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Weekend Detention by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:13:34
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:32:43
Expiry: Never

  1. Weekend Detention by DCFTEF
  2. (Cinch / Twilight, Sour Sweet)
  3. F/ff, over desk, cane, humanized, non-consensual
  5. (16/05/2016)
  8. ---
  10. It was 6:47am and a dark green Triumph TR6 pulled up in front of Crystal Prep Academy.
  11. Night Light's wife called it his 'mid-life crisis car'...he'd always wanted a lightweight 2-seater but two kids, a mortgage and never ending bills made that impractical for years. At last, with his son grown and out of the house, his daughter in High School, Night had his dream car.
  12. Bonus; it had actually started this morning.
  14. Usually Twilight Sparkle loved riding to school in Dad's sports car. Usually she loved school. But today was Saturday and no kid wants to be headed to school on a Saturday, especially for weekend detention. It was Twilight's first.
  15. >"Alright, we're here, kiddo. I'll pick you up at four."
  16. She nodded and unbuckled her seat belt, but said nothing.
  17. >"Better hurry, you're gonna be late."
  19. Twilight desperately wanted to say something to her father but she did not know how to ask. She'd planned the conversation carefully as she tossed and turned in bed the night before, but when it came time to be driven to school the words did not come. Now it was last chance time and Twilight had to speak up;
  20. >"Dad, you know I'm totally sorry, right?"
  21. He rubbed his eyes. Waking up at 6:30 to take his youngest to detention was not what he'd wanted to do with his Saturday morning.
  22. >"I know, Twiley, but that doesn't change the facts. You have 15 demerits, that means Saturday detention."
  23. >"I know..."
  24. There was something else on her mind. With no more time to stall, Twilight took a deep breath and let it out.
  25. >"...but Dad, it's not just gonna be sitting in the Library all day."
  26. He chuckled;
  27. >"For you that would hardly be a punishment."
  28. She continued;
  29. >"Dad, I'm serious! I heard some other kids talking. They say if you get weekend detention you get whipped!"
  30. >"So I asked Dean Cadance and she said it was TRUE!"
  31. Tears puddled up in her eyes.
  32. >"Dad, isn't it bad enough that I have to go to detention on a Saturday?
  33. >"Do I have to get spanked too?"
  35. Night rubbed his sleepy eyes and let out a deep sigh.
  36. >"I know the school rules. It's all in the Parents' Handbook."
  37. Seeing a glimmer of hope, Twilight twisted in her seat to face him and plead for reprieve.
  38. >"But Cadance said if the parents don't want corporal pun...discipline to be used they can sign an opt-out letter. She has them in her desk drawer! If you come inside with me you can sign the letter right only requires one parent's signature!"
  40. Night Light had known this was coming. He'd expected her to ask this at the breakfast the driveway...on the car ride over, but she only asked now, 30 feet away from the front door of her school. He already knew the answer:
  41. >"I'm sorry sweetheart, no."
  43. Twilight did not understand what she was hearing. She was a good girl, but no kid is perfect 100% of the time and she got into her fair share of trouble. But to be spanked in school was unbelievable. School was her thing! She loved it, she was at the top of every class. She was the best student at Crystal Prep Academy. Good girls with excellent grades were not supposed to get spanked in school!
  44. >"Dad, please! It'll only take a few minutes. I'm sorry you had to wake up so early on your day off but it will hardly take any time at all. Cadance already has the letter...I asked her on Friday. Just one signature and you can go...and I PROMISE this will never happen again!"
  46. >"This has nothing to do with how early it is, Twi."
  47. Although he certainly wasn't happy to be up at this hour.
  48. >"Your Mother and I discussed this. You broke the rules at're going to have to accept the school's discipline."
  49. The teenager looked at her Father in disbelief and desperation, her eyes puddling up with tears. That letter had been her only hope...a last lifeline to escape a fate so terrible she'd never actually expected it would come true.
  51. Dad continued;
  52. >"I know you're disappointed, and upset, but you got yourself into this trouble and you're going to have to face the consequences.
  53. >"And just so you know, your Mother and I agree with Principal Cinch here.
