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Fluttershy's Fetish by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:57:16
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:29:21
Expiry: Never

  1. Fluttershy's Fetish by DCFTEF
  2. (Anon / Rainbow, Pinkie, Fluttershy)
  3. M/f, hand, belt, otk, non-consensual
  5. (23/07/2015)
  8. ---
  10. The after school hours were usually a chaotic time in Anon-Dad's home.
  11. A half-dozen (+1) girls arriving home from class, practice and after school activities.
  12. Raiding the kitchen for snacks...
  13. Collaborating on homework...
  14. Squabbling over the TV and best spot on the couch.
  15. It was a predictable, cozy sort of chaos.
  17. Today all that was replaced by an uncomfortable stillness.
  18. One of the girls was in trouble, and everything stopped until that was resolved.
  19. Huddled in their rooms where it was safe, the others listened:
  20. To Anon-Dad's stern, measured voice.
  21. Usually so comforting, so reassuring,
  22. It was a terrifying sound when it was reading off a list of crimes and pronouncing sentence.
  23. They listened to their sister's frantic, high-pitched defense,
  24. Her desperate apologies,
  25. And finally her earnest begging for another chance.
  26. >"Dad, please, I'll never do it again!"
  27. But once things had gotten this far there was little hope for a pardon.
  28. Normality would only be restored once somebody had done their fair share of crying.
  30. Today it was poor Dashie squirming under the hot lights of parental disapproval.
  31. Her bedroom door was closed, so her 'sisters' could only hear muffled sounds.
  32. They knew the time was growing close,
  33. They could hear it in the tone of Rainbow's begging.
  34. Soon it would be over, but not before the worst part was done.
  35. >"Dad, pleeeaaasseee! I'm sorry!"
  36. They all felt sorry for her, but none would volunteer to take her place.
  37. Except
  39. Dash & Fluttershy shared living quarters, so the shy girl was temporarily exiled from her bedroom.
  40. She would have been welcome in any of her sisters' chambers...
  41. Instead Fluttershy waited in the hall pantry, where she could best hear what was going on.
  42. Her concern for Rainbow Dash was genuine, but there was something else at play.
  43. Just thinking about her sister receiving a spanking made Flutters euphorically lightheaded.
  44. And listening made the private place between her legs damp and slippery.
  46. Ever since the day of the disaster, when the barrier between universes had temporarily broken down, Anon had been very good to the girls.
  47. Tens of thousands from their world had been stranded here.
  48. Tens of thousands from this universe had been stranded in the EqG world.
  49. Among the exiles were Fluttershy and her six friends.
  50. And despite having saved their own world a handful of times, they were still just young teenagers.
  51. No money, no home, and lacking the practical skills to take care of themselves on their own.
  52. The Department of Trans-Dimensional Refugee Services would have placed them in foster homes.
  53. But they'd have been broken up, possibly sent to different towns.
  55. Mr. Anon was the hero who'd saved the day.
  56. He met the seven girls in the temporary refugee camp.
  57. And despite not being wealthy himself, he volunteered to take the seven friends in, so they could stay together.
  58. From that day, they considered themselves sisters with Mr. Anon as their protector, provider...their father.
  59. He'd even given up his bedroom, and moved his things to the attic so the girls would have more space.
  60. The girls counted themselves among the lucky ones.
  62. But there were rules to be followed.
  63. Without them the house would fall into chaos.
  64. Anon-Dad assigned chores. He set down standards for behavior and schoolwork.
  65. And his new daughters quickly learned that he was no pushover when it came to enforcing his rules.
  66. Grounding or taking away privileges did not work.
  67. >There's too many of you!
  68. >I can't keep straight who's supposed to be in her room for disrespecting her teacher or who's not allowed video games because she didn't take the garbage out!
  69. So it was decided; serious crimes would carry the risk of corporal punishment.
  70. There was no use debating it.
  71. >If you don't like it, don't get in trouble.
  72. End of discussion.
  73. There was surprisingly little objection.
  75. So far each of the girls had run afoul of Anon-Dad's rules sufficiently to merit at least one spanking.
  76. He never punished for a first offense.
  77. Second offense usually earned extra chores or another minor penalty.
  78. Third out.
  79. Rarity had been first, Applejack, Dash, Sunset & Twilight soon earned theirs.
  80. Anon resisted using such discipline on Pinkie because she clearly had some hyperactivity problems.
  81. But when she almost burned the house down trying to cook when Dad wasn't home (against the rules) she joined the unfortunate club.
  83. Only Fluttershy had fallen through the cracks.
  84. It was easy to see why; of the seven she was the best behaved. Even if she did mess up she'd earned a bit of leniency by keeping on the straight-and-narrow most of the time.
  85. But it fascinated her.
  86. Dad's stern voice.
  87. Her sisters' fearful pleas.
  88. Eventually, the sharp slaps and crying that came to her ears muffled through walls and closed doors.
  89. Then there was the aftermath.
  90. Anon-Dad was always tender once the punishment was over.
  91. And once the guilty party had enjoyed her fill of re-assuring hugs from Dad her sisters converged on her.
  92. The attention, the care they heaped upon a recently spanked girl seemed sublime to Fluttershy.
  93. Rarity NEVER shared her expensive skin crème, which she had to save her allowance and did sewing jobs for;
  94. Unless a sister was suffering from a sore bottom.
  95. Then, she would massage a whole jar into those blistered cheeks.
  96. AJ held the sobbing girl's head in her lap, Dash gave a foot massage (it seemed to help).
  97. Twilight & Sunset would read her favorite stories to her.
  98. Pinkie unlocked her secret sweets supply and offered the unfortunate soul her pick.
  99. And Fluttershy herself would gently brush her sister's hair, which was always tangled, wet with tears after a spanking.
  101. But Fluttershy had perpetually missed out on being the focus of this comforting.
  102. And though the girls regarded her perfect record with envy it was she that was envious.
  104. In the bedroom, Rainbow Dash's lecture was coming to an end.
  105. Flutters could tell by the intensity of her begging.
  106. Dashie was a tough girl, but when her rear-end was in peril she cried like a naughty toddler.
  107. Thankfully, the wait was almost over.
  108. Fluttershy could barely stand it.
  109. Standing there, listening from the pantry...
  110. One hand slipped down the waist-band of her skirt.
  111. Past her soft, cotton panties.
  112. Into the slick wetness that felt hot to her fingers' touch.
  113. >"Dashie, I know you're scared, but if you keep wriggling I'm going to take off my belt."
