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Sweetie Bad by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:09:14
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:19:50
Expiry: Never

  1. Sweetie Bad by DCFTEF
  2. (Pearl / Sweetie Belle)
  3. F/f, hairbrush, otk, non-consensual
  5. (25/04/2013)
  8. ---
  10. >There wasn't much Crusading that could be done on a rainy day.
  11. >The CMC's were stuck inside at Sweetie Belle's house, bored out of their wits.
  12. "This is hopeless!" moaned Apple Bloom, "We'll never get our cutie marks sittin' around playing dress-up & board games!"
  13. "More like bored games" sighed Scootaloo.
  14. >Sweetie Belle cringed.
  15. >As host she felt responsible for her friends having a good time.
  16. >They'd tried every option in her room.
  17. >Mom had already booted them from the kitchen.
  18. >And there was no hope of the weather clearing; Rainbow Dash told them rain was scheduled for the whole day.
  19. >Sweetie knew this called for her Ace-in-the-hole.
  20. "Girls, I got an idea, but we gotta be REALLY quiet."
  21. >The other two fillies were shaken out of their lethargy.
  22. >Equal parts puzzlement & curiosity.
  23. "We could practice being Cutie Mark Crusaders: Sommeliers!"
  24. >Now it was 100% puzzlement.
  25. "Eh, Sweetie Belle, what's a So-ma-li-what now?"
  26. "I think it's where Zecora is from."
  27. "No it isn't!"
  28. "Is too!"
  29. >Apple Bloom & Scootaloo began fighting until Sweetie's Mom shouted up the stairs.
  30. "What's going on up there?"
  31. >The little unicorn ran to her door and replied;
  32. "Sorry, just playing. We'll be quiet!"
  33. >She snapped at her friends.
  34. "You two dweebs cool it! We don't want any unwanted parental attention!"
  35. >That intrigued her two pals.
  36. "Rarity told me a Sommelier is a pony who's an expert at wine. They work at fancy restaurants & tell ponies the best wine to have with their dinner."
  37. >Apple Bloom puffed up with pride.
  38. "Well that's silly! Every poney knows the best wine in Ponyville comes from Sweet Apple Acres. I help Applejack make it!"
  39. >Sweetie Belle shook her head and continued;
  40. "It's more complex than that. There's certain kinds of wine that go with certain kinds of food."
  41. >Scootaloo stopped both of them.
  42. "Hold on. How are we supposed to become expert wine tasters when we're not old enough to buy wine? Also, we have no money."
  43. >Sweetie grinned.
  44. >Time for the big surprise.
  45. "I've got that covered!"
  46. >She reached under a loose floorboard and pulled out a bottle of red wine.
  47. >The other two fillies gasped.
  48. "Ta-daaaaa!" sang Sweetie Belle.
  49. >Apple Bloom's eyebrows arched down in anger.
  50. "That's NOT Sweet Apple Acres wine! I call disloyalty!"
  51. "Apple Bloom, are you cocoa in the loco?" asked Sweetie Belle.
  52. >Scootaloo interrupted;
  53. "Oh please don't start talking like that, Sweetie, one Pinkie Pie is enough in this world."
  54. >But Sweetie Belle remained on track.
  55. "What would happen if you swiped a bottle of wine from your family's pantry, Apple Bloom?"
  56. >The yellow filly looked scared by the very suggestion.
  57. "Granny Smith keeps careful track of that stuff. They'd figure out it was me & I'd get the whippin' of my life! I'd have a second crack in my butt by the time they finished with me!"
  58. >Sweetie Belle nodded.
  59. "Well of course. I knew that so I got this from somewhere else!"
  60. >Scootaloo was the most skeptical.
  61. "Sweetie, like I said, none of us ever have any money. Where did you get that?"
  62. "Umm...well it maybe kinda fell off the back of a cart near Barnyard Bargains."
  63. >Scoots got so angry she actually generated a few feet of lift with her wings.
  64. "That's stealing!"
  65. >Scootaloo was especially fearful of being caught stealing.
