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Impressing the Ladies by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 16:59:50
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:34:06
Expiry: Never

  1. Impressing the Ladies by DCFTEF
  2. (Twilight Velvet / Shining Ar)
  3. F/m, over counter, cutting board, wooden spoon, non-consensual
  5. (23/04/2016)
  8. ---
  10. Shining Armor had his first crush
  11. His sister's foalsitter had to be the cutest pony he'd ever seen
  12. He couldn't keep his mind off her
  13. An alicorn Princess, who went to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns
  14. But she wasn't stuck up...wasn't snooty
  15. Cadance was the warmest, most friendly creature he'd ever met
  16. And oh boy...did she have one cute rump!
  18. She was over today
  19. It was summer vacation, so no fillies or colts were in school
  20. But Mom & Dad both had summer classes to teach at Canterlot University
  21. That would have stuck Shining with watching his little sister all summer
  22. Not a terrible prospect, he loved his sister
  23. But Dad came to his rescue;
  24. >"Velvet, it isn't fair to make the boy spend his whole summer foalsitting
  25. >"He needs some time to go be a colt"
  26. Mom agreed, so they found a foalsitter for Twiley
  27. And oh, what a foalsitter!
  28. Cute, kind, playful, smart
  29. Did I mention she had a cute rump?
  30. Well it bears saying twice
  31. Shining went to sleep with Cadance on his mind
  32. And dreamed of her until morning
  34. But how does a young colt get a pretty filly's attention?
  35. He was only 13 and had no job, so impressing her with a fancy dinner at a posh restaurant was out
  36. Flowers?
  37. No, Cadance's mother had eleven gold trophies for her roses
  38. A crappy hoof-full of wildflowers from the park wouldn't impress her
  39. A song?
  40. Shining didn't have the nerve.
  41. A love poem?
  42. See above.
  44. What Shining didn't know was that he already had Cadance's attention
  45. A handsome colt with aspirations of being a Royal Guard someday
  46. A big brother who'd do anything for his sister
  47. A nice young stallion who she always looked forward to seeing when she watched Twiley
  48. But Cadance was sure he didn't think of her in the same way
  49. >"Why would he?
  50. >"I'm a weirdo headed for some boring Royal career
  51. >"And I look so dorky! Purple, pink and yellow hair? Seriously?
  52. >"And what was I thinking with these blue bows? Ugh! I look like a little filly!"
  54. So they orbited each other, neither bold enough to act first.
  56. >"I win again!"
  57. Twilight celebrated and Cadance groaned
  58. >"Alright, that's the last time we play checkers. We're moving on to chess so I can actually win a game occasionally."
  59. Cadance liked to pretend she was frustrated at losing
  60. But in truth it delighted her to see Twilight Sparkle win
  61. She was the cleverest filly Cadance had ever met
  63. >"Maybe it's time for a different game."
  64. Twilight looked at her, puzzled
  65. >"But we've only played 16 games of checkers so far."
  66. Cadance levitated the board, carefully tipping it so all the black & red pieces slid into their box
  67. >"I'm tired of sitting here in the living room. Let's play a more active game"
  68. Little Twilight looked worried;
  69. >"Okay...but please no sports"
  70. The 7 year old was clever, but had 4 left hooves when it came to sports
  71. >"'s raining outside anyway. How about hide & seek?"
  72. Before Twiley could answer, her brother entered the room
  74. >"Oh...hello, I didn't know you were still here..."
  75. He tried to deepen his voice to sound older, more stallionish
  76. >"I live here, Shiny!"
  77. >"Not you, Twilight...Cadance!"
  78. Cadance popped to her feet, embarrassed to be caught lounging on the floor
  79. >"Hi Shining! What are you up to today?"
  80. The colt flexed his chest and replied;
  81. >"Not much. Lousy weather today so I thought I might hit the weights."
  82. His father owned a weight bench and the accompanying kit
  83. It sat in the basement, never used until Shining had started to notice fillies
  84. >"Really?"
  85. Cadance asked, trying to sound innocently dumb
  86. >"But you're already so strong..."
  87. Shining Armor flipped his mane and tried to hide his blush
  88. >"Well...gotta get fit if I want to take the Royal Guard test in a few years."
  90. Twilight had heard enough
  91. Teenagers could be soooooooo boring
  92. It was clear that they both wanted to play together
  93. Why can't older ponies just be honest with each other?
  94. >"Don't go hide in the basement and lift old dusty weights!
