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Welcome to the Hive (Part I) by Ice

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:18:15
Updated: 2022-03-11 15:19:24
Expiry: Never

  1. Welcome to the Hive (Part I) by Ice
  2. (Chrysalis / Twilight)
  4. (08/01/2019)
  7. ---
  9. >Creeping through the dense vegetation, Twilight Sparkle could feel her heart pounding in her throat
  10. >No problem, she thought to herself
  11. >You’ve been in worse situations than this
  12. >Right?
  13. >Look, this isn’t the first time that the fate of all Equestria lay in your hooves
  14. >Nor the first time that you had to do this without Princess Celestia
  15. >But still…
  16. >This felt pretty darn bad
  17. >With Celestia, Cadance, and her own brother all locked up in the caves below Canterlot
  18. >And Chrysalis calling herself queen of Equestria
  19. >Everything rest with Princess Luna and the final legion of the Equestrian army in the north
  20. >And this ragtag bunch of rebels in this jungle
  21. >This awful, miserable jungle
  22. >Slicing through vines with her deft magic, Twilight tried to move as silently as possible
  23. >The constant cacophony of the local wildlife did wonders to throw off changeling scouts
  24. >Even if that same wildlife was downright hideous
  25. >Ugh, where was Fluttershy when you needed her?
  26. >No problem, remember
  27. >Get it together, Twilight
  28. >Get. It. Together!
  29. >Just as she got her breathing to approach a normal rhythm
  30. >Something let out a long hiss to her right
  31. >Nope
  32. >She bolted, crashing through ferns and branches in her haste to get away
  33. >There was no way in Equestria that she was letting a snake get anywhere near her
  34. >No matter what the alternative was
  35. >But after a scant few seconds of all-out panic, she started to think a little more rationally about that alternative
  36. >Okay
  37. >Calm down
  38. >Slowing to a trot, she ducked under a fallen log lying in her path
  39. >And peering out from under it, she saw it with a quick gasp
  40. >Her target
  41. >The reason she was out here in the first place, so far from base camp
  42. >The old station the Equestrian military had built during the early phase of the war
  43. >At that time, they had gone up all across the nation, to monitor each region and provide enhanced communications for the vast majority of ponies without extremely powerful magic or dragon sidekicks
  44. >Surveying it quickly, she smiled to see that the magical-crystal communications array appeared intact
  45. >Darting across the overgrown courtyard, she breathed a quick prayer to Celestia that no changelings were around to have heard her panicked dash of a moment ago
  46. >Inside, the halls and rooms were filled with banks of strange machines, magical energy conduits, and control panels studded with switches and dials
  47. >Everything had already begun to succumb to the force of entropy, with rust taking hold in the weak spots of the equipment and vines creeping into broken windows
  48. >Entering an inner room, she shuddered at the darkness even as the tip of her horn ignited in a soft white light
  49. >She had to get downstairs, to the boilers and steam engines that would power the station
  50. >When suddenly she heard a crashing sound as the main doors were slammed open
  51. >Heavy, careless hoofsteps filled the entryway
  52. >It sounded like dozens of ponies
  53. >Buzzing, panting, snarling ponies
  54. >Her eyes went wide with terror
  55. >This was bad
  56. >She pressed herself into a corner of the dark room and extinguished her light, trying to make herself as small as possible
  57. >The crashing moved closer as the changelings smashed machinery in one room after another
  58. >Twilight grabbed a small, globe-shaped bottle off her belt
  59. >Time to try out this potion, a little ahead of schedule
  60. >Oh how she hoped Zecora knew what she was doing
  61. >She gulped down the blue liquid in an instant
  62. >Okay, this would work
  63. >Although she really didn’t feel any different
  64. >But this had to work
  65. >Because if it didn’t…
  66. >No time to think about that!
