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Not on Guard by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:02:41
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:42:09
Expiry: Never

  1. Not on Guard by DCFTEF
  2. ( / )
  4. (20/03/2020 - 30/07/2020)
  7. ---
  9. >sleeping on guard duty?
  10. >sunnybutt cares for ALL her little ponies
  12. >[cute sneeze sound]
  13. The young guardmare woke up startled. For the first few instants she didn't know where she was so she fell back on training and scrambled for her weapon. It was not where she expected it, so she panicked for a moment until she saw her spear leaning against the wall across the room...and Princess right in front of her.
  14. >"Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh, Your Majesty, I'm sorry...I was just resting my eyes! I wasn't sleeping on duty!"
  15. Celestia did not seem angry but instead gave her a kind smile.
  16. >"Don't tell fibs, Private. You were asleep."
  17. She ticked the terrified filly under her nose again with the feather.
  18. >[another equally cute sneeze sound]
  20. Horrifying tales had been drilled into the young mare's head during training, about what happened to sentries who fell asleep on duty. During wartime a guard could even be executed for it. Not only that, but she'd lost her weapon. That was big trouble in the E.U.P.
  21. Fortunately the Princess did not seem interested in having a public beheading today.
  22. >"Have you had a long shift, dear?"
  23. Expecting to be in the trouble of her young life, the mare blushed at her concern.
  24. >"Oh, no ma'am...I mean Your Majesty...I've only been on duty a few hours."
  25. >"Did you have late duty last night?"
  26. >"No, Princess, I only worked a single shift yesterday."
  27. >"I see...then are you feeling alright?"
  28. She stepped out of her ornamental shoe and pressed the back of her fetlock to the young mare's forehead.
  30. >"Oh, no ma'am, I'm not sick. The truth is my friends and I went out on the town last night and overdid it a little."
  31. The Princess smiled a nodded.
  32. >"Too many ciders, too few hours of sleep?"
  33. The guard nodded.
  34. >"Yes, Your Majesty."
  35. >"Even though you knew you had guard duty this morning?"
  36. The mare blushed.
  37. >"Sorry."
  39. Princess Celestia magic'ed a scroll and quill out of thin air and set them to writing behind her back.
  40. >"Well I'm glad to hear it's nothing more serious than that."
  41. She rolled up the scroll, embossed it with her Royal Seal and tucked it into the guardmare's armor.
  42. >"There you go;
  43. >"Give that to Sergeant Hard Hoof when you get off shift. I'm putting you on report for sleeping on guard duty and ordering him to give you 12 whacks on the behind with his riding crop...just because this was a FIRST offense.
  44. >"Don't ever let me catch you falling asleep on guard duty again or I will deal with you personally."
  45. >"Y-Y-Yes, Ma'am."
  46. Never did the Princess' voice rise above its kind, easygoing tone.
  47. She turned to go about her princess-ly business but paused to ask;
  48. >"Would you like me to send the housekeeping staff up with some strong coffee?"
  49. Trembling, the young guard nodded;
  50. >"Thank you, Princess, I think that would be a good idea."
  52. -----Appendix:-----
  54. [spoiler]Yeah, yeah, I know the riding crop thing feels shoehorned in and un-necessary, but fuck y'all, my green, my fetish.[/spoiler]
  55. >So, what does a princess do...
  56. Well, you know what direction I would take it.
  57. So I won't write any follow-up because I'd just pull it in the direction of muh fetish and we already have a pretty buzzing thread for that.
  59. If anyone else wants to conjecture as to how the Princess'es deal with misbehaving guardponies, the sequel is yours...

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