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Twi-Late-Sparkle by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:12:40
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:28:29
Expiry: Never

  1. Twi-Late-Sparkle by DCFTEF
  2. (Night Light / Twilight)
  4. (09/02/2017)
  7. ---
  9. Twilight Sparkle was the top student in the Sophomore class at Crystal Prep.
  10. Some of the more advanced Sophomores were allowed to take Junior-level classes...but she was the only one taking Senior classes already.
  11. So she should have been a star, right?
  12. A shining beacon of what it meant to be a student at the Crystal Preparatory Academy...popular and respected by her peers. One who truly lived up to CPA's sterling reputation.
  14. No...she was a dork.
  15. A geek.
  16. An egghead.
  17. A nerd.
  18. A dweeb.
  19. She'd heard them all. Sometimes in cruel whispers in the hallways. Sometimes when she was sitting alone in the lunch room. Sometimes when she was hanging by her underwear in the girls' locker room.
  20. It seemed like the only time Twilight was valued was when the school had an academic competition to win. Then she was drafted into whatever team was going forth to do battle with another school. She was never asked if she wanted to play...she was told that the consequences would be dire if Crystal Prep lost. So she added contest preparation to her already grueling study schedule.
  21. Inevitably Crystal Prep always won, but when they did it was others who hoisted the trophy and accepted the cheers of their classmates. Twilight Sparkle was tossed back into the dweeb pool until she was needed again.
  23. So it was in books that Twilight took solace. She spent every spare minute in the school's expansive library, and when she was chased out of there at the end of the school day she took the bus to the Canterlot City Library, where she could cocoon herself in the safe embrace of pages until it was time to go home for dinner.
  24. Books were her friends...authors her mentors and neither ever let her down.
  26. Today was an ordinary Thursday by any standards.
  27. Twilight Sparkle had placed #1 in the State Social Studies exam. Number One in the whole State. For this she received a paper certificate with the Governor's signature. It wasn't his real signature...just a photocopy. Twilight had lots of these.
  28. That afternoon the school held an assembly to honor the Track & Field team...who had placed third in the State Finals. They received a trophy with all of their names inscribed on it, and were feted by all their classmates. Twilight sat in the back and read her Math textbook until she was scolded by a teacher for not showing proper respect for her triumphant schoolmates. A couple of Seniors overheard the rebuke and later on punished her disrespect by pushing Twilight's head in the toilet and flushing it.
  29. A ordinary Thursday.
  31. So it was a relief when the final bell rang and Twilight could jump on the City bus to Canterlot Public Library. Other irate riders grumbled impatiently while she searched for her transit pass in her overstuffed back-pack, but eventually she found it and the bus could get rolling.
  33. During the 20 minute ride Twilight occupied herself with her copy of Euclid's 'Elements'. Not much was known about the great bronze-age mathematician but it was said that Ptolemy once asked Euclid if there was not a shorter road to geometry than through the Elements, and Euclid replied that there was no royal road to geometry. That's what Twilight loved about matter how popular you were or how much money you had there was no short cut to doing the work.
  34. She was sure Euclid would never have shoved her head in a toilet.
  35. Arriving at the library, Twilight said hello to the Librarian on duty (she knew them all) and found a quiet spot in the back to read.
  36. First she stayed with the topic of maths...she was working on a project exploring the physics of spacecraft re-entry. She read about Sally Ride, the first American woman in space...who had later slipped secret information to Richard Feynman that helped him unravel the cover-up surrounding the Challenger explosion.
  37. Sally Ride was a real hero...a brilliant scientist and brave explorer.
  38. She was sure Sally Ride would never hang her up by her underwear.
  40. Next it was Geography. She read about Roy Chapman Andrews, the paleontologist who discovered dinosaur and early mammal fossils in the Gobi desert, fighting sandstorms & bandits along the way. She imagined herself on his expeditions in the 1920's, living and doing science alongside a real-life adventure hero (although the bit about waking up with a tent full of deadly vipers freaked her out a bit). Splitting time between the Natural History Museum and the wild frontier...Roy Chapman Andrews was a no-nonsense leader.
