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Sweetie & Button by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:09:37
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:18:32
Expiry: Never

  1. Sweetie & Button by DCFTEF
  2. (Milfy, Pearl / Button, SB)
  3. F/m, F/f, hoof, hairbrush, otk, non-consensual
  5. (11/02/2014)
  8. ---
  10. Grocery shopping was one of the most boring things Sweetie Belle could imagine. She liked cooking food...she really liked eating food...but going to the store with her mother seemed like the most tedious torture a young filly could be forced to endure without the Equestria Department of Foal Protection getting involved. Surely being forced to spend HOURS waiting as Momma compared labels on cans of string beans was some form of foal abuse.
  11. >"Oh, stop being melodramatic, Sweetie Belle" laughed her mother "We haven't even been at the store one whole hour yet."
  12. Pearl was used to listening to bored daughters whine about this chore. Just a few years ago it was Rarity who trudged sullenly through the aisles of Barnyard Bargains. From experience Pearl knew getting angry solved nothing. You had to make sure your foal had a good, filling lunch before setting out shopping, so she would not be hungry and beg for every bit of junk food she saw. You had to keep her busy with small tasks like comparing prices & running for items. Most important; a mom had to stay cheerful, even if she was bored, frustrated and her own hooves hurt. A sour attitude rubbed off on foals.
  13. >"What's next on the list...pickles! Sweetie, can you help me pick out the best price?"
  14. The bored filly was eager for at least something to do.
  15. >"These are cheapest" she said, offering up a small glass jar.
  16. >"Are they the best value though?" Pearl asked, "What about that big jar?"
  17. Sweetie took a look.
  18. >"It's more expensive."
  19. >"But we get a lot more" the mare pointed out, "do the math Sweetie, I know you can do it."
  20. Without pencil or paper Sweetie Belle struggled, but she finally arrived at a solution.
  21. >"The little jar is two bits for a pound of pickles...but the big jar is six bits for four pounds."
  22. Pearl smiled, urging Sweetie to press on.
  23. >"That means the big jar is like getting one extra pound of pickles for free!" announced the filly, proud of her math skills.
  24. >"Good now the question is, do we really need that many pickles?"
  25. Sweetie Belle considered it for a minute and replied;
  26. >"Daddy really likes pickles."
  27. Her mother chuckled. That was certainly the truth. Magnum could go through that little jar in one sitting.
  28. >"So it's worthwhile to buy the big jar, isn't it?"
  29. Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement and the huge 4-pound jar of pickles was added to their cart.
  31. >"Mommy?" asked the little filly, "Are we poor?"
  32. The question took Pearl back a bit. Sweetie had certainly never wanted for anything important. Wherever would she get such an idea?
  33. >"I're always clipping coupons and looking for the best prices."
  34. Is that all that had Sweetie concerned? As questions went this was an easy one.
  35. >"We live very comfortably, Sweetie Belle, because we don't toss our money around wastefully."
  36. Although she did not say it out loud what really bugged Sweetie Belle was shopping at Barnyard Bargains. Her rival from school, Diamond Tiara, was the daughter of Filthy Rich, who owned the store. She never hesitated to rub that in and every time Sweetie set foot in the huge store she felt vulnerable & self conscious.
  37. Luckily Diamond Tiara had not made an appearance today (she must be somewhere else, making some other pony feel miserable) so as her mother checked the last few items off her list Sweetie Belle breathed a big sigh of relief. On their way to the check-out cashier the pair passed a display cabinet...filled with hairbrushes.
  38. >"Mom, ya know what you could really use?"
  39. >"What is that, Sweetie Belle?"
  40. The filly scampered over & stood on her hind legs to show momma the new hairbrushes.
  41. >"These new brushes are so much lighter & more convenient than that huge, ancient one you have! Don't you think it's time to replace that old thing? Half the bristles are falling out."
  42. Pearl chuckled at her daughter's antics.
  43. >"Sweetie, I know perfectly well it's not the bristle side of that brush you're worried about. I like my old-fashioned brush just fine, and if you want to avoid unhappy encounters with the back side of it you just have to follow the rules & behave yourself."
  44. The little white filly frowned, blushing a little at her feeble attempt to save her rump from future misfortune, but Pearl cheered her up;
  45. >"And you've behaved yourself very well today."
