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Smoked Purple by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:06:13
Updated: 2022-03-17 14:00:32
Expiry: Never

  1. Smoked Purple by DCFTEF
  2. (Twilight Velvet / Twilight)
  3. F/f, over bed, leather strap, non-consensual
  5. (12/04/2016)
  8. ---
  10. You are Smokey Seeds; student at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns.
  11. Reasonable grades, but that's not really why you're here.
  12. There's one subject you hold above all the rest because it's what you want to do in life.
  13. Your specialty, your passion is horticulture.
  14. How do plants grow naturally?
  15. What do they need?
  16. Sunlight, water, soil, fertilizers.
  17. How can we help them grow with magic?
  18. Potions, spells, magical energy fields.
  19. What else is there to learn?
  20. Your other classes take a back seat to your passion.
  21. It's what you've got your mark in.
  22. It's what you plan to do as a career.
  24. Your teachers understand.
  25. Hell, you only show up for classes like history and literature about half the time.
  26. You have plants to take care of.
  27. The School is pretty permissive about independent study, especially for older students.
  28. It's not like an ordinary school; as long as you're not screwing off you can pretty much do what you want.
  29. Just document your research, show your work and hand it in to your professor in time.
  30. That's no trouble for you.
  31. It all leads to a goal.
  32. In the School biology lab you do experiments on alfalfa sprouts and apple seeds.
  34. But at home, you grow the best fucking weed the School has ever know.
  36. So it's a Wednesday.
  37. You're chilling in the library like usual this time of day.
  38. Not screwing around or wasting time.
  39. But not stressing out either.
  40. A few puffs of your 'study blend' in the colt's room earlier will set you right.
  42. Math interests you in as much as it can help you study plants.
  43. At its most basic level, you've got to know how much potting soil you'll need for a dozen new clones.
  44. But even better, analysis of number groups like the Fillybonacci Sequence can lead you to insights on genetic science.
  45. You've even...
  46. >"Hey! Do you have G3114.23X?"
  47. A filly from your class totally harshes your buzz.
  48. >"You know, the Whinny Decimal system? G3114.23X, I can't find it in the stacks and the librarian says it isn't checked out. Do you have it?"
  49. Doesn't she know you're supposed to be quiet in the library?
  50. >"I need it for my mid-level calculus quiz."
  51. It is indeed the book you're reading, so in spite of her pushiness you hand it over.
  52. >"Sure, chill out, Purple. Principles of Mathematics, Third Edition."
  53. >"'re using it. How long do you think you'll be?"
  54. >"You can have it right now. There's plenty of other books I can read."
  55. The filly rolls her eyes.
  56. >"But our mid-level calc quiz is this Friday!"
  57. >"Relax...I'm ready for it. Go ahead and take the book."
  58. She does accept it.
  59. >"Are you sure?"
  60. >"No worries, Purple. Enjoy."
  61. >"I have a NAME you know."
  62. Finally the librarian hushes her.
  64. >"Yeah, I know, Twilight Sparkle. You're only the top student in our class...and Princess Celestia's favorite pupil."
  65. She blushes. Now she feels silly for getting mad.
  66. >"Oh. Sorry, I didn't think anypony like you even knew I existed."
  67. Anypony like you?
  68. Princess Celestia needs to teach this one some manners.
  69. Or maybe you will.
  70. >"Oh yeah? Betcha I get a better grade than you on that quiz."
  72. She scoffs.
  73. >"Ha! Not likely!"
  74. The librarian angrily shushes her again.
  75. In a hushed voice she continues;
  76. >"You're just a lazy don't even show up for class half the time."
  77. You shrug.
  78. >"I've got pea plants to attend to in the Botany Lab. Takes up a lot of my time."
  79. >"So is it a bet, or are you chicken?"
  80. She doesn't like that.
  81. >"I am not Chicken! What do I win when I totally spank you, anyway?"
  82. >"Hmmm, an 1/8th of my best stuff sound good?"
  83. Just kidding.
  84. You wouldn't give a goody-four-shoes like Twilight Sparkle your best stuff.
  85. It would probably put her into a coma.
  86. >"Not likely! Only losers smoke drugs!"
  87. The librarian has had enough.
  88. >"That's three times, Miss Sparkle! Any other pony and you'd be barred from the library for the rest of the day. You're on thin ice!"
  89. She gives you a dirty look, like it's your fault she got scolded.
  90. You shrug.
  91. No big deal to you either way.
  92. >"Okay. Good luck on the quiz."
  93. In a huff Twilight picks up the book and trots away.
  94. You pick up this month's copy of "The Appleoosa Farm Digest".
  95. Those Earth ponies really know their shit about raising crops.
  96. And a smart grower gets knowledge anywhere he can find it.
  98. So Friday rolls around.
  99. Gonna go down to where the teen ponies hang out and make some good bits tonight.
  100. Oh, were you wondering about that quiz?
  101. It was a totally nailed it.
  102. So you're back in the library, reading about earthworms, when Twilight comes moping in.
  103. She looks like a carriage just ran over her baby dragon.
  104. To your surprise she sits down at your table.
  105. In spite of her rudeness last Wednesday, you greet her.
  106. She looks like she could use a friendly word or two.
  107. >"Heya, Purple. What's shakin'?"
  108. She sighs;
  109. >"You win the bet."
  110. Huh?
  111. >"You scored a 96% on that quiz. I only got an 88."
  112. Is she seriously depressed about that?
  113. It wasn't even a test...just a quiz.
  114. >"88% is still pretty good. Better than most of the kids in our class did."
  115. But that doesn't cheer her up.
  117. You try again;
  118. >"You'll still keep your A average once the curve is applied."
  119. But she just sits there quietly.
  120. Her eyes are red...her mane is messy.
  121. And frankly, she could use a shower.
  122. >"Listen, don't worry about that bet. I was only kidding and you never accepted anyway, remember?"
  124. She finally speaks up.
  125. >"Can I ask you a question? How do you do it?
  126. >"You breeze through always seem calm and mellow.
  127. >"You never stress out like I do.
  128. >"And then you score higher than me on a big quiz!"
  129. To you the answer is obvious.
  130. >" know I smoke a shit-ton of weed."
  131. She doesn't believe it.
  132. >"But drugs make you stupid! They told us so at that assembly in the auditorium. They wouldn't call the entire school to an assembly unless it was very important!"
