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Bad Apples 1 by KrishnaKarnak

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:23:36
Updated: 2022-03-20 18:55:30
Expiry: Never

  1. Bad Apples 1 by KrishnaKarnak
  2. (Applejack / Babs, Apple Bloom)
  3. F/f, hairbrush, otk, corner, shipping, non-consensual
  5. ---
  7. “Cutie Mark Crusader [i]MARATHON RUNNERS![/i]” Apple Bloom roared with her two best friends, laughing. “Yaaay!”
  9. “Y-yeah...” Babs Seed gasped. “No thanks! I ain't exactly in da marathon runna shape, y'see!”
  11. Apple Bloom gave a giggle and slowed down to a trot, allowing Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle to pull ahead of them. “Well, that's no good, then! We've already tried this one ourselves,” she explained as her slightly plumper cousin caught up, panting. “We should probably get goin' anyways! The sun's goin' down.”
  13. “Darn!” Scootaloo sighed, galloping back to them. “Well, I may as well go back [i]home.[/i]” She sounded bitter. Bloom knew why, of course. And she was sure all parties involved would understand why as well, including their newest Cutie Mark Crusader.
  15. “I'll get going, too. I'm staying with Rarity tonight and she gets like a little foal when I'm late. Later, chums!” Sweetie Belle declaimed with distinction, sprinting off, her red and golden cape flapping behind her.
  17. “Don't worry about it, Scoots...” Apple Bloom spoke in a reassuring voice. “Yer gonna be adopted soon, I'm sure of it!”
  19. “Fat chance,” Scootaloo sighed, but seemed uninterested in pursuing the subject further. “Anyways, see you two tomorrow! 'Round noon at the clubhouse?”
  21. “Yeah, totes!” Babs grinned, giving her a wave.
  23. As Scootaloo departed, Apple Bloom turned to trot gently down the road side by side with her cousin. Although Babs Seed had spent most of her time in Ponyville as a bully to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, it was only when they saved her from their own trap that she realized how far her actions had gone. Apple Bloom and her friends had offered her their friendship again and they had resolved to start afresh, enjoying their first evening as a team of four, rather than three.
  25. “When's ya curfew?” Babs asked Apple Bloom as they passed the post office tower. “It's almost nine.”
  27. “Aaah, horseapples!” Bloom groaned, stamping her hooves and turning to look horrified at the clock on the tower herself. “Applejack doesn't let me stay out longer than eight! [i]Great[/i]...” She sighed heavily, a cold empty feeling dripping down into her stomach. “She warned me I might get grounded next time I got home late! C'mon, we've gotta hurry!”
  29. “Oh, brotha...” Babs sighed as Apple Bloom began to gallop. “[i]I hate runnin'![/i]”
  31. [hr]
  33. The journey to Sweet Apple Acres was certainly a quick one. Not wanting to miss out on her first [i]full[/i] day with Babs Seed as a new friend, Apple Bloom tore towards the farm as fast as her legs could carry her, her cousin panting and gasping in her wake. Maybe she could talk her sister out of grounding her? Yeah, Bloom thought, that would totally work, especially since Applejack was so happy that the fillies had all worked out their differences.
  35. Her hooves made rapid pats on the gravel path as she galloped toward the farmhouse and up the front steps. She dawdled by the door as the city filly caught up, wheezing. Babs Seed rolled her eyes in exasperation when Apple Bloom giggled. Twisting the doorknob, Bloom pushed her front door open.
  37. “Yer late, AB!” Applejack barked the moment the girls crossed the threshold of the porch and into the hallway. “What sorta time do y'all call this?”
  39. Apple Bloom was panting, trying to catch her breath. “I'm sorry, Sis, I lost track of the ti—”
  41. “Don'tcha remember me tellin' ya that ya’ll were to be home by [i]six?[/i]” Applejack demanded, frowning at her little sister.
  43. “I-I... I forgot!” Apple Bloom said truthfully.
  45. It was true, her sister had told her to be home a lot earlier than usual. Applejack had told her after the meeting in the clubhouse where she and her friends inducted Babs Seed into the Cutie Mark Crusaders. She had simply forgotten the details as they all lost themselves in the excitement of fresh attempts at cutie marks.
  47. Babs Seed had remained completely silent, looking distinctly awkward. She took off her Crusader cape as though it was a cursed object at that moment and Apple Bloom reached out for it, deciding to take them upstairs to her room.
  49. “I'll take these upstairs, wanna grab us some juice?” Apple Bloom asked her cousin, turning to the staircase.
  51. “Uh, sure, I guess I could do dat...” Babs fretted uncertainly, throwing the still scowling Applejack an uneasy look.
  53. Apple Bloom climbed the stairs, panting softly, and approached her bedroom door. The hallway was dim with all the doors closed. She knew Granny Smith was usually asleep by this hour, but it seemed her brother Big Macintosh was in bed as well. Pushing the door to her room open, she wondered if he would be working the fields early tomorrow.
  55. She tossed the capes onto her dresser and yawned, looking longingly at her unkempt bed. She was awfully tired of sleeping on the floor, maybe Babs would share the bed now that they were friends? She was looking forward to a nice cup of juice right about now, falling asleep while giggling and joking around with her cousin. It was going to be awesome, she thought!
  57. As she happily walked back down the steps, she saw Babs Seed coming up. Babs held out a cup of apple juice for her and jerked her head back down the stairs.
  59. “Applejack sed she wants a word with yas,” Babs explained, taking a gulp of her own juice. “She just told me to go get ready fa bed, so I'm thinkin' she wants us in bed right away. I mentioned da meetin' tomorrow and she sed you could go.”
  61. “Ha!” Apple Bloom bragged with a laugh, sipping her juice and rejoicing as the cool, refreshing liquid coated her aching and dry throat. “That's awesome! I'll see ya in a bit, 'kay?”
  63. Apple Bloom reached the ground floor, finishing off her juice, walking into hallway. She could see the fire lit in the living room, but decided to drop off her cup before speaking to her sister. Carefully avoiding the sleeping Winona on the floor, Bloom reached the kitchen to lay the empty cup in the sink. She gave a start when she turned around to see Applejack standing behind her.
  65. “Sis...” Applejack said softly and Bloom was surprised to see that her sister was looking a little upset. “I ain't very impressed with ya today. Yer gonna be goin' straight to bed, but there's summat we gotta take care of first...”
  67. Apple Bloom suddenly felt a surge of unease. What did she mean, something they had to take care of first? Babs Seed said she wasn't grounded, didn't she? That meant Applejack wasn't angry with her, right? Rack her brain as she might, she didn't have the faintest idea what her sister was on about, so she remained quiet.
  69. “Yer to go up to my bedroom and wait for me,” Applejack explained, causing Bloom to feel spasms of horror. “I'll be up in ten minutes once I'm done cleanin' up the living room. We need to have a... a talk, okay?”
  71. “S-Sis... please, I didn't mean to be late, honest!” Apple Bloom pleaded, terrified that she was going to be punished for something as minor as this. After all, why else was she being sent to [i]Applejack's[/i] room?
  73. “It's about yer little stunt at the parade, Apple Bloom. Now march yer flanks upstairs, missy!” Applejack clicked her tongue. “My bedroom.”