  54. >"Since this is a school rule violation she has first right to discipline you and that includes corporal discipline.
  55. >"Twilight, if Principal Cinch hadn't claimed this spanking you'd be going across mine or your Mother's lap today instead."
  56. He yawned.
  57. >"Although probably a little later in the day."
  59. That was devastating to Twilight. Up to this moment she had assumed she'd talk her way out of this trouble at the last instant. Sure, she'd have to sit in the library all day on a Saturday...but that wasn't so awful.
  60. >"But Dad! I didn't even do anything that bad!"
  61. Her Father began counting on his fingers.
  62. >"Let's got two demerits for tardiness. Two more for setting a fire in the science lab and one for missed homework."
  63. >"Spike chewed that up! It wasn't my fault!"
  64. >"You are responsible for both, Twi, it's your homework and he's your dog."
  65. Then he came to the big one;
  66. >"And your dog does NOT belong in your backpack at school."
  68. Twilight cringed. That's what she was really in trouble for. Ten demerits on the spot.
  69. >"Young lady, you know the school rules.
  70. >"You know Ms. Cinch has an allergy. It was disrespectful and selfish to do that.
  71. >"And since when are you allowed to bring a dog to school? Can you bring a dog to the grocery store? The library? The museum?"
  72. >"No sir...but Spike's like my little research assistant!"
  73. >"Twilight, stop anthropomorphising. He's a dog. I have to stop him from eating his own poop at least twice a week."
  75. Twilight gulped and looked at the front door. It was a whole lot scarier now that she knew there would be no escape from the terrible fate that waited inside.
  76. Her Father continued;
  77. >"Twiley, you're a very bright girl, but you still have things to learn and one of them is to respect the rules. You still want to be an engineer with NASA someday, right? Well how long do you think you're gonna last if you try to make up your own rules there?"
  78. She sheepishly admitted he was right.
  79. >"School isn't all about grades, Twi. You've got those covered...good grades are easy for you but you also have to work on your common sense. You're very smart, but bringing your dog to school in a backpack is NOT smart. You acted without thinking and it's not the first time. I'm sorry this has to end with a spanking but it's a spanking you earned, fair and square."
  80. Twilight opened her mouth to plead her case, but Dad tapped his wristwatch.
  81. >"Almost seven, Twi. You don't want to be late."
  83. He was right, and though she was terribly upset that he wouldn't sign the opt-out letter that would save her poor, innocent rear-end she still loved her Father.
  84. >"The worst part will be over quick, sweetheart. After that you'll have a long wait until 4pm so use that time wisely. In the future you can stay out of trouble like this if you slow down and THINK, Twiley...THINK about your actions before you do them."
  86. Twilight gathered up her backpack and shifted in the seat, kneeling so she could lean over and give Dad a goodbye kiss. Her right knee slipped though, hitting the shifter and knocking the manual transmission out of gear. The car rolled forward, downhill, and Night Light just managed to jam on the brakes before it hit the rear bumper of Principal Cinch's Cadillac.
  87. >"Oops...sorry!"
  88. Twilight blushed in embarrassment. Her Father just rolled his eyes and reminded;
  89. >"THINK, Twilight...slow down and THINK."
  91. It was eerie being in an empty Crystal Prep Academy. This place was usually chaotic, with students & staff heading in every direction, each with their own agenda. Twilight blended into the miasma, hardly anyone even noticed her. Now her own footsteps were the only sound and they echoed down every hall.
  92. 6:58
  93. Twilight hurried her pace. Being tardy for class was bad...being tardy for detention was DOOM. She made it to the main school office just in time, nervously opening the door and peeking inside. It was dark and ominously lit as always. Even when she wasn't in trouble Twilight got the willies whenever she was summoned to the Principal's office. Now that she was in trouble she felt like she might pee her panties.
  95. Thankfully, the first person she noticed was Dean Cadance. To see her was a relief. Crystal Prep's second-in-command was Twilight's only friend at this school...a friend of the family who had even babysat Twi when she herself was a student at CPA. Twilight even suspected there might be something more than friendship between Cadance and her older brother...
