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Zap Apple Retribution by kangaroomerang

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:21:32
Updated: 2022-03-11 15:56:38
Expiry: Never

  1. Zap Apple Retribution by kangaroomerang
  2. (Filthy Rich / DT)
  3. M/f, hoof, hairbrush, non-consensual
  5. (26/01/2014)
  8. ---
  10. Embarrassing. The whole incident had been a disgrace. Diamond Tiara had mocked Granny Smith to her face and been horrible to her granddaughter. You'd tried to save face for the Rich family by dressing her in the bunny ears and forcing her to participate in the zap apple ritual, but she'd loudly complained the entire time and generally made quite a spectacle of herself.
  12. You loved Diamond with all your heart, but growing up with privilege was starting to make her arrogant. You weren't like this when you were her age. You respected ponies who worked hard for their money like the Apples. But every time you tried to instill your values in Diamond she seemed to learn the wrong lesson.
  14. "Ugh, can I take off these stupid ears already, daddy?" You look down at your daughter, trotting alongside you as you both make your way home from Sweet Apple Acres. You hadn't said a word to her since you left. Your embarrassment over her behavior had turned into quiet anger. "Diamond Tiara, you will leave those on until I tell you otherwise," you snap. The bunny ears were an important part of Granny Smith's ritual and if Diamond found them embarrassing, then she'd just have to learn to live with them a little while longer.
  16. "Whatever," she grumbles, bringing one hoof up to her head. You shoot her a glare. "I mean it, young lady," you warn.
  18. She snorts and rolls her eyes. "Yeah, right." In one motion she sweeps the bunny ears off her head onto the ground. She tramples them with her hooves and grinds them into the soft ground. "As if."
  20. You stand still in shock, watching as your daughter walks on ahead without you, her tail swishing arrogantly from side to side. It was time you admitted to yourself that she wasn't just going through a difficult phase. Your daughter was turning into a spoiled little brat. And there was only one way to get through to a naughty girl like that.
  22. You let Diamond Tiara walk ahead of you all the way home. Let her think she's in charge for the next ten minutes. It all ends today.
  24. When you finally arrive at the house, Diamond Tiara is strolling out of the kitchen eating the last bits of a cupcake. She flashes you a fake smile as she heads for the door. "Bye daddy!" she calls.
  26. You kick with your back hoof and force the door shut with a slam. "Where do you think you're going, little filly?" Diamond sighs loudly. "Um, I'm going OUT with Silver Spoon, I don't know why I have to keep TELLING you this..." She looks at you with an arched eyebrow, expecting you to move away from the door.
  28. You bring your head down to her level and glare at her. "Diamond Dazzle Tiara, I am talking and you are going to listen." Your muzzles are practically touching. "Your behavior at Sweet Apple Acres was unacceptable. Your refusal to obey my instructions was inexcusable. I am your father and you are still a filly. Your behavior is going to change, starting today."
  30. Diamond Tiara looks more amused than frightened. "Yeah okay okay, I'm sorry daddy. Sorry about the ears thing. Can I go now? I've really got someplace I need to be."
  32. You stretch up to your full height and glare down at her. "That someplace you need to be is your bedroom. When I closed that door just now, it wasn't just to keep you from going out. It was to give the two of us some privacy and to prevent the noise from your punishment from being heard all over Ponyville. You are going to march up to your bedroom and prepare yourself for a spanking, just like a naughty little filly."
  34. Diamond Tiara didn't look amused any more. "Um, wait. Wait just a second."
  36. "If you're not in your bedroom in the punishment position by the time I count to ten you're getting horse-whipped. One. Two. Three."
  38. Diamond Tiara scrambled backward, her hooves scraping the floor, then stood there for a moment staring at you in shock.
  40. "Four. Five."
  42. She turned and galloped up the stairs.
  44. You let a half-hour go by, hoping the extra time will give Diamond Tiara the opportunity to think about her attitude and why you needed to do this. She DID seem a little frightened when she ran up the stairs, and a spanking is really the kind of punishment best reserved for foals. Maybe give her a few whacks with your hoof to show her you weren't kidding, then take away her allowance for a week.
  46. Arriving at the top of the stairs, you notice Diamond Tiara shut her door. Maybe she's been crying, you think. You open the door quietly, ready to hug your little girl and remind her that you still love her.
  48. "And so I totally stepped on the stupid ears and wrecked them," comes Diamond's voice from inside the room. You look around the door to see your daughter leaning out her window, balancing her tummy on the windowsill as she talks to someone below. Her rear hooves dangle in the air. "Yeah I know. It'll just be a little longer and then we can go."
  50. You close the distance to the window in two long strides. You grab Diamond's tail and yank it straight up, pulling her even further off the ground. You bring your other hoof down on her plump little flank with a SMACK.
  52. "OUCH! DADDY!" Diamond Tiara turns her head and looks at you with rage in her eyes. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" You say nothing, bringing your hoof down hard onto her other cheek. "You have been a naughty little filly and this is the last straw. This latest stunt has earned you one HELL of a spanking."
  54. "DADDY! STOP IT!" Still angry, Diamond is starting to show the shimmery, glistening eyes that mean tears are on their way. You continue whacking her bottom. She looks out the widow again, then looks back at you, desperately. You realize that the pony she was talking to is probably still there, listening to the sounds and watching Diamond's reactions.
  56. "Embarrassed about giving your friend a show? If you can take your spanking like a big filly it might not be so bad. But if you start bawling like a little foal, then I guess your friend will see you for what you really are."