  95. >"Come play hide & seek with us!"
  97. >"Oh yes! It will be much more fun with three!"
  98. Cadance shook her head emphatically, but instantly regretted it
  99. >Oh no, I must have looked like a total dork!
  100. >" know. If you really want big deal."
  102. Shining Armor's heart pounded in his chest
  103. >Gotta be cool, gotta be cool...
  104. >"Well, maybe I have time for one game..."
  105. He would have played with Cadance all afternoon if she asked
  106. >"Come on, Big Brother! Just one game is no fun!"
  107. Seeing an opportunity, Cadance levitated Twilight right up to his face
  108. She turned on her biggest, saddest 'puppy dog eyes'.
  109. >"Pleeeeeaaasssseeee, BBBFF?"
  110. Best sister ever
  111. She dished up the perfect opportunity to hang out with Cadance
  112. >"Okay...hide & seek it is!"
  113. Cadance and Twiley clopped their hooves together in a 'High-1'
  114. The pink Princess gently lowered her purple charge to the floor
  115. Twilight's hooves were already moving when she touched down
  116. >"My turn to seek, you hide...1,2,3, Go!"
  118. She raced over to the sofa and buried her face in the cushions so she could not see
  119. Twiley was a stickler for the rules; she would not peek
  120. Given a count of 100, the two older ponies had to find spots to hide now
  121. Playfully, completely forgetting any need to act cool, Cadance shoved her muzzle in Shining's ear;
  122. >"The laundry hamper in the upstairs bathroom!"
  123. Shining Armor almost swooned as her warm, sweet breath filled his ear
  124. He wanted to hold his hoof there and keep it trapped forever
  125. >" it big enough for both of us?"
  126. Cadance giggled and grabbed his hoof;
  127. >"It'll be tight but we'll fit. She'll never check there...she'll think it's too small!"
  129. Shining felt dizzy
  130. The cutest filly he knew wanted to squeeze into a laundry hamper with HIM?
  131. For an undetermined amount of time?
  132. Not exactly the spot he'd imagined for a romantic first date with a Princess, but...
  133. BEST. DAY. EVER.
  135. And then it turned into the worst.
  137. Just as Shining & Cadance made a dash for the stairs, the front door swung open
  139. Every pony froze.
  140. Twilight picked her head up from the cushions when she heard her mother's angry voice
  141. Cadance just stood on the staircase, petrified
  143. Twilight Velvet trotted up to her son and poked a hoof in his chest
  144. >"Do you care to tell me where you were yesterday afternoon?"
  145. He turned beet red
  146. He looked at Cadance and looked at Twiliey, both of whom wore shocked, horrified expressions
  147. >"Answer me, Shining. Where were you really when you said you were at the movie theater with your friends?"
  149. The colt knew he'd been caught in a fib...but how much did Mom know?
  150. Say too much and you let something worse slip
  151. Say too little and you're busted for lying
  152. So he tried to fudge it...
  153. >" guys and I went to get hayburgers and..."
  154. Mom stopped him by growling;
  155. >"Young colt, there is no hayburger restaurant in the neighborhood where Mrs. Tea Rose saw you yesterday."
  156. He tried to gulp, but Shining found his mouth dry
  157. >"Eh, Mom, please, can we take this upstairs?"
  158. Getting yelled at in front of Cadance was the most horrible shame he could imagine
  159. And if Mom really knew where he and his buddies were hanging out yesterday she'd be doing a LOT of yelling
  161. Velvet ignored her errant son's request;
  162. >"I bumped into our neighbor at the Post Office today and she told me something very interesting, so don't you DARE try lying to me. Where were you yesterday afternoon?"
  163. The red faced colt cringed and his head dipped low.
  164. Finally, in a weak voice he confessed;
  165. >"I...I may have been in...Trotter Town...for a little while."
  166. Cadance gasped in spite of herself.
  168. Canterlot really didn't have 'bad' neighborhoods, but some were more respectable than others. 'Trotter Town' was the least respectable. A block of tight, canyon-like streets over by the freight depot, it was home to all manner of tawdry entertainment.
  169. Peep shows, saloons, and naughty bookstores on every corner...and that was the legal stuff. It was said that a pony could find anything they wanted in Trotter Town.
  170. Anything.
  171. But it was also a hot spot for live music and wild parties...making it an attractive spot for a colt on the verge of young stallionhood to sneak some unsanctioned fun. It was risky fun to hang out in Trotter Town, but sometimes that was the best kind.
