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Wonderbolt Paddle by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:14:11
Updated: 2022-03-17 15:38:53
Expiry: Never

  1. Wonderbolt Paddle by DCFTEF
  2. (Spitfire / Rainbow)
  3. F/F, paddle, over desk, non-consensual
  5. (27/04/2013 - 26/01/2014)
  8. ---
  10. >All of Rainbow Dash's dreams had come true.
  11. >She was a Wonderbolt.
  12. >Not an Academy prospect, not a trainee.
  13. >A real member of the WONDERBOLTS.
  15. >Okay, so maybe she wasn't on the high profile "A" squad.
  16. >Or the B-squad...or the C-squad.
  17. >She was on the D-squad with the rest of the rookies.
  18. >They didn't perform in huge stadiums for thousands of cheering fans.
  19. >They were not entered into the annual Wonderbolts Derby.
  20. >The D squad played small town festivals.
  21. >They appeared at shopping plazas & sat thru autograph sessions.
  22. "Today only; Meet the Wonderbolts!"
  23. >The kind of stuff the superstars like Soarin, Fire Streak & Commander Spitfire didn't have time to do.
  24. >Or just didn't want to do.
  26. >But it wasn't all that bad.
  27. >Last week Dash & her team mates on the D-squad had appeared at a Foal's Hospital in Salt Lick City.
  28. >Those sick kids didn't ask "Where's Fleetfoot? Where's Spitfire?"
  29. >They treated Dash & her squad mates like stars.
  30. >They were thrilled to go up for cloud rides.
  31. >And they loved the autographed posters & stuffed Wonderbolts dolls they got as gifts.
  32. >It made Rainbow Dash feel really good.
  33. >But not as good as today...
  35. >Dash was training with the A-squad today!
  36. >Silver Lining was out sick that morning.
  37. >So Spitfire called for a pony from the junior squads to stand in.
  38. >Plenty of pegasi volunteered.
  39. >Spitfire picked Rainbow Dash.
  40. >Best. Day. Ever!
  42. >So there she was, in a high-G turn just inches from Spitfire's hooves.
  43. >The squad was finishing up their session with some arc turns.
  44. >Dash was in the right-center position of a 5 pony V formation.
  45. >She'd done okay...missed a few cues...didn't have the timing of the senior fliers.
  46. "Don't worry, you're doing just fine kid" they assured her.
  47. >But Rainbow Dash would not be satisfied until she really made a splash.
  48. >Time was running out.
  49. >She needed a cool move to impress the Top Ponies of the A-squad.
  50. "Alright's now or never!"
  51. >Rainbow Dash waited until the centrifugal G-force of the turn eased.
  52. >Then she twisted her wingtips slightly for a counter-clockwise aileron roll.
  53. >Perfect! Nailed it!
  54. >But the formation broke apart immediately.
  55. >Rapid Fire on her right wing fell back.
  56. >Spitfire climbed rapidly & tossed her wings out as air brakes.
  57. "Awww man! No poney even noticed the awesome roll I tossed into the routine!"
  58. >With a sigh, Dash circled and waited for the V to re-form.
  59. >Rapid Fire flew up to Spitfire's altitude.
  60. >They hovered and talked...probably explaining why he broke formation.
  61. >But he pointed his hoof down toward Rainbow Dash.
  62. "Hey, maybe somebody DID see my awesome move!"
  63. >Dash couldn't wait for the next drill.
  64. >But it was all over.
  65. >Spitfire blew her whistle, signaling that practice was over.
  66. >All the A-squad pegasi cruised in to the landing area.
  67. "Alright team, good practice" said Spitfire, "hit the showers. Dismissed!"
  69. >Rainbow Dash was thrilled to be hanging out with the A-squad.
  70. >After a shower maybe they'd all go out on the town for a cider or two.
  71. >She'd brought along her team bomber jacket just in case.
  72. "Hey Rapid Fire, did you get a look at that aileron roll I tossed in on that last turn? Pretty cool, eh? Wouldn't it be awesome if all 4 wing ponies did that at the end of the maneuver? Each in opposing directions!"
  73. >Rapid Fire did not seem as enthusiastic.
  74. "Eh, that's really not my call, kid. You gotta discuss choreography changes with the Chief."
  75. >Well, okay.
  76. >He's probably just embarrassed about screwing up the formation on that last turn.
  77. >Dash looked around, hoping some other pony had seen her awesome roll.
  78. >But they were all sort of avoiding her.
  79. >Was it because she was a rookie?
  80. >That broke her heart.
  81. >I made the team...I'm a bona-fide Wonderbolt too!
  82. >But her questions were soon to be answered.
  83. "Rainbow Dash! My office! NOW!"
  84. >Not fearing anything was wrong, Dash trotted into Spitfire's office.
