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Thru the Window by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:12:01
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:26:41
Expiry: Never

  1. Thru the Window by DCFTEF
  2. (Parents / Filly)
  4. (04/10/2017)
  7. ---
  9. Buster Blaze and Holly Star had been friends for a long time.
  10. Not their whole lives...only since they were 5, when Buster Blaze's family had moved to Ponyville. When Buster's father had injured his wing it became difficult for him to get around Cloudsdale so the family decided to move to an Earth pony town.
  11. Young Buster understood the reason why and was excited to live in Ponyville but the move was still difficult. When they arrived at their new home Buster found all his toys...even his bed...still packed away in moving crates. All the grown-ups were busy setting up house so the little colt had a long, boring wait of indeterminate end until his room could be set up. He was too little to help so all he could do was wait and stay out of the adults' way.
  12. Holly Star saved the day. She was excited that there was a new foal moving in next door and could barely be restrained from coming over to introduce herself. When she found Buster all alone and bored she rushed him off for a tour of the town (at least the parts close-by, where she was allowed to wander without an adult) and up to her room to play. Sure, all she had were filly toys, but Buster was just happy to have his first friend in Ponyville. She even loaned him a sleeping bag to use until his bed was unpacked.
  14. That all seemed like a lifetime ago. Buster and Holly had remained close friends all these years. Their birthdays were in the same month and they'd gotten their cutie marks within a week of each other. They didn't do everything together...Buster had colt stuff he liked to do and Holly had her own things she did with her filly friends...but they were never far apart and always made time to hang out.
  16. Today was such a day; the weather was warm and the skies were clear. Buster flew up to his friend's window (an advantage to being a pegasus) and tapped to get her attention. He seldom used the front door.
  17. Holly Star, sitting on her bed, jumped when she heard his tap at the window. Buster wondered why;
  18. >I always come in this way, I never use the door.
  19. but when he saw Holly's face he understood it wasn't he who she was worried about. Holly's face was red and puffy, her eyes wet with tears...she'd obviously been crying.
  20. >"Heya, Star. I just came to see if you wanted to go do something. Is everything okay?"
  21. She blushed. It must have been something big...Holly did not cry easily like some girls.
  22. >"Hi Blaze. Not really,"
  23. She avoided eye contact like she was ashamed.
  24. >"I...I sorta messed up. I'm in b-big trouble."
  26. Holly Star sat down on her bed and explained;
  27. >"I went to the movies yesterday..."
  28. >"Without me?"
  29. >"It was a girly wouldn't have liked it. Silver Spoon and Boysenberry wanted to go see it so I went with them."
  30. She was stopped by a creak on the stairs. Holly jumped and watched her door fearfully until it was clear nopony was coming.
  31. >"Well, anyway, Mom said it was okay to go as long as I cleaned my room first."
  32. Buster gave a look around. It was clear that hadn't been done in a long time.
  33. >"I...I sorta fibbed and told Mom it was I could go. I figured I'd get back in plenty of time to clean up and nobody would notice.
  34. >"But when I got home I forgot all about it. Mom saw my room when she came to wake me up this morning. She knew I didn't clean up like I said."
  35. Uh-ho.
  36. >"She told me I was in trouble for lying and we'd have a 'talk' about it when Daddy got home!"
  38. Buster listened with sympathy, he knew what that kind of 'talk' meant in parent language. This WAS a big deal. Holly Star's parents took lying very seriously. Buster knew if he got caught telling a big enough lie he'd get his rump roasted for it...but it really depended on the lie. Holly's parents had different rules; the mere act of lying to a grown-up was a serious crime, serious enough to merit a spanking no matter what the lie had been about.
  39. Holly hadn't said outright that she was going to get a spanking, but it was pretty clear from the situation and her nervousness that she knew what was coming.
  40. >"Umm, maybe you could come over to my house. Just until your Mom isn't so mad."