  114. Fluttershy nearly fainted.
  115. That was the ultimate threat...the thermonuclear punishment to end all punishment in Anon-Dad's house.
  116. He had never actually done it...the threat was enough.
  118. Fluttershy had spent many sleepless nights fantasizing about being the first.
  119. Cowering before an angry Daddy.
  120. Obediently allowing herself to be draped over his lap.
  121. Submissively offering her tender cheeks for sacrifice.
  122. Feeling the cool air wash over her exposed thighs as he sweeps her skirt out of the way.
  123. His rough, strong hands peeling down the last line of defense, her thin panties.
  124. Exposed, her most private regions visible for Daddy's inspection.
  125. And then...the terrifying whoosh of the belt moving through the air.
  127. Flutter's fantasy always ended there.
  128. She had no idea what Anon-Dad's belt would feel like on her bare rear.
  129. She'd never even experienced his hand.
  130. But it was enough stimulation that Fluttershy often had to change her pajama bottoms.
  131. In the darkness she would tip-toe to the wash room to bury her shamefully wet panties & bottoms.
  132. Deep, deep in the laundry hamper where they wouldn't be noticed.
  133. Terrified but thrilled at the idea of being caught.
  134. Surely such perverted behavior would earn her the punishment she was obsessed with, right?
  135. But she was never caught.
  136. She always went back to bed unsatisfied.
  138. By now the smacks had begun.
  139. Rainbow was suffering, that was clear from her mournful cries.
  140. Fluttershy felt terrible to be enjoying this, but the guilt was part of her fantasy.
  141. She pinched her slippery experience just a little of the helpless pain her sister was feeling.
  142. It sent a tingling charge through Fluttershy's body, but it just wasn't the same.
  143. She had control over her own pain. What she desired was surrender.
  145. Anon-Dad's spankings did not end quickly.
  146. Without exception an unfortunate girl could expect to spend a few minutes crying over his knee.
  147. A few long...painful...agonizing minutes.
  148. Take a look at a clock some time. Watch the second hand.
  149. Even one minute is an eternity to endure inescapable pain.
  150. Occasionally Daddy would stop to rest his arm or lecture.
  151. Rainbow's cries turned from pained shrieks and squeals to sobbing and whimpers for mercy.
  152. >"Daaadddd, please! No more...I've l-learned my l-l-lesson! Pleeeaaasseee stop!"
  153. But Daddy knew how long this was going to last, and no amount of high-pitched feminine pleading would change his mind.
  155. Flutters felt awful that she was getting off on this.
  156. Poor Rainbow was having the worst day of her life and she was masturbating to it!
  157. Her fingers only dug in deeper.
  158. Fluttershy wished she had long, elegant nails like Rarity.
  159. Long nails to scratch the tender, sensitive walls of her vagina.
  160. But volunteering at the animal shelter called for short, well clipped fingernails.
  161. (Seriously, who wants animal poop under their fingernails?)
  162. Try as she might Flutters could not achieve the release she craved.
  164. In the bedroom, Dad was delivering the final smacks of Rainbow's punishment.
  165. Just like a good fireworks show there was always a grand finale.
  166. This was Flutters' last chance.
  167. She squatted down a few inches, spreading her legs further apart.
  168. A third finger joined the party, digging in furiously.
  169. Drops of her natural lubricant tickled her long, smooth legs as they ran down like raindrops on a window.
  170. She grunted, trying hard to dig what she wanted from her reluctant young-womanhood.
  171. Rainbow Dash made her pale yellow sister sweat.
  172. Anon-Dad would not keep this up for was Flutters' last chance.
  173. It might be a month before Daddy had to administer another spanking. She had to do this now!
  174. >"WHHHAAAAAHHHH!!! DaaaadddDDDYYYyyyy, I'm sooooRRRYYYYyyy! BWWwwwaaahhHHH!"
  175. Dashie's cries were now loud enough that Fluttershy did not have to strain to listen.
  176. She plopped down on her own rump, back against the pantry wall.
  177. Feverishly working her sopping wet vagina...holding her breath to intensify the rush.
  178. Fluttershy was
  180. But it was over.
  181. As soon as Rainbow Dash's cries trailed off to choking sobs, Fluttershy exhaled.
  182. Her panties were soaked.
  183. She had...sort of orgasmed.
  184. It was nowhere near what she desired.
  185. For that she needed first-hand experience...and it seemed she would never have that.
  186. Inside the room Dad was comforting and lecturing Dash.
  187. Though she had never felt a spanking from him she knew how good that felt.
  188. To sit in his big lap, to rest her head on his strong chest.
  189. Dashie had earned this moment by her suffering.
  190. But it did not blunt the stab of envy that Fluttershy felt.
  192. In a few minutes Anon-Dad would leave her and the sisters would converge.
  193. Fluttershy would brush Dashie's hair while Twilight & Sunset took turns reading adventure stories.
  194. Hopefully Rarity would have some of that crème.
  195. Hopefully Flutters could sneak some clean panties out of her dresser without anyone noticing.
  197. These undies were a mess.
  198. Sticky with the evidence of Fluttershy's guilty perversion.
  199. She felt dirty.
  200. Wet with slimy lube...having just masturbated to her beloved sister's suffering.
  201. Still standing in the pantry, she slipped the sticky panties down her legs and over her socks.
  202. Now balled up in her hand, she wondered how she was going to get these to the laundry hamper unnoticed.
  203. Later...not now.
  204. Too many sisters in the hallway.
  205. She tucked the panties deep into the back of a shelf...behind boxes of pancake mix and canned fruit.
  206. Tonight she would retrieve them.
  208. But with her arm buried deep in the pantry, the door opened.
  209. >Whoa! Hello, Fluttershy, didn't expect to see you here.
  210. Dad was actually startled.
  211. Fluttershy squeaked with surprise.
  212. >You looking for a snack? They had some excellent red grapes at the market...there's some in the refrigerator.