  75. Applejack's stern expression softened for the briefest of moments before she turned away from the filly. Apple Bloom watched her walk away into the living room, anxiety flooding her. Well, she definitely knew why Applejack sent Babs Seed to her bedroom, she thought sadly. Apple Bloom was going to get a spanking and her sister wouldn't want her cousin to see it.
  77. Apple Bloom made her way up the stairs and into her sister's bedroom, slowly ambling over to the bed without closing the door and sitting on the edge of it. As the tears welled up in her eyes at the upcoming prospect of a sore backside, she heard heavy hoof-falls outside of the room and felt the panic building in her chest. [i]Applejack ain't comin' up already, is she?[/i], Bloom wondered, terrified.
  79. “B-Babs?” Bloom choked as she saw her cousin peer into the room, relief spreading through her.
  81. “Cus, what da hey you cryin' about? What're yas doin's in Applejack's room?” Babs asked, cocking one of her eyebrows as she strolled over to the bed, sitting down next to her.
  83. “B-Babs! I think I'm gonna get spanked!” Apple Bloom wailed softly, burying her face into her hooves.
  85. “[i]What?[/i]” Babs asked sharply, throwing an arm around her. “Why?”
  87. “B-because of w-what we almost did t-to you...” Bloom sobbed as her cousin stroked her mane.
  89. “Aww, dat ain't fair...” Babs Seed said with an empathic look. “Look, Cus, dry dem tears, a'ight? I'ma go down and talk to her, okay? Dis whole ting was my fault... I'll tell her... [i]everything.[/i] Takin' the clubhouse from you, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, stealin' ya food, scarin' you, everything... I'd rather I got grounded or somethin' than ya got spanked, all because'a me...”
  91. “I wish I was ten, like you... you're too old to get spanked, right?” Apple Bloom asked meekly, calming down as she started to put faith into Babs' plan.
  93. “Uh...” Babs said evasively. “ N-not exactly... but, anyways, I'm gonna go down now. Be back in a bit, Cus.”
  95. Apple Bloom nodded as her cousin closed the door behind her. With a heavy sigh, she threw herself back on the bed and dried her eyes. [i]Maybe this won't be so bad?[/i] She was very grateful that Babs was willing to take the fall for everything, though. Applejack wouldn't spank Babs Seed, because Babs was their cousin. She was sure of it.
  97. As the minutes crept by, she was starting to relax, almost growing a little sleepy. She still had that small sense of dread, but it was diminishing with each passing minute. She stretched out on Applejack's bed with two hooves behind her head, one leg crossed over the other, and her eyes fixed on the ceiling, humming softly to herself. Maybe, just maybe, [i]Babs wouldn't even get grounded?[/i] Apple Bloom grinned at the idea. Babs had two days left to go before she went home, so surely Applejack would just realize that there was no real point to punish either of them? Yeah, smooth sailing from here on out!
  99. The bedroom door opened and she sat up straight, scrambling to the side of the bed, anxiously awaiting the good news. Babs walked into the room, blowing her rose-and-pink coloured hair out of her eyes.
  101. “What'd she say?” Apple Bloom asked, perched on the edge of the bed.
  103. “Nothin' doin', Apple Bloom,” Babs sighed. “I'm sawwy... I tolds her da truth, dat it was all me, but she started talkin' 'bout consequences 'n' junk. She said she'll be talkin' to yas when she comes up...”
  105. “In other words...” Apple Bloom groaned, feeling her eyes water again as the dreadful feeling returned. “I'm definitely gettin' it!”
  107. “I'm sawwy, Cus, I tried! But Applejack told me to go waits in your room... I don't think she bes wantin' me watchin', so...”
  109. “O-okay...” Apple Bloom sniffed. “Thanks for tryin'...”
  111. “Babs, I told ya to wait in Bloom's room...”
  113. Despite the calmness of the voice, both fillies jumped. Apple Bloom stared tearfully at her big sister as Applejack entered the room, closing the door behind her with a snap. Babs looked up at her apologetically and tried to speak, but Applejack just held up a hoof to forestall her. Bloom was trying to keep herself from breaking down completely and begging her sister not to tan her hide, but she didn't want to completely lose her head in front of Babs Seed.
  115. “Babs Seed, while yer in here, ya may as well read this,” Applejack said, strolling over to her dresser and rummaging in the top drawer. After a moment, she pulled out a folded piece of parchment. “It's the letter yer ma sent me a week before ya got here.”
  117. “Oh... 'kay?” Babs said uncertainly, reaching out with her left hoof for it.
  119. “Read the bottom part out loud, please,” Applejack asked her, strolling over to the bed and sitting down next to Apple Bloom.
  121. Apple Bloom saw her sister turn to look at her and knew she must have looked scared. Applejack stretched out a comforting arm and pulled her close to her side, running a hoof through her mane. Babs was mouthing wordless to herself as she quickly scanned the letter, looking for the part Applejack was talking about.
  123. “What part do yas want me to read, again?” Babs asked, looking confused.
  125. “The part where it talks about while yer here,” Applejack explained. Bloom felt her sister give her a small kiss on the forehead. Bloom sniffled softly, trying not to imagine herself across her sister's lap as she glanced at it. “It's at the bottom, sugarcube.”
  127. “Oh!” Babs said, blushing somewhat. “Right... okay, uh... 'While Babs Seed is dere, please do not allow her to stay up past 10:30, rememba that Babs Seed is allagic to pumpkin, and please take extra care to make sure she doesn't take second helpings at dinna...'” Babs blushed again, rolling her eyes.
  129. “Keep goin',” Applejack prompted her.
  131. “'Lastly...' Uh...” Babs hesitated, swallowing. “'L-lastly... her behavia recently has been somewhat poor and s-she has been given numerous warnin's and corrections. So, if y-ya feel she has d-done something that went too f-far, ya have my... my full authahity to punish Babs Seed as ya see f-fit...'” Babs finished with a hollowness to her voice, looking flabbergasted.
  133. “What...?” Apple Bloom asked in a confused whimper. “W-wait... Sis, are ya gonna... are ya gonna sp-spank my cus’n, too?!” She was simply shocked at the idea, not really sure if she would have felt better with her cousin being punished as well or not.
  135. Applejack looked into Apple Bloom's eyes and gave a small nod. Bloom's eyes immediately snapped to Babs Seed, who was staring blankly ahead of herself, the letter held loosely in her hoof.
  137. “I never let Babs take all the blame fer what happened today because she's already had her own punishment comin',” Applejack explained with a sigh. “This punishment woulda been over with already if ya remembered to come home when I'd asked ya, AB, and you'd be sleepin' it off right now... but, that's water under the bridge, I ain't mad at ya for that. I was going to spank you two separately, but y'all seemed determined to stick together, so that's how it's gonna be.”
  139. “W-what?” Babs stammered, finding her voice at last. “Applejack, ya can't be meaning—”
  141. “Apple Bloom, you're going to get a good rump warmin' and then you'll wait in the corner for your cousin's turn. Then you can both go to bed,” Applejack stated simply.
