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Great & Powerful by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:59:16
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:33:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Great & Powerful by DCFTEF
  2. (Mom / Trixie)
  3. F/f, paddle, otk, bruises, abuse, corner, non-consensual
  5. (21/02/2014)
  8. ---
  10. It was just a piece of paper, yet it occupied every corner of young Trixie Lulamoon's mind. Like the Black Spot handed to a condemned member of a pirate crew it spelled certain doom...a doom which could not be avoided or deferred.
  12. Mid term reports were out at the Fillydelphia Academy for Magical Studies. The thin sheets of paper held for their recipients varying degrees of happiness or disappointment. Some exulted in the promise of rewards they had earned for high marks, others joked nervously about how much trouble they would be in for less than stellar performance.
  14. By all rights Trixie had a report card which would be the envy of most foals at school. Almost straight A's...a single B...but one glaring C+ which was problematic. Trixie lived by a different set of standards than most Unicorns her age.
  15. A grades were expected.
  16. B's were frowned upon.
  17. Anything lower was unacceptable and sure to get her punished.
  19. >"This is so unfair!" she muttered to herself, "Trixie was surely the highest achieving Unicorn in that class!"
  20. She did not exaggerate. Trixie Lulamoon was a relentless, driven student. Yet still she had generated no better than an average grade in Ms. Whisper Gale's demanding potions class.
  21. >"There should have been a grading curve! Yes. If there had been a curve Trixie would have gotten a far better grade."
  22. This was all wishful thinking though. There would be a curve applied, but only at end of semester. Mid-term grades did not include the correction. Not one student had achieved higher than a C grade...including Trixie. She could rationalize it all she wanted but there it was, staring her in the face, in tamper-proof magical ink.
  24. It was a long walk home for Trixie. She considered going to her father's house instead. It was a lot further away, but a lot safer. As tempting as it was that really was not an option. Eventually she'd have to face Momma, and delaying that would only make things worse.
  25. Momma really wasn't bad. She pushed Trixie hard because she loved her. She did not want her daughter to have an ordinary life. Ever since she was a little filly Trixie had been told how special she full of talent & charisma. To waste such potential on a mediocre life would be tragic.
  27. But becoming an extraordinary Unicorn was a long, hard struggle. Trixie had little free time for friends or play...that time was to be spent studying and working hard on her magic. Friends & play were ordinary though; a waste of valuable time. That's what Momma said and Momma knew best. Trixie just wished her lessons didn't always have to be so painful.
  29. The little blue Unicorn had to pass the public punishment area on her way home. Even though there were presently no ponies in the stocks she did not like this place at all, and hurried her pace to get past it quickly. Many times her mother had brought Trixie here to witness the paddling of convicted criminals.
  30. >"This is what happens when ponies don't work their hardest" Momma warned her,
  31. >"When they accept mediocrity and look for short cuts to success."
  32. Trixie tried to remember everything her mother said, but mostly she remembered the dreadful cries of ponies receiving their punishment. It was not okay to feel pity for them either.
  33. >"These ponies deserve what they're getting" Momma reminded her, "they committed crimes. We should be pleased that they're paying the price for that."
  34. Trixie always nodded and agreed, but secretly it was hard not to feel sympathy. She knew how badly a paddle hurt.
  36. At least the paddle Momma owned was not as big or heavy as the one criminal ponies got spanked with...but it still hurt terribly.
  37. >", don't think about that."
  38. Trixie put it out of her mind for now. She silently prayed to Celestia that Momma would not decide to use it today. It was a close to a B! It wasn't as if Trixie was bringing home a C, or a C-. Of course, a D or lower was unthinkable. Trixie had never brought home a grade like that and didn't even want to consider the consequences.
  40. Two of her classmates galloped past, not paying Trixie any mind. She really had no interest in talking to them anyway. On their way to some silly, unproductive pass-time no doubt. Getting a good head start on their ordinary lives.
  41. Still, Trixie felt a pang of envy when she saw them. She never wanted to stop working hard, or striving to be an extraordinary Unicorn; but she wondered...
  42. >"What would it feel like to forget who I am for just a little while? To go to bed on time instead of studying until my eyes can't stay open? To sleep late on a non-school day. To play a game that didn't have some sort of educational motive?"
  43. But Trixie put that all out of her mind. Thoughts like that made a filly soft, and softness was not allowed if she was to have an extraordinary life.
  45. Daddy was soft. That's why he & Momma had gotten a divorce. He was lazy, loving the easy life more than the success that came from hard work. Momma had explained it all to her when Daddy moved out.
  46. >"He was dragging us down, Trixie. He was holding both of us back."