  96. >"Dean Cadance! Dad wouldn't come in to sign the opt-out letter."
  97. When Twilight saw the look on Cadance's face she realized the Dean already knew that.
  98. >"I suspected it would be like that. Don't worry, Twilight. You're not the first girl to be in this position, you'll be okay."
  99. Normally, when Twilight was feeling upset she could count on Dean Cadance for a hug, but this time it was not forthcoming. The purple girl soon saw why...they were not alone. Another girl sat on a stool in front of the principal's desk. Cadance obviously couldn't show favoritism.
  100. >"Go have a seat over by Sour Sweet."
  102. Cadance left the two girls alone, so Twilight did as she was told and sat down on the second stool. These were the only seats in the entire office, save Principal Cinch's huge, swiveling office chair.
  103. >"H-Hi Sour Sweet. I...guess you're here"
  104. It sounded miserably awkward. Twilight didn't know what to say. Sour Sweet was clearly nervous too, so Twi tried to reach out a little;
  105. >"So, think it's gonna be b-bad?"
  107. To her surprise, the freckled girl answered kindly;
  108. >"Oh, I'm just so disappointed that your Daddy didn't sign that letter to opt you out of this caning!"
  109. >"Well...I was kinda hoping he'd...wait...did you say caning?"
  110. >"That's what Principal Cinch uses on terrible, horribly behaved girls like me. And we deserve it! Awful students like me deserve to be thrashed until our backsides are raw and we can't sit down without crying."
  111. >"Well, I don't think..."
  112. >"But a perfect little Valedictorian-candidate princess like you doesn't deserve this.
  113. >"Sweet angels like you should get anything they want signed, and get to go straight home to enjoy their Saturday, never giving another thought to what happens to incorrigible miscreants like me!"
  114. Her voice was sweet...too sweet.
  115. >"Wait...I never said..."
  116. And then she unleashed:
  117. >"I'm not happy to be here either! I'm gonna get my ass striped, you think I give a damn about your problems?"
  118. >"But I never said..."
  119. >"Just don't talk to me, dweeb."
  120. So Twilight sat quietly. Three feet from the only other person in the same predicament as her yet totally alone.
  122. 7:28
  123. Twilight hadn't said a word since Sour Sweet blew up on her. It was just as well, she didn't know what to say. She might have asked what violation landed her classmate in this predicament, but she didn't have the nerve, so Twi just sat on the uncomfortable stool and waited. There were shelves of books in this room; she wished she could take just one down to pass the tense minutes but surely that was not allowed.
  125. A muffled sound broke the silence. A faint woosh, then a cracking sound and a grunt...followed by more of the same. Gradually the grunts turned into exclamations of pain, and finally full-on crying. Then it stopped and in a few moments the process repeated...first grunts, then 'ouch'es, then deep voiced cries.
  126. >"The boys are getting it first today."
  127. Sour Sweet did not make eye contact with Twilight, but she explained what they were both hearing;
  128. >"Boys and girls get it in separate rooms."
  130. Maybe Sour Sweet was afraid too, and wanted to talk so they wouldn't have to listen to the boys get their canings. Twilight gave it a try;
  131. >"Why's that?"
  132. Bad move. Sour snapped at her worse than before.
  133. >"Jeeze, for somebody as smart as you that's a stupid question!
  134. >"We get it in separate rooms because Cinch makes them pull their pants down.
  135. >"Do you want the boys in here to see us in just our undies when it's our turn?"
  136. Twi answered sheepishly;
  137. >"N-n-no."
  138. >"I said don't talk to me, dweeb."
  140. Twilight sat in silence again, listening to the unfortunate boys in the next room. All followed pretty much the same pattern:
  141. First they tried to take the pain stoically and preserve what was left of their manly dignity.
  142. When it began to get bad they allowed a few squeaks and ow's escape, hoping to convince Cinch they were really penitent and did not need any more.