  58. Yanking your daughter's tail roughly, you haul her bottom into the air and whack her even harder. Diamond Tiara's body is now shaking with quiet sobs.
  60. "Of course, this part is just the warm-up. You have a hairbrush in your dresser, don't you sweetheart?"
  62. Diamond Tiara finally broke out in full-throated sobs. "WAAAAAAAA HAAAAAHAAAA DADDYYYYYY..."
  64. You let go of Diamond Tiara's tail and she slumps backward, resting her weight on the floor. Her head and front hooves still protrude through the window. You stomp over to your daughter's dresser and slide open the top drawer, removing a flat-backed, oval-shaped, polished wooden hairbrush. You used to pull Diamond Tiara over your knees and paddle her with this when she was just a foal, but it's been years since it was used for anything except brushing hair.
  66. Striding back to the window, you thrust the hairbrush in your daughter's face. "You see this? This is what I'm going to spank you with. Because of what you did today, you're going to get spanked with a hairbrush on your bare flank like a naughty little filly. I hope you're proud of yourself."
  68. Diamond Tiara looks up at you, tears flowing freely from her eyes and snot trickling from her nose. She's a mess. She doesn't say anything, just shakes her head "no" and moves her eyes sideways, toward the outside.
  70. You lean forward and see a little pony standing on the grass outside your window. When she sees you she darts behind a bush, then peeks her head out fearfully.
  72. "Hello Silver Spoon, it's good to see you," you call. "You don't need to be afraid. Diamond has been bad and she's earned herself a very severe punishment. I'm afraid she won't be able to go anywhere with you when this is over, but you're welcome to stay and watch. This is what happens to bad little fillies in the Rich household." You hear Diamond let out a low moan.
  74. Yanking your daughter's tail straight in the air, you send the hairbrush swinging down in a powerful arc, smacking her cheeks with a noise that sounds like a whip crack. Diamond's entire body tenses up and she lets out a guttural roar. It's like nothing you've heard from her before.
  78. You bring the hairbrush down on her flank again and again, as Diamond Tiara howls.
  82. It's not enough. You've fallen for it too many times. She knows you love her and has used that love to play you for a fool. You're her father. She is your daughter. And she will learn to listen.
  84. Diamond Tiara's flank cheeks are glowing red. She's no longer trying to keep quiet. Sobbing loudly, she screams after every whack of the brush. Her mane is disheveled and she's no longer wearing her tiara. She probably shook it loose during one of her violent shakes, sending it tumbling out the window to land on the grass outside.
  86. "Am I getting through to you, Diamond Tiara? Do I have to get the whip?"
  90. "Do you know your behavior today at Sweet Apple Acres was completely unacceptable? Do you know that you were acting like a spoiled rotten little filly?"
  94. "Do you know that you were a naughty little filly today?"
  96. "Yes, I--"
  98. "Say it!"
  100. "I was a naughty little filly today!"
  102. "And naughty little fillies get paddled on their bare flanks, don't they?"
  104. "...yes..."
  106. "SAY IT!"
  108. "Naughty little fillies get paddled on their bare flanks!!!"
  110. "That's better." You bring the hairbrush down again and again. Your daughter has a deep red coloration that will take several days to fade, but you think she deserves more than that. She deserves to go to school with a bruised flank, something that won't fade for at least a week and will make her wince every time she sits down at her desk. She deserves to have Granny Smith's granddaughter see her humiliation and be reassured by the fact that naughty behavior is not tolerated in the Rich household.
  112. You bring the hairbrush down hard, again and again in the same spot. Diamond Tiara lets out a high-pitched, sustained scream. You hit the same spot as hard as you can at least 20 times in a row, knowing it will raise an angry purple bruise. Then you turn your attention to the other cheek.
  114. Diamond Tiara's whole body goes rigid as you deliver the final flurry of smacks. When you finally stop she goes as limp as a rag doll, collapsing against the window frame and letting loose a torrent of desolate sobs. After a moment she falls over onto her side, then curls up and hides her face in her hooves.
  116. Her flank is dark red from the base of her tail to the tops of her knees, and the two spots you paid extra attention to are already starting to turn purple.
  118. You drop the hairbrush onto her bed. "Diamond Tiara, you deserved that spanking. You deserved every whack. I am tired of your manipulative little games, and this is what will happen the next time you try to pull something like what you pulled today."
  120. Diamond Tiara whimpers from her position on the floor.
  122. "And if I get a bad report from Miss Cheerilee at school, or if I hear from one of the parents around town that you're making trouble for one of your classmates, you'll find yourself in this same position. The days of doing whatever you want are over, Diamond Tiara. And if you push me, next time you'll get the horse whip."
  124. You take a few tissues from the nightstand and hand them to your daughter, whose face is a tear-streaked, snot-nosed mess. Walking to the window, you stick your head outside. Silver Spoon, looking guilty and lost, meets your gaze.
  126. "Silver Spoon? You can go home now," you say. "Diamond Tiara's spanking is over and she's going to be grounded for the next two weeks. I see you found her tiara, so if you can give it to her at school tomorrow I'm sure she would appreciate it."
  128. Silver Spoon gives a little nod. It's clear she's not sure what to think.
  130. "The other fillies are going to tease her. Diamond Tiara has a very red, very bruised flank. You're a good friend to her, Silver Spoon. Please look out for my little girl."
  132. Closing the window, you lean down and collect Diamond Tiara in your front hooves, depositing her on her bed. You pull the covers over her shaking body and give her a little kiss on the head.
  134. "Good night, my angel. I love you."

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