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How to Get Ponies to DO WHAT YOU SAY! by Ice

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:16:19
Updated: 2022-03-11 15:34:38
Expiry: Never

  1. How to Get Ponies to DO WHAT YOU SAY! by Ice
  2. (Photo Finish / Fluttershy)
  3. camera
  5. (29/08/2018)
  8. ---
  10. >"Zhen... ve have a deal! I get an exclusive shoot mit ZHE one und only Fluttershy!"
  11. >The pale blue fashionista flashed through an exaggerated series of motions that could almost have been tics of excitement.
  12. >Fluttershy nearly giggled out loud at the sight, but caught herself.
  13. >At least the antics of the so-often intimidating Photo Finish put her a bit more at ease.
  14. >"Yes," replied the yellow pegasus, in her best attempt to sound sure of herself.
  15. >"Cross my heart and hope to fly-" she cut herself off at the dead stare from Photo Finish.
  16. >Okay, maybe not the right time for a Pinkie Pie joke.
  17. >"Zhis means you are quite serious?" asked the photographer.
  18. >"Oh, ummm... yes."
  19. >She thought she saw the glimmer of a smile cross Photo's face as she responded.
  20. >"Most excellent! I vill remember this, und if you try to back out on me... your flank is mine!"
  21. >Fluttershy forced a laugh to be amiable, even if it was a strange joke.
  22. >The kind of thing you heard parents threatening unruly foals with, really.
  23. >Oh well, Photo was from a far-away province of the kingdom.
  24. >Humorous translations were inevitable.
  25. >It didn't mean anything.
  26. >Didn't mean anything to Photo, anyway.
  27. >But now, hours later, Fluttershy couldn't get her words - her threat - out of her head.
  28. >Of course it wasn't really a threat, and nothing to get hung up on.
  29. >No regular pony would have thought twice about it.
  30. >How was Photo supposed to know that Fluttershy was so fascinated by the idea of being spanked?
  31. >Ever since she was a little filly and had heard so many stories from her friends about being punished at home for their misbehaviors.
  32. >She'd even seen the aftermath on more than one occasion.
  33. >It wasn't that hard when your classmate showed up to school with a red rump.
  34. >Even her best friend, Rainbow Dash, got it good from her dad every now and then back in their school days.
  35. >She remembered one episode especially well, when Rainbow had failed a test that was frankly pretty easy, and was squirming on the hard wooden seat of her desk all the next day.
  36. >Fluttershy had spent all day with her, trying to make her feel better, even though Rainbow was a really tough filly and never really seemed to need any help.
  37. >And ever since those days, Fluttershy seemed utterly captivated by the thought of corporal punishment of just about any kind.
  38. >She never got spanked as a filly, and the thought of that happening to her filled her with a mixture of dread and curiosity.
  39. >Even now, her mind - and her heart - was racing at a stupid, offhoof comment that Photo Finish had mistakenly made thanks to an awkward language barrier.
  40. >But whatever the cause, she needed to calm down.
  41. >She needed to see Rainbow.
  42. >Thank Celestia that Rainbow had been at home and was willing to spend the evening together.
  43. >To be fair, she could almost always be counted on for support when one of her friends needed her, let alone her old pegasus pal Fluttershy.
  44. >They didn't call her "Loyalty" for nothing.
  45. >And a little support was just what Fluttershy needed right now.
  46. >Curled up next to Rainbow on the plush couch in her living room, she felt on the verge of tears.
  47. >"And I hated being a model the first time I did it, and I don't know why I even agreed to do this, except that Photo seemed to want me SO badly and she said that her career depended on ME, but now I'm just scared to death at the thought of everypony staring at me again, and..."
  48. >Rainbow just stroked her mane while she unloaded on her.
  49. >She could hear that familiar ragged quality in her voice, that sound that presaged tears.
  50. >When she was finally spent and breathing heavily in Rainbow's lap, the blue pegasus tried to reassure her with her customary bluntness.