  67. >The door burst open and several large changelings charged into the room, scanning with vicious glares of their glowing, darkness-adapted eyes
  68. >Twilight held her breath until her head felt like it would explode, when the nearest beast looked directly at her
  69. >And continued its sweep of the room
  70. >She exhaled with the greatest caution imaginable as a whole herd of the creatures poured into the room, changelings spreading out in all directions through the building
  71. >Zecora really did manage to brew up something that threw off the beasts’ strange senses, or maybe made a pony look just like a changeling to them
  72. >Twilight wasn’t really sure how it worked
  73. >Only that it did
  74. >Of course, she hadn’t doubted Zecora for an instant
  75. >Not an instant
  76. >This was perfect
  77. >Well, except for the fact that this station was now changeling property
  78. >They would have to devise some other way to coordinate with Luna and her forces
  79. >But at least Twilight was home free
  80. >She would just trot right through this horde and creep her way back to base
  81. >She began to sidle towards the door, changelings all around her
  82. >When she sensed a shift in the atmosphere
  83. >She could barely see in the darkness
  84. >Just wicked eyes flashing green here and there
  85. >But the chittering, clicking tide of chitin and fangs seemed to grow denser
  86. >Yes, she was sure of it – and she could make out the silhouette of a particularly large creature coming through the door, surrounded closely by changelings
  87. >They seemed to hang off the larger one, fighting amongst themselves to be closest to it
  88. >This was strange… something new
  89. >Something to note in her studies of these creatures
  90. >Unless… a chill shot through her body
  91. >“Oh no!” she hissed under her breath before she could stop herself
  92. >“Oh, yes!” came the reply in Chrysalis’ alien strains, light with a cruel laughing tone
  93. >And in a split second the changelings all around her pounced
  94. >Whether Zecora’s spell was undone, or Chrysalis somehow forced her minions’ bodies to move like puppets, Twilight wasn’t sure
  95. >No time to wonder
  96. >The dark room lit up with coruscating magenta lightning, changelings flung in every direction as Twilight cleared a circle of free space around her
  97. >Her horn flashed a second time, ready to teleport
  98. >When she was blinded by a sickly green light
  99. >She was flung against the wall before crumpling into a heap on the cold steel floor
  100. >Every muscle in her body aching as she shakily tried to stand
  101. >The second wave of changelings came with vicious fervor as her horn crackled, her magic seemingly suppressed by Chrysalis’ own
  102. >She cried out in equal parts pain and frustration as they fell on her, one sinking its long fangs into the scruff of her neck as it dragged her back to the floor
  103. >Pinned down, pierced, her magic failing her… her body shook with impotent rage
  104. >Her vision blurred with tears as she saw Chrysalis stepping toward her, a low and evil laugh reverberating through her skull
  105. >The first time the herd of changelings tried to drag Twilight along with them, she defied them fiercely
  106. >Mustering what strength she had left, she planted her hooves in the ground and refused to move
  107. >With a magic suppressing ring around her horn and shackles on her legs, she still had her will
  108. >“I don’t care how you threaten me Chrysalis! I’m not playing along!”
  109. >Her defiance swelled up in her breast
  110. >“No matter what kind of… things… you do, you’ll never win! You’ll never beat Princess Celestia, because she’s the most powerful, the best… um, princess, ever! And you’re just a big… evil… bad guy!”
  111. >That had definitely sounded better in her head
  112. >And Chrysalis really wasn’t supposed to laugh such a smug, spiteful laugh in response
  113. >Yanking Twilight’s gaze up to meet her own with a hard, razor-edged hoof under her chin, she smiled
  114. >The purple pony couldn’t remember ever seeing a smile that held so little of warmth or kindness
  115. >Nor so much of cruelty or malice
  116. >“Oh, I think you’ll play along, my little pony”
  117. >“And to think – Celestia’s most prized student! How she would love to see what I will do with you!”
  118. >Twilight’s ears flattened in fierce anger
  119. >“You evil – ”
  120. >What began as a bellow was cut short as Chrysalis leveled a sudden, stinging slap across the unicorn’s face
  121. >The tears that sprang to her eyes were more of embarrassed surprise than of pain
  122. >Dropping her gaze to the ground, she could feel a subtle warmth spread across one side of her muzzle
  123. >Had she been looking, she would have seen Chrysalis’ dagger-like canines exposed even further as her smile grew
  124. >But now she couldn’t focus, now she could only feel all her doubts and fears suddenly tighten into a hard knot in the middle of her stomach
  125. >“Oh yes, you will play along”
  126. >“And if it takes a little more motivation to keep you moving – all the more fun for me!”