  213. Flutters struggled for an excuse for being here;
  214. >Oh,, Daddy. I was just checking to see what we had for dinner."
  215. Anon-Dad looked puzzled.
  216. >"But it's AJ's night to cook dinner. Your turn isn't until next Tuesday."
  217. She giggled nervously.
  218. >"Oh, right. Well, it's never t-too early to check for dried lentils! Yep! Here they are, we have plenty!"
  219. Anon-Dad chuckled.
  220. He didn't believe her...but it didn't matter.
  221. >"Lentil soup? Sounds great. I can't wait until next Tuesday."
  222. Fluttershy breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
  223. Keeping her perverted shame a secret was hard work!
  225. But now it was time to go comfort her sister.
  226. Dashie may have been naughty, and deserved her punishment, but nobody deserved to be ignored when they were feeling bad.
  227. Pinkie Pie wasn't home yet, so Flutters snatched a box of cookies from the pantry in case Rainbow felt hungry.
  228. And with thighs still sticky, she hurried to their shared bedroom to do her part.
  231. I'll do part two later on tonight...
  233. It had been about 45 minutes since Anon-Dad had spanked Dash.
  234. The girls had gathered in her room to comfort her, Fluttershy included.
  235. The pale yellow girl had to be more mindful of how she sat than usual...having left her soaked panties hidden in the hall pantry.
  237. >Are you feeling any better, darling?
  238. Still laying face down on her bed, Rainbow shrugged her shoulders and admitted;
  239. >I'll be okay. I'm still sore as heck...gonna be sleeping on my belly tonight.
  240. >I'm just REALLY glad it's over. I've been dreading this since I got sent to the Principal's office.
  241. The girls all agreed.
  242. The wait was sometimes the most awful part.
  243. Of course, Fluttershy did not know this personally, but she went along with it.
  244. She felt awful that she'd listened to Rainbow's punishment and masturbated to it.
  245. But she wasn't going to admit that out loud.
  246. She asked, timidly;
  247. >Does it feel warm?
  248. Luckily Dash did not see anything pervy about the inquiry.
  249. >Not as bad as when Dad was smacking on it...that felt like hot coals!
  250. >But it's still pretty, feel for yourself.
  251. Rainbow Dash took Fluttershy's hand and laid it on her own exposed rear end.
  252. The timid girl nearly swooned, feeling the warmth contact her own skin.
  253. It was undeniably warmer than an un-spanked bottom, that was for sure.
  254. Flutters wanted to pull her hand back, terrified that her secret fetish would be exposed...but she could not.
  255. The smoothness, the heat, the texture of Rainbow's firm butt was intoxicating.
  256. It smelled of Rarity's expensive soothing crème.
  258. Although her compression shorts had been kicked off to the floor, Dash's panties still hung inside-out around her thighs.
  259. Nothing special...Anon was not a wealthy man so all the girls got ordinary cotton undies to wear.
  260. Today Rainbow's were pastel green & white polka dots.
  261. Slightly discolored in the crotch from months of use.
  262. Somebody once said;
  263. >Having a vagina is like having a permanently runny nose under your skirt.
  264. Even when it wasn't time for your period, it always oozes a little bit.
  265. Flutters' own vagina was feeling especially runny as she stared at Dashie's pink bottom and inside-out underwear.
  266. Then she remembered she wasn't wearing any panties, and closed her knees tight.
  268. Applejack heard something at the door.
  269. >Sounds like Pinkie is home.
  270. Fluttershy felt flushed and dizzy...she needed an excuse to get out of there for a little while.
  271. >I'll go tell her where we all are.
  272. She left the room and her sisters.
  273. Fluttershy was so horny she was sweating.
  274. The mini-orgasm she'd experienced in the pantry had not satisfied her fully.
  275. >Nobody can know...
  276. She went to the kitchen, where Pinkie Pie was nervously peeking around doors...hoping her presence would go unnoticed.
  277. >Hello Pinkie.
  278. The hyperactive girl nearly jumped out of her skin.
  279. She grabbed Fluttershy and hugged her tight.
  280. >Flutter Butter, am I glad to see you!
  281. >Is Dad home? Is he in a good mood?
  282. Startled, Fluttershy temporarily forgot about her own problem.
  283. >Umm, yes, he's home. But I don't think he's in a very good mood.
  284. She lowered her voice to a whisper, although it was hardly a secret, everyone in the house knew.
  285. >Dashie just got a spanking. There was a food-fight at school and she participated. Principal sent home a letter for Dad to sign.
  287. Pinkie wailed in dismay, hugging Fluttershy even tighter.
  288. >Ohhhhh nooooooo...I'm dead meat! If Dashie got spanked just for participating I'm gotta get it for sure!
  289. >Why, Pinkie?
  290. >Because I STARTED the food fight! That's why I'm so late coming home; I was in after-school detention!
  291. The pink girl flopped down into a kitchen chair and moaned.
  292. >Daddy is gonna kill me! I'm not gonna be able to sit down for a month!
  293. As usual, Pinkie was full of melodrama, but Fluttershy saw opportunity.
  294. It was crazy...but it just might work.
  295. >Pinkie, did you get a note from the Principal too?
  296. Pinkie said nothing. She thumped her head against the kitchen table, reached into her back-pack (pink, of course) and pulled out the dreaded letter.
  297. Fluttershy read it quickly. It made her cringe.
  298. Oh boy, the Principal must be really angry.
  299. Poor Pinkie was doomed...she'd be getting a spanking for sure!
  300. (lucky pink bitch)
  301. >Umm, Pinkie Pie, I have an idea. It might get you out of a...ummm...spanking.
  302. >WHAT IS IT? I'll do ANYTHING!!!
  304. Fluttershy looked for a pencil in Pinkie's pack, one with a good eraser.
  305. That was hard to find, as Pinkie had chewed most of them to pieces.
  306. Finally she found a good one.
  307. And proceeded to erase Pinkie's name off the letter.
  308. >Yowie! Fluttershy, what are you doing!? You can't erase a letter from the Principal!
  309. >That's like...against the law or something!
  310. But Flutters saw her opportunity, she wasn't going to let it slip away.
  311. >I'm putting my name on the letter. Dad will blame me for the food-fight at school.