  173. Shining Armor wasn't having any fun right now.
  174. >"What have your Father and I told you about Trotter Town?"
  175. Shining was burning up with shame
  176. He answered meekly;
  177. >"I'm not supposed to go there."
  178. >"But you DID ANYWAY."
  179. >"I was only there for a few minutes, Mom!"
  181. Cadance still stood on the stairs, her heart aching for the terrible ordeal her friend was going through. Getting yelled at by your mother was bad enough...but in front of his friend and little sister. Cadance shuddered, and was for a moment glad she was an only-foal.
  182. She wanted to run, to flee the scene and spare Shining a little kernel of his dignity. If his parents were anything like hers he would have enough to worry about today.
  183. But before she could escape Cadance looked over at Twilight.
  184. The little filly was in tears watching her beloved brother get scolded...and she was all alone.
  185. >Oh, no...what am I thinking? I'm still on duty here!
  186. She beat her wings once and in a flash gathered the crying blank-flank into her arms.
  187. >"There, will be alright."
  188. Cadance turned to Twilight Velvet and asked;
  189. >"Professor Velvet, ma'am? Should I take Twilight outside so you can have some privacy?"
  191. Shining looked up pitifully, as if this little act of mercy only deepened his humiliation
  192. His mother answered in the worst way possible;
  193. >"No, dear. I'll only need a few minutes. I'll pay your overtime rate."
  194. She left Cadance and Twiley there to watch the awful scene
  196. Shining Armor felt reduced to a whimpering foal. He was still a few inches shorter than his mother but right now the difference felt gigantic. And with each word of her scolding the young stallion felt smaller and smaller.
  197. >"How dare you disobey your father and I? Do you have anything to say for yourself?"
  198. Shining knew he was in deep trouble
  199. It took all his effort to keep from crying in front of Cadance
  200. >"I'm sorry! I didn't think a few minutes would be a big deal!"
  201. He was already sniffling, trying to hold it all in
  203. Velvet rubbed the bridge of her muzzle and took a few deep breaths
  204. >"Shining Armor, I know you were not there for a 'few minutes' and if you lie to me again you can go straight to your room to wait for your Father's strap, am I understood?"
  205. When Mom said that one awful word,
  206. S-T-R-A-P
  207. Shining wanted to shrivel up and die. So far it had only been a threat in the household, but to have that threat uttered out loud in front of the prettiest filly in all was more than any colt could endure
  208. >"Moooom, can we PLEASE talk upstairs?"
  209. He begged with tears glistening in his eyes
  211. Mom gave her answer
  212. >"Kitchen, NOW, young colt!"
  213. She did not wait for him to come willingly, but pinched his ear with her magic and dragged him along, tripping and stumbling behind her
  215. Twilight looked up at Cadance, her face wet with tears
  216. >"Shiny did something bad..."
  217. >"I'm afraid it sounds that way."
  218. >"And Mommy is really mad at him."
  219. Cadance hugged her tight, rocking the foal back and forth
  220. >"He'll be okay, Twiley. He's a good colt and your Momma loves him so don't worry."
  221. >"Do you think he's gonna get a spankin'?"
  222. >"Oh, I hope not, Twiley, I hope not."
  224. >"Ow! Mom, please, stop! That hurts!"
  225. Once inside the kitchen Twilight Velvet released her whimpering colt
  226. >"The truth. From the beginning. Start talking."
  228. His fragile teenage dignity blasted away by Mom's emasculating onslaught, Shining could only stand there and stammer out the true story, hoping obedience, however late, would save a little of the skin on his butt.
  229. >"There wasn't anything good playing at the movies, so one of my friends suggested we check out Trotter Town"
  230. Velvet wanted to ask who, but did not. As liberal-minded academics she and her husband had always taught their foals never to 'name names' so she did not ask.
  231. >"I didn't want to go at first...but they talked me into it.
  232. >"We weren't doing anything bad, just hanging out on the street corner listening to some band, I swear, Mom!
  233. She tilted her head forward and gave him a deathly 'Mom look' straight in the eyes
  234. >"You went to Trotter Town and did...nothing?"
  235. Terrified of being caught lying and making his plight worse, Shining confessed everything...and it wasn't much
  236. >"We tried to get into an adult nickelodeon parlor...where you put a quarter bit in a machine and see movies know...mares...doing stuff...
