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True Meaning of Discipline by Ice

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:17:58
Updated: 2022-03-11 15:17:50
Expiry: Never

  1. True Meaning of Discipline by Ice
  2. (Celestia / Twilight Sparkle)
  3. paddle
  5. (26/10/2018)
  8. ---
  10. >"Twilight Sparkle!"
  11. >The steely note that shot her voice through froze the purple filly in her wild tracks
  12. >Princess Celestia rarely raised her voice
  13. >And she never yelled at Twilight
  14. >But that special tone she adopted to reprimand the little one was still fairly new to the filly, and more than enough to command immediate attention
  15. >To be fair, Twilight was very well behaved
  16. >And even when the rambunctious nature of youth started to get the better of her, her parents had always let her get away with just about anything she wanted
  17. >The puppy dog eyes always slayed 'em
  18. >Especially when combined with a little "You're not really gonna ground me, Daddy?"
  19. >"Oh, sweetheart... I mean... well, I guess you've learned your lesson, right?"
  20. >Worked every time
  21. >So Princess Celestia's new - and authoritative - reign over her came as something of a shock
  22. >While she tended to be demure and obedient by nature, she was still unaccustomed to somepony demanding that obedience of her, 24 hours a day
  23. >And now, as had happened a few times since her coming to live in Canterlot Palace, the stern eyes of her new governess rooted her to the floor
  24. >She noticed the liquescent golden aura about Celestia's long horn
  25. >Glancing behind her, she watched that same aura gently replace one of the reception hall's magnificent vases atop its marble pedestal
  26. >Yikes!
  27. >She had been so wrapped up in thought, she hadn't even noticed bumping into it in the midst of her frolicking
  28. >And that was saying something - if she hadn't even felt herself topple it from its rock-steady place of display
  29. >Testament to her excitement
  30. >After all, her parents had come to visit her at her new school today
  31. >It was the first time she had seen them in over a month
  32. >Even her big brother had managed to get out of his classes at his own new school for a couple of days
  33. >No small feat considering he had just started at Canterlot's Royal Military Academy, which was famously strict
  34. >So she of course had been bouncing off the walls since they arrived that morning
  35. >"I, I, oh P-Princess..." the little filly stammered
  36. >"Twilight Sparkle, that is the second piece of priceless art you've nearly destroyed this morning" came the reply, in a voice as cool and unyielding as granite
  37. >Oh right... there was that painting hanging in the parlor from earlier...
  38. >"I, I'm sorry! I just..."
  39. >The Princess reached out with one graceful hoof to take the little pony by the chin, raising her face to meet the royal gaze
  40. >Graceful, gentle, but firm
  41. >"I know that you are excited, Twilight, but that does not mean that the rules here - or my expectations - have been relaxed. I expect you to get hold of yourself, or I will be forced to teach you the true meaning of discipline here in the Palace."
  42. >The true meaning?
  43. >Up until now, Twilight had only gotten in real trouble a few times with her new teacher
  44. >And that had so far meant things like extra chores, or missing out on leisure activities, or - yuck! - writing lines
  45. >Oh how she hated writing lines
  46. >And as far as she was concerned, those all constituted some pretty severe discipline!
  47. >So this new threat - what in Equestria could it mean?
  48. >There wasn't any punishment worse than writing lines
  49. >Twilight's thoughts, racing around her head, were stopped cold by two sudden and simultaneous realizations
  50. >First, that Princess Celestia was waiting for an answer
  51. >And second, that all of this was happening right in front of her family!
  52. >In the sudden heat of the moment, she had completely forgotten that her parents and big brother had been right by her side when she took off running down the hall
  53. >But now that she remembered, she flushed a bright pink with embarrassment
  54. >For an instant she tried to turn to look back at them, before realizing that the Princess still held her firmly by the chin
  55. >Her eyes darted back and forth before finally meeting those of her teacher
  56. >And seeing the rare severity in those normally placid pools of magenta, immediately dropped in shame
  57. >"I- I'm sorry, Princess Celestia" she stammered, before adding a frantic "Please don't make me write lines!"
  58. >Disappointing the Princess was bad enough - she always felt awful when she got in trouble
  59. >But having this all play out in front of her family just added a new layer of embarassment to the whole ordeal
  60. >As for Twilight's family - her parents had been shooting nervous glances back and forth, while trying to keep their attention on the scene at the same time
  61. >Neither one of them had realized that the Princess could be so strict
  62. >And with their own precious little filly!
  63. >Night Light even gave his wife a questioning look for half a second, but the way she fervently shook her head - trying to keep the motion as subtle as possible - confirmed his gut instinct
  64. >Don't question the Princess
  65. >But really, what did Twilight blurt out about writing lines?
  66. >Wasn't that a terribly archaic punishment?