  312. Pinkie did not understand.
  313. >But Flutters, I know you don't get grades like Twilight & Sunset, but you're not stupid.
  314. >Daddy will spank YOU now!
  315. But she went ahead and carefully penciled in F-L-U-T-T-E-R-S-H-Y over Pinkie's erased name.
  316. What kind of a Principal writes in pencil anyway?
  318. Pinkie thought Fluttershy had lost her mind.
  319. >No, no no no no no no no NO! You can't do this! I don't want to get a spankin' but at least I deserve it...the food fight was my fault!
  320. >Put my name back on that letter. Better yet, let's flee to Mexico together! We can get sombreros and fake mustaches! Daddy will never find us. How much money do you have? I've got two dollars and fourteen cents...that's enough to flee the country, right?
  321. But there was no way Pinkie was stealing this from Fluttershy.
  322. Today was the day she would learn what her fetish really felt like!
  323. >Pinkie, relax...let me do this. Daddy has never given me a spanking and...
  324. >Well don't you want to keep it that way!?
  325. Fluttershy didn't expect her sister to understand...hopefully she wouldn't understand.
  326. Her awful fetish was better kept a secret.
  327. >Daddy will go easier on me. Just trust me. If you want to owe me a favor that's okay...if you want.
  328. Tears in her eyes, Pinkie hugged her tight.
  329. >You really are the kindest friend and sister in the whole wide world. TWO Worlds!
  330. >I owe you a thousand favors, Pinkie Promise!
  331. Well, that was always nice.
  332. Fluttershy hated vacuuming after all. She might experience orgasm and get Pinkie to take some of her chores all in the same day.
  333. >You stay out of sight. I'll take care of this.
  335. Taking Pinkie's letter, Fluttershy took a deep breath and prepared herself.
  336. This really was it.
  337. The thing she dreamed of...what she fantasized about all alone in her bed was really going to happen.
  338. She was so nervous and excited her knees were shaking.
  339. > will convince Daddy this is real, and I'm really afraid.
  340. And with that thought she stepped into the living room.
  342. >Hiya kiddo. Did you find those grapes?
  343. Anon-Dad was sitting in his favorite arm chair, reading the newspaper.
  344. Heart pounding in her chest, Fluttershy approached him.
  345. >Daddy, I have something I have to show you.
  346. He leaned forward.
  347. >Pardon me, you have to speak a little louder, I can't hear you.
  348. When she was nervous, Fluttershy forgot how quietly she spoke.
  349. >I...I have this letter for y-you to l-look at."
  350. Anon-Dad did not think anything of it. Fluttershy never misbehaved in school, there was nothing to worry about.
  351. >Some kind of permission slip? Is your class taking a trip?
  352. She cast her eyes down and tried to look guilty.
  353. >N-no sir. I got in trouble at school today. I n-n-need you to s-sign this.
  355. Looking confused and skeptical, Anon-Dad took the letter she offered and read over it carefully.
  356. He did not look angry...just perplexed.
  357. >Fluttershy, is your sister Pinkie home yet?
  358. >Ummm, y-yes sir, I think...
  359. He cut her off; his fatherly voice loud enough to be heard in every room of the house.
  360. >Pinkamena; come into the living room, NOW.
  362. He did not have to wait; Pinkie had her ear pressed to the kitchen door and bolted in the instant she heard her father's booming voice.
  363. She wore a fake grin as wide as her whole face.
  364. >Y-yes Daddy? What is it?
  365. He held the letter up for both of them to see.
  366. >I want to know what's going on. Who erased Pinkie's name and wrote Fluttershy on this?
  368. Both girls froze.
  369. Pinkie looked at Fluttershy desperately...hoping her sister had a plan for this.
  370. >N-no Dad...that letter is mine. It has my name on it.
  371. He looked disappointed.
  372. >Girls, you know better than to lie to me.
  373. >I can see the eraser marks.
  374. Fluttershy thought she'd done such a good job on this.
  375. >Besides, the letter is just a formality. I know Pinkie started the food fight...your Principal telephoned me earlier.
  377. Busted.
  378. Both girls' hearts sank, for different reasons.
  379. Pinkie was grateful that Flutters had tried to get her out of this, but it had backfired.
  380. Now she was sure to get an even worse spanking for trying to get out of it.
  381. She gulped in terror. She might even get the belt.
  382. Fluttershy had been so close to having her fantasy realized.
  383. Now she was right back where she started.
  384. >I don't know what you two are up to, but it ends right now!
  386. Pinkie just stood there, tears pooling in her eyes, seeing no escape.
  387. She was hoping and praying Fluttershy had a solution to this.
  388. For her part, Fluttershy was just as stumped.
  389. >I'm waiting for an explanation, girls. The truth.
  390. Obviously Fluttershy could not tell the whole truth, about her shameful fetish.
  391. But she did tell the truth about the letter.
  392. >I'm sorry, Daddy. I did change the name on the letter. I was so upset listening to Rainbow get her spanking earlier that I wanted to help Pinkie out of her jam. Please don't blame her, it was my idea.
  394. Anon-Dad sighed in frustration.
  395. >So you thought I'd go easy on you, and it would save Pinkie?
  396. Flutters looked to the floor and nodded.
  397. >Well, that wasn't very smart, was it? Now you're both in trouble. Pinkie for her misbehavior at school...and you for trying to interfere.
  398. Wide eyed, Fluttershy looked up. Her chest felt like it was caving in. She really WAS in trouble now.
  399. It wasn't a game, or a trick...she was going to be punished and it was not fun anymore!
  400. >Pinkie, you'll be first. Fluttershy, nose in the corner. Hands behind your back. Don't move from that position until I tell you to.
  401. Her feet felt like they were made of lead...Fluttershy could barely move.
  402. At the same time her heart was pounding and she felt like getting a fake mustache and fleeing to Mexico.
  403. So this is what helplessness really felt like...she didn't like it!
  405. >Fluttershy, if I have to tell you again I will start with you, then deal with Pinkie, and when that's done I will spank you a second time. Nose in the corner, NOW.
  406. He didn't shout, but the menace in his voice made Fluttershy scurry straight to the corner as she'd been told.
  407. >Hands behind your back.
