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What Happens in Las Pegasus by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:13:51
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:33:50
Expiry: Never

  1. What Happens in Las Pegasus by DCFTEF
  2. ( / )
  4. (18/03/2020)
  7. ---
  9. >Different cities
  10. >Different punishment practices
  12. Las Pegasus
  13. >Lots of noise and glitz
  14. >Plenty to distract ponies
  15. >A public caning could be happening right on the main strip and many ponies wouldn't even notice
  16. >Very little benefit to the public
  18. >Las Pegasus came up with a unique solution
  19. >Every week, Saturday at 10am, the city must shut down
  20. >All casinos, amusements, shows; all stopped
  21. >Even the grand fountains are shut down
  22. >Quiet hour begins at the stroke of 10.
  24. >The speech is always the same, but never pre-recorded
  25. >This is Las Pegasus after all, they have a sense of showmanship
  26. >There's always a live MC
  27. "Ladies and Gentlecolts, colts and fillies, Las Pegasus is a city that's all about having fun but must take a temporary pause from that to do something that is fun for no pony.
  28. Seven ponies and two griffons have been convicted of crimes this week and been sentenced to public corporal punishment. No pony else may go back to having fun until these ponies have been punished for their actions.
  30. >All businesses or anything that makes noise must shut down during quiet hour.
  31. >It's eerie
  32. >Such a loud, flashy city goes totally silent
  33. >Even ponies blocks away from the spanking platform speak in hushed tones, fearful of breaking the strange silence
  35. >Unlike other cities the prisoners are not led to the platform
  36. >They've been here for 3 hours already
  37. >Wearing big placard boards on both flanks
  38. >Their offences and the sentence they'll soon suffer
  39. >Under guard, they're required to interact with the tourists and answer any questions
  40. "So are you scared?"
  41. "You been whipped before?"
  42. "Are you scared?"
  43. "Do you think the paddle will hurt?"
  44. "Ya scared?"
  45. "What hurts more, the paddle or the cane?"
  46. "Boy, I'd be scared. Are you scared? I'd be super scared!"
  47. >All miserably humiliating questions to answer
  48. >Over and over for 3 hours
  49. >But the guards keep a close eye on you
  50. >One nasty word to a tourist
  51. >A sour look or surly snort
  52. >Any defiance gets you a minute on the 'hot seat'
  53. >There is a simple metal bench at the foot of the spanking platform
  54. >Remember, pegasi can regulate their weather
  55. >Las Pegasus always has bright sunlight
  56. >The bench is metal
  58. >Any pony who shows defiance has to sit on the burning hot bench
  59. >The guards are professionals, they monitor the temperature closely to keep things safe
  60. >There's a threshold that a pony rump can endure without real burns
  61. >The bench is kept right at that threshold
  62. >Too hot, slide it back into the shade
  63. >Too cool, put it out in the sun
  64. >The Hot Seat is always at the perfect temp to inflict agony without injury
  66. >When an offender snaps at a tourist or otherwise misbehaves they're pulled straight over to the bench by the guards
  67. >Sign boards off, they're forced to sit down
  68. >That surly attitude goes away quick on the Hot Seat
  69. >Replaced by crying and begging to get up
  70. >It's nearly as painful as a spanking
  71. >Relentless heat until your timer is up
  72. >First offense is a minute
  73. >That's enough to leave the rump with a mild sunburn
  74. >Multiple offenses add time
  75. >None of this is gonna make your imminent spanking feel better
  76. >When you get up, you have to apologize to the tourist you were rude to
  77. >Anything to make the experience more humiliating
  79. >Then 10am hits and it's showtime
  80. >But the actual punishments don't incorporate much Las Pegasus glitz
  81. >They're pretty straightforward
  82. >In the silent city you can hear the cries of those being punished almost anywhere
  83. >It goes on as long as it needs to.
  84. >Sometimes the spankings are done and the entertainment can restart by 10:30
  85. >Sometimes it's a bad Saturday and nobody can re-open until the afternoon
  86. >No pony complains much
  87. >As long as you're not the one bending over for punishment, quiet hour can be nice
  88. >But there's always those squeals and cries in the background
  89. >A reminder to every pony that there are rules even in a city built for fun.
  91. -----Appendix:-----
  93. >city government would set up a hot seat like that.
  94. >wonder if particularily bad criminals have to sit on them after a spanking
  96. I'm sure Las Peg isn't the only city to adopt the punishment. Even if they invented it other municipalities are free to copy and use the idea their own way.
  98. Detrot, home of the carriage & wagon industry, introduced seatbelts to the idea. Now if a bad pony gets an extended time-out on the hot seat the guards don't have to hold them down. Magical locks prevent tampering or premature unbuckling of the simple lap belt.
  99. Industrial Detrot also has a factory that produces custom hot seats for other towns. Short benches for small towns...big cities order long ones with plenty of seats for naughty offenders. There's options too; cold Northern towns that don't get much sunlight can get theirs heated by a charcoal brazier. Sharp pea gravel can be glued to the bench for an even more uncomfortable hot seat. The Deluxe model even has built in timers and safety releases on the seatbelt locks.
  100. Also, if you and your very special somepony want a personal seat for kinky fun you can order the home version. It doesn't get as hot as the criminal models (although any clever pony can modify it at their own risk) and has a pre-set safe word programmed into the magic seatbelt release. Not recommended for use on foals.
  102. Finally, in strict Stalliongrad, the hot seat is used inside the prison for non-public punishments. Spanking sentences are lengthy in Stalliongrad and if the spanking officer's arm gets tired the victim gets a time-out on the bench to wait out his break. If there's vodka in the break room you might be squirming and whimpering on that seat for a long wait.
  103. This is one of the reasons Stalliongrad doesn't get much tourism.
  105. >Thats horrible
  106. I know, it's absolutely horrible that Stalliongrad gets so few tourists.
  107. >Come see beautiful river flowing through city, unfrozen almost three months out of year!
  108. >Sample over 300 kind of beets!
  109. >Show your papers! Is fun, yes?
  110. >Only 4 out of 10 tourists get sentenced to horsewhipping this year. Lower than last year!
  112. Also;
  113. >Not recommended for use on foals.
  114. The Detrot makers of personal fetish hot seats install different seat belts on the home model. These will only tighten to the diameter of a slim adult pony's waist. By design they can not tighten any more, making it impossible to restrain a smaller foal.
  116. This prevents a potentially abusive parent from strapping their little filly to the hot seat for an hour for bringing home a bad report card.

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