  127. >That caught Twilight’s attention
  128. >”W-what do you mean?” she managed to stammer out
  129. >Her head snapped towards Chrysalis, to follow her as she moved away
  130. >Toward one of the countless tropical plants surrounding them
  131. >A flash of green, and with her magic Chrysalis broke off a long, slender, springy branch from the tree
  132. >The glowing aura flickered down the length of the branch, stripping the remaining leaves from it in an instant
  133. >The changeling queen turned back towards Twilight, taking the switch in one hoof
  134. >Her face alight with an eager grin
  135. >Seeing the switch – recognizing it, despite her refusal to admit it – stirred something inside the purple pony
  136. >Something buried in her memory
  137. >A feeling of rainbow-colored lights
  138. >A little library where she could read for hours on end
  139. >And she shuddered as Chrysalis’ voice forced its way in, echoed through her moment’s reverie
  140. >“I had thought that Celestia had taught you better how to submit to your superiors”
  141. >Shuddered at the irreverence, at the lack of understanding in those words
  142. >“But it is no matter – we will see to that”
  143. >Her reflections broken by the two changelings that suddenly took her roughly by the shoulders, forced her head down to the ground
  144. >Finally she managed a weak protest
  145. >“No!”
  146. >“How delightfully cliché” cooed the slithery voice in her ear – did it come from Chrysalis or the beast pinning her down?
  147. >The last of her defiance, her struggle, was now in her hind legs
  148. >Refusing to yield
  149. >And thus presenting an ample view of her haunches, raised high in the air
  150. >Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew what was going on
  151. >What was coming
  152. >But she refused to acknowledge – to believe – it
  153. >That was something that never happened anymore
  154. >And moreover – that was something that only Princess Celestia could do to her
  155. >That was another universe, another lifetime away
  156. >And yet…
  157. >“Oh yes, you know too well the price for this kind of insolent behavior little filly”
  158. >Voices blurring together in her head
  159. >As something stirred within, as she began to see through her own fantasies, and the strength to resist flared up anew
  160. >When the switch suddenly cut across her haunches like a red-hot brand
  161. >She gasped with shock, her nascent focus shattering once more into a kaleidoscope of scenes, feelings, and reminiscences
  162. >And the sudden sting burning a line across both flanks
  163. >When a second and third stroke landed in rapid succession, she cried out before clamping her jaw shut tight
  164. >Torn between crying for forgiveness, and holding her silence in rebellion – which was the right course of action?
  165. >What was she supposed to do again?
  166. >She lost that train of thought quickly as stripe after stripe licked across her backside
  167. >She felt her face burning bright with shame even as her flanks felt like they were burning themselves
  168. >Instinctively, she tried to bring her tail down to cover her rear
  169. >Only to feel it immediately yanked up sharply, lifting her behind even higher as the switch continued its work
  170. >She was gasping and grunting through clenched teeth now, barely in control
  171. >Each snorting exhalation sending up a small cloud of dust and dirt as her face was held firmly against the earth
  172. >Her face, smeared now with her own muddy tears
  173. >Filthy enough to match the shame of her own disobedience, she thought frantically
  174. >When she suddenly realized that the onslaught had ended
  175. >The changelings holding her down abruptly jerked her up to stand on shaky legs
  176. >Chrysalis sneered at her with a pleased look
  177. >“Do you think you can obey now? At least for the time being, surely?”
  178. >Before she could respond, one of the creatures grabbed her by the head and roughly forced a bit into her mouth, fastening the straps tight
  179. >The other beast took the attached reins and tugged her forward
  180. >She hesitated for less than a second – really, it had to be!
  181. >When the switch whipped once more against her flank
  182. >With a muffled cry, she began to trot as the herd resumed its steady crawl in the direction of the hive
  183. >And she really wasn’t sure whether that wicked laughter was echoing through the jungle, or just reverberating in her mind

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