  41. She was sure Andrews would never make her enter silly academic competitions when she had real work to do.
  43. Next was Environmental Studies, and Twilight read about Rachel Carson. Carson was a talented writer, and could have made a good living doing that but found her calling in raising awareness of the fragile environment at a time when people just didn't worry about things like that. Carson stood up to powerful forces who tried to silence her, making a genuine difference in the world, all while fighting her own cancer.
  44. Twilight was sure Rachel Carson would never have called her an egghead.
  45. Twilight felt safe and comfortable when she read about her heroes. Who needed friends at school? These were her real friends. Literate, hard working, intelligent people who probably felt lonely and isolated in their own they wrote down what they knew and thought, knowing that someday, somebody would read their words and wouldn't feel so alone themselves. Twilight could have spent all day with these friends...reading in the peaceful quiet of the library.
  46. In fact, she did.
  48. >"EEEK!"
  49. A startled shriek made Twilight drop her book.
  50. >"Oh my goodness, you scared me to death! Twilight, what are you still doing here?"
  51. It was the librarian.
  52. >"Umm, I was just reading, Miss Jones."
  53. >"I didn't think anyone was still here. Twilight, it's 7pm...the library is closed! You almost got locked in!"
  55. But something else worried Twilight Sparkle.
  56. >"It's seven o'clock already!?"
  57. Uh-ho. This was bad. She was supposed to be home an hour ago.
  58. This morning Mom had reminded her several times that her brother Shining Armor would be home from military training...just for one day.
  59. >"Dinner is at 6, not be late again!"
  61. >"Oooohhh noooo! I'm so late!"
  62. Twi gathered her books and dashed out into the brisk autumn chill. It was dark already!
  63. >"Mom is gonna KILL me!"
  64. She ran straight to the bus stop and checked the schedule. There wouldn't be one coming until 7:08.
  65. >"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap..."
  66. Sitting down on the cold bench (jeeze these CPA skirts are short) Twilight checked her phone. 4 texts and two voice messages...all from her Mother. She knew Mom was gonna be mad; she didn't have the nerve to listen to the messages.
  67. >"Just gotta get home as quick as possible!"
  68. >"Where is that damned bus!?"
  69. The bus actually arrived two minutes early. Twilight was banging at the door before it even stopped. This time she had her transit pass ready...but it didn't speed the driver up any. He sat there idling...looking at his watch.
  70. >"Mr. Lester, can we get going? I'm really, REALLY late!"
  71. >"Bus can't leave a stop early, Miss know that. Got a schedule to keep."
  72. Nervous and impatient, Twi bounced in her seat as the minutes ticked away.
  73. She worried about how mad Mom was going to bad she'd get yelled at.
  75. Finally, at 7:09 Mr. Lester shut the door, released the air brakes and they were underway.
  76. The ride took forever.
  77. There was hardly anybody riding the city bus at this hour but Mr. Lester insisted on waiting a full minute at every stop just in case somebody showed up.
  78. Already it was 7:27pm. Twilight knew she was in deeper and deeper trouble with every passing minute.
  80. At 7:33 her phone chirped. Twilight jumped in shock. Of course, it was another text from Mom. Twi did not dare read it.
  81. >"Just gotta get home!"
  82. >"Can't the bus go any faster?"
  83. Mr. Lester just shook his head.
  84. >"Gotta keep the schedule, Miss Twilight. What ya in such a hurry for anyway, kiddo?"
  85. She didn't feel like sharing details about the trouble she'd be in, so Twilight just sat quietly and let him drive the bus. That left her plenty of time to worry about how mad Mom was gonna be.
  87. At 7:39 the air brakes hissed and the doors opened at Twilight's stop. She was already standing at the door, bolting like a racehorse the instant the gate opened.
  88. >"Have a good night there, Miss Twi!"
  90. Her plaid skirt flying, Twilight ran as fast as she could, dodging slowpoke strangers. She didn't care if anybody saw her underwear, she had more important worries. It was still a 10 minute walk to her house but she wasn't walking.