  408. She didn't know why this part was important, but Fluttershy obeyed.
  410. With Dad's focus on Pinkie, Fluttershy was left alone to listen.
  411. The lecture started out calmly, quietly, with very little emotion from Anon-Dad.
  412. Pinkie more than made up for it...she was already a sobbing wreck.
  413. Flutters didn't have to listen to muffled words through a wall this time, she could hear every word spoken.
  414. >Pinkemena, I want you to explain why you thought it was a good idea to hit Trixie in the face with a peanut-butter sandwich.
  415. >If it happened during lunch period I might understand a little bit, but you were in the Library!
  416. >Who starts a food fight in the library?
  417. Pinkie Pie's explanation was nonsensical, but Anon-Dad treated it seriously and was never dismissive.
  418. He never raised his voice, but he made it clear that he was justifiably angry with her.
  419. Every excuse Pinkie tried to defend herself with was met by a rational explanation of why that was ridiculous.
  420. By the end of the lecture even Pinkie Pie agreed that she deserved what was coming.
  421. That didn't mean she was happy about it.
  423. Flutters listened from her corner, heart pounding in fear.
  424. She'd heard her sisters getting their pre-spanking lectures before but for the first time she knew she had one coming next.
  425. Although she could see nothing but the two perpendicular walls in front of her she knew what was going on.
  426. Poor Pinkie whimpered as she was put into position over Dad's lap.
  427. She heard her whine as her skirt was swept out of the way.
  428. And finally, a squeal of dismay as her undies were pulled down.
  429. Fluttershy had never been closer to her fetish before.
  430. But she wished she was anywhere else right now.
  432. Fluttershy had listened as Pinkie was deprived of her skirt and panties.
  433. She held her breath now, listening intently for the one thing that terrified her.
  434. But there was no clink of sound of leather slipping through belt loops.
  435. She sighed with relief, realizing Pinkie would not suffer the belt for this.
  437. But the first smack still made Flutters jump.
  438. Pinkie was bawling as the whacks rained down on her already pink behind.
  439. >OW, ow, OW, ow, OWWWIEEE! Daddy, I'm OWW, so sorry! Ow! Ow! Ow!
  440. Like Rainbow Dash before her, Pinkie was paying a painful price for her shenanigans at school.
  441. And just like Rainbow Dash before, it was making Fluttershy hot.
  442. >Oh no...not now! It's not a game this time, it's for real!
  443. But she could not shut off her hormone-addled body.
  444. Fluttershy's labia got damp, and then properly wet.
  445. She was not allowed to remove her hands from their position, behind her back, so she rubbed her legs together.
  446. That's when she remembered something important.
  447. >Oh my underpants! I don't have any undies on!
  448. She'd left them in the pantry after listening to Rainbow's spanking.
  449. And with her sisters in the room comforting Dash she'd never had the chance to grab a new pair from her pantie drawer.
  450. > Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh...
  451. >What am I gonna do!?
  452. Pinkie's spanking was not going to last forever (though it might have felt that way to poor Pinkie).
  453. Once it was done Fluttershy would have her turn.
  454. It was going to be VERY hard to explain to Dad why she didn't have any underpants on.
  455. Obviously the truth wasn't an option.
  456. This was no longer fun and sexy...but nobody told her body that.
  457. Flutters' natural juices continued to flow.
  458. She flushed hot, and desperately needed the sexual release that her fingers could provide.
  459. But that was forbidden. She could not risk getting in worse trouble by defying Daddy's order.
  460. Maybe just a little rub...he's focused on Pinkie Pie.
  461. >Hands behind your back, Fluttershy!
  463. She clenched her teeth and tried to fight her own libido.
  464. Pinkie's cute squeals and screeches were not helping.
  465. >Don't think of them as cute...don't think of them as cute...don't think of them as cute.
  466. That wasn't effective at all.
  467. Every time Anon-Dad's strong hand smacked Pinkie's tortured tushie she shrieked.
  468. And it was driving Fluttershy crazy.
  469. She tried to satisfy herself by rubbing her thighs together...that only made it worse.
  470. With each loud crack Flutters' rear end clenched, half in fear, half in excitement.
  471. Any minute now Daddy would be done with her sister and Fluttershy's own doom would be here.
  472. >What am I gonna do!?
  473. No panties...and a sopping wet pussy?
  474. How was she going to explain that?
  476. From Pinkie's cries alone you couldn't tell if she was being spanked, if she had skinned her knee, or if she was just watching a sad movie.
  477. In all three scenarios she just let it loose and bawled her heart out.
  478. That was different from the way her sisters took it.
  479. Sunset, Dash and Applejack all tried to be tough and take their licks with dignity.
  480. Of course they failed, but they at least made the attempt not to cry like babies.
  481. Rarity was always the drama queen of the bunch, moaning piteously in the hopes of garnering some pity from Dad.
  482. Twilight was a bundle of nerves from beginning to end. She began panicking the instant she knew she was in trouble and it didn't end until the last spank had fallen.
  483. Fluttershy wondered how she would take it.
  484. She didn't want the reputation as the girl who'd left a sticky mess all over Anon-Dad's lap.
  486. Pinkie's 'Grand Finale' had begun, she was paying dearly for her misbehavior.
  487. Every spank echoed through the living room.
  488. The only thing louder was her crying.
  489. Dad finished up with a terrible salvo of smacks, right on the most painful part of her rear, right at the bottom where the legs met her cheeks.
  490. Poor Pinkie was bawling so loud she didn't even notice Dad had stopped.
  491. Fluttershy's turn was almost here.
  495. As was customary, Pinkie Pie got a few minutes to calm down, curled up on Anon-Dad's lap while he admonished her to be better behaved in the future.
  496. Fluttershy certainly wasn't going to object to the was her turn next and she wasn't in a hurry!
  497. She was stuck in a weird predicament;
  498. Trying desperately to staunch the flow of fluids from her wet vagina.
  499. Yet unable to press her knees together because her legs were shaking so hard.
  500. She'd been so eager to experience this sensation that her sisters were so familiar with.
  501. But now that it was only minutes away Fluttershy's nerve had left her.
  502. She would have given anything to escape this terrible situation.
  504. >Pinkie, the next time something like this happens I expect you to use your head and think before doing something silly, which will only get you into trouble.