  237. He couldn't believe he had to admit to his Mom that he entered a porn parlor
  238. >"But we got kicked out as soon as we went in, I promise, Mom!"
  239. >"And when it started to get dark we left. That's the truth, I swear to Celestia!"
  241. They were both silent for a moment.
  242. Velvet was satisfied that her son had told her everything...or at least enough
  243. >"M-Mom?
  244. >"I...I know I messed up. I'm sorry. I know I'm gonna get it, so, can I please go up to my room and wait?"
  245. Mother shook her head
  246. >"No, you're getting it right now"
  247. Shining's heart jumped into his throat
  248. >"H-h-here?"
  250. His pulse was racing...this couldn't be happening!
  251. On the other side of that door was the filly he adored
  252. It was bad enough to get scolded in front of her, now she would hear Shining get spanked
  253. Frantic to avoid this teen tragedy he supplicated himself before Mom
  254. >"Mom, please, I'm begging you...let me have it upstairs, PLEASE!"
  255. He tried bargaining;
  256. >"You can punish me twice as bad, you can use the hairbrush, just please can we do it upstairs?"
  257. Shining motioned toward the door with his muzzle and flashed the biggest, saddest eyes any colt in trouble ever staked his final hopes on
  259. It stabbed at Velvet's heart like a dagger to see her proud, strong son plead like this
  260. She saw the message in his eyes, it was loud and clear
  261. >Please don't do this to me, Mommy.
  262. But it was not enough
  263. >This is awful, but he has to learn that we aren't going to compromise
  264. >He's approaching such a dangerous age
  265. >Young stallions can be so volatile, unpredictable
  266. >It takes a great deal of self discipline for a boy like Shiny to make it through this
  267. >We'll support him in every way we can
  268. >But sometimes that demands a firm hoof to remind a youngster of the rules
  270. >"I'm sorry, Shining. Bend over that stool."
  272. Shining refused to believe this was happening
  273. He couldn't let it happen!
  274. And in a flash he did something very dumb
  275. There was a spell he was working on, to help him win at dodgeball
  276. Before Mom could react he crouched low and projected a shield around himself, tinted in the shimmering purple of his magic
  278. Velvet remained calm
  279. She felt sorry for him, he'd only made it worse for himself
  280. There was no doubt Velvet could sweep away his shield like leaves from the front porch
  281. He was a 13 year old foal, she was a full grown unicorn and a Professor of Magic Studies.
  282. But she chose to talk to him instead.
  283. Twilight Velvet got down on the floor, so she could look her son right in the eye
  284. It was something she'd always done when one of her foals threw themselves on the floor in a tantrum
  286. He turned his head to avoid her gaze
  287. It didn't matter
  288. >"Shining, honey, I can see you're upset but I'm not going to reward this behavior by giving you what you want. I am sorry that you're ashamed and you don't want to get punished where your little sister and her foalsitter...your friend...can hear."
  289. In this she underestimated their affection for each other
  290. It would be a few more years before Velvet understood that her little colt had an interest in Cadance as more than friends
  291. >"But right now you're making it worse.
  292. >"I'm not going to yell, I'm not going to break your shield spell
  293. >"I will not offer you reprieve for coming out
  294. >"I'm going to sit and wait
  295. >"But just be aware; for every second you make me wait your punishment gets worse
  296. >"I'll be right here..."
  298. In his bubble, Shining Armor clenched his teeth and raged in futility at the situation
  299. It was so unfair it made him cry
  300. Shining wished he had a time spell instead of a protection spell
  301. Then he'd go back and stop himself from ever going to Trotter Town
  302. Or at least stop Mrs. Tea Rose from seeing him!
  304. Velvet sat down on the stool where she'd intended to spank her disobedient son
  305. She took a deep breath and tried to relax
  306. She meditated, easing out her anger and trying to focus on how poor Shining felt
  307. The humiliation, the fear and eventually the felt terrible to put her baby through that
  308. But she and Night Light had talked about this
  309. High standards were expected of foals in this family
  310. And Shining Armor had already reached an age when he was surly and defiant
  311. It was tolerated by understanding a degree
  312. But today's lesson was that if he crossed the line Shining could expect a harsh and immediate response
  313. It didn't matter if his little sister or her foalsitter could hear
  314. It didn't matter if they were out in public
  315. Shining Armor was a colt who was expected to behave properly and follow the rules
  316. And this bubble nonsense did neither
  318. Finally, Shining accepted the inevitable
  319. The stress was just too great, watching the seconds ticking away on the kitchen clock
  320. Knowing every tick added more flaming pain to his rear end
  321. But too ashamed to get it over with
  322. Finally;
  323. >"One...two...three!"
