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Fluttershy's Sleepover by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:57:41
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:30:21
Expiry: Never

  1. Fluttershy's Sleepover by DCFTEF
  2. (Flutterdad / Fluttershy, Rainbow)
  3. M/f, paddle, over bed, abuse, bruises, non-consensual
  5. (19/03/2014)
  8. ---
  10. Little Fluttershy felt like she was walking on clouds, and it had nothing to do with the literal truth that she was in fact walking on the natural surface of her home city of Cloudsdale. What put a spring in the step of the blank-flank filly was the prospect of a fun evening. For the first time in her life Fluttershy was allowed to have a friend over for the night! Momma was out of town and Daddy hadn't gotten angry at her for some time now, so she'd built up the courage to ask him if the next-door neighbor filly, Rainbow Dash, could sleep over.
  11. >"Whatever, but you two better not drive me crazy or there'll be trouble."
  12. That was as close to an affirmative 'yes' as Flutters could expect, so she joyfully rushed over to inform her best friend that she was welcome.
  14. >"Awesome! This is gonna be a blast!"
  15. Sometimes the words that Dashie chose scared Fluttershy.
  16. >"Oh no...please no blasts. We have to stay quiet and not cause trouble."
  17. Rainbow Dash shrugged.
  18. >"Okay, we can be sorta quiet and still have fun I suppose."
  19. >"You can have my bed" offered Fluttershy.
  20. But Dash dismissed the suggestion straight away;
  21. >"You're supposed to have sleeping bags on the floor for a sleep-over, Flutters."
  22. >"I...but I don't have a sleeping bag."
  23. >"No big deal, you can borrow my Dad's. He used to be in the Equestrian Army. It's adult size, but you're taller than me, so it'll work out good!"
  25. Rainbow Dash rushed off to borrow the sleeping bag, leaving Fluttershy to ponder how easy it was for her friend. It had been scary enough asking her father if she could invite a friend...she'd never have the nerve to borrow his possessions.
  26. >"It must be nice to be like you, Dashie."
  27. But Fluttershy still felt happy. It was nice enough to have Rainbow Dash for a friend.
  29. Life had been pretty miserable for Fluttershy, and it got worse when she was held back a year in school. Failure to develop social skills, anxiety problems, below average flight skills. Her teachers had explained calmly & kindly that this was not her fault, some foals just needed an extra year to develop. Everything would be okay. All her parents heard was 'failure' though...she got the worst spanking of her life when they found out.
  31. But it had been a blessing in disguise.
  32. She'd known her next-door neighbor Rainbow Dash since they were both in diapers, but now they were in the same class. All of a sudden Fluttershy had a friend! It was something she'd never experienced before and it made all the difference. Bullies didn't pick on her so much anymore because Dashie was there to stand beside her. Fluttershy's school work improved with her new confidence and even her flying was getting a little better. She still stayed far away from the dangerous edges of clouds though.
  34. The time finally arrived.
  35. Even though it was only next door Rainbow Dash's mother walked her over to Fluttershy's house. In spite of Dashie's grumbling it worked out well; the blue filly had brought such a pile of pillows, sleeping bags, toys & board games that she needed help carrying the load.
  36. >"Dashie, you behave yourself for Fluttershy's father, understand?"
  37. Mom tried to tidy her foal's mane, but the hyperactive filly squirmed.
  38. >"I will, Mom! I already promised!"
  39. Her mother didn't push the issue. When Dashie was focused on something fun there was no point in trying to shift her attention to anything else. She knocked on the door but had to wait a surprisingly long time for a reply. When at last Fluttershy's father arrived he looked annoyed and disinterested in his daughter's guest.
  40. >”Good afternoon, I'm Rainbow Dash's mother.”
  42. His only reply was a curt grunt. She tried to make polite conversation;
  43. >”The girls have been looking forward to this for...”
  44. >”As long as they stay out of my hair we'll get along fine.”
  45. His rude reply took her back a bit, but Dash was hopping in place with excitement, so she did not push the issue.
  46. >”Umm, okay. If you have any problems my husband & I will be right next door.”
  47. >”I can deal with any problems myself” he muttered.
  49. She could not restrain her excited filly a moment longer, so Dash's mother said her goodbyes;
  50. >”Alright then, have a good time at your sleepover, Dashie, and...”
  51. Dash zoomed past her, leaving the two adult Pegasi at the doorstep. The stallion turned and went back inside without a word, leaving Dash's mother with the pile of sleeping bags & pillows.