  51. >"Flutters, if you hate it so much, why don't you just cancel the whole thing? Easy!"
  52. >"Oh Rainbow, I promised. And besides, that wouldn't be very nice."
  53. >Dash couldn't suppress a chuckle at that.
  54. >"You're always thinking of everypony but yourself, Flutters."
  55. >"That's not entirely true, Rainbow..." She hesitated now.
  56. >Rainbow cocked her head to one side.
  57. >"You see... Photo Finish told me... she said that if I tried to back out, that..."
  58. >"Yes? Use your words Flutters."
  59. >"That my flank is hers!" She suddenly cried.
  60. >Rainbow couldn't help but laugh at that one.
  61. >Not only was Fluttershy completely crazy...
  62. >But Rainbow got the weirdest feeling that she had been wanting to say that all evening.
  63. >It wasn't the first time that Fluttershy had made comments alluding to spankings.
  64. >She used to ask her all sorts of questions when they were younger.
  65. >For Celestia's sake, just last winter she asked Rainbow if her coltfriend ever spanked her for misbehaving!
  66. >Like they say, thought Rainbow, it's always the quiet ones.
  67. >"Fluttershy, you're completely bonkers" she said, giving the yellow pegasus a squeeze.
  68. >"But Rainbow, what if..."
  69. >"What?" Rainbow's voice suddenly took an edge as a grin flittered across her face.
  70. >She leaned down to breathe in Fluttershy's ear.
  71. >"You're afraid Photo Finish is gonna give you a spanking?"
  72. >She simply got a tiny gasp in response, and she could swear that Fluttershy's breathing became a bit shallower.
  73. >Laughing, she pulled Fluttershy in closer, and the yellow pony burrowed her face into Rainbow's downy chest.
  74. >"I swear Fluttershy, sometimes I think you like the thought of that."
  75. >"N-no!" stammered Fluttershy with a blush.
  76. >"You know I'm just... I've always wondered about it... I mean, about how anypony could do that!"
  77. >"That's because you were a perfect little filly, silly! It does a lot of good for headstrong fillies like I always was.
  78. >A silence came over them before Fluttershy softly replied.
  79. >"It did seem like... like it helped you. And a lot of the other foals our age. I remember when you failed that test."
  80. >"Ah geez!" interjected Rainbow.
  81. >"But it's true!" And after a pause, "...did your dad really spank you with a hairbrush back then?"
  82. >"Oh come on Flutters, you're embarassing me!"
  83. >Now it was Fluttershy's turn to smile wryly at her best friend.
  84. >"I can see you're feeling better already," observed Rainbow.
  85. >It was true. Her best friend always knew how to raise her spirits.
  86. >Of course, by the day of the photo shoot Fluttershy was right back on edge.
  87. >She was doing an admirable job of containing it, though.
  88. >Photo Finish had rented out the Ponyville public school for the shoot.
  89. >The theme: back-to-school fall fashion, just in time for these last languid summer days.
  90. >The familiar venue helped put Fluttershy at ease just a bit.
  91. >Or so she thought.
  92. >But as things really got underway, she felt the anxiety boiling up under her skin once more.
  93. >The crews running this way and that with cameras and costumes, make-up and props.
  94. >It was dizzying, and Fluttershy felt her mind wandering back to those stressful sessions the first time she had agreed to model for Photo Finish.
  95. >And oh, Photo Finish.
  96. >She was in the thick of it all, directing the chaos with a deft hoof and a barking voice, rendered all the more intimidating by that fierce foreign accent.
  97. >But just as Fluttershy felt the stress bearing down on her shoulders and the first little tremors in her legs start, Photo Finish grabbed her by the hoof and threw her headlong into the shoot.
  98. >To be honest, the firm hoof and strong directions seemed to clear her mind and her anxiety began to fall into the background.
  99. >As the minutes wore on, though, Fluttershy felt the pressure building again.
  100. >She was treading water here, trying to keep her head up, but the stormy seas were building.