  46. That drew a smile from Sweetie.
  48. After paying for their groceries Pearl & Sweetie Belle set out for their final stop.
  49. >"Just a quick visit to the bank" said the pink mare.
  50. With those words Sweetie tossed herself upon the ground and groaned. Pearl rolled her eyes. So much for good behavior.
  51. >"But the bank is soooooooooooo booooooooorrring!" whined the filly.
  52. Well, that was true. This would be a long visit too, Pearl had to review the family investment accounts. There would be nothing for poor Sweetie Belle to do but sit quietly and read outdated magazines that were written for adults. It was just the kind of scenario where a young foal could get herself into trouble and Pearl did not want to put her filly in that position.
  54. A solution presented itself out of thin air.
  55. One of their neighbors came trotting along the same path, her own young colt in tow. Button Mash was about Sweetie Belle's age, and from the look on his face Pearl could tell he was no more excited about their destination than her own foal.
  56. >"Milfy!" she called out to Button's mother, "how nice to see you. Headed for the bank?"
  57. The miserable look on her son's face told Pearl it could only be that.
  58. >"Good afternoon, Pearl...Sweetie Belle. Yes, we've got a bit of banking to do."
  59. >"We just finished grocery shopping too" muttered Sweetie Belle.
  60. Button gave her a sympathetic look. At least his day wasn't that bad.
  61. The two adults spoke for a while as they walked. Typical grown-up talk...utterly boring to the two foals that trailed behind dutifully. Button got a laugh out of Sweetie Belle by opening his mouth, shoving his hoof inside & pantomiming a gagging motion. But as they passed SugarCube Corner the two of them gave a longing gaze. If only the bank could be as much fun as that place.
  62. >"You know..." Pearl ventured, "I doubt either of our foals are looking forward to a long visit to the bank. How has Button been today?"
  63. Milfy picked up on Pearl's idea.
  64. >"Well behaved, I suppose."
  65. The kids looked up at their mother's with confusion but hope.
  66. >"Well Sweetie Belle was a big help during grocery shopping, so perhaps they've each earned a reward. Would you two like to wait at SugarCube Corner while we go do our banking?"
  68. The response was immediate.
  69. >"Mom, can we, can we, can we, can we?" implored Button.
  70. Sweetie Belle was already hopping up & down in place, too excited for words. A miserable hour of sitting around on her best behavior had just turned into the possibility of milkshakes with a friend.
  71. >"I don't see why not" Button's mother replied.
  72. The two mothers led their over-excited foals into the sweet shop, where they found Carrot Cake on counter duty.
  73. >"Sure thing, Pearl...Milfy, I'll keep an eye on them. I'm always happy to see two of my best customers."
  74. The mothers gave their foals a few bits before leaving with admonishments to be on their best behavior & listen to whatever Mr. Cake said.
  75. >"We'll be good!" promised Sweetie Belle, but her attention was already focused on the treats on offer.
  76. Button gave his own mom a similar promise, and with that they were left alone, not believing their good luck.
  77. Settled in at their table, the two foals began sucking on their milkshake straws.
  78. >"Race ya?" teased Sweetie.
  79. >"I'm not trying that again" Button groaned, drawing a giggle from his friend.
  80. They took their time with their beverages, occupying themselves with one of the many puzzle games that lay around SugarCube Corner for the amusement of patrons. This particular one involved moving pegs from one side of the wooden board to another without allowing two pegs of the same color to occupy adjacent holes.
  81. >"You're doing it wrong!" complained Sweetie Belle.
  82. >"Lay off" Button retorted "I know what I'm doing."
  83. >"You aren't going to..."
  84. But Sweetie was interrupted by something nopony expected.
  88. The two foals froze...that roar had come from just outside.
  89. >"W-what was that?" questioned Sweetie, wide eyed with alarm.
  90. Button was just as confused. Luckily Mr. Cake was there; he looked outside but returned in an instant, flushed and sweating.
  91. >"What is it?" Button Mash asked.
  92. >"Absolutely nothing" muttered Carrot Cake, "you two just stay put...I'm sure we have nothing to worry about."
  93. >"Now I'm REALLY worried!" exclaimed the filly.
  94. Carrot tried to calm the two frightened foals.
  95. >"Everything is g-gonna be okay. I'm sure giant 3-headed dogs aren't interested in sweets."