  66. >She'd once shoplifted something from Sugar Cube Corner.
  67. >She was caught & got an awful paddling from her parents.
  68. >That was not an experience she wished to risk again.
  69. >But Sweetie Belle rationalized it.
  70. "It really did fall off the back of the cart...with maybe a little help...and once we're all famous Sommelier's we can pay Mr. Filthy Rich back. Why, we'll be so famous he'll be happy to have had a small part in us getting our start! It'll bring extra business to his store!"
  71. >Unexpected, Apple Bloom took Sweetie's side;
  72. "Or by that time Diamond Tiara will be in charge...and I don't mind swiping a bottle of wine from her!"
  73. >Outnumbered, Scootaloo caved in, although her rump still twitched at the memory of that last spanking.
  74. >They had a hard time getting the bottle open.
  75. "It's almost like ya need some kinda screw to get the cork out" mused Apple Bloom.
  76. >Eventually they used a dowel to pound the cork down inside the bottle.
  77. >That splashed some wine on Sweetie's bedspread.
  78. "It's not much" said Apple Bloom "just tell yer Mom it's grape juice."
  79. "I'm not allowed to have grape juice on my bed either!"
  80. >Well, can't deal with that right now.
  82. >The CMC's had no wine glasses so they used Sweetie Belle's tea set.
  83. "Rarity says real wine tasters just swish it around in their mouth, then spit it out" explained Sweetie.
  84. >Scootaloo cocked her head sideways.
  85. "Where are we gonna spit wine out in your room?"
  86. >They agreed, better not do that.
  87. >Better to just swallow it.
  88. >Each filly nervously head their teacup.
  89. "Okay" said Sweetie Belle, "bottoms up?"
  90. "That sounds bad...can we say something different?" Scootaloo objected.
  91. "Sure, cheers!" offered Apple Bloom.
  92. >The 3 fillies each down their cup of wine in a gulp.
  93. >They looked at each other strangely.
  94. "Umm, okay, what next?"
  95. "I don't know."
  96. "Are we supposed to talk about how it tasted?"
  97. "I don't remember...I drank mine too fast."
  98. "Me too."
  99. "Me three."
  100. "Okay, we need to have another drink, but take it slower this time."
  101. >Sweetie Belle poured out another three teacups carefully.
  102. >Not too much was spilled.
  103. "Okay, second try...cheers!"
  105. >But at that moment the door swung open.
  106. >With the cup to her lips Sweetie Belle remembered something terribly important.
  107. >She'd forgotten to lock the door.
  108. "Hi girls, I just took a batch of cookies out of the oven and..."
  109. >Then she noticed the bottle of wine.
  110. >Uncomfortable silence.
  111. >Busted.
  112. >Sweetie Belle's mother put down the tray of cookies.
  113. >She picked up the bottle of wine.
  114. "Young filly, I certainly hope that is filled with water & you're just playing with it."
  115. >The fillies cringed. They knew that was not the case.
  116. >A sniff confirmed it.
  117. >Mom's face turned angry.
  118. "What do you think you're doing!?"
  119. >All 3 knew they were in trouble & Sweetie Belle knew she was doomed.
  120. "W-we were only t-tasting it" she squeaked, "so m-maybe we could get our c-c-cutie marks for..."
  121. >Mom didn't wait for the whole answer.
  122. "SCOOTALOO, APPLE BLOOM! You get your little rumps home and PRAY to Celestia that I don't tell your parents about this!"
  123. >The Pegasus and the Earth filly scampered out of the room in terror.
  124. >Their unfortunate Unicorn pal remained trapped under the gaze of an angry mother.
  125. "Sweetie Belle, you know you are too young to drink wine. I want to know where you got this!"
  126. >Poor Sweetie Belle was trapped.
  127. >If she refused to talk it would make her mother angrier.
  128. >If she admitted stealing it would make her mother angrier.
  129. >If she lied she might get caught, which would make her mother angrier.
  130. >So she stalled; which made her mother angrier.