  143. “Sis, pleeease!” Apple Bloom begged, slipping off the bed to stand in front of her sister, panicking now at the prospect of being spanked in front of Babs. She took a deep breath. “We worked it all out ’n’ we’re friends now ‘n’ Sweetie Belle ‘n’ Scootaloo are friends with Babs and she stopped bullyin’ us ‘n’ we inducted her into the Crusaders ‘n’—”
  145. “We can talk after you two fillies have had some corner time to think about yer behaviour,” Applejack said briskly, getting to her hooves and sweeping over to the corner where a tall lamp stood. She pulled out the plug and carried it out of the way, plugging it into a different socket. Apple Bloom's heart was throbbing in her chest as she watched her. “AB, you stand with yer forehead here,” Applejack said, tapping the wall to the left of the corner. “Babs, ya’ll got the right. Both of ya can keep your eyes on the middle, where the walls meet. Now, move your butts.”
  147. Apple Bloom stared at her sister, who was looking resolutely back at her. Babs Seed moved slowly to stand in her designated spot, glancing back at her cousin with a worried expression. Applejack bent low by Babs Seed, placing a hoof against her chest so that she rose onto her hind legs. Babs placed her forehead against the wall and Applejack got her to hold her front hooves around the back of her neck.
  149. “AB?” Applejack demanded, staring back at her. Apple Bloom stood rooted to the spot. Applejack sat down and folded her arms against her chest. “Don't... don’t make me count.”
  151. Apple Bloom shook her head, sniffling frantically. What did her sister mean, count? Yet still she did not move, the last thing she wanted was to be herded into the corner with her cousin, waiting for her spanking.
  153. “One,” Applejack started, tapping her left hoof into her right. Bloom gave a frightened little squeak, her tail twitching. She almost ran over in a panic, but remained where she was standing. “Two,” Applejack continued and Apple Bloom's sense of fear only intensified. “Don't make me count to three, Bloom... get in that corner.”
  155. Apple Bloom hesitated for several more seconds. Applejack, too, was pausing, with her hoof hovering over the other, ready to bring it down for 'three'. The filly didn't want to find out what would happen when Applejack hit three. Would she be spanked even harder? Would it be longer? Could Applejack possibly be debating spanking her [i]twice?[/i] Bloom was not going to find out. She sighed and quickly trotted over, standing tall and placing her forehead against the wall. She wrapped her front hooves around the back of her neck, immediately feeling uncomfortable from the unfamiliar position. She was not used to having to support all the weight on two hooves and her neck started to ache within seconds.
  157. “Good,” Applejack said. “I want both of you girls to stay there, starin' at the corner. No talkin' and no movin', or it'll be the same as me reachin' three, understood?”
  159. Apple Bloom almost said 'yes', but caught herself. Babs remained completely silent. Applejack gave a small laugh, much warmer than her voice.
  161. “Y’all were allowed to answer that, girls.” She sighed heavily. “Anyways... not a peep from either one o' ya, alright?”
  163. Apple Bloom sighed, staring at the wallpaper. She heard, rather than saw, Babs Seed do the same, shuffling her hooves slightly. She was a little impressed with how Babs accepted her corner time without question, although 'impressed' was not the word she would have used if given permission to speak. 'Alarmed' would have been sufficient to her, given how fast her heart was starting to beat. 'Crazy' would have been the word for Babs.
  165. She was staring at the divide of the two walls, unable to see Babs properly with her peripherals as long as she kept her head glued to the left wall. She didn't like not being able to see her cousin, not one bit. Seeing Babs would have felt comforting. She knew she was there, she could hear the larger filly giving a small sniff, breathing quietly, but it would have been so much better to still be able to see her. She flicked her tail idly and felt it brush up against her cousin's backside. Babs inhaled deeply and Bloom wanted to whisper a quick apology.
  167. Would Applejack hear her whisper? She heard shuffling noises coming from behind her and wondered what her big sister was doing. Would she be too preoccupied to hear her whisper to Babs? What if... what if Applejack was just making noise to make her [i]think[/i] that she was doing something, when instead her eyes were fixed upon their backs? She didn't dare open her mouth, she didn't dare risk finding out what would happen if Applejack caught her talking.
  169. Babs Seed gave a small whimper and Bloom felt a shiver running down her spine. Babs was bigger than her, so all that unfamiliar weight on her back hooves had to be really, really tough. Bloom's own hooves were aching and having to keep her head bent forward was making her squirm with discomfort. She heard the bedroom door open behind them and Applejack's hooves on the wooden floor. All she had to do was relax her arms, which were falling asleep. Maybe she could turn her head and lay the side of it against the wall? After all, Applejack wasn't there.
  171. She was just about to move when Babs Seed shuffled her hooves again, making her jump. No, no, [i]no[/i], she thought to herself, horrified. She wouldn't risk moving beyond that jump. Applejack could be back at any second. Heck, she might not even be gone, just peering at them from the hallway, daring them to betray her trust. Apple Bloom wondered what would have happened if she just moved and Applejack found her, imaging herself being dragged over her sister's lap and spanked hard before being placed [i]back[/i] in the corner to wait all over again. Apple Bloom shivered, tears welling in her eyes from how uncomfortable she was. She would not risk it.
  173. “Alright, Apple Bloom,” Applejack murmured, causing the filly to jump again. Bloom had not heard her reenter the room, lost in her own dreading. Or, she pondered in a horrified way, Applejack could have been there the entire time. “Turn around, sugarcube.” The bedroom door closed again with another snap.
  175. Before Apple Bloom could even [i]muster[/i] the strength to move, Babs Seed spoke up. “A-Applejack, please... dis whole ting was my fault! Let me go first, I don't wanna have my cus’n hurt because I was a dumb bully who pushed her and her friends too fas. I k-know I can'ts be changin' dat, but... yeah.”
  177. “Are you sure, Babs? Understand that this is a real spankin', young lady,” Applejack explained in a softened voice, which sounded weird to Apple Bloom, given the word choice. “I'm not yer mother, but I still have responsibility for ya.”
  179. “I undastand, ma'am...” Babs affirmed meekly and Bloom heard her drop to her front hooves, which sealed her cousin's fate in her mind. “I was kinda expectin' my Ma to be givin' me a spankin' fa dis when I gots home, anyway...”
  181. “You won't be gettin' another after this, I'll make sure,” Applejack reassured her.
  183. Apple Bloom felt an immense rush of gratitude and relief flood her very pores as her cousin placed an encouraging hoof against her back. She didn't have to face the spanking until later! She almost relaxed her entire body in celebration until Applejack spoke to her instead of Babs.
  185. “Move into the corner proper, AB. Make sure your forehead is touching [i]both[/i] walls.”
  187. “A-Applejack!” Apple Bloom protested immediately, feeling ice cascade down her spine. She was already growing exhausted of this time-out, her hooves feeling sore.
  189. “No talking, Sis. Move yer fanny over there and keep your front hooves behind your head.”
  191. Tears starting to well up in her eyes again, Apple Bloom shuffled over haphazardly on her two bottom hooves until both walls were pressing against her skull. She knew she was blushing with embarrassment, even if neither of the two other ponies could see it. Making her shuffle over like that reminded her of a short time-out she had a few weeks after the first spanking she ever got. She had been wearing warm pajamas on a particularly cold night before some back-talk earned her a trip to her room. Applejack had her pull her pajama bottoms down to her hooves by her bedroom door and shuffle with her hooves behind her head to lean over her bed. However, she didn't get spanked for her tongue, it was all just a warning.
  193. “Babs, can ya bring that over?” Applejack asked after a considerable pause, a note of steeliness in her voice.
