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Fund Grazer by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:58:19
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:31:11
Expiry: Never

  1. Fund Grazer by DCFTEF
  2. (Windy Whistles / Rainbow)
  4. (24/08/2017)
  7. ---
  9. >School was almost over
  10. >It was the day of the big Canterlot High fund raiser
  11. >Collecting money to fund the summer trip to Camp Everfree
  12. >All the various cliques had their booths
  13. >The baking club had a pie booth
  14. >The artists offered face painting
  15. >The football team had a dunk tank...hit the target with a football and drop a player in cold water
  17. >The Rainbooms band came up with a fun idea
  18. >A spanking booth
  19. >Pay a few dollars for 3 whacks, choose your favorite band member
  20. >All under the supervision of Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna, so things didn't get too violent or lewd
  21. >Fully clothed...not too hard
  22. >But they did allow the girls to borrow the school paddle
  24. >Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy & Pinkie all got a few customers
  25. >Twilight Sparkle wore her old Crystal Prep uniform and got more
  26. >Lots of students wanted a good-natured crack at their long time rivals
  27. >Plenty of students took a whack at Sunset Shimmer too
  28. >Long delayed revenge for how she'd treated them when she was still a villain
  29. >But the #1 most popular choice was Rainbow Dash
  30. >Students lined up to smack the ass of the school's popular sports hero
  31. >The mood was playful, but Dash got a lot of payback for her huge ego
  32. >She even taunted the crowd to stir up more business
  33. >At the end of the day lots of money was raised
  35. >As the afternoon drew into early evening the fair broke up
  36. >Friends said good-night and went their separate ways, heading home for dinner
  37. >Rainbow Dash waved good-bye
  38. >Today she pushed her bicycle home
  39. >The spanks she had taken today were all in good fun, but her rear-end was too sore for a hard bicycle seat
  40. >She'd left her spandex shorts in her locker as well
  41. >Too tight for her swollen butt
  42. >As she rounded the corner she spotted her mother waiting on the front porch
  43. >Mom looked pissed off about something
  44. >Uh-ho...
  45. >Rainbow Dash rolled her bicycle up the sidewalk and wondered what was wrong
  46. >The closer she got the more impatient her mother looked
  47. >She sped up
  48. >Experience had taught her it was a bad idea to make an angry mom wait
  49. "Uh...hi Mom, what's up?"
  50. >Windy Whistles tapped her foot on the the front porch angrily
  51. "Don't you 'what's up' me, young lady!"
  52. "Didn't I tell you to have the dishes washed before I got home?"
  53. >It was true...she did
  54. "There's even more there than before!"
  55. "And you father told you to mow this lawn three days ago!"
  56. >Dash gulped
  57. >She made her plea to the judge;
  58. "Sorry, Mom! I just got so busy...the school fund raiser was today and..."
  59. >Windy wasn't in the mood for excuses.
  60. "You had plenty of time before school, miss, but instead all you did was make MORE mess."
  61. "And you sat around watching cartoons all day yesterday instead of mowing the lawn."
  62. >Dash cringed. She hated getting yelled at in front of all the neighbors
  63. >Mom & Dad could be embarrassing when they were cheering too loud for her, but getting scolded in front of the whole neighborhood was WAY worse!
  64. "I'm sorry! I'll get to it right now!"
  65. >But it was too late for that
  66. "It's too late for that, Dashie.
  67. "Put your bicycle away and get in the house. Don't leave it laying in the driveway again either.
  68. "If you aren't going to do your share around here the least you can do is take care of the things you have!"
  70. >Rainbow carefully put her expensive bicycle in the garage and hurried inside
  71. >She sensed the rebuke was not over, but she was glad it was at least moving off the front lawn
  72. >She went straight for the kitchen to wash the dishes like she should have that morning
  73. >But her stomach turned a somersault when she found them already done
  74. >Mom had completed her chore for her...Dash knew she was really in trouble now
  75. "I couldn't even start making dinner with that mess in the kitchen."
  76. >There wasn't much Dash could say
  77. "I'm really, really sorry! I swear I'll do them all next week...I won't be late once!"
  78. >She'd made promises like that before
  79. >Usually she forgot about them after the second or third day
  80. "Oh you certainly will, young lady, but first we have business upstairs."
  81. >Rainbow was horrified
  82. >She'd slacked off on her chores before, but usually she'd get yelled at and that was the end of it
  83. >Going UPSTAIRS could only mean one thing
  84. "Mom, no! won't happen again!"
  85. >Windy Whistles crossed her arms
  86. "Move your butt, Missy. Since talking to your face doesn't seem to work I'm going to have a conversation with it instead!"
  87. >Yikes!
  88. >That was absolute confirmation that Mom was in a spanking mood
  89. >But Rainbow's rump was still painfully sore from the fund raiser
  90. >There had to be a way out of this!
  91. >Maybe she could stall until Dad got home
  92. >Maybe he would take her Mom out of *gulp* spanking her
  93. "Mom, please, can't we talk about...?"
  94. >But Windy pointed upstairs
  95. "1...2..."
  96. >Dash ran for the stairs
  97. >She knew if her mother reached three it would be a LOT worse
  99. >She made it to the relative safety of her bedroom
  100. >But when Mom arrived seconds later things didn't get any better
  101. "Dash this place is a pig-sty!
  102. "The moment we are done you are to start cleaning this room!"
  103. >Windy grabbed her daughter by the arm and pulled her along
  104. >Dash was a tough, athletic teenager, but Mom could still drag her along effortlessly as if she was a little girl
  105. "We'll do this in my bedroom since there isn't a clean place to sit down in yours!"