  85. "Heya Chief, I know you were in front of me but did ya see..."
  86. >Spitfire cut her off.
  87. "Close the door, Rainbow Dash."
  88. >Eh, okay.
  89. >She sounds a little angry.
  90. >It was then that Dash noticed Spitfire has already showered and changed into her dress blue REAF uniform.
  91. "Dash, I want to know what happened up there. It's not like you to lose control in the middle of a turn."
  92. >The blue filly's eyes grew wide.
  93. >Spitfire thinks I screwed up!?
  94. "I didn't lose control! That was an aileron roll I tossed in. Don't you think it would be cool if the 4 wing poneys all did that while you kept level in the lead position?"
  95. >The Squadron Commander scowled.
  96. "So you admit it was intentional? I sort of thought so."
  97. >She stood up with her front hooves on the desk.
  98. "We do NOT change the performance maneuvers on a whim, rookie...especially without telling any other pony! Do I need to remind you what we do is dangerous?"
  99. >Dash cringed.
  100. >Getting yelled at was the last thing she had expected.
  101. "Well...I'm...I'm..."
  102. "Quiet and listen for once! And stand at attention when I'm cussing you out!"
  103. >Rainbow Dash snapped to attention as ordered.
  104. >After a brief pause Spitfire continued.
  105. >She picked up two sticks with carved wooden pegasi on the tips.
  106. "Let me explain some things you should already know. When you broke formation unexpectedly Rapid Fire dropped back into the rescue position in case you had lost control...and I climbed to observe and assist. That is what we train to do! You are VERY lucky Rapid Fire is an Ace flyer...any lesser pegasi would have run right into you and BOTH of you would have crashed."
  107. >As she spoke she demonstrated with the sticks & wood pegasi.
  108. >Rainbow Dash blushed in embarrassment.
  109. >Spitfire was absolutely right. Seeing it from a distance Dash realized she'd flown right into Rapid Fire's flight path.
  110. "I'm sorry" she muttered.
  111. Spitfire stamped her hoof.
  112. "I didn't say you could talk, rookie!"
  113. >Spitfire trotted around her desk.
  114. "There's a certain way we do things her in the Wonderbolts because when we don't all understand our roles ponies get hurt...even killed. Being new is no excuse; you know our procedures, you know the regulations. Now take that jump-suit off!"
  115. >Those words hit Rainbow Dash like a hammer.
  116. >This couldn't be happening.
  117. >Was Spitfire throwing her off the team?
  118. "Ma'am...please!"
  119. "I said TAKE IT OFF, rookie! When I give an order that means NOW!"
  120. >With tears in her eyes Rainbow Dash squeezed out of her flight suit.
  121. >The one Rarity had expertly tailored to make her look fabulous.
  122. >She's been a Wonderbolt for less than a year.
  123. >Now it was all over, and it was her own damned fault.
  124. >What would she tell her friends? What would she tell her father?
  125. >Would she be able to get her old job back?
  126. "Double time it, rookie, I don't have all day!"
  127. >Dash slipped her last hoof out of the jump suit & folded it lovingly.
  128. >For the last time.
  129. >A few tears fell on the blue & gold fabric as she set it on Spitfire's desk.
  130. "Oh don't be so melodramatic. There'll be plenty of time for tears."
  131. >That just seemed cruel. Didn't Spitfire understand; this was her dream, her life?
  132. "Now bend over my desk!"
  133. >Huh?
  134. >Rainbow Dash looked up at her Commanding Officer, puzzled.
  135. "B-bend over?"
  136. "Good, you can hear" Spitfire snapped, "maybe this will teach you to listen."
  137. >From her desk drawer Spitfire drew a fearsome looking paddle.
  138. >It was heavy, made from dark wood.
  139. >It had the Wonderbolts logo carved into it and several holes drilled through.
  140. "Still not listening, Dash?"
  141. "'am?"
  143. >Rainbow Dash nearly cracked the first indoor Sonic Rainboom rushing over to Spitfire's desk.
  144. >She bent over it, alarmed that her hooves just barely missed touching the floor.
  145. "Oh no no no no no no..." she muttered to herself.
  146. >It had been years since Dash had been spanked, but she remembered every awful swat as if it were only yesterday.
  147. >Spitfire took her time lining up.
  148. >She checked her distance.
  149. >She took a few practice swings.
  150. >She lightly touched the paddle to her errant rookie's butt.
  151. >That slight touch caused Rainbow Dash to flinch in fear.
  152. "Well well. Thought you were tougher than that, Dash. If you're that sensitive then this session is going to have a memorable impact on you."
  153. >She patted the younger mare's rump a little harder.
  154. "You endangered my team today, rookie; don't even bother praying that I'm gonna take it easy on you."
