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Granny the Sharpshooter by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:58:56
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:32:01
Expiry: Never

  1. Granny the Sharpshooter by DCFTEF
  2. (Dad / Granny Smith)
  3. M/f, leather belt, otk, humanized, non-consensual
  5. (07/03/2014)
  8. ---
  10. It was the day of the Winter Wonderland dance at Canterlot High, but the discovery of a leaky skylight in the gym had caused problems for Pinkie Pie, the one-girl planning committee for the party. Rather than cancel the whole dance Vice Principal Luna suggested that the event could be moved to the cafeteria...the only other room in Canterlot High big enough to host a large crowd. All the decorations and sound equipment that had taken the pink party girl 3 days to set up in the gymnasium had to be moved in just one afternoon.
  12. But with the help of her friends, Pinkie had done it. Now they all sat together, sweaty but triumphant, proud of their empire of blue lighting and Styrofoam snow.
  13. >"You done a right nice job, girls" congratulated Applejack's Granny Smith
  14. She had stayed late to help set up the refreshment tables.
  15. >"We couldn't have done it without you" Pinkie returned the sentiment.
  16. It was true; while the six sophomore girls had done most of the work plenty of students and staff had pitched in with important skills.
  17. >"This is gonna be the best Winter Wonderland dance EVER!"
  18. Twilight Sparkle giggled;
  19. >"You say that about every party you plan."
  20. That didn't phase Pinkie a bit.
  21. >"That means I'm only getting better!"
  23. Rainbow Dash yawned.
  24. >"That was hard work. I wish I had time to go home and take a nap before the dance."
  25. >"I'd be perfectly happy with an early night" Fluttershy admitted.
  26. >"Whatever for?" gasped Rarity, who'd been pushing her shy friend to dance with a boy...any the last 3 dances now.
  27. Fluttershy blushed a bit and explained;
  28. >"I stayed a little too late at the Animal Shelter last night and got yelled at by my father. I'm making absolutely sure I make it home by curfew tonight. I got lucky yesterday...two in a row would guarantee me a whipping from my Dad."
  29. Four of the girls nodded, and agreed in serious tones.
  31. Rarity, however, tried to act 'too mature' for such fears.
  32. >"Oh, that's dreadful, Fluttershy. Imagine; he still spanks you at your age."
  33. Her cool was broken though when Rainbow Dash burst out laughing.
  34. >"And WHAT may I ask is so funny?" asked the annoyed fashionista.
  35. It took Dash a minute to stop laughing, but when she did;
  36. >"Sorry, Rarity, it's just so funny watching you pretend you never get your butt walloped."
  37. Rarity snorted and crossed her arms.
  38. >"And how would you know if know...get disciplined in that way?"
  39. >"Because your little sister tells everyone the next morning!" cackled the tomboy.
  40. Rarity looked around the room in horror, but found no solace. All of her friends were giggling and smiling.
  41. >"I'm so sorry, but it's true" snickered Twilight, "Not only do we know that you occasionally get spanked...we know exactly what days it happens."
  42. Applejack jumped in;
  43. >"Yeah, once she gets Apple Bloom & Scootaloo to help spread the word it's all over the school before first period."
  44. The alabaster skinned girl turned beet red with embarrassment and anger.
  45. >"I. Will. DESTROY. Her."
  47. Rainbow Dash slapped her on the back and teased;
  48. >"Just admit it. It happens to all of us now and then."
  49. >"Oh, and I suppose you would be fine with the whole school knowing you got a spanking?" muttered Rarity.
  50. Dash shrugged her shoulders.
  51. >"No secret. In fact I just got my butt busted last week...Principal Celestia sent a letter home to my folks and Dad took a ruler to my backside."
  52. >"Oooohhh! Your poor tushie!" whined Pinkie, attempting to rub Dash's butt innocently.
  53. As Rainbow jumped up to avoid being groped by her hyperactive friend, Twilight continued to re-assure Rarity.
  54. >"Don't be mad at Sweetie Belle. We all get punished sometimes, we're not perfect."
  56. >"Applejack sure does!" chimed in Granny Smith, "Whoooo-weee, I can't count the number of switches I've worn out on her fanny. Between her and Apple Bloom we hardly need to prune the trees anymore."
  57. Now it was AJ's turn to blush.
  58. >"Granny! Please! Ain't it bad enough I still get whupped, do ya hafta discuss it in front of my friends?"
  60. The matriarch of the Apple Clan sat down amongst the teenagers, taking the weight off her sore bones with a groan of relief.
  61. >"Sorry, young'un, but yer friend Twily is right. Tain't nothin' t'be ashamed of if'n ya learn yer lesson."
  62. She looked off into space for a moment, as if searching for some distant memory.
  63. >"In fact if yer bashful I'll tell you all a story about a powerful lickin' I got when I was even younger than you girls."
