairless skin between her rump cheeks. Experimenting, she found out rubbing the area around her rear-end hole felt even better...
  97. >No! No, stop this, it's weird and dirty!
  98. Dizzy didn't know how to feel about all this. She had just gotten a spanking...a well-deserved one she had to admit...fillies who get their bottom's spanked aren't supposed to have fun! They're supposed to take time to think about the bad thing they've done!
  100. But she could not stop. Her privates itched now, like they had a mind of their own and wanted Dizzy's hoof to come back and play. The little filly knew she wasn't supposed to touch her private bits in public, or at school, but here in her room she was all alone.
  101. >Maybe it would be okay to do it a little...
  102. Dizzy Creme reached back again. She gently petted the space between her cheeks until she found one spot that felt even better than all the rest.
  104. Dizzy's Momma had talked to her about her mare parts...and she'd learned about them in school. She knew that someday, if she met a stallion that she loved, the hole underneath where poop came out would be important to making a foal...although she was still unclear about some of the details (like how a stallion's parts could ever fit inside that tiny hole to put the baby inside her...or how the baby would get out).
  105. The part that felt better than all the rest was at the bottom of her vulva. When Dizzy rubbed that she felt...well...dizzy, and waves of euphoria washed over her entire body.
  106. >"Ohhhh...ohhh yes!"
  107. It felt so good Dizzy almost yelled that out loud. She stopped herself and stared at the door.
  109. >Is what I'm doing bad?
  110. >Is Momma going to be angry if she catches me doing this?
  111. Dizzy did not know...but she could not stop.
  112. The filly rolled over. Now her sore bottom was beneath her, aching even under her slight weight. That was okay though, the burn in her heinie seemed to warm her private parts, making them soft and sensitive to the touch.
  113. >Okay, here goes...
  114. In this position Dizzy could reach herself better. Starting gently, she began to rub the part that felt best...and boy did it feel good! She dared to rub a bit harder and was rewarded with more intense sensations.
  115. >"Ohhh! Yes...oh!"
  116. The guilt over ruining Mom's dress, and the soreness in her tushie had not left, but now they were mingled with other feelings that Dizzy did not understand, but she liked.
  117. >"I'm...I'm a *gasp* bad filly!"
  119. Then, a floorboard creaked.
  120. Dizzy froze with her hoof still planted in her private parts.
  121. >Is Momma outside?
  122. >Can she hear me?
  123. Dizzy had no idea how Momma would react to this. Was it wrong? Would she get in trouble for touching herself?
  124. The answer was right outside her bedroom door...Dizzy could hear her Mother's hooves walking the hall. At any instant the door might open.
  126. Dizzy Creme had never been so excited in her life. With Momma still right outside she cautiously continued rubbing herself. The danger was intoxicating.
  127. >I'm a dirty, dirty filly!
  128. >If Momma catches me I'll be spanked even worse than before.
  129. It probably wasn't true, but Dizzy was obsessed with the idea. She rubbed herself harder and faster...helped by the thin, runny ooze that had begun issuing from her hole. It made everything slippery and smooth.
  130. >Any second now Momma is gonna open that door!
  131. >She's gonna see me...see how dirty and bad I'm being!
  132. >Momma is going to spank me again and this time she'll use the hairbrush!
  133. That image drove Dizzy over the top. She imagined herself helpless, being picked up against her will and flipped over Momma's lap...vulnerable and exposed. She imagined the terrifying hairbrush smacking again and again into her tender cheeks, stirring up a fire in her bottom to match the one in her privates.
  134. >Any second now!
  135. The floorboards creaked again.
  136. >That door will open...
  137. Dizzy was terrified of the hairbrush...a brush spanking was the single worst thing that could happen in the limited experience of her short life. She'd only felt its terrible burn two or three times...usually the mere threat of it had the little bat filly on her best behavior for weeks.
  138. But that terror mixed with the other powerful emotions in Dizzy Creme's head to create a wonderful sensation to complement the wild euphoria coming from her privates and the lingering burn that still stung her bottom.
  140. Dizzy rubbed her private parts as hard as she could. There would be no hiding it if Momma opened the door right tossing a blanket over herself and pretending she hadn't been doing something naughty and forbidden.
  141. >"Oh...oh...oh, oh, OH!"
  142. In her fantasy, Dizzy saw herself perched over Momma's lap, crying and howling as the hairbrush added heat to her already burning behind, but with her little hoof still doing its work stirring up a different fire in her privates. Guilt, arousal, shame, excitement...Dizzy was experiencing them all at once as she approached climax. Of course, she'd never masturbated before so she had no idea what to expect, but the filly knew this was building toward something and she was...almost...there...
  144. >"OH, Celestia!"
  145. Dizzy swooned.
  146. Her privates were so sensitive right now that she couldn't even touch them, but she didn't have to. She'd done enough. The spot between her legs felt like a dam had burst, releasing a raging river and she rode the wave of elation, letting it sweep her along from raging excitement to warm, pleasant bliss. Dizzy Creme achieved orgasm and it was euphoric.
  148. Panting, it took Dizzy a few moments to regain her senses. All she wanted to do was lay there on her back and enjoy the comforting glow that seemed to take hold of her whole body.
  149. >"Oh my gosh!"
  150. She hopped up, startled. Was Momma really just outside the door? Now that her arousal had passed getting caught was no longer fun and exciting. A hairbrush spanking was once again the most horrible thing in the world and Dizzy did NOT want one.
  151. But she had nothing to fear. Momma was not outside her door, it had all been a fabrication of Dizzy's fevered imagination.
  153. What was not imaginary was the mess she'd made of her bed-sheets. Right where she'd been sitting was a slimy wet looked like Dizzy's vagina had exploded clear, thin wetness all over the bed. Fearing discovery, the bat filly stripped and replaced her sheets but was now left with the problem of what to do with the dirty ones. They would have to go in the laundry hamper, something that filled Dizzy with dread.
  154. >Will Momma find them like she found her dress?
  155. >Am I gonna be in trouble for this?
  156. Dizzy would just have to wait and see how her fate would turn out, but one thing was for sure; she had discovered something new tonight and wanted to do a lot more of it.
  158. She just hoped that in the future she could do this without getting a spanking first.
  160. END

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