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The Fillies Strike Back by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:10:19
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:21:33
Expiry: Never

  1. The Fillies Strike Back by DCFTEF
  2. (Apple Bloom / Chip Mint)
  3. f/m, bent over, carpet beater, non-consensual
  5. (03/06/2016)
  8. ---
  10. Chip Mint had lost track of how far he'd been galloping. With the bag over his head (which smelled of peanut butter) it was impossible to tell where he was now. It had been stupid to go down to the river that passed through Sweet Apple Acres alone.
  11. >It's my own dumb fault I got captured.
  12. Now Chip was at the mercy of his most dreaded enemies...the Fillies of Ponyville.
  14. >"Alright, prisoner, watch your step...there's a ramp right there."
  15. That sounded like Sweetie Belle...yeah, totally Sweetie Belle. Chip tried to take a careful step but still stumbled on one of the cross-boards of the ramp.
  16. >"Think we can take the bag off his head? We're already here."
  17. >"No! The prisoner must remain blindfolded until we're safely inside the secret base."
  18. Secret Base?
  19. Did the fillies have a hide-out that colt spies had not discovered yet? They had marched him a long distance since capture.
  20. With a filly on either side of him, Chip Mint was carefully led up the ramp, which took a right-angle turn onto another ramp before it leveled out.
  21. >"Secure the prisoner!"
  22. This new voice was clearly Scootaloo. Her voice was easy to recognize.
  23. >"Whoa! Hey! What are you doing?"
  24. >"No talking!"
  25. Grudgingly, Chip Mint shut his mouth. It was part of the game; the fillies had caught him fair and square, now he was at their mercy. Soon he was tied up too tightly to run away, rough hemp rope binding his cannons front and rear.
  26. >"Alright, he ain't goin' nowhere. Take the bag off his head."
  28. Chip gasped for air, grateful to finally be rid of the peanut butter smell.
  29. >"Wait a minute...isn't this Apple Bloom's tree house?"
  30. Zipporwhill zoomed up to his face and snapped;
  31. >"Our location is TOP SECRET! We'll ask the questions here!"
  32. Chip just rolled his eyes.
  33. >"This is TOTALLY Apple Bloom's tree house! You blindfolded me with a bag to take me less than a furlong!? And why did we have to gallop so far? Were you running me in circles?"
  34. Sweetie Belle stuck her nose in the air and replied;
  35. >"I can neither confirm or deny that."
  37. >Ugh.
  38. >Girls.
  39. Scootaloo seemed to be filling the position of leader...she presided over a group of about 15 fillies, most of whom Chip knew from school, calling the meeting to order by banging a rock on a crudely built podium.
  40. >"Attention! I hereby call this meeting of the Girls' Underground for Immediate Limitation of Dorks to order!"
  41. Twist blew a fanfare on her kazoo.
  42. >"Fellow G.U.I.L.D. members, today is a momentous day! Our brave operatives have captured one of the enemy."
  43. Chip Mint scoffed;
  44. >"Brave!? It was 3 on 1!"
  45. Scootaloo ignored him and continued;
  46. >"This prisoner will be interrogated to provide information on the whereabouts of Peachy Pie's stolen 'Princess Flurry Wets-a-Lot' doll."
  47. >"Wait a minute...this is all about a stupid doll?"
  48. Peachy Pie snapped at the prisoner;
  49. >"She's not stupid! She's an authentic big sister got her for me when she went to the Crystal Empire on business!"
  50. Chip wasn't impressed.
  51. >"Who would want a doll that pees on itself? That's gross!"
  52. Diamond Tiara was next to speak;
  53. >"So you deny complicity in this heinous crime?"
  54. >"Deny it? Heck, I don't even know what that means!"
  56. Zipporwhill buzzed around the restrained captive and threw down the gauntlet of accusation.
  57. >"It means we know you're LYING! One of you dumb boys stole Peachy Pie's doll and we're gonna get to the bottom of this."
  58. All the fillies snickered when she put it that way.
  60. Scootaloo got them back on track.
  61. >"Well, we'll find out the truth when we interrogate him. He'll crack...they all crack."
  62. But before they could begin Boysenberry raised her hoof.
  63. >"Actually, we should do snack time first."
  64. Scootaloo dismissed the suggestion;
  65. >"Work before snacks. This won't take long..."