  155. >Rainbow Dash wanted to squeak out an apology before the paddling began but the first swing fell before she could get it out.
  156. >Instead of an apology Dash gave a scream.
  157. >No doubt the other Wonderbolts had heard that...both the thunderous crack of the paddle and the humiliating cry of a rookie getting her rump spanked like a little filly.
  158. >But the punishment Spitfire laid on was one not fit for foals.
  159. >Dash squealed and twisted in agony as one of the greatest athletes in Equestria laid into her backside.
  160. >Spitfire was easily 15 years older than Rainbow Dash, but her vigor was amazing.
  161. >In less than a minute she had laid on 25 swats harder than Dash could have imagined.
  162. >Dignity was lost in the first few seconds.
  163. >As the terrible Wonderpaddle blistered her behind Dash kicked her back legs & fluttered her wings desperately.
  164. >But Spitfire was expert at this.
  165. >She kept one hoof on the croup of her wailing rookie.
  166. >It was enough to hold her down and keep her from scrambling forward.
  168. >Rainbow Dash's agony seemed unending.
  169. >Every time the paddle smacked her tender rump it introduced her to a new definition of pain.
  170. >Which felt like a spa visit compared to the next smack which fell seconds later.
  171. >It felt like her rear end was on fire, but the Commander gave no quarter.
  172. >Surely her sky blue butt would be blistered and bruised by now.
  173. >But Spitfire continued. *WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
  174. >Rainbow Dash had lost count on spank #1.
  175. >In the presence of such burning pain things like numbers did not exist.
  176. >Only the desperate hope that it would be over soon & the mournful realization that there was no end in sight.
  177. >Blinded by tears the filly just hung on and waited for the agony to be over.
  180. >Dash's screaming had gone hoarse, that was Spitfire's cue to take this into its next phase.
  181. >The kid had reached 65 swats, she was pretty tough.
  182. >Now to see how well she remembered her regulations.
  183. >Spitfire paused & barked out;
  184. "Rainbow Dash! What is the Wonderbolt mission statement?"
  185. >It took Dash a few moments to realize she wasn't being spanked anymore.
  186. "Uh...what?"
  187. "WHAT!? What ain't no mission statement I ever heard in the Royal Equestrian Air Force!"
  188. >She rewarded Dash's unacceptable answer with 10 more hard swats.
  190. >For a correct answer Rainbow Dash earned a few seconds breather.
  191. "Good" snapped Spitfire, "Now recite regulation 35-212J!"
  192. >Dash sobbed in fear...she knew the regulation but she could not recite it verbatim.
  193. " deals with p-proper *hic* p-p-procedures for s-suggesting changes to airshow'am!"
  194. >Not good enough. Rainbow screamed as Spitfire delivered 5 more punishing swats.
  195. "Suggested changes to airshow maneuvers will be submitted in writing to the flight leader & are subject to approval by the Squadron Commander."
  196. >5 more times the paddle fell on Rainbow Dash's rump.
  197. "No Wonderbolts member shall practice said maneuvers until all ponies in the formation have had pre-flight briefing and are familiar with the operation! Now repeat regulation 35-212J to me!"
  198. >Poor Dash got it wrong two more times, earning her more painful spanks from the paddle, but on the third try she repeated it to Spitfire's satisfaction.
  199. >She bawled, tears pouring from her eyes & snot running from her nose.
  200. >Oh Celestia PLEASE let it be over.
  201. >But Celestia was not in charge, Spitfire was.
  202. >Luckily things were drawing to a close.
  203. "Rainbow Dash, how many Wonderbolts have died in training accidents since the team was formed?"
  204. >To her immense relief, Dash knew the answer.
  205. "Ma'am...21 ma'am."
  207. >A new rush of tears overtook the rookie.
  208. >She only knew the most recent 6 names.
  209. >That left 15 names. Yes, her ability to do math had returned.
  210. >Was Spitfire going to spank her 10 more times for every name she didn't know?
  211. >She trembled in fear...she just couldn't take 150 more swats.
  212. >Terrified, she stammered out the 6 she knew.
  213. "Umm, Cumulus Curl, Golden W-wind, Wild Withers, Lone Bolt..."
  214. >But when she stopped at 6 she knew the agony was to resume.
  215. "That's all? Okay...Boomer Blitz! (SMACK) Spectrum! (SMACK) Jet Stream & Trade Wind! (SMACK SMACK)..."
  216. >Spitfire recited the entire list from memory.
  217. >Dash only got one more swat per name.
  218. >15 more spanks were horrible, and she squealed in pain at every one.
  219. >But it was a whole lot better than 150.
  221. "You can get up now."
  222. >They were the words Rainbow Dash never though she would hear.
