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Sugar Cube Horror by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:08:21
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:16:03
Expiry: Never

  1. Sugar Cube Horror by DCFTEF
  2. (None / None)
  4. (17/02/2017)
  7. ---
  9. Granny Smith had come into town to buy supplies for the upcoming Zap Apple jam season and she'd brought Apple Bloom along to help. Shopping was always boring and the filly had other, more fun, things she'd rather be doing, but helping Granny was important so she went without complaint. In fact she'd been such a big help that once their saddlebags were full Granny proposed a treat:
  10. >"I got me a few extra bits left over...what do ya say we stop in at Sugar Cube Corner, Half-Pint?"
  11. >"Really Granny!?"
  12. Granny Smith tried not to spoil her grandfoals too much, but seeing them excited made her happy.
  14. Mr. Cake was at the counter...his wife was busy nursing the twins and Pinkie Pie was off doing something ridiculous. After making their orders Granny & Bloom looked for an open table but the place was unusually full for a weekday.
  15. Luckily, Apple Bloom's school friend Featherweight got their attention, waving his hoof.
  16. >"Apple Bloom, there's room over here, come join us! Is it okay, Mom?"
  17. >"Of course, dear."
  18. No introductions were necessary; every pony in town knew Granny Smith and Granny usually remembered every pony in town. As Carrot Cake delivered Bloom's milkshake, and Granny's coffee & muffin to the table they made conversation:
  19. >"Well, I don't stop in here too often, but Bloomy an' her brother & sister are always talkin' about the place, so I figger'd it was ripe time fer a visit."
  20. Featherweight's mother, Feathercloud nodded and agreed;
  21. >"Yes, Feather is always eager to come here, and today we have cause for celebration."
  22. She pulled a certificate from her saddlebag.
  23. >"My son got an A+ grade on his Equestrian History exam..."
  24. Featherweight beamed with pride until his mother continued;
  25. >"...quite a turn around from being caught cheating on a test last month."
  26. He cringed and blushed when she brought that up.
  27. Granny Smith saw the colt's embarrassment and endeavored to cheer him up;
  28. >"Oh, don't you fret about that. Ya learned yer lesson, didn't ya?"
  29. >"Yes ma'am" Featherweight muttered, still ashamed
  30. Granny went on;
  31. >"Every filly & colt in Equestria has tried takin' the easy way at least once.
  32. >"Applejack & Mac sure did...and I had to tan this filly's rear-end for it just a few weeks ago."
  33. Now it was Apple Bloom who blushed. She nearly fell off her stool as she jumped up to protest;
  34. >"Granny! Ya don't have to tell everypony about it!"
  35. But the elder mare just brushed her off.
  36. >"Oh hush...ain't no secret. I'm sure yer little friend has had his share too."
  38. Featherweight gave his mother a desperate glance, hoping she wouldn't share any humiliating details of his less-than-perfect moments...but she did.
  39. >"Oh, that's for sure. My Featherweight knows very well what momma's hoof feels like on his backside."
  40. He shrank down in his seat, blushing even deeper.
  42. Granny Smith seemed surprised by her answer;
  43. >"Yer hoof, eh? Featherweight seems a touch old fer that. Bloomy here gets the hairbrush for most'a her mischief."
  44. Apple Bloom and Featherweight looked across the table at each other in misery, both hoping none of the other foals at the tables around them could hear the embarrassing conversation.
  45. It got worse;
  46. >"I agree, my hoof doesn't seem to make the same impression on Featherweight as it used to."
  47. >"Yes it does Mom! It hurts plenty! I swear!"
  48. She continued without acknowledging him;
  49. >"But...How do I put this mildly?...his little heinie is so skinny I'm afraid to use a hairbrush or paddle for fear of injuring him."
  50. Granny Smith craned her neck for a better look and agreed with her;
  51. >"Eeyup, that's one scawny rump. Don't you worry, little feller, Big Mac didn't have no meat on his bones when he was yer age neither and he grew up big & strong.
