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Mr. Piggy by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:02:06
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:39:34
Expiry: Never

  1. Mr. Piggy by DCFTEF
  2. (none / none)
  3. cane
  5. (17/04/2016)
  8. ---
  10. You are Filthy Rich
  11. Owner of Barnyard Bargains
  12. The #3 retail chain in all Equestria
  13. You're successful because you give the ponies what they want
  15. Case in point;
  16. Spring time is exam season in the Equestrian education system
  17. It's a lousy time to hold important exams, you know because you're a father yourself
  18. Young colts and fillies don't want to concentrate on studying when Spring is in the air
  19. They'd rather be outside, playing in the newly returned sun
  20. So many Ponyville parents feel the need for a little extra reminder,
  21. Something that will keep their foals' minds on responsibility when there are so many distractions
  22. Sales of spanking canes multiply during exam season
  23. And you're happy to provide the customers with what they want
  24. You order an extra barrel of top-quality rattan canes from Singapone
  25. Since you buy in bulk you can offer 'em at a discount; 50¢ a piece
  26. Are you taking advantage of some poor foal's misfortune to make a profit?
  27. Sure, but it's not your problem
  28. If you don't study hard you get spanked hard instead, kid
  29. CAPITALISM BABY! Gotta love it!
  31. Anyway, you're tending your flagship retail store in Ponyville
  32. Built on the site of your Grand-Sire's trading post
  33. You like coming down from your office to work the floor when you can
  34. Meet the customers
  35. Keep your staff from slacking
  36. Best of all you don't have to pay some pony to do work you can do with your own hooves
  37. Your wife & daughter don't understand
  38. They LOATHE manual labor and would rather pay employees to do the heavy lifting
  39. It's just as well
  40. You love your family like any good Equestrian father
  41. But a few hours escape from them sure benefits your sanity
  43. So it's a day like any other
  44. Early afternoon, too early for ponies to be getting off work
  45. The store is slow
  46. You make good use of the time
  47. Straightening up displays, making sure the floor is swept
  48. >"Umm...excuse me...sir?"
  49. A little pegasus looks up at you with big, sad eyes
  50. Blank flank. White and gray dapple coat.
  51. She's holding a hammer under her wing
  53. >"I don't have enough money for this, but I only need it for a second,
  54. >"Can I borrow it, please?"
  55. She's a little young to be swinging a hammer around your store
  56. More information is needed
  57. >"What's a little lady like you need such a big hammer for?"
  59. She sniffles, and tears pool up in her eyes
  60. >"I...*sniff*...I did a bad thing, sir.
  61. >"I took something from your store without paying."
  62. Well, usually you take a hard line with shoplifters
  63. It's store policy to call the Ponyville Constable when you catch one
  64. With younger offenders, you typically march them straight home and turn them over to their parents
  65. Ponyville is a small town...everypony knows where everypony else lives
  66. But for some reason you want to know this sad filly's story
  67. >"That's not good, sweetie, do you want to tell me about it?"
  69. She sniffles again and explains;
  70. >"I know it was bad. My Mommy caught me and made me bring it back.
  71. >"Now I'm gonna get a spankin' when I get home.
  72. >"But Momma said;
  73. >>'If you steal from a store you deserve to pay for your own cane!'
  74. >"So...can I please use this hammer without buying it?"
  76. You still don't understand, but she withdraws a ceramic piggy bank from her saddlebag
  77. >"I've had Mr. Piggy for a long time,
  78. >"I'm sure he has enough money inside him."
  79. She sets her bank on the counter
  80. You tip it over a little with your hoof
  81. It's the traditional kind of bank with no rubber stopper in the bottom
  82. Now you understand the hammer...
  84. A good business stallion would let her smash the bank, sell the cane and talk this filly into a brand-new piggy bank to replace the one she just smashed
  85. Housewares and home goods...second floor aisle 3.
  86. But she's so sad, it tugs at your heart
  87. >"Goodbye Mr. Piggy"
  88. She sniffles;
  89. >"I really liked having you on my dresser."
  90. With tears rolling down her cheek she kisses her piggy on its cold ceramic nose
  92. Even the hard-edged capitalist in you can't take this
  93. It gives you heartburn to lose a sale...but you have to do something
  94. >"Well, this is a high-quality hammer"
  95. She looks even sadder
  96. >"I'm sure it could do the job, but I have a better idea.
  97. >"If your Momma really wants you to come home with a cane I could sell it to you on credit"
  98. She sniffles and asks;
  99. >"What's credit?"
  100. >"Well, it means you can take an item home today and pay me for it slowly, as you get the money
  101. >"How does five pennies a week sound? You'll be all paid up in just a little more than 2 months...and Mr. Piggy can go home safe with you."
  102. She's still a sad filly with a lot to worry about
  103. But you've made her a little bit happier
  104. >"Just 5 pennies a week? I can afford that!"
  105. You're not going to charge a little filly interest on a 50¢ item that's going to be used to spank her own rear-end
  107. So you go through the motions of setting up a formal credit account
  108. This can be a learning experience
  109. You explain the papers and show the filly her payment schedule
  110. Then you pick one of the smaller canes out of the barrel for her
  111. >"Thanks so much, Mister!"
  112. She hugs her ceramic piggy like a stuffed plush animal
  113. >"You hurry along now, don't keep your Momma waiting."
  115. The dapple filly is still going home to a painful ordeal
  116. She shoplifted, and she's gonna suffer for it, you can't change that
  117. But maybe you made her day just a little less awful
  118. >"Thank you, Mr. Rich. You're really nice."
  119. There are not many ponies in town who'd say that
  120. There's almost a smile on her face as she leaves to endure her just punishment
  122. You close the cash register
  123. Your employees can handle the store for the rest of the day
  124. The boss is going home
  125. You want to spend some time with Diamond Tiara
  126. See if her homework is done...if she needs some help studying
  127. Maybe even read her a story if she's not too cool for that
  129. Sometimes, something just reminds you there are more important things than profit.
  131. END

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