  52. >”Well, that was rude” she muttered to herself before depositing the bedding inside and returning home.
  54. >”I can't believe today is finally here!” said Fluttershy in her usual sotto voce.
  55. Rainbow Dash was markedly less subdued.
  56. >”I know, right! What do you want to do first?”
  57. Before waiting for her friend's answer Dash lifted off and hovered above Fluttershy's head.
  58. >”You've got such high ceilings...wanna practice doing flips?”
  59. >”Oh, no!” answered the timid filly with alarm, “We shouldn't fly inside the house.”
  60. Her statement was so unexpected that Dash practically fell out of the air, landing on the floor with a dull thump.
  61. >”Don'”
  62. To Rainbow the suggestion was as absurd as saying 'we don't breathe air in the house' or 'gravity doesn't apply here.' They were Pegasi...but they didn't fly in their own home?
  63. >”We don't want to have an accident and break anything” Fluttershy explained.
  64. Dash had to admit; sometimes that did happen when she practiced flying in her own house. Since she'd promised her parents she'd abide by the rules of her hosts Rainbow let the issue drop. There were plenty of other fun things to do.
  66. Fluttershy did not have many toys in her bedroom, and those she did posses seemed worn out, second hand. That was no problem; Rainbow Dash had brought a backpack full of Wonderbolt dolls, although Fluttershy was not very good at playing Wonderbolts. Dash could not figure out why Comet Tail & Sunset Streak would want to have a quiet tea party, but that was how her friend wanted to play so Dash conceded...although she saw no reason tea could not be served using a triple-corkscrew aileron loop.
  68. The fillies played in Fluttershy's room for the rest of the afternoon. Several times Dash suggested other things they could do around the house, but her friend was reluctant, preferring to say in her bedroom.
  69. >”Where it's safe” Fluttershy said.
  70. The more adventurous filly did not understand her timid companion's hesitation, but it didn't really matter; hanging out and playing in Fluttershy's bedroom was still fun so she agreed with a shrug.
  72. At last dinnertime arrived, much to Rainbow Dash's delight. Although they hadn't done anything particularly intense she was still hungry. She was also curious about Fluttershy's father, who Flutters did not talk about much and had not come up to check on them once during her visit.
  73. Dinner consisted mostly of hay...but it was good hay, very fresh, the kind Dash's own mother only bought on special occasions. Soup and some vegetables rounded out the meal. As was customary at her own house Rainbow tried to make conversation over dinner;
  74. >”So where do you work, sir?”
  75. Fluttershy's father gave Dash an odd look, but answered;
  76. >”I was a Cloudsdale City Guardsman, but I got injured so now I work at the hay depot.”
  77. >”That's cool” replied the blue filly, “I guess that's how you can get such good hay. I think...”
  78. The stallion cut her off rudely.
  79. >”If I want to know what a blank-flank foal thinks I'll ask you. Until then be quiet and let me eat in peace.”
  81. That took Rainbow Dash by surprise. She had been told to 'be quiet' before, but always with an explanation and good reason. In fact, she had been taught that making conversation and taking an interest in the lives of others was polite. She shot a glance at Fluttershy, who was frozen with a scared look on her face. Still holding a wad of partially chewed broccoli in her mouth she shook her head at Dash, imploring her not to argue about anything. It seemed strange, but Rainbow accepted and went along with it, eating the rest of her meal in silence.
  83. There was no dessert after dinner (a grievous social faux-pas in most Equestrian households) but that did not worry Dash. Her mother had packed a batch of cookies in her overnight bag, which she planned to share with her hosts that night. She'd intended to wait until later in the evening but they were oatmeal-raisin and the allure was too great.
  84. >”Hey Fluttershy, check out what I brought. My Mom made them today.”
  85. The yellow filly's eyes grew wide upon seeing the bundle her friend unwrapped.
  86. >”Those look lovely!”
  87. >”Take a hoof-full...I'll go see if your Dad wants any.”
  88. Fluttershy looked worried by the mere suggestion.
  89. >”Oh my...I don't think you should, Dashie.”
  90. But Rainbow Dash did not understand the situation and brushed off Fluttershy's concerns;
  91. >”You worry too much, trust me. Your Dad has been crabby all evening...and my Mom's cookies can cheer anypony up!”
  93. Before Fluttershy could object Rainbow Dash trotted into the living room where her father was reading his newspaper.
  94. >”Sir, my Mother made some cookies, would you like...”