  67. >Sure, they had threatened to ground her a few times in her life - even the most well-behaved foals needed a show of authority now and again
  68. >But who ever actually followed through on it?
  69. >Shining Armor, on the other hoof, was obviously suppressing a snicker at his sister's predicament
  70. >His father, snapped out of his reverie by the sound of his son about to burst out laughing, went wide-eyed with horror
  71. >A gentle elbow and Shining, seeing the look on his father's face, managed to lock it down just as Celestia released her grip on Twilight Sparkle
  72. >The purple pony scurried over to her big brother's side, and for an instant he almost felt bad for laughing at her - almost
  73. >Retreating from the imposing shadow of authority into the comforting, protective one of her stalwart older brother, she felt reassured
  74. >It wasn't that she didn't like Princess Celestia - no way!
  75. >In fact, she was just about the best, nicest, most caring teacher ever
  76. >And to suggest that she wasn't comforting or protective would be downright untrue
  77. >It was just that... she still wasn't quite accustomed to this new style of "tough love"
  78. >And it was a little weird being away from home for so long
  79. >Away from her parents and her big brother
  80. >Away from her friends
  81. >Well okay, she never did hang out with the other foals at school that much
  82. >Where did anypony find the time, in between all the reading at school, and the books she brought home for homework, and the ones she read for fun after dinner, oh and reading just before bedtime
  83. >Besides, she had Shining Armor to play with whenever she wanted company
  84. >And he was the best big brother - not to mention best friend - anypony could ask for
  85. >So he was a lodestone for her, the point to which she was naturally drawn when she needed a rock in the stormy seas of life
  86. >Putting his arm around her, he pulled her close in a mock head-lock
  87. >"Cool your jets, little sis" he intoned calmly, with just the hint of a laugh at the edges of his voice
  88. >He snapped to attention abruptly, however, as the Princess stepped towards them
  89. >"Quite right, Shining Armor" she said warmly. "You should look to your older brother as a sterling example, Twilight."
  90. >The little filly stood up a little straighter with pride
  91. >Celestia was so wise!
  92. >And seeing her gentle smile again put Twilight at ease
  93. >Her parents relaxed as well, and soon they were all walking down the hall amiably once more, towards the cozy dining room reserved for less formal entertaining
  94. >The couple couldn't stop thanking the Princess for her kind words about their son, and of course for taking Twilight as her personal student as well
  95. >The purple filly was awash in a heady mix of pride at being Celestia's own student, joy at seeing her family, and excitement for the prospects that the future held
  96. >By the time they were entering the dining room, she felt like she could positively gallop laps around the place!
  97. >An hour later and Twilight was sitting alone in the small library that served as a private classroom for her lessons with Princess Celestia
  98. >Locked up, guilty, and awaiting sentencing
  99. >What in Equestria had gone wrong?!
  100. >Well...
  101. >Okay, she was pretty darn wound up just at the time they had to be sitting down to lunch
  102. >And the serving ponies were starting to annoy her, flitting around, setting out silverware and fussing with her napkin and such
  103. >While it may have been a "less formal" setting, that isn't saying a whole lot when you're eating at the Royal Palace
  104. >And the grown-up talk was soooo boring
  105. >And everything took soooooo long
  106. >And
  107. >And
  108. >...and maybe none of that was a good excuse for her... minor incident
  109. >Okay, small outburst
  110. >She let out a sigh of frustration as she laid her head down on her writing desk
  111. >Who was she kidding?
  112. >It was a downright tantrum
  113. >And what for? Because she hadn't liked the menu items that had been prepared for their lunch
  114. >Even the young filly, now that the heat of the moment was past, could recognize what a trivial thing that was
  115. >On top of that, it didn't even make any sense - she loved daffodil and daisy sandwiches!
  116. >No, she thought while trying to come up with something to tell Princess Celestia, there really was no excuse for her behavior
  117. >It was itself just an excuse - an excuse to act out all the day's frustrations
  118. >And speaking of the Princess - what in Equestria was she going to say to her?!
  119. >She had seemed really mad...
  120. >Not that she yelled or anything like that
  121. >But she had never sent Twilight to their little library like this before
  122. >To "wait for her punishment," as the Princess had pronounced in her icy voice of authority
  123. >Her parents looked aghast, and of course she was almost certain that Shining had dropped his face into his hoof just to hide a smile - the jerk!
