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Teen Talk by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:09:56
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:20:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Teen Talk by DCFTEF
  2. ( / )
  4. (22/04/2020)
  7. ---
  9. Keeping Sugar Cube Corner open late on Friday & Saturday nights didn't make Cup Cake and her husband much extra money, but it was worth it. As they had hoped it quickly became the popular spot for the teenagers of Ponyville, who lacked a place to hang out together on their non-school nights. Tonight Carrot was upstairs with the twins and Pinkie was off doing something. Maybe she was helping the Princess fight a monster or something, maybe she was doing something awful that would make a huge mess and cost money. Until she smelled smoke Cup would not worry about her employee.
  11. That left Cup to run the sweets shop and watch over the teens who had congregated there.
  12. Cup wanted them to have fun, but ran a tight ship.
  13. >”Colts! That's enough rough housing. If you want to wrestle take it outside!”
  14. >”Ahem...4 inches between lovers on the slow dances, please. Go to the movie theater and smooch in the dark like normal teenagers.”
  15. >”Hooves off the table. You break my furniture, I break your butts.”
  16. It was big talk of course. Cup wasn't their mother...but she was friends with every single one of their parents so the kids knew they needed to be on their best behavior or news would travel.
  17. But Ponyville was a pretty well behaved place, so Cup Cake never had any serious trouble.
  19. The two major investments Cup & Carrot had made for their business had not payed off.
  20. The new jukebox played constantly, but the teens selected the same few popular songs over and over again. In the morning the old folks were no better, they dropped bits in the machine and played their nostalgic favorites as they had their morning coffee and danish. Cup and Carrot had to replace the same worn out vinyl records over and over again as the rest of the collection languished in the machine, rarely played.
  21. The chrome espresso machine would have made a lot more money on Friday and Saturday nights, but Cup kept a close eye on how much the kids were drinking and cut them off before any real money was made.
  22. >”Another cappuccino please, Mrs. Cake.”
  23. >”You've had three already, Boysenberry. How many does your mother let you drink?”
  24. The teen filly's ears turned down and she blushed.
  25. >””
  26. Mrs. Cake poured her a half cup of hot milk, filled the rest up with foam and topped it with cinnamon dust, so at least she would look cool in front of her friends.
  27. >”Thanks, Mrs. Cake.”
  29. That's the way Cup Cake ran her shop on no-school nights. A caring chaperon who wanted the fillies and colts to have fun but firmly put her hoof down when necessary. The teens had a safe, well supervised place to hang out and it was fun for Cup too.
  30. Watching them took her back to her own teen years...she and Pear Butter, best friends. Having fun, getting into mischief, sneaking in to Pear's bedroom long after curfew, getting yelled at by Pear's dad when they got caught. She missed Pear Butter, but being around the young ponies made her feel good about the memories.
  32. One table of tittering teens drew her attention tonight. Buster Blaze and Holly Star reminded her so much of Pear and Bright Mac. They were next-door neighbors who met when they were just little blank flank foals and became inseparable best friends for life roughly 20 seconds after that meeting. Maybe it was only 10 seconds. Their romantic pairing was inevitable to any pony who knew them, but at only 14 years old they weren't quite ready to declare themselves 'Very Special Someponies' yet. Just really good friends.
  33. Tonight they were hanging out with Twist, Shady Daze and Silver Spoon. Diamond Tiara was usually part of this clique but she was stuck in her room tonight...lucky not to be sleeping on her belly, in Cup's opinion.
  34. The five young ponies present laughed, quaffed sugary drinks and danced to the same pop songs that had played a dozen times already tonight. At first just the fillies pranced together in a circle, until they dragged the two boys out onto the dance floor with them. Buster didn't need a whole lot of dragging when Holly provided the initial tug.
  36. It brought a nostalgic tear to Cup's eye, remembering how Buttercup & Mac used to look at each other. They couldn't flaunt their forbidden love in public of course...that would have led to the snipping of both an apple and a pear switch had their respective parents found out. Pear's father wouldn't even let her go out alone, so Chiffon Swirl (as Cup was known then) had to come along on every rendezvous. Since it was boring to be a third wheel all night she insisted Mac had to bring a date for her was usually his buddy Burnt Oak. She and Oak were never serious, but they seriously explored the insides of each other's mouths with their tongues and she even let him get to second base once
  37. >(okay, it was third but if you ever tell Pumpkin I'll deny it).
  38. To this day she and Burnt Oak were good friends and joked about it. Carrot knew and played along like a good sport.
  39. >”Remember, Chiffon, if you ever get tired of sponge cake I've got the real wood right over here.”