  41. But Holly Star shook her head at his suggestion.
  42. >"No, that will make it worse. Mom told me to wait in my room until Daddy gets home from work."
  43. Desperate to help his friend in her awful situation, Buster offered another idea;
  44. >"We could clean your room now. Then maybe they won't be so mad. I'll help."
  45. Her sad face lit up with a glimmer of hope.
  46. >"Would you!? Thank you!"
  47. She threw her front hooves around his neck. Usually Buster Blaze cringed from this girly, huggy stuff but if it made Holly feel better he was there to help. Buster returned the hug.
  48. >"Oh, booo, huuu! How could I have been so dumb? I should have known I wouldn't get away with it! Oh, why couldn't I have just cleaned my room before the movie? It wasn't even a good movie!"
  49. Despite her predicament, Holly never blamed any pony else.
  50. Not Silver Spoon or Boysenberry for talking her into going to the movie.
  51. Not her parents for being so strict.
  52. Holly bemoaned her terrible plight but blamed only herself.
  53. It made Buster Blaze a little ashamed of himself. When he got in trouble he was always looking for someone else to blame...anypony to shift the blame off himself. His friend wasn't like that. She was certain to get a spanking tonight, but the consequences were hers and hers alone.
  54. For about an hour they tidied the frilly pink bedroom, folding carelessly strewn clothes, finding all the pieces to board games and putting them away, making her bed neatly. The room looked better than it had in weeks when they heard ominous hoofsteps downstairs.
  55. >"Ohmygosh Ohmygosh, Daddy is home!"
  56. Holly spoke in a frantic whisper, her eyes wide with fear.
  57. Blaze felt he had to say something to calm her.
  58. >"Maybe it won't be so bad. Look how clean your room looks now. Maybe your Dad will talk your Mom out of spa..."
  59. He stopped in mid sentence. Saying that word...that awful word...out loud would only scare Holly further. She never spoke it out loud herself, even when other fillies and colts were bragging about their own spankings. Star was horribly embarrassed to even admit she got spanked. Of course, Buster knew her parents did occasionally punish her like that. They'd gotten in trouble together, they'd been spanked together. But she never wanted to talk about it afterward.
  61. Holly Star bounced on her bed, unable to hold in her nervous energy. Her little ears flicked back and forth, trying to hear what mommy & daddy were talking about downstairs...would it be reprieve or confirmation of her doom?
  62. There were indeed hoofsteps on the stairs now, even Buster could hear them, but only one set of hooves. Holly froze as the door creaked, opening slowly, ominously. There stood her mother. She wore a stern look on her face but it fell away when she saw her daughter had a guest.
  63. >"Oh, hello Buster. I didn't hear you come in."
  64. A mild admonishment, she felt it was more courteous for guests to use the front door.
  65. >"Hello ma'am."
  66. As polite as he could be, hoping to mitigate some of the peril is friend was in.
  67. >"Well, it's nice to see you, but I'm afraid you can't stay for long today."
  68. It always creeped Buster out a bit, how parents could be so formal and polite before administering a spanking. It was like the executioner inviting you over for tea & cakes before putting your neck on the chopping block.
  69. Her mother continued;
  70. >"Seems Miss Holly Star is in some trouble, aren't you, young filly?"
  71. Holly shrank sheepishly and mumbled;
  72. >"Yes, Mom."
  73. >"She told a lie about having her room tidy before she went out with friends."
  74. Again, Holly obediently answered;
  75. >"Yes, M-Mommy."
  76. >"And what happens to little foals who tell lies, miss?"
  77. Holly Star gulped so loud Buster could hear it across the room.
  78. Her mother's hoof tapped, waiting for the rhetorical answer.
  79. >"Th-they...they g-g-get a..."
  80. Her voice trailed off to a whisper.
  81. >"A s-sp-spanking."
  82. Her mother replied in a loud voice that all could hear;
  83. >"Yes, they get paddled on their little, bare behinds."
