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Filly Twilight's Bad Touch by kangaroomerang

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:20:23
Updated: 2022-03-11 15:51:10
Expiry: Never

  1. Filly Twilight's Bad Touch by kangaroomerang
  2. (Velvet / Twily)
  3. F/f, hoof, wooden spoon, otk, genital spanking, non-consensual
  5. (05/07/2014)
  8. ---
  10. >Be Shining Armor
  11. >Dad still hasn't come home from work yet, but mom has plenty of household work to go around for you and your little sister
  12. >Mom was in one of her moods, shouting at you to clean up the kitchen and put away the dishes
  13. "I mean it, Shining," she'd snapped. "You and your sister are both on thin ice, so don't push me."
  14. >Shutting the silverware drawer with a bang, you walk into the living room to see if there are any empty glasses that need washing
  15. >Your sister is lying on her belly in the center of the room, a thick dictionary open in front of her
  16. "You'd better get moving on your chores, Twily," you warn. "I'm not doing them for you. BBBFF or not."
  17. >Twilight jerks her head in your direction when she hears your voice, swiping a hoof across the book to flip a bunch of random pages
  18. "What were you looking up?" you smirk. Even though your sister was still a blank flank, you'd noticed that she'd suddenly taken up an interest in more adult matters. Well, what a little filly might think of as adult, anyway. "That dictionary must be pretty fascinating, huh?"
  19. "I like to study words," she shoots back, sticking her tongue out at you. "What's wrong with that?"
  20. >But you knew the real reason why your sister had suddenly taken up an interest in the dictionary, since she'd creased the binding on the book by opening it to the same page again and again
  21. >It was a page in the S section
  22. >The page for "spanking"
  23. >You weren't too surprised, since you remembered doing something similar when you were her age
  24. >To be fair, when you're that young, reading a word like that is the closest thing you can get to reading one of those dirty magazines with stallions and mares
  25. >You can still remember the definition: "to strike (usually a foal, filly, or colt) with a flat hoof, a paddle, etc., especially on the buttocks, as in punishment"
  26. "Whatever you say, Twily," you answer as you turn back towards the kitchen. "Don't say I didn't warn you."
  28. >In the kitchen you levitate stacks of plates into the cupboard and look around for more work to be done
  29. >Suddenly you hear your mother's voice from the next room
  30. "TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" comes her angry cry. "Just what in Equestria do you think you're doing?!"
  31. >You stride over to the living room and stop just inside the entryway
  32. >The dictionary is on the floor, cover closed, and Twily is standing above it with one hoof near each corner as if she can guard her secret with her body
  33. "M-mama I didn't..." she squeaks.
  34. "Don't you DARE try that with me, little filly," spits mom, lowering her head and advancing on her trembling, much smaller daughter. "I know EXACTLY what you were up to."
  35. "B-but I was...I was studying for class--"
  36. "Twilight Sparkle," mom hisses, her face inches from her daughter's snout. "There are RULES for proper behavior in this house. And you just went way, WAY over the line."
  37. >Neither of them have noticed you, and you wonder if you should back away slowly and escape the blast radius of your mom's wrath
  38. "Mama, I was just studying, and that's--"
  39. "I SAW what you were doing, Twilight," mom growls. "Do you think I'm stupid? Is that what you think?"
  40. >Twilight starts to unconsciously sink to her knees, prostrating herself io the face of mom's fury
  41. "N-no mama, I was just--"
  42. "You were just going to climb across my knees?" mom interrupts. "Because you're getting spanked for this, Twilight Sparkle."
  44. >Twily sinks to the floor, tears welling in her eyes as the beginning of a sob causes her lower lip to tremble
  45. "Get up," warns mom. "Get up or I'm pulling you."
  46. >Twily sits there miserably, making a high-pitched sound as tears start to spill down her cheeks
  47. "That's how you want it? Fine." Mom squeezes Twily's ear in a magic grip, striding over to the couch with her captive in tow. "You are going to learn a lesson, Twilight Sparkle."
