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Laziness Cure by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:00:22
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:34:56
Expiry: Never

  1. Laziness Cure by DCFTEF
  2. (None / None)
  3. slave, whip
  5. (06/05/2017)
  8. ---
  10. >Life is tough for Equestrian ponies living in the human world
  11. >Without magic, flight, or fingers they don't have many marketable job skills
  12. >Despite their sentience, human law only recognizes ponies as animals
  13. >And animals can be owned
  15. >You are Anon
  16. >You took pity on the thousands of jobless poners and took one in
  17. >Technically it's not slavery
  18. >"Indentured service"
  19. >Basically it's slavery with a prettier name
  20. >Some humans treat their pony servants harshly, but you resolved to be good to yours
  21. >She'd be more like a room-mate than a slave
  22. >You'd work and bring in the money
  23. >She would take care of the house
  24. >And for a while it worked out well
  25. >Your pony cleaned, cooked and handled the yardwork
  27. >But with time she started to get lazy
  28. >The grass got tall & unmowed, the bushes untrimmed
  29. >Lately the house has been messy when you got home
  30. >You've dropped subtle hints that you're dissatisfied
  31. >But most days when you get home from work she's sitting on the couch
  32. >Watching TV, playing vidya
  33. >Today seems to be no different...
  34. "Hi. Boy, tough day at was your day?"
  35. >She just shrugs
  36. >She used to wait for you at the front door with your slippers
  37. >Now she doesn't even take her eyes off the TV
  38. "Meh, normal day."
  39. >You sniff the air. Nothing.
  40. " dinner ready yet?"
  41. >Again she shrugs
  42. "I'll toss something in the microwave later."
  43. >Annoyed grunt
  44. >Okay...this shit has gone far enough
  45. "Well, we've got an errant to run first."
  46. >She looks up from the TV
  47. "Do you need me for it?"
  48. >You pick up her saddlebags and toss them to her
  49. >They land on the couch, hitting her flank
  50. "Just get in the car."
  51. >You say nothing on the drive
  52. >Does she sense your annoyance?
  53. >She knows something is weird
  54. >You normally do the grocery shopping on the weekend
  55. >And you haven't told her the purpose of this errand
  56. " where are we going?"
  57. >This time it's you who shrugs
  58. "Just to a store."
  59. >Your demeanor is worrying her
  60. >It's working
  61. "Which store?"
  62. >You never take your eyes off the road
  63. "Just the department store. I need something."
  64. >Staying cryptic
  65. "What do you need?"
  66. >You'll find out
  67. "Just one thing."
  69. >When you arrive at the department store you get out of the car without a word
  70. >Normally you wait for her to walk alongside you in the parking lot
  71. >This time you just walk ahead
  72. >Forcing her to hurry along a few steps behind, like a servant pony
  73. >Inside it's no different
  74. >You walk straight to the department you want
  75. >Fast, not even looking at anything else
  78. >Yes, it's spelled like that
  79. >You can see the store manager, yelling at the pony employee who screwed it up
  80. >You find what you're looking for
  81. >In a big barrel there's a selection of whips
  82. >You stop and begin looking through them
  83. >She gasps
  84. >But she says nothing.
  85. >You say nothing either
  87. >You both know what these are for
  88. >You've both seen harsher owners disciplining their pony servants
  89. >It's legal...reasonable force...only on the blood
  90. >That's still enough to bring sensitive ponies to howling tears
  91. >You've never even considered it
  92. >And your pony thought she'd gotten lucky
  93. >She'd gotten an owner who didn't spank
  95. >Without a word you inspect several
  96. >They're all different
  97. >Some heavy, some light
  98. >Differing lengths
  99. >Some stiff, some bendy & flexible
  100. >Your pony watches nervously as you check out each one
  101. >You swing one
  102. >The wooshing sound it makes through the air makes her tremble
  103. >Good,'s working
  104. >You pick up a few more, swinging each one through the air
  105. >She gulps & flinches at the scary wooshing sound
  106. Last/3
  107. >Finally you pick one
  108. >Dark braided leather
  109. >Not too heavy, not too light
  110. >Thick, but very flexible
  111. "Hold this."
  112. >You make her carry it in her mouth
  113. >She's shaking all over...she almost drops it
  114. >You give her no response and walk ahead to the register
  115. "Will that be all for you today, sir?"
  116. >The human cashier cheerfully takes your money
  117. >Gives your pony a sympathetic look
  118. "Would you like a bag for that?"
  119. >You shake your head
  120. "No need, she can carry it."
  122. >Despite wearing her saddle bags you make her carry the new whip to the car
  123. >Through the busy parking lot, past other humans and ponies
  124. >She's worried, embarrassed, confused
  125. >Servant pony carrying a brand-new whip
  126. >Everyone can see what a naughty, lazy filly she's been
  127. >Tears puddling up in her eyes, though she's trying hard not to show it
  129. >You drive out of the mall without a word
  130. >She's still trembling
  131. >But she doesn't have the nerve to ask questions
  132. >Finally she can't bear it any longer
  133. "W-what are you g-g-going to d-do with this?"
  134. >You just shrug your shoulders
  135. "Just wanted to have one.
  136. "In case I needed it."
  137. >She doesn't have the nerve to ask any more questions
  139. >When you arrive home she jumps out of the car
  140. "Boy, it's getting late! I'd better get dinner started."
  141. >You saunter in slowly
  142. >By the time you step inside she's cooking and already cleaning up her mess in the living room
  143. >You grin
  144. >Success
  145. >You hang up your new pony whip in the hallway closet
  146. >Unused...for now.
  148. END

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