  96. He shot a glance upstairs and added;
  97. >"I've gotta get Pumpkin & Pound. You two stay right where you are."
  99. Button turned to Sweetie Belle, eyes wide open in fear & excitement.
  100. >"Giant...3-headed...DOG!? Sweetie Belle, we gotta go see this!"
  101. But Sweetie stayed put.
  102. >"No way!" she exclaimed "Mr. Cake told us to stay here where it's safe and we can't get eaten up."
  103. >"But Sweetie Belle...Giant 3-headed dog!"
  104. She refused to move.
  105. >"What if we're the only foals in school who don't get to see this? It's a giant 3-headed dog for Celestia's sake!"
  106. >"But..."
  107. >"GIANT...3-HEADED...DOG."
  108. Sweetie thought about it for a moment and replied;
  109. >"You're right. We gotta see this!"
  110. Sweetie Belle & Button Mash slipped out the back door and into a scene of chaos. Ponies were running in all directions, screaming in mortal terror. It was difficult to tell where or from what they were running...everypony was just in a blind panic.
  111. >"Where is it?" muttered Sweetie, "you'd think a giant dog with three heads would be easy to find."
  112. They ducked behind a barrel, avoiding the eyes of adults as much as the monster they could hear rampaging through town.
  113. >"I hope it isn't gone already" Button groaned, "we're gonna be the biggest dorks in school if we missed it!"
  114. Sweetie was silent, she just nudged his shoulder with her hoof.
  115. >"What is it, Sweetie Belle? You don't wanna go back already, do ya?"
  116. The nudges became more insistent, becoming shoves that Button could no longer ignore.
  117. >"What is it!?"
  118. The little Unicorn said nothing; she just pointed up, over the roof-tops of Ponyville.
  119. >"Th-that!"
  121. Both of the foals expected this dog to be big...but the reality exceeded their wildest expectations. This thing towered higher than a house. Just one of its heads could eat a grown pony in a single chomp. A blank-flank foal would be just an appetizer.
  122. >"S-S-Sweetie B-Belle...why aren't we r-running?" stammered Button Mash.
  123. The two held onto each other in a mutually terrified embrace. Neither could move an inch. Each step of the monster's gigantic paws shook the ground. Shingles fell from roofs, glass windows broke just at the sound of its roar. Then it came closer.
  124. >"NOOoooooo!" they both shrieked, hiding their eyes from certain doom.
  125. It was then that Mr. Cake found them. With the gigantic dog just a few steps away he leapt over the two foals, covering them with his body. They both screamed as it passed, knocking pieces off the buildings it bumped into, which rained down on Carrot Cake's back. The beast moved on, stopping to chew on the fake strawberries decorating the top of a competing sweet shop.
  126. >"Move, move! Get going!" ordered Mr. Cake.
  127. He ushered the two foals ahead of him but they needed no further urging to hurry. Just as the monster lifted its leg to mark territory a new voice entered the fray.
  129. >"Hey Cerberus! Looks like you could use some obedience training!"
  130. It was Twilight Sparkle, Rarity's friend. She was exceptionally talented at magic; having once driven a cranky Ursa Minor out of town she was the pony best suited to getting this situation under control. Sweetie & Button did not hang around to watch the show any longer...they'd already seen enough and regretted ever disobeying Mr. Cake by leaving his shop. Luckily he did not seem to hold it against them; when their pace faltered the lanky shop owner scooped both foals up onto his back and did not stop running until they reached a safe distance.
  132. Just a few blocks away two mares were frantic with worry.
  133. >"Pearl, they're not at SugarCube Corner! The place is empty!"
  134. >" can't be happening! SWEETIE BELLE!"
  135. >"Button! BUTTON MASH! Where are you!?"
  136. Beside themselves with fear over losing their foals the two mothers raced around, checking every alley and store front. They got very little help, though it was not for lack of sympathy or concern. Everypony was confused, scared and seemed to be missing someone important.
  137. >"Milfy, Pearl...over here!" panted Carrot Cake, "I've got them."
  138. >"MOMMY!"
  139. Both foals ran to their mothers, practically knocking them down with fearful but relieved hugs. As soon as they were done squeezing the air out of their foals the two mares lavished similar treatment on Carrot Cake.