  64. Applejack looked surprised.
  65. >"You...Granny?"
  66. >"Well of course. Do ya reckon I just magically know how to wear your little behind out? I learned it from my Mamma & Pappa...your Great-Grandparents."
  68. Granny Smith began her story;
  70. Now back in Depression times we didn't have much money at all. The farm was new and we hadn't had enough good seasons yet to live like we do now. Every day was a struggle, and every young'un in the family pitched in.
  72. Bein' that I had 3 older brothers there wasn't much pitchin' in I could do. I helped Ma Apple with the washin' and cookin' but we needed somethin' t'cook first. So Pa gave me his old varmint rifle and 4 .22 caliber bullets a day to go rustle up some grub for us."
  74. >"Wait!" exclaimed Fluttershy with alarm, "You shot little animals?!"
  75. Unhappy with the interruption, Granny Smith scowled and replied;
  76. >"When yer family's got empty bellies and all you got is a few potato's, old hard bread and some moldy cabbage, a fat rabbit is a nice prize to bring home. Now may I continue?"
  77. >Fluttershy blushed and replied "Sorry ma'am."
  79. Granny Smith continued;
  80. So my Pa says to me "Now look Franny Smith; this here box of ammo gots to last us a month, so no takin' foolish shots. If you get a rabbit with the first bullet, bring the rest home. We ain't got money to waste."
  81. "I'll get a big ol'buck deer!" says I, but Daddy didn't like that.
  82. "A .22 bullet won't kill a deer, Franny, it'll just make the poor animal suffer...and even if ya do get a miracle shot and bring one down how's a little girl like you gonna carry a deer all the way home?"
  83. Well, he was right. Pa had a way of makin' things like that sound simple.
  84. "So don't you go wastin' those bullets on anything silly. Never take a shot unless it's a sure thing."
  86. Well, I don't mind sayin'...I got to be a pretty good shot with that varmint rifle. When it's the difference between a full belly and and empty one ya learn quick. I got a critter with my first or second bullet most days.
  88. But I wasn't the only one out there huntin' fer supper. One day I had a nice fat gopher lined up in my sights when some other fool took a shot at him and missed! I was madder than a badger in a washtub! Darned fool scared my family's supper away!
  90. This time Dash interrupted;
  91. >"You ate...gophers?"
  92. But Applejack gave her a whack with her hat and whispered "Ssshh!"
  94. Stewed gopher is awful nice with carrots & taters.
  95. So I looks t'see who fired them shots and I shoulda known! Bartlett Pear, he was a boy that lived on the farm two hills over. We was rivals all our lives...probably just had a crush on each other, but me & Bart woulda never admitted to it.
  96. "Hey!" I says, "Bartlett, you just scared away my supper!"
  97. "Heck, Franny Smith, you'd have missed him too."
  98. "That's a load a bunk!" I told him, although I might'a not used them exact words, "I can hit a pigeon in the eye at 50 yards!"
  99. "I never seen no girl who can shoot!" Bart laughed, "Prove it!"
  100. "Well there ain't no pigeons...all yer yellin' scared 'em off!"
  102. So Bartlett looks around and tells me "See that Cat-Tail plant over by yonder pond? That's only 30 yards, hit that!"
  103. Well, remember my Daddy told me not to take no foolish shots, but Bartlett Pear made me so angry I just acted foolishly. I lined up that shot, waited fer the wind to die down, squeezed my trigger and sure enough that Cat-Tail exploded in a big cloud of fluff!"
  105. >"Good goin', Granny!" cheered Applejack.
  107. Well, it wasn't so good.
  108. "See?" I says to Bartlett, "What do I win?"
  109. "Nuthin'" he says, "We wasn't bettin' fer anything."
  110. "Well you at least gotta give me a bullet to replace the one I wasted!" I said, "My Pa will wear my behind out if I tell him I used one shootin' a Cat-Tail!"
  111. But Bart didn't give me no bullet. "I only got three left!"
  112. "That's 'cause you missed the gopher" I teased him a bit.
  114. So Bart sets to thinkin'. Finally he says "That was a lucky shot. I say we make a real bet. We each got three bullets...we'll have a target shoot. I betcha $10 I'll outshoot you."
  115. "You ain't got no ten dollars!" I told him. It was true. The Pear family was just as poor as the Apple family.
  116. But Bart tells me "I'm good fer it."
  117. Now you girls don't understand how much money ten dollars was in those days. Ma Apple coulda bought lots'a food at the store with that. So we spit in our palms and shook on it.
  119. Bartlett knew where there was a bunch of old empty cider bottles, so we set 6 up on a fence and paced off 30 yards. Bart wanted me t'go first cause 'Ladies first' but I made him shoot because it was all his dumb fault fer missin' the gopher. He took his sweet time, took his shot...and he got a hit.
