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Bad Apples 2 by KrishnaKarnak

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:23:57
Expiry: Never

  1. Bad Apples 2 by KrishnaKarnak
  2. (Apple Bloom / Babs)
  3. f/f, hoof, wooden spoon, bathbrush, hairbrush, otk, bent over, over bed, corner, mouth soaping, pajamas, semi-consensual
  5. ---
  7. (Additional Babs Seed spankfic reading: Day 9. Day 12.)
  10. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
  12. Apple Bloom's ear twitched. Lifting her chin, she fixed her eyes on the face of the grandfather clock directly across from the glowing fireplace. Ten minutes to go. She exhaled loudly, smacking her lips in boredom. This would be the worst ten minutes of the entire hour, as she didn't exactly have much to do.
  14. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
  16. She pushed her yellow butt as far back into the couch that it would go, feeling her light blue pajamas drag against her fur. Both forelegs were folded over her chest, but she stretched out her hindquarters and tried to relax a little bit. The warmth from the fire was very pleasant as wave after wave of comforting heat washed over the living room. Apple Bloom debated going into the kitchen to peer out of the window; it had been twenty minutes since she checked on the crowd around the bonfire. Occasionally, she could hear the music from the fiddle or the gentle plucking of banjo strings drift up on the breeze, but it didn't matter.
  18. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick.
  20. The sniff of an itchy and wet snout reached her ears, but she ignored it. Sighing deeply, she tapped her right hoof against the left arm, returning her glare to what she had been scrutinizing for the last five minutes. The entire extended Apple family were attending the square dance and barbecue outside, so she had the run of the farm house once she had claimed tiredness and a desire to go to bed.
  22. A dark orange hoof twitched and reached to scratch between the shoulder blades. She had not been the only one to claim that they were tired.
  24. “I told ya, ya ain't to move!” Apple Bloom snapped.
  26. “B-but...”
  28. “No talkin'.”
  30. It returned to its resting position behind the mane. Another sniff. Apple Bloom slipped off the couch, taking extra care to touch every single creaky floor board as she moved out of the glow of the fire place and toward the hallway. Walking past the entrance to the connected dining room, Apple Bloom reached the kitchen and cautiously crept toward the back window. Her family's silhouettes were still visible by the bonfire, Big Macintosh’s in particular. There was no smell of charcoal, flame broiled vegetables, or apple sauce reaching her nose, so nopony was eating yet, let alone cooking. She had plenty of time.
  32. Bloom twirled on her hoof and trotted from the kitchen, a little blaze of nervous excitement rumbling in her chest. Pausing briefly by the downstairs bathroom, she glanced into the sink, grinned with satisfaction, and turned on the faucet with a yellow hoof to allow a very small amount of cold water to run. She walked out of the bathroom, leaving the light on, and closed the door. She hesitated. The sounds of the running water was very faint. Perfect.
  34. She walked across to the open dinning room archway and peered very intently toward the adjoined living room, narrowing her eyes to focus. Even at this distance, there was no mistaking the shaking in those knees. She slowly approached one of the chairs by the dinner table, eyes glued to the figure in the living room. Her hooves wrapped around the back of the closest chair, feeling the cool wooden corners dig into the limb. Taking extra care to press down as hard as she could, she pushed it forward. The sound of the wooden chair legs being pushed across the dusty floor made the tail she was watching twitch and the head jerk back suddenly. Apple Bloom was sure she had seen light gleam off a wet eye.
  36. “That's another five...” she whispered to herself. “Woulda made it ten, but that wasn't really all that fair, not that she wanted me to be fair... the other two times she looked makes it twenty-five, though...”
  38. She had spent the entire two months leading up to this moment in such high anticipation. The letters she had received had initially sown doubt into the whole idea to begin with. Apple Bloom had been freaked out by the very first one, but in the two weeks that followed, she couldn't get the idea out of her head. She wrote back, saying that she was considering trying it out sometime, but was still unsure. Babs sent another letter, trying to convince her. She wrote back, still reluctant to do it and in a mind to tell Babs that if she didn’t stop being so pushy, Apple Bloom would never consider it. Another letter, this time carrying details that would give them a real excuse to do this. The farm filly wrote another response, finally agreeing. After all... somepony really should. Who knows, she had wondered, it could even be fun, so she had made a plan for this evening.
  40. Apple Bloom walked back into the hallway, deciding to take the long way around to the living room. This time, however, she made no efforts to touch any of the creaky floorboards she had memorized. Instead, she crept into the room, taking her sweet time, one hoof after the other, while her eyes remained fixed on the pony in the corner.
  42. Seeing her cousin for the first time since Babs' first visit to Ponyville had not been the only reason she approached this day in such high spirits and nigh-uncontrollable anticipation. There was no longer any doubt in her mind. Sure, she was nervous, but it was also a little exciting; Apple Bloom had never done anything like this before. Babs Seed was all for it, of course, although Apple Bloom herself still could not figure out why her cousin would possibly be looking forward to this. Especially considering that, beyond the decision to do it during the barbeque, Babs Seed would have no idea what exactly was waiting for her.
  44. Now that she was within a few feet of her cousin, Apple Bloom glanced once at the clock and then back at the filly in time-out. Another minute or two and she'd get this show started.
  46. Babs' body was shivering, wrapped snugly in dark green Pjs. The shiver was most noticeable in her shoulders. Her very short, reddish-rose tail twitched slightly, swishing back and forth in high agitation across her very plump rump. It kept covering one side of her flank at a time, as though Babs was trying to decide upon something. Once or twice, Bloom watched it pause in the dead centre before swishing to a side in defeat.
  48. Bloom had struggled with herself as she dragged her cousin by the arm into that corner earlier. She wanted to tug those pajamas down to show the world that big bum, just so she could sit and watch it clench in fear with each tick of the clock. It had really been a long hour, but it wasn't all that bad for Bloom herself. She spent most of the time running about the house, gathering what she thought she was going to need. She visited the upstairs bathroom and the kitchen and even took a very good look at something in Applejack's room... a something that both herself and her cousin were very familiar with. Every now and then on her treasure hunt, she would stop and stare at her cousin from a distance.
  50. Her cousin's ears were drooped back, the left one twitching every few seconds. Her front hooves were quivering and looked slightly sweaty. Soft breathing played from her mouth and nostrils, which sniffed once again. The yellow filly heard a very quiet little whine.
  52. The hooves on the floor were quaking with either fatigue or fear. Bloom stared at them for a few seconds, before tracing her eyes along the legs Babs was standing on. The knees were still twitching. A small smile slipped on her face when the sound of Babs' grumbling tummy reached her ears. 'I'm not hungry,' Babs had told her family before she said she was going to bed. Apple Bloom knew it was a sacrifice both of them had to make, otherwise how else would they ever find a time or place for privacy so that this could happen? Despite the necessity, she still made sure to tell her cousin to refuse dinner herself. That way, she could include it in this little thing.
  54. Another look at the clock. The hour was up.
  56. “Turn around, Babs Seed,” Apple Bloom ordered sternly.
  58. Her cousin gave a start at the sound of her voice, but obliged at once. Hooves leaving the back of her neck, Babs pushed herself away from the wall and fell on all four hooves, looking very grateful to do so. There was a very small bit of runoff on her snout and Babs' eyes were wet, but Bloom knew that it was nothing yet.