  66. But Boysenberry insisted;
  67. >"We need to do snack time first. I couldn't get many ice cubes...the fruit punch is gonna get warm if we wait too long."
  68. >"Oh alright" groaned Scootaloo, "we'll put it to a vote. G.U.I.L.D. members, what say ye? Interrogate the prisoner...or snack time first?"
  70. The vote was close, but it was decided that no pony liked warm fruit punch so the interrogation would have to wait. Scootaloo confirmed the result and Silver Spoon entered it into the official record.
  71. >"Very well. The refreshments committee will distribute snacks. We'll torture the prisoner later."
  72. Chip Mint's eyes grew wide.
  73. >"T-Torture?"
  74. >"Unless you'd rather confess and tell us what we want to know now?"
  75. >"Confess what? I didn't take your dumb peeing doll!"
  77. Apple Bloom, who was responsible for restraints by virtue of the fact that she was able to beg a coil of rope from her big brother, allowed Chip one free arm.
  78. >"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" protested Scootaloo.
  79. >"Well we can't starve 'im." Apple Bloom pointed out "That's a violation of the rules of civilized warfare. Remember when Miss Cheerilee taught us about the Geneighva Convention?"
  80. Scootaloo groaned.
  81. >"You're only supposed to give a prisoner bread and water!"
  82. >"I don't have water, I only brought fruit punch" answered Boysenberry, "and if you want to wipe peanut butter & jelly off the bread be my guest, but that sounds like a lot of work."
  83. So as he waited to be tortured, Chip Mint was given several triangular sandwich wedges and a paper cup of chilled fruit punch. He had to give the fillies credit for that at least; no pony ever thought to bring refreshments to the colts' meetings.
  85. There was yet more.
  86. Once the fillies had their fill of peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, Cotton Cloudy passed a box around, eventually reaching Chip.
  87. >"Oh for pony's sake!" protested Diamond Tiara, "You can't give him cookies, he's a prisoner!"
  88. >"But these are my Mom's famous oatmeal-raisin cookies."
  89. A murmur went through the crowd of fillies. The sentiment was unanimous. Cotton's mother had won the Blue Ribbon for best cookies two years running at the Ponyville Days bake-off competition. Denying any pony, even a gross, dumb colt prisoner those definitely constituted a grievous and unforgivable war crime.
  91. Appetites sated at last, Scootaloo moved to get the meeting back on track.
  92. >"Alright...are we ready to begin the torture?"
  93. Chip Mint gulped nervously and stuffed another sandwich wedge into his mouth.
  94. >"Um nut dome yet!"
  95. But he was only stalling and the fillies were not having it.
  96. >"Bring out THE BOX!"
  98. At Scootaloo's command two grim looking fillies dragged out an old toy-chest covered in menacing skull and cross-bone stickers. Chip trembled as he imagined what horrors lay inside, but the truth would exceed his most terrible nightmares.
  99. >"Sergeant-at-Arms...produce THE FRILLY DRESS!"
  100. The re-purposed toy box was opened with an ominous creak and out came a ghastly assemblage of crinoline, lace and glossy pink satin, stitched together into something that could arguably be called a dress.
  101. >"Oh wow...that IS awful" mused Silver Spoon.
  102. Apple Bloom immediately rebuked her;
  103. >"Don't say that! Sweetie Belle's sister made that."
  104. But it was Sweetie herself who backed Silver Spoon up.
  105. >"No she's right, it's awful. Not everything Rarity makes is a winner. Can you believe I had to wear that thing once? Mom said I had to or it would hurt Rarity's feelings. So I wore it when we went to visit my Grandparents in Hoofington. At least that way nobody saw me in it!"
  106. She leaned in to whisper wickedly in Chip's ear.
  107. >"It itches like crazy too."
  109. Chip lost his nerve...badly.
  110. >"NO NO NO NO NO! Please don't make me wear that thing!"
  111. He struggled against the ropes that restrained him, to no avail. The only knot Apple Bloom knew was a bow knot, but she was really good at those so they did not slip loose. Chip realized he was doomed and cried real, terrified tears.
  112. >"You can't! I'm a colt! Please, please don't put me in a dress! At least not THAT dress!"
  113. Scootaloo grinned and asked;
  114. >"So, you wanna confess?"
  115. >"I SWEAR I don't know anything! I don't know where your doll is! Promise! I'll even Pinkie Promise if you untie me!"
