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Sports Swats by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:07:16
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:12:41
Expiry: Never

  1. Sports Swats by DCFTEF
  2. (None / None)
  4. (07/05/2019)
  7. ---
  9. There was a break in the schedule at the Apploosa Buckball Tournament so Wind Sprint hopped up to stretch her legs.
  10. >"Mom, can I go get a carrot dog before the next match?"
  11. Her mother, Clear Sky, reached into her purse to fish out a few bits.
  12. >"That sounds like a lovely idea...will you get us 4?"
  13. But before mom could give her the bits Quibble Pants fumbled with his coin purse and clumsily beat her to it.
  14. >"Don't worry, it's on me!"
  15. Clear Sky acquiesced and let him pay...Rainbow Dash & Wind Sprint rolled their eyes. For his part, Quibble continued to be embarrassing...
  16. >"Okay kiddo, that's 1.25 bits per carrot dog, times 4, how much will you need?"
  17. Quibble was trying to impress her mother by slipping in a quick math quiz but Wind just took his bits and muttered;
  18. >"I'll bring you back the right change."
  20. Plenty of other ponies took the opportunity to grab a snack between games so the queue for the concession stand was long. Wind was content to patiently wait her turn...a few minutes in line meant a few minutes break from Quibble Pants.
  21. >"Yeowch! That looks like it hurt!"
  22. Wind Sprint cringed as the colt behind her commented on her rump. She turned her head and saw a similar mark on his own hindquarters.
  23. >"You're not doing any better yourself."
  24. Her prickly attitude did not scare him away.
  25. >"Yeah, I wandered off earlier and my folks kinda freaked when they thought they'd lost me.
  26. >"I was just trying to get an autograph, but when Mom caught up with me she gave me a whack on the behind."
  27. Wind softened a little and offered commiserations;
  28. >"Wow, sorry. That sucks."
  29. The colt continued his story;
  30. >"Darn right it sucked. I was at the head of the autograph line...Mom whacked me RIGHT IN FRONT OF MICK MUSTANG from the Las Pegasus team!"
  31. Wind was horrified by the thought but burst out laughing.
  32. >"Oh my Celestia! That's so embarrassing! What happened?"
  33. The colt was red faced but went on, laughing as well;
  34. >"Mick and the whole rest of the Las Pegasus Gamblers saw everything. He still signed my jersey but then he said 'I hope that hoof-print hurts less than the one yer Mom put on yer rump.' Everypony laughed, I wanted to crawl up and disappear."
  35. Wind Sprint was laughing so hard she almost wet herself.
  36. >"The whole team saw you get spanked? I would just die of humiliation, right there."
  37. >"Yeah, I felt like it. So how about yours?"
  38. She gave him a puzzled look, so he pointed at the pink mark on her butt and asked;
  39. >"How did you get smacked?"
  41. Wind Sprint groaned. She really didn't want to talk about it but the colt had shared his own embarrassing story (which had been funny) so fair was fair.
  42. >" Mom is seeing this TOTALLY annoying new guy."
  43. The colt nodded at her story;
  44. >"Oh yeah, I've got one of those too."
  45. Wind continued;
  46. >"Well, maybe I was giving him a little more attitude than I should...Mom thought it was a lot more so she pulled me aside and gave me a smack.
  47. She didn't reveal how much it actually hurt. Mom was an expert at the single swat, it had been quick and discreet but the one spank stung enough to make her eyes water and hours later the spot was still sore.
  48. >"Luckily it was at the museum, so nopony saw."
  49. The colt blushed a little. Everyone had seen his.
  50. >"At least your Mom's new fella didn't do the deed."
  51. Wind Sprint scoffed;
  52. >"Ha! Quibble Pants wouldn't dare."
  53. But the colt seemed unconvinced.
  54. >"Maybe not now, but you know it's gonna happen eventually."
  55. Wind went silent at the colt's prophecy.
  56. >"Seriously?"
  57. The conversation had unexpectedly turned serious.
  58. >"You don't know this stallion.
  59. >"He's spent all day kissing my butt...I can't believe Quibble Pants would ever spank it!"
  60. But the colt had experience;
  61. >"Yeah, that's how it started with my new step-dad. He spent more time trying to get me to like him than Mom.