  143. But eventually all 3 boys broke, and cried like naughty children.
  145. Twilight was not the kind of girl who handled pain well; she wondered how she would react. Her turn was coming.
  147. At 7:46 the muffled sounds of caning stopped. Twilight desperately listened, hoping for another one to start. She wished no ill fortune on the boys but if their punishments were over it could mean only one thing. Principal Cinch would be coming to deal with the girls next.
  149. Twilight did not have to wait long.
  150. The door swung open, and for just an instant Twilight and Sour Sweet saw 3 of their male classmates marching off to the library. Jet Set, Pokey Pierce and Trenderhoof all had flushed red faces and winced as they rubbed the seats of their navy blue uniform trousers.
  152. Principal Cinch strode in...tall and ominous. For the first time Twilight saw her cane.
  153. >Yikes!
  154. No wonder the boys were rubbing their rear-ends.
  155. >"Sour Sweet, here I see...Twilight Sparkle, also present. Cadance, please mark these two students as present and on-time for weekend detention."
  156. Dean Cadance followed her superior, scratching down notes on a clip-board.
  157. >"Ladies, you've both been counseled on why you're here, and if you don't already know what's going to happen you'll soon find out. You have both accrued 15 demerit points this school year and that warrants 9 hours silent detention as well as one stroke of my cane for each demerit. Assume the position across my desk, ladies."
  159. Twilight and Sour Sweet gave each other a fearful look. It seemed that her classmate had been in this position before, so Twi watched what Sour did. Gripping the edge of the desk, Sour Sweet leaned fully over, laying her breasts on Cinch's desk blotter but never taking her hands off the edge. She had to stand on her tip-toes in this position.
  160. With a nervous gulp, and a few tears, Twilight Sparkle did the same and took up her shameful, vulnerable position next to Sour Sweet.
  162. >"Do you have both these students' parental consent forms, Cadance?"
  163. >"Yes, ma'am."
  164. She handed over her clip-board for Cinch's approval. Without a word she reached down and took the hem of Sour Sweet's pleated skirt, flipping it up over the girl's back to expose a set of plain, white cotton panties. Twilight could see none of this, but she could hear the rustle of a skirt being moved and held her breath, anticipating the loss of her own covering any second...
  166. >"Cadance, I'm missing the DP-201c form for Miss Sparkle, do you have it?"
  167. The Dean shook her head.
  168. >"That was all Twilight had in her file, Principal."
  169. Cinch grumbled about it but did not touch Twilight's skirt.
  170. >"Well go check the parents' correspondence files then...see if there's anything there."
  171. Cadance left the office. Despite the fact that both girls had been there, listening, all along their Principal explained;
  172. >"We're having a bit of trouble locating the paperwork telling us if Miss Sparkle will receive her punishment on the seat of her skirt or her underpants, but all your documents are in order Miss Sweet, so there's no reason to make you wait."
  174. And she did not make Sour Sweet wait. As soon as the words passed her lips Principal Cinch drew her cane back and flicked it forward, landing dead-center across both Sour Sweet's cheeks.
  175. *woosh* *THWOP*
  176. >"Ugh! Owwwwww!"
  177. Poor Sour did not maintain her hard demeanor long, she was already whimpering as the cane hovered above her buttocks for the second strike.
  178. *THWOP*
  179. She tried to stay tough though, and gritted her teeth through the next 3 lashes.
  180. *THWOP* *THWOP* *THWOP*
  181. Cinch was no more impressed with her display of bravery than she had been with the boys. Sour Sweet was only a third through her punishment...they all gave in.
  183. *THWOP*
  184. And it was the 6th lash that pushed Sour over her threshold.
  185. >"OwwwWWWOOoowww!"
  186. *THWOP*
  187. >"Aiiieeeee! No more! No more! Please stop!"
  188. She shrieked and hopped in place but Cinch allowed the distressed teenager no quarter.
  189. *THWOP*
  190. >"Whhaaaahh! Stop, please stop!"
  192. For Twilight this was terrifying. Just 24 inches away from Sour Sweet, she could not see how bad her classmate's bottom looked but she could see the pain in the ponytailed girl's face. Eyes puffy, freckled cheeks wet with tears, her mouth twisted into a miserable theater mask of agony.