  140. >"You saved them! You got them out of that monster's path!"
  141. For his part Carrot was dazed. Such a burst of heroism was not in the baker's that the danger had passed Carrot was just realizing what he had done.
  142. >"Eh...yeah...sure..."
  143. Slowly, the 5 ponies ambled back to SugarCube Corner. Few details could be gleaned from Carrot Cake's rambling, confused description of events, but Sweetie & Button filled in what details he left out. Without realizing it they doomed themselves.
  144. >"Wait just a minute; Mr. Cake told you to stay inside...and you went out to look anyway?"
  145. Button Mash turned bright red. A sharp poke in the ribs from his partner in crime confirmed that he'd just blabbed too much.
  146. >"We BOTH told you to listen to Mr. Cake and do as he says!" scolded Pearl, directing her ire at both foals equally.
  147. Button's mother waited her turn then joined in with equal ferocity;
  148. >"What were you thinking? You could have been killed...for what? Because you were curious...because you thought a monster attacking the town was fun?"
  149. The foals cringed under the rebuke, painfully aware that they had brought this on themselves by saying too much...and by disobeying in the first place.
  150. When they reached the door of the sweet shop Carrot excused himself.
  151. >"I left Pound & Pumpkin downstairs in the store room where it was safe, I have to go check on them."
  152. But before he could do that his employee appeared.
  153. >"Hey everybody! Did you see me panicking? I've gotta say, that was some of the best panicking I've done in a long time."
  154. Normally Carrot Cake would have rolled his eyes at Pinkie's antics, but today his nerves were just too frazzled.
  155. >"Pinkie, I'm going to go gather up the foals, then have a nervous breakdown. Please watch the shop for're in charge."
  156. The pink Earth pony's eyes grew wide.
  157. >"I'm in charge? But Mr. Cake...a lot of bad things have happened when I was in charge, like..."
  158. Carrot interrupted her;
  159. >"Pinkie, I don't give a damn. A giant 3-headed dog just ransacked Ponyville...that's bucked up. I'm taking the rest of the afternoon off."
  161. Once Carrot left, followed by Pinkie (who was bouncing with excitement at being 'in charge' again), Button looked up at his mother and asked;
  162. >"So is it okay if we go inside and finish our milkshakes now?"
  163. He got his answer in the form of a quick smack to the rump. Pearl looked on approvingly, which gave Sweetie Belle enough warning to at least cringe before she got a swat too.
  164. >"You can save those tears, young colt" admonished Milfy, "you'll have plenty to cry about when I get your little rump home."
  165. Pearl thought for a moment and offered;
  166. >"I believe our intentions are the same. Would you like to use my living room? My house is just a few blocks away."
  167. With both foals looking on in miserable silence the moms discussed their doom.
  168. >"That would be lovely, Pearl" Milfy accepted. "Our little miscreants got in trouble together, it seems appropriate that they should get their spankings together."
  169. Neither foal liked that word...they both dropped their heads down low, flopping their ears back in dismay. This afternoon had turned from good to bad to worse.
  170. On their way to Pearl's house the two naughty foals each did their best to beg their way out of the situation.
  171. >"We only wanted to take a little peek...we didn't think there was a REAL giant 3-headed dog out there!"
  172. >"It was reallllllllyyy scary...I think we both learned our lesson."
  173. >"We're sorry! Please don't spank us!"
  174. But none of their entreaties had much effect.
  175. Pearl opened her front door and invited Milfy inside with exaggerated formality. It was a show that neither of their foals were enjoying.
  176. >"Would you like some coffee, dear?"
  177. >"That would be lovely, thank you."
  178. Pearl turned to the two youngsters and ordered;
  179. >"Sit on that couch and DON'T you move this time. We have to discuss this privately."
  180. Clinging to the desperate hope that good behavior might earn them a pardon from the inevitable spankings they faced, the two foals practically raced to be first on the couch. Sweetie & Button took their positions obediently, looking up at their mothers with big, sorrow filled eyes, straining to look sorry enough to be forgiven. The mares left them without a word, retiring to the kitchen to talk over coffee.
  182. For a long time neither young pony spoke. Both were already sobbing at the trouble they were in; Button bouncing up & down with nervous energy. Sweetie Belle noticed it, as well as the tears beginning to roll down his cheeks, and looked on him with contempt.
