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Naughty Little Twilight 1 by kangaroomerang

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:20:50
Updated: 2022-03-20 18:02:34
Expiry: Never

  1. Naughty Little Twilight 1 by kangaroomerang
  2. (Velvet / Twilight)
  3. F/F, hairbrush, otk, non-consensual
  5. (28/03/2014)
  8. ---
  10. >Be Cheerilee
  11. >Head to Twilight's tree library to return a book
  12. >As you approach the front door you hear an angry voice
  13. "Now obey your mother unless you want an additional spanking from me once she's done!"
  14. >Step inside
  15. >An older mare is sitting on the edge of the tree-stump table in the center of the room
  16. >An older stallion is standing near her and glaring down at Twilight
  17. >And the great Twilight Sparkle is cowering on the floor like a frightened filly
  18. "Oh, hello," the mare says. "I'm Twilight Velvet, little Twily's mom. This is my husband, Night Light."
  19. "Nice to meet you," you say. "I'm just here to return a book. But I can go if..."
  20. "Not at all," Twilight Velvet answers. "Take your time. We just have something we need to take care of with Twily and it might get a little noisy. I hope WE don't disturb YOU!"
  21. >You laugh and turn away, pretending to scan the bookshelves but secretly watching out of the corner of your eye
  22. "Now Twily, I think we've wasted enough time," Twilight Velvet says in a scolding tone. "Didn't you hear what your father said?"
  23. >Twilight lets out a little whimper; you can tell she's acutely embarrassed by you being in the library
  24. "Twilight Sparkle, I have had it up to here with you," her mom continues, her voice growing cold. "If you can't take your punishment like a big girl, then you're going to take it like a foal."
  25. >A glow of magic coalesces around Twilight's ear, then abruptly tightens
  26. >Twilight yelps in pain as the magic pinches and twists, then she howls as she's yanked to her feet with a firm tug
  27. "Okay okay I'm sorry mom I'll get over your--"
  28. "It's too late for that Twily. You should know better."
  29. >Keeping a magical grip on her daughter's ear, Twilight Velvet drags Twilight across the floor and over to her right side
  30. >Shifting her magic grip to grasp the base of the tail, Twilight Velvet hauls her daughter into the air and lets her hooves dangle helplessly for a moment before plopping her down across her lap
  31. "Ow ow ow owwwww" gasps Twilight, throwing one hoof back to massage her wrenched tail
  32. "Keep those hooves forward, Twily," warns her father. "This is your own fault."
  33. >Using magic, Twilight's mom lifts her daughter's tail out of the way, laying it across her back and pinning it beneath her left hoof
  34. >You can imagine the view between Twilight's legs right now -- unfortunately you're standing where you can only see Twilight's face
  35. >Maybe you could circle around to the other side of the library and see Twilight's treasures spread wide open, but you can't believe you've gotten this far and decide not to press your luck
  36. "You might not live in our home, Twilight Sparkle," lectures her mom, "but we are your mother and your father. We will continue to punish you WHENEVER you need correction. I don't care where you live or how old you get. Is that clear?"
  37. >Twilight stays silent
  38. >WHACK! Her mother brings the hairbrush down with her right hoof, smacking Twilight's exposed flank
  39. "Yes!" Twilight cries.
  40. "Yes, what?" her mom says warningly, bringing the brush down with another WHACK.
  41. "Yes, it's clear!" Twilight answers, suppressing a scream of pain.
  43. "That's not the right answer, Twily," says Twilight Velvet, raising her voice to be heard over the smacking echo of her polished hairbrush. "You know better. You're a big girl. Yes -- WHAT?"
  44. >She pauses her assault on Twilight's bottom, waiting
  45. "Yes...mommy" Twilight answers in a tiny whisper
  47. "I CAN'T HEAR YOU, LITTLE GIRL!" her mom growls.
  49. "Yes ma-- yes ma-- yes momEEEEEEE!" Twilight screams, as her mother keeps up a brutally fast pace with the hairbrush.
  51. >You can't see the damage from your angle, but you're positive Twilight's butt is getting bruised and blistered from the way her mom is swinging that brush
  52. >You can see Twilight's face, and she winces and squeezes her eyes shut as she endures her childish shaming
  53. "I hope you're comfortable, Twily," her mom announces grimly. "Because we're just getting started."
  54. >FUCK, was that a twinge between your legs?
  55. >Goddamn, why is this turning you on so much?
  56. >I mean, you've paddled fillies and colts in the schoolroom before and that's always been...well, fun
  57. >But Twilight is a full-grown mare, and she's being reduced to a naughty little child and you're watching it happen and...
  58. >FUCK
  59. >You slowly back up towards the wall behind you, while inconspicuously raising your tail
  60. >Your fat flank makes contact with the cool, polished wood of the library wall, your tail tucked well out of the way
  61. >You continue backing up until your ass squashes flat, and your warm, wet vag rubs up against the smooth surface of the wood
  62. >Oh god, that feels so good
  63. >Thank god nobody noticed
  64. "Is this getting through to you, little Twily?" says Twilight Velvet firmly. "You needed a good hard hairbrushing to learn your lesson, just like you always do?"