  95. But rather than gratitude Dash got an angry stallion in her face.
  96. >”What the fuck did I tell you about bothering me?”
  97. Dash recoiled in shock. She'd heard adults curse before, but never had one sworn directly at her.
  98. >”Fluttershy, get your little ass in here...NOW!”
  100. Fluttershy wasted no time; she was there immediately as if she'd expected to be summoned. Her father looked directly at Dash, his eyes full of hot anger.
  101. >”That means you get out.”
  102. Dash looked to her friend, who motioned wordlessly for her to obey. Confused and still reeling from surprise the blue Pegasus did as she was told, but did not go far. She waited just outside the living room door & listened.
  103. >”I only agreed to this stupid goddamn sleepover because you promised you wouldn't bother me.”
  104. Fluttershy's voice was fearful, on the verge of panic.
  105. >”I'm sorry Daddy, it won't happen again. Please don't make her go home!”
  106. >”I'm gonna do a lot worse than that if you don't control your annoying little friend!”
  107. >"It won't happen again I promise!"
  108. >"It better damn well not!"
  110. Dash listened in horror as the yelling went on for a few moments longer. How could Fluttershy's father be so mean? Fluttershy was never like that. The door creaked back open, so Rainbow hurried away to make it look like she hadn't been eavesdropping. Fluttershy joined her in the hallway, trembling a little, her eyes full of fright.
  111. >"What was all that about?" demanded the blue filly. "All I did was offer him some cookies and he totally bit my head off!"
  112. Fluttershy answered in a voice even softer than usual;
  113. >"He just doesn't want to be bothered, Dashie. Everything will be okay if we just stay in my room and play quietly."
  114. Dash sighed in frustration. It seemed way worse to her, but this was Fluttershy's house and she was only a guest.
  115. >"Okay, I suppose" she muttered, "more cookies left for us, right? I just don't know why he acts like such a jerk."
  116. Horrified, Fluttershy lunged forward and covered her friend's mouth with her wings.
  117. >"Don't say that! He might hear you!"
  118. Rainbow rolled her eyes. She hoped he DID hear.
  119. >"Okay, okay," she whispered, "I won't say anything anymore...even if it is true. We've still got lots of time before bed; let's go play!"
  121. If Fluttershy had been careful about keeping the noise down before dinner she was outright maniacal about it after the meal. When playing a board game she even went to the extreme of insisting that Dash roll her dice on soft pillows instead of the wooden game board. Anything to keep the noise down.
  122. >"Is that quiet enough for you?" groaned an increasingly annoyed Dash.
  123. >"That's lovely" replied her host.
  124. Rainbow got up on her 4 hooves and said;
  125. >"I gotta use the bathroom. Any tips on how to make that quieter?"
  126. Fluttershy blushed, but still suggested;
  127. >"Maybe if you tinkle on the side of the bowl it will make less..."
  128. A dour look from Rainbow Dash silenced her.
  129. >"'m sure it will be okay as long as you close the door."
  131. Dashie finished her business (quietly) and washed her hooves before returning to the sleepover. On her way back up to Fluttershy's bedroom she risked a glance into the living room to see what her father was doing. There he was; already dead asleep in his recliner chair, snoring, with the newspaper laying across his lap.
  132. At that moment Rainbow Dash remembered something she'd seen in the bathroom and got a wicked idea. If anyone was asking to be pranked it was this jerk.
  134. Minutes later Dash galloped into Fluttershy's bedroom, unable to suppress a fit of giggling.
  135. >"Dashie, what's the matter?" asked her timid yellow friend.
  136. It took Rainbow a minute to compose herself, but she finally explained what she'd done;
  137. >"Flutters, your Dad has been acting like a real dweeb all night...I just played a little prank on him."
  138. All the blood rushed out of Fluttershy's face. She asked fearfully;
  139. >"Ohhh, nooooo...Dashie, what did you do?"
  140. Rainbow Dash rolled over on her back and laughed.
  141. >"I borrowed his razor and shaved half his moustache...and the opposite eyebrow! He's gonna look ridiculous!"
  143. Fluttershy's eyes instantly began streaming tears, her jaw dropped open in absolute horror.
  144. >"Oh, no! Dash, why would you do that?!"
  145. >"He was being a jerk" answered the blue filly casually, "it's just a little big deal, his moustache will grow back."
  147. >"It's NOT just a little prank!" cried Fluttershy, "This is bad!"