  193. *THWOP* *THWOP* *THWOP*
  194. It would have gone easier for Sour Sweet if she was able to stay still, but her jumping made things worse. A handful of cane strokes struck her low on the hind-end, down beyond the protection of her thin panties.
  195. >"AAAAiiiiiieeee!"
  196. *THWOP* *THWOP*
  197. The teenager's nose ran...she spattered drool all over the desk in front of her every time she wailed. Sour Sweet was in misery and despite her unfriendly behavior earlier Twilight felt heartbreaking pity for her. That pity was mingled with terror though, for Twi knew she would fare no better when the cane began falling on her own bottom. She wasn't counting strokes, but she felt she could not endure the torment poor Sour was suffering.
  198. *THWOP*
  199. >"Bwhhhhaaaaahhhhh..."
  201. Principal Cinch had kept a perfectly precise pace, one stroke every 5 seconds, but stopped now.
  202. >"Miss Sweet, stay in position, your count is incomplete. Do not remove your hands from the edge of my desk or you will receive one demerit toward your next whipping. If I see you rubbing you will receive three demerits and 2 additional strokes now for disobedience."
  203. Sour Sweet tried to squeak out a 'yes ma'am' but she was still choked up and could only manage a drooling whimper.
  204. >"Dean Cadance, have you found something?"
  206. Twilight had not noticed the young woman return; she did not know how long Cadance had been watching.
  207. >"Well, ma'am, there's nothing in the parents' correspondence file pertaining to Twilight."
  208. Abacus Cinch did not look happy with her answer.
  209. >"Nothing?"
  210. Cadance showed her all she had found;
  211. >"The only relevant thing is a letter from when her brother was a student here, but it doesn't mention Twilight."
  212. >"Well, I think it's safe to assume what the parents wish for one offspring should also apply to his sister. What does it say?"
  214. Twilight dared to look behind her, heart pounding, her fate resting on what her old babysitter had found. She made eye contact with Cadance and gave her a pleading look but the sad look Cadance returned carried no hope with it.
  215. >" gives the school permission to punish Shining Armor with his pants down...on the underwear. Records show this was never necessary; Shining never had more than 12 demerits to his name."
  217. Cinch felt she had her answer.
  218. >"Well, I see that as a clear indication of the parents' wishes."
  219. Cadance tried to save her younger friend though;
  220. >"Ms. Cinch, I'm a friend of the family. Shining went through a difficult, rebellious phase during his second year here...I'm sure they only signed this letter to scare him. I'm certain Mrs. Velvet and Mr. Light did not mean for it to apply to Twilight."
  221. Cinch was unimpressed by her defense though.
  222. >"I'd like you to telephone them on Monday then and clear this up. Get a new DP-201c form that specifically applies to Miss Sparkle and check all the student files to make sure we don't have any others with missing forms.
  223. >"Until then..."
  224. Twilight's heart jumped into her throat.
  225. >"...the old letter stands."
  227. There was no way Twilight was even going to try to stay tough like the boys.
  228. She didn't even try to match Sour Sweet's resolve. She was already sobbing when Principal Cinch took her plaid skirt and lifted it out of the way. All that protected her now was a thin pair of lace-trimmed panties...
  229. >Oh! Why don't any stores sell chain-mail underpants?!?
  231. >"Turn your head around, Miss Sparkle, no stalling."
  232. Twilight caught Cadance's eye one last time. The Dean of Students had tried her best to save her nerdy bookworm friend from the worst of it, yet could provide nothing but pity now. The last thing Twilight saw before she turned her head was Cadance silently mouthing;
  233. >"I'm so sorry!"
  235. *THWOP*
  236. >"AAAAHHHH!"
  237. Twilight was not ready for that at all. It was certainly not the first time she'd had her bottom smacked but when her parents had reason to do it at home (a rare event, thankfully) they always gave fair warning before the first terrible spank fell. Cinch gave no such warning.
  239. Her mind clouded by the shock and awful burning stripe of pain across her butt cheeks, Twilight forgot her Principal's admonishment to hold onto the desk. She let go and rubbed the seat of her panties frantically.