  183. >"Sheesh...some stallion you are! Crying already and it hasn't even started yet!"
  184. Button wrinkled his nose at her critisism.
  185. >"What!? You're crying too!"
  186. >"Well that's different," replied the Unicorn, "I'm a filly."
  187. The brown Earth colt threw up his arms in frustration.
  188. >"What difference does that make?"
  189. Sweetie Belle turned her nose up and answered with great authority;
  190. >"Fillies have more delicate heinies."
  191. Button rolled his eyes but was denied his chance for a rebuttal by the return of their mothers. Their faces were grim; things did not look good for the two nervous foals.
  192. It was Button's mother who spoke first;
  193. >"We're very disappointed in you. Both of you earned a nice reward but you ruined it by disobeying Mr. Cake and putting yourself in danger."
  194. The foals frowned; being reminded of how good things had been made this all worse. Sweetie Belle's mother added her two bits next;
  195. >"You scared us half to death. When we couldn't find you two we thought the worst had happened. Did you think we were joking when we told you to stay put? Did you?"
  196. >"No ma'am" both foals muttered in unison.
  197. >"This could have been a very nice day for you" sighed Milfy, "but now it's about to be a very bad day because you didn't listen."
  198. The beige mare looked over at her host and asked;
  199. >"So which one should go first?"
  200. >"You're our guest," replied Pearl, "it's only polite to let you go first."
  202. Button gulped hard. There was no way out of this. He whined pitifully, squirming in his seat. Momma patted her lap & ordered;
  203. >"Come over here young colt, it's time."
  204. But Button refused. He shrunk away and launched one last desperate salvo of begging.
  205. >"Mom please! It was just a *hic* accident...we didn't mean to do it!"
  206. >" I don't want to have to ask you again."
  207. This worried Sweetie Belle. If Button threw a tantrum & refused to accept his punishment it might somehow make her spanking worse. It didn't seem fair, but sometimes things worked out that way.
  208. >"Please don't spank me...I'm sorry! Please don't!"
  209. Milfy was feeling a little embarrassed by this. She did not want to raise her voice and drag Button, kicking & screaming, over her lap...not in front of Pearl & Sweetie Belle. But it was actually Pearl who spoke up next;
  210. >"Sweetie Belle, Button is not obeying his mother. Please go upstairs and fetch my hairbrush for her."
  211. Sweetie Belle gasped when she heard her mother's command. She whispered to her friend frantically;
  212. >" what she says! You're gonna make it worse!"
  213. Pearl sharpened her tone, repeating the order.
  214. >"Sweetie, my"
  215. As much as she wanted to stay, to talk Button into capitulating for his own good, Sweetie Belle could not disobey a parental order repeated. She slid off the couch and galloped upstairs to the Master bedroom, and to her mother's dresser. There it sat...a benign object on any other day, one Mommy had brushed her mane with hundreds of times. Today though it was an instrument of terror. Didn't Button know how much worse a hairbrush spanking hurt? Sweetie knew; she'd felt its sting a few times, thankfully not too many. She'd even seen Rarity brought to tears by that awful brush, back when she was younger and lived at home.
  216. Sweetie Belle didn't even want to touch the hairbrush, but it was an order she could not defy. She gingerly picked it up in her mouth and hurried downstairs...hoping Button would see reason and obey his mother before the terrible tool was called into use.
  218. The sight of that hairbrush did draw the desired reaction from Button Mash. As soon as Sweetie Belle returned with it his eyes grew wide as saucers.
  219. >"I'm coming! I'm coming...please don't use that!"
  220. The trembling colt scampered over to his mother's knees, finally allowing himself to be drawn over her lap. He continued to sob & whimper but begged no longer, fearful that any continued resistance would be the final straw and earn him a paddling with that scary hairbrush.
  221. >"That's better" said Milfy.
  222. She adjusted her son's position, making sure his rump was positioned perfectly for what was happening next.
  223. >"I'll take that..." she told Sweetie Belle.
  224. Those words sent Button into a crying, squirming panic.
  225. >"Noooo! Please, Mom! I did what you said, I'm being good! Please, please PLEASE don't spank me with that!"
  226. Milfy was in no mood for this. She locked her little colt down so that his struggles were largely pointless, and silenced his pleading with one sharp hoof smack to the sensitive back of his legs.