  101. >As Photo Finish had her running to and fro, changing from one outfit to the next, striking pose after pose, she couldn't keep up her composure.
  102. >And it didn't help that half of what she did in front of the cameras earned her a barked "NO!" from Photo.
  103. >It seemed that the only thing Photo really liked was when she shrunk from the cameras in being reprimanded.
  104. >Now, this did seem familiar and Fluttershy knew somewhere in her head that there was a logic here with which she was familiar.
  105. >But in this moment she simply couldn't focus on that.
  106. >When she tried to remember her past shoots, all that came clearly to her was the stress, the nausea, the fear, and frankly her total hatred for it.
  107. >Everything was a blur.
  108. >Photo currently had her done up in some ridiculously short plaid skirt, a white blouse, matching high socks, and shiny black flats.
  109. >A comically eroticized version of what those preppy fillies at the Canterlot private schools had to wear every day.
  110. >In one hoof she held up a sheaf of printed pages made to look like some midterm exam, with a large D- prominently scrawled across the top of the front page in red ink.
  111. >She felt in the back of her mind that there was something funny about this, but she couldn't think straight as she tried to perfect one pose after another at what felt like hyper velocity.
  112. >And Photo never could be pleased! It was always "NO!"
  113. >"NO!"
  114. >"NO!"
  115. >Finally something gave in Fluttershy, some anchor that she had been trying so desperately to hold onto.
  116. >"No? No? Why is it always NO? Why did you even want me if you hate everything that I do?!"
  117. >It went suddenly silent in the classroom.
  118. >"Nothing ever pleases you!" Fluttershy was veritably seeing red, and everything came pouring out now.
  119. >She threw the fake test down on the teacher's desk next to her.
  120. >"In fact, if you hate my modeling so much, you can just find some other pony to do it for you! I QUIT!"
  121. >The light blue pony across the room executed a strange series of maneuvers that inexplicably brought her before Fluttershy with a preternatural swiftness.
  122. >It would have been impressive in other circumstances.
  123. >"I, Photo Finish, am afraid I cannot allow zhat!"
  124. >Fluttershy's angered only flared up inside her, a foreign feeling that, in fact, scared her in the back of her head.
  125. >But all she could manage was to bellow "WHAT?!"
  126. >"You vill recall," intoned the fashionista, leveling her gaze at Fluttershy, " promised."
  127. >And those words brought some modicum of understanding back to the yellow pegasus.
  128. >The game was up, as she remembered her given word and the importance, as she herself had explained to Rainbow, of keeping it.
  129. >But it was Photo's next line, and the flash of her brilliantly white teeth as she uttered it, that cut through everything else right to Fluttershy's core.
  130. >"Und you vill also recall the price upon vhich ve agreed, for your current unfaithfulness."
  131. >Fluttershy's heart skipped a beat as her eyes widened in sudden realization.
  132. >In an instant her nascent wrath was gone, washed away, a hot iron plunged suddenly into cool water.
  133. >Cool water that now coalesced right in the bottom of her breast.
  134. >There's no way that she's serious, she thought, even as she watched her pick up the smooth wooden ruler that lay on the teacher's desk.
  135. >No way, she thought, as the blue pony's hoof came to rest firmly on her shoulder before spinning her easily around to face the desk.
  136. >It wasn't until Photo had pushed her forward, bending her over the low desk's edge, that she managed to find some kind of composure.
  137. >"N-no!" she stammered unconvincingly.
  138. >Photo gave a cool laugh before replying.
  139. >"Und now you vill tell me no? Ve had a clear agreement, und frankly I zhink you are long overdue for a good licking!"
  140. >"But! You can't!" Fluttershy ws bluhing furiously now.
  141. >Photo grabbed her tail with her left hoof, giving it a slow but firm tug up and out of the way.
  142. >Fluttershy could only squeak in reply.
  143. >"How do you zhink ve punish naughty fillies in my home of Germaneia? Obviously you could use more of zhat here in Ponyville!"