  48. >Caught helplessly in the glow of mom's firm pinch, Twily is dragged forward by her ear, hooves scraping the floor
  49. >Mom sits on the couch, shifts her hold from Twily's ear to her midsection, and plops her daughter down over her knees
  50. >She yanks Twily's tail and pins it out of the way, then brings her hoof down on her daughter's unprotected bottom with a SMACK
  51. "Ooowwww!" shrieks Twilight, kicking her rear hooves like she's practicing for the rodeo. "Mommeee!"
  52. >Mom doesn't let up at all, bringing her hoof down with a practiced SMACK SMACK SMACK that covers Twily's tiny little bottom with a steady, merciless rhythm
  53. >From where you're standing you can see it all: your little sister's bare bottom, no tail to modestly hide it, and the angry pink glow that's already rising through her natural purple coloration
  54. "You were naughty, Twilight Sparkle," mom says, in between the steady rain of SMACK SMACK SMACK. "What you were doing was very naughty."
  56. "Mommeeeee," wails Twily, thrashing back and forth and causing her neatly-brushed mane to fly out of place. "I didn't, I--"
  57. "Oh, so you're a liar now, Twilight? Or are you calling ME a liar?" Mom tightens her grip around Twily's middle and increases the intensity of the SMACKS delivered by her hoof. "Which is it?"
  58. >Twily only wails in response, the latest flurry of spanks proving too much for her vocal cords to handle
  59. >As you continue to take in the spectacle, your mom looks over and sees you standing there
  60. >Oh shit
  61. >The last thing you want is to catch your mom's attention when she's in a spanking mood
  62. >But instead of snapping at you, she gives you a slight smile and returns to her sobbing, squirming victim
  63. "Shining knows better than to do that naughty thing, Twilight. He knows it's not allowed in this house. Isn't that right Shining?"
  64. >Both your mom and your sister turn their heads your way, your mom wearing a smirk and Twily wearing a look of pained desperation
  65. "Um, I..." you stammer, incredibly self-conscious now that both pairs of eyes are fixed on you. "That's...that's right."
  66. "There, you see Twilight?" your mom gloats. "Even your brother thinks you deserve this spanking. And he's going to stay here and witness every smack."
  68. >Your mouth goes dry as she continues her assault on Twily's bare bottom
  69. >Each SMACK sends a shudder through Twily's little body as she throws her head back and wails
  70. "Oh, you don't like that, Twilight?" your mom says mockingly. "You think you deserve more privacy?"
  71. >Twily doesn't answer, just lets out a huc-huc-huc of a choking sob
  72. "Well you just think what could have happened if Shining had walked into this room when you were doing THAT," she says, keeping up the SMACK of her spanking pace. "You just think how much privacy you would have had if your BROTHER had seen you with BOTH HOOVES BETWEEN YOUR LEGS."
  73. >Twily lets out a ragged screech of defeated shame, knowing that her mom had just dragged her secret out into the open
  74. "That's right, it's embarrassing to think about, isn't it?" Mom punctuates her comment with another barrage of firm slaps. "It's embarrassing because it's NAUGHTY. And you are NOT allowed to do it again. EVER."
  75. >Twilight sinks bonelessly across her mom's knees, the fight gone from her body as she dissolves into teary, snot-nosed sobs of shame
  76. >Mom looks approvingly at her broken daughter, and gives her blazing red bottom a few light taps
  77. >Turning her head, she locks eyes with you
  78. "There now, I think we're ready," she says. "Shining, dear, please go into the kitchen and bring me a wooden spoon."
  80. >You nod dumbly and head into the kitchen, turning away from Twily as she lets out a fresh howl of outrage
  81. >Because you'd just put away the clean dishes you had plenty of wooden spoons to choose from
  82. >Your mom actually did use wooden spoons for cooking, but since she also had a habit of breaking them over the asses of her two children there were always at least a half-dozen in the utensil jar at any time
  83. >Picking up a thick, flat, long-handled wooden spoon in your magic aura, you turn and head back into the living room
  84. >Mom's magic grasps it firmly and plucks it from your hold, bringing the weapon close to Twily's bare bottom
  85. "I know you don't want this, Twilight Sparkle," she begins. "But you DESERVE this."