  133. Oh yeah, you remember that assembly.
  134. They showed the students a movie where Nancy Neighgan spewed propaganda for 20 minutes.
  135. You skipped it.
  136. You were busy smoking a blunt with the janitors.
  137. >"Listen, Purp...I mean Twilight, those assemblies are bullshit. Sure, some kinds of marijuana DO make you stupid. They're fun at the right time. But I can also grow shit that helps you be more focused...or shit that will help you sleep. And I promise that it would help you chill out."
  139. >"Do you really think...that stuff...could help me?"
  140. This is a slippery slope.
  141. You don't want to do anything that will ruin Twilight Sparkle's scholarship.
  142. She's Princess Celestia's personal student for pony's sake!
  143. You know plenty of ponies who've become total losers because of dope.
  144. You don't want that to happen to her.
  145. But you also sell to some very smart, influential ponies.
  146. Seven teachers at this very school are on your client list!
  148. And what happens if she gets busted?
  149. It will lead straight back to you.
  150. Most of your customers know never to rat out your dealer.
  151. But Twilight doesn't seem like the type to stand up to interrogation.
  152. She'll squeal for sure.
  153. That could get you shut down.
  155. Marijuana cultivation make be legal for licensed adults in Equestria, but it's a serious no-no for a minor like you.
  156. Worst case scenario; you could do some time in Juvi.
  157. That's not the kind of farm you want to work on!
  158. At the very least you would lose your whole set-up...which took years to build.
  160. But Twilight practically begs for your help;
  161. >"I'm up past midnight every night, studying.
  162. >"Even once Mom or Dad finally tell me to go to bed my brain won't shut down.
  163. >"I lay there half the night worrying about whether I studied everything."
  164. She actually looks close to crying from the stress.
  165. >"Every morning I wake up tired.
  166. >"Then when the test, or quiz comes up I worry myself to pieces and forget everything I studied!
  169. Luckily the librarian isn't there, but several other students shush her angrily.
  170. >"Whoa, okay...relax, Purple. I can help."
  172. She continues, even though you already said you'd help.
  173. Twilight just needs to get this off her chest.
  174. >"I'm so frazzled all week that when Saturday comes around I'm too tired to do anything fun with my brother or my parents. I just sleep until noon.
  175. >"And on Sunday I need to start getting ready for school on Monday!"
  176. Wow.
  177. This girl is all kinds of fucked up.
  178. But you'll do what you can.
  179. >"Alright, is there a private place we can meet after school?"
  180. should be selling after school, not hanging out with an overcooked egghead.
  181. >"Well, my folks both teach classes at Canterlot U until evening...and my big brother is away at military training, so my house is empty."
  182. >"And it's cool to come by?"
  183. >"Sure! I've never had a friend smoke drugs!"
  185. Oh boy. What have you gotten yourself into?
  187. So, we're not gonna go into detail about Twilight's first weed experience.
  188. That's not the story you fine readers showed up to hear.
  189. Let's just say there was a lot of coughing, a lot of silliness and a lot of peanut butter sandwiches.
  190. You wanted to go out and get quesadillas too but for some reason Twi wasn't into it.
  192. You start her off on two pretty mild strains.
  193. >"Look, Twi...this is for daytime. It will energize you and help you focus.
  194. >"And this is different. Just take a few puffs before bed and you'll sleep like a newborn foal."
  195. >"Both will help you chill out and worry less."
  196. >"But don't smoke before school, or around your parents until you know how it will effect you."
  198. Money isn't a problem for Twilight. You knew that the moment you arrived at her house.
  199. Nerdy, shy kid from a well to do family; she gets a fat allowance but never spends any of it.
  200. >"Oh yeah! I've got plenty of bits! How much do you want?"
  201. Oh jeeze, she is a noob.
  202. >"Listen, first lesson; NEVER tell a drug dealer you have lots of money. Even if he doesn't rob or cheat you somepony will."
  203. But she's a quick learner. No wonder she's such a good student.
  205. Over the next few months you start hanging out with Twilight.
  206. Not every day, but at least once a week, sometimes more.
  207. Teaching her to roll a joint is hilarious.
  208. Twilight is smart, but not very coordinated.
  209. >"Stop laughing at me, Smokey! I'm gonna get this!"
  210. She never does. So on her 16th birthday you give her a nice little glass pipe and a grinder.
  211. >"Keep it at home, you don't want to get caught by the Royal Guard with this in your saddlebag. And keep it hidden...your folks aren't dumb. They aren't gonna believe this is a vase for flowers."
  213. Whenever you two hang out it's at Twilight's house, for one important reason.
  214. Rich ponies have the BEST munchies.
  215. Raiding the kitchen is like a walk through the Canterlot Art Museum for your tongue.
  216. Twi's mom is a good cook and her dad is a hobby gourmet that reads all the chef magazines and tries to emulate them. Sometimes he succeeds, sometimes he fails but it means there's always top notch ingredients in the house to work with.
  217. Even her brother brought home some field rations while on leave from the Academy. He did it as a joke, to show his family how bad the food was but as you and Twilight discovered they taste AMAZING while you're stoned.
  219. One day, that leads to a weird conversation:
  220. >"Hey, you feelin'?"
  221. You two are hanging out in Twilight's room, smoking the daytime blend and studying (non-sexually).
  222. >"Feelin' goood like lignum vitae...wood from a deciduous tree that is dense enough that it is often used to make bearings in sailing ships."
  223. Yes; even when she's high Twilight Sparkle is a geek.
  225. >"Cool, but I mean, are you hungry?"
  226. Laying her book down on the bed, Twilight rolls over from her back to her belly.
  227. >"Yeah, kinda. But this time you're gonna stay and help me clean the kitchen before my parents get home!"
  228. >"Hey, I told you not to open that jar of pickle slices with your magic. It's not my fault so many got stuck to the ceiling."
  229. Twi snorts in retort;
  230. >"Sure, but the banana bread that exploded in the oven was TOTALLY your fault."
  231. Okay, guilty on that.
  233. >"Well Mom didn't like it one bit when she got home. She read me the Riot Act and didn't stop yelling until I had that kitchen spotless...waving her big wooden spoon at me the whole time. I thought she was gonna tan my hide!"
  234. You laugh at her joke.
  235. >"Quit laughing, jerkface! I'm serious!"
  236. She reaches over to where you're sitting and punches you in the shoulder playfully.
  237. >"Leave me alone with a mess like that again and I'm telling my Mom you did it!"
  239. You're having fun, so you keep the joke rolling.
  240. >"Awesome...then your Mom can spank me, which is hot because she is one sexy mare."
  241. Twi snorts and takes another hit from her birthday bong.
  242. >"You wouldn't say that if you ever felt that wooden spoon on your rump."