  324. The purple shield fell away like snowflakes
  325. And Shining was yanked off the ground by magic the instant it cleared
  326. >"Mom!"
  327. Velvet did not wait a second
  328. She grabbed her colt up and floated him over to the kitchen counter
  329. >"Ohhhhh, please, Mom, I'm sorry!"
  331. >"Be quiet and listen to me."
  332. It was hard to calm his own ragged breathing
  333. >"I'm very disappointed in your behavior,
  334. >"Disobeying by going to that street where you know you're not allowed
  335. >"Trying to conceal it with that lie about the movies
  336. >"And trying to avoid your WELL EARNED punishment with that bubble stunt?"
  337. She levitated him down into position over the counter
  338. >"You're getting a serious spanking, young colt, for all that together."
  339. Shining whimpered, but he gasped when he saw what Momma picked up
  341. >"Aww, NO! Mom, please, I can't take that! I really can't!"
  342. She patted his squirming rear-end with the wooden breadboard
  343. It was heavy, and big enough to cover the 13 year old's entire bottom
  344. >"Well you're incorrect, because you are getting spanked with this. 10 strokes, for the magic shield."
  345. His tail was lifted out of the way, exposing the target to Momma
  346. Stripped of all dignity, Shining cried like a grade-school foal
  347. Any second now the filly he dreamed about was going to hear him howling in shame and agony
  349. And that's exactly what happened.
  351. Velvet did not have to put much effort in for that breadboard to do its job
  352. It struck with a flat *THUMP*, rather undramatically
  353. But Shining's eyes shot open, he screamed and bucked his legs
  354. So dramatic was his reaction that Mom actually waited before the second stroke
  355. Fearful that this implement may be too heavy, she watched for any sign of a bruise
  356. But it never came...the breadboard struck so evenly all over the teen stallion's rump that it did not concentrate its force in any one spot
  357. Confident that she was not harming her colt, Velvet continued his ordeal
  359. The paddle's sting was considerable, but as soon as it levitated off his backside to wind up for the next strike Shining recognized that the burn it left behind was even worse
  360. >"Owowow...Mom, please, it's too..."
  361. But the second agonizing smack took the air right out of his lungs
  363. He screamed, and trailed off into mournful, choking sobs
  364. It was not that Shining Armor had forgotten Cadance was so near, listening
  365. He just couldn't do a thing about it
  366. The breadboard just hurt too much to hold it in
  367. Shining could only sob and squirm, wallowing in misery until the next
  368. *THUMP*
  369. >"AAAAAAaaaaaggGGGHHHH! Whhhuuuuuu, ow, ow, ow..."
  371. Knowing the impression the terrible breadboard was having, Velvet spanked slowly
  372. After only 3 of his 10 strokes Shining's white backside was a blazing shade of pink
  373. And there was more to come
  374. *THUMP*
  375. Her little colt howled and strained every muscle in his young body when each spank arrived
  376. But Momma's magic had him held tight
  377. *THUMP*
  379. After the fifth one she allowed a breather
  380. It was little comfort though, the flaming pain in Shining Armor's rump barely faded
  381. It felt like you could crack an egg and cook it on his poor bottom
  383. Once her colt's bawling had calmed to softer, fearful sobs, Velvet resumed the punishment
  384. His last 5 spanks with the breadboard came faster
  385. *THUMP*
  387. She allowed him a few breaths and then;
  388. *THUMP*
  389. Shining screamed again, pouring out tears onto the kitchen counter
  390. It felt like somepony was pressing a huge branding iron to his that covered every square inch with every smack
  391. *THUMP*
  392. >"AiiiieeeEEEE! Oww! Mom, OowwWWWOOooowww, please *sob* no more!"
  393. But he'd been a naughty colt in more than one way and had a lot more coming
  394. *THUMP*
  395. Shining howled, he bucked with all his strength but could not move
  396. Mom had him locked down, so tightly held with magic that all he could do was cry like the misbehaving little foal he was
  398. Velvet had no reason to let him have the last stroke any lighter. This was, after all, still just his warm-up. She drew back the breadboard paddle and...