  40. Carrot would retaliate with a silly boxer's pose, putting up his dukes for a fight.
  41. >”Ayyy, keep yer stick to yourself, you kindling Casanova!”
  42. Youngsters wondered what the 3 adults were laughing about.
  44. The song over, the kids came over to the counter to get refills of their drinks.
  45. Holly asked Silver Spoon;
  46. >”Isn't DT coming tonight?”
  47. >”Nah, grounded.”
  48. Silver began to explain but Cup stopped her.
  49. >”Spoony, are you sure Diamond Tiara would want you telling every pony her business?”
  50. >”Oh, it's okay”
  51. Silver Spoon assured her,
  52. >”I visited her this afternoon and she's cool with it.”
  53. Cup Cake nodded, satisfied.
  54. >”Diamond donated a hundred blankets and thirty tents to the Griffonstone Relief charity.”
  55. Twist wrinkled her nose.
  56. >”Why did she get grounded for sthat? Sthat wass a nithe thing to do.”
  57. Silver giggled and explained.
  58. >”Because she donated them straight out of Barnyard Bargains' inventory without asking her dad.”
  59. The other foals all cringed or laughed awkwardly.
  60. >”Yeah, that'll do it.”
  61. Silver Spoon finished;
  62. >”Yeah, Mr. Rich said he was proud of her generosity...then gave her two weeks for taking from the store without getting permission first. Hard time; not even allowed out of her room except for school and meals.”
  63. Mrs. Cake injected her opinion.
  64. >”She's one lucky filly.
  65. >”If Pumpkin or Pound ever do something like that...donate a hundred pies without asking...they'll get their rear-ends baked with my wooden cutting board.”
  66. They all nodded and agreed with Mrs. Cake (who would dare disagree while she invoked the dreaded cutting board?) but they knew a lot of it was bluster. The Cakes donated at least that much, every month, to hard working charities. And poor Diamond would get it right with time. She was still learning the whole 'being nice' thing.
  68. >”Itth on again!”
  69. Mrs. Cake groaned as the same exact song they had just finished dancing to came up again on the jukebox, but Twist led the others straight back to the open section without tables that served as their dance floor.
  70. >”Ugh...teenagers”
  71. She'd have to order a new copy of that record soon. Why did they have to wear out the expensive new hits? Why couldn't they wear out some of the discount records? There were some great songs in there...from when she and Pear were fillies.
  72. >”Oh Celestia, I am so old.”
  73. No sense complaining. It was more fun for Mrs. Cake to watch what Silver Spoon and Twist were doing. Holly Star danced along oblivious, but the two were steering her into a collision. A glance at the colts showed Shady Daze was complicit in this as well, maneuvering Buster Blaze with subtle bumps and playful pushes until he was lined up perfectly.
  74. Cup Cake had to admire their timing. She'd heard the song enough times to know this was the part where the kids usually closed their eyes, held their heads down low and shook their tails in the air. With the two unwitting victims of the conspiracy perfectly lined up all it took was a bump from both sides to send the two colliding, muzzles first. They each opened their eyes, startled at the unexpected nose boop, both blushing at being so close to their best friend. Buster could smell the sweetness of Holly's root beer float on her breath. She could tell Buster had used a dab of of his father's cologne before coming out tonight. They awkwardly waited for the other to do something until they both realized simultaneously that there was no pony in all Equestria they would rather be dancing with, and returned to doing so with tripled exuberance. Silver Spoon, Twist & Shady exchanged hoof bumps at a mission accomplished.
  76. Cup Cake smiled at the cute scene. Those two were a sure thing. In a few years she expected Pinkie would be organizing a party to announce their engagement. Pumpkin and Pound would be old enough by then to foalsit their inevitable offspring.
  77. >” I getting ahead of myself!”
  78. They hadn't even declared themselves in love yet. They liked each other of course, but they didn't like-like each other yet. But there were obvious signs. For instance Holly was once overheard saying, when she was mad at Buster;
  79. >”Ugh...I am gonna give you SO MANY chores to do when we're married.”
  80. Then she covered her mouth and blushed crimson red at what she had just blurted out.
  81. Poor Buster's devotion was demonstrated at a higher cost. On a 3 day sleep-away field trip to the great museums of Manehattan, a student from another high school got fresh with Holly Star, inappropriately so. Buster decked him. It was barely enough to knock the rude colt down, and the teachers pulled the young stallions apart before any real fight could happen. Blaze had to spend the rest of the trip within 3 yards of a teacher, even bunking with them in the chaperons' hotel room, thereby missing out on all the fun after-hours shenanigans that came during a lightly supervised trip with all your classmates.