  244. You stop.
  245. Is she speaking literally?
  246. Twilight sees the change in your expression too.
  247. >"Hold on, are you serious, Twi? You were afraid you mother was know...hit you with a spoon?"
  248. She cocks her head sideways, with a puzzled expression.
  249. >"Well yeah, that's what I said. What's the matter, your Mom never popped you with a wooden spoon? It doesn't look like much but it SUCKS! It doesn't burn like a hairbrush but boy does it sting! Makes you want to jump straight out of your skin to get away from it."
  250. You have no reply, so she continues;
  251. >"So if you never got spanked with a wooden spoon what do your folks use when you get in trouble?"
  252. There's nothing pervy about it...just an honest question from an innocent filly who assumes everyone her age occasionally gets spanked.
  253. >"Well, to be honest, I never have gotten spanked."
  254. It's hard for Twi to believe.
  255. >"Seriously? Not even when you were a little foal?"
  257. You explain that your mother is kind of a free spirit hippy and your father took off a long time ago. Your grades are good, and since all you like to do is grow plants and smoke them there's not much opportunity for getting into stereotypical teenage trouble.
  258. >"Wow...that must be weird. You must be the only kid in school who's never gotten it."
  259. Now that doesn't seem realistic to you.
  260. >"Are you sure, Purple? You're the first filly I've ever heard talk about it."
  261. She laughs.
  262. >"You don't spend enough time in the fillies' bathroom. That's where we girls talk about it. What, colts don't talk about it when they're in the bathroom?"
  263. >"Guys don't hang out in the bathroom and talk,"
  264. you explain,
  265. >"you do your business and try not to make eye contact."
  266. >"Hrumph...colts are weird."
  268. It's a weird topic, which would probably be taboo if you were not both high, but Twilight goes on about it while you raid the kitchen for munchies.
  269. >"I can tell you that most, if not all of the fillies at Princess Celestia's School know what it feels like to get a spanking. Demanding parents send their foals there. And I'll bet you most of the colts have guys are just too macho to talk about it."
  270. She slaps a big wad of peanut butter on a piece of bread way too small and jams the whole thing in her mouth.
  271. >"Well, they don't talk to me about it."
  273. >"I think that's sad."
  274. She replies with peanut butter still stuck to her cheeks.
  275. >"Even if colts do get spanked less than fillies...and I see no scientific reason why that should be least SOME colts do get spanked when they get in trouble. Just think; any given day one of your friends might be sad, ashamed or still sore from a spanking they got the night before. Or maybe they've got a problem they know is going to get them spanked in the future.
  276. >"Either way you dumb boys are too hard headed or macho to tell anypony about it! At least us girls know when to ask for a hug and some help when we need them. Even if it's something nopony can help with isn't a little sympathy worth it? Doesn't that help to get you through a few more hours of a really bad day?
  277. >"Just a few days ago my friend Moondancer got in trouble with her Dad. We don't hang out as much as we used to but when she was feeling bad about the switching she got she sought me out for a hug and some commiseration. I was running late, so I couldn't give her a very long hug...but that's the sort of things we fillies do. You colts should take a lesson."
  278. She finishes her speech by levitating another piece of bread from the box and wiping the surplus peanut butter from her cheeks.
  280. You clop your hooves together in applause.
  281. >"Purple, I do believe you have the beginnings of your Valedictorian's Speech there."
  282. She puffs up her chest fluff at your compliment and wears a smug grin until asking;
  283. >"I wonder if there's any pickles?"
  285. Weeks pass.
  286. Twi is a whole lot happier now.
  287. She gets more sleep, doesn't go nuts with worry as often.
  288. And you have fun on the days you hang out too.
  289. It was her idea to get smoked up and go to the Equestria Museum of Natural History
  290. Ever watched an ant farm while stoned?
  291. MIND. BLOWN.
  292. You both stood there staring for so long the curator had to chase us out
  293. >"Darned foals, with yer marijuana cigarettes and yer rock & roll music!"
  294. Twi was afraid of getting busted but the old stallion just wanted you to move along
  296. Things enter a comfortable routine
  297. Twilight doesn't smoke every day and doesn't buy expensive, top-tier stuff
  298. You have much more lucrative customers
  299. But you like hanging out with the purple filly a few times a week
  300. She's as smart as her reputation suggests
  301. With her connections Twilight will get a good job in Celestia's government someday
  303. So fast forward a month or two
  304. To when something interesting happens
  305. School is out for the spring break
  306. You haven't seen Twilight in a week because there's been harvest work to do
  307. Collect the buds, strip off leaves, dry it, pack it
  308. It's more work than you think and it hasn't left you with much time to hang out
  309. But all that's done now
  311. You have a number of customers who need a re-supply (Twilight among them) so you pack your saddlebags
  312. Product on the bottom, fresh, pungent herbs on top
  313. Royal Guard troopers are trained to use their noses...gotta mask your buds
  314. It's just a precaution; you don't expect any trouble
  315. On a nice summer day like this the Guard ponies aren't going to pay attention to one lone teenage colt with saddlebags full of herbs
  316. If they harass you, just tell them you're going shopping for your Mom
  318. First stop, Twilight's house
  320. You know Twi will be home alone, but you knock on the door anyway
  321. It's just polite
  322. To your surprise her mother Twilight Velvet answers.
  323. For the record she does NOT know you're her daughter's dope-pony
  324. >"Oh, good afternoon, Smokey.
  325. You've met before, of course...she's even had you stay for dinner
  326. But she seems cold, like something is bothering her today
  327. >"Hello Ma'am, is Twilight Sparkle home?"
  328. Rule #243: Always stay on good terms with your customers' folks
  329. They'll never suspect a thing from a clean-cut, polite young stallion
  331. Velvet considers things for a moment before answering;
  332. >"Yes, she's upstairs in her bedroom."
  333. >"I suppose it's okay to go see her, though it will have to be a short visit."
  334. That's odd...
  335. >"Ma'am, is she alright? Is something wrong?"
  336. Twi's mother doesn't give you a straight answer
  337. >"She's done something bad. When her Father gets home we're all going to have a serious talk.
  338. >"But go have time to say hello and chat for a while
  339. >"I dare say she could use a visit from a friend."
  341. Yikes? What in Tartarus is going on?
  342. Twi in trouble? How?
  343. All she does is read and study.
  344. With a courteous 'thank you' up the stairs you go
  345. Softly, you knock on her bedroom door
  346. It opens slowly, just a crack at first
  347. All you see is one wide with fear
  348. >"Thank Celestia! It's only you, Smokey!"