  399. *WHAM!*
  400. The final whack lifted his rump up as it struck
  401. Poor Shining screamed...he would have given anything to escape the terrible paddle setting the his hindquarters ablaze
  403. Velvet set the board down in the sink
  404. She wasn't going to have the family's next meal prepared on an unwashed breadboard which had just been applied to her teenage son's rump
  405. His suffering was painful for her, but she was not ready to spare him yet
  406. >I'm so sorry, my baby. It's time to keep going
  408. Next, Mother levitated her most formidable wooden spoon out of its drawer
  409. Though they were filled with tears Shining's eyes opened wide when he saw it approach
  410. >"Nooo, Mom, no more, PLEASE no more!"
  411. But Velvet calmly explained;
  412. >"That first part was just for the magic bubble nonsense...and don't you ever try to pull a stunt like that again or I will use that breadboard for your entire spanking, beginning to end."
  413. >"NO! Mom, I promise, I'll never *sniffle* do that again, PLEASE no more! It already hurts SO MUCH!"
  415. >"Well then maybe you'll remember this feeling next time you choose to disobey me."
  416. She relaxed her magic a bit, allowing her son's hooves to just barely touch the ground
  417. >"And that's what this part is for."
  418. Where the breadboard paddle had been slow and methodical the next part of Shining's ordeal was a rapid fire assault of wicked stings
  419. Normally, for a crime as serious as disobeying his parents' rules about where he was allowed to hang around in the city Shining Armor would have gotten something more serious than the wooden spoon.
  420. The hairbrush at least...perhaps even his Father's strap
  421. But after a round with the awful breadboard had left his bottom a painful glowing red she correctly surmised that the spoon would be enough
  423. Exposed to the flurry of sharp, biting smacks on an already throbbing rump, Shining screeched and danced on his back hooves
  424. Unlike the previous implement there was no way to guess where the next stinger would fall...and no time to catch his breath between spanks
  425. >"OW! Ow! Ouch! Whhha! EEK! Momma, OW! I'm sooorrryyyy!"
  426. But Twilight Velvet had no intention of finishing this job early
  427. The wooden spoon was like a whole nest of angry hornets and they were at Mom's command
  428. Every quick snap was agony, but with his cheeks already swollen from the warm-up the sting did not fade away
  429. Each nasty little smack lingered with him and soon enough of them had fallen that they were overlapping
  431. >"Whhhaaa! OUCH! *sob* OwOwOw! Bhuuuuuhhhh! OW!"
  432. The poor colt jumped, he twisted, he drummed his hooves on the ground and wailed
  433. He'd had his fun in Trotter Town, but now he was paying the price and the price was agonizing
  435. Velvet stopped to take a look at her little stallion's tortured fanny
  436. Blazing red, with small circles of darker red and purple that looked like the Pony Pox
  437. It was time to wrap up his punishment
  439. >"Shining Armor, listen to me..."
  440. But he was still bawling and could not catch his breath
  441. *SNAP*
  442. An extra hard flick from the spoon made him squeal
  443. >"WHHAA! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm listening, Momma!"
  445. >"Am I EVER going to hear about you hanging around in Trotter Town?"
  446. *SNAP* *SNAP* *SNAP*
  447. >"OW OW OW! Bwhuuuu, No! I promise...I swear to Celestia, NO!"
  449. >"When your Father and I set a rule are you allowed to disobey it?"
  450. *SNAP* *SNAP* *SNAP*
  451. >"EEEEEE! Ow! No, Momma, I'll never disobey again! WhhaahHHH!"
  453. >"And when we decide that you are going to be punished are you going to accept it like a mature young stallion, or fight us?"
  454. *SNAP* *SNAP* *SNAP*
  455. >"WHHHAAAHHH! I promise, Mommy! I'll n-never use an energy shield again!"
  456. Enough questions. She was satisfied.
  457. Velvet relaxed her magic further but put an arm around her little boy's mid-section
  458. Using leverage and her own physical strength Momma gave him a final salvo of 20 hard stingers, right where it hurt the most
  459. Shining screamed and tried to get away, to no avail
  460. Someday soon he would surely be strong enough to escape his Mother, but it was not this day
  461. Her message delivered, Twilight Velvet released her colt
  463. He was a mess
  464. Mane disheveled, eyes red and puffy, nose running with tears and snot
  465. >"I'm s-s-sorry Momma, *sob* I'm so sorry, pl-please forgive me..."