  60. Apple Bloom walked forward and placed a kiss on Babs' forehead. Babs tilted her head back to try and kiss her on the lips in return, but Bloom turned away from her. A peck on the forehead would tell her cousin that she was going to be there for her during the whole ordeal, but she still made sure her cousin understood that it was strictly business from here on out.
  62. “Tell me again why we're here, missy,” Bloom asked, glaring a hole into her cousin's forehead. “Look up at me.”
  64. Babs reluctantly turned her eyes away from Bloom's hooves and looked her in the face. “I'm... uh, sorry, Cus.”
  66. “Tell me why we're here, Babs Seed,” Bloom repeated, narrowing her eyebrows to match the frown on her muzzle.
  68. “B-because I g-got my brother in-t-to trouble...” Babs mumbled, a small flush on her cheeks.
  70. “What happened?”
  72. “I was supposed to be in school, but I... I played hookey, 'cause I never wanted to goes.”
  74. “Keep talkin',” Apple Bloom told her, sitting down and crossing her arms again.
  76. Babs gulped softly. “I b-broke da bathroom sink when I was standing on it t-to try and reach my b-birthday present hidden over da c-cupboard,” Babs confessed, although her letter had already revealed such details. “I w-wanted to take an early look, never wanted to waits until the next day, an'... da sink cracked off from da wall. I opened the window an' bailed. When Pops got home, I pretended to be coming home from school.”
  78. “Did yer parents find out about you skippin' school, young lady?” Apple Bloom asked, guessing the answer.
  80. “N-no, ma'am...” Apple Bloom felt a little tingle of excitement at the word to match Babs' little shiver when she herself had said 'young lady'. The authority she was about to have over her misbehaving cousin was going to be incredible. “When I gots there, I pretended I was sick an' said Ma would be c-comin' to get me. Nopony was watchin', so I left, an' the school n-never bothered to ask my folks how I got on afters.” Apple Bloom had heard about all of this in the correspondence, too.
  82. “How didja get yer bro into trouble? Ya never told me what happened to 'em in yer letters, neither,” Apple Bloom pointed out, watching the ears start to twitch again.
  84. Babs Seed took a deep breath, dragging one of her hooves across the floor. The muzzle opened, hesitated, and closed again. Babs dropped her face to the floor. Very quickly, Bloom thrust a hoof forward and lifted her chin, forcing her cousin to look her in the eyes again. Her cousin blushed a deeper shade of magenta. Apple Bloom was starting to a feel a little guilty, knowing how much Babs was probably enjoying this little exchange, blissfully unaware of the dangers that lie ahead. But she had made her up mind; Babs was getting no pity. Heck, Babs had even asked for no pity when she had first made the request, even though Apple Bloom was hesitant.
  86. “Y'all got three seconds to tell me what—”
  88. “Okays, okays, I'm sawwy!” Babs whimpered, biting her lip. “My brotha gets home before I does lately, 'cause he gets afternoons off so he can practice for the kickball game comin' up... an' Pops thought it was him dat broke it.”
  90. Apple Bloom shook her head. “I see. I ain't very impressed witcha, Cus'n. What did yer Pa do?”
  92. She could tell Babs Seed wanted to look away, but with Bloom's hoof still against her chin, the city pony had no choice but to maintain eye contact. “P-Pops gave him a s-spankin'.” It was always a hard word for her to say.
  94. “How do you know?” Bloom demanded, dropping her hoof to the floor.
  96. “There's a big ol' closet connecting my room an' my folks' room, an' I was watchin' through the gap in the closet door. Pops couldn't see me,” Babs mumbled, an inclining of fear starting to show on her features. “Pops had him over his knee an' was givin' him a belting, telling my bro dat if he ever caught him destroying stuffs an' lyin' about it again, he was gonna get a hairbrushing from Ma, too...”
  98. “How bad was his tannin'?”
  100. “R-really bad. He was kicking an' screaming, bawling...”
  102. Apple Bloom nodded, getting to her hooves. “And what didja ask me to do in yer letters?”
  104. Babs bit her lip again, unable to stop herself looking away.
  106. “Hey!” Bloom snapped. “Look at me, missy!”
  108. “I asked ya to give me a s-spanking...” Babs said in a voice barely above a whisper, swishing her tail nervously.
  110. “That's exactly what's gonna happen, ain't it? You've been a very bad filly who deserves to have her bum roasted!” Apple Bloom told her, moving forward and taking a firm hold of one of her ears.
  112. “Y-yes, ma'am...” she squeaked. “P-please g-give me a s-spankin'...”
  114. “I'm gonna be hard, Babs, 'n' I hope ya took all the time ya needed to think long'n hard about how sorry you are. And if ya ain't actually sorry for it, yer gonna be.”
  116. The last threat was very real. Not only was Apple Bloom going to really enjoy being the one doing the spanking for a change, but she really wanted to make sure that any guilty feelings the dark orange filly had would be eliminated, too. Excited or not, she could still sense the regret in Babs' mannerisms.
  118. “We're goin' to the couch first.” And with that, she gave the ear a very firm tug, aiming to pull her cousin across the living room.
  120. “W-wait, 'first'?” Babs questioned, her voice cracking as she started to jerk her head back against Apple Bloom's ear-pulling.
  122. “Yeah, 'first'! Shoulda thought about that, huh? Don'tcha dare try'n talk yer way outta this, missy, not after all the time y'all spent beggin' me to do it! I'm gonna smack that bum of yours real good, Babs,” Bloom threatened, pulling hard on the ear. “C'mon! Yer gonna have yerself a clear conscious when yer bawlin' yer eyes out.”
  124. Under the strain of the ear, Babs' hooves reluctantly started falling upon the floor in a very reluctant, haphazard trot. Apple Bloom dragged her cousin straight over to the couch. Sitting in the dead centre and still clinging to that fleshy chunk of skin, Bloom reached over and seized Babs by a hoof, so that her own were quite full. Pulling her cousin over her lap by force was not going to be very easy; Babs was a lot bigger than she was.
  126. “It's time I tan ya, Babs. Crawl over, Cus'n,” Apple Bloom ordered in a motherly voice, slowly beginning to drop her super-strict manner. “I want your chest over my left leg'n your bum over my right. I don't want no fightin', or yer gonna be a lot more sore than ya woulda been otherwise.”
  128. “Yes, m-ma'am...” Babs' voice broke again.
  130. Apple Bloom waited, still holding firmly onto her cousin, as Babs crawled up on to the couch and shuffled on her knees, draping her body across the farm pony's lap. She wasn't an easy filly to hold and Bloom had to immediately throw her left arm over her cousin's back to keep her steady. Her thoughts drifted to the bathroom momentarily, ensuring that she wouldn't forget about the running water. She laid her right hoof across Babs' jammied bottom.
  132. “This is gonna happen, young lady...” Bloom spoke softly. “Promised ya I would 'n' I won't be chickenin' out if ya start to fight, but ya gotta promise me somethin', too...” Bloom said slowly, wanting to make the terms of this punishment very clear.
  134. “Um... okays, what is it, Cus?” Babs asked in an apprehensive voice.
  136. “Y'all gotta tell your Ma 'n' Pa the truth when ya get home,” Bloom explained, giving the rump a soft series of pats.
  138. “B-but... no!” Babs pleaded, pushing against the couch with her front hooves and twisting her head around to look Apple Bloom in the face.