  240. >"Twilight, no! That's not..."
  241. But Cadance's warning was futile. She was silenced by a cold look from Ms. Cinch who then turned her attention back to the crying girl across her desk.
  242. >"Move your hands immediately, Miss Sparkle.
  243. >"You are a student of the Crystal Preparatory Academy. I do not expect you to endure this discipline in silence but you ARE required to maintain standards and remain in position until your punishment is complete. This school has a reputation and you will live up to it even at your worst hour, am I understood?"
  245. Twilight cried, and kept her cheeks covered with her hands.
  246. >"I can't! It hurts!"
  247. Cinch rolled her eyes and muttered;
  248. >"You are getting a spanking for multiple incidents of unsatisfactory conduct, Miss Sparkle, that is the POINT.
  249. >"Now return your hands to their proper position. That stoke will not count because of your disobedience."
  250. Twilight wanted to obey, to get this over with, but she'd lost her nerve.
  251. >"PLEASE, Principal Cinch! Let me do something else! I'll do extra homework! I'll have detention every day...please, I can't do it!"
  253. Principal Cinch took a deep breath, but otherwise stayed perfectly calm and professional. She could have easily taken the girl's hands and pinned them out of the way on her back, but that was not the way things were done at Crystal Prep. Students were expected to comply with the rules on their own, even on the worst days of their lives.
  254. >"One..."
  255. But Twilight did not move her hands.
  256. >"Two, Miss Sparkle..."
  257. Finally, Cadance jumped in.
  258. >"Twilight, please..."
  259. Cinch counted off another number;
  260. >"Three..."
  261. >"Twilight! Move your hands this instant!"
  262. There was a sharpness in Cadance's voice this time that snapped Twilight out of her panicked state.
  263. >"Twilight, don't you understand? She's counting new demerits! How many do you want?"
  264. She did not wait for an answer. Cadance walked over, grabbed Twilight's hands and forcibly placed them back at her side on the edge of the desk.
  266. Twilight's voice warbled with fear, but at last she gave a satisfactory answer.
  267. >"Y-yes, ma'am, I'm *sob* sorry P-P-Principal Cinch."
  268. Cinch shot Cadance an annoyed look, but said nothing more. She drew back the switch and started over again at zero.
  270. *THWOP* *THWOP* *THWOP*
  271. >"Whhhhaaaahhhh!"
  272. Twilight went straight into full crying, but it did not impress Principal Cinch. She'd had scores of miserable, scared students across her desk...she'd seen it all.
  273. She did not have to apply much force. A careful swing, then a wrist flick at the end of the arc was enough to leave a burning line of stinging misery on any CPA student's rear-end. It did not matter if she had the hulking school bully or the shy, geeky bookworm across her desk, the same amount of force was used at the same steady pace of one whack every 5 seconds.
  274. *THWOP* *THWOP* *THWOP*
  275. >"Baaaawwwwwhhhhuuuuu!"
  276. Twilight wailed and jumped with each whack of the cane. Both feet danced on the floor between blows, her whole body shaking in pain and charged with nervous, terrified energy.
  277. *THWOP* *THWOP*
  278. >"OW! OW! Please! OW! I'm soooorrryyyy! OW! Please no more!"
  279. Begging hadn't worked for Sour Sweet, it wasn't working for Twilight. Even worse, all her dancing, trembling and fearful fidgeting made Cinch's aim unreliable. Just like Sour Sweet, Twilight got her share of spanks down below the panty-line, where it really hurt. Her whole rear-end was in pain, but those searing streaks down at the bottom were the absolute worst.
  281. *THWOP* *THWOP*
  282. Poor Twi could not fight it any longer. As she often did when naughtiness led her down a path which ended over her Mother or Father's knee she gave up and went limp...desperately hoping it would show the adult in charge that she was really, genuinely sorry...ready to surrender to the lawful rules and be a good girl from now until the end of time. With Principal Cinch though, it made little difference. 15 strokes, one every 5 seconds, there would be no relief until the punishment was over.