  91. >"Come on...come on!"
  92. Even in the chilly autumn air Twi's legs were burning. Her big brother tried to get her to come run with him every time he was home on leave, but the scrawny bookworm always found some excuse not to do it. She regretted it now...her lungs felt like they were going to implode. She also regretted carrying nearly 50 pounds of books everywhere. Most of all she regretted losing track of the time.
  93. >"Mom is gonna kill me!"
  95. At last, at 7:45, Twilight Sparkle arrived at her front door. Panting and sweating, she fumbled for her key but found the door unlocked.
  96. >"Okay, hopefully she won't be as mad as all that"
  97. Twilight tried to calm herself before going inside,
  98. >"Just explain that you were at the library...studying...and you just lost track of time."
  99. >"She'll understand. She probably isn't even that angry."
  100. The emotional side of Twilight's brain desperately wanted to believe that, but the logical side didn't buy it for an instant.
  102. Sheepishly, she slipped inside and took off her coat. The family was already seated at the dinner table, with one conspicuously empty seat.
  103. >"Eh....he he...s-sorry I'm late. I kinda..."
  104. The look on her Mother's face stopped Twi in mid sentence and chilled her blood.
  106. >"Young lady you are more than an HOUR and a HALF late!
  107. >"And why haven't you been answering your phone?
  108. >"I left you TWO messages and I don't know how many texts!"
  110. As Mom scolded, Shining Armor looked at her with helpless sympathy. There was nothing he could do to save her from this predicament. Dad just sat there, silent, with a stern look on his face.
  111. >"I'm sorry...I just lost t-track of the time...and I had my phone on mute because I know...the l-l-library."
  113. Mom looked ready to rip into her daughter, but to everyone's surprise Twilight's Father beat her to it.
  114. >"Alright, we're going upstairs..."
  115. He folded his napkin and set it down on his plate.
  116. >", young lady!"
  117. This was an unexpected twist.
  118. Twi's Mother was usually the one with steam coming out of her ears when she was late getting home...but Dad seemed to be laying claim to this one. His wife sat back in her seat and deferred to him, looking very satisfied that he was taking the matter in hand.
  119. >"Upstairs, Twilight, don't make me repeat myself."
  121. Dumbstruck, Twilight just stood there for a moment, until her Father stood up and crossed the room. He did not grab Twilight angrily, but gently took her by the arm and ushered her to the stairs. With her heart pounding Twi went along without any resistance.
  122. When they were halfway up the stairs her Mother asked;
  123. >"Dear, what is your intention?"
  124. Calmly, Dad turned around and answered her in a firm, committed voice;
  125. >"I intend to take our daughter to her bedroom and administer a well deserved spanking."
  126. Twilight gasped.
  127. Mom nodded with satisfied approval.
  128. Shiny gave her a mournful look of helpless resignation.
  130. Dad turned back around and resumed his course up the stairs, never releasing his gentle grip on Twilight's arm, but now the teenager was not following along so easily. She knew better than to purposefully resist him, but now her feet felt like lead and she tripped over every third stair. Dad did not push her or force her to hurry...he just led her along with cool, scary calmness.
  131. >" aren't really...I mean...please...I was just a little late..."
  132. Twilight did not feel like the top scholar of her class anymore. In front of her whole family she had been cut down from a poised, well-read young lady to a naughty child; little Twiley, the baby of the family going to have her bottom spanked.
  133. Embarrassment kept Twilight from begging in front of Mom and Shining Armor but once father and daughter reached the top of the stairs she began pleading in earnest.
  134. >"Dad, please! You don't have to do this...I'm sorry! I just lost track of the time it will never happen again!"
  135. Her Father never lost his cool with her;
  136. >"Twilight, it happens a lot and you've had plenty of warnings."
  137. >"But I was just at the library! I was studying!"
  138. Most parents had to force their kids to go to the library and study. Twilight hoped desperately that the mitigating circumstances of her crime would earn her a reprieve.