  140. “'Buts' are for spankin'! Ya made yer bro get a belt-tannin' for no reason, Babs! That's awful...” she said coldly, closing her eyes and looking away from the city pony. “Ya never even told 'em about it, so that he could willingly cover for ya... he was totally innocent and couldn't get out of it unless you told yer Pa the truth. Imagine if you got a really bad spankin' 'n' it wasn't yer fault? Y'all would hate your Pa, wouldn't ya?”
  142. Babs went quiet for a minute. Then it became two. Apple Bloom was now staring at the fire place. She had not given her cousin's covered rump a single glance. Babs squirmed nervously in her lap as she deliberated her answer.
  144. “O-okay, Cus... I'll tell my folks... and I'll do it when my brother's there so he can forgives me, too... Um, can I wait until my butt ain't red or nothin' no more?”
  146. This authority she was enjoying was nearly too much to bear. She wanted to trust her to tell her parents, but this spanking was most definitely going to give her cousin second thoughts. Nevertheless, she couldn't let that stop this from happening. Deciding to cross that bridge when she came to it, she continued to rub her the dark orange backside through the pajamas. Bloom opened her mouth to tell her cousin that she 'really was a good filly', but managed to stop herself. No, she had to be tough.
  148. “Yeah... best ya wait until this spankin' fades from ya, or else we'll get caught...” Apple Bloom agreed, raising her hoof and giving the rump two very light swats, right on the lower halves of the butt cheeks, for practice. Babs stiffened her body, but relaxed again. “A'right, Babs Seed, yer gonna be payin' for yer bad behaviour!” Bloom watched the bum squirm beneath that soft fabric and resumed her gentle rubbing.
  150. “Yes, m-m-ma'am,” Babs stuttered in response, squirming again as Bloom slipped a hoof into the pajama bottoms to get a better feel of the rump she was about to set on fire.
  152. “Y'all best speak up when I want an answer, or else yer gettin' a free smack!” Apple Bloom warned her sternly.
  154. “Y-Yes, ma'am!” Babs choked, nervously swishing her tail from side to side.
  156. The farm filly ran a hoof along the crease in the bubbly butt. Babs' backside already felt like it had gotten a tanning, being so very warm to the touch and sweaty inside of those jammies. Perhaps it was due to her proximity to the fire. Whatever the reason, Bloom pulled her hoof out of her cousin's pants and gave the rump another two practice swats.
  158. “Oh... 'n' every time ya try to block with yer tail or yer hooves, it'll be another thirty seconds that y'all are gonna be squirmin' over my lap, with my hoof goin' real hard'n real fast! Our family might be another hour or two, an' I'll keep yer bum burnin' the whole time if I gotta. Got it?” Babs didn't say anything to this. Another two 'practice' swats, only these would, no doubt, leave a bit of a sting with the force Bloom put into them.
  160. “Aah!” Babs gave a very short gasp in surprise, hastily answering, “Y-yeah, I gots it, m-ma'am!”
  162. At long last, Apple Bloom gave the rump one final, deep massage, and raised the hoof for real this time. She brought it down very sharply on the seat of those pajamas, impacting Babs' left cheek with a dull sounding slap. Babs Seed gave a little yelp of surprise and Apple Bloom watched her back hooves curl a little. Another smack to the right with identical force. The start of the spanking would not be light.
  164. “Ya wonderin' why I left yer pants up?” Apple Bloom asked, bringing her hoof down hard for the third time and making Babs inhale deeply.
  166. When Babs didn't immediately respond, Apple Bloom delivered a firm slap to the same lower half she had been practicing on earlier. Her hoof imprinted the lower back portion of her left flank, right on the spot that took the pressure of a pudgy filly's weight. Another landed on the right side immediately afterwards, making Babs' right arm move away from her front, threatening to make a beeline for her rump.
  168. “When I ask ya a question, y'all are gonna answer! And you keep that hoof in front of you, young lady!” The words came out very sternly, with no hint of her usual accent when her voice raised slightly.
  170. “I'm sawwy, Cus!” Babs apologized quickly, pressing her front hooves into the couch cushion as Bloom brought the hoof down with the hardest slap yet, straight in the middle. “I a-ain't wonderin'...”
  172. Apple Bloom wanted to press the matter and ask why, but had a feeling her cousin was probably already thinking about how to answer, and was happy to give her time. Instead, she put her focus back into watching the bum she was slapping her hoof against. Left cheek, right cheek, left cheek. Babs' hooves were curling again, but none of these spanks were really hard. Left, left, left. Another three on the right. Her cousin's butt was clenching beneath the fabric, but it was far too pudgy for it to make any real difference. Bloom continued to dig her hoof into it with every firm slap, knowing that her cousin could definitely take a spanking a lot better than she could.
  174. Babs was older, she was tougher, and based on all she heard about Babs' mother, no stranger to a lengthy session under a firm hoof. All Apple Bloom had to show for herself was a hoof spanking from Applejack, a hairbrushing back during the summer, and a very unpleasant ten minutes over a week ago, involving Granny Smith's spoon, the kitchen, and one of the dining room chairs... Apple Bloom had opted not to do her chores because she was too tired from a long day of crusading; she learned some important things that day, like how taking responsibilities for your chores is important, and that Granny Smith hasn't missed a beat when it came to tanning a naughty filly's flank.
  176. Bloom blinked, trying to refocus herself. Having zoned out a little, Babs' backside wasn't getting the attention it deserved. Shuffling her own rump back again, Bloom made sure she was quite steady on the couch, pulled Babs' a little closer over her lap, and continued the firm onslaught of swats. Her cousin's squirming was starting to grow more agitated and Babs was prone to giving more little whines whenever the hoof hit the same spot twice. After a particular sharp slap to the middle, hitting both cheeks, the bright tail swished in the way, taking the force of the next swat.
  178. “I-I'm s-sawwy, Cus!” Babs panicked, letting it fall limply to the side. “I d-didn't mean to b-b-block!” She wasn't crying yet, but there was no disguising the misery in her voice.
  180. “If ya do it again, I'm gonna pin it for the rest of yer spankin'!” Bloom warned her. “Yer gettin' yer thirty seconds right now, young lady, 'n' your tail's gettin' held for that.”
  182. “No! P-please!” Babs sniffled. “I'll be a g-good filly an' I won't fight or blocks no mores, I p-promise!”
  184. Apple Bloom was deaf to her pleading and was taking no chances. Grabbing Babs' left hoof with both of her own, she forced it between her legs, closing them tight. Seizing the right, she pinned it in the centre of Babs' back along with the tip of her tail, pressing her own left hoof hard against them. With no way to defend herself, Babs' gave another whimper and Bloom felt her squirm against her lap, but she was going nowhere fast. A hard smack hit the centre of the rump, right on both cheeks again.
  186. “Ooow!” Babs cried out. “Cus, I'm sawwy!”
  188. And Bloom started. Smack, smack, smack. She let them hit very soundly and very fast, drilling her hoof into those pajama-clad, chubby butt cheeks. Babs started to cry out in pain and tried to squirm to freedom, but Bloom held her tight. Smack, smack, smack. For a solid thirty seconds, she pelted that bum with an unforgiving, unrelenting fury. Halfway through, she migrated her slaps to focus on the very tender sit spot on either side and heard the first legitimate cry from her cousin, a long 'aaah', the voice breaking and her body starting to shake. As the thirty seconds came to a close, Apple Bloom let her hoof fall limp, winching as it started to throb a little, a sting all of its own, although surely nothing compared to the bum she just smacked.