  284. *THWOP* *THWOP*
  285. It continued. Every nasty sting from Principal Cinch's cane left a bright pink line across her tender purple cheeks. All Twi could do about it was lay there obediently, try her best to stay in position, hopefully avoiding any more terrible thwacks on the bare skin below her panties.
  286. >"Whuuuuuuuuu! Huuu, huuuu, huuuu, OWWW!"
  287. *THWOP*
  288. >"OOWWWwwwwooowwWWOO!"
  289. *THWOP*
  291. Principal Cinch stopped. Neither girl was capable of counting beyond the first few spanks but Cinch and Cadance knew both of them stood at 14 strokes.
  292. >"Ladies, have we both learned our lesson?"
  293. Sour Sweet, who was still crying in misery, practically shouted her answer;
  294. >"YES MA'AM, bbhhuuuuuu, *sob* huuuuuu."
  295. Her own bottom had cooled down enough that it was beginning to itch terribly, but Sour was still forbidden from rubbing it and she wasn't going to risk more strokes or demerits by easing the torment.
  296. >"And you, Miss Sparkle?"
  297. Twilight's heinie was in fresh agony, so it took her longer to reply, but Cinch was patient.
  298. >"I...*hiccup*...I...I'm s-sorry, P-Princi-P-*hic* Ms. C-Cinch!"
  300. The woman pressed her cane across Sour Sweet's butt, sending the girl into a fresh fit of fearful crying. Her bottom had only begun to recover...any more would...
  301. *THWOP*
  302. >"AAAAAAGGH!"
  303. Twilight's reaction to her final spank was less dramatic. She had no fight left in her. She was just crying as hard as she could in the hopes of letting some of the pain out in tears. One more stripe across her cheeks made little difference.
  304. *THWOP*
  305. >"WHHHAAAHHH!"
  306. She still howled when it ripped across her rear.
  308. The task complete, Abacus Cinch slid open a drawer and returned the cane to its resting place. She said nothing to the girls...they were in Dean Cadance's capable hands now.
  310. While Twilight remained across Principal Cinch's desk, sobbing and catching her breath, Sour Sweet hopped around the room, dancing from foot to foot and back, rubbing her burning backside as ardently as she could without making it worse.
  311. >"Alright, settle down, you two."
  312. Cadance rubbed Twilight's back. She pulled out a soft handkerchief and wiped snot and drool off Sour Sweet's face. In time they got control of themselves. Both girls' were still sore and hoarse from crying, but they started to feel human again.
  314. Once she felt Cadance had mollycoddled them enough Principal Cinch broke her silence.
  315. >"Alright, to the library with both of you. It is now 8:09, if you are not there, sitting quietly in your seat by 8:21 you will receive demerits for tardiness. That provides you more than ample time to visit the lavatory...I suggest you do it, as you will not be permitted another bathroom break until lunch time."
  316. Both girls answered in unison.
  317. >"Yes, Principal Cinch."
  318. And that was the last they saw of their Principal until Monday. Cinch remained in her office while Cadance escorted the sniffling girls to the rest room.
  320. Twilight Sparkle did not feel any urgency to relieve herself, but she took Ms. Cinch's warning to heart and hurried into a stall. Sour Sweet took the stall next to her. There was a mirror on the door, so Twi risked a few moments delay to turn around and inspect her sore tushie. Even the act of drawing down her soft underpants drew a gasp of pain.
  321. >Seriously, is that all?
  322. Expecting a bruised, welted posterior Twilight felt a little embarrassed when she saw the actual damage. Her rear was glowing pink, decorated with darker lines where the cane had done its worst, but there were no bruises, no raised welts. In truth her Mother had achieved more with a simple hairbrush.
  324. While she considered the state of her poor rear-end Twi heard the tinkling of water next door and realized Sour Sweet was making better use of her precious time, actually relieving herself as Principal Cinch had recommended. Twilight knew she better do the same.
  325. >Yikes, here goes.
  326. Lowering herself onto the toilet seat was an act of masochism...her tushie might not have looked bad, but it was swollen and tender to the touch. Poor Twi whimpered as she put her weight down on the unforgiving, hard seat, but once settled in she realized she needed to go more than she'd expected.