  139. >"Twiley, it's ALWAYS the library with you.
  140. >"If your obsession was the mall or hanging out on the street corner we would have nipped this in the bud a long time ago.
  141. >"But your mother and I have cut you a lot of slack because you are such a diligent student.
  142. >"Too much slack, I'm afraid. Just the fact that you spend a lot of time studying does NOT excuse you from your other responsibilities.
  143. >"We expect you home on time...or a call explaining why not.
  144. He was finally raising his voice a bit.
  145. >"And how DARE you ignore your mother's messages? You had plenty of time to return those calls.
  146. >"What were we to think? You're over an hour and a half late and your phone goes silent?
  147. >"If Miss Jones from the library hadn't called to tell us you were on the way home we would have been out searching for you! We would have called the police!"
  149. >"I'm...s-sorry, Dad"
  150. Twilight really didn't know what else to say. She couldn't think of anything that would get her out of this trouble...and she still couldn't quite believe Dad was actually going to SPANK her!
  151. They arrived at her bedroom. Dad pulled her inside and shut the door. Twilight looked around the room and gulped. Where was he going to do it? she wondered.
  152. But her Father spoke in a harsh whisper first;
  153. >"I hope you realize I'm doing you a favor here."
  154. Twilight expected the "This is for your own good" speech.
  155. She hadn't heard that one in a long was kind of a babyish lecture.
  156. But that's not where Dad was heading;
  157. >"Your Mother is absolutely on the warpath.
  158. >"If I hadn't stepped up to do this I guarantee you'd be getting her hairbrush right now!"
  160. Twilight Sparkle's stomach did flips when she heard that. Just the threat of Mom's awful wooden hairbrush was enough to have her in tears. Daddy's strong hand certainly wouldn't feel pleasant but he was right...he had done her a huge favor by claiming this spanking himself.
  161. >"Thank you, D-Daddy"
  162. It felt weird to be saying that, instead of begging him not to do it.
  164. >"As such I don't want any fighting or nonsense from you.
  165. >"You're a good girl but you've pushed the limits and messed up one too many times.
  166. >"And ignoring those messages makes it worse.
  167. >"I don't expect you to like this, but I expect you to take your medicine like a big girl."
  168. She gulped hard. Her mouth was dry.
  169. >"Y-yes, Sir."
  171. Dad sat down on Twilight's bed and pulled his whimpering daughter directly in front of him. Without a word he reached up under her plaid school skirt and gripped both sides of her cotton panties. She flushed bright red and could not look him in the eye but there was nothing lewd or lecherous about the way he did this. He went about exposing his daughter as casually as if he was reading the newspaper, or changing a toilet paper roll.
  173. With her undies around her knees he guided Twilight into position over his lap. He used no force, expecting obedience from his errant child. As she bent over his knees he tucked her skirt up so it lay under her belly and her privates lay naked across the scratchy fabric of his slacks.
  174. Already tears wet Twilight's cheeks. She was guilty, humiliated, exposed and vulnerable...but soon none of this would matter compared to the pain she'd be feeling on her skinny rear-end.
  175. >"Twilight?"
  176. She had to sniffle a few times before answering him. In this position, head down, tears and runny snot were already filling her nose.
  177. >"Yes Dad?"
  178. >"You're a very good student. This is just another lesson. I expect you to learn from it like all the rest.
  179. >"I'd be very happy if we never have to do this again."
  181. He did not expect an answer. As soon as he had finished the sentence he gave her a hard swat which made her back arch and her lungs cry out in shock. Dad did not believe in a 'warm-up'...a spanking was punishment and it was supposed to hurt. He delivered smack after smack, hard, with no pause between swats.
  182. >"WhhhhAAAHHHHHOOOWWW!"
  183. Twilight tried to be a good girl and stay still but her Father's hand felt as hard as a paddle. The skinny bookworm's rear end had little fleshy padding to absorb the painful whacks and soon her entire backside glowed pink. She twisted and squirmed until she could take it no longer and reached her hand back to try to block the stinging pain.