  505. Anon-Dad was wrapping up his post-spanking talk with Pinkie.
  506. Two daughters already spanked today...his arm has to be getting tired.
  507. At least Fluttershy hoped so.
  508. >*sniffle* Yes, Daddy. But when Trix...
  509. He stopped her right there.
  510. >Yes, I know Trixie can be obnoxious. But that never justifies throwing a sandwich across the library.
  511. >Trixie's parents got a letter from the Principal just like you and Rainbow did. The matter is revenge.
  512. >Understand?
  513. Pinkie Pie understood.
  514. Or at least she understood that if she did it again she'd be in even worse trouble.
  515. >Alright. You can go to your room. I'll call you when it's time for dinner.
  517. With her nose in the corner Flutters could not see what was going on, but she heard a light kiss.
  518. Usually such a welcome, comforting sound, right now it spelled her doom.
  519. >Fluttershy, come out of the corner and come over here, please.
  520. "Please"
  521. That seemed weird. Daddy was about to bend her over and set her heinie on fire but he still asked politely.
  522. Did that mean she could politely say "no"?
  523. Probably not.
  525. Fluttershy turned around in time to see Pinkie scurrying away.
  526. Rubbing the seat of her skirt.
  527. Yellow smiley-face panties still tangled up around her knees.
  528. Fluttershy could not see Pinkie's face but she was sure it must be streaked with tears.
  529. As her own would soon be.
  531. Trembling, she turned to face a wrathful father.
  532. Fluttershy had been scolded before, but never had she been this deep in trouble.
  533. It would not have surprised her a bit to see his face twisted into a mask of rage.
  534. Fire in his eyes...smoke blowing from his nose.
  535. Ready and eager to inflict the terrible torture upon her.
  536. But he did not look like that.
  537. In fact, it was difficult to discern any anger on his face at all.
  538. This was the same kind, generous face that she'd been overjoyed to see a thousand times before.
  539. Daddy wasn't an angry monster.
  540. SHE was the one who had done wrong.
  542. Taking short steps it took her a long time to cross the room, but Anon-Dad never lost patience.
  543. >Daddy, I'm...I'm...
  544. Even saying 'sorry' was difficult because her crime was so convoluted.
  545. She hadn't actually been involved in the food fight that got her sisters in trouble.
  546. Thankfully Dad spoke up;
  547. >Fluttershy, I'm sorry too. I'm sorry I have to do this, but what you did was not acceptable.
  548. His voice was calm and kind but stern.
  549. This was nothing like the fantasies she'd had on so many sleepless nights.
  550. >Altering that note from your Principal was know that, right?
  551. She nodded, but said nothing.
  552. >Then can you explain to me why you did it?
  554. Not in a hundred years was she willing to explain the real reason she did it.
  555. In fact it all seemed crazy now.
  556. Trying to trick Daddy into satisfying her sexual fetish?
  557. Now that a real-life thrashing was just instants away it didn't feel very sexy at all.
  558. But Dad wanted an answer;
  560. >I...I don't know. I just felt sorry for Pinkie Pie.
  561. He sighed deeply.
  562. >That's very kind of you but in the future you let ME worry about Pinkie, alright?
  563. >She & Rainbow did something wrong, they got punished and hopefully they learned their lesson from it.
  564. >I don't like it any more than you, but you have to trust me to make those decisions.
  565. >Is that the problem, maybe? Do you trust me, Fluttershy?
  566. She burst into tears;
  567. >I do! I do! I trust you Daddy! I wasn't supposed to interfere...I know that now, I swear!
  568. He stroked her hair, and it calmed her some.
  569. >That's good, sweetie, but it doesn't erase what's already been done.
  570. 'Erase'. That was an ironic choice of words.
  571. >Altering a letter from your Principal is bad enough, but it's the precedent I'm more worried about.
  572. >If you consider it okay to change a note from your Principal, what about a report card?
  573. >And if that's okay what about a bill...or a traffic ticket?
  574. >I know you meant well, but you're heading down a very dangerous road.
  576. Fluttershy whimpered in self-pity.
  577. Anon-Dad was right as always.
  578. He was always reminding the girls to 'think' before they went through with bad ideas.
  579. Pinkie hadn't been thinking when she started a food-fight in the library.
  580. Rainbow hadn't been thinking when she joined in.
  581. And Flutters hadn't been thinking when she wrote her own name on that note.
  582. >I'm s-sorry, Daddy. I know I was wrong...b-but I'm still scared. Please, I don't want a spanking!
  583. Anon-Dad nodded, and sighed again.
  584. He was doing that a lot.
  585. >No girl in trouble ever does. I know I've never spanked you before but there have been a handful of times I've been really close.
  587. >Remember last month when you stayed late at the animal shelter and you didn't call? And when I tried to call you never picked up the phone?
  588. Fluttershy did remember;
  589. >But...but the battery died in my phone! It wasn't my fault!
  590. Dad let out a low, rumbling growl. He'd been over this with her before.
  591. >Flutters, I let you girls have those phones...and pay the you can stay in touch and let me know where you're going to be. NOT so you can run down the battery playing Angry Birds.
  592. Actually, it had been Candy Crush...but Dad was right.
  593. The shelter had a land-line. She should have called and told him she would be late.
  594. >You were about this close to getting your behind spanked for that, but I cut you some slack because you meant well.
  595. >Then last week...remember what you and Sunset did to the kitchen?
  596. Oh boy...even Fluttershy couldn't believe they didn't get in more trouble for that one.
  597. >You cooked 50 pounds of spaghetti for the school fund-raiser...
  598. >...and left the kitchen a disaster for someone else to clean.
  599. >But I let you off the hook because your heart was in the right place.
  600. He tied all the incidents together to make his point;
  601. >Fluttershy, I know you always try to do the right thing, but you need to think too.
  602. >Disappearing without calling...leaving a huge mess for others to clean up...altering letters to help your sister out of a jam.
  603. >These are all things you should have been punished for.
  604. >And I feel like it's been a mistake to let you off with a warning so many times.
  605. >You might be getting the wrong impression that as long as you mean well there's no consequences for your mistakes.