  328. With just a few minutes to spare Twi came out to wash her hands. She found Sour Sweet already at the sink. She was still intimidating, but after what they'd been through together Twilight felt like making one last attempt to reach out.
  329. >"So...are you feeling okay?"
  330. Sour Sweet just grunted, but at least it sounded like a civil grunt.
  331. >"How's your rear-end? I could barely sit down on the potty, 8 more hours on a hard wooden library seat isn't gonna be fun."
  333. Sour Sweet looked at her and actually smiled.
  334. >"So I suppose this makes us BFF's now, right?"
  335. Twilight could hardly believe her ears.
  336. >"Well, I suppose we DO have something in common."
  337. She hoped that didn't sound too dorky.
  338. Sour Sweet went on;
  339. >"Yeah, because being beaten together is a sure basis for a life-long friendship."
  340. Huh?
  341. >"In fact, I like you so much now you can come over to my house and fuck my little brother!"
  342. Wait...what?
  343. >"Sour Sweet, what are you say..?"
  344. Sour shoved a finger right in Twilight's chest, poking hard enough to hurt.
  345. >"Listen up, dweeb; just because we were in detention on the same day doesn't mean I give a fuck about you.
  346. >"And if you tell anyone...ANYONE about what happened in there I will make your life hell.
  347. >"Fuck with me and I promise I will frame you for something that will get you bent right back over Cinch's desk for twice as many strokes with that cane! Understand?"
  349. Twilight was so shocked she felt like crying again. She was just trying to be friendly!
  350. >"S-Sour Sweet, I didn't...I mean...I'll never tell anyone, I promise!"
  351. >"You better not."
  352. She punctuated the threat with one last stab of her finger, dead center, right on the front-hook clasp of Twilight's bra. The plastic dug in hard enough to scratch her skin.
  353. >"Ow!"
  354. With one last snarl, Sour Sweet stomped off to detention.
  356. Twilight followed, lonely, heartbroken and really, REALLY sore, but all she could do was follow Sour into detention. Twilight was used to being alone but after the caning she really didn't want to spend 7 and a half hours all by herself. Maybe some of the boys would be friendly. Maybe it would be like that movie, where the kids spend all day in detention, learn all kinds of new stuff about each other and bond as friends.
  357. But it wasn't like that movie at all.
  359. >"8:21, Miss Sparkle...cutting it a bit close, don't you think?"
  360. >"Sorry sir"
  361. She took her seat. It hurt just as much as the toilet seat had.
  362. The school librarian was not happy to be stuck supervising detention on a Saturday.
  363. >"Alright everybody, none of you are here because you won an exemplary behavior award. One to a table, no talking, no getting up. I realize you all just came from a 'visit' with Principal Cinch but that's no excuse for fidgeting. If your backsides hurt it's your own can rub 'em after 4 o'clock when detention is over."
  365. Twilight raised her hand.
  366. >"Can we get up to get a book?"
  367. >"No getting up, no reading, books or magazines"
  368. No books? 7 and a half hours in the library and she couldn't even touch a book?
  369. She protested desperately;
  370. >"Not even school books!?"
  371. All around her she could hear the other kids snickering: 'dork', 'butt kisser', 'egg-head'.
  372. >"Miss Sparkle, I told you no talking. Another word and you get a demerit."
  374. Twilight shut up quickly. She already had three new ones on her account. She looked up at the clock, but it was taped over. Students in detention weren't even allowed to know how much time they had left. Just sit on your sore, burning butt and be bored.
  376. And that's all Twilight could do. For the next seven and a half hours all she could do was sit and think.
  377. About how excluded she was here.
  378. About how she missed Spike.
  379. About how out of place she felt.
  380. Most of all she thought about the Everton Independent Study Program. She could be all alone there, she could concentrate solely on research. Nobody really wanted her here anyway. What was the point of being at Crystal Prep if she could learn just as much by herself? So she resolved to apply for the Everton Program. It seemed like her only way out.
  381. Twilight knew there had to be more out there.
  383. END

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