  466. The teen stallion held out his arms, pleading for comfort
  467. Her heart weary from the awful thing she'd had to do, Velvet gathered his limp, weakened body into a hug
  468. >"There, there, it's over now"
  469. She rocked him, and petted his mane
  470. >"And only you can decide whether this has to ever happen again."
  472. Exhausted, Shining could have remained in Mom's hug all afternoon
  473. There would be time for 'I'm sorry's' and making up later
  474. Twiley & Cadance were still waiting outside, so Velvet gently pulled away
  475. >"Alright, you go up to your room until your Father gets home"
  476. Shining's face twisted into a miserable frown again
  477. >"Are you gonna tell Dad?"
  478. >"Of course I am...did you think I wouldn't? He's not going to be happy with you...but you're done with the worst. He's not going to spank you any more."
  480. She nuzzled him reassuringly, one last time
  481. >"Alright, upstairs to your room, young colt."
  482. He looked at her pitifully
  483. >"Can I at least wait until Cadance leaves, please?"
  484. But Momma shook her head.
  485. >"Now, Shiny. March."
  487. Head hung low, Shining Armor trudged out of the kitchen, dragging his hooves
  488. Every step smarted
  489. The spoon had caught him in the tender crack between his cheeks more times than he could count
  490. Now it chafed horribly as he walked
  491. Tears in his eyes and soaking the fur of his face, he walked out into the main hallway
  493. Twiley and Cadance both stood there, looks of pain and sympathy on their faces
  494. His little sister had obviously been crying along with him
  495. She'd expected a fun day with her favorite foal-sitter...and he'd ruined it
  496. It made Shining feel like the worst colt and worst big brother in all Equestria
  497. There was nothing he could say...he didn't have a shred of dignity left in him
  498. The young stallion just shuffled past them on the way to exile in his room
  499. >"Shiny!"
  500. He turned his head to see fresh tears in his sister's eyes
  501. And despite the agony and crushing humiliation he knew what he had to do
  502. For Shining Armor, it wasn't even a choice
  504. Shining turned around and came to see her
  505. Wincing, cringing from the terrible soreness and heat that hadn't died down even a little bit, he crouched down and wiped her tears away
  506. >"Twiley, please don't cry. You didn't do anything wrong, okay?"
  507. She sniffled, and asked;
  508. >"Does it hurt bad?"
  509. The big brother scrounged up enough courage to give her a tiny smile
  510. >"It sure does, but *sniffle* I disobeyed Mom & Dad so I deserved it.
  511. >"I hope you learn from my mistake, so this never happens to you"
  512. Twilight Sparkle nodded, but still felt terrible for her beloved sibling
  513. >"I'm feeling pretty awful right now, but I'll feel worse if I know you're crying on my account
  514. >"I did something bad...and you heard what happened.
  515. >"But I'll be alright. Mom & Dad love us both, even when we've been naughty.
  516. >"So no more tears, okay? You let me do all the crying today...I deserved it.
  517. >"Please, Twiley?"
  518. She gave a little sniffle of her own, but agreed
  519. >"Can I come see you?"
  520. He nodded;
  521. >"Give me a little while...but when Mom says it's okay, I'd like that."
  523. That task complete, Shining turned back to the stairs
  524. He gave Cadance a single sad glance, but said nothing
  525. >"Shining, I..."
  526. She wanted to say something, but didn't have the words.
  527. Her friend understood, gave her a thin smile, and walked slowly up to his bedroom, his very sore backside aching with every step
  529. With Prof. Velvet home there was no more need for the foalsitter to stay, so Cadance left soon after calm had returned to the house
  530. But she did not go home...she hung around the house for another hour, screwing up the courage to check on poor Shining
  532. >"Pssst! Shiny!"
  533. Whispering from the bushes wasn't working, so she tossed a few pebbles at his second floor window.
  534. >"O Shining, Shining! wherefore art thou Shining?"
  535. She tried to make a joke about a famous play, but immediately felt like an egghead
  536. Still no luck.
  537. Finally she just unfurled her wings and flew up to his window
  539. >"Shining...Shining!
  540. She tapped on the glass doors of his balcony
  541. >"Please come out and talk. I know you feel terrible...and I'll leave if you don't want me here, but please just come tell me you're okay!"
  542. Through the glass Cadance saw Shining Armor get up from his bed and come unlock the door
  543. >"Oh Shining...I don't know what to say...are you alright?"