  606. He looked on her sadly.
  607. >Well, not this time. I'm sorry Fluttershy, but you're getting a spanking this time and it won't be a mild one.
  609. Anon-Dad did not waste time.
  610. He took his whimpering girl and gently moved her into position.
  611. Fluttershy's heart felt like it was going to explode.
  612. >Oh my gosh...oh my's really going to happen!
  613. And now, at the worst possible time, she began to get that tingly feeling in her private parts again.
  614. >Noooooo! Not now!
  615. Flutters felt like running away but it was too late for that.
  616. He held her gently but when she squirmed she understood that he was too big and strong to resist.
  617. Dad turned her over his lap, with a good view of the floor.
  618. Some of Pinkie Pie's tears still blotted the carpet.
  619. Fluttershy gulped.
  620. She felt his hands grasp the hem of her skirt and draw it out of the way.
  621. Any second now Daddy would realize...
  623. >Fluttershy, why aren't you wearing any underwear?
  624. Despite all the time she'd had to think about it, Fluttershy still didn't have a good answer to that question.
  625. >Ye gods, did you go to SCHOOL like this?
  626. Trapped.
  627. Say 'no' and Dad would demand an explanation.
  628. Say 'yes' and get in worse trouble.
  629. She couldn't tell him the truth.
  630. >Y-yes Daddy.
  631. He had been calm, kind and in control the whole time, but Fluttershy could tell Daddy was pretty angry now.
  632. It was a terrible feeling.
  633. >It w-was a dare. Somebody d-dared me I wouldn't do it for a whole d-day.
  634. >Has this happened before? Answer me, young lady!
  635. >No! No it hasn't...I swear!
  636. >Well it better not happen again. Was it one of your sisters that dared you?
  637. If Fluttershy held a grudge against any one of her sisters she could have easily dragged them down with her.
  638. But no...
  639. She would not implicate one of them even if they had dared her to do such a thing.
  640. >No sir. It was somebody else.
  641. Thankfully he didn't push the issue.
  642. >Jeeze. Am I going to have to do inspections on you girls before you leave for school?
  643. >Never again, Fluttershy. This is's unladylike, not to mention unhygenic.
  644. >And it means you're getting something extra...
  646. >I'm sorry, Fluttershy. This, on top of everything's not acceptable and I'm going to give you a good reason to remember that.
  647. She laid there, over his lap...her naked rear-end, privates and anus exposed for all the world to see.
  648. (well, for all the living room to see)
  649. There she listened to the horrifying sound of metal clinking.
  650. And once the buckle was unfastened, leather slipping through belt loops.
  651. >NO! Daddy, please not that!
  652. She panicked, and tried to pull herself away.
  653. There was no place to run...but she struggled desperately to escape.
  655. Her squirming was stopped by a hard hand-spank to her bottom.
  656. The first of her life in this world.
  657. The pain went straight up her spine, releasing a flood of endorphins on her already chaotic brain.
  658. And her vagina just let loose...all over Daddy's pants.
  660. Strangely, he did not acknowledge it.
  661. >Fluttershy, listen to me. If I ever catch you going out in a MINISKIRT with no underwear you will get an entire spanking...beginning to end...with this belt.
  662. >To show you what that feels like you will get a few spanks with it at the end.
  663. >That is; unless you struggle and try to get away again. If you do that again I will switch to the belt immediately.
  664. She wept, and begged frantically.
  665. >No, I won't, I promise Daddy! Please don't use that, PLEASE!
  666. And all this time, her vagina felt like it was on fire.
  667. That single hand-spank had hurt more than anything she'd ever experienced.
  668. But she CRAVED another one.
  669. The little girl in her was desperate to escape.
  670. But the big girl in her was just getting started.
  672. She did not have to wait for long.
  673. Anon-Dad set the belt down where she could see it and got to work.
  674. His hand was big, and strong.
  675. It covered almost the entirety of Fluttershy's skinny rump with every smack.
  676. >WHHHhhhaaaaAAAHHHHhhhhhaaahhHHHH!
  677. It only took a few whacks for Flutters to realize her sisters were not play-acting when they got their punishments.
  678. Her rear-end was absolutely burning.
  679. And it was only getting worse.
  680. >No more! No more! Whhhaaahhhh! Please stop!
  681. Yet there was a part of Fluttershy's mind that was just getting used to this.
  682. New feelings flooded her brain.
  683. Intense, warm satisfaction as the burning pain soaked into her bottom.
  684. Each smack refreshed the sensation.
  685. Each hard spank from Daddy unlocked a new degree of pain & pleasure.
  686. Soon, there were no words.
  687. Just mournful sobbing that masked how much visceral satisfaction she was getting from this.
  689. Contrasted with the raging fire in her cheeks was the cool wetness of her labia.
  690. Enough of a breeze came through the living room window to chill the wet folds of her most delicate parts.
  691. Just enough cold dampness to make her aware of how vulnerable and exposed she was.
  692. As tears flowed from her eyes, her natural lubricant flowed from the other end.
  694. But in spite of the pleasurable feelings, it really did hurt.
  695. >Bwwwwwaaaaaaaawwww! Da-Daddy, please OWWW s-stop!"
  696. In fact it hurt more than anything she had ever experienced.
  697. The looming threat of Dad's belt was totally forgotten.
  698. All that existed at this moment was the awful pain and the confusing feelings that came with it.
  699. But Daddy had not forgotten about the belt.
  701. As suddenly as it had begun, the spanking stopped.
  702. Fluttershy was relieved.
  703. The deep feelings of gratification were not gone, but at least the sharp, burning pain was.
  704. Flutters could not wait to be alone in her room where she could indulge herself in these strong sensations.
  705. The worst was for the part she'd been looking forward to.
  707. But then Dad picked up his belt.
  708. She panicked all over again.
  709. >Oh, no, no, no! Please not that, I've had enough I swear! I'll never be bad again, PLEASE Daddy!
  710. His hand hurt enough...Fluttershy did not think she could endure even more pain.
  711. Pouring out genuine, terrified tears she begged for reprieve.
  712. >Fluttershy, you know better. It's almost over, and we never have to do this again if you learn your lesson.