  106. >Whimpering, Rainbow Dash expected to be dragged to her parents' bed
  107. >It had been the location of many happy times over the years, but also the site of a lot of kicking & crying
  108. >Mom made a detour though
  109. >Dash knew what that meant and didn't like it!
  110. "Oh, no, please not THAT!"
  111. >Windy Whistles picked up her big wooden hairbrush
  112. "Oh yes, young lady...THAT.
  113. "It's not asking so much that you do a few chores to pull your weight around here.
  114. "At least you could clean up after yourself!"
  115. >The teenager was too big to go over her lap, but Windy easily maneuvered her into position
  116. >Bent over the side of the bed, a few pillows to prop her backside up higher
  117. "Mooooom! I will do my chores! I will clean up after myself! Please give me another chance!"
  118. >But Windy just patted her daughter on the behind with the brush and said;
  119. "That's what this is, Rainbow. You're getting another chance to learn your lesson before your Father & I take more severe measures like keeping you home from camp this summer."
  120. >Mom's tone was firm, but relaxed
  121. >She did not yell...she was in control
  122. >And while Rainbow whimpered into a pillow she took the next step
  123. "OH, NO NO NO, Mom, please not the...!"
  124. >But despite Rainbow's plea's her skirt came up and her panties came down
  126. >Dash's butt was still a little pink from her ordeal at the fund raiser, but Windy hardly noticed
  127. >Rainbow was an athletic kid, she was always sliding or falling or bouncing off things
  128. >A mildly pink behind was nothing out of the ordinary for her
  129. >It wouldn't be mildly pink for long though...
  130. *WHACK*
  131. >It usually took Dash a few spanks to start crying, but on an already sore butt the sting was immediate and brutal
  132. "OOOOOWWWW!"
  133. >She jumped and nearly bucked her way off the bed, but Windy caught her arm and pinned her down tight
  134. >Years of dealing with a wriggling tomboy had made her an pro
  135. >There was no way Dash was escaping this
  136. "WHHhhhhaaaAAAHHHHhhhhHHH!"
  137. >The hairbrush rained down hard and fast
  138. >Dash didn't want to twist and fight but she couldn't help herself
  139. >Mom was laying it on severely tonight!
  140. >Even in her frenzy of tears and bawling Rainbow's sports oriented brain recognized the rapid pace of her punishment
  141. >Mom delivered more than a whack every second
  142. >The young teenager screamed...with her rear already heated up from the fund raiser this was sheer agony
  143. >The sting of that hairbrush was unbearable, but poor Dash had no choice
  144. >Mom held her in position and kept smacking away, not slowing down for anything
  145. "You *WHACK* better *WHACK* remember *WHACK* this, young lady, *WHACK* the next *WHACK* time *WHACK* you're *WHACK* tempted *WHACK* to spend *WHACK* the day *WHACK* slacking *WHACK* off *WHACK* instead *WHACK* of seeing *WHACK*to your *WHACK* responsibilities!"
  146. >Rainbow wanted to make every promise to be a good responsible girl
  147. >But when she opened her mouth all she could do was wail
  149. >Mom kept it up for what seemed like forever, but in reality the intense spanking only lasted about 90 seconds
  150. >Dinner was cooking downstairs...Windy did not have forever to deal with her lazy daughter
  151. >She finished up with a set of 10 final whacks...delivered slower but extra hard
  152. >But then it was done
  153. >She released Dash and allowed her a few moments to compose herself
  154. " we're not going to have a problem with this again, are we, Dashie?"
  155. >The girl hiccuped and sobbed, but finally stammered out an answer, rubbing her tortured bottom the whole time
  156. "N-n-no, M-Momma..."
  157. >Windy nodded with approval, surveying her work
  158. >Rainbow's rear end was a lot brighter pink now
  159. Last/6
  160. "Now remember what I said about that messy room of yours?"
  161. >She slowly slapped the wooden hairbrush against her palm as a warning
  162. >In a panic, Rainbow jumped up from the bed and rushed to go start cleaning her room
  163. >She did not take time to pull up her undies, and the cotton panties tangled around her knees, tripping her as she hurried out
  164. "Slow down, dear."
  165. >Tenderly, Windy Whistles helped Rainbow stand and gave her time to pull her underwear back up
  166. >She wiped her daughter's tears away and gave her a kiss on the forehead
  167. "There, there. Now go work on your room until I call you for dinner.
  168. "It's okay if you want to bring a pillow to sit on."
  169. >Rainbow sniffled.
  170. >Her butt was absolutely on fire but she felt happy to be forgiven
  171. "I'm r-really sorry Mom...I meant everything I said about doing my chores, and I'll help out double from now on.
  172. "Just please don't keep me home from camp this summer...we've worked so hard for it and all my friends..."
  173. >Windy hushed her daughter with a reassuring hug
  174. "That will be entirely up to you, sweetheart, but as long as you remember to keep those promises it won't have a problem."
  175. >Rainbow smiled a little when she heart that, in spite of the pain
  176. "Thanks Mom. I'm gonna go clean my room now. It's a DISASTER in there."
  178. >Windy Whistles smiled to herself as she watched her sore daughter wobble away on shaky legs
  179. >She was sure this wouldn't be the last spanking, but hopefully this lesson would remain fresh in Dashie's mind for a long time
  180. >Sometimes it was a lot of work being her #1 fan.
  182. END

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