  349. As soon as she recognizes you she throws the door open
  350. Instantly you are locked in a tight, desperate hug
  351. That's a little weird
  352. You two are friends and all...but spontaneously hugging your drug dealer is not cool
  353. Oh well, you tolerate it & ask;
  354. >"What's going on, Purple? Your Mom looked pissed!"
  356. She lets you into her room and flops down on her bed
  357. The first thing you notice is that Twi's bedroom is actually clean for a change
  358. It's never been gross, like some teen ponies' bedrooms
  359. Just disorderly.
  360. Books, papers and half-eaten snack dishes are her norm
  361. Not today; it looks neat and freshly vacuumed, bed made
  362. >"Ooohhh, Smokey, I messed up BAD!"
  364. >"My Mom has been pestering me for ages to clean my room."
  365. >"Every day 'You're on spring break, Twiley, you have plenty of time to straighten up!' she tells me."
  366. >"I should have done it! I should have listened!"
  367. >"Mom finally got sick of waiting and cleaned it up herself."
  368. Uh-ho
  369. >"Eh, Twi, did she find your stash?"
  370. >"No, I had that hidden like Celestia's Royal jewels,
  371. >"But she found my pipe!"
  372. Oh boy.
  373. This is bad.
  374. This could lead back to you.
  376. Twilight continues to moan about her predicament;
  377. >"Mom showed it to me but didn't say a thing; just 'Wait until your Father gets home'.
  379. Well, no...your own Pop left when you were a little foal
  380. But you can guess, it isn't good
  381. >"I'm dead meat! Please tell everyone in our class goodbye for me because I'm gonna be grounded so hard I won't even be allowed to go to school!"
  382. Well, that doesn't make much sense
  383. But Twilight's anxiety freak outs rarely do
  385. You've gotta chill her out
  386. But your normal method doesn't seem appropriate right now
  387. >"Hey, come on now, Purple. It isn't that bad.
  388. >"Sure, your folks are mad but what's the worst they're really gonna do?
  389. >"If you were just two years older it would be legal for you.
  390. >"You're over-reacting like you do sometimes."
  392. But that makes her angry.
  393. >"What would YOU know about over-reacting, Smokey Seeds! You've never gotten a spanking in your life! You don't know what it feels like!"
  394. She scoops up a pillow into her arms and cries into it
  395. >"I'm scared...I'm ashamed...I'm angry and I can't do anything about it!
  396. >"I love my parents more than anything but I made them disappointed in me."
  397. >"But at the same time it's so unfair that I'm gonna get punished for something I like doing!"
  398. >"And on top of all that IT'S GONNA HURT SO BAD!"
  399. >"So don't tell me I'm just over-reacting!"
  401. Oh wow.
  402. She ripped you a new one, but she softens and apologizes.
  403. >"I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm glad you don't know how it feels. It's a really awful feeling, waiting to get spanked. You're my friend, you've been really nice to me so I'm glad you don't know how it feels."
  404. You wish you could make it better
  405. >"I kinda got you into this"
  406. But she won't hold you responsible.
  407. >"No, it's my own fault. I should have hidden my pipe better. I should have cleaned up when my Mom told me."
  408. >"It's my fault and you can't help me. Thanks for coming by."
  410. For a long time both of you are silent, except for an occasional sob or sniffle from Twi
  411. She's miserable
  412. And all you can do is sit with her so she won't be alone & miserable
  413. >"Listen...this may sound crazy, but maybe I can help."
  414. >"How can you possibly help, Smokey?"
  416. You rummage through your bags.
  417. This will be your greatest test as a grower and weed dealer.
  418. >"First eat this, Purple."
  419. You give her a brownie wrapped in wax paper
  420. She sniffs it
  421. >"Sorry, I'm not allowed to have desserts when I'm in trouble."
  422. Face hoof
  423. You say nothing, you just stare at her and wait for Twi to realize how stupid that sounded
  424. >"Oh...okay. *munch* *nom* *nom* It tastes kinda funny."
  426. >"That's because it's full of my high potency painkiller weed
  427. >"I bake these for the old ponies at the retirement home
  428. >"It helps their arthritis pain and puts them in a real dreamy fog all day.
  430. Twilight's jaw drops open
  431. >"Smokey, I can't get HIGH right now! That's the whole reason I'm in trouble in the first place!"
  432. But you've already moved on...
  433. >"Don't worry, it won't really kick in for an hour. It's so you don't feel too bad afterwards."
  434. While you speak you're mixing up a new blend.
  435. A sprinkle of this...a gram of that...a hoof-pinch of something else.
  436. You sprinkle it into a paper and roll it up for her.
  437. >"Are you sure about this, Smokey? If my parents come up here to spank me and I'm high as a kite they're gonna pack me off to reform school!"
  439. Oh wow.
  440. She ripped you a new one, but she softens and apologizes.
  441. >"I'm sorry I yelled at you. I'm glad you don't know how it feels. It's a really awful feeling, waiting to get spanked. You're my friend, you've been really nice to me so I'm glad you don't know how it feels."
  442. You wish you could make it better
  443. >"I kinda got you into this"
  444. But she won't hold you responsible.
  445. >"No, it's my own fault. I should have hidden my pipe better. I should have cleaned up when my Mom told me."
  446. >"It's my fault and you can't help me. Thanks for coming by."
  448. For a long time both of you are silent, except for an occasional sob or sniffle from Twi
  449. She's miserable
  450. And all you can do is sit with her so she won't be alone & miserable
  451. >"Listen...this may sound crazy, but maybe I can help."
  452. >"How can you possibly help, Smokey?"
  454. You rummage through your bags.
  455. This will be your greatest test as a grower and weed dealer.
  456. >"First eat this, Purple."
  457. You give her a brownie wrapped in wax paper
  458. She sniffs it
  459. >"Sorry, I'm not allowed to have desserts when I'm in trouble."
  460. Face hoof
  461. You say nothing, you just stare at her and wait for Twi to realize how stupid that sounded
  462. >"Oh...okay. *munch* *nom* *nom* It tastes kinda funny."
  464. >"That's because it's full of my high potency painkiller weed
  465. >"I bake these for the old ponies at the retirement home
  466. >"It helps their arthritis pain and puts them in a real dreamy fog all day.
  468. Twilight's jaw drops open
  469. >"Smokey, I can't get HIGH right now! That's the whole reason I'm in trouble in the first place!"
  470. But you've already moved on...
  471. >"Don't worry, it won't really kick in for an hour. It's so you don't feel too bad afterwards."