  116. With a derisive snort Scootaloo spelled his doom;
  117. >"Help him into his party dress, girls!"
  119. Outnumbered 15 to 1, Chip Mint didn't have a chance. The fillies held him down, dressed him in the awful frock and even made him wear the sissy ruffled socks. Helpless, he wished and prayed to Celestia that none of the guys would mount a rescue mission. If they saw him like this he'd never live it down.
  120. >"Okay, thmile for the camera!"
  121. >"What? NOOOOOO!"
  122. Before he knew what was happening the fillies pulled Chip to his back hooves and Twist snapped a photo.
  123. >"Give me that! Destroy that photo! That's not fair!"
  124. Instead Twist hid the camera someplace safe.
  125. >"That's inthuranthe in case you dethide to tell on us."
  126. >"Aww come on, you know I'm not a tattle-tale! Destroy that picture...please?"
  127. Scootaloo leaned over her podium;
  128. >"Gonna confess?"
  129. >"I told you...I don't know ANYTHING!"
  130. No filly believed him. They were ready for the next step.
  132. >"Okay then. We didn't want to do this but you leave us no choice. Put him in position, girls."
  133. Chip Mint struggled but had no more luck than he did avoiding the frilly dress. The fillies bent him over across the arched lid of the toy box and used the same ropes he'd been tied up with to secure him. Soon he was in that awkward, awful position no foal ever wants to find themselves in...face down, rump high in the air...helpless.
  135. >"Alright, Sunny Daze, did you get your Dad's belt?"
  136. Chip gasped in terror.
  137. >"Whoa...wait a minute...time out! You can't use a belt that's not fair!"
  138. >"Silence, prisoner! Nopony asked Sweetie Belle if it was fair when you dumb colts used Miss Cheerilee's paddle on her!"
  139. Again, it was Sweetie Belle who offered an alternate point of view.
  140. >"Gotta admit though, it was pretty brave when you boys swiped it from the school. Saved a few of our rumps that week."
  141. >"You're not supposed to encourage them!"
  143. Sunny Daze galloped over to Scootaloo's podium and whispered in her ear.
  144. >"Aww, seriously? You couldn't get it?"
  145. Sunny shook her head.
  146. >"No way. I tried but it was WAY too scary to steal my Daddy's belt. You know what would have happened if I got caught? Use your imagination!"
  148. Scootaloo face-hoofed again. They were stuck without a spanking implement.
  149. >"Apple Bloom, you're handy with your hooves, you got any ideas?"
  150. >"I suppose I could go cut a switch...?"
  151. >"No, I've seen your behind after Granny Smith has taken a switch to you. It leaves too many marks. We can't make it too noticeable or we'll ALL get in trouble like the colts did when they stole Miss Cheerilee's paddle."
  152. As leader of the meeting Scootaloo felt responsible for its success.
  153. She groaned;
  154. >"Ugh...we stink at being the bad guys!"
  156. >"Wait..." questioned Babs Seed, visiting from Manehattan, "...we're da bad guys? Why? We ain't bad ponies!"
  157. Boysenberry explained;
  158. >"Neither are the colts, really. Loud...smelly...but not bad. So we take turns. For two weeks they're the bad guys, then for two weeks we are. It's our turn now."
  159. >"Aw, I see. Dat makes sense."
  161. >"Anybody have a mane-brush?"
  162. >"Nah, that's not scary enough."
  163. The fillies disagreed. All of them knew hairbrushes were PLENTY scary.
  164. >"But everypony's Mom has a brush. We need something special!"
  166. Sunny Daze interrupted them;
  167. >"Girls, I may not have gotten my Daddy's belt, but I still got something good."
  168. She offered a weird looking tool. It was made of light rattan, had a long handle and a broad, woven face.
  169. Only Diamond Tiara seemed to know what it was;
  170. >"My housekeeper uses something like that to beat the dust out of rugs."
  171. >"Yeah, it's a carpet beater...but lemme tell ya, it works just as good on a rear-end."
  172. The fillies all gathered close to inspect it.
  173. >"Looks okay. Let's try it."
  174. >"NO! Let's not!"
  175. Chip Mint was obviously outvoted.
  177. Apple Bloom was chosen to deliver the punishment. As she got a feel for the carpet beater with a few test swings, Scootaloo gave the prisoner one last opportunity...
  178. >"You can end this all now if you confess what you know and lead us to Peachy's captive doll."