  148. >"Flutters, chill...I'll totally take the blame" Dash tried to re-assure her.
  149. But Fluttershy was already racing around the room, trying to gather up Rainbow Dash's belongings.
  150. >"Dashie, you have to get out! You have to go, NOW!"
  151. Rainbow was puzzled. She'd expected Fluttershy to be excited by the prank.
  152. >"Seriously?"
  154. But it was too late. Both fillies jumped in shock when they heard a furious roar from downstairs.
  155. >"Oh nooooo, nooooo, noooooo..." cried Fluttershy, curling up into a ball and shaking.
  156. The door crashed open with no regard for who might be standing on the other side.
  158. Fluttershy tried to defend her friend,
  159. >"Daddy, I'm SORRY! She didn't know...she thought it was a joke!"
  161. Still confused by the situation, Rainbow stepped in to take responsibility.
  162. >"Sir, it was me who did it! Fluttershy didn't even know about it. You were just being such a..."
  164. Fluttershy's enraged father did not listen to a single word she said. He shoved Rainbow Dash out of the way and grabbed his terrified daughter by the hair.
  165. >"You think this is a JOKE? You think this is FUNNY? I'm gonna show you how funny it is!"
  166. >"Mister! STOP! It was me, Fluttershy didn't do anything!"
  167. Dash tried to grab the adult stallion's arm, but she got thrown back this time, luckily falling against Fluttershy's soft bed. She was paralyzed with shock...she'd never been shoved full-force by an adult before. Dash didn't even know things like this could happen.
  169. Poor Fluttershy was already begging as if her life depended on it, but her furious father wasn't listening. He mercilessly tossed the filly over her writing desk.
  170. >"Don't you fucking move" he commanded.
  171. She was too terrified to move, she knew what would happen if she disobeyed. Fluttershy's father yanked her closet door open and grabbed a terrifying looking flat board from inside. It was made of wood, 12 inches long not counting the handle and easily 4 inches wide, a half inch thick with holes drilled through.
  172. >"Noooo! Please not that!" begged Fluttershy, but she did not try to escape.
  174. For the rest of her life Rainbow Dash would always curse herself for not knowing what to do. She just watched, frozen in terror as Fluttershy's cruel father attacked her with that paddle. Dashie had endured plenty of spankings already during her adventurous foalhood, but this was different. This was a enraged adult hitting his filly full-force with intent to injure.
  175. Dashie could have escaped, and run next door to seek help from her parents...or even shout for the City Guard until somepony came to help...but she was just a blank-flank filly who didn't know what to do. She was petrified with horror as the huge stallion beat her completely innocent friend.
  178. >"Whhhhaaaahhhhh! Daddy, I'm sorry, I'M SORRY! Whhhaaaahhhh!"
  179. Nothing she said slowed him down. He held her long pink tail tight and absolutely thrashed the trembling rump beneath it with no regard for the pain & terror he was inflicting. Soon Fluttershy could only scream, gagging on her own tears and phlegm when she tried to inhale. Her backside was already covered in bruises but there was no mercy. Rainbow Dash feared her father was going to kill Fluttershy.
  181. With no warning he tossed the yellow filly on the floor.
  182. >"I am not done with you yet" he growled.
  183. In spite of the terrible pain Fluttershy scrambled into the corner, where she curled up into a protective ball and tried to cover her face.
  185. Then he came for Rainbow Dash.
  186. The blue filly tried to run away but he caught her by the tail. He picked her up and threw her like a sack of oats...Dash had never felt pain like that before. She landed on Fluttershy's bed, stunned by nearly having her tail ripped out, and was soon pinned down.
  187. >"So, you're the goddamned comedian, eh?"
  188. He pulled her tail out of the way and brought the paddle crashing down on her bottom. Dash screamed and tried to escape, but she was helpless.
  189. >"You think THIS is funny?"
  190. With the full force of his arm Fluttershy's father proceeded to beat Rainbow Dash's backside with the terrible paddle. The pain and fear were indescribable...Dashie had experienced plenty of spankings before but for the first time she genuinely feared for her life. Fluttershy's dad was out of control with rage, hitting as hard as he could with a weapon that covered the little filly's entire rear with every awful blow.
  191. She screamed and tried anything she could to get away from the attack, but Dash was trapped. The blue filly could only pray to Celestia that somepony would come rescue her.