  472. While you speak you're mixing up a new blend.
  473. A sprinkle of this...a gram of that...a hoof-pinch of something else.
  474. You sprinkle it into a paper and roll it up for her.
  475. >"Are you sure about this, Smokey? If my parents come up here to spank me and I'm high as a kite they're gonna pack me off to reform school!"
  477. You try to reassure her while you work
  478. Gotta work fast, you don't know when her Father will be home
  479. >"You won't be all dazed and confused.
  480. >"I started with your daytime study weed, the stuff that sharpens you up
  481. >"I mixed in some of the old folks painkiller...for obvious reasons
  482. >"And I added just a tiny dusting of magic Poison Joke."
  484. She cocks her head sideways like she does when she's confused.
  485. >"Poison Joke? Never heard of it. Should I be smoking something called Poison?"
  486. >"It's tricky stuff to work with but it's mostly safe...forget I even said anything about it."
  487. You give it to her and light it with the tip of your horn.
  488. >"Make sure to blow your smoke out the window."
  490. She takes it nervously.
  491. >"It's not gonna make me freak out or act weird, is it?"
  492. >"No, I stake my reputation on it. If what I hope actually happens you might even find the experience...pleasurable."
  493. Twilight doesn't believe it;
  494. >"Pleasurable? Now I know you smoke too much weed, Smokey."
  495. >"Just try it, Purple, we don't have much time."
  497. You were right about that
  498. Twi just manages to finish half the joint before you hear hoofsteps on the stairs.
  499. >"Get rid of it!"
  500. She tosses the half-joint out her window
  501. Now all she can do is wait for the worst
  503. >"Twiley, we need to have a talk..."
  504. It's her father's voice, and her mother is right behind
  505. When he sees you he turns to face his wife with a puzzled expression
  506. >"I told him he could come up for a few minutes"
  507. Velvet explains, and he seems satisfied with the answer
  508. >"But you'll have to go now, Smokey
  509. >"We need to speak with Twilight and I'm sure you'll respect her privacy"
  511. Twi gives you a mournful look
  512. She would probably rather have you stay, even if it means somepony gets to watch her get spanked
  513. But it's not her choice
  514. >"Umm, yeah...I mean yes ma'am..."
  515. Why are YOUR knees shaking?
  516. They're not your parents, you're not the one in trouble
  517. You've never even been spanked
  518. But seeing the stern looks on their faces sends a chill up your spine
  520. >"Okay, I'll see you later, Twilight. Good luck."
  521. This time it's you who initiates the hug
  522. She clings a few seconds longer than you're comfortable with, but it's okay
  523. She needs this
  524. >"Eh, have a good evening, Professor Velvet, Professor Night Light."
  525. And with that you leave, awkwardly
  526. You've done as much as you could
  527. Twilight is on her own now
  529. As you walk down the stairs you can hear the muffled sounds of her scolding already beginning
  530. Sadly, you have to leave her there
  531. As you step out the front door, your part in the story ends
  533. You turn your head one last time and notice the gardener
  534. While trimming the hedges under Twilight's bedroom window he finds something interesting
  535. He sniffs it curiously before getting a big smile on his face
  536. And with that smile on his face finishes off the half joint Twilight tossed out her window
  537. >"Best day ever!"
  539. X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X+X
  541. Upstairs, the worst of the story was just beginning for Twilight
  542. >"I just can not imagine what you were thinking!"
  543. >"You've got a full scholarship to Princess Celestia's School...and you'd risk it over this!?"
  544. >"Twilight you're barely 16. You could get expelled for this."
  545. Her father took over;
  546. >"And where did you get in anyway?"
  547. >"Your mother found the pipe...where is the marijuana?"
  549. >"Umm, I got it from a grown-up pegasus in the park.
  550. >"And I don't have any more marijuana...I only had a little bit to begin with."
  551. Lying to her beloved parents gnawed at Twilight's insides
  552. But it was better than the truth
  553. >Thank Celestia Smokey gave me that little puff
  554. >I'd be babbling nonsense, and probably spill the truth if I didn't have something to calm me down!
  555. But that could only get Twilight so far
  556. She was busted, and no amount of herbal enhancement could save her from what was coming
  558. Her father continued;
  559. >"Twiley, when you're 18 you can make your own decision about this
  560. >"But you're just barely 16. You've got a few years to wait before marijuana is legal for you."
  561. Mom cleared her throat, indicating she wished to tag in
  562. >"And even then we expect you to come to us and talk about it before you choose to start."
  564. Meekly, the purple filly attempted a defense of her actions;
  565. >"But helps me. I don't freak out with worry as much as I used to. I sleep better and actually wake up ready for school. I'm...happier."
  567. Night Light sighed deeply.
  568. >"Sweetie, be that as it may it's still against the law. What would happen if Princess Celestia found out you were breaking her laws?
  569. >"You could lose your position as her personal student. That's such an have no idea where it's going to take you in life."
  570. Head hung low, Twilight accepted the humiliating lecture...she'd heard plenty of them over her foalhood and knew the best thing to do was to stay quiet and only respond when expected to.
  572. And then the brownie kicked in.
  573. Smokey had guessed the brownie would take at least an hour to enter Twi's system but he had never mixed that strain of weed with Poison Joke before. Instead of a slow build up it hit hard and fast.
  574. As her parents switched turns admonishing her for risking her future Twilight struggled to remain connected to the ground. She felt like she was floating just inches above the checkerboard floor of her bedroom, which was took all the young unicorn's effort to concentrate on the lecture and not freak out.
  575. >Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh...when they finish talking...
  576. Paranoia washed over her already discordant mind
  577. >...I'm gonna get spanked! It's gonna hurt and there's nothing I can do about it!
  578. The fear dominated her mind and sent tingles throughout her body.
  579. Even into her most sensitive, private mare parts
  580. >Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no...this can't be happening now!
  581. She was getting wet.
  583. While her parents droned on about responsibility and risk and what a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity she had Twilight just tried to hold onto the floor
  584. Worse, the anxiety of the situation was having a weird effect on her
  585. Even high, Twi's analytic mind was trying to study every sensation
  586. And this was turning her on
  588. With her mare parts feeling damper by the second, Twilight sat down in the hope that her shame would not be noticed
  589. Bad idea...
  590. >"Don't you sit down and act bored when your Father is talking to you!"
  591. Mom got right up in Twi's face
  592. >"If this is boring to you, young filly, then maybe we need to do something to get your attention!"
  593. Her face was huuuuuggggeeeeeee...and fuzzy
  594. As she was being yelled at a spell of dizziness overtook Twilight
  595. Feeling like she was going to fall over, she tossed her arms around the nearest solid object she could hold on to; Mom's neck
  597. The lecture stopped immediately
  598. Twilight realized she'd done something awkward and struggled to recover
  599. >"Umm...err...I'm really, really sorry, Mommy."