  47. Trixie loved Momma, and trusted everything she said, but it still made her a little bit sad. Daddy had been so much fun. Now she didn't get to see him very much.
  49. Trixie looked up. She had been so lost in thought that the walk home had passed quickly. It was time to face Momma.
  51. The blue Unicorn made sure to wipe her hooves and put her saddlebags down in the appropriate place. Momma liked things to be neat & tidy. This was not the day to give Momma anything to be upset about.
  52. As always the house was immaculate. The shelf that held awards her mother had won for spectacular stage performances was dusted perfectly, as was the shelf beneath it, decorated with Trixie's own academic prizes. How she wished she was bringing one of those home today instead of that dreadful slip of paper with the letter C on it.
  54. >"Trixie, dear, are you home?"
  55. The filly gulped hard. The much feared moment had arrived.
  56. She found her mother in the dining room, surrounded by receipts and ledger books. Momma's career on the stage had provided them with enough money to live on, but it required careful management. Rents from tenants who lived in the spare rooms provided a good deal of their income and Trixie's mother did not tolerate payment even one day late.
  57. >"Good afternoon, Momma."
  58. She was greeted with only a nod. Trixie did not expect more; displays of affection were only given when they were earned.
  59. >"I understand your mid-term reports came out today."
  60. She lifted her head from the paperwork and stared directly into her daughter's eyes.
  61. >"How are your marks?"
  63. Trixie took a deep breath. It would be pointless to lie, Momma always wanted to see the report from school; she would know the truth soon enough.
  64. >"Most are satisfactory. I didn't do as well as I hoped in phys ed..."
  65. >"No colloquialisms please, that is common."
  66. >"I'm sorry Momma. I did not do as well as I hoped in physical education...and..."
  67. Momma sensed the tremor in her voice and knew something was amiss.
  68. >"...and, my grade in potions class was...not acceptable."
  69. With no emotion on her face Trixie's mother accepted the paper, looking it over carefully.
  70. >"Explain yourself" she ordered.
  72. Trixie desperately tried to come up with an excuse. In all the time she'd been worrying on her walk home she had neglected to concoct a defense strategy.
  73. >"N-none of the fillies or colts did well in Ms. Whisper Gale's class. My grade was actually one of the best in the class..."
  74. Momma cut her off brusquely;
  75. >"I am not concerned with comparisons to the other foals. If their parents wish to accept mediocrity that is their problem. Your standards are higher because your potential is higher...have you forgotten that?"
  76. Trixie had not forgotten that. It was the story of her young life. Average was never good enough.
  77. >"But Momma, I was so close to a B-! Just a few more points and I could have..."
  78. >"Scored the bare minimum?" snapped her mother, "That is nothing to be proud of! If you could have gotten a better grade then why didn't you? Laziness, Trixie Lulamoon...there is no excuse but laziness!"
  79. The blue filly whimpered in dismay. Anytime the "L" word came up it was a sure sign Momma was in a spanking mood. There was nothing Trixie's mother loathed more. Tears began to well up, the youngster was running out of options.
  80. >"Momma, I PROMISE, I will get my grade up before the semester ends! I swear I will! I'll work twice as hard!"
  81. She had absolutely no idea how she was going to fulfill that last promise; Trixie was already working as hard as she knew how.
  82. >"Oh you most certainly will improve...and you WILL work harder. I'm going to give you a good reason to very soon! Go upstairs to your room and get prepared."
  83. That was it; the sentence was handed down, guaranteeing Trixie's doom. The floodgates opened, she was now in full tears.
  84. >"Please, Mommy! I'm sorry, give me another chance, please!"
  85. But that only made things worse.
  86. >"Trixie, I'm going to count to three and if I don't see your little rump hurrying up those stairs I'm going to double your punishment. 1...2..."
  88. That was no idle threat; Trixie's mother had done it before. Before the count of two she raced away, dashing upstairs to her bedroom so fast that she nearly knocked over one of the boarding tenants.
  89. >"Whoa! Careful, little filly. Are you crying, what's wrong?"
  90. >"I'm s-s-sorry Mr. Glen Dale...I can't talk right now."
  92. Puzzled, the older stallion stepped aside and allowed the landlady's daughter to gallop past.
  93. >"What's going on?"
  94. >"Just some family business" muttered Trixie's mother, "no concern of yours."
  95. >"She looked upset."
  96. The mare snorted in annoyance. She considered this none of the stallion's business.
  97. >"Trixie should be upset. Her performance in school was unacceptable and she's going to suffer for her laziness now."
  98. Without asking the stallion had a look at Trixie's report card.
  99. >"My dear...these are wonderful grades. You should be proud of her!"
  100. But he had the paper snatched out of his hooves.
  101. >"I choose to set higher standards for my filly. She has the potential to become a great and powerful Unicorn" she snapped. "What would you know about it anyway?"