  131. "Well...I...sorta...f-found it."
  132. >Mom did not believe her.
  133. "Did Rarity give this to you? If I find out..."
  134. >No, Sweetie could not unfairly implicate her big sister in this.
  135. >Besides, Rarity would clobber her.
  136. "I...I got it off the back of a cart" she admitted.
  137. "YOU STOLE IT?"
  138. >Sweetie was crying too hard to give her an answer.
  139. >She just nodded.
  140. "Come with me, young filly. I am going to teach you exactly what happens in this house to little ponies who steal!"
  141. >Sweetie Belle tried to move on her own, but Mom grabbed her by the year.
  142. "Oowwwiiiee! Mom I'm sorry! I'll never do it again!"
  143. "Oh I'm going to give you a good reason never to do it again."
  144. >About that time Magnum arrived home.
  145. >He had been fixing a loose gutter at their older daughter Rarity's shop.
  146. >Not easy in the rain, but Rarity was a bit obsessive when something was wrong.
  147. >It was much easier to fix it now than listen to his eldest whine about how the rain water was draining too close to her petunia beds.
  148. >Plus, she'd made him lunch and he really didn't get much one on one time to talk to her.
  149. "Pearl, Sweetie...I'm home. Rarity says hello."
  150. >It did not take him long to realize something was amiss.
  151. >He went upstairs to find his younger daughter in tears.
  152. "Sweetie dear, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"
  153. >Pearl pushed their daughter forward.
  154. "Tell your father what you've done. Every detail!"
  155. >Sweetie Belle hoped that daddy might save her from a terrible fate.
  156. >She put on her sweetest, sorriest face and wept out the full story of her misdeed.
  157. >Putting emphasis on how sorry she was.
  158. >And how she will never do it again.
  159. >But Magnum was unmoved.
  160. "Sweetie Belle, I'm surprised at you! Drinking wine AND stealing? What do you have to say for yourself?"
  161. "I'm really, really sorry."
  162. >But that was not good enough.
  163. "That's not good enough I'm afraid. Not after the fact. Pearl, are you going to handle this?"
  164. >Mom nods.
  165. "I'm taking her for a spanking right now."
  166. "Well once your Momma is done with you we're gonna have a serious talk too, young filly."
  167. >Sweetie Belle was not looking forward to that lecture.
  168. >Maybe he was planning on giving her another spanking when Mommy was done.
  169. >But she couldn't worry about that right now.
  170. >Pearl led her daughter into the bedroom.
  171. "We're going to talk about stealing later & you're going to pay for what you took, but right now I'm going to give you a good reason to remember this day for a long time."
  172. >Sweetie knew she was doomed, her little rump would definitely be getting a spanking today, but it did not stop her from begging.
  173. >She was already crying & it hadn't even started yet.
  174. "Mommy, please...I'm sorry...please don't spank me."
  175. >Pearl sighed in frustration.
  176. >She sat down and pulled Sweetie Belle close.
  177. "Don't be a silly filly. This is much too serious to talk your way out of. You will be getting your fanny spanked today, that is beyond doubt. In fact I think you're old enough now for more than a simple spanking."
  178. >The light gray filly froze, too scared to even beg anymore.
  179. >She had an idea of what Mom was talking about.
  180. >Rarity had warned her about it many times.
  181. "Sweetie Belle, stealing & drinking wine at your age is serious enough that today you'll be spanked with my hairbrush for the first time."
  182. >Horror flooded the blank-flank's mind.
  183. >A hoof spanking was bad enough...the hairbrush was like the death sentence for young fillies.
  184. "Mommy, please no! Your hoof will hurt enough, I promise! Please don't paddle me!"
  185. >Pearl answered by levitating her daughter up & plopping her down on her lap.
  186. >The Sweetie watched in dismay as Mom levitated the big wooden hairbrush over from her dresser.
  187. >She whimpered and cried; a last minute plea for leniency.