  227. >"Button Mash, you've never been spanked with anything but my hoof before, but if you don't behave yourself right now you're going to get the hairbrush!"
  228. Terrified, Button obeyed immediately, laying still across his mother's lap. She continued;
  229. >"Now, I'm going to give you a good spanking young colt, and at the end I'm going to try the hairbrush. Your father & I have been considering finding something a little more serious that a hoof so I want to see what kind of results a good old-fashioned hairbrush delivers."
  230. Poor Button did not dare object, or even speak. All he could do was whimper as his doom was spelled out.
  231. >"I expect you to take your punishment like a big colt...any fighting or attempt to escape and I'll switch to the hairbrush for the rest of your spanking."
  232. She laid the brush on the cushion right in front of Button's face, so he could get a good look at it.
  233. >"This will be over soon" she assured him, "remember Mommy loves you."
  235. Button Mash was in full crying mode before the first smack from his mother's hoof. For him, the disapproval of his mother was almost as bad as the spanking itself (almost) and the knowledge that he'd be feeling a hairbrush on his rump only added to the misery.
  236. >"Whhhhhhaahhhhh! Mommy, I'm sooooorrryyyyy!"
  237. The young colt did his best to stay still and absorb the stinging spanks, hoping his momma would consider such good behavior and forgo the grand finale she'd promised. It was nearly impossible though; within a few seconds his rear end burned and each smack added fuel to the fire.
  238. From her vantage point on the couch Sweetie Belle cringed & whimpered. Being second in line for a spanking was a horrible experience. It was not the first time she'd been in this position; she, Apple Bloom & Scootaloo had run into trouble together plenty of times and all too often they'd ended up getting spanked together. Hearing each smack made her jump...hearing her friends cry made her worry about how hard she'd soon be crying.
  239. One side of her brain wished poor Button's spanking would end soon, not only out of sympathy for her friend but fear for how long her own punishment would last. She was sure to get it just as hard and just as long as the crying colt...Mommy did not share her opinion that fillies had more delicate heinie's which needed gentler spanking.
  240. At the same time another side of Sweetie Belle's brain dreaded the end of Button's spanking because that meant it would be her turn. Watching a spanking was bad enough; as Sweetie listened to her friend wail & sob in pain she found it difficult to accept that in just a few minutes it would be her draped over the maternal lap, probably crying twice as hard.
  242. >"OOOWWW, owwwwiiiee, BWWHAaaaaaaaa!" bawled the brown colt.
  243. As much as he twisted, desperately trying to avoid more painful spanks momma always scored a bulls-eye. By now he was beyond begging, his words just came out as garbled blubbering. He'd lost track of how many spanks he'd gotten by the third all he could do was wish for the agony to end soon.
  244. But the worst was yet to come; a frightening mountain of pain Button still had to cross before he'd reach the comfort of a hug. It was time. Button's mother stopped her hoof spanking and reached for the hairbrush.
  245. >"Oooohhhh, nooooo pleeeaasssseeee..." begged the colt, "no more, no more please!"
  246. But momma had made her decision.
  247. >"Button, we're almost done" Milfy said softly, "but I'm sorry, this is going to be something you remember for a long time. Hopefully you'll remember it the next time you consider misbehaving or being disobedient."
  248. Sobbing in fear, poor Button clenched his eyes shut and held his breath in anticipation of the first hairbrush smack of his life. His imagination ran away with him...making the whole experience worse.
  249. Milfy was not without sympathy. She knew what psychological torture this was and wished to get it over with as soon as possible. Without another word she brought Pearl's old hairbrush crashing down on her son's fanny, drawing a howling scream from him and a new fit of struggling.
  250. >"He's stronger than he looks" she muttered under her breath.
  251. In spite of Button's struggles his mother kept him tightly in position, keeping her bawling foal squarely across her lap where the hairbrush would be most effective. From his reaction she could tell it was much more painful than a simple hoof-spanking. While she was pleased with the impression it was making Milfy knew she could not bear to do this very often. A hairbrush spanking would remain a rare occurrence in her house...the ultimate punishment that would hopefully be more effective as a threat.
  252. She only delivered 15 spanks with the brush...just enough to get a feel for it and provide her colt with a memory that would come back like burning coals anytime he considered being naughty. And once those 15 spanks were done it was over.