  62. >"But when the day comes it won't be his choice..."
  63. The pegasus filly interrupted him;
  64. >"Yeah, yeah, my Mom says that all the time; 'I don't want to spank you, young lady, but you leave me no choice.' Standardized Parent Speech #236."
  66. But the colt shook his head;
  67. >"We've all heard that one, but that's not what I mean.
  68. >"Your Mother is going to TELL him to spank you."
  69. Wind Sprint shook her head in disbelief.
  70. >"No way. Why would Mom do that?"
  71. He explained;
  72. >"He won't want to do it. He'll try every excuse to try to avoid doing it the first time. He'll want to spank you even less than you want to get spanked."
  73. Wind rolled her eyes;
  74. >"I find THAT hard to believe."
  75. But the colt insisted;
  76. >"Believe it. They're gonna fight about it so long you're gonna wish one of them would just spank you and get it over with...but your Mom is eventually gonna win.
  77. >"She'll tell him something like 'If you're gonna be a part of her life you can't just be there for the good times. You need to be there for her during the good AND bad."
  79. The prospect made Wind Sprint feel light headed and nauseous.
  80. >"It can't be. I couldn't live knowing Quibble Pants has the right to spank my butt anytime he wants. He is SUCH a dork!"
  81. Her friend re-assured her though;
  82. >"Hey, I didn't mean to scare you. Truth is my new step-dad turned out to be a pretty cool guy.
  83. >"And that first time he had to spank me...I REALLY had it coming.
  84. >"I did some graffiti, got caught by the Royal Guards.
  85. >"He came to the guardhouse and got me out...totally smoothed things over with the Guards so I didn't even get a juvenile record.
  86. >"I begged him not to tell Mom and he didn't...he made me tell her.
  87. >"But then he argued that I'd been punished enough, having to spend hours in a jail cell.
  88. >"Well, you know how that turned out; Mom won and he had to give me the spanking."
  89. Wind Sprint ventured a question;
  90. >"W-was it bad? I've only been spanked by Mom, never by a big, strong stallion."
  91. The colt shuddered at the memory and confessed;
  92. >"Yeah, it was bad. He tanned my rear-end good, I was squirming in my seat for days after that.
  93. >"But he was fair, and real nice about it. When I went to bed that night my butt was still throbbing but I Do you know what I mean?"
  95. Wind Sprint did;
  96. >"Yeah, sorta. Like, sometimes things get totally out of control and every choice I make just makes things worse.
  97. >"Obviously I don't wanna get caught and get in trouble, but when it happens it's kind of a relief.
  98. >"I know the punishment is gonna suck, but at least now Mom can help me sort out all the trouble I'm in. It's like I can hit 'reset' and try again."
  99. Her friend agreed;
  100. >"Yeah, that's what I mean. Getting my butt blistered was awful...I cried like a little foal, I'm not too proud to admit that...but at the end of the day I knew I had another grown-up who would help me out of trouble no matter how deep it was."
  101. The two foals were silent for a few moments until the carrot-dog vendor barked;
  102. >"Come on, kids, got a long line here, what do you'se want?"
  103. >"Oh, sorry, 4 carrot dogs, please. Mustard on one, relish on one and sauerkraut on two of them."
  104. After paying for her order Wind thanked her new friend for the advice and returned to her seat. Quibble Pants saw her coming and jumped up to help her with the box (Wind was doing fine, she needed no help) but he tripped and did a clumsy face plant. Rainbow Dash ignored this and reached over him to grab the carrot with mustard, while Clear Sky helped Quibble up.
  105. >"Thank you, honey"
  106. Mom accepted the one with relish, leaving the two with sauerkraut. Quibble seemed surprised when he saw this.
  107. >"So, you like 'kraut on your dogs too?"
  108. Wind shrugged and answered;
  109. >"I don't know, but I saw you like it that way so I figured I'd try it."
  110. That nearly brought a tear to Quibble Pants' eye.
  112. Wind Sprint bit into her carrot dog. Quibble was right about one thing, sauerkraut was pretty good on a carrot dog, but that didn't mean she was ready to have him start spanking her anytime soon. Maybe someday, but for now she was comfortable with one-step-at-a-time.
  114. At least he was a wimp, so it wouldn't hurt much when it finally did happen.
  116. END

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