  184. >"No you don't."
  185. Dad stopped her, pushing the arm forward, and laid his own left hand on her back to hold Twi in place and block any future interference. Satisfied, he picked up right where he left off, delivering hard, punishing spanks one after another...much to the dismay of his bawling daughter.
  187. She kicked her legs stretching her panties like a rubber band until they finally slipped over her right shoe, coming to rest inside-out around Twilight's left knee.
  188. >"Bwwwhhhaaa, *hic* OooOOWWwwwwooOOOWWW!"
  189. Her cries alternated between screeches and choking sobs. Already the rug beside her bed was growing wet with tears, as it had numerous times before.
  190. Twilight was generally a good girl, but like all youngsters learning their way she had made her share of bad choices. When she did she was not prideful like some other kids...resisting the urge to cry until they could bear it no longer. Twilight never resisted; she wailed and wept earnestly from beginning to end, it was catharsis for her. It didn't matter if she was a little girl or a teenager...if she had to get her behind spanked she was going to take the opportunity for a good loud cry.
  192. Today was no exception; Mother & Shining Armor, finishing their dinner downstairs, had a lot to listen to. Father was certainly doing his part, giving young Twilight ample reason to exercise her lungs like a banshee, wailing as the tortuous fire in her backside only got worse.
  193. >"WhhhhaaaAHHHH! Huuuu, Huuuu, WHHHHAAAAAaaaaaa!"
  195. Dad did not have to vary his aim much to ensure that every square inch of Twiley's rear had received attention. His hand nearly covered her entire bottom with each smack and by now it had left her cheeks a fierce shade of pink. His girl would not be sitting comfortably for some time. He decided she'd had enough.
  197. Just as he did not indulge her with a warm-up, Twilight's Father did not believe in a 'Grand Finale' either. No end lecture, punctuated by smacks, no counting out her age. When he was done Dad delivered three hard smacks, slower than all the rest, and declared;
  198. >"Alright, my girl, you did's all over."
  199. The spanking may have ended but the fire in Twilight's bottom was still burning. She hopped up and danced around her bedroom, rubbing and wincing, bouncing from one foot to the other, trying to ease the soreness she knew wouldn't completely go away for days.
  201. Dad let her keep this up for a minute or two but finally called a stop to it.
  202. >"Alright now, cut that out."
  203. >"But it still *sob* h-hurts!"
  204. >"Yes, now you've got something to remember it by for a few days.
  205. >"If you're wise, you'll remember it longer than that, and you won't have to go through it again."
  206. Twilight nodded, trying to keep her mind off the burning and itching in her wounded posterior.
  207. >"Now wash your face...your dinner is already gotten cold."
  209. By now everyone else was done so Twilight had to sit in the dining room alone. She asked to have a pillow to sit on but Mom denied her that comfort so she twisted and suffered on a hard wooden chair until her plate was clean.
  210. Normally she would have been exiled to her room for the rest of the night, but since this was Shining Armor's only night to spend with the family before returning to his unit that part of Twilight's sentence was set aside. No more was said that night of Twilight's transgression, and the family spent the rest of the evening watching a nature documentary on TV.
  212. The next day Twilight Sparkle did have difficulty sitting still in class. Even flipping her skirt back and sitting directly on the cool wooden seats did little to ease the pain that still smoldered in her rear end.
  213. Worst came in the hallway between classes. She was approached by the school's sporting star, Indigo Zap. Usually this meant a wedgie or worse, but today Indigo congratulated Twi;
  214. >"Hey, heard you kicked ass on that State Social Studies Exam! Can't wait to see you mop the floor with those Canterlot High losers next week at the Friendship Games!"
  215. She delivered a playful slap to Twilight's backside, which would have been too hard for comfort on any normal day...but after Twilight's misery the night before it was pure agony! She shrieked and jumped into the air.
  216. >"Yeah! Go Shadowbolts!"
  217. Twilight groaned and rubbed her sore butt.
  218. Of all days to get a little validation.
  220. END

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