  179. >"I can't! I'm telling the truth! I really don't know who took your dumb pee doll!"
  180. Apple Bloom taunted him by swinging the carpet beater close to his head...out of Chip's line of sight but near his ear so he could hear its terrifying whoosh and feel the path it cut through the air. The colt trembled in grim anticipation.
  181. >"Bloom, add eight extra strokes for calling Peachy's doll stupid."
  182. >"I didn't say stupid I said 'dumb'."
  183. >"Double it for insolence."
  184. >"Gotcha Scoots...18 extra for bein' insolent."
  185. >"Eight times eight is NOT eighteen you numbskulls!"
  187. Scootaloo raised her eyesbrows and continued;
  188. >"He's just racking them up. Double it again for that. Thirty-four whacks!"
  189. This time the math error came out in his favor, so Chip Mint kept his mouth shut.
  190. >"Bare his behind, girls!"
  192. It was a weird sensation, feeling his skirt lifted away by Cotton Cloud. As much as Chip hated the frilly pink dress he wished it was still covering his rear-end. When Zipporwhill flew over to grab his tail and hold it out of the way his exposure was complete.
  194. At least Apple Bloom, who had a big brother, showed some concern for his most vulnerable bits.
  195. >"Keep yer legs t'gether, Chip. I don't think ya want yer privates to slip out and get hit with this thing."
  197. That was the last thing any filly said to him. Chip Mint gulped and tensed up, waiting for the first spank and wondering what it was going to feel like.
  198. Apple Bloom tested her aim first, laying the carpet beater on his bottom gently. When he felt it cover his entire rump from his dock to the tops of his thighs Chip let out a little whimper in spite of himself. He desperately wanted to remain stoic and show these dumb fillies that they couldn't shake the resolve of a tough young stallion like him...but right now he felt as helpless as a little foal.
  200. *Swish*.....*THWAP*!
  201. Every filly cringed when Apple Bloom delivered the first smack. Chip couldn't help but give a little grunt...the carpet beater stung everywhere it struck and that was every square inch of his backside. The second whack was a little harder, as Apple Bloom got a feel for her instrument of torture, and by the third Chip's rump began to burn.
  202. >"Ouch! Come on...I don't know where your doll is!"
  203. The tool Sunny Daze had provided did not weigh much but it had a long flexible handle so it was moving whip-fast when it struck. The result was no deep down bruising pain but a terrible surface burn. Chip Mint was sweating and twisting against the ropes before he began to cry but eventually, by the eighth whack, tears began rolling down his cheeks.
  205. >"Come on Chip. This can all end now. Maybe you weren't the one who stole Peachy's doll but I bet you know something."
  206. >"I don't! I swear I don't know anything!"
  207. Scootaloo shrugged her shoulders and nodded to Apple Bloom.
  208. >"Take it up a notch."
  210. Apple Bloom began laying on the heat. Each whack was harder now with no merciful pause between spanks. Chip gritted his teeth and tried not to cry out loud, but he couldn't control the tears. The colt sniffled, sobbed and whimpered, occasionally crying out when Bloom landed a particularly hard one.
  211. >"Ow! Please! I don't OUCH! I don't know anything!"
  212. The worst part was that the carpet beater struck the same place every time...everywhere. No small part of Chip's heinie was spared. There was no cool spot to move to when Bloom felt one sector had suffered enough. Each awful stroke covered the whole of his cheeks. No mercy, no respite.
  213. >"Ouch! Apple B-Bloom come on, please! It OW hurts!"
  214. Tears fell freely now on the floor of the tree-house. The fillies looked on in tense silence. They were resolved to getting the necessary information out of this colt but there was not a single one who did not feel a little empathy for his suffering. Most, if not all of them, had spent time paying for misdemeanors over a parental lap. They did not want to pardon him...but all the fillies wished poor Chip would break soon so this torture session could end.
  215. >"OwowowOWow! Please no m-more! *sob* I p-p-promise I don't OW know nothing!"
  216. Chip Mint could barely feel the individual spanks anymore. His rump was numb to the stings but the heat was misery and only getting worse. It felt like one of these fillies was secretly a dragoness, breathing fire directly on his poor, innocent rear.
  218. >"This doesn't have to go on, Chip! Give us anything...a name...a place...something you may have overheard from your friends."