  190. Apple Bloom paused to reach into those pajama bottoms again and run a hoof along both cheeks. They were quivering and the heat inside Babs' pants was definitely a lot more intense than it had been. Satisfied, both with herself and how well her cousin took the first stage of the operation, Apple Bloom released her vice-like hold on her cousin and told her to get up.
  192. Babs obeyed at once, pushing herself off the lap and falling to the floor on her hooves, wincing with the movement. Apple Bloom remained where she sat, studying the city pony's face closely. The eyes were wet. There were one or two thin tear-streaks staining the fur on those rosy, puffy cheeks, but Babs was otherwise still composed.
  194. “Are you okay?” Bloom couldn't stop herself from asking, knowing how much was left for her cousin. For the first time, she felt the smallest twinge of reluctance; she had not expected her cousin to make a single sound from a hoof-spanking on the pajamas, even with the quick and hard penalty spanks. She ran her hoof across her cousin's face.
  196. “Y-yeah...” Babs choked, a drip of snot falling from her snout as she breathed through her nose. Using the couch cushion Bloom was still on as leverage, she reached to her waist and started to pull down her pants with a free hoof. They made it all the way to her thighs.
  198. “Uh... what are you doin'?” Bloom asked.
  200. “D-don't you want me bare?” Babs asked, confused. “W-whenever Ma spanks my pajamas, she makes me pull 'em down afters...”
  202. “Oh...” Bloom mumbled, realizing that this was probably why her cousin didn't ask why her pants stayed up. “We ain't there yet,” she explained calmly. “C'mon to the bathroom, Cus'n. No,” Bloom added, as Babs made to pull them back up. “Leave 'em where they are, since they gotta come down eventually. Don't rub, either.”
  204. Sighing deeply, Babs bit her lip and nodded. Slipping off the couch, Bloom took the dark orange filly by the arm and lead her away from the couch and the soothing warmth of the fire. Into the hallway they went, turning and walking down toward the bathroom. Leaving Babs' by the bathroom door, her cousin's ears perking slightly at the very faint noise of running water, Bloom ventured into the kitchen and took another look at the party down by the bonfire. As she returned to her cousin, she realized what she had forgotten to get from the kitchen. She'd just go back later, she decided. No big deal.
  206. “What's dat noi—” Babs started to ask, but Bloom pressed a hoof to her mouth.
  208. “No talkin' for this part of yer punishment... unless I ask ya a question. Y'all gotta do what I say, okay?” Bloom informed her.
  210. Babs frowned, but nodded again and mumbled a simple ‘yep’. Pushing the door open, Apple Bloom took her cousin's arm again and pulled her inside. Babs' tried to look into the sink, but Bloom jerked her and positioned her in the middle of the bathroom floor. Bloom took one peek into the basin and moved to stand in front of Babs again.
  212. “Alright, Babs... yer gonna be gettin' more than a warmed rump for all that ya did before your birthday. Understand?”
  214. “Yes, ma'am...”
  216. Apple Bloom looked into her cousin's anxious face for another moment longer, knowing that she has left that water running for long enough. Gesturing her cousin forward, she watched the Pjs slip another inch or so down her cousin's rump as she moved a bit closer, but still not near enough to see what was inside the sink.
  218. “I've been thinkin' about this ever since ya told me about lyin' to your teachers in yer letter,” Bloom told her, standing up on her hind legs and folding her arms again, deliberating how to continue.
  220. “Thinking abouts... what?” Babs asked hesitantly, looking nervously at the white sink, unable to properly view the inside from where she was standing.
  222. “No talkin', young lady,” Bloom reminded her. “That wasn't a question. Now, I was thinkin' about how you could be punished for it... 'n' I think lyin' should be the same as cussin'.”
  224. Babs' eyes went wide and her mouth immediately opened to protest. Apple Bloom silenced her with a look before she could even speak. Reaching forward, she took another hold of her cousin's arm and pulled her to the sink.
  226. “C'mere, Babs,” Apple Bloom said sharply when her cousin resisted the pull.
  228. “A-Apple B-Bloom, p-please!” Babs protested, throwing a horrified look at the large, green bar of soap sitting in a sudsy pool of ice-cold water, the frigid stream falling endlessly upon it.
  230. “Stop fightin', Babs! Open your mouth,” Bloom commanded, reaching into the basin and trying to get a good hold of the slippery bar.
  232. “Nooo!” Babs fought, tears already starting to well in her eyes. “I d-don't l-like being soaped!”
  235. “You aren't supposed to like it! Now open your mouth so I can clean that dishonest tongue!” The authority was back in her voice. Lip trembling, Babs squinted her eyes against the tears and reluctantly opened her mouth wide. “Stick yer tongue out and lean against the sink. This is for doin' wrong and ya deserve it, Babs! Y'all were a really bad girl... 'n' this is punishment for it.”
  237. Now shaking all over, Babs slowly flattened her tongue and pushed it out of her mouth. Standing up on her hind legs to match her cousin, Babs pressed her hooves against the edge of the sink, looking imploringly at Apple Bloom through streaming eyes. Placing a hoof against her nose, Bloom forced her mouth open even wider and picked up the soap. Quickly, she moved it from the basin and pressed it into her cousin's protesting mouth. She put downward pressure on the tongue, causing the jaw to open even wider, and wiggled the bar of soap around for a few seconds. Babs Seed started to choke and gag from the taste, stamping her back left hoof and shivering all over. Bloom pulled the soap out, dropped it back into the pool of cold water and moved it around a little under the still-running faucet. Again, she took it out and made to return it to her cousin's mouth. Babs tried to pull her head away from the intruder, but Apple Bloom kept a firm hold on her nose and pushed it inside again. The tears were wet against Bloom's hoof, but she would not give up on her cousin so easily. She wiggled it again, pulled it out, pressing down hard on the tongue again, and pushed it back in once more, going so deep that she could have nearly closed her cousin's mouth if she wanted to. Out again, in again. Babs was fighting harder and harder, taking a hoof off the sink to try and pull back on Bloom's arm, but Babs' strength was leaving her. For the struggling, Apple Bloom practically scrubbed her tongue as she took it out again, before sticking it between the teeth a fourth time.
  239. “This is gonna make ya a good'n honest girl again, Babs. I promise ya,” Bloom spoke gently, caressing her cousin's mane as Babs bawled and heaved. “Once more and then I've gotta get back to yer hide tannin'. Open wide, c'mon... one more. I know this is really hard, but I'm proud of ya for doin' it.”
  241. A wail of despair left her cousin as the mouth opened wide once again. Bloom was a lot more gentle with putting it in this time, sliding it through the well-lathered mouth and teeth until it was nearly completely inside her mouth again. She held it steady for a few seconds, watching her cousin very carefully. If Babs started to heave again, she would need to take it out. It was too much risk if Babs was going to throw up, or something.
  243. “That's it...” Bloom murmured delicately. “Bite down on it and just hold it in your mouth, okay? I'm going to leave it there for a little while, so I can go get somethin' from the kitchen,” she explained in that same motherly voice. “Sit down on the toilet seat while you wait.”
  245. Babs mumbled something in response, although the farm pony couldn't make out what she said. Instead of making Babs walk to the seat alone, she moved around and took her cousin's hoof, leading her over while her cousin continued to whine. Babs' salty tears splashed the bathroom tiles each time they dripped off her chin. Turning the city pony around, Apple Bloom deposited her on the seat, immediately pulling the hair from her wet eyes. Pausing to ensure the bar was not at risk of falling out, she reminded her cousin to keep it held between those teeth, and moved out of the room.