  84. To Buster, inclusion of the word 'bare' seemed unnecessary, since ponies seldom wore pants and their rumps were normally bare, but he said nothing. Another thing about what Holly's mother said bothered him; she had specifically asked 'what happens to little foals who tell lies?'. She said foals...not fillies. Did that mean if he ever got caught lying to matter how minor the lie...he would get paddled as well? Buster didn't know whose authority he would fall under in such a predicament; the resident Mom of the house or his own parents? He resolved never to take his chances.
  86. >"Holly, your father is washing up from work. When he is done we will come up for a serious talk about lying and you will be punished. You have a few minutes to say good-bye to your guest."
  87. As Holly's mother turned to leave them, a surge of courage built up inside Buster. He galloped over, stood in front of his friend and blurted out;
  88. >"Ma'am! Holly is a good filly! I'm sure she didn't mean anything bad by telling a lie! It was just a mistake, please don't be hard on her!"
  89. There was a moment of silence. Buster couldn't believe he'd done that, but he had to do something. Holly Star just looked surprised.
  90. Her mother's eyebrow raised a bit, but finally answered;
  91. >"Yes, Buster, Holly is a good filly who sometimes makes mistakes, same as any other young pony. You can rest assured that her father & I will keep that in mind. She's very lucky to have a good friend like you. Now say your good-byes and run along. I'm sure your mother will be calling you for dinner soon."
  93. Once Holly's mother left them, Buster blushed.
  94. >"S-Sorry, Holly. I hope I didn't just make things worse."
  95. Holly blushed too, but in a different way.
  96. >"No, that was a nice thing to say...and very brave."
  97. Then she surprised both of them. She leaned over and gently kissed him on the cheek.
  98. >"Buster, that was so noble of you."
  100. The awkward silence lasted for a few moments. Buster felt foolish for grinning like an idiot when his best friend still faced the terrible fate of a paddled heinie, but Holly was grinning too. At last Blaze broke the silence by saying;
  101. >"I...I can see your bedroom from my window...but I won't watch, I promise. I'll close my curtains."
  102. Holly scratched at the floor with her hoof and replied;
  103. >"You don't have to."
  104. That confused Buster. She got so ashamed of any pony even knowing she got spanked. Did she actually want him to...?
  105. >"Do you...want me to watch?"
  106. Holly answered sheepishly;
  107. >"You don't have to if you don't want to, but it would be sorta nice knowing a friend was you were here with me."
  108. >"Oh, okay."
  109. Buster didn't know what else to say, so he gave Holly one last hug and lightly flew out her window.
  110. Buster's mother was indeed making dinner in the kitchen, but he did not pause to tell her he was home. The colt hurried upstairs to his room and positioned himself by the window. He hoped Holly Star would see him up there, watching, so she wouldn't feel alone, but by the time he got there her parents were arriving so her attention was focused on them. Buster gulped and his own rump twitched when he saw Holly's mom carrying the dreaded wooden spanking paddle. He could not hear what was going on, but he could see his doomed friend go into a frantic fit of begging when she caught sight of it herself.
  112. Holly Star's parents sat down, her mother on the bed next to her, father across from them on a chair. The lecture was short...her parents asked the expected rhetorical questions and Holly gave the expected answers. Buster knew lectures like this, he'd gotten them himself. They all arrived at the inevitable conclusion of the unlucky youngster admitting they'd done wrong and accepting their doom. Mercifully for poor Holly Star that conclusion was reached quickly.
  114. Buster began to sweat as he realized the terrible moment had arrived. No more waiting, no more lecturing, Holly's mother picked up the paddle and began to guide her daughter into position. For a moment it looked like Star was going to acquiesce without a struggle but suddenly her nerve left her and she scrambled away from her mother, crying and begging. It broke Buster's heart but all he could do was sit and watch like it was some old-timey silent movie. A horror movie...