  219. >"WhhhhhaaHHH! I swear to Celestia I don't know who took your doll!"
  221. >"Wait a this all about Peachy's Princess Flurry Heart Wets-a-Lot doll?"
  222. Apple Bloom took a pause as all eyes turned to Dinky Hooves.
  224. >"Well duh" muttered Scootaloo, "where have you been?"
  225. >"Up in the guard tower, on lookout for grown ups. Noi just relieved me 'cause she didn't wanna watch the spankin' anymore. It was giving her the willies.
  226. >"You know that doll is in my room, right?"
  228. Jaws dropped all around the clubhouse...most of all Chip's.
  229. >"Don't you remember, Peachy Pie? We temporary took my water rocket kit, the one you pump up and it launches up into the sky."
  230. Peachy blushed. Dinky was right, she had forgotten.
  231. >"She's really neat, but if you're ready you can have her back. I know she was a special gift from your sister, I never meant to keep her forever."
  232. Relieved that her precious doll was not in the hooves of nefarious, smelly colts, Peachy smiled and replied;
  233. >"Actually, ya think we could stay swapped a few more days? My cousin is coming to visit from Bridleburg and I know he'd really like to see that rocket launch."
  234. Dinky agreed with a smile.
  235. >"Sure thing! I got extra parachutes for it if you need some."
  237. Crisis resolved, attention turned back to the prisoner.
  238. >"Soooo, what do we do with him?"
  239. All the fillies felt embarrassed now, most of all Scootaloo, who was playing leader today.
  240. >"Well, he did call us numbskulls, and imply fillies are bad at math..."
  241. Chip snorted and snapped back;
  242. >"I never said ALL fillies are bad at math...just YOU numbskulls!"
  243. With that fresh insult, Scootaloo made her pronouncement.
  244. >"Might as well finish him off with the 34 extra we promised."
  245. >"THAT'S NOT FAIR! I already got at least that many and I was INNOCENT the whole time!"
  247. All eyes turned to Apple Bloom, who shrugged her shoulders.
  248. >"I dunno...I thought somepony else was countin'."
  249. Once again it was left to Scootaloo to make the decision.
  250. >"Oh alright. Ten more...and you're lucky it's only 10 after what you boys did to Sweetie Belle."
  252. Apple Bloom delivered those final ten with vigor, but allowed merciful pauses between strokes. Chip had no more resistance left in him...he wept openly as the final punishment was applied to his rear.
  253. >"Three..."
  254. *THWAP*
  255. >"Two..."
  256. *THWAP*
  257. >"Last one..."
  258. *THWAP*
  259. And with that the prisoner was untied. Chip Mint didn't care that he was still wearing the pink frilly dress...all he wanted to do was rub his sore, burning butt.
  260. >"Eh, sorry about the misunderstanding." Scootaloo offered "No hard feelings?"
  261. >"Ya'll ain't gonna tell on us, are ya?"
  262. Chip scowled and made them wait for his reply. Right now his bottom was more important than their worries.
  263. >"I ought to tell on ALL of you...but I ain't no tattle-tale."
  264. A collective sigh of relief swept through the tree-house.
  266. Scootaloo made a conciliatory gesture;
  267. >"You've got immunity from capture now, for the rest of our turn as bad guys. No filly lays a hoof on Chip Mint, okay?"
  268. Chip struggled out of the frilly dress. A few fillies stepped forward to help him but a growl from the colt let them know he wasn't in the mood.
  269. >"This turn...AND your next turn!"
  270. >"Okay, okay, I guess you earned it."
  272. Apple Bloom offered some advice.
  273. >"There's a shallow, cool spot in the creek right where ya got captured. Sometimes, after Granny gives me a lickin' I like to go sit down there. Really takes the heat off."
  274. And Cotton Cloud made another offering;
  275. >"You can have the rest of the cookies too. There's some left."
  276. Chip wanted to spurn her gift, but these were the recipe that had won the Ponyville bake-off two years running. Even though he was angry, he accepted.
  277. >"Alright...thanks."
  279. And with that he stomped out, leaving the fillies feeling guilty and embarrassed.
  280. >"For Luna's sake...we SUCK at being the bad guys,"
  281. Scootaloo groaned.
  282. >"How long do we have left?"
  283. >"Eight more days" replied Silver Spoon.
  284. >"Ugh...I can't wait."
  285. And so the war went on.
  287. END

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