  247. Apple Bloom walked down the hallway, the smell of the barbeque reaching her nostrils even before she got within range of the back door. She'd need to really get this show on the road. Babs was tough, but the soaping had taught Bloom that she would still need to be very perceptive of her cousin's reactions. She wanted to be tough, but not a big mean jerk.
  249. I'm not Diamond Tiara... Bloom thought to herself.
  251. This spanking was supposed to be a nice memory she could look back on with her cousin. Requested, but thoroughly earned. She kept repeating in her head that it wasn't supposed to be a beating. Bloom needed to find out Babs Seed's limits, since that was the only way to go through with this that made sense. At least, if she wanted her cousin to still like her when she was done. Find the point where she would have her cousin the same way Applejack had, and push just a little further to drive the point home. Smiling and confident that she could handle this, she picked up her pace.
  253. Once back in the kitchen, Apple Bloom approached the counter next to the fridge and hauled open a drawer. Lifting up the small woven tray holding all the eating utensils, she reached under it for a long, wooden cooking spoon. It was the exact same one that she herself had felt. Made of birch, with the spoon-end being an inch and a half long, about an inch wide, and a quarter-inch thick. It was Granny Smith's favourite and it really, really stung. She gave it a swat against her hoof and winced.
  255. Duh, you dummy, it still stings... Bloom thought to herself, looking back to the hallway and trying to imagine being able to see through the walls to the squirming filly with the soap in her mouth.
  257. Biting down on the middle of the spoon, Apple Bloom dropped to all four hooves and made the trek back to the bathroom. She found Babs with her head hanging low, drooling a little bit with the soapy bar in her teeth. Her crying had stopped, leaving the eyes wet and red. At the sound of Apple Bloom twisting off the faucet, Babs looked up. Her eyes widened like saucers at the sight of the spoon in her mouth, almost dropping the soap from her own. Apple Bloom didn't have to guess that her cousin was familiar with the spoon.
  259. “Up ya get, Cus'n,” Bloom instructed, dropping the spoon into her hooves to free her mouth. “Drop the soap in the sink and take one good spit, because I turned off the water... y'all ain't allowed to rinse.” She watched her cousin do as she was told, stepping aside so that Babs could spit the soap back into the basin and get some suds out. “Now step in the middle of the rug by the toilet and drop 'em, right to your hooves!”
  261. “Yueeek,” Babs gagged, sticking out her tongue and wiping off a long line of drool that was dangerously close to breaking off and hitting the floor. “Yes, ma'am...”
  263. Bloom could tell that Babs was trying to act playful and tough, but the way she was screwing up her mouth betrayed her. That filly really wanted to wash the taste of the soap, not to mention the excess suds themselves, out with some water. As Babs Seed moved to stand as instructed, she leaned against the toilet and tugged the pajama bottoms down to her back hooves, revealing a faint pink posterior.
  265. “Good girl,” Bloom complimented, watching her cousin stumble a little as she pushed away from the toilet to stand in the right spot. “Now, turn around for me... and bend over 'n' stick your bum in the air.”
  267. “Um...” Babs hesitated, taking another horrified glance at the spoon. “Y-yes, ma'am...”
  269. Babs rotated until her backside was facing her cousin. Dropping her head to the floor, she arched her back and threw her rump into the air, holding up her tail. Apple Bloom moved forward and leaned close to her cousin's rump. She couldn't possibly ask for a better view, from the cheeks to the privates, not that she was concerned with the latter. Ignoring the rising heat in her face, she realized that she needed a better angle at the undercurve of Babs' pudgy butt.
  271. “Push it higher, okay? Hold yer back hooves with yer front and lean on the tips of them. I'm gonna spank ya with Granny Smith's spoon for movin' in the corner. Twenty five smacks'n I don't want no complainin'.”
  273. “B-but if I goes higher, you'll see... you'll see me...” Babs groaned uncertainly.
  275. Apple Bloom stood up, leaned back with her right hoof wrapped as tightly around the handle of the spoon as she could, and delivered a hard thwack to the right cheek with the underside of the spoon. Babs let out a grunt of unexpected pain, dancing a little bit on the spot and nearly tripping over the scrunched up clothes at her hooves.
  277. “I said no complainin', young lady!” Bloom reminded her, watching the spot she had smacked slowly form a red mark, visible on top of the pink. “That smack was extra, and jes' for talkin' back, yer gonna count every one!” Ignoring the pleading splutters, she leaned back and prepared for another smack, deciding it was better to do this upright than with her teeth. “Besides, I can already see ya, anyways. Now, hooves on hooves and bum to the ceilin'!”
  279. With no choice but to do as instructed by her cousin, Babs' buttcheeks rose a few more inches as she tried to balance herself on the edge of her back hooves, her front resting on them. The more Babs tried to keep her legs together, the more unbalanced she became. The calves started to shake with the strain of supporting her weight. Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom swung forward and connected to the right cheek again.
  281. “Ooow!” Babs whined with a small hiss. “O-one!”
  283. “Good,” Bloom responded, smiling. “I never had to remind ya to count, so I'll include the first smack I gave ya. Twenty-three more, Babs... start at three.”
  285. “Yes, ma-OOOW!” Babs choked as Bloom delivered the first spoon swat to her left cheek, her tail twitching. “T-three...”
  287. Apple Bloom moved forward once she saw the tail twitch. Seizing it with her left hoof, she gave the back of Babs' upper right thigh a firm swat with the spoon, deciding to drop the force a little. After all, Babs still had a long night to go, and every hit so far had left a small, angry mark.
  289. “Four!” Babs called out in a half-whine, knees shaking. “Five!” Apple Bloom connected on the left undercurve, this time. “S-six!” And again. “SEVEN!”
  291. “Y'all don't gotta say it loud, I'm right here,” Bloom suggested, delivering the next thwack to the middle of the left cheek, watching it jiggle with the impact.
  293. “Yes, ma-aaah! Ma'am...” Babs whimpered, clenching her chubby cheeks together.
  295. “I said loud, not out loud!” Bloom said very clearly, giving her an extra swat to the exact same spot. “Count, please.”
  297. “Ooow... n-nine...” Babs whimpered.
  299. “We're still on eight!” Bloom shouted, giving her another smack. She was definitely not going through this counting thing ever again, rolling her eyes in exasperation.
  301. “Eeeight!” Babs yelped, starting to sniffle, her butt wiggling as though she wanted nothing more than to pull it away. “Nine... ten...” she continued in response to two firm thwacks to the middle of the right cheek.
  303. Apple Bloom continued to paint a dull splatter of light red marks over her cousin's rump with that frightening spoon. None of the hits were hard enough to stand out like the first three swats, which had already faded to a darker pink, but the punishment was starting to prove very effective. 'Eleven!' and 'twelve...' came by without incident, but Babs almost fell over at the 'thirteeeeen!'. Bloom increased the grip she had on that tail, serving the dual purpose of keeping it from covering her cousin's rump, and to keep her from leaning too far forward and falling flat on her nose.
  305. “Aaah!” Babs cried out as number fourteen, although the real number was either of their guesses at that point, connected to her right sit spot with a clap. Bloom waited to see if she would count it. “F-f-f-fourteen...” thwack, the same spot again. “Fifteeeeen!”
  307. Apple Bloom could tell from her cousin's shuddering that she was on the verge of breaking down into tears again. The soaping and now this unique position couldn't be easy to take in addition to the spanking itself.