  86. >You start to breathe heavily, but Twily can only whimper
  87. "Touching your private parts with your hooves," mom says, making a tsk-tsk sound. "That's dirty, and bad. Are you a dirty, bad little filly, Twilight Sparkle?"
  88. "N-no mommy, I--eeeEEEEEEE!"
  89. >Grasping the wooden spoon with her magic, Mom brings the implement swinging down on her daughter's right buttock, leaving the imprint of a scarlet oval behind
  90. "Did you think you weren't going to get caught?" mom snaps, whacking the spoon against her daughter's left cheek. "Did you think I'd allow this to continue?"
  91. >Twily sobs and howls at a rapid pace, almost out of breath as mom alternates the WHACK of the spoon from cheek to cheek
  92. "Or have you been getting away with it for so long that you forgot there might actually be consequences?"
  94. >The steady WHACK of the spoon looks like its beginning to raise bruises on Twily's bare bottom
  95. "Is that it, Twilight?" says mom. "Have you been doing this filthy thing for a long time?"
  96. >Her sobs ragged, and her rapid, shallow breaths blowing and sucking runny snot through her nose, Twily isn't in a position to respond to any questions
  97. >Mom doesn't care
  98. "Didn't you hear what I asked you, Twilight Sparkle?" she growls, whacking the spoon down even harder. "How long have you been secretly PLAYING WITH YOURSELF?"
  99. "I...I...I..." Twily begins. "Mama I haven't, I've never..."
  100. "Well I don't believe THAT for a second," mom says, letting out a sharp, humorless laugh. "But if you still thick it's a good idea to lie to your mother, it's my job as a parent to teach you otherwise."
  101. >Mom puts her hoof on Twily's rear legs and forces them apart
  102. "I'm sorry you have to witness this, Shining Armor," she begins. "And I'm sorry that you think it's okay to lie to your mother, Twilight Sparkle."
  103. >From her position across mom's knees Twily reflexively clamps her legs back together, before mom firmly forces them open again
  104. "You leave those legs exactly where they are, you dirty filly," mom warns. "I have no way of knowing exactly how long you've been touching yourself for pleasure, but the fact that you thought it was okay to do it in the middle of the living room tells me you've been shaming yourself for quite a while."
  106. >Twily whimpers, her thighs twitching
  107. "And I am going to make sure this is the LAST time I ever have to punish you for this."
  108. >From your position you have a full view of everything between your sister's legs
  109. >Her tiny little butthole
  110. >And the slit of her girly private parts, slightly pulled open by her outstretched legs
  111. >You knew what girls looked like down there, of course, but this was the first time you'd ever seen anything like it this close
  112. >As your eyes drink in the sight, you notice your mom bringing the wooden spoon to a vertical position so that the flat, rounded part is hanging straight down
  113. "Twilight Sparkle," she says, "this will be a lesson you're never going to forget."
  114. >Magically gripping the spoon at the top of the handle, mom lowers it between Twily's legs
  115. >Wait, she can't mean...
  116. >Is she actually going to...
  117. "IIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Twily's shriek could shatter glass, and she bucks against your mom's hold as the wooden spoon withdraws from the spot where it made an angry SMACK directly on top of Twily's private little slit. "NO MOMMY! NO MOMMY! NO MOMMY!"
  118. "That's enough out of you, Twilight Sparkle," your mom shoots back. "You're getting ten whacks, right down there, and if you close your legs I'm starting over."
  120. >WHACK
  121. >WHACK
  122. >WHACK
  123. >The spoon hits Twily's most sensitive spot three more times as she roars in pain
  124. >WHACK
  125. >WHACK
  126. >WHACK
  127. >Three more, and mom withdraws the spoon for a closer inspection
  128. "You're getting very red and swollen down there, Twilight," she announces. "Isn't that right, Shining?"
