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Sergeant Roxy Docks on Crowd Duty by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:05:17
Updated: 2022-03-17 13:58:23
Expiry: Never

  1. Sergeant Roxy Docks on Crowd Duty by DCFTEF
  2. ( / )
  4. (29/03/2020)
  7. ---
  9. >"We need to find a guard pony! They can help!"
  10. It was the day of the Fillies & Foals Festival in Canterlot and a set of frantic parents were desperate for aid. The sprawling carnival was a maze of distractions for any young foal and this family had become separated. After a frantic few minutes of searching for their daughter they forced themselves to calm down and get control of the situation.
  11. >"We need help...find a guard! Where is a guard pony?"
  13. A few helpful locals guided them to a Royal Guard on patrol...a Sergeant no less. Surely she would know how to find their daughter.
  14. >"Ma'am, Sergeant, please, we've become separated from our daughter.
  15. >"I'm sure she just got distracted and wandered off.
  16. >"We're not from Canterlot...we took the train from Rainbow Falls, she doesn't know her way around."
  17. >"She'll be scared, she doesn't even know the way back to our hotel."
  19. The guardsmare spoke with a confident calmness that put the couple at ease instantly.
  20. >"Okay, take a deep breath folks, I'm sure she's fine.
  21. >"Just give me a description and a name.
  22. The relieved parents provided everything she needed;
  23. >"Of course. Filly, 10 years old, about this high, yellow coat with a blue mane."
  24. The mother added;
  25. >"And socks, she has white socks."
  26. The guardsmare wanted to get all the details right.
  27. >"Socks in her fur coloration, or is she wearing socks?"
  28. >"Her fur...they're natural."
  29. >"Gets them from her grandmare."
  30. The Sergeant committed each detail to memory.
  31. >"And her name?"
  32. >"Oh, Honeysuckle Rose."
  33. Seemed redundant to name your kid after two flowers but Sgt. Docks didn't judge.
  34. >"No middle name?"
  35. The parents shook their heads.
  36. >"That's a shame, works better with a middle name."
  37. The parents were puzzled.
  39. >"Alright, I can have this description to every Royal Guard post and E.U.P. garrison in the city in just a few minutes but I find it's best to try a simple announcement first."
  41. Sergeant Docks climbed up into a raised guard post that had a large conical loudspeaker for amplifying voice. She cleared her throat and made the announcement in a booming voice that drowned out the music and laughter of the festival:
  44. >"You get your 10 year old behind over here THIS INSTANT!
  45. >"You have got your parents WORRIED SICK!
  46. >"Do you know how dangerous it is to wander off in a crowd, young filly?
  47. >"I've got a good mind to loan your Mommy & Daddy the paddle we use to spank criminals!
  48. >"Do you want that, little mare?
  49. >"Well that's exactly what's gonna happen if you are not FRONT AND CENTER in 5...4...3...2..."
  51. A panting filly burst out of the crowd and came to a sliding stop at the foot of Sergeant Docks' guard post.
  52. >"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I got lost!"
  53. >"Yellow coat, blue mane, no cutie mark must be Honeysuckle Rose. Your folks are looking for you."
  54. She scampered over to her equally horrified parents, who scooped her up into the safety of a family hug.
  55. >"T-T-Thank you...Sergeant."
  56. Roxy gave them a nod and a quick wink.
  57. >"The Royal Guard is always at your service, folks. Enjoy the festival!"
  59. She made a neat about-face (difficult with 4 legs) and went about her patrol, whistling a tune and leaving the bewildered family of tourists dumbstruck.
  61. Sergeant Roxy Docks; Great with Kids.
  63. -----Appendix:-----
  65. >I feel bad for the filly in some ways too.
  66. Oh, definitely. She's already terrified at being lost from her parents in a strange some loony guardsmare is screaming at her about paddles. Lucky she didn't piss herself.
  68. >the Sergeant was just bluffing
  69. Not so much bluffing as, crazy as a shithouse rat. The way I imagine Sgt. Roxy, she does outrageous, unexpected things but to her they seem perfectly logical.
  71. >spanker mascot
  72. I never even considered a physical appearance for her. Standard white w/blue mane guard seems kinda generic.

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