  309. “Not long now, Babs...” she told her gently. “Almost there. Ten more. Afterwards, I'm gonna put the spoon away, okay?”
  311. Babs tried to answer, but the only thing that came out of her mouth was a sharp gasp. Apple Bloom waited a few extra seconds before delivering the next swat, wishing to give her cousin the time to control her breathing. She rested the spoon against the bottom, giving it a small amount of pressure to remind her cousin that they still had to continue, no matter what. Once she was satisfied that the dark orange filly was a little more stable, she lifted the spoon and returned it with another firm smack on the left.
  313. “Sixteen...” Babs mumbled through clenched teeth. “It... hurts!”
  315. “Sssh, Babs...” Bloom cooed, “just count, Cus'n...”
  317. Another strike to the upper thighs and Babs was swaying where she stood, wiggling once again. “Seventeen... p-please...” Thwack, a little harder to remind Babs of what she had just said. “E-eight-t-teen...”
  319. Bloom spanked just below the slightly darker red mark she had just left behind. The rump was quivering, clenching and unclenching, each and every recent hit taking longer and longer to fade to dull pink.
  321. “Twenty! N-no, no!” Babs panicked, flinching as she anticipated an extra swat. “Nineteen! Nineteeeeen!” Bloom delivered another thwack to the sit-spot on the left. “T-twenty!” Babs gasped, her front hooves leaving the back ones as she tipped forward; she barely managed to catch herself before she crumpled to the floor like a straw house in the wind.
  323. Bloom was almost pulled down as her pudgy cousin's weight yanked hard against her hoof. Deciding it was best to finish the rest over the lap, she walked in front of Babs and sat on the toilet seat. The moment she patted her own thigh, Babs gratefully waddled over and crawled aboard. The seat cover bent in a little as Babs joined Bloom on top of it. Bloom put the spoon in her mouth for safe keeping, wrapped one arm around her cousin to keep her secure, and used the other to adjust the pajamas still around her hooves. With a little tug to each side, she pulled them up a little; she didn't want them being kicked off; part of this punishment was going to be Babs Seed walking up the stairs with those around her hooves.
  325. “Five more, Babs... I don't want ya to move. No kickin', no reachin' back, nothin'! It's jes' five. Move yer tail, missy,” Bloom ordered, taking the spoon out of her mouth again and raising it in the air.
  327. The moment Babs swished the tail to hang off the edge of the toilet, Bloom swung the spoon down across her right cheek. “Ow! Twenty-one...” The spoon lifted again, falling with another hard thwack on the exact same spot. “Aaah!” Babs cried, starting to squirm. “T-twenty-two!”
  329. “Hold still, hun...” Apple Bloom instructed, rubbing the bottom of the spoon against the top of the left cheek, her next target. “Last warnin'. You move again, and yer gettin' five more. Understand?”
  331. “Yes, ma'aaam!” Babs wailed, sniffling. Bloom swung the spoon down again. “Twenty-twooo...”
  333. “That's twenty-three,” Bloom corrected her, studying the symphony of colour painted across her cousin's rump.
  335. “Twenty-three...” Babs amended, crying out at the next hard swat to the top of her cheek. “Twenty-fooour...”
  337. It was only now that Bloom realized that her cousin had started to legitimately cry. It was nothing loud or extremely noticeable, just soft sniffling. She could see Babs wiping her eyes, as well. Bloom made no efforts to stop her, though.
  339. “Last one...” Bloom said bracingly, raising the spoon. “It's gonna be hard.”
  341. Babs Seed let out a little wail, her bottom flinching and the tail twitching. However, she remained still, had not kicked, and left her front hooves in front of her. Satisfied with the behaviour, Apple Bloom brought the spoon down with a hard crack, right across the right cheek. The cheek jiggled and Babs gave a squeak, trying to grip the edge of the toilet bowl below, but her hooves slipped.
  343. “Ooow... t-twenty-fiiiive! Aaaah!” Babs whined, giving a little kick in response.
  345. Apple Bloom gave the spoon a light little toss, so that in landed in the middle of the rug. Placing her hoof against Babs' tanned hide, she rubbed it in small circles, feeling the warmth coming off of it. Raising her arm, she started a quick, light hoof-spanking, concentrating on any of the spoon marks she could see. She wanted to keep those fires burning for a little while.
  347. “Nooo!” Babs protested, squirming again. “Ya said it's done!”
  349. “I said we'd be done with the spoon,” Apple Bloom explained slowly, dancing her hoof across those bouncy cheeks. “We're gonna go upstairs, alright? Yer gettin' the rest of yer tannin'. Then I'll tuck ya into bed and bring ya up something to drink.”
  351. Bloom kept up the light spanking for another few seconds before she stopped. Placing a hoof under Babs, she pushed up against her chest and instructed her to slide off. Sliding off the seat herself, Bloom watched her cousin shuffle gingerly over to the mirror affixed to the back of the door. The pajamas rustled as they dragged across the floor, nearly off her hooves again.
  353. Apple Bloom stooped low and picked up the spoon once again, studying it closely. That feeling of authority was still strong in her chest, but it was nevertheless very surreal to be the one to use this to give another such a licking. Looking over to Babs, she found her examining her butt in the mirror.
  355. “No point lookin' jes' yet, Babs,” Bloom said, giving a tug on her hoof. “Lemme see yer face.”
  357. Babs turned to face her, blinking a few times to try and clear the wetness from her eyes. They were puffy in addition to red now. The fur around the eyes and cheeks were a lot wetter than they had been and there was a single long snot hanging precariously from her nose. Bloom grabbed a tissue from a box on the sink and wiped her nose for her.
  359. “I know it's gettin' hard, but we've just got the last part of your spankin' to go, 'kay?” she asked, placing another kiss on her cousin's forehead. She hesitated, and placed a quick one on her lips. Babs responded by turning her head and returning it with interest for the few seconds it lasted. “Love ya, Cus'n. Now, be a good filly and wait for me out in the hallway. Can I trust you to keep your hooves off your bum?”
  361. “Yes, ma'am,” Babs answered softly, running a hoof across her eyes, looking more dejected than she had before the kiss.
  363. Bloom put the spoon in her mouth and ventured back into the kitchen, her mind up in her bedroom. This time, she knew, Babs would be bawling. Ever since Applejack had spanked them with the hairbrush, Apple Bloom couldn't lay her eyes on a different, albeit just-as-terrifying object, without flinching. In just a few minutes, she would be taking it to that pudgy butt...
  365. With a clatter, the spoon hit the bottom of the kitchen sink after a well-aimed head-toss from Apple Bloom. Taking another look at the party by the bonfire through the window, she exhaled in relief. Everything was still cool. Once they went upstairs, she could keep a good watch on the party, as there was a window by her bed. She leaned against the counter, breathing deeply.
  367. Celestia, what's wrong with me? She thought to herself, trying to push the thoughts of that kiss out of her mind. What's more, a different thought kept intruding, a vivid mental image of Babs bent over with that rump thrust into the air. Then, another mental image, of Babs standing at the sink what felt like a million years ago, back straight, rear raised, letting Bloom massage her backside. Shaking her head, Bloom rolled her eyes at herself, and moved away from the counter.
  369. She found Babs standing sentinel by the bathroom door, pajama bottoms still around her back hooves and her pajama shirt showing the dried stains from tears, soap, and water. The dark orange filly's eyes rose from the floor at the sound of Apple Bloom's hoof-falls and met her own set, her tail swishing side to side nervously, ears drooping.