  254. >"There, there, we're finished" soothed Milfy, scooping her son up into her arms.
  255. It was cathartic for both of them...Button wasted no time snuggling into her fur and crying out his anguish. Momma stroked his mane, rocking him back and forth as she softly lectured, reminding him why he'd been punished.
  256. Pearl allowed them a few minutes before she set about on her own work.
  257. >"Okay Sweetie Belle, it's your turn."
  258. Already crying, Sweetie Belle slid off the couch and obediently went to her mother. She had little choice; after Button's resistance she did not dare give Mommy any trouble. Pearl lifted her up and had the filly across her lap faster than Sweetie would have wished...any delay now was a welcome delay but she was being afforded none.
  259. >"Sweetie dear, you committed the same error as Button Mash so you'll be receiving the same spanking, understand?"
  260. Sweetie Belle did understand, and she was horrified.
  261. >"Mommy, no! I didn't argue like Button, I came right to you! Why do I have to get the hairbrush? Please don't spank me with the hairbrush!"
  262. Pearl responded sternly, but without raising her voice;
  263. >"Young filly, you're getting the hairbrush because I said so. Button Mash's mother will worry about him. Now stop this squirming before I decide you need more than just a quick finale with the brush."
  264. On any other day Sweetie Belle might have complained more & plead her case, but today it just seemed better to get it over with. Although she was terrified of the punishment that was just moments away she acknowledged in the back of her mind that this was fair; she'd done the same crime as Button, she could not reasonably expect a lighter punishment. That didn't mean she was looking forward to it.
  266. >"Moooommmyyy, I'm sooorrryyy" whined the filly as her mother maneuvered her back into position.
  267. Remorse mixed with fear; Sweetie knew this spanking was unavoidable...that was another curse of going last, the loss of hope. In just a few seconds her rump would be burning and she'd be crying her eyes out, there was nothing that could be done about it.
  268. >"Moooommmmmeeee..." she whimpered, feeling her tail swept out of the way.
  269. It didn't really matter that her bits were on full display to a colt. During Button's spanking Sweetie Belle had been vaguely aware that she could see his "boy parts" but fear and empathy trumped any awkward feelings she might have had. Now that Button would be getting a full view of her own privates Sweetie felt strangely at ease with it. If she had caught a colt trying to sneak a peek around her tail on the schoolyard she'd have shrieked and called him dirty...but now, with her exposed anus & vagina pointed directly at a boy modesty was a non-issue. Besides, Sweetie was much more concerned about the spanking her bottom would soon be suffering.
  271. >"Now be a brave filly, Sweetie Belle. We're almost done, and after this we can all move on."
  272. Despite her precarious position, Sweetie saw irony in what her mother had said. As a group they were almost done...her's was the last spanking...but as an individual she was just beginning the worst part.
  274. And then it began.
  275. As both Sweetie and her older sister knew, Pearl was an artist with her hoof. This time she started hard and fast, lighting a fire in her errant filly's behind that would still be smoldering by bed-time. There was no pause between the whacks in which the pain could die down...that first flurry of spanks came so fast it felt like a Sweetie had sat down on hot coals. Worst, Pearl focused every smack on the tenderest part of her rear-end, right at the base. All she could do was scream and wait for it to be over.
  276. Momma was no monster though; this initial attack lasted only 20 seconds, though it felt like an eternity to the bawling daughter across her lap. She settled into a steady pace, spanking just as hard, but now varying where she struck, painting the whole of Sweetie's rump an even shade of pink, but returning to the chubby 'sit spot' whenever the sting faded.
  277. >"WHHHHHAAAAOOOWWWW! *sob* Ow! Ow! Owwwwww!"
  278. Sweetie Belle gasped for air, every time she caught her breath the awful burning pain forced it out of her lungs in the form of a scream. She cried so hard that the tears ran from her eyes down into her mouth & nose, adding a yucky salty flavor that only added to Sweetie's misery.
  280. Watching this, Button's heart ached as much as his bottom. He still sat on his mother's lap, trembling and squirming, trying to soothe the heat in his rump that would only fade with time. This was a day of firsts for him; first time with the hairbrush, and his first time witnessing a friend receive her punishment. Button had certainly gotten in trouble with other foals before, but on all previous occasions they had each been taken to their respective homes to suffer punishment individually. Up to this day Button Mash had never watched a spanking from the outside...and seeing his friend crying in agony broke his heart.