  188. "Sweetie dear," Pearl said in a kind voice "This is going to hurt but you'll be okay. Rarity was spanked with this hairbrush when she was younger and your Gramdma even used it on me when I was a naughty filly. What you did was very bad but remember your father & I always love you."
  189. >Sweetie gulped even though her mouth was dry.
  190. >Up until this point she had only been worrying about her punishment.
  191. >For the first time she considered her misbehavior.
  192. >Drinking, stealing...she deserved this.
  193. >Mom didn't even warn her when she took the first swing.
  194. >It smacked right in the center of Sweetie Belle's rump, contacting both cheeks equally.
  195. >One swat from that hairbrush felt worse than a whole hoof-spanking!
  196. >Sweetie squealed and struggled but Mom held on tight.
  197. >What the filly did not know was that her mother was using the clock.
  198. >For the first 30 seconds the spanking was hard & fast...intensely painful without allowing an instant to let the pain die down.
  199. >But then she settled down into a more merciful pace.
  200. >Such subtleties were lost on Sweetie Belle, who could only cry her eyes out and wait for it to be over.
  201. >Her rear-end felt like it was on fire, with angry bees stinging it at the same time.
  202. >Sweetie felt like the worst pony in the world; she deserved every painful spank.
  203. >But she'd have given everything sh owned just to have it over right NOW.
  205. >That was not Pearl's plan though.
  206. >After those first, intense 30 seconds she had decided to spank for 2 more minutes at a reasonable pace.
  207. >2 and a half minutes, 150 total seconds, does not seem like a lot.
  208. >Unless you are a crying foal with a bottom that hurts more & more with every spank.
  209. >To poor Sweetie Belle it felt like eternity.
  210. >From years of experience as a mother, Pearl knew her child's breaking point.
  211. >As the last few seconds ticked away she did not hit any harder or faster.
  212. >But she focused on the most painful spot.
  213. >Right at the base of Sweetie Belle's rump it hurt the most.
  214. >And there she got the last 20 spanks on the same exact spot.
  215. >It was agony that she could not escape from.
  216. >Sweetie Belle wailed at the top of her lungs.
  217. >But at last it ended.
  219. >Pearl allowed her to lay across her lap & cry for a bit.
  220. >When she was ready, Sweetie Belle picked herself up and rubbed her sore rump furiously.
  221. "OwOwOwOwww! It still hurts so much!" she bawled.
  222. >In spite of herself, Pearl chuckled as her youngest did the "spanked filly dance" around her bedroom.
  223. >Then she gathered her foal up for a tender hug.
  224. >That night Magnum tucked Sweetie Belle in at bedtime.
  225. >They had a long & serious talk about what she'd done.
  226. >But to her great relief he did not give her bottom another warm-up before bed.
  227. >The next day they went to Barnyard Bargains with the half-empty wine bottle.
  228. >Sweetie Belle confessed her crime & Magnum insisted on paying for the bottle.
  229. >She'd work it off with chores.
  231. >Unfortunately Diamond Tiara had witnessed the apology.
  232. >She used it to tease Sweetie Belle mercilessly.
  233. >Until she got caught.
  234. >DT did not get punished as badly as Sweetie Belle had...
  235. >But Filthy Rich gave her a quick & embarrassing hoof-spanking in front of all 3 Cutie Mark Crusaders.
  237. >Feeling guilty, Apple Bloom & Scootaloo confessed their parts in the wine debacle.
  238. >They both got punished, but neither as badly as Sweetie, the ringleader.
  239. >Sweetie Belle never stole anything again.
  240. >Well...except the occasional bolt of fabric from Rarity's shop, but that hardly counts.
  242. >Years later, on Sweetie Belle's birthday (when she became legally old enough to drink) her two old friends found a bottle of the exact wine she'd gotten in trouble over.
  243. >Same brand, same vintage.
  244. >They gave it to her as a gag present, along with a big wooden hairbrush.
  245. >Sweetie took the joke with good humor.
  246. >She dug her old tea-set out of the closet and they all shared a drink.
  248. >But none of the Cutie Mark Crusaders ever became a Sommelier.
  250. THE END

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