  82. As if that wasn't enough the incident netted him a 3 day suspension from school. His parents might have considered that punishment enough and let him off the hook with a warning had Buster shown appropriate remorse during his scolding. Unfortunately he chose teenage attitude instead and tipped the scales against himself. Blaze was condemned to bend over for a short but intensely unpleasant paddling by his Dad.
  84. Buster was plenty upset to receive this sentence but it seemed even harder on Holly Star, whose honor he had been defending. Twice she burst into her neighbors' house to plead mercy on his behalf, and she would have kept returning had her parents not forbid her from going over there anymore until this was done.
  85. Holly shut herself in her room and sobbed in heartbreak as she listened to poor, noble Buster endure his punishment through their open windows.
  86. Maple Cake felt helpless to comfort her suffering teen, but since the angst involved the colt she liked it seemed better to give her space. The best Mom could do was have her favorite Princess Celestia hoodie washed and ready to snuggle in. It was too big for Holly, having originally been owned by Buster, who bought it to pair with Holly's Luna hoodie but Scootaloo told him he looked gay in it so now it belonged to Star.
  87. The oversize hoodie was perfect for wrapping herself in and crying her eyes out while valorous Buster got his heinie unjustly tortured for being Holly's knight in shining armor. When all was over the Celestia hoodie was so saturated in tears and snot it had to be laundered again.
  88. Downstairs, Holly's father Piston Ring wryly commented;
  89. >”Based on her reaction, next time she misbehaves we ought to just go next door and give Buster a spanking instead of her.”
  90. Her mother, Maple Cake turned to him and asked;
  91. >”Dear, do you think it would be any different if their places were reversed?”
  92. That gave Piston Ring something to think about. He felt good that his little filly had found some pony she loved with such devotion and the colt clearly felt the same way. He would, however, have to keep a closer eye on their frequent all-night sleepover study sessions. Maybe those were not as innocent as he had assumed.
  94. At the 5 friends' table they were talking about the same incident.
  95. >”Seriously...most embarrassing 3 days of my life.
  96. >”I had to follow the teachers around, I had to eat lunch with them.
  97. >”Ms. Candle Wax made me carry a 3 yard tape measure.”
  98. Buster's friends laughed supportively. They were exchanging embarrassing stories.
  99. Holly Star still felt guilty though;
  100. >”I'm so, so, so sorry about all that...and what happened know.”
  101. Ever since she was a little filly she couldn't bring herself to say the word. She even cringed and shivered when some pony else said spanking. Her friends thought it was cute.
  102. >”Celestia's sake, Star, for the hundredth time, it wasn't your fault.”
  103. He put his arm around her and gave a reassuring hug.
  104. >”And I'd do it again if some jerk treats you wrong.”
  105. That got a little too intimate and Buster knew it the moment he spoke the words. He blushed, but got his fair share of ribbing for it. Shady laughed;
  106. >”Yeah, just don't get yer butt whacked for it next time.”
  107. >”Agreed!”
  108. Twist got them back on topic;
  109. >”Alright, mosth embara...humiliating moment. You nexth, Thilver!”
  110. Silver Spoon tried, but didn't have a good one.
  111. >”I dunno...that whole time when Dia & I were acting like brats is pretty bad.
  112. >”I guess there was this one time Apple Bloom's cousin psyched us out and we fell backwards into some mud.
  113. >”But that's kinda lame. Someone else go.”
  115. Twist took a deep breath.
  116. >”I've got the worthst.
  117. >”My folks found my sthash of jokeweed...and made me thmoke the whole thing wisth them.”
  118. The others were kind of puzzled
  119. >”Really? That doesn't sound so bad.”
  120. >”My parents would KILL me if they caught me with jokeweed.”
  121. But Twist's eyes grew wide as she told her terrible tale.
  122. >”It was bad
  123. >”They sthtarted playing old records from like 20 yearth ago, dancthing and cooking WAY too much food.
  124. >”When mine was gone they pulled out their sthash...I couldn't exthcape.”
  125. She hushed for the most evil part.
  126. >”Then...they told me about my own contheption.”
  128. Her friends replied in horrified chorus;
  129. >”Ewwww!”
  130. Twist gave more horrid details;
  131. >”They were high when they contheived me too!
  132. >”Mosth awkward night of my life...I haven't thmoked joke once since then.”
  134. Shady shook his head in disbelief.
  135. >”Brutal. That's gonna be hard to beat.”
  136. Silver poked fun at Holly;
  137. >”I think every pony knows Star's most embarrassing moment.”
  138. They all laughed
  139. >”Yeah, anytime anyone says the word 'spank' within 100 yards of her.”
  140. On cue, Holly cringed and a shiver ran down her spine, across her rump and down her tail.
  141. >”That is hilarious, and so cute...spank!”