  545. His face was still as red as his backside; he did not have a drop of pride left in him
  546. >"I'm fine. Sorry you had to see hear all that."
  547. >"No, I'm sorry, Shiny! I wish I had some magical power to make you feel better."
  548. She nuzzled him sympathetically
  549. >"Well, that's a nice start"
  550. he confessed.
  552. Cadance was no stranger to an occasional sore rump herself
  553. Over the years her own parents had delivered spankings that could easily compare to Shining's recent punishment
  554. It was always embarrassing
  555. But she'd never had to endure the humiliation he'd suffered today
  557. >"Some Royal Guard candidate I turned out to be...
  558. >"I cried like a blank-flank foal."
  559. But Cadance did think he was brave
  560. And if telling him so was the only small thing she could do to make him feel a little better she was not going to stay silent
  561. >"No pony could have endured know...without crying.
  562. >"I wanted to cry just listening."
  563. >"But afterward, you were so gallant"
  565. Shining didn't buy it;
  566. >"You don't have to make me feel better, Cadance."
  567. She gave him a frustrated little punch in the chest
  568. >"I'm being serious you big silly stallion!
  569. >"You must have felt awful...and it was SO embarrassing."
  570. He blushed all over again
  571. >"But then, when you were feeling your worst you turned around to make sure your sister was okay.
  572. >"If it was me I would have run upstairs to hide in my bedroom forever!
  573. >" the worst moment of your life you thought of your little sister first.
  574. >"Shining..."
  575. She nuzzled his face again
  576. >"...that was so brave."
  578. Shining Armor was too ashamed to say anything in response, but he enjoyed having Cadance there to comfort him.
  579. He'd been sure the gorgeous filly would never look at him the same way again
  580. Forever, he'd be a naughty, crying foal in her eyes
  581. But he'd been wrong
  582. Here, in the hour of his abysmal shame, she sought him out.
  583. And told him he was brave.
  585. They stood together for a long time, saying little but watching the sun creep lower in the sky
  586. >"Your Mom paid me an extra hour at overtime rate for staying with Twiley"
  587. He was glad to hear that
  588. >"Thank you for thinking of her. She must have been so upset."
  589. Cadance showed him 9 additional golden bits
  590. >"I'm gonna save these"
  591. She dropped them into a separate coin purse
  592. >"And sometime soon we can go do something fun with this money. That way we can make a good memory out of this."
  593. >"You mean maybe take Twiley someplace together?"
  594. But she smiled in a different way than Shining had ever seen
  595. >"Twilight isn't always around. I thought maybe we could do something...just us."
  597. Awkwardly, Shining admitted;
  598. >"It might be a long wait. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be grounded until the next moon."
  599. Playfully, she responded;
  600. >"I can wait."
  601. His rear-end still hurt like sitting down on a stove-top, but Shining Armor grinned
  603. Cadance teased;
  604. >"Maybe you can show me around Trotter Town?"
  605. His eyes grew wide
  606. >"Oh No! Caddy, don't even joke about that!"
  607. But she continued;
  608. >"But it's not a safe neighborhood for a young Princess. I'd feel so much safer with a strong Royal Guard candidate who already knows his way around."
  609. Shining chuckled too...nervously
  610. >"Come on, that's not even funny!"
  611. The pink Princess rubbed up against his side and brushed his aching rump with her soft tail
  612. >"Pretty please?"
  613. He began to sweat
  614. >"Come on, Cadance...this isn't fair."
  616. At last her teasing relented
  617. She knocked horns with him playfully
  618. >"Oh, okay, spoiled sport. I can take you to a movie instead."
  619. By now the clock towers had begun to chime the 5 o'clock hour
  620. >"I've gotta get home. I'm so sorry you got in trouble're sure you'll be alright?"
  621. The young stallion sheepishly admitted;
  622. >"Caddy, when you came up here I really didn't want to see anypony.
  623. >"But I was wrong...I'm glad you came. Thank you."
  624. And then he added dourly;
  625. >"See you in a month..."
  627. With a last sympathetic smile and flap of her wings, Cadance lifted off and floated gently down to the street below.
  628. From his balcony Shining watched her walk away.
  629. That little blue bow on her tail swinging back and forth bewitchingly.
  630. >"I was a numb skull to go looking for fun in Trotter Town."
  631. Everything he wanted was right here in front of him.
  633. END

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