  371. “Alright... upstairs, young lady,” Apple Bloom said, gesturing behind Babs, in the direction of the start of the staircase by the porch.
  373. Babs hesitated before answering with her usual 'yes, ma'am', frowning at her cousin, looking imploring. With a small sigh, Bloom walked past her, seized one of those floppy ears, and started to pull again. After a moment of struggle, Babs gave in and started marching along.
  375. “Babs, I asked ya not to fight...” Bloom reminded her as they reached the foot of the stairs. “Go.” And she pushed her cousin in front of her, so that Babs could climb first. Babs stopped on the first step, looking back. “Go!”
  377. Very sadly, her cousin did as she was told, and started to climb the stairs. With her pajamas forming something of a knot at her hooves, she had to hop with them after every advance she made with one of the front. Apple Bloom followed close behind, watching the hypnotic bounce of that bum as she went, Babs' bright tail slapping against it with every jump. More than once, both fillies ended up stumbling, either due to Babs' back hooves getting caught on a step, or Bloom plainly not watching where she was putting her own. With a soft bump, her face collided with the rump in front of her when Babs slowed down to jump carefully. The plumper cousin gave a little squeak.
  379. “Oof... sorry,” Bloom apologized as she pulled her muzzle out from between her cousin's legs, taking a step back. She cursed herself in her head. You're supposed to be in charge, AB... stop acting like a buffoon!
  381. Finally, they reached the upper landing and Babs walked slowly toward Apple Bloom's bedroom door. Bloom reached ahead with her mouth, twisted the doorknob, and pushed it open with a hoof. That same hoof put some pressure on the small of Babs' back to make her march forward. Reluctantly, Babs entered the bedroom. As Bloom entered herself, she closed the door.
  383. “Cus... p-please, can we t-talk?” Babs stuttered.
  385. Apple Bloom looked ahead to Babs' face and saw that the city pony had spotted what Bloom herself had placed on the dresser during that hour she had her cousin in the corner. With a long, oak handle and a head about three inches across, it was about the same length as the spoon, but with a much deadlier and wider, round head. It was also thicker. Babs twisted around, throwing her a horrified look.
  387. “I d-don't wanna do dis no mores...” she whimpered with wide eyes.
  389. “C'mon, Cus'n...” Bloom whispered in a soft, albeit exasperated reply, moving ahead of her and picking up the bristled bath brush. “This is your punishment.” When Babs failed to move an inch farther, Bloom threw the brush into her own mouth for safe keeping, seized the ear once more, and dragged Babs none-too-gently across the floor.
  391. “NO!” Babs shouted after only two feet, face screwed up. “I d-don't wanna, I'm d-done.”
  393. Apple Bloom stared at her. Babs Seed looked as though her mind had been made up; she was done with the spanking. She didn't seem angry, just on the verge of tears and terrified. Taking the brush from her mouth yet again, Bloom sat down on the edge of the bed, tapping the oak back against her thigh.
  395. “C'mon, Babs... I ain't askin' ya again,” she sighed. “This'll all be over soon, honest... It's gonna hurt somethin' fierce, but ya earned it.”
  397. Babs shook her head vigorously. She was not going to comply. Instead, she stooped and tried to pull her pajamas back up over her rump, the twisted clothing proving difficult handle. Bloom got up, marched over to her cousin, and moved behind her. The moment Babs straightened up to get the pants over the curve of her bum, Bloom seized her left arm and bent it behind her back, keeping it pinned there with both hooves.
  399. “Babs, I ain't happy with ya, not one bit,” Bloom snapped in an agitated, disappointed voice. “This was never some stupid game! Y'all wanted a real punishment, so that's what yer gettin'. It's not gonna stop jes' 'cause you decided it will!”
  401. “N-no...” Babs struggled with a hiccup, trying to push back against her cousin.
  403. “Move!” Bloom commanded, applying more pressure to counter Babs' resistance, forcing her to walk forward, toward the bed. “Bend over it.”
  405. “Nooo!” Babs wailed, her free arm pressing against the edge of the mattress as they approached it. “I wanna stop!”
  407. “Nuh-uh, yer gonna take this like a big girl!” Apple Bloom spoke in a very clear voice, ignoring her cousin's floundering.
  409. With a push, Babs' hoof slipped and she fell forward against the sheets, her right arm bent under her chest. Grunting, Bloom continued to push against her back, giving the city filly no choice but to wiggle on her belly a bit further onto the bed. With her hooves off the floor and both front limbs pinned, Apple Bloom relaxed her dual grip on Babs' left arm, leaving it held steady with just one hoof, rather than both. Using her right hoof, she seized the tail, lifted Babs' arm from her cousin's back, pinned the tail with the arm, and tugged the pajamas back down. This time, she pulled them off completely, sliding them across the floor with a back hoof.
  411. She took a calming breath, studying the perfectly restrained filly on the bed. Babs' legs kicked uselessly against the side of the bed frame. Her tail was immobile beneath her left hoof, both pinned to her back with Bloom's own left. With Babs' right arm resting beneath her body, there wasn't a thing that she could do, even if she got it free. All she'd be able to do was cry.
  413. “Granny Smith told me that naughty fillies who didn't do what they were told got sore tushies,” Bloom informed her, reaching for the discarded bath brush and seizing it by the handle. “Not only have ya been fightin', but ya wanted me to spank ya to begin with! 'N' YA EVEN GOT IN TROUBLE BACK HOME!” Bloom continued, scolding her cousin.
  415. “Apple Bloom! Cus, p-please...” Babs begged, head twisting to watch the brush slide across the covers when Bloom pulled it in. “I'm sawwies...”
  417. “Sssh...” Bloom massaged the back of the brush over the pink right cheek, all impacts from the earlier spooning having faded now. “'Cause ya fought, yer gettin' a warmup with twenty smacks. Then, yer gonna be a good filly and crawl over my lap. Ya fight again, and we keep goin' right here. Understand me, Babs?”
  419. “Apple Bloom...” she whimpered in response, pressing her face into the sheets.
  421. “Babs...”
  423. A few seconds silence. Then, as Babs lifted her head, she spoke up. “Y-yes, ma'am...”
  425. “Ya won't hafta count,” Bloom told her, giving her a quick first hit, which connected to the cheek she had been massaging with a loud crack.
  427. “AAAH!” Babs bawled out, one of her legs bouncing against the edge of the bed frame. “Nooo!”
  429. “Yer pretty fickle, Cus'n... ya keep changin' yer mind, don'tcha? Ya go with it, then ya beg to get outta it,” Apple Bloom bemoaned, giving an equally solid smack to the left. As the left cheek impacted and bounced back, Bloom could see a circular reddish mark where the right had landed. “Yer bum's fickle, too. It dunno if it wants to be red or pink. It'll be red when I'm done.”
  431. Another crack, just below the second hit. Babs Seed arched her back, pushing against the pressure Apple Bloom was applying, but the farm pony leaned forward, calling her own weight to her aid. Babs flattened back against the bed, back over her right arm. For the struggling, Bloom reached back for the fourth impact, using the long handle to built a lot of momentum and deliver another solid hit just above the right undercurve.
  433. “AAAH! OOOW!” Babs whined, squirming. “C-C-Cuuus!” she moaned, starting to sob again.
  435. “Be a good girl, Babs...” Bloom reminded her, the next crack landing with a much softer strike; she wanted her cousin's full attention. “You deserve this, don't ya?”