  142. Silver Spoon triggered the same shudder again and got a big laugh, even from Holly as she was teased.
  143. >”You guys suck! But you're wrong. My most embarrassing is worse...but not as bad as Twist's.”
  144. She straightened up in her seat and spoke precisely;
  145. >”I have been dragged out of Sugar Cube Corner by my Mom, by my ear...twice.”
  146. Buster muttered;
  147. >”Yeah, I remember that.”
  148. But he gave no details. The others wanted details.
  149. >”What wassth it for?”
  150. Holly admitted;
  151. >”I'd promised my Mom I would clean my room before I went out.”
  152. Shady asked;
  153. >”Did you?”
  154. Before she could answer, Buster chimed in;
  155. >”Does she ever?”
  156. It was true. Since she was a blank-flank keeping her bedroom tidy was the epic struggle of Holly Star's life.
  157. >”Well, Mom came in and yanked me out of here, then all the way home without letting go of my poor ear.”
  158. >”Brutal...”
  159. opined Silver
  160. >”What was the other time for?”
  161. Holly buried her face in her hooves and groaned;
  162. >”The saammme thing.”
  164. Without thinking, Silver asked;
  165. >”Did you get spanked for it?”
  166. triggering the wince and cute shudder reaction from Holly's ears to tail.
  167. >”Quit it, I thought we were done with that!”
  168. Spoon was genuinely contrite;
  169. >”Sorry, didn't mean it that time.”
  170. Holly could laugh at her silly quirk, but she never wanted to dwell on the dreaded word for very long.
  171. >”You guys suck so bad.
  172. >”You ALL know what it feels like and don't tell me any of you enjoy it.”
  173. They had to agree with that.
  175. Shady Daze finally took the heat off Holly. He leaned back and kicked his legs up on the table. With a smug, satisfied yawn he boasted;
  176. >”Ya know, I'm beginning to forget what that feels like.
  177. >”Eighteen months, not one spank on this flank.”
  178. He gave his cutie mark a slap for effect.
  179. Buster gave him a hoof bump.
  180. >”Bro...nice.”
  181. It was unclear whether Blaze was adorkably innocent enough to give his pal respect for a year and a half of good behavior or just his sneaky talent for not getting caught.
  183. >”Hooves off the furniture, mister!”
  184. Shady quickly obeyed Mrs. Cake's warning. Self-preservation had helped him toward his 18 month milestone.
  185. >”Getting close to closing time, kids...time for last orders plus anything you'd like to take home. Nothing complicated! This old mare needs her sleep.”
  186. After one last dose of excess sugar the five planned for the rest of their night
  187. >”Thso what you guyths want to do next?”
  188. Buster asked the practical question;
  189. >”How late can everybody stay out tonight?”
  190. Holly Star began to do a happy dance as she walked, shaking her rear and swishing her tail as she sang a song she was making up as she went.
  191. >”It's Friday ni-ight,
  192. >”I got no cur-few,
  193. >”Don't know what my Mom is think-ing.
  194. >”But I'm gonna keep my mo-outh shut
  195. >”And hope she doesn't no-tice!”
  197. Silver Spoon shrugged
  198. >”I'm staying at Twist's house tonight.”
  199. >”And I'm sthtaying at Thpoony's.”
  200. The old switch-a-roo. Classic.
  201. Shady Daze wasn't worried either.
  202. >”My Pop is asleep on the couch by now.
  203. >”He gets up to poop at 1 a.m.
  204. >”As long as I'm in bed by then he won't know when I got in.”
  205. Silver gagged in disgust.
  206. >”Ew. TMI. You are so gross.”
  207. But Shady shook his head.
  208. >”I'm not gross. The bathroom after my Pop's 1 a.m. crap? That's gross.”
  209. >”Ugh, why do I even hang out with colts?”
  211. Buster Blaze was crestfallen.
  212. >”Seriously? I'm the ONLY one who has to be home by curfew?
  213. >”Can I change my most embarrassing moment?”
  214. Shady gave him a bump on the side though and told him.
  215. >”Nah, it just means we're all tied to your time. We ain't gonna ditch ya, dude.”
  217. Silver then made a fateful suggestion;
  218. >”I've got an idea that won't take all night.”
  219. She leaned in and spoke in a low tone usually reserved for ideas that were really good or really bad.
  220. >”You know the old haunted sawmill by the river?”
  222. And with that their fates were set on a path that would lead the friends to disaster, a calamitous collision of heinies & hairbrushes. A wizard with the power to spy their future in a crystal ball might see 10 orbs glowing back at him in hues of red and pink. Tomorrow indeed was destined to be a day of pain and regret.
  223. But tonight at least it was still just teenage fun.
  225. END for real this time.

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