  102. >"I'm a parent too" Glen Dale informed her "I happen to have raised a colt of my own."
  103. >"Oh" answered the mare in a condescending tone, "and what trade is he in, may I ask?"
  104. With fatherly pride the stallion answered;
  105. >"He's a painter."
  106. >"And what masterpieces has he painted?"
  107. >"No, not that kind of painter" chuckled the boarder. "He paints houses and rooms."
  108. With a cruel sneer on her face Trixie's mother answered;
  109. >"Oh. How proud you must be."
  110. Her voice dripped with sarcasm and it made the stallion's blood boil.
  111. >"That little filly deserves better than you" he spat before stomping out the front door in frustration.
  113. Up in her bedroom, Trixie "prepared" things as Momma commanded.
  114. Her bedroom was already immaculate (Mother demanded it be kept that way), but there was always a bit of frantic tidying up that could be done. Then Trixie pushed her desk chair into the center of the room.
  115. There was only one thing left to do, but the young Unicorn could not bring herself to take this final step. The dreaded spanking paddle was kept hanging in her closet. Momma would want it sitting on the chair, waiting for her arrival.
  116. >"Nooo, not that, not that..."
  117. Trixie had given up all hope of escaping a spanking...that was 100% certain at this point. But she still clung to the desperate hope that her error was not grave enough to merit a paddling. She wrestled with the question & consequences. If Momma only intended to punish her with hairbrush or bare hoof it would be best if the paddle remained out of sight...but if Momma planned to use the terrible implement then it had better be waiting right where she expected it, or Trixie might earn herself extra punishment for disobedience. It was a terrible choice, only adding to the blue filly's misery of tears and anxiety.
  119. There was little time to debate with herself. Already Momma's hooves could be heard on the stairs. With just seconds to decide Trixie left the paddle hanging in her closet...she was just too scared to accept that it might be used on her poor rump this day.
  121. The door opened. As she was required to do, Trixie stood in the center of the room, next to her chair. Head hung low, ears flopped back, she tried everything in her power to look contrite and sorry for her poor performance. It was an ineffective defense, but it was all Trixie had.
  122. >"Where is it? Why are you not prepared?"
  123. That made the filly's heart sink. There was no avoiding it now...Momma intended to paddle her rump.
  125. >"Momma, please, it's not that bad! Please just use your hoof...or the hairbrush!"
  126. Trixie could not believe she was saying those words. Her mother's hoof was awful...and that hairbrush was pure terror. But the paddle fell into an entirely different category, one the blue filly wanted to avoid at any cost.
  127. But Momma just scowled angrily and replied;
  128. >"Young filly, I will decide how bad it is, not you! Now fetch that paddle for me this instant. If I have to tell you again I'll put your nose in the corner for an hour after we're done, then give you a second paddling!"
  129. That was not a bluff. Trixie had once tried to escape a paddle spanking by hiding under her bed (a futile gamble, considering her Unicorn mother could easily levitate the bed). For that the filly had earned a second paddling, even worse than the first. Momma did not take kindly to disobedience.
  131. Trembling all over, Trixie went to her closet where the dreaded implement resided. Taking a single deep, ragged breath she reached for it, but was interrupted my Momma's angry voice;
  132. >"Use your magic."
  133. This was misery. Trixie's mind was already frantic with worry, there was no way she could clear her mind enough to focus on levitation. She tried her hardest; tears streaming from her eyes the desperate little Unicorn strained to comply with her angry mother's wishes...but all she could do was give herself a headache.
  134. >"Pathetic" growled the older mare, "and just more proof that you aren't applying yourself. Imagine, a Unicorn so talented and full of potential needing to pick things up with her hooves like a common Earth pony. It's disgraceful."
  135. Momma was right, it was disgraceful. Trixie was mortified that she couldn't do this simple magic. Eventually her mother lifted the paddle off its hook.
  136. >"Now get over here!"
  137. She did not wait for her daughter to take even one step...the angry mare grasped her filly's ear and gave it a fierce magical tug.
  139. >"Owwww!" cried Trixie, struggling to keep up as Momma dragged her across the room.
  140. There was no ceremony, no lecturing, and no mercy. The filly was pulled by her sensitive ear, right up to Momma's knees.
  141. >"Mommy, please...I'm SORRY! I'll work harder, I promise! Please don't!"
  142. She tried to pull back in desperation, but that only made mother angrier. Trixie shrieked as she was lifted up by her tail and dropped right in position across Momma's lap. The first smack fell on her bottom before she'd even caught her breath.
  143. >"WHHHAAHHHHH!"