  193. It was the stallion's own fatigue that eventually stopped him. He was a strong Pegasus, but he'd already worked a full day at the hay depot, and that detail may have been the only thing that saved Rainbow Dash from greater injury. None of his anger had faded though. He glared at Fluttershy, sobbing & trembling in her corner.
  194. >"Get your little ass over here...NOW!"
  195. He was not done with either Dash or Fluttershy. He intended to take every bit of his rage out on them.
  197. Rescue did arrive though.
  198. Rainbow Dash's parents had heard the screaming and hurried over, knocking the front door off its hinges in a rush to intervene.
  199. >"What in Tartarus do you think you're doing!? Are you out of your mind?!"
  200. Dash took the opportunity to get up and scrambled to her mother, but Fluttershy was still in danger, paralyzed with fear. Rainbow's father stepped between the filly and her enraged father.
  201. >"Do you see what those little fucking brats did?" cursed the angry stallion.
  202. >"I see it, but you need to calm down!" Rainbow's father snapped, "This is insane, you're out of's just a little foal prank!"
  203. He stepped forward, ready to fight the intruder in his house.
  204. >"You're free to raise that little shit any way you want, but don't you step a hoof into my house and tell me how to discipline my own filly!"
  206. Dash's father spoke calmly but firmly to Fluttershy;
  207. >"Honey, you need to go with Dashie and her's not safe for you here right now."
  208. But Fluttershy was too scared to side against her terrifying father. She crouched down and shook her head.
  209. >"See" laughed the furious father, "I've got mine trained to accept her beating when she's earned one."
  210. The two stallions stood eye to eye, neither backing down until Rainbow's mother stepped up, standing beside her husband.
  211. >"If you don't step aside and let us take Fluttershy someplace safe we'll have the City Guard here" she growled. "You're already going to be reported to Foal Protective don't want more trouble."
  213. The tense stand-off only lasted another minute. At last Fluttershy's father broke, and growled;
  214. >"Goddamnit, take her. She's more damn trouble than she's worth."
  215. It still took some prodding to convince the traumatized Fluttershy that it was safe to leave, but Dashie finally got her to come along, followed by her mother and finally her father. Both foals were safe.
  217. After Dash's mother did what she could for both fillies' bruises they were put to bed with promises that everything would be better in the morning. They shared Rainbow Dash's bed, which was not big, but neither foal wanted to be alone tonight.
  218. In the darkness they talked;
  219. >"Rainbow Dash, I'm so sorry my sleepover was so terrible."
  220. Dash was shocked. She expected to be the one apologizing.
  221. >"Flutters, it was my fault. I should have listened to tried to warn me!"
  222. >"You didn't know..."
  223. There were a few minutes of uncomfortable silence before Fluttershy asked;
  224. >"Do you think we can still be friends?"
  225. >"Why would you even ask that, Fluttershy? Of course we're friends...if you can forgive me."
  226. The yellow filly sniffled and confessed;
  227. >"If I thought you didn't want to be my friend I wouldn't want to wake up anymore" she said. "The other foals at school don't like me. My parents aren't nice like yours. If you left me I would just go to sleep forever and go to the place ponies go when they die."
  228. Horrified at what her friend was saying, Dash did not know how to reply.
  229. >"Flutters...please don't talk that way. Everything is gonna be okay now."
  230. >"Just please promise me we're always going to be friends," Fluttershy implored her, "that you'll never leave me."
  231. Rainbow didn't know what to do, so she hugged Fluttershy tight.
  232. >"I promise, Flutters. Whatever you want, I promise."
  233. The two fillies drifted off to sleep in each others arms
  235. Fluttershy stayed with Rainbow Dash's family for the next 6 weeks. In her adult life she would look back on it as the only vacation she ever had in her foalhood. The two fillies got into plenty of mischief, but for the first time Fluttershy didn't live in terror of the consequences...she actually felt safe. It was the happiest month and a half in her young life.
  236. It could not last forever though; Fluttershy's parents completed the parenting & anger management classes required by Dept. of Foal Protective Services, and the court said they had the right to regain custody of their filly. Dash's parents had never held any legal rights to Fluttershy anyway.
  237. Things got better though. Aware that they were being watched, Fluttershy's parents were more careful...she still got hit occasionally but at least things were better than before. The little filly knew there was a safe place to run to next door, and adults that would help.
  238. Best of all, Rainbow Dash honored her promise. As they got older the two remained best of friends, and even got their Cutie Marks on the same day...but their connection went even further back than that and neither of them ever forgot that.
  240. THE END

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