  116. When Holly scrambled away on her back, hiding her delicate rump from mom's fearsome paddle her mother did not fight or try to drag her daughter across her lap. She simply took the filly by her hind legs and pulled them straight up, exposing poor Holly like a little foal having her diaper changed.
  117. Blaze gasped, this was SO MUCH worse! It was not a bluff to get Star to cooperate and get into the proper position though. Her mother held Holly's legs up and began the spanking, smacking the tenderest regions of her filly's rear with that unforgiving wooden terror, big enough to cover both cheeks equally with every whack.
  119. Buster could already see the pinkness of her rear end, showing through her light fur.
  120. He could see her little body jump and shudder with every painful spank.
  121. He could see her eyes flooded with tears and her mouth, wide open, wailing.
  122. But he could hear nothing. It lent a surreal sense of detachment to what he he was watching.
  123. Holly wailed and drummed her hooves on the bed.
  124. Her mom lectured as she smacked again and again with the terrible wooden paddle.
  125. But all Buster could hear was the tweeting of birds and pleasant conversation of ponies passing on the street below, oblivious to the tragedy going on just one floor above them.
  127. Then something began to happen.
  128. As he watched his best friend bawl and suffer, Buster noticed his penis creeping out of its sheath. Of course he was no stranger to spontaneous boners, Blaze was at that age when they just sort of happened, usually at the most inappropriate times.
  129. >"No, no, no! Not now!"
  130. He tried to push it down, but touching his member only excited it more.
  131. >"Stop it! This is not the right time!"
  132. But as Buster already knew his dick did not keep a schedule or take orders.
  133. Buster Blaze felt awful. His best friend in the world was enduring the worst possible thing a foal their age could experience and it was giving him a boner.
  134. He'd had stiffies at inopportune times before; in the town swimming hole...on the field trip to the Canterlot Art Museum (all those paintings of mares wearing clothes!).
  135. But this was different.
  136. He watched as Holly Star's mom continued the terrible punishment, smacking her poor defenseless rear again and again as Holly bawled for it to end.
  137. >"How could this be giving me a woodie?"
  138. His own spankings certainly never made him hard!
  139. Blaze felt like he should shut the curtains, or at least look away, but he could not.
  140. His friend's reddening rump cheeks...
  141. Her ponut and private bits clearly on display...
  142. It made Buster flush and feel dizzy.
  143. >"Oh my Celestia...I must be the worst colt ever!"
  144. He felt like he deserved this so much more than poor, innocent Holly Star.
  145. Blaze imagined himself in her place...legs in the air, vulnerable and helpless.
  146. That awful paddle stinging his most sensitive parts!
  147. Thinking about it only made his member harder.
  149. And then, Holly was saved by the bell, or rather, a whistle.
  150. Her mother stopped spanking, and her ears perked up. From his window Buster could see into the kitchen of his neighbors' house...a pot on the stove-top was boiling.
  151. The colt breathed a sigh of relief.
  152. Holly's agony...and his dirty shame...would end quickly.
  154. Holly Star's mother set the paddle down, allowing her daughter to wipe her tears for a moment and rub her terribly sore rear-end. Buster expected it was over, that his friend would be released now so her mom could attend to cooking dinner, but he gasped in horror at what happened next.
  155. Poor Holly's suffering was not at an end!
  156. Rather than release her sobbing daughter, Holly's mother picked her up under the arms and handed the filly over to her father.
  157. Buster Blaze watched in horror.
  158. >"No! No, that isn't fair!"
  159. It had been a short paddling, but in Buster's foalish point of view once a spanking ended it should be over...anything else was cruel and unusual.
  160. Holly obviously felt the same way. She wailed for mercy and struggled as she was passed from one parent to the next, kicking all 4 hooves in terrified futility.
  161. Her struggles were in vain of course...a little filly had no hope of overpowering her big strong daddy, who maneuvered her gently but firmly into position across his lap with her rump-end pointing toward the window and her horrified friend Buster.