  66. "Ow ow ow owwwwAAAaahh!" Twilight shrieks, throwing her head up toward the ceiling.
  67. "Is it beginning to sink in, Twily?" her mother asks, her voice challenging.
  69. "Ow ow aaaahaaahaaa yessss" Twilight chokes out, then seems to catch herself just in time. "Yes MOMMY!" she corrects, with a shout.
  70. >You start rubbing your hindquarters against the wall, up and down, up and down, just like you do sometimes in the schoolroom when you think no one will know
  71. >They're not looking in your direction anyway, it's like they forgot you were even here
  72. >Fuck, look at that -- Twilight's eyes are glistening with tears, she's going to start bawling any second
  73. >You grind a little faster, staring at those brimming wet eyes as they flinch with each full-force smack, and admiring how Twilight's mane is so messy and out of place as it falls into her perfect face, that gorgeous face
  74. >Twilight raises her head and locks eyes with you
  75. >Oh FUCK, she sees me
  76. >You stop grinding, but don't back away from the wall
  77. >Twilight narrows her gaze but doesn't break eye contact, and her look of death can only mean one thing: Get the hell out of here and leave me alone
  78. >You instantly feel ashamed -- humiliated by what you were doing, and self-conscious that you're intruding in what should be a private moment
  79. >But her parents told you to stay, didn't they?
  80. >At this point leaving suddenly would be even more awkward than just staying put
  81. "How many times, Twily?" her mom continues. "How many times have we told you to send us letters, twice a week?"
  83. "B-but mommy, I sent a d-double length letter because I thought if I--"
  84. >CRACK! Twilight Velvet brings the hairbrush down as hard as she can
  85. >You flinch
  86. >Twilight jerks her head back and howls
  87. "Is that what we agreed to, Twily? Is it?"
  89. "N-no momeeeee! I'm soreeEEEEE!"
  90. >As her mom picks up the pace, you can tell Twilight is at her limit
  91. >She's gasping, her breath ragged
  92. >Her cheeks are reddening and silent tears have begun to spill from her eyes, leaving two wet tracks
  93. >Twilight glares at you with hatred again, and for a moment you feel genuine fear
  94. >Then her mom raises her hoof up toward the ceiling and swings the brush down, SMACKING her daughter harder than ever before
  95. >She does the same thing again, and again, and again
  97. >Twilight isn't looking at you any more, she's not looking at anything
  98. >She's thrashing around on her mother's lap trying desperately to escape the stinging smacks of that wicked hairbrush
  100. "I'm sorry too sweetheart, but it's too late for apologies," says Night Light. "You've earned this spanking, and now you're getting it."
  101. >Her last hope of mercy now closed off, Twilight sags on her mother's lap and allows herself to sob in defeat
  102. "Whaaa haaa haaa haaa" Twilight cries, squeezing her eyes shut and causing fresh tears to leak down her cheeks and drip onto the floor. "Aaah haaa haaa haaaaaa..."
  103. >Twilight's body convulses with chest-heaving sobs as her mom continues smacking her bare bottom
  104. >Seeing Twilight as a broken little filly, you no longer feel scared
  105. >On the contrary -- looking at that messy mane, that tear-streaked face, that snot bubble at the end of her muzzle, that spray of spittle she lets loose with every full-throated cry...
  106. >Why were you afraid of perfect little Twilight Sparkle?
  107. >Underneath it all, Twilight Sparkle has never been anything more than a naughty little filly looking for attention
  108. >And now mommy's giving her that attention, right on Twilight's bare bottom
  109. >Without even realizing it you start rubbing your throbbing vag against the smooth wall again, up and down
  110. >You're going to enjoy this, dammit, Twilight Sparkle be damned
  111. "Are you starting to get the message, Twily?" her mother asks, not letting up at all with the hairbrush.
  113. "aaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaa" sobs Twilight, unable to do anything any more but cry like a helpless little foal.
  114. >You lean even harder against the wall and increase the pace of your grinding
  115. >Fuck, just the thought of reducing her to that state, of completely breaking her like that, of having that much power over someone like Twilight Sparkle
  116. >You close your eyes halfway and start breathing shallowly
  117. "You're a bad little filly, Twilight Sparkle!" her mother scolds. "A very BAD--"
  118. >WHACK
  119. "LITTLE--"
  120. >WHACK
  121. "FILLY!"
  123. >Oh Celestia this is going to kill you, you swear it's going to kill you
  124. >You're pushing into the wall so hard it feels like you're going to collapse the library's foundations
  125. "LOOK at me when I'm talking to you, young lady!" Twilight Velvet says between clenched teeth, using her magic to yank on her daughter's sore ear and wrench Twilight's head in her direction
  126. "Do you know that you were bad?" she says in a childish tone.
  127. >Twilight can only nod, her lower jaw trembling
  128. "Do you know that you deserve this spanking?"
