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Act of Kindness by KrishnaKarnak

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:22:47
Updated: 2022-03-13 16:08:02
Expiry: Never

  1. Act of Kindness by KrishnaKarnak
  2. (Fluttershy / Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle)
  3. F/f, hairbrush, otk, corner, non-consensual
  5. (18/07/2014)
  8. ---
  10. >“Are you girls alright?” Fluttershy asked, worried.
  11. >“Yeah, fine!” Scootaloo answered first, breathing a sigh of relief.
  12. >“Thanks to that stare of yours!” Sweetie added, grinning.
  13. >“You're like the QUEEN of stares!” Scootaloo continued. “You're the...”
  14. >“STARE MASTER!” All three fillies exploded.
  15. Fluttershy was taken aback by their enthusiasm. Clearly, they weren't really afraid of what happened with the cockatrice. Chances were that the Crusaders believed this was but a thrilling adventure.
  16. >“We're sorry we snuck out of the house and into the forest,” Sweetie Belle said, apologizing.
  17. >“Yeah, we'll listen to you from now on.”
  18. >“We promise.”
  19. Fluttershy shook her head.
  20. >“Oh, you DO, do you? Well, you better, or I'll give you... the STARE!”
  21. The trio started to giggle, but stopped abruptly when Fluttershy spoke up again, suddenly very stern.
  22. >“Well, march yourselves back to my cottage, please. We have business to take care of.”
  23. >“Uh... what?” Scootaloo questioned.
  24. >“Maybe... maybe we should listen to her?” Apple Bloom suggested quickly.
  25. The other two fillies exchanged awkward glances but they joined Apple Bloom in following Fluttershy out of the forest.
  26. Freed from her stony prison, Twilight Sparkle, confused, continued on her way to Zecora's.
  27. Fifteen minutes later, Fluttershy emerged from the forest with the fillies, the chicken Elizabeak following closely behind.
  28. >“Inside, girls,” Fluttershy instructed. “Capes off.”
  29. They obeyed her without incident.
  30. Fluttershy shut the chicken back into its pen and returned to the cottage.
  31. She found the Crusaders sitting in her living room, Angel Bunny looking imperiously at them all.
  32. She immediately ordered, albeit politely, all three of them to a different corner of the room.
  33. Angel Bunny's eyes widened and he disappeared from sight.
  35. Feeling very apprehensive now, the girls debated in silence with one another before Apple Bloom moved obediently to a corner; Sweetie Belle was next; Scootaloo hesitated.
  36. >“Fl-Fluttershy... we're all pretty sorry. Can we just go to be—”
  37. >“Hush, now,” Fluttershy said, moving forward and giving Scootaloo a pat on her backside to get her moving.
  38. Scootaloo's heart started racing, wondering if Fluttershy was planning what she thought she was planning.
  39. >“Now, you naughty little fillies wait right there.”
  40. And she left the room.
  41. >“Would she... you know?” Sweetie mused nervously.
  42. >“Naw,” Apple Bloom said quickly. “Fluttershy's too nice fer that. Applejack don't think she'd ever do anythin' to anypony. This is jes' revenge for us running off!”
  43. >“Hope so...”
  44. They heard Fluttershy's hooves not long after. Sweetie Belle gave a squeak of fear when she chanced a glance.
  45. >“Now, now, you girls should know corner time means no moving. I know Rarity gives you corner time herself, after all, so you may go first, Sweetie Belle.”
  46. >“No, no!” she begged, but to no avail.
  47. Fluttershy laid the hairbrush she had with her next to a blue wooden straight backed chair, much like the table the trio had destroyed earlier, and fluttered to the unicorn filly.
  48. She picked her up and warned the other two not to move or talk. Swooping back to the chair, Sweetie Belle was taken over her knee.
  49. She pinned the tail against the unicorn's back.
  50. >“Please, please!” Sweetie Belle begged, close to tears.
  51. >“Naughty fillies who get into danger get sore bottoms,” Fluttershy reminded her smartly, picking up the brush. “I would never want to hurt such sweet little fillies, but it is my responsibility tonight!”
  52. >“Please, Fluttershy! Don't span-aaah!”
  53. Fluttershy had started.
  55. One, two three, four firm smacks to Sweetie Belle's rump was enough to elicit several shrieks of pain from her.
  56. Fluttershy, filled with determination to protect the girls in her charge, would not be holding back.
  57. The hairbrush danced back and forth across those white cheeks, which bounced and jiggled with every hit.
  58. Sweetie Belle started to howl, kicking her back hooves.
  59. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were cringing in their respective corners, trying not to imagine what Sweetie Belle's backside must look like.
  60. Trying even harder not to imagine how much the brush is going to hurt their own tushies.
  61. After a solid minute of paddling, Fluttershy lifted a bawling Sweetie off her lap and told her to return to her corner and wait.
  62. >“Scootaloo, you next.”
  63. The defiant orange pegasus shook her head back and forth, not taking it out of the corner.
  64. Sweetie, meanwhile, stood on her hind legs and had both front hooves clasped against her aching, pink rear, sobbing softly.
  65. Scootaloo's tail twitched and her wings quivered with fear.
  66. A firm tug on her ear was enough to get her hooves moving, though.
  67. Fluttershy marched the smaller pegasus to the blue chair and took a seat again.
  68. Scootaloo fought hard as she was positioned and had her tail pinned, trying desperately to buzz her wings.
  69. The echoing crack, crack, crack of wood against the little daredevil's toned fanny soon filled the cottage.
  70. Scootaloo kicked and writhed worse than Sweetie Belle, but Fluttershy was equal to the resistance.
  71. Back and forth she went, crashing that hairbrush down against those defiant cheeks, starting to turn them a pale pink.
  72. The confident and tough Scootaloo was soon reduced to a blubbering wreck under Fluttershy's surprisingly effective hoof and the brush it held.
  74. >“Fl-Fl-Fluttershyyy! I'm s-sorry! Pl-please stop! STOOOP!”
  75. Scootaloo had earned a few extra swats to her sensitive undercurves for her earlier refusal to 'listen to Fluttershy from now on'.
  76. >“Back to your corner, Scootaloo. Please try and do as I say from now on...” Fluttershy sent her on her way with another swat to the rear end.
  77. Apple Bloom's turn.
  78. The farm pony knew better than to try and worm her way out of a fanny tanning.
  79. Apple Bloom moved to her, trembling all over, and climbed onto Fluttershy's lap, feeling her tail get swept over her back.
  80. Tap, tap, tap.
  81. Apple Bloom shut her eyes tight, willing herself not to break down too easily.
  82. Soon, the brush was beating its tattoo against her hinny and she twitched her tail uselessly, banging her legs against the edge of the chair.
  83. Fluttershy held her securely and continued raining hard smacks all over the yellow bottom.
  84. Not even half way through and Apple Bloom felt a tear squeeze from her eye and run down her cheek.
  85. It didn't take very long and she started to sob just like the others.
  86. Again and again Fluttershy cracked the brush against the rump across her knees.
  87. >“Ooow! Ah'm sorry! Waaa-aaa-aaah! It huuurts!”
  88. >“It's a punishment, you silly filly… a spanked little tush is supposed to hurt.”
  89. After a minute, Apple Bloom, too, was told to go stand in the corner.
  90. Scootaloo was still rubbing her bum, the earth pony soon joining her.
  91. >“There we go, girls...” Fluttershy said sweetly, holding the brush to her chest and sighing with satisfaction, observing the three shiny, pink backsides smiling back at her. “Off to bed.”
  92. This babysitting thing isn't too hard, she decided.

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