  120. So now it was my turn, and I was a mite worried. I teased Bart some but he was a good shot just like me. If I was unlucky I could lose, and then I didn't know what I'd do. So I tried to relax like Daddy'd taught me, and took my shot. That glass botttle exploded!
  122. All the girls cheered, even Fluttershy.
  124. So now it was Bart's second try. He lined up all careful, but didn't take his time. He fired and missed his second shot. I had me a real good chance to win the contest I lined up...I breathed out, I squeezed...and I missed.
  126. >"Oh no!" gasped Twilight.
  127. All the girls were enraptured by Granny Smith's story.
  129. So it's one to one, with only one chance left. Bartlett's hands were shakin', he knew what would happen if he lost. He fired his third shot and missed. I had a chance to win it all. I knew'd this was the most important shot of my life so I got as calm as I could, lined up my sights...and scored a hit!
  131. All 6 girls cheered for her.
  133. I danced around and rubbed it in for a while. "You done got beat by a girl!" I teased Bartlett, but he was a gentleman about it.
  134. "You did, fair & square" he said, "I ain't got $10 on me, I'll have to ask my Pa for it."
  135. I could see that Bart was already cryin' a bit, and I felt bad fer him. Gamblin' with money he didn't have; he knew he was gonna get a whippin' fer this...same as I would'a got if I lost. But I couldn't let him off the hook...I used up 4 bullets, I had to have somethin' to show fer it.
  137. So Bart went trudgin' home to tell his Pa what happened, and I ran all the way to tell my folks the good news.
  138. "Franny, what's got into you?" asked my Ma.
  139. "Momma, Papa! Great news! I beat Bartlett Pear in a shootin' contest and won TEN DOLLARS!"
  140. Well, I was pretty surprised that Papa didn't pick me up and twirl me in the air right there. In fact, he didn't look happy at all.
  141. "Where in tarnation did Bart Pear get $10?"
  142. "Well sir, he gotta get it from his daddy, but he's good fer it."
  144. Momma just rolled her eyes, and Papa rubbed his forehead like he had a headache. I was beginnin' to think somethin' was wrong.
  146. "Girl, how many bullets did you waste on some dern fool shootin' match with a boy who ain't got a penny to his name?"
  147. Well, I realized Daddy was pretty angry now, so I wasn't eager to give him the answer.
  148. "Ummm...all four of 'em, sir. But we got $10 comin'! That's worth a hundred bullets!"
  149. "Not if he ain't got the money!" snapped Pa Apple, and I was beginnin' to think I'd made a mistake.
  150. He took the varmint rifle from me and hung it up. Then he got his hat and said "Well, now we got to walk over to the Pear homestead and sort this out. Then I'm gonna sort you out, little girl!"
  151. As we was leavin' I heard my brother ask "So it's just cabbage and potato soup tonight?" and my Mama said "Afraid so."
  153. It was about 2 miles walk to the Pear homestead...just a bunch'a ramshackle buildings and a split rail corral. They was just as poor as we was. Pa Apple explained to me how Mr. Pear didn't have $10 any more than we did, and that we couldn't take food off his family's table. I was beginning to understand and I felt plumb bad about it.
  154. When we arrived the two Papa's shook hands real civil-like. They made Bartlett & I sit on a hay-bale while they talked. Bart's eyes were all red & puffy like he'd been cryin', but he told me he hadn't got whipped...yet.
  155. The fathers got to talkin';
  156. "My boy made a fair bet and lost. I ain't got the money to pay, but you got my word the Pear family will pay."
  157. "That's just nonsense, Comice, you don't need to go payin' no silly kids bet."
  158. "I got my pride, Buck Seed, the Pear family pays its debts."
  159. "And I got my pride...the Apple family doesn't take food off the table of its neighbors."
  161. So now that both of 'em had established they got their pride they got to negotiatin'. Soon Bart got called over to talk to them, and they agreed Bart would come work on Apple family farm a bit once his chores was done at home. The ten dollars was forgotten and the two menfolk shook hands on the deal.
  162. As we were leavin' I saw Bartlett's Pa takin' him to the wood shed, and I knew he was gonna get his whippin' now. I felt bad fer him too...but I had my own worries.
  164. On the way home Pa got to talkin' at me. Tellin' me how disappointed he was and what a fool I'd been to waste my bullets on a silly contest.
  165. "Didn't I tell you not to waste bullets on stupid shots?"
  166. "Yes sir."
  167. "And can your family eat broken glass bottles?"
  168. "No sir."
  169. "And are you gonna think before you do somethin' plumb stupid like that again?"
  170. "Yes Pa! I promise, I really will!"