  163. Holly's mother gave a few more lecturing words which Blaze could not hear before leaving the room to attend to the pots boiling downstairs. Now Holly's poor bottom would suffer the wrath of her daddy.
  164. Buster pleaded with the fates;
  165. >"Oh please just use your hoof...please just the hoof."
  166. He was sure Holly was begging her father for the same but neither got their wish.
  167. Her daddy took up the awful wooden plank and picked up the punishment where his wife had left off.
  169. Holly's tortured tushie was bright pink now, visible straight through her fur. Buster knew how that must burn like fire!
  170. She jumped every time the paddle smacked and her little privates opened up luridly.
  171. >"I'm a pervert...I shouldn't be watching this!"
  172. A part of Buster hated himself for it, but he could not look away. He was so hard now his member hurt. He had to reach down and massage it, he had no choice.
  173. Though he could not hear the paddle smacking his friend's rump he could feel it in his heart. His own rump twitched and he jumped with every spank.
  174. Holly's father spanked much slower than her mother had, but each whack was hard, falling solidly on her red-hot backside, making her twist and struggle in agony more and more with each spank.
  175. Buster suffered along with her, but at the same time his brain was swimming in chemical ecstasy as lustful adolescent hormones washed over him like a tidal wave.
  176. >"Come on, no more, no more...I can't take it anymore!"
  177. Buster felt guilty for thinking that way. It was Holly suffering the terrible, rump burning paddle, not him. He was only the naughty colt watching like a pervert. Of course, the intense guilt only turned him on more.
  179. Holly's father stopped for a moment, leaning forward to gently lecture his howling daughter. Then he delivered the grand finale...a series of 5 hard hard that Blaze could faintly hear them through the window, across the street and into his own bedroom. That was all it took.
  180. Buster's head began to spin, his legs began to shake, and he released...spurting sticky colt juice all over his tin soldiers, carefully arranged under the windowsill.
  182. For a moment he just stood there, leaning on the window frame, waiting for the room to stop spinning. All he had done was watch, but he was panting, exhausted.
  183. Then, the door opened;
  184. >"Hey Sport...better get washed up, supper is almost ready. Portobello mushroom ravioli and fresh hay salad."
  185. Buster was still flushed and dizzy, but he managed to stammer out an answer;
  186. >"Eh...y-yeah...s-s-sure thing, Dad."
  187. Luckily his father did not linger long enough to notice Princess Celestia's 52nd Hoof Cavalry Regiment, freshly covered in Buster's own pearly goo.
  188. 12/Last
  189. Alone again, Buster remembered Holly and looked back across to see what was happening. Thankfully the spanking was over. She sat, curled up in her father's lap, sobbing into his chest fur as he stroked her mane and spoke gently. Buster Blaze felt a warm rush of relief that all seemed well in the world again.
  190. He quickly cleaned up his own mess as well as he could with a towel and a few dirty socks (carefully hiding them in the bottom of his laundry basket where hopefully Mom would not notice) then cleaned himself up for dinner.
  192. Mushroom ravioli was one of Buster's favorites, but he ate quickly and even declined a second helping (there would always be leftovers for lunch tomorrow) so he could hurry back to the window and see how Holly was doing.
  193. To his immense relief, the worst seemed to be over. Holly Star and her family were having dinner themselves and there was even some laughter. It made Buster feel good...his friend was forgiven and life went on.
  195. He would get to talk to Holly tomorrow...Buster resolved to check on her as soon as he could get over there...but that night he went to bed secure in the knowledge that despite her sore bottom his best friend was okay. He wasn't sure how he felt about his own reaction to watching her spanking, so he decided to keep all that to himself until he had time to sort out his feelings.
  197. That night, when Princess Luna looked in on Buster Blaze he was not dreaming of the spanking he had watched Holly Star receive.
  198. He was dreaming of the kiss she had given him.
  200. END

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