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EqG Fluttershy by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:55:54
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:12:11
Expiry: Never

  1. EqG Fluttershy by DCFTEF
  2. (Celestia / Twilight, Fluttershy)
  3. F/f, paddle, non-consensual
  5. (07/12/2013 - 12/02/2014)
  8. ---
  10. >It's Friday.
  11. >End of the school week.
  12. >Gonna drink some beers. Gonna fuck some pussy.
  14. >Walk past Principal Celestia's office as you leave school.
  15. >See something weird.
  16. >It's Fluttershy, sitting on the wooden bench outside her office.
  17. >She looks upset.
  18. >Being there at this hour can only mean one thing.
  19. >She's in deep shit.
  20. >She's waiting her turn to go inside & be paddled.
  21. >Holy crap, what could Fluttershy have done that's that bad?
  23. >You go sit down next to her.
  24. "Hey Flutters, everything okay?"
  25. >That was a dumb thing to say. Obviously it isn't.
  26. >She sniffles & sobs her answer.
  27. "I-I'm in t-trouble."
  28. "I was really nervous about passing my Social Studies exam."
  29. "Twilight Sparkle offered to help me. She's so smart."
  30. "She slid her paper over to the side of her desk, so I could copy."
  31. >Oooh, sounds bad.
  32. >Canterlot High takes cheating seriously.
  33. "I knew it was wrong...but I was so afraid of failing."
  34. "I don't want to get held back another grade."
  35. "But we got caught. Poor Twilight got in trouble too."
  36. >She motions toward the office.
  37. "She's in there now."
  39. >It doesn't seem fair.
  40. >Fluttershy is the sweetest creature on Earth.
  41. >Kind to everyone...even if they shit on her.
  42. >She's at the bottom of the High School pecking order.
  43. >Sunset Simmer takes particular delight in tormenting her.
  44. >At home it's no better.
  45. >Her dad is a hard-nosed ex-cop.
  46. >He's seen so many kids go bad that he's blind to his own daughter's goodness.
  47. >She gets her ass whipped for every little mistake, even if it's an accident.
  48. "Fluttershy, how do you do it? How do you keep going?"
  49. >She looks puzzled.
  50. "What do you mean, Anon?"
  51. >You explain;
  52. "Everyone picks on you. You have the worst luck. Your Dad is a cruel bastard. The whole world shits on you...but you still stay kind to everyone. Anyone else would get angry at the world, but you never do."
  53. >She seems self conscious about your praise.
  54. "Well Anon, I volunteer at the animal shelter.
  55. "I see so much terrible suffering every day. Much worse than any of my silly misfortunes. Pets left cold, abandoned, hurt.
  56. "I at least have food, a roof over my head, friends like you. Anytime I start to feel sorry for myself I think of those poor animals, who don't even understand why they're suffering."
  57. >Well...that was a pretty good answer.
  59. >Almost on cue you hear a scary crack from behind the door.
  60. >Followed by a cry of pain.
  61. >Fluttershy jumps in fear and grabs your hand.
  62. >She immediately turns red and lets go of you.
  63. "I'm sorry..."
  64. >But it's okay.
  65. >You put your arm around her and let Flutters rest her head on your shoulder.
  66. >You can't save her, but you can give her a little comfort.
  67. >She seems to appreciate it.
  68. >She's trembling as you listen to Twilight get her licks.
  69. >Soon it will be her turn.
  71. >The world will not allow Fluttershy even a full 60 seconds of comfort.
  72. >The Principal's door opens.
  73. >Twilight comes out.
  74. >Eyes puffy from crying. Left hand rubbing the seat of her skirt.
  75. >Right hand clutching the dreaded letter home to her parents.
  76. "Miss Fluttershy, please follow me." says Celestia.
  77. >She whimpers and gives your hand one last squeeze.
  78. >Head hung low, she enters the office.
  80. >Principal Celestia looks at you.
  81. "Don't you have soccer practice now, Anon?"
  82. >Her menacing stare could melt glass.
  83. "N-no ma'am. The s-season's over."
  84. >She crosses her arms.
  85. "Then I suggest you find someplace else to go."
  87. >Despite her warning you linger for a minute or so.
  88. >Until you hear the crack of her paddle & Fluttershy's pitiful cries.
  89. >But there's nothing you can do to help.
  90. >All you can do is walk away.
  92. THE END

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