  600. Her inner monologue was going a furlong a minute;
  601. >Wait, what was I saying?
  602. >Holy horseapples, what was in that brownie?
  603. Thankfully Mom did not pick up on how stoned she was
  604. The older mare took a break from her scolding and returned a hug
  606. >"There, there. Twiley, we know you're upset but that can't change what's going to happen."
  607. She turned to look over at Night Light
  608. >"Maybe we ought to just get this over with and talk more about it later."
  609. He nodded in solemn agreement and stepped out of the room
  610. Velvet pulled away from her clingy teenager to look her straight in the eye
  611. >Ohhhhh, please Celestia don't let her see how bloodshot my eyes are!
  612. But Velvet did not make the connection
  613. >"Twiley, sweetheart, I know you're scared, and this is going to be a very unpleasant experience for you.
  614. >"But you known the rules since you were a little filly.
  615. >"And when a little filly or a young mare breaks those rules, she gets her bottom spanked."
  617. When Twilight heard those words the floor seemed to drop away from her
  618. The anticipation, the worry and the euphoria brought on by the weed brownie all combined in one chaotic tornado
  619. She was terrified, but part of her actually...wanted the spanking
  620. Twilight was unable to separate the fear from the excitement
  621. It was all one emotion now, and like it or not Twi was unable to escape
  622. >"Are...*sniff*...are you gonna use the hair...h-hairbr..."
  623. But Velvet shook her head gravely
  624. >"No honey, your father and I discussed it.
  625. >"We don't feel the hairbrush is appropriate for this."
  626. Sparkle breathed a sigh of relief
  627. >"This incident is serious enough to warrant your Father's strap."
  629. That was too much for Twilight's chaotic mind to accept
  630. >"Oh no...noooo, Mom, please don't let him!"
  631. She'd seen Shining Armor get spanked with the strap...once
  632. It had been awful. It made even her proud, strong brother bawl in pain
  633. >OhmygoshOmygosh I can't do it! Not in this condition!
  634. She threw herself at her mother's hooves, begging for reprieve
  635. >"Mom, please not the strap, I'm really sorry and it will never happen again!"
  636. Her marehood was now twice as wet as before
  637. >"Twiley, you can beg all you want but the decision is made.
  638. >"You've been a very naughty filly. You've broken our rules and Princess Celestia's.
  639. >"And furthermore, you bought your drugs with the allowance WE give you!
  640. >"You've put your whole future at risk and we will not stand for that."
  641. Mom's voice sounded slow, like dragging one's hoof on a spinning record
  642. But her lips were moving faster than the words
  643. And every time Velvet said any of those magic words;
  644. >"...spank..." "...strap..." "...whip..."
  645. a tingle ran down Sparkle's spine and hit her privates with a satisfying jolt
  647. Twilight was terrified, she would have done anything to escape the fearsome strap
  648. But her whole body was trembling in anticipation of it
  649. >What is is gonna feel like?
  651. >How warm is my rump going to feel?
  653. Back and forth her mind flipped
  654. Between fear and excitement, terror and arousal
  655. But no matter how she felt about it the terrible punishment was coming and it could not be avoided
  657. Night Light came to the door but did not enter
  658. >"Dear, may I have a word with you?"
  659. Velvet gave her daughter a severe look; one that said;
  660. >Move from that spot and I'll make it 10 times worse
  661. before trotting out the the hallway where her husband waited
  663. He had a depressed and haggard look on his face
  664. >"What's wrong dear?"
  665. Night Light had brought the dreaded strap, but he was having second thoughts about using it
  666. >"Velvet, are you sure about this?
  667. >"I mean...we both smoked a little reefer at University.
  668. >"And it doesn't seem to be doing her any harm."
  669. Twilight Velvet sighed, but did not agree with him
  670. >"Dearest, we've discussed this.
  671. >"It's not about the reefer...I don't think that's a particularly big deal either.
  672. >"But she's risking SO MUCH.
  673. >"She'll never get another opportunity like this again if she blows it!"
  675. Night Light looked for a way out;
  676. >"Maybe we ought to speak with the Princess about it, see how she feels."
  677. But Velvet shook her head
  678. >"I think the less Princess Celestia knows about this the better."
  679. She reached back with her hind leg and slowly closed her daughter's door
  680. In a hushed tone she continued;
  681. >"We have no idea how Celestia is going to react.
  682. >"Remember what we learned about her previous student..."
  684. >"We didn't learn much at all."
  685. >"Exactly my point."
  686. Velvet explained;
  687. >"That filly just disappeared. No trace of her.
  688. >"Even her own parents won't comment on where she went."
  689. >"I know that they've spoken to Celestia about it, but they won't speak to anyone else."
  691. The blue stallion was skeptical;
  692. >"I don't really think the Princess would have done anything bad to a student."
  693. But Velvet's worries would not be brushed aside easily;
  694. >"But we just DON'T KNOW. Did she break a rule? Did she make Celestia angry? Was she exiled...or worse?"
  695. Night Light put his arm around his worrying wife
  696. >"I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation. The Princess wouldn't..."
  697. >"I don't want to take that chance!"
  698. He was a little surprised by his wife's vehemence about this.
  699. >"Night, honey, we don't know all the facts...we've asked but nopony will tell us what happened to Sunset Shimmer.
  700. >"I just don't want anything bad to happen to our Twiley.
  701. >"Besides, we're her parents. Celestia may be Princess over this land but where Twilight and Shining are concerned it's OUR responsibility.
  702. >"Now, she's an underage filly, caught doing something illegal.
  703. >"Using the allowance WE give her, I might add.
  704. >"So please, Night Light. Neither of us want to see her cry but she has to learn her lesson.
  705. >"Her future, even her safety might depend on it."
  707. Night Light was silent for a minute
  708. There was more on his mind
  709. >"But...I just don't think I can do it.
  710. >"It was hard enough with Shining...when he got caught smoking cigarettes by the Royal Guard."
  711. Velvet tried to re-assure him;
  712. >"Honey, I know it was hard, but Shining never needed the strap again."
  713. Night Light shook his head
  714. >"But Twiley...she's my little filly. I don't know if I can..."
  715. His wife shushed him with a tender hoof to his lips
  716. >"I understand.
  717. >"It was unfair to expect you to do both of them.
  718. >"Give me the strap...I'll deal with our daughter."