  129. "Um, I..." you stammer, not wanting to be drawn into this any more than you have to. "Y-yes?"
  130. >Twily turns her head as if to verify that you're really there
  131. >Seeing you, and knowing that you've witnessed the exposure and chastisement of her most intimate parts, causes her to break out in fresh tears
  132. "Three more, Twilight," says mom. "Keep those legs open."
  133. >WHACK
  134. "Embarrassing, isn't it Twilight? Imagine how embarrassing it was for me to walk in on my daughter bucking her hips wildly over her front hooves."
  135. >WHACK
  136. "It hurts, doesn't it Twilight? It hurts a hundred times more than getting it on your bare bottom. If you think this part of your body is a source of secret pleasure, you need to learn it can be a source of pain too."
  137. >WHACK
  138. "Pain and shame, Twilight Sparkle. That's what you earned yourself with your little living room adventure. When you do something like that where anyone can see you, don't be surprised when you get punished in front of an audience."
  140. >Twily lays, trembling, across mom's lap, her legs still spread wide and her privates looking red and inflamed
  141. "You're lucky your father wasn't home or he'd have been standing here watching your punishment too. And you bet your bottom I'll be telling him all about this as soon as he gets home. Whether he gives you the belt on top of everything else is his decision."
  142. >Twilight's back shudders with her sobs and you can see a dark spot on the floor where a puddle of drool spilled from her open mouth
  143. >Suddenly your mom straightens her legs and dumps Twily onto the floor where she curls up into a ball
  144. "Shining Armor, please pick up your sister and take her upstairs," mom orders. "She's confined to her room for the rest of the night. No dinner, no nothing."
  145. >You nod obediently as you envelop Twily in your magic aura, lifting her off the floor as she continues her quiet sobbing
  146. >Levitating your sister up the stairs, you nose the door to her bedroom open and deposit her gently on top of her covers
  147. >Twily stretches out and buries her face in the pillows, keeping her tail up over her back to help the heat radiate away from her blazing scarlet bottom
  148. >She's keeping her back legs spread too, probably to avoid applying any additional pressure to her reddened, swollen slit
  150. >Standing over Twily, you can see the oval marks from mom's wooden spoon that will soon darken into bruises on her fat little bottom
  151. >And between her legs--with her thighs spread like that and the puffy swelling raised by mom's targeted beating--you can get a peek at her inner folds
  152. >You exhale through your nostrils a little too forcefully
  153. >Twily lifts her tear-streaked face from the pillows and looks at you
  154. "Get out!" she blubbers. "Just get out!"
  155. >You back away quickly, nearly tripping over your own hooves
  156. "Um, right, sure Twily," you stammer. "S-sorry."
  158. >Crossing the hallway you enter your own bedroom and close the door, securing the lock with a click
  159. >Colts and fillies playing with themselves might not be allowed in this house, but so far mom and dad had always respected the privacy of a locked door
  160. >Landing heavily on your bed, you allow your boner to spring to full attention and get comfortable on your back
  161. >Touching the glistening bead of pre-cum already forming at the tip of your dick, you spread the wetness down the length of your shaft and begin stroking
  162. >You know there's no way Twily is going to stop touching herself, not really, and not for long
  163. >She's just going to have to be a lot more careful about it from now on
  164. >You imagine yourself bursting into her bedroom a couple weeks from now and catching her in the act
  165. >How she'd beg you not to tell mom and dad what she was doing
  166. >And how you'd agree to keep it a secret--but only if...
  167. >Only if she agreed to finish what she started and bring herself to climax
  168. >Right in front of you, right there while you watched
  169. "Twilight Sparkle," you moan to yourself, mimicking the no-nonsense tone of your mom's discipline voice as you increase the pace of your strokes. "You have been a dirty, bad little filly..."
  171. END

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