  713. She moaned piteously. There would be no escape from this.
  714. Anon-Dad was very careful with the belt.
  715. An implement so fearsome could easily bruise her already tormented bottom.
  716. He picked his aim carefully and brought the strap down with a sharp, stinging *SMACK*!
  717. >OWWW! Whhhaahhh! No more! Daddy, it HURTS!
  718. But Daddy answered with three more smacks in quick succession.
  719. For the moment, pleasure and guilt were forgotten.
  720. All that mattered was terrible pain, and Fluttershy's desperate hope that it end soon.
  722. Each spank left a strip of darker pink on her already discolored backside.
  723. She kicked and bawled, screaming in spite of herself.
  724. Fluttershy may have fantasized about this infinite times but now that it was happening she was reduced to the level of a naughty little girl...wailing in despair for it to stop.
  726. Anon-Dad felt awful listening to her cries, but a job well done wouldn't need to be done twice.
  727. This was Fluttershy's 'Grand Finale' and hopefully it would make an impression on all the girls of the house.
  728. The last 10 would be the worst...he took a deep breath.
  730. >Alright, let's finish this.
  732. She screamed, and twisted on his lap.
  733. Her strength surprised him.
  734. It took quite a bit of his own muscle to keep her in position, and that was important, as a misplaced blow could really hurt her.
  735. *WHACK*
  736. *WHACK*
  737. *WHACK*
  738. >Almost there, my girl, you're almost done.
  739. *WHACK*
  740. *whack* The last spank was half-hearted.
  741. She had reached the end of the ordeal.
  742. Anon-Dad helped Fluttershy to her feet
  743. He wiped some tears from her face and offered his handkerchief for her to blow her nose into.
  744. She soaked it with thin, tear diluted snot in one single blow.
  746. Still sniffling and sobbing, she noticed his pants.
  747. Daddy's lap was drenched with her juices.
  748. Fluttershy gasped, covered her face with her hands and moaned in unfathomable shame.
  749. There was no hiding her terrible perversion now.
  750. But Daddy did not even acknowledge it.
  751. He gathered her into his arms and let her cry it out.
  752. >D-Daddy I'm *hic* so s-sorry..."
  753. But he just stroked her hair and comforted his girl as best he could.
  754. >It's alright. As long as you learn from this it won't be wasted.
  755. She pulled away a little.
  756. >But...
  757. She pointed down at his pants.
  758. Instead of being angry or disgusted, he chuckled a little.
  759. >Fluttershy, that's nothing to worry about. You're young, your body does a lot of strange's not your fault.
  760. >You were under an enormous amount of stress and this is how your body reacted.
  761. >There's nothing to be ashamed of, but if you want to talk about it you can anytime.
  762. The shame left her. The humiliation wafted away like fog.
  763. Daddy wasn't angry...he still loved her as much as before.
  764. And her private secret was still safe.
  766. Dad's post-spanking lecture was a little shorter than usual.
  767. He was eager to get a clean pair of slacks...and Fluttershy was eager to have some alone time in her bedroom.
  768. She found the room empty. Dash had obviously gone to see Pinkie.
  769. >Perfect!
  771. Flutters rifled through her dresser drawer for some lotion.
  772. >Oh, fudge it! What do I need lotion for?
  773. Her pussy was still dripping wet.
  774. She laid back on her bed...slipped a hand up her skirt and...
  776. >Fluttershy, pardner! We heard everythin'...are you awright?
  777. She groaned. Of course her sisters were here to comfort her.
  778. >Oh my gosh! I feel so awful! You got a so much worser spankin' than me!"
  779. >It's okay Pinkie...I just want to...
  780. But Dash interrupted next;
  781. >Okay? Flutters, you got the belt and took it like a champ! You were awesome!
  782. Twilight asked;
  783. >Does it still hurt much?
  784. And before she could answer Rarity added;
  785. >I'm getting low on soothing crème...but just wait I'll get another jar. You need it more than anyone, darling.
  786. But all Fluttershy wanted to do was get rid of them so she could take advantage of the sensations still raging inside her.
  787. Sunset offered a pillow;
  788. >It's my best one. I always sit on it when know...mess up.
  789. Twilight was full of questions;
  790. >So what did the belt feel like? Is it really bad? Hope I never find out.
  791. And Fluttershy reached the end of her patience.
  795. They were dumbstruck.
  796. >Please...I just need to be alone for a little bit. I'll be fine. I'll call you when I'm ready.
  797. Silently, her shocked sisters got up and filed out.
  798. >Thank you...I really appreciate all you're trying to do, I just have to calm down.
  800. At last.
  801. Fluttershy was alone.
  802. Just to be sure she propped a chair under the door knob (Anon-Dad did not allow locks on the doors).
  803. She laid back, brushed her skirt aside, and went to work.
  804. It was everything she had dreamed of and more.
  805. The burning pain in her rump overflowed into her nether regions, making every touch of her fingers pure magic.
  806. Warm waves of satisfaction radiated from her labia, and rippled through her whole body.
  807. Her pussy was so wet she could barely even take hold of her clitoris, it kept on slipping between her fingers.
  808. But when she did catch it...
  809. Just as she was about to climax, Fluttershy drew her knees up to her chest, stretching the tortured skin of her bottom tight across her hip bones.
  810. The added pain made her squeak, but it was a good squeak.
  811. It was the last little bit that put her over the top, and at last Fluttershy experienced a satisfying orgasm.
  813. Then another.
  814. And another.
  815. There would be plenty of time to be loved by her worried sisters.
  816. This was was Fluttershy's personal time.
  818. In the kitchen, Applejack was just finishing up her chore for the evening, preparing dinner.
  819. All that was left was a dessert.
  820. Everybody liked gelatin with fruit mixed in, so she went to the pantry to look for a can or two.
  821. It was easy to find, next to the pancake mix.
  822. But as she reached deeper into the shelf her hand touched something wet.
  823. Confused, she pulled the thing out from behind the cans.
  824. >Oh...dear god...what the heck?
  825. >Who in tarnation would leave wet underpants in the food pantry!?
  826. Applejack didn't know, and didn't want to know.
  827. She stuffed the soiled panties back where she found them and hurried off to wash her hands.
  829. Sometimes things were just a little too weird in this house.
  831. END

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