  195. Apple Bloom was taken out of her memories by curiosity and listened carefully, feeling her knees shaking. Bring [i]what[/i] over, exactly?
  197. “T-this, ma'am?” Babs responded in a very quiet and timid squeak. Judging by the direction of her voice, she had moved over to Applejack's dresser.
  199. “Yes, hun. Bring it over, please.”
  201. “A-are ya sure, Ap-p-pplejack?” Babs replied in a scared tremble.
  203. “[i]Yes[/i], hun,” Applejack repeated firmly. “Bring it here and crawl over my lap, Babs Seed.”
  205. “I-I... b-but, Applejack... y-yes, m-ma'am...” Babs voice broke somewhat and Apple Bloom's curiosity and dread increased in equal measure.
  207. She heard Babs' heavy hoof-falls across the floor and Applejack whisper something to her. It sounded comforting. With a creak of bed springs, Bloom was sure Babs was just draped over the mare's lap. Her tail swished from side to side as her heart rate increased. She really didn't want her cousin to get her hide tanned. Not as much as she wanted to avoid it herself, though.
  209. A very gentle stroking and patting could be heard, interspersed with what sounded like a hoof rubbing something soft. With a whimper from her cousin, Apple Bloom had the idea that Applejack was rubbing Babs Seed's backside, possible to give it a little warm up to wake the nerves before administering the spanking. Applejack had done the exact same thing to Apple Bloom, she remembered, although this was different. When Applejack had done it, she had been lecturing—
  211. “Babs, I know yer a big girl,” Applejack began, interrupting the flow of Bloom's thoughts, who hastened to pay attention, “and I know that jes' because you're a little older than other kids you might know doesn't mean you can't have your feelings hurt. But, from what ya described to me earlier, what Apple Bloom and her friends did when they were trying to introduce ya to their Crusader clubhouse was absolutely nothin' wrong.” Applejack's voice remained calm throughout the lecture. “It might have been a little bit too much to take in at the time, yer ma's letter said you were being teased about your blank flank, but I can't imagine why ya thought it was a good idea to join in the bullying against your cousin and her friends, who were [i]tryin' to be nice to ya.[/i] Bullied in Manehattan or not, nothing gives ya the right to be cruel to another pony.” As Applejack scolded her cousin, Bloom could hear the constant, soft rubbing sound, the occasional pat, and the other filly’s uncomfortable squeaks. After she had finished speaking, there was a much harder-sounding series of pats, causing Babs Seed to give a yelp.
  213. “I un-undastand, ma'am...” Babs spoke softly. “I'm sawwy I had such a bad attitude...”
  215. “You'll be making up for it very shortly, Babs,” Applejack told her, the soft rubbing noise resuming. “Everything you told me, scaring the girls at the Carousal Boutique, stealin' their milkshakes, threatenin' them, kicking them out of [i]my[/i] fillyhood clubhouse and Bloom out of her bed, getting them wet and throwing apples? These were all very mean and cruel things to do, Babs. You took your bullying way too far, I couldn't believe my ears when I realized it was happenin' for three days.” Apple Bloom shivered. She could sense that the end of the scolding was coming; Babs was getting punished very soon. “Now, I was very happy to hear that you and yer cousin and her friends have all gotten on so well since, was very happy when y’all came home early to tell me about them making you one of the Crusaders...” Applejack's voice rose an octave as she directed it in the direction of the corner, making Bloom shiver. “You know, when I [i]told Apple Bloom to be home by six.[/i]” Her voice dropped again. “But y'all bein' good friends now or not, that can't erase what you've already done. You understand that?”
  217. “Yeah, I dos...” she confirmed with a shaky voice. “M-ma'am,” she added hastily.
  219. The soft rubbing noise ceased at last. Apple Bloom's euphoria at being skipped as the first spankee was starting to wear off as her knees continued to rattle. Her forehead was starting to sweat as she realized what the pause in the rubbing must have meant. It wasn't until this moment that she was truly regretting the extended corner time. She was going to have to listen the spanking.
  221. The first, firm, hard-sounding [i]crack[/i] echoed from the bed. What in the name of Celestia was [i]that?![/i] That didn't sound like a hoof, Apple Bloom thought with a glob of horror in her stomach. She flinched as another hard swatting noise reached her ears. Babs gave a soft cry, hissing sharply in pain. Bloom's tail swished to shield her own bottom, even though she was in no danger in the corner. Another hard crack and Babs whimpered again. Whatever the hey Babs Seed was being spanked with sounded really, really painful. But Babs was older, which meant Apple Bloom herself would only get the hoof, right? Babs was the bully, Bloom didn't [i]really[/i] do anything wrong... It was only by reassuring herself this way that she was able to fight the tears blurring her eyes, even if it made her feel like a brat.
  223. The only noises in the room were the repeated [i]cracks[/i] and smacks against Babs' butt and the filly's soft squeaks and whimpers. Apple Bloom felt her rump clench at every single noise and the cold sweat on her forehead was making it hard to hold it in place against the wall. Though initially widely spaced, there was a smack every few seconds by now. Bloom's throat was dry and her heart continued to crash against her ribs. Apple Bloom sniffled softly, starting to really feel pity for her cousin. But she knew, after another few smacks echoed over to her, that she would need to save that pity for her own bum.
  225. “Ooowww!” Babs Seed whined after a few minutes of continuous spanking. Apple Bloom flinched again at the next smack to reach her perked, twitching ears. “Ap-Applejack, I'm sawwy! P-please!”
  227. Smack, smack, smack, smack. Babs Seed's soft whining was growing stronger and stronger. Apple Bloom was trying her hardest not to imagine her cousin's pudgy bum under that fury of swats. There was the sound of a hoof kicking the bed and Apple Bloom's hooves immediately darted to her own bottom, knowing that she would soon be writhing and kicking, crying and bawling. She could not have realized before experiencing this how much harder it would have been to have her cousin spanked behind her, [i]without being able to see it.[/i] The unknown aspect made it all so much worse.
  229. “Apple Bloom, [i]hooves![/i]” Applejack boomed with a whip-like crack in her voice.
  231. “I'm s-sorr—”
  233. “No talkin', hun.”
  235. Apple Bloom gave a whimper, tears flowing down her cheeks. This was horrible! She didn't know how much more of this she was able to take as she placed the hooves back behind her neck. The sound of that hard spanking was a constant at all times and Babs Seed's composure had finally broken completely. Her cousin's sobbing was flooding her ears, making her squirm in distress, her legs quaking beneath her with the pain of supporting her weight and from the tremble brought on by fear. The city pony's hooves continued to make soft thumps against the mattress and the continuous creak of the springs meant that she had to be writhing over Applejack's lap.
  237. As Babs started to bawl heavily, Apple Bloom wanted to beg her sister to stop her cousin's punishment, but after another thirty seconds had passed, she found she didn't need to. The smacks had finally died away and Applejack whispered something softly to her cousin. Bloom could hear Babs choking out a response, it was very difficult to make out through the crying. The older mare made a small hushing noise and fell silent. All Bloom could hear was her cousin's sobbing, choking, and coughing. Eventually, there was another creak of bed springs. Babs' crying sounded muffled against fur as Bloom fought the urge to collapse to the floor, her legs so tired and aching, her forehead raw from the wet contact with the corner. Her nose was running and tears continued to leak from her eyes.