  720. Staying in touch with reality wasn't getting any easier for Twilight
  721. She hugged her tail, stroking it anxiously as she tried to hear what the muffled voices were saying in the hall
  722. >What are they talking about...please, please, please let's get this over with!
  723. >Wait, what am I saying? Please, please, please stay in the hall forever!
  724. Either way the wait was over.
  726. >"Change of plans, little filly. It's going to be me punishing you this afternoon, not your Father."
  727. >"Wh-wh-why?"
  728. Velvet answered her sharply;
  729. >"Because I said so. Over the bed, Twilight Sparkle, NOW!"
  730. Mom usually had a sweet and gentle voice, but when she wanted she could strike fear into the heart of a full-grown Manticore
  731. With her head spinning, Twilight nearly tripped over her own hooves in her rush to obey
  733. >Oh gosh...oh gosh, it's really happening...
  734. Twilight lowered herself into the terrible position on the side of her bed.
  735. But Mom wasn't satisfied
  736. She lifted her daughter up with magic and slipped a few pillows under her hips, raising the purple filly's trembling rump higher
  737. >"Ohhhhh, Mom, please no! I'm sorry, I'm never gonna do it again, please just use your will hurt plenty, I swear!"
  738. But once Mom had made up her mind there was no changing it
  739. >"No, young filly, this is a serious offense and you're getting a serious spanking for it. I expect you to learn from this. I don't want to hear about you messing with that stuff until you're 18 years old!"
  740. The desperate filly made any promise she thought could save her;
  741. >"You won't, I SWEAR! Momma, I'll never touch it again!"
  742. >"Good,"
  743. Velvet answered sternly,
  744. >"Then we won't ever have to do this again...but for now it's time to start."
  746. No more waiting, no more delays
  747. Twilight's rump, high in the air on its mountain of pillows tensed for that first painful stroke
  748. The terror, the anticipation and the euphoria brought on by Smokey's brownie reached a mind-bending crescendo...and then;
  749. *SMACK!*
  751. >"Aaaahhhhgggghhh! Ow! Ow! OW!"
  752. A hot ribbon of shocking pain cut across the teenage filly's backside
  753. *SMACK!*
  754. The second made it even worse
  755. *SMACK!*
  756. Poor Twilight howled in pain, but there was more too it
  757. Each searingly painful close to her wet marehood
  758. *SMACK!*
  759. It sent a rush of tingling energy all over her body, from her rump to her muzzle to the tips of her hooves
  760. *SMACK!*
  761. >"OOWWwwwWWOOooowwWwWwW! PLEASE STOP!"
  762. But there was a part of Twilight that did not want it to stop
  763. Which was just as well because her Mother had no intention of stopping
  765. *SMACK!* *SMACK!* *SMACK!*
  766. Those first few spanks had only been a warm-up
  767. Now Velvet quickened her pace
  768. Night Light stood by with the required 'Stern Father' look on his face
  769. But he visibly winced every time the strap slashed his little filly's bottom
  770. *SMACK!*
  771. >"AAIIIEEEeeeee! *sob* Ow! Mommy, it hurts!"
  772. *SMACK!*
  773. >"Please, PLEASE stop!"
  774. *SMACK!*
  776. Twilight had lost count of the number of spanks she had gotten.
  777. She could not tell if she had been laying there, face buried in her bedspread, rump high in the air, for an hour or mere seconds
  778. All that existed now was the awful burning, punctuated and made unimaginably worse by a horrible sting that arrived every few seconds, leaving an even more painful burn
  779. And it felt INCREDIBLE
  780. *SMACK!* *SMACK!* *SMACK!*
  782. Now Twilight just bawled without shame
  783. She did not care if tears and drool got all over her quilt
  784. The thin but sticky snot running from her nose did not concern her
  785. All of it was just part of the total release she was feeling
  786. *SMACK!*
  787. *SMACK!*
  788. *SMACK!*
  789. She didn't have to do anything, not count, or resist or try to keep her dignity
  790. The teen filly just howled in agonized anguish
  791. But it was an agony that was mixed with euphoria
  792. Twilight Sparkle had never felt anything like it
  794. *SMACK!* *SMACK!* *SMACK!*
  795. >" more please OWWWW! No more!"
  796. The agony and the ecstasy continued
  797. Twilight did not know if she enjoyed it or hated it
  798. It was both...and neither
  799. But regardless of how the purple filly felt she had no control over it
  800. *SMACK!*
  801. This was going to go on as long as Mom wanted it to
  803. From her perspective Velvet could see how red her daughter's rump was getting
  804. The teenager was wailing and shaking all over
  805. It hurt her heart to cause the youngster so much discomfort, but a lesson done right would not need to be repeated multiple times
  806. *SMACK!* *SMACK!* *SMACK!*
  807. >"OW Ow Ow! I'm soooorrrrrrrrryyyyyy!"
  808. >"Well I certainly hope so, young filly!"
  809. Twilight struggled and almost freed herself from the painful position
  810. That caused Velvet to pause
  811. She did not want to accidentally hit her daughter on the back, or legs
  812. But Night Light stepped in, and used his magic to help hold the crying filly in position
  813. Velvet gave him a quick nod of thanks
  814. He looked close to tears himself
  816. >Alright, time to wrap this up...
  817. Since they were little Velvet had always finished her foals' chastisements with 10 extra hard smacks
  818. The brief pause had allowed her magic to 'rest', now it was time to finish the task
  819. *SMACK!*
  820. Twilight screamed and lifted her head so high that it threw her Father off balance as he tried to hold her
  821. *SMACK!*
  822. They were ready for the second one, so all poor Twi could do was shriek and wait for it to be over
  823. *SMACK!*
  824. *SMACK!*
  825. Those two landed hard, right on the lowest part of Sparkle's rump
  826. With her face stuffed in a pillow all she could do was moan, but her back legs trembled uncontrollably
  827. Velvet waited for that to subside and;
  828. *SMACK!*
  830. Twilight Sparkle was a sobbing, drooling mess but none of the excitement had left her
  831. *SMACK!*
  832. Mom was really laying into her now
  833. >Oh please let it be over soon
  834. Despite the burning agony in her tushie another problem edged into Twi's weed-addled brain
  835. >Oh, no...please Celestia, do not let me climax!
  836. Shame, excitement, pain and sexual gratification all spiraled together in a tornado of feelings
  837. *SMACK!*
  838. She felt herself getting close.
  839. >No, no, no, I can't orgasm in front of Mom & Dad!
  840. Twilight struggled and her tail broke free
  841. She popped it down to cover her sopping wet marehood
  843. Mom did not approve
  844. >"Stop that this INSTANT!"