  129. >Twilight nods again, dumbly
  130. "And now, little girl," her mom continues, "I'm going to make sure you never forget it."
  131. >She shoves Twilight's face down toward the floor with her left hoof and raises the brush with her right
  133. >That's it, it's too much
  134. >The rapid pace of your grinding slows down as you switch to powerful, body-shaking rearward thrusts
  135. >Your eyelids flicker and your vision blurs
  137. >Twilight Sparkle, bad little Twilight Sparkle, getting a bare-bottomed spanking from mommy such a naughty filly what a naughty naughty bad little--
  139. >Your whole body convulses and time seems to stand still as your blood roars in your ears
  140. >You bite your lower lip and try to keep your head from thrashing from side to side as you ride out the mind-blowing pulses of a monster orgasm
  141. >Finally, completely spent, you raise your gaze -- hoping to Celestia they're not all staring at you, mouths wide open
  142. >Lucky you
  143. "And I hope you've learned your lesson, you bad girl!" Twilight Velvet brings down the hairbrush with one final WHACK, then uses a magic shove to dump her naughty daughter to the library floor
  144. >In that moment you notice something
  145. >Twilight Velvet and Night Light haven't looked in your direction since the spanking started
  146. >But Twilight is looking right at you
  147. >Her eyes burn into yours, looking out with cold fury from behind her disheveled mane
  148. >It's a look of pure hatred
  149. >In that look, you know that she saw you orgasm
  150. >She knows that you didn't step in to save her, and instead you took pleasure in her pain
  151. >In that look, you don't see how you can ever be friends again
  152. >Only one thing to do
  153. "Well I returned my book, so I really should be going," you announce. "It was lovely meeting you, Twilight Velvet. And you too, Night Light."
  154. >Both older ponies break out in smiles
  155. "It was wonderful to meet you too!" gushes Twilight Velvet, completely ignoring her daughter lying at her feet, sniffling pitifully. "And please forgive my manners. I didn't even get your name!"
  156. "I'm Miss Cheerilee," you offer. "I teach at Ponyville Elementary."
  157. "Well, of course," Twilight Velvet says with a grin. "You're used to spankings. Just another day on the job, right?"
  158. >Here's your chance
  159. "You're not that far off!" you laugh. "In fact, as an educator I'm impressed by how hands-on you two are when it comes to discipline! It's a rare quality among parents these days, and that's a real shame."
  160. >Twilight Velvet and Night Light look at each other warmly, clearly flattered
  161. >Meanwhile Twilight Sparkle glares at you from her position on the floor, silently seething
  162. "How many days will you be here in Ponyville?" you ask Twilight's parents.
  163. "Five more days," answers Night Light.
  164. "It might be a long time before you see little Twily again, so I trust you'll pack in as much discipline as possible before you return to Canterlot," you suggest.
  165. >They look at each other
  166. "In fact, I was just reading in an educational journal about the fact that physical discipline has tremendous long-term benefits on individual achievement," you say.
  167. >Twilight's mouth drops open in shock, but you've got to keep this moving
  168. "And as mentioned, I am a professional educator," you offer. "I regularly use corporal punishment in my classroom. And, if you don't have other plans tomorrow, maybe you could bring little Twily by the schoolhouse? After hours?"
  169. >Twilight Velvet nods her head, eyes wide at the possibilities
  170. >You move in to close the deal
  171. "In my classroom I have a wide variety of rulers and yardsticks," you say. "As well as a hard wooden paddle I use to spank naughty fillies and colts on their bare bottoms in front of the entire class. And I believe I overheard you scolding Twilight about not sending letters? Once we give her a paddling, that's the perfect opportunity to sit her bruised bottom down at one of the school desks, and make her write out all the letters she's missed so far, with a ruler whack on her hooves if she slows down. All under my supervision as a professional educator, of course. "
  172. >Twilight Velvet beams
  173. "Well I for one would be pleased as punch to have the help of Ponyville's resident educator in teaching our daughter to stay on the straight and narrow," she gushes. "I'm so glad you came by, Miss Cheerilee! Let's plan on dinner tomorrow? Followed by a couple hours at the schoolhouse to thoroughly punish little Twily?"
  174. "Agreed," you answer with a smile. "Twilight Velvet, Night Light, it's been a pleasure. I'll see you tomorrow night."
  175. >You step toward the door, then turn around
  176. "And I'll see you tomorrow too, little Twily!" you say in a babyish singsong
  177. >Her parents chuckle, but the look Twilight shoots you is pure venom
  178. >Doesn't matter
  179. >You saw how Twilight was reduced to a blubbering baby under her mother's firm hoof
  180. >Yeah, you've got her number
  181. >Especially now that you're tight with her mom and dad
  182. >You don't need to worry about repairing your friendship with Twilight
  183. >You're not her friend any more
  184. >You're an authority figure
  185. >And you know just how to make her crumble
  186. >You flash "Twily" one final smile before you stroll out the library door, hips swaying, your vag still moist and getting even wetter thinking about tomorrow night
  187. >Your ass is mine, Twilight Sparkle
  188. >Your ass is mine

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