  239. Her prison sentence lasted another three solid, terrible, unbearable minutes. During the time, she could hear Applejack speaking very softly to her cousin. Eventually, Babs' heavy hoof-falls crossed the floor and stopped just behind her.
  241. “Apple Bloom, it's your turn...” Applejack sighed.
  243. She didn't want to move, but even the prospect of a spanking had to be better than staying there for a second longer. She turned away from the wall and landed on her front hooves, feeling her muscles ache and bones give a tiny pop. Her front hooves had fallen asleep somewhat. Babs Seed was unable to look at her cousin, eyes averted, possibly out of embarrassment. The fur of her face was stained with tear streaks and her green eyes were very red. Her nose was dripping softly.
  245. “Just wait in the corner until your cousin is finished, Babs,” Applejack ordered her, but her voice had a loving warmth to it. “I really don't wanna make ya stand in the same position as yer cus'n, but she's gonna be gettin' the same as you, so it's only fair. Just keep your hooves off your bum, alright?”
  247. Babs Seed nodded silently, closing her eyes and taking a steadying breath, her jaw trembling. Apple Bloom moved aside to allow her cousin to occupy the corner, noticing as she did so that Babs was very reluctant to stand up with her head against both walls. Finally looking towards the bed and her sister, her eyes immediately fell upon what Babs must have brought over from the dresser. Applejack was holding her flat-backed, hard wooden hairbrush in her hooves, the holding-strap wrapped around her right hoof. She beckoned with the left, patting her lap. Bloom thought for sure that she was having a heart attack.
  249. “N-no! No, no, no!” Apple Bloom begged, shaking her head, looking imploringly into her big sister's eyes. She could have sworn her stomach had fallen out of her. “S-Sis, p-p-please! Not the [i]hairbrush![/i]”
  251. “Yer gettin' the [i]exact[/i] same as your cousin, AB. C'mon, over my lap,” Applejack told her sternly, patting it again. “You were in the corner fer yer cousin's spanking, so now y'all are swappin' places.”
  253. Apple Bloom shook her head, horrified. She took a panicked look at her cousin's hide. It seemed to be glowing brightly, matching her tail colours perfectly. Her eyes darted back to her sister, who had gotten to her hooves, placing the brush down on the sheets.
  255. “Apple Bloom, your cousin just took [i]your[/i] spanking. She volunteered to go first to spare you havin' to face it sooner! It's poor repayment actin' the way you’re actin' right now,” Applejack spoke very clearly, walking over to her. “You can take this like a big girl, Apple Bloom, or we can do it the hard way. But you [i]will[/i] be making it up to your cousin, missy.”
  257. “P-please, AJ...” Bloom whimpered, shivering all over. “I'll take my spanking'n I promise I won't fight, but please, no hairb-b-brush! [i]I DON'T WANT THE HAIRBRUSH![/i]” Her voice rose hysterically, her memory filled with the sounds of her cousin's recent spanking as her stomach continued to fall to the centre of the earth.
  259. “Bloom, I'm very disappointed in ya right now,” Applejack said in a pained voice.
  261. Apple Bloom was staring at the floor, sniffling softly. She let out a gasp as she felt her sister's hoof tighten around her ear and give it a firm tug.
  263. “Applejack! [b]P-please![/b]”
  265. “That's [i]enough[/i], Apple Bloom. I thought ya better than this, Sis!” Applejack said, twisting the ear and pulling it as she turned to march back to the bed.
  267. Apple Bloom could not fight her sister's strength. She had to move her hooves haphazardly as she was dragged none-too-gently across the room, knowing that it would only hurt more if she resisted. Reaching the bed, Applejack dragged her across her lap. Apple Bloom was squinting her eyes, shaking at the feeling of her sister's knees against her stomach, something she hadn't felt in a very long time. She opened her eyes, seeing the dried spots marking the places where Babs' tears had fallen upon the rust-coloured bedsheets. Her gaze immediately locked onto the discarded hairbrush. Perhaps Babs had to look at the same thing during her scolding.
  269. Bloom was going to start begging again for her not to get the brush, but a firm swat from Applejack's hoof made her preemptively fall quiet, quivering. The hoof returned to her rump and stroked it gently. [i]Oh, no...[/i]
  271. “Apple Bloom, I want ya to consider somethin' right now,” Applejack began after a few minutes, apparently giving herself a moment to calm down. Her sister's gentle rubbing felt very pleasant against the soft skin and fur of her backside, even as it twitched to get away from her. “What would have happened if that float didn't stop in the mud after it flew down that cliff like a speedin' bullet, AB? What woulda happened if your cousin was still in it and it tipped forward into the lake properly? The window was on the front.”
  273. Apple Bloom felt a cold spike of ice stabbing her in the heart at these words. Over in the corner, Babs Seed gave a frightened little sniffle, though Apple Bloom could not see her. Bloom started shaking, not wanting to answer her sister, the only warmth in her body coming from the hoof massaging her rump delicately. It was bringing the blood to the surface of her skin and stimulating the nerves, making sure she was going to feel every single sting of that hard wooden surface to the fullest of her rump's ability.
  275. “Your cousin would have drowned, Apple Bloom. That float woulda filled with water in a heartbeat'n sank to the bottom of the lake before anypony woulda got there. [i]Your cousin would have drowned![/i]”
  277. Apple Bloom started to cry, not wanting to hear these horrible words infecting her conscience. She hadn't thought of that, of course. All she had wanted to do was humiliate Babs the same way she had been embarrassing and humiliating her and her friends over the last three days.
  279. “You Crusaders got Babs out of the float, but if things still went wrong 'n' it tipped into the lake anyway, there woulda been three drowned fillies in Ponyville today. Do you have any idea what you've risked, Apple Bloom? Instead of coming to me about the bullying in the first place, yer stupid plan almost cost ya the life of your cousin, you'n your friends, or even [i]all[/i] of you if you lot got in there and couldn't get Babs out.”
  281. “S-Sis... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!” Apple Bloom cried, burying her face into the sheets. “I d-didn't think about that!”
  283. “I know, sweetheart. I know, but you have to understand exactly how much your actions have risked today,” Applejack explained, her voice returning to calm. Bloom could feel Applejack's left hoof rubbing her shoulders and mane as the right continued to rub as much feeling as possible into her butt. “Taking revenge on yer cousin with the intent of humiliatin' her woulda been enough to earn you a pair of hoof-slapped rosy cheeks tonight,” Applejack continued, driving her point home with a firm swat to each of Apple Bloom's cheeks as she spoke, making her squirm and shiver. The bed springs rustled and creaked with Apple Bloom's movements. “Taking it as far as ya did is what earned you this hairbrushing, however. [i]Ya hafta remember this.[/i]”
  285. Applejack stopped speaking and resumed her massaging, sliding her hoof up and down Bloom's back, through her hair and her mane, adjusting the hairbow. The other continued to rub the rump. With Applejack's gentle comforting, Apple Bloom managed to calm down rather quickly, rubbing her eyes. As much as she didn't want to think about it, her sister was absolutely right, and she had earned this punishment completely. She couldn't bear the thought of how she would have felt if Babs had drowned. She shivered again, dreading what was going to happen as Applejack reached over and picked up that brush, but resolving to take it as best as she could. Babs Seed took nearly the full spanking with little more than some light whimpering, only truly crying at the end. Bloom really didn't want to seem weak by comparison.