  281. Milfy seemed to sense this; she held her colt tight and whispered reassurances in his ear.
  282. >"She'll be okay, honey. It's just a spanking, same as you got. It hurts, but Sweetie Belle will be just fine I promise."
  283. Somehow, hearing this eased some of Buttons anxiety, but seeing his friend bawling her eyes out, squirming in pain was something he never wanted to experience again.
  285. Sweetie Belle was oblivious to all this. The only thing that existed now, occupying 100% of her mind was the terrible fire in her fanny. Contemplation about guilt & innocence would come there was only pain & regret.
  286. Then it stopped. The crying filly breathed a sigh of relief until she realized this respite only came because her mother was picking up the brush. Sweetie went into a fresh fit of tears and whimpering...unlike Button she knew how much the hairbrush hurt, and on a rear-end already sore from Momma's hoof spanking it would be sheer agony.
  287. Pearl resolved to give her daughter the same 15 smacks Button Mash had received, but she slowed her pace significantly. Starting with the first spank she allowed Sweetie at least 3 breaths between whacks, a technique she'd used to deal with Rarity's naughty spells when she was this age. Eyes completely blind with tears, her nose running, coughing & drooling, Sweetie Belle was the picture of misery, and now the last act was being drawn out interminably. Given this extended period between spanks the little Unicorn could really feel the pain soak in, and experience the fear of knowing another one was coming in a few moments.
  288. >"No more! PLEASE no more Mommy! I'm sooorrrryyyy!!!"
  289. Pearl did not lose count though. 15 spanks Button had received, as so Sweetie Belle would. But compared to the preceding fourteen the last spank was feeble. Pearl had reached her limit too, and though her last swing was still a stinger it felt like a gentle caress compared to the rest.
  290. When she was ready Sweetie was allowed to climb into her mothers lap and enjoy the comfort of forgiveness. After clearing her tears and blowing her nose Sweetie Belle gave a glance over to Button, who smiled faintly. They had made it through...two well spanked foals who'd paid the price for their misdeed and earned a cuddle in their mommas' arms.
  291. An hour later Button Mash & Sweetie Belle were up in her room, laying on their bellies, working on a jigsaw puzzle while the mothers talked downstairs.
  292. >"So," asked Button, "yer Dad gonna be sore at ya when he gets home?"
  293. Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes.
  294. >"Yeah, I'm probably gonna get lectured until I get a headache."
  295. >"Is he gonna spank ya too?"
  296. She shook her head.
  297. >"Nah, once Mom has spanked me he won't."
  298. The colt nodded.
  299. >"Good. I felt bad watching you get whacked."
  300. Sweetie Belle blushed. It seemed like a very sweet thing to say.
  301. >"I didn't like seeing you get spanked either, but I was still worrying about my turn then."
  302. They played quietly for a while, each finding a few pieces to lock in place. At last Button asked;
  303. >"Are you gonna tell the other kids at school what happened?"
  304. She shrugged, spinning a puzzle piece on the floor with her hoof.
  305. >"Probably Bloom & Scoots. We talk about everything."
  306. Button seemed nervous about asking the next question;
  307. >"Are you gonna tell them I cried like a baby?"
  308. >"We both cried like babies" giggled Sweetie Belle.
  309. The Earth colt squirmed a little, seeking the right words. But Sweetie seemed to know what he wanted to hear.
  310. >"If you want I'll tell them you were totally brave and didn't cry once."
  311. Button smiled, but then reason kicked in.
  312. >"They're not gonna believe that, are they?"
  313. >"Not for a second" giggled Sweetie Belle. "Tell ya what; why don't you just come hang out at the club house? That way you can tell your own story."
  314. This surprised Button, who never expected to be invited into the inner circle.
  315. >"You'd let me...I mean...I'm a boy."
  316. Sweetie Belle shrugged again.
  317. >"Aww heck, we let Scootaloo in. She's more of a boy than half the colts in school."
  318. That set both of them laughing; they continued to laugh for until Button's mother called up the stairs, saying it was time to go. The day had started bad, turned good, then scary, then really bad...but in the end had been pretty okay.
  320. THE END

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