  124. >But then, suddenly, the tell-tale sound of golden-shod hoofsteps on the cool marble of the hallway snapped her out of her self-pity
  125. >And right into panic
  126. >She jumped up and turned to face the door as it swung open smoothly, ready to launch into some kind of frantic defense - even if she didn't know what she would say
  127. >But fortunately, in a way, she didn't have to say much of anything
  128. >Because when she saw the look on the Princess' face - the disappointment in her beautiful magenta eyes - she really couldn't
  129. >And as she dropped onto her haunches with a thud, she realized that she had never noticed just how beautiful those eyes were
  130. >She felt the sting of tears, sudden and unbidden
  131. >"P-Princess I-I-I-," she stammered, but her stupid tongue just couldn't seem to get anywhere
  132. >As the door closed behind her, the Princess stepped up to the filly and, not breaking her slow stride, gently took her by the hoof and led her towards her little writing desk
  133. >Twilight stopped trying to speak then, and slipped unconsciously into the comfort of being led by her strong, wise, and loving teacher
  134. >As they reached the desk, she felt the Princess lifting her up subtly
  135. >"Put your hooves on the desk, Twilight" she intoned softly
  136. >As the little pony did as she was told, guided by Celestia's deft hooves until her torso was stretched over the desk - she dreamily reflected on how strange this seemed
  137. >This certainly wasn't the way the Princess had ever made her write her lines before
  138. >With the thought of those dreaded lines, Twilight came to just a bit, remembering with apprehension that she was supposed to be getting punished
  139. >"P-Princess" she tried to stutter again, looking up into her teacher's face
  140. >"You are my student, Twilight Sparkle, and- more than that still," Celestia interjected. "I promised you that I would teach you true discipline when you came to need it. It is my duty not to let you down."
  141. >With that, she produced a long, thin, wooden implement that had been tucked under one silky wing
  142. >Twilight squinted at it suspiciously - it was very odd indeed, like something that construction ponies used to stir paints, only obviously older and more finely crafted
  143. >"I haven't used this in a very long time, Twilight," she said with an almost wistful lilt
  144. >Putting one hoof firmly on the filly's back, she added "But you should know from your reading, that many years ago it was very commonplace for disobedient foals to be spanked."
  145. >WHAT?!
  146. >Okay, now was the time to panic after all
  147. >This had to be some kind of cruel joke
  148. >But deep down, she knew the Princess wouldn't joke about something like this...
  149. >She struggled in vain against the gentle but unyielding hoof holding her down, her hind hooves clip-clopping one after another on the library's hardwood floor
  150. >But when she felt the cool wooden paddle come to rest against her haunches, she finally found her voice
  151. >Kind of
  152. >"No no no I'm s-s-s-sorrrrrrry! I know I m-m-misbehaved and I s-s-shouldn't have and I was just acting up because I was sooooo bored and you know that I actually really like d-d-d-daffodil and daisy sandwichesssss!"
  153. >She bawled out the litany of her offenses, tears welling up again in her eyes
  154. >Celestia waited until she had stopped to pant rapidly before speaking up again
  155. >"You obviously know what you did wrong, Twilight, and so I won't belabor the point. You are a smart filly - I think you know also that you deserve this punishment."
  156. >"But, but!"
  157. >But she couldn't really say anything to counter that.
  158. >"Hush now, little one."
  159. >It only took the first loud crack against her tender flanks to send her back into a fit of bawling
  160. >The sting of the paddle was something totally new to her
  161. >New, and yet somehow almost familiar, something primal that she seemed to have known in some distant past life, that she had utterly forgotten and yet instantly recognized
  162. >In her head she was trying to apologize, argue, plead, anything to stop this from happening
  163. >But all her mouth would do was call out the Princess' name in stuttering gasps
  164. >The second stripe fell across her backside, and all she could focus on was her disobedience, her willful and foolish behavior at lunch, and then the spanking that was her due
  165. >Cause and effect
  166. >Like some law of nature that she had somehow failed to learn in all her studies, that books and theories failed to grasp
  167. >But that the paddle now burned into her like a brand
  168. >The third, fourth, fifth strokes and she was given up entirely, not trying to resist or defy this new law
  169. >She submitted herself in an unconscious way, deeper than waking thought, and she could do nothing but cry tears of contrition
  170. >She surely lost count beyond that
  171. >When three sudden, fast strokes licked across that softest part of her haunches, just above her thighs
  172. >And it took her a good while after that to actually realize that they had stopped
  173. >She had no clue how long she spent just laying across the desk sobbing, tears streaming down her muzzle
  174. >She slowly came to, breathing heavily
  175. >Suddenly she was scooped up, and Celestia carried her gently to the large, plush floor-level sofa where they often sat and read together
  176. >Setting the filly down, the Princess carefully wiped her face with one soft wing
  177. >"P-Princess," sniffled the little pony.
  178. >"I'm s-sorry-"
  179. >But Celestia hushed her gently
  180. >"You've taken your punishment. It is in the past now. Everything is forgiven."
  181. >The purple filly edged closer to her teacher, curling up beside her as Celestia wrapped a protective wing around her
  182. >The afternoon light streaming in through the stained glass of the library windows glittered in rainbows across the two ponies, vying admirably though in vain with Celestia's shimmering mane
  183. >Stroking Twilight's head softly, she added "You know, Twilight, how much I care for you."