  171. He nodded at me and said "Well, I do believe you...but I'm still gonna have to give you a whippin' for this."
  173. Well, I ain't ashamed to say it but I cried and begged all the way home. Nuthin' I could say shook Daddy though. No matter how many promises an' apologies I made I was still gonna get myself a sore keester when we got home.
  175. Them two miles went quick...too quick fer me. Pa didn't even let me go inside the house first, he marched me straight to the barn.
  176. Well I was cryin' up a fit. "Pa, please! I'm sorry fer what I done! Please don't whup me!" There was nothin' worse than a beltin' from Daddy and since he didn't stop fer a switch I knew that's what I was getting'. "Please not the belt, Pa, PLEASE!"
  177. But he didn't say nothin'. He just waited her me to calm myself down.
  178. "Franny, you take yer britches down."
  179. I was still cryin' and beggin' fer another chance, but I knew better than to keep him waitin'. If I was good enough I thought maybe I could keep my underpants up.
  181. >"Now mind ya, the old fashioned underpants we had in those days was more like shorts then them little thin panties you girls wear. Your modern panties don't give a lick'a protection..."
  182. Applejack mumbled under her breath;
  183. >"I'd still rather keep 'em pulled up."
  184. Granny continued without a pause;
  185. >"...but them old fashioned bloomers was worth keepin' on if you could manage."
  187. Anyway, Papa didn't let me keep 'em up. I unhooked the straps of my overalls, and I pulled them down but Daddy pointed at my bloomers and then pointed down.
  188. "Pa, I'm sorry! Please don't whup me bare! I ain't never got the belt bare before! Please!"
  189. "Franny, you pull them underpants down right now or I'm gonna add another whippin' before bed-time."
  190. Well, I didn't want that, so I took 'em down like he said and waited for the worst.
  192. Pa was never big on talkin'; he'd said his piece on the walk home. He unbuckled his belt & put his foot up on a hay-bale, then lifted me up over his knee. I was already cryin' and I didn't see no reason to stop...but when Daddy started in on me I set to hollarin' like the barn was on fire!
  194. >"Now, Applejack, you think I'm hard on you sometimes, but you shoulda met yer Great-Grand Pappy. You'd think I was as mild as a Spring day if you'd ever got a whippin' from him."
  196. That belt never stopped movin'! Pa Apple swung it so fast and so hard that my poor little fanny couldn't tell the difference between a spank and waitin' for the next one to come! My rear never hurt so bad before or since...all I could do was scream and wait fer it to be over...and it wasn't over fer a LONG time.
  198. The girls sat nervously in their seats, squirming on bottoms which all knew the painful, helpless feeling Granny described...grateful that they had never encountered her scary Papa and his belt.
  200. They musta heard me cryin' all over the county. It helped but my rear still hurt like it was on fire & Daddy wasn't finished.
  201. Well...until he actually finished.
  203. My whuppin' ended as sudden as it begun. Pa set me down on the ground; I was still cryin' up a storm, so he pulled my bloomers back up fer me...then my overalls.
  204. "We ain't gonna have any more trouble like this?" he asked.
  205. I could barely get the words out, but I sure as heck was gonna say exactly what he wanted t'hear. I'da promised most anything if it meant I never had t'feel that belt across my bottom again. "Y-yes, D-daddy...I swear *sob* I ain't never do nothin' so f-foolish *hic* again."
  206. "I believe you" he said, and he gave me a kiss on the forehead.
  208. >"Well, I ain't gonna say I never did nothing silly again" finished Granny Smith, "and I ain't sayin' that was my last spankin' neither, but it was the last time my Pa had to use the belt on me."
  209. The girls didn't know what to say. Each one of them had their own experiences with spanking but none of them had ever heard an adult reminisce so candidly about their own. They all looked to AJ to respond for the whole was her Granny after all.
  210. >"'s really somethin'. I sure do wish I'da known him better, as long as he didn't bring that belt with him."
  212. Granny Smith chuckled.
  213. >"Eeyup, my Pa passed on when you was just a little thing. You might not'a known him, but he got to know you before he died. You made him very happy."
  214. The sentiment brought a tear to Applejack's eye, but Granny had already moved on to the next topic;
  215. >"It's getting' 6 need to get home and get into yer purdy dresses for the dance tonight. I think I ought to slip into somethin' fancier myself."
  216. >"You're coming to the dance?" asked Rarity with surprise.
  217. >"I think I will. Tellin' stories about the old days has me feelin' young again."
  219. She danced out of the cafeteria, shaking her sizable rump as she went and leaving the 6 girls speechless. They were silent for a long time, until Fluttershy finally spoke up;
  220. >"Well," she remarked, "I sure am glad that gopher got away safely."
  222. THE END

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