  223. >Still panting & choking on sobs, she struggled to stand.
  224. >Her rump felt stiff & swollen but mostly on fire.
  225. >The first thing Dash focused on when she wiped the tears from her eyes was her uniform, folded on Spitfire's desk.
  226. >The uniform that meant so much to her.
  227. >The uniform she would never wear again.
  228. "C-Commander Spitfire, ma'am. I'm sorry I d-disappointed you. I'll go clean out my locker."
  229. >Spitfire cocked her head sideways.
  230. "Hold on rookie, I didn't say you were dismissed."
  231. >Dash felt like a heavy rock was dropped into her stomach.
  232. >Oh no, what is she going to do to me now?
  233. >But she had misread Spitfire's intentions, more than once.
  234. "What do you mean 'Clean out your locker'? I understand this experience must have been humbling for you, but you're not seriously going to quit, are you? I thought you were made from tougher stuff than that."
  235. >The rookie was puzzled now.
  236. "Ma'am...aren't I kicked off the team? You made me take my uniform off..."
  237. >Spitfire. Facehoof.
  238. "Well or course, so I could paddle your ass! You don't seriously think I'd have gone to all that trouble if I was just gonna kick you off the team, do you?
  239. >Despite her burning rump Dash could not help but smile.
  240. "I don't know what I was thinking, ma'am. I was pretty mixed up."
  241. >Spitfire returned to her seat behind the desk.
  242. "Rainbow Dash, ya screwed up today. You got a big opportunity but you did the wrong thing. That doesn't mean you're fired and it doesn't mean you're never gonna get another shot at the big leagues, understand?"
  243. >She tried to keep her composure & proper military bearing, but Rainbow Dash was too excited.
  244. "I understand ma'am. Thank you for not kicking me out!"
  245. >Spitfire finally grinned. She spun the paddle around in her hooves.
  246. "You've got too much potential to toss away that easily. Consider today a rite of passage, Rainbow Dash...some of the most famous Wonderbolts in history have felt the sting of this paddle across their rumps."
  247. >Feeling bold, Dash asked;
  248. "Even you, ma'am?"
  249. >She was met with an icy stare. The hard nosed Commander was back.
  250. "You haven't been in the squadron long enough to ask a question like that, rookie."
  251. >Gulp.
  252. "No ma'am! Sorry!"
  253. "You are dismissed. Probably gonna want to take a long, cold shower."
  254. >She was right about that.
  255. >Dash felt like she could sit in a tub of ice right now & melt it in seconds.
  256. >Dash dreaded facing the rest of the team.
  257. >She had her big chance to practice with the A-squad.
  258. >And ended the day crying like a filly with her hand caught in the cookie jar.
  259. >She cringed as she stepped out of Spitfire's office.
  260. >Hopefully they'd all left by now.
  261. "Hey! How'd ya do, kiddo?"
  262. "Took it like a champ, good job!"
  263. "Boss mare really laid into ya, didn't she?"
  264. "Big cheer for the newest member of the red-tail squadron!"
  265. >All the members of A-squad were still in the locker room.
  266. >They congratulated her and tousled her mane as she walked past.
  267. "I...I don't understand."
  268. >Rapid Fire spoke up;
  269. "We were just worried, rookie. Sure ya screwed up today, but we'd have all felt awful if you walked out of the Commander's office & the locker room was empty. You'd have thought we all abandoned you."
  270. >Fleet Foot joined in;
  271. "It's happened to the best of us. You took yer licks and walked away proud."
  272. >Rainbow Dash felt tears welling up again.
  273. "Gee, thanks guys."
  274. >There was more good natured teasing before Blaze broke it up;
  275. "Come on, let Dashie hit the showers so we can go out. She owes us all the first round of cider!"
  276. >The young mare's jaw dropped.
  277. "W-what?"
  278. "Squadron tradition, rookie" explained Blaze, "get your butt busted, you buy the first round at the bar."
  279. "I think I might try the expensive brew tonight" teased Rapid Fire.
  280. "Hurry up rookie; hit the showers, we're all thirsty!"
  281. >Wearing a smile Dash scampered through the crowd of rowdy pegasi.
  282. >As she reached the open bay shower Soarin reached out and gave her one last spank.
  283. "One fer good luck, kid!"
  284. "YeeOwww!"
  286. >Dash nearly went bankrupt buying drinks that night.
  287. >Her older squadron mates kept coming up with obscure traditions for why she had to pay.
  288. >That in itself was probably a tradition.
  289. >She still got good and tipsy.
  290. >When the Royal Guards hassled her for being drunk her team mates stepped up & threatened a brawl.
  291. >The Guards backed down quick.
  292. >And from that day on Dash felt like a real Wonderbolt.
  294. THE END

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