  845. She yanked the filly's tail back up and snapped;
  846. >"You try that again and we'll start over from the beginning!"
  847. Twi wailed in fear...she couldn't take another strapping like this
  848. >"Noooo! Mom, please don't, I'm sorry."
  849. Velvet pinned the offending tail down with her hood and added;
  850. >"You're getting 5 more for that."
  851. *SMACK!* *SMACK!* *SMACK!* *SMACK!* *SMACK!*
  852. They were delivered in quick succession, and they were the worst
  854. Poor Twilight screamed and released a fresh bucket of tears onto her own bed
  855. But at least it was only tears
  856. The worst was over
  857. The crisis was passed...Twi did not feel as if her vagina was ready to sploosh all over the pillows
  858. And Velvet delivered the final 3 spanks with mercy.
  859. *SMACK!*
  860. *Smack!*
  861. *Smack.*
  862. With that, Twilight Sparkle's one and only strapping ended.
  864. Her Mother and Father sat down on either side of Twilight and let her cry it out
  865. It took 3 or 4 minutes before she could get herself under control and speak without sobbing
  866. >" *sniffle* it d-d-done?"
  867. Velvet stroked her daughter's mane lovingly
  868. >"That's up to you, dear. I hope we never have to use this dreadful thing again, but if your Father or I ever catch you breaking the law again you can expect even worse, am I understood?"
  870. >Even worse?
  871. Twilight could not believe those words
  872. She knew she'd be spanked again...she knew it would be bad
  873. But even worse than that?
  874. She didn't understand how that could be possible
  875. The best thing to do was simply reply;
  876. >"Y-yes Momma...*sob* I p-promise."
  878. Mom & Dad stayed with Twi for about a half-hour, letting her recover and reassuring her that she was still a loved filly
  879. But eventually, Twilight wanted a little privacy
  880. >"I think I'm alright *sniff*, I just wanna be alone for a while, if that's okay."
  881. Mom kissed her on the horn
  882. >"Of course, sweetheart. We'll both be downstairs if you need us."
  883. Dad leaned over and gave his own kiss
  884. >"I'll call you when supper is ready. How does portobello mushroom & broccoli risotto sound?"
  885. Twilight sniffled and looked up in disbelief
  886. >"That...that's my favorite"
  887. Her Father gave an indulgent smile and replied;
  888. >"Well, I'd say it's about time something pleasant happened today"
  890. And with that her parents left Twilight
  891. The last thing she saw as they exited was Mom bump Dad with her flank and say;
  892. >"You big softie."
  894. Twi was finally alone
  895. She was still high, but the intense rush of earlier was replaced by a dull, warm glow
  896. Her rear-end was certainly warm...and so sore that just thinking about it made her want to cry
  897. But now it was a pleasant warmth that diffused to the rest of her body
  898. Especially her mare-parts
  899. Still soaking wet, Twilight finally got to attend to her own needs
  900. Carefully she rolled over, putting her softest pillow under her tortured rump
  901. It still felt stiff and swollen
  902. Smokey's brownie did not eliminate the pain, it just made it into something manageable
  903. But it did not matter
  904. Twilight Sparkle reached down with her hoof and probed around until she found the spot
  905. She rubbed her wet, warm privates in a gentle, tight circle
  906. And took as long as she wanted
  907. Dinner would not be on the table for hours
  908. This was Twilight Time.
  910. So, back to Smokey Seeds again
  911. Remember him?
  913. You felt bad for the rest of Spring Break, but didn't have the nerve to go by Twilight's house
  914. You might make things worse
  915. Finally, you see Twilight at school
  916. A week has passed
  917. >" you alright?"
  918. She smiles and blushes
  919. >"Yeah. I was locked up in my room for the rest of the week. That SUCKED, I wasn't even allowed to go to the library"
  920. But that's not on your mind
  921. >"Did your know..."
  922. You take a swing with your front hoof for effect
  923. >"Oh yeah, I got my rump roasted...bad!"
  924. But she laughs a little
  925. >"But at least my big brother can't call me a wimp anymore. I got the strap just as bad as he did!"
  926. That sounds awful to you
  927. >"I'm really sorry. I think it's unfair that they do that to you."
  928. She shrugs it off;
  929. >"Water under the bridge. And your brownie really helped, so thanks."
  931. You two walk down the hall together as she talks;
  932. >"The whole thing sucked, getting busted, being grounded in my room, most of all that strapping, but I'm not sore about any of it...well, not in that way. I know my parents love me, and don't want to see me screw up this chance at being Princess Celestia's protégé. Really, I'm not even too upset about it."
  933. You don't know how you'd handle it.
  934. Probably not as well as Twi.
  935. >"Well, I hope you never have to go through something like that again."
  937. Twi stops and thinks for a minute before explaining;
  938. >"Yeah, I hope so too, but it's really not the worst thing in the world.
  939. >"There's a lot of scary things in life and I don't really feel like I'm ready to face all of them. Of course, I hate being in trouble, and I REALLY hate getting spanked, but it's not the worst thing that can happen. Having folks like mine is kinda like having a safety net. You don't want to fall into it, but it's a whole lot better than hitting the ground.
  940. >"I'm not ready to give up my safety net yet."
  941. That's Twilight for you.
  942. Always an honest look at things that you hadn't thought of before.
  944. To her credit, Twilight is brave enough to take a puff or two now and then.
  945. But she doesn't buy her own anymore.
  946. >"Ya know that last time was really intense.
  947. >"It was awful...but awesome at the same time.
  948. >"So, I think maybe I'm gonna put the weed down for a while, until I'm older."
  949. You're not offended.
  950. And you stay friends.
  952. But as others have discovered, Twilight is a busy filly
  953. As she spends more time attending to duties for the Princess you hang out less and less
  954. Eventually you're just passing acquaintances in the hall
  955. When you graduate she stays on at the School to pursue advanced magical studies
  956. You've got your own business to attend to
  957. And now that you're 18, it's legal
  958. Sometimes you miss smoking with Purple
  959. She was never your type romantically, but she was a fun friend
  960. Ultra smart, but goofy and playful when the mood took her
  962. You hope that goofy playfulness never leaves her, but each time you see her after school she's always in a hurry
  963. There's always some job to attend to...something new to study
  964. Never time for more than a friendly "Hello" and "It was good to see you."
  965. You're not her only friend that feels that way
  966. It makes you kinda sad.
  968. Whatever happens to Twilight Sparkle in the future you hope she learns something about Friendship.
  969. But she'll probably be okay. She's a smart girl.
  971. END

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