  184. >The filly nodded eagerly, burying her face in Celestia's side as she did so
  185. >"I... love you too, Princess."
  186. >The mighty ruler looked down at the small foal with shining eyes, with a look that the little one never saw for pressing her face fervently into the white, downy fur of Celestia's neck
  187. >They lay like that for some time, Twilight oblivious to the ticking of the clock, feeling that she could stay there forever
  188. >But eventually Celestia tenderly prompted her
  189. >"Are you ready to return to the festivities, Twilight? I'm sure everypony is waiting for us."
  190. >It wasn't until they were walking down the hall and Twilight saw Ferrous and Stalwart, two of her very favorite Royal Guardstallions, coming towards them, that she realized with horror - her haunches were criss-crossed with blazing red stripes!
  191. >She immediately shrunk back, her tail trying desperately - but to no avail - to cover her flanks
  192. >"Twilight?" asked the Princess, gently taking hold of the filly's neck with a hoof and guiding her back to her side
  193. >The little pony was blushing furiously now
  194. >She was fearfully torn between objecting to the Princess - as she wanted to do - and obeying silently - as she knew she should
  195. >"Come now, my faithful student. There is nothing to be ashamed of."
  196. >Easy for her to say!
  197. >But oh, horror of horrors! The two stallions stopped short right in front of them
  198. >"Good afternoon Your Majesty!" they boomed in unison, dropping to one knee before quickly snapping back to attention
  199. >"And good afternoon to you, my little lady" added Stalwart
  200. >Twilight could barely stammer a hello before the two ponies clearly took notice of her embarassment, and then her backside - as it was practically glowing, it was hard not to
  201. >Plus, they recognized a freshly punished foal when they saw one
  202. >But Stalwart quickly gave a friendly laugh and patted her on the head
  203. >"Not to worry little lady, I've been there plenty of times in my day!"
  204. >Twilight looked up in obvious surprise
  205. >"Oh yes, how you think they train the new cadets at the Royal Military Academy?"
  206. >"You know," added Ferrous, "My drill instructor always told us we should bear our stripes with pride. They show submission, obedience, and that you've learned something important to boot!"'
  207. >Celestia smiled at him and noted, "A very wise instructor indeed"
  208. >After the two stallions saw them off and they continued down the hall, Twilight thought pretty hard about that one
  209. >When they met up with Twilight's family again, she felt a wave of embarassment washing over her anew
  210. >It didn't help that her parents' jaws dropped practically to the floor
  211. >But seeing them try to stammer to each other in fervent whispers while simultaneously trying to play it cool in front of the Princess was admittedly a little funny
  212. >Each time one would open their mouth to say something, the other would not-so-surreptitiously elbow their partner
  213. >Celestia herself couldn't suppress a half-smile as she asked them, "Is everything quite alright?"
  214. >She heard the Princess describing how "A little bit of discipline goes a long way" and how well Twilight was doing here at the Palace as the older ponies led the way towards the garden
  215. >Then Shining Armor sidled up to her snickering
  216. >Oh great
  217. >Here it comes
  218. >He grabbed her in a playful headlock and whispered excitedly, "Man little sis, you really got it good!"
  219. >"Okay okay Shining! Stop it..." she started to blush again
  220. >"Aw, hey..." his voice softened. "You shouldn't sweat it. I guess you're not used to it, because mom and dad were always so easy on us. But you should see what they threatened us with at the Academy!"
  221. >"Really?" Her eyes widened in curiosity
  222. >"Did you get it from your drill instructor?"
  223. >Shining seemed taken aback by the question for a split second, before laughing it off
  224. >"Hey now, I'm not getting into that! Come on we gotta keep up," he said loudly as he bounded ahead to catch up with the adults
  225. >"Wait for me!" came the reply, as Twilight trotted after him, being very careful to keep her exuberance within acceptable limits
  226. >When the five of them sat down for dinner that evening, Twilight was caught off guard
  227. >She gave an audible yelp as her haunches came down on the chair
  228. >Even the very plushy dining room chairs couldn't entirely save her sore, striped rear end
  229. >And finally, Shining Armor couldn't contain himself anymore
  230. >He burst out laughing
  231. >"Shining Armor!" his mother gasped
  232. >Both she and her husband looked downright mortified, for what felt like the hundredth time that day
  233. >"Okay okay, I'm sorry!" he snorted out as he got himself under control
  234. >And nopony else could have noticed the stealthy smile that Princess Celestia flashed at Twilight across the table
  235. >And the little filly couldn't suppress a big smile of her own as she felt a strange, but somehow appropriate feeling of - why yes, after all; it was pride

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