  144. >And with that proclamation, Photo brought the long ruler down on Fluttershy's flanks with a loud crack.
  145. >The shocking sting of her first spanking caught Fluttershy completely off guard, and she could only gasp loudly.
  146. >Her mind couldn't adequately process that sting, but it did seem to cut through the fog that had been swirling in her head.
  147. >Two more sharp licks in rapid succession caused her to cry out audibly and raise up on her front legs, her front hooves planted on the top of the desk.
  148. >Photo planted a hoof on her back and firmly pushed her back down.
  149. >"Struggling vill only earn you a harsher punishment."
  150. >Fluttershy opened her mouth to respond, but found no words willing to come out.
  151. >As Photo again lifted Fluttershy's tail and began to stripe her haunches in earnest, the yellow pegasus began to lose her composure.
  152. >She was crying aloud now with every stroke, and had almost immediately lost track of how many she had endured.
  153. >In her current position, as luck would have it, her nose was almost against the desk, and directly below it lay the mock-up test that Photo's designers had fashioned for the shoot.
  154. >The huge red D- filled up her vision, and she then noticed the splotchy teardrops all over the page, starting to run now with red ink.
  155. >She suddenly realized that her muzzle was wet with tears, her nose was undoubtedly running, and she feared that with each gasp and cry she was probably drooling in a most un-marelike fashion.
  156. >But her mind, through the pain, was strangely clear.
  157. >And all she could picture was the imagined scene, the scene she had constructed in her mind and replayed so many times, of Rainbow getting spanked with her own hairbrush by her stern but loving father.
  158. >When suddenly Photo's voice, hard and smooth as iron, rang through the picture.
  159. >"Do you recall now, Fluttershy, the price upon vhich ve agreed?"
  160. >Fluttershy could have sworn she spoke clearly, but then she heard her own voice trying to gasp out a halting "Y-y-yes!"
  161. >"Yes VHAT, young filly?"
  162. >"Yes, yes," she racked her brain before coming instinctively to it.
  163. >"Yes Ma'am!"
  164. >"Zhat is better. Und what is zhe price, miss?"
  165. >Fluttershy hesitated, and quickly learned not to do that again.
  166. >Several quick strokes landed on her upper thighs, just above the tops of her white socks, and she cried out with renewed fervor.
  167. >"My flank! My flank belongs to you!"
  168. >"You see how quickly you learn, mit just a bit of proper discipline."
  169. >Fluttershy's face was red enough to match her hindquarters, and she wasn't sure if it was because of the phenomenal sting there or the wetness she was suddenly aware of between her legs.
  170. >She pressed her thighs together all the more strongly to conceal the slickness of their inner surfaces.
  171. >Please, by Celestia, don't let Photo notice.
  172. >It took Fluttershy a moment to realize that the ruler had stopped coming down, perhaps because her rump and her thighs were still burning in earnest.
  173. >Her head fell to the desk and she lay there panting.
  174. >Only when Fluttershy found the strength to raise her head did she realize: the room was still filled with camera ponies, assistants, hairdressers, and others.
  175. >As realization dawned on her, her jaw dropped.
  176. >Noticing at once, Photo quipped, "Vhat? Ve never finished the shoot, und ve are in fact still having it. I never stop in zhe middle of a good one; it ruins zhe momentum."
  177. >Fluttershy's mind was reeling, but she still held onto that combination of sublime ease and excitement that she had felt when Photo suddenly took charge of her.
  178. >Before she could even think to respond, Photo continued.
  179. >"Now pick up zhose test pages and look here. As a matter of fact, I zhink zhis vil be our best shoot yet! Nopony has ever published somezhing so... avant-garde!"
  180. >Fluttershy, incapable of anything save obedience, held up the tear-stained D- and turned to face the cameras.
  181. >Mascara was running down her muzzle, her flank was on fire, and yet her heart felt inexplicably light and easy.
  182. >The cameras clicked and whirred.
  183. >There was no way, not in a thousand years, that Rainbow would EVER let her live this down.
  184. THE END

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