  144. It burned, it stung, it was horrible...and it was only the first one.
  145. >"YOU"
  146. *WHACK*
  147. >"WILL LEARN"
  148. *WHACK*
  150. *WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
  151. >"OR I WILL"
  152. *WHACK*
  154. *WHACK* *WHACK*
  156. *WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
  158. Trixie was screaming in agony. She struggled as if her life depended on it, but Momma had her pinned down with both front hooves, swinging the paddle with magic alone. Each spank was like pure fire touching her rear-end...the blows fell so fast there was no merciful respite between them in which to recover. Momma was laying them on at a rate of one every second and laying them on mercilessly.
  159. >"I WILL NOT"
  160. *WHACK* *WHACK*
  161. >"ALLOW YOU
  162. *WHACK*
  163. >"TO WASTE"
  164. *WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
  165. >"THE"
  166. *WHACK*
  167. >"POTENTIAL"
  168. *WHACK*
  169. >"YOU"
  170. *WHACK*
  171. >"HAVE!"
  172. *WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
  174. Trixie did not hear a word of it over her own uncontrollable bawling. It was horrible, mind-bending pain that only got worse with every spank. The paddle covered every square inch of her little rump with each spank...there was no escape, every one carried unimaginable pain, every one was worse than the one before. The screaming filly felt like she was sitting in pure fire but no matter how much she struggled there was no escape.
  176. >"A C? How dare you bring a grade like that home?" snapped Momma,
  177. She punctuated the sentence with a flurry of agonizing smacks.
  178. >"Hu-uuu-uu-huuu-uuuu, I'm *hic* s-sorry!" sobbed Trixie.
  179. Her bottom burned, her nose was running with tears & snot, she was drooling.
  180. >"Let's see" Momma growled, "how many points is that from perfect?"
  181. Trixie's voice was hoarse from crying...she felt she could not take any more.
  182. >"P-p-please...n-no...*sob* no more!"
  183. That just earned her 3 more hard spanks.
  185. She knew where this was heading, and it terrified Trixie.
  186. >"A C+ is 79-77%"
  187. >"Ugh...disgraceful" muttered Momma, "Now answer far is that from perfect?"
  188. Already in more pain than she could deal with, the crying filly struggled to give an answer.
  189. >"T-twenty *hic* one, Mommy."
  190. >"Being a bit optimistic, aren't we?" Momma spat, "I think we'll go with 23."
  191. >"Momma p-please, PLEASE no more! I can't..."
  192. But before she could finish the paddle crashed down on her rear-end harder than ever before. Trixie could not count these last 23 blows...all she could do was scream and pray for the pain to be over.
  194. Momma's magic was powerful, and none of her anger had dissipated. She used the full force of her powers, leaving angry looking welts and bruises all the way across her filly's rump, from cutie mark to cutie mark. This was going to be a lesson Trixie Lulamoon remembered any time she made the mistake of slacking off, or not working to her maximum potential.
  196. *WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
  198. *WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
  199. >"TO BE A"
  200. *WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
  201. >"COMMON LOSER!"
  202. *WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
  204. There were several spanks left to go, but Trixie's bottom was already a swollen mess. There was no fresh target, so Momma laid the last few on the backs of her legs, drawing a new fit of crying & struggling from the filly.
  206. No comfort was offered; Trixie was dumped off her mother's lap and dragged to the corner by her ear, still choking & bawling her eyes out. She was not even given the time to catch her breath.
  207. >"You'll stay right here until dinnertime! Think about what you've done...and if I catch you with your muzzle out of this corner I'll turn you back across my knee and give you a paddling that makes this last one feel like a spa visit!"
  208. She laid the paddle on Trixie's bed, implying that perhaps she was not done using it.
  209. >"After dinner you will study your potions textbook...and that grade better be an A by the end of semester, am I understood?"
  210. Choked by her own tears & phlegm, Trixie stammered out her answer;
  211. >"Y-yes, Mo-Momma...I p-p-promise!"
  212. With that her mother slammed the bedroom door and stomped down the stairs.
  214. Left alone, her backside still in agony, Trixie cried and blamed herself.
  215. >"Why can't I work hard enough? Why am I so lazy?"
  216. She knew from experience that her rump would be a reminder for a long time. It would take days for the marks to fade, and the soreness would not be gone for a week. This was not the first time she'd earned a paddling this bad...but she swore it would be the last. Momma was right; she had all the potential to be the greatest Unicorn in Equestria. If she didn't live up to that potential she was no better than all the other lazy, common ponies she saw living out their mundane lives around Fillydelphia.
  217. But that was not going to happen.
  218. Trixie Lulamoon was destined to be something special.
  219. She was going to be Great.
  220. She was going to be Powerful.
  222. THE END

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