  52. >"Until then you ought to consider a switch when he misbehaves."
  53. Featherweight gulped. A fun visit to Sugar Cube corner was turning very bad for him.
  54. >"A switch? I've never considered that...are you sure that's not unreasonably harsh?"
  55. Granny Smith dismissed her worries;
  56. >"It don't have to be a great big whuppin' stick...a bendy lil' thing ought to work just fine. Choose the right switch fer the foal."
  57. She turned to Apple Bloom, who cringed, knowing she was going to say something embarrassing.
  58. >"Or better yet, make him pick it himself like Bloomy does."
  60. Foals at the other tables were definitely eavesdropping on the conversation...Bloom and Feather could hear them snickering. Both of them felt like crawling under the table to hide.
  61. The grown ups just continued their awful conversation;
  62. >"So what kinds of wood work best?"
  63. >"Well, a'hm partial to apple wood. With three young 'uns growin' up I hardly ever had ta prune the trees! But if you ain't got that nearby then birch, willow or hickory all work fine."
  64. >"Oh, we've got a hickory tree in the back yard!"
  65. Featherweight shuddered at the thought of being sent out to clip a branch from it. Apple Bloom was sympathetic from experience.
  66. >"Mom! Do we have to talk about this here?"
  67. Before Feathercloud could answer, Granny Smith declared;
  68. >"Now quit yer fussin', young stallion. Ain't no secret you or Half-Pint here occasional get yer bottom's spanked when ya misbehave. It's just part'a growin' up."
  69. She stood up at the table and addressed every patron at Sugar Cube Corner;
  70. >"In fact, let's have a show of hooves: How many Momma's and Poppa's in here sometimes have to warm their little filly or colt's rear end?"
  71. Now all the foals who had been snickering at Apple Bloom & Featherweight's embarrassment froze in horror. Almost every parent in the sweet shop raised their hoof.
  72. There were frantic whispers all around;
  73. >"Nooo! Mom...please don't tell everyone!"
  74. >"Dad, put down your hoof! I don't want ponies to know!"
  75. But the poll was nearly unanimous and it turned conversations at many of the tables. Now every parent in Sugar Cube Corner seemed to be sharing tips on spanking technique, comparing the pros & cons of their favorite implements and telling amusing stories about their own foals' misbehavior's.
  76. >"When my filly is extra naughty I put her on her back with legs in the air."
  77. >"Oh, the 'diaper position'? I've never tried that."
  79. >"A wooden paddle is fine, but I prefer one made of stiff leather."
  80. >"Leather is so expensive, and so hard to find!"
  81. >"Oh, there's a griffon shop in Trottingham that sells them. Good price too."
  83. >"Well, he was being a brat right in the middle of one of those fancy Canterlot department stores, so I pulled him right into the Ladies Room and paddled his bottom with my hairbrush!"
  84. >"Moooooom! Please don't tell everypony about that!"
  86. Now every foal who had been snickering at Featherweight & Apple Bloom had their own problems. Instead of laughing they now glared at the two with if it was their fault this humiliating thing was happening to all of them.
  87. >"It's not our fault!" pleaded Featherweight in a whisper.
  89. Mercifully, Granny Smith had finished her coffee & muffin, so she prodded Apple Bloom to hurry up and drink the last of her milkshake. The filly sucked it down fast, judging that even brain-freeze was better than enduring another moment of embarrassment. They said their good-byes and returned to Sweet Apple Acres.
  91. >"Well, it was nice running into them."
  92. said Feathercloud,
  93. >"Are you almost done with your milkshake? I'd like to get home and have a look at that hickory tree."
  94. Featherweight was beyond blushing, he looked pale.
  95. >"Mom, can I borrow the shovel when we get home?"
  96. >"Whatever for, dear?"
  97. >"I wanna dig my own grave."
  99. END

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