  287. Apple Bloom's musings were cut short. She had not noticed that her sister had stopped rubbing her with her right hoof, taking the time to slip the hoof through the holding-strap, able to grip the hairbrush easily and safely. The hairbrush connected to her well-massaged rump with a sharp [i]crack[/i], sending a jolt of pain rocketing from the epicentre to every nerve in her body. The unexpected pain and shock of the first smack carried her through the second one, which reignited the venom of the first.
  289. Applejack seemed a lot more comfortable with the strength and pace of the spanking after Babs', allowing Apple Bloom no short breaks. Every three seconds, the brush landed in a new spot, making her writhe and tremble. Her bottom was [i]on fire[/i], tears cascading down her cheeks long before the tenth smack of the brush impacted firmly across her backside. Apple Bloom roared out in pain by the eleventh, feeling a raw fury attacking the top of her thighs, directly where the skin felt the most tender, and directly where she would be feeling it next time she sat down on a chair. Two more poisonous smacks of equal force landed there, before the next returned to her rump proper again. Her tail twitched, but before she could swish it over her rump and run the risk of getting hit with the brush, Applejack seized it in her left and held it safely out of the way.
  291. It was so much worse than a hoof-spanking. Apple Bloom bawled as her rump danced under the blows of the brush, her hooves gripping the bed sheets in front of her. She had lost all sense of time, completely lost in the mind-numbing pain of each and every blow that landed, reigniting the flames of half a dozen strikes before it. She started coughing and retching, her breathing hoarse and erratic in her chest. She was writhing in agony, every moment setting off the sound of the rusty springs. Apple Bloom felt the brush leave her butt yet again and flinched, coughing and tensing up her glutes in anticipation of the next strike, but it didn't yet come. Relaxing against what felt like her better judgement, the yellow filly tried to calm herself down, taking slow, deep breathes that felt like sandpaper against her hoarse throat.
  293. Unfortunately, once her breathing was back under control, her bottom immediately found itself back under the brush's relentless assault, which occasionally made a detour to the top of her thighs. She kicked against the bed, wiggling and squirming, but Applejack held her back and her tail firmly in place with her left hoof, her right still dropping the brush with a crack at least every three seconds, sometimes faster. The pain was still so incredible, the elder sister's careful aim ensuring that every inch of the filly's backside was scorching in equal measure. Apple Bloom's mouth was wide open as she bawled, all of the fight starting to drain out of her, no strength left to kick or squirm or make any further attempts to escape. She felt the brush leave her backside for the final time and she lay limp and quivering, crying over her sister's lap. She saw the hairbrush land on the bed again with a soft pat through her nearly-blinded, streaming eyes. It was over.
  295. “Applej-j-jack, I'm sorry! I'm s-sorry I risked hurtin' my cus'n, [b]I'm sorry![/b] I'm sorry I didn't come talk to you!” Apple Bloom bleated a broken voice, coughing again as her breath caught in her chest a few times. “I won't never d-do nothin' so stupid again!”
  297. “Hush, ssshhh...” Applejack cooed softly, gently lifting Apple Bloom off of her lap and pulling her into a tight embrace, not placing any pressure on the throbbing, swollen-feeling rump of her sister. “It's all over, hun. You did really, really good. All's forgiven, AB, I promise, love...”
  299. Apple Bloom felt the guilt that had come to her during her scolding lift, her chest expanding as she took a steadying breath, comforted by the elder mare’s embrace. She felt something drip from the mare's face onto her forehead, but didn't immediately register it. Applejack called out to Babs Seed after a few minutes, beckoning her over. Babs walked back with a delicacy in her step. Her movement looked painful to the yellow filly, who knew she would be limping in much the same way once she got moving herself.
  301. Apple Bloom found herself released from her sister’s hold. Applejack had placed her on her lap and reached out a comforting hoof to Babs Seed, who scrambled up on the bed with them. She wrapped an arm over both of them and Bloom found herself squeezed tightly to Applejack’s chest again, alongside her cousin.
  303. “Now, listen here...” Applejack explained in a warm, kind voice. “We won’t be dwellin’ on what happened today anymore, y’all took yer punishments and I see no point in hamperin’ on either of ya fer it. I’m proud of both of you, I really am. Especially you, Babs, for offering to take your punishment first. And Apple Bloom, I know it was a lot worse than anything you’ve gotten, but you did really well.”
  305. Apple Bloom didn’t speak, watching her older, darker cousin looking up into Applejack’s face. The two girls caught one another’s eye briefly before Bloom herself returned her gaze to her sister.
  307. “Go on, now. Go brush your teeth ‘n’ get ready for bed, you two. It's real late, so no dillydallyin'. I’ll be seein’ ya in the mornin’, alright?”
  309. [hr]
  311. Apple Bloom sighed dramatically, gingerly dropping the wet towel on the floor and massaging her rump gently. “Doesn't work, still hurts like I got whapped with a barn...”
  313. “Mm,” the city pony grunted shortly. Apple Bloom looked over at her and saw her cousin staring at her reflection in the mirror.
  315. Apple Bloom got up on the small step Babs was using to reach the mirror with her, staring into her own face. Her cheeks were still flushed and her fur was discoloured by tear-streaks. Her nose was none-too-clean with sticky run-off. Her eyes were puffy and red, just like Babs' had been. She took a very deep breath, studying her own face and trying to digest everything that had happened. Weirdly enough, she felt a lot better about the day's events now that she had already gotten her hide tanned. She glanced over at Babs' reflection, noticing her eyes were staring directly into Bloom's.
  317. “Yer trap's all snotty, Cus!” Babs chuckled softly after a moment, exhaling a puff of air to get her hair out of her eyes.
  319. Apple Bloom giggled. “Yer's is worse! Uh, here...” Apple Bloom assured her, wetting a face cloth and reaching out to her cousin. Babs turned to face her properly and stood still, allowing Bloom to run the cloth across her nose.
  321. “Hehe... thanks,” Babs said gratefully. “Want me to dos you?”
  323. “Um... sure.” Bloom nodded. She stood stock still as Babs washed off the cloth under the water, now taking it to her own face. It felt pleasantly warm against her blushing cheeks, although Babs was a little rough around her nose.
  325. “There ya goes!” Babs laughed, smiling and nuzzling Apple Bloom's muzzle, although she stopped very quickly.
  327. “Th-thanks...” Bloom mumbled, grinning embarrassedly. She watched her cousin squeeze some toothpaste onto her toothbrush and stick it in her mouth. “Do you... um, you get spanked often?” Bloom asked, awaiting her turn at the sink. She glanced down to study Babs' raw-looking rump closely. She chuckled softly to herself, thinking it must have been funny looking to see her cousin's bubble butt getting whacked by that hairbrush.
  329. “Ahh, hack no,” Babs said, shaking her head with the toothbrush protruding from her mouth. “Ga one lass munff, buh today... bah! Appajazz dun spann aff hahd aff mam, buh da harbruff made ib way worss.”
  331. “Sure looks like it...” Bloom winced, reaching a hoof out to the rump and hesitating. “Can I... can I touch it?”
  333. “Wha?” Babs asked, twisting her head around and giving Bloom a quizzical look. “No, ib hurfs.”
  335. “It just looks bad... was gonna rub it for ya... since...” Apple Bloom blushed a little. “Since, y'know, you tried to protect me earlier...”
  337. “Uh... 'kays,” Babs Seed said after a moment, placing her hooves against the sink and raising her haunches slightly, toothbrush still in her mouth.
  339. Apple Bloom winced along with Babs Seed as the darker pony flinched with the movement. Carefully, she took her hoof and began to rub and knead the older filly's rump. Babs Seed gave a little whimper, the toothbrush falling into the sink. Judging by a little cough, she had swallowed some of the toothpaste. However, the longer Bloom rubbed her, the easier it seemed for Babs to take it. The butt felt very warm to the touch with all the blood still near the surface of the skin. As Babs reached into the sink for her toothbrush, Bloom was working both hooves, rubbing her cousin's butt and stroking the base of her tail.
  341. The bigger of the pair leaned even lower against the sink on her elbows. Bloom could see her cousin squeezing more toothpaste out to finish the job. As Bloom started to work her hooves in small circles around Babs' upper thighs, she realized that they looked just as bad as the rest of her cousin's hide. Clearly, Applejack had given Babs' sit spot just as much attention with that awful hairbrush as she had given Bloom herself.
  343. She had to fight a grin as she watched her cousin casually brushing the rest of her teeth, slumped against the sink as she continued to massage and knead her. The city filly twisted the knobs on the faucet and ducked her head low to rinse her mouth out.
  345. “Okays, I can't lie, dat makes it feel loads betta,” Babs giggled softly after a few minutes of Bloom's hard efforts. Stepping away from the sink at long last, she jabbed a hoof at Apple Bloom's toothbrush. “It's your turn, Cus.”
  347. “What?” Apple Bloom flushed. “Uh, okay...”
  349. Apple Bloom moved to the sink and picked up the tube of toothpaste, keeping her tail covering her rump as best as she could. She felt a lot shier about her cousin seeing her sore rump since the spanking, making sure to stay behind Babs during the walk to the bathroom. Now that Babs was positioned behind her? Bloom shivered as she loaded up her toothbrush and started brushing her teeth.
  351. “Uh... yous gonna move dat tail, or what? I wanna see da damage!” Babs said, tapping Bloom's lower back. “I can't block mine 'cus my tail ain't nothin' to write home about, see? I keep dat nice and shorts.”
  353. Apple Bloom felt the heat in her face again. Cautiously, she leaned forward, like her cousin, hesitated, and shifted her tail aside.
  355. “Holy Celestia!” Babs Seed exclaimed in a vehement hiss. “Looks like a horra movie back 'ere, even worse considerin' ya gots yellow fur! Did I look dat bad?”
  357. “Ya wooked baa, yupp,” Apple Bloom said, starting to brush her teeth. She studied her reflection carefully. Her cheeks were matching her hair as she continued to blush profusely. The moment Babs' hooves touched her flank, she winced in pain. “Aaah!”
  359. She hissed out again as Babs got down to work, massaging and kneading just as Bloom had done. She hung her head forward and squinted her eyes, spitting out her toothbrush and as much toothpaste as she could.
  361. “Aaah, it's [i]really[/i] tender...” Bloom whimpered, biting her lip and trying to prevent any more tears from rippling in the corners of her eyes.
  363. “Sawwy, Cus!” Babs apologized. Apple Bloom grit her teeth as the hooves of her cousin started working in circles around her thighs, massaging the pain away. Apple Bloom was starting to find it very enjoyable, but every time the hooves went over a tender spot, she felt her eyes water. “I totes fagot, ya spankin' was more recent den mine...”
  365. “I also got spanked way longer'n harder than you!” Bloom sighed, picking up the toothbrush and layering it with minty toothpaste again.
  367. “Ya did?” Babs asked, stroking Bloom's fluffy tail softly, causing her to shiver. “Mine totes took foreva, but yours didn't last dat long.”
  369. “Uh...” Bloom said, shuddering pleasantly at the tug of her tail. “Maybe they seemed longer to us both?”
  371. “I guess so...” Babs said, shrugging.
  373. Her cousin kept up a steady pace, digging her hooves a little roughly into her rump. Bloom found herself squirming again as she resumed brushing her teeth, almost slipping off the sink when she leaned against it for support. She was squinting her eyes, silently begging her tears to keep at bay. Sooner than she expected, Babs Seed stepped away from her. Bloom hastily finished up her brushing and rinsed her mouth, trying to gloss over her moment of weakness.
  375. Apple Bloom turned to face her and saw Babs leaning against the wall with both hooves around her rump. “I know one ting, I'ma be regretin' goin' first fa a week! Like I seds, ya sista don't spank as hard as my ma, but dat brush... yikes!”
  377. Apple Bloom smiled warmly at her, wanting to say something, but she held her tongue. She glanced back at the bathroom mirror and found herself blushing scarlet again.
  379. “We should probs get goin' to bed, Apple Bloom,” Babs said after a pregnant pause. In the mirror, Bloom could see her cousin staring at her. “Ya sista sed not to dillydally and dat's totes what we've been doin'. I ain't plannin' on goin' against ya sista's wishes, fa some silly reason,” Babs continued, reaching back to place a hoof to her backside again.
  381. “It still hurts as much as mine?” Apple Bloom asked her, following her cousin from the bathroom.
  383. “Yeah, it does, if yas hurts dis bad...” Babs said sadly, pushing open Apple Bloom's door and approaching her bed. Unlike previous nights, she scooted over to the edge of the bed to allow Apple Bloom room, laying down on her stomach and folding her hooves in front of her.
  385. Apple Bloom turned off the bedroom light and laid down next to her in the same position, still finding it difficult to move her lower half. Each and every time her thighs touched, she had to bite her lip. She had very little desire to get under the bedsheets, not wanting anything to touch her sore skin outside of...
  387. “Babs?” Bloom whispered.
  389. “Hmm?”
  391. “I really liked when you were rubbin’ me, you were right, it feels great...” Apple Bloom admitted, reaching a hoof to her face and feeling her burning cheeks.
  393. “Ya did? I thought yas was gonna start cryin' again, das why I stopped...” Babs said, rolling over on her side to stare at Apple Bloom. She winced with the movement.
  395. “It hurts, yeah, but you were makin' it better!” Bloom realized, speaking earnestly and twisting herself around like the other filly. She winced just as hard. “Y'know... when ya weren't diggin' yer hooves into me like you were diggin' fer some treasure!”
  397. “Well...” Bloom could see her cousin's face darken in the dimness of the night. “You w-wanna work on mine again? I'll do yas...”
  399. The two fillies drew in close together. Apple Bloom could feel her belly brush against Babs' pudgier one. Apple Bloom tucked her arms under Babs' armpits to reach around to her cousin's larger rear, stroking her short tail as she did so. Babs gave a very shy grin as she reached around Bloom to do the same. Bloom gave a small whimper at the touch of other filly’s hooves, but her cousin nuzzled her muzzle again.
  401. “Sucks to be us, eh?” Babs said, giggling as Apple Bloom gave her tail a tug.
  403. “Naw.” Bloom giggled back at her, studying what she could see of the freckles on her cousin's face. “We're awesome... Anyways, Babs, thanks again for looking out for me today...” Apple Bloom felt amazing as these words left her. This was precisely what she had wanted to say earlier, but it would have sounded too awkward to repeat it so soon.
  405. “I gotta look after my little Cus'n, eh?” Babs said softly, sliding her hooves up and down Apple Bloom's butt as gently as she could. “When Applejack came up to spanks ya, I was gonna ask her to punish me insteads... Even after I was a totes jerk-bag to yas, ya still wanted to be my friend after everythin' went down... I've never had anypony be nice to mes like dat before...”
  407. “You woulda took a tannin' for me? I mean, if ya weren't gonna get one to begin with...” She was very touched by these words. She placed a kiss on her cousin's cheek, her face burning and feeling her mouth form an embarrassed grin. She didn't care, though; she wanted to show the bigger filly her gratitude. She nuzzled her face against her cousin's chest and stroked a hoof across Babs' sides, causing her to squirm briefly.
  409. She was really, really happy that it had been her cousin, her new best friend, by her side during that horrible experience. As the dark orange filly's hooves worked more and more of the ache out of her behind, she wanted to kiss her again, to show her gratitude. Meanwhile, she continued to stroke Babs' gently while one hoof played with her tail. Babs was looking very taken aback, smiling shyly.
  411. “Yeah... I woulda!” Babs nuzzled her cousin again. “Da whole ting was my fault!” She gave another short giggle as Bloom tugged her tail again.
  413. “We were all guilty in the end...” Bloom whispered softly, puffing up her cheeks and blowing as a few strands of Babs' hair fell over her face. “Not just you. Like... when Applejack was scoldin' ya, I wanted to listen...” She stroked Babs' side again and her cousin shivered.
  415. “T-that tickles!” her cousin chortled with a huff, looking embarrassed. “Truth be tolds, tho',” Babs continued, “I was listenin' carefully to her lecturin' ya, toos! Thanks, tho'...” Babs admitted, kissing Bloom's cheek in return as she wrapped her hooves around Apple Bloom's waist. Bloom's heart was thundering in her chest. Slowly, Babs Seed stretched her hooves back and resumed the gentle massaging of her rump. Bloom did not flinch at the touch.
  417. “No prob, Cus'n!” The yellow filly beamed at her, rubbing her nose against Babs Seed's. She gave it a small kiss, putting her own arms around her cousin's waist and wrapping her tail over them.
  419. The two fillies stared at each other for another few moments, Apple Bloom breathing very deeply in synchronization with the other filly. She knew they should have been asleep by now, but she just didn't want to drift off just yet. She was looking forward to having a great time with her cousin and didn't want their spankings to put a damper on that.
  421. The look in Babs' eyes as she stared into her cousin's face told her that the city pony was thinking exactly the same thing. She felt Babs' lips against her nose and, without much conscious thought, tilted her head up so that she could brush her mouth against her cousin's. The chubby orange filly's mouth was warm to the touch. She watched her cousin grin guiltily, feeling a little mischievous herself as they broke the kiss. Babs Seed stroked her butt very carefully, massaging and kneading once more. Bloom let out a hiss and a whimper when she gripped it a little unexpectedly, but she loosened and resumed rubbing. In response, Bloom removed the hoof gripping Babs' tail tightly from it, swung it back, and gave her a firm swat.
  423. Babs grit her teeth and flushed darker still. Bloom gave another little giggle and pulled her hooves around Babs' waist again, her own cheeks deepening in colour. She puffed out her lips again, trying not to laugh, wanting another kiss but knowing she was being silly. Babs kissed her again anyway, pulling back and blowing her mane out of her eyes.
  425. Both fillies relaxed their mouths, hesitated, then puffed out both of their lips again for another watery kiss. They both started to snicker. Okay, Bloom had to admit to herself, as weird as this was making her feel, she was definitely having a great time. She stretched out her neck and placed her mouth over the patch of freckles under the orange filly's right eye, giving the cheek a little suck, almost out of blind inspiration. Babs gave a soft little hiss, quivering all over.
  427. “This is so weird!” Bloom laughed as she moved back a little, studying her cousin's expression affectionately. She traced a hoof down Babs' chest, running the other through her cousin's mane.
  429. Babs hesitated before placing her hoof against Apple Bloom's face. “It does feel sorta weird, dunnit? But... it's fun, too! Makes me feel like a bad gal, fa some reason, tho'!”
  431. Apple Bloom smiled, shivering with excitement. “If yer such a bad girl, maybe... [i]maaaybe[/i] I should give ya a spanking tomorrow?”
  433. Babs blushed, and to Bloom's surprise, gave a timid, hesitant nod. Slowly, Bloom moved her hooves back around the chubby waist of the dark orange filly. Babs was rubbing her rump again. Bloom closed her eyes, lost in happiness as she considered what she had just suggested to her cousin. That would be really, really weird, she thought. Weird, but fun at the same time. She opened her eyes in time to see her cousin leaning forward to plant another kiss on her mouth.
  435. She puffed out her lips to accept it at once. Her chest exploded with euphoria as the warm lips brushed her own again, her cousin running a stray hoof down her arm. This felt so [i]wrong[/i], like she was doing something awful, but at the same time... it felt so right! Babs went to kiss her again, mouth parted. She felt the older filly's tongue brushing against her lips and opened her mouth even wider, pressing her tongue against the flesh of Babs' tongue. The taste and smell of toothpaste flooded her. She wrapped her hooves back around Babs' tail as her cousin ran her own hooves through Apple Bloom's mane and over her face. They pulled each other closer with their legs, intertwined in an embrace as they shared their first truly passionate kiss. Babs Seed's breath was so warm against her throat. Bloom was lost in blissful oblivion, it was so spontaneous, and so wonderful.
  437. “C-Cus...” Bloom said in a hoarse whisper as they broke apart, her heart thundering against her ribs. “T-that was... that was...”
  439. “Awesome...” Babs supplied with a hungry hiss.
  441. They looked each other full in the face very seriously for several seconds. At once, they started to laugh again. And it was hard to stop once they were going. Within seconds, her sides were aching as she fought with herself to keep breath in her body, chortling loudly. She slapped a hoof to her mouth, worried that Applejack would barge in, but no one came. She figured her sister was probably asleep by now.
  443. “Yer... yer my favourite cus'n, Babs...” Bloom admitted, feeling relieved, nuzzling her muzzle against the dark orange filly's.
  445. “Ya ain't bad yaself...” Babs Seed grinned at her, puffing out her lips.
  447. Apple Bloom giggled. “One more! Then maybe we should get some sleep, we gotta meet the other Crusaders tomorrow... after your spanking!”
  449. “Aww, c'mon, Cus!” Babs sighed playfully.
  451. Apple Bloom just shrugged, still undecided on that little detail. The fillies pulled one another close again, their bodies perfectly snug against each other, locking their lips for a final time as they wrapped their hooves around the other's back. Bloom relaxed her lips and nuzzled her face into her cousin's chest. She felt Babs' chin against her head, the older filly stroking her mane gently. She rattled as a tremendous yawn shook her, feeling her cousin quiver and yawn against her. Neither of them moved, allowing sleep to eventually sweep them away.
  453. The night hadn’t been a total disaster after all.

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