  437. “N-nooo...” Babs sniffled, clenching her chubby cheeks together fruitlessly.
  439. “Ya skipped school,” Bloom explained, swinging back the bath brush and allowing a nice thwack to echo throughout the room when it met the fattest part of the right buttcheek. “Yer lucky the day ya missed wasn't important to a test, or somethin'.” Another thwack, Bloom returning her attention to the left cheek. She counted seven in her head.
  441. “Ooow! OW-W-W!” Babs screeched into the sheets, her left back hoof kicking the frame with a hard thud.
  443. “Granny Smith woulda tore my hide off if I skipped school,” Bloom sighed, the eighth hit landing across the crease, hitting both cheeks. “Never told ya I got spanked like two weeks ago, did I?” Crack to the left, right above the sit spot. Babs squirmed and shivered, bawling into the sheets. “Never took no responsibility for my chores, like not takin' responsibility to go to school, so she took a chair to the kitchen, got that spoon, put me over her lap, and gave me a lacin' I won't soon forget!”
  445. “I p-p-promi-OW! I PROMISE I WON'T SKIPS AGAIN!” Babs Seed screamed, head thrown high with the ninth smack.
  447. “Woulda liked to hear that when I soaped ya, to be honest...” Bloom paused, rubbing the oak across the cheeks again. “But it wasn't the only thing ya did, Babs. Ya wanted to peek at a birthday gift early and broke the sink! Ya weren't patient'n y'all were careless!” Apple Bloom followed these words with the next four hits in rapid succession, landing two hard whacks against each of the tender sit spots. As Babs cried out in misery, she resumed the massaging. “If I did that 'round here, Applejack would hafta dig me up to spank me, 'cause Granny Smith woulda killed me!”
  449. “No mooore! I'm sawwy, p-please! It huuurts!”
  451. “Sorry for what, Babs?” Bloom probed, spank number fourteen hitting between the cheeks again.
  453. “Sawwy I brokes the sink AND never w-waited!” Babs bawled, curling up the sheets in her hoof.
  455. Realizing that Babs probably freed the arm under her during her squirming, she left well enough alone, believing her cousin wouldn't try to resist with it. She traced light circles against the cherry-reddening backside, admiring her handiwork. That was enough with the bath brush. Really, she reasoned in her head, she could end the spanking right now, probably.
  457. Instead, she threw the bath brush down on the sheets and released the pressure against her cousin's back, her hooves moving to inspect the no-doubt blazing bottom. Just a little bit more and her cousin would be free, Bloom decided as Babs whimpered into the sheets, squirming a little and flopping the tail from side to side. The swishing of it fanned Bloom's arms, which themselves were starting to ache.
  459. “We're just about done, hun...” Bloom reassured her. “I ain't goin' to twenty with the brush, yer done with that right now...”
  461. Babs didn't respond, so she just continued to run her hooves across that very warm rump. She wasn't sure if she would be able to feel any bruises, or if it was even early enough to know, but it nevertheless gave her time to plan how the end of the spanking would go. Moving to sit up on the bed beside her sobbing cousin, Apple Bloom threw a look out of the window. It was difficult to tell from their lofty position, but it didn't look like anyone was eating anymore. It might be ten minutes or less before the little farmhouse got flooded with ponies.
  463. “Alright, Babs...” Bloom spoke after a minute or so, allowing the plumper filly time to regain control. “Crawl over, take the bath brush into yer hooves, and hold onto it.”
  465. The look Babs gave her as she lifted her teary face was not of approval, but the other pony gave a small nod. Apple Bloom took that as a sign that her cousin was bowing to the inevitability of the remainder of the punishment. If she kept that up, she wouldn't be facing anything worse than what she just got.
  467. Babs slowly inched her way over, crawling across Bloom's thighs and picking up the discarded bath brush, one hoof wrapped around the handle while the other held the head. To be safe, Bloom made sure that the tail was pinned to the back yet again.
  469. “Y'all ain't had a fun night, Cus'n... I'm sorry it had to be this way.” She had been about to add 'you earned it', but she didn't want to continue to drill this into her cousin's skull. Rolling up the pajama shirt a little, she ran her hoof slowly down her cousin's spine, feeling her shivering. “Don't let go of that brush or yer gettin' another thirty seconds, just like before... hard'n fast, 'kay?”
  471. “P-please... no mores, Apple Bloom!”
  473. “Sssh,” Bloom instructed quietly, patting the rump.
  475. Judging by Babs' flinching with each depress of her chubby cheeks, they had to be feeling nice and sore by now. Wasting no time, Bloom rose her hoof again and connected with a sharp slap on the left. And it began, all over again. Within seconds, Babs' fierce cries of pain reached her ears, but she was deaf to them at the same time. Apple Bloom was planting hard hoof landings on each cheek, dancing back and forth, all across her cousin's rump, while avoiding the tender sit spot. Although she wouldn't really notice it with the rapidity of her smacks, the colour of those cheeks was no longer fading, the entire canvas of Babs Seed's bottom a shade of red of a ripe apple.
  477. “OOOW! NOOO! P-P-PLEEEEASE!” Babs begged, whacking her arms, and the brush, down on the mattress, squirming, wiggling, begging for mercy.
  479. “What's really disgustin' is what yer bro had to go through 'cause of whatcha did, Babs,” Apple Bloom scolded, her hoof giving each half of the rump a good, firm smack with every few words. “It ain't fair to 'em, he didn't do nothin' wrong! I hope this teaches ya a good lesson, Cus, that ya gotta take responsibility for stuff ya do!” Although the swats were as hard as she could have made them, the dull rhythm and likely lingering sting of each swat was not allowing the bigger filly a second of peace. “Y'all deserve a quick beltin' from yer Pa'n a good brushin' from yer Ma when ya get home, so that ya never do nothin' like whatcha did ever again... Ya won't, will ya?”
  481. “I w-won't... I w-on't...” Babs coughed, before giving way to tears completely. “I w-w-waaah! Ooow-w-w... Pleaa-aasseee! Waaah!”
  483. Apple Bloom prepared to deliver the last flurry of smacks, satisfied with her cousin's behaviour. She didn't even have to hold the tail all that tightly, since it made no attempt for escape. However, before she could conclude the spanking, Babs threw the brush from her hooves and both of them darted behind her, shielding the backside from further harm. The tail quivered as Babs tried to swish it and wobble it out of her cousin’s hoof, and she gave a jerk of her hips so hard that she nearly fell off the lap. Apple Bloom flattened herself over her cousin's back, both hooves clinging around her to prevent her from hitting the floor.
  485. Several long seconds passed, Babs Seed whimpering in defeat, Apple Bloom breathing deeply with exhaustion and disappointment. She straightened up, throwing a look over at the discarded bath brush, and then back at her cousin's cherry rump. She almost wanted to cry, for it would have been all over, but she had to stick to the rules she laid out.
  487. “Babs...” Bloom sighed, once there was a break in the gasping sobs of her cousin. “Yer to slip off my lap, go out into the hallway'n into Applejack's room, and get her hairbrush.”
  489. “N-no...” Babs Seed shuddered in a hollow voice. “Cus, I'm s-so sawwy!”
  491. “Go,” Bloom said with a pained voice, giving Babs' side a light push. Her limbs were aching and she was fighting to stop herself from getting angry, but this would be the end of it. “Get the brush!” She would not go further than the penalty time, but it was going to be thirty seconds from hell for her cousin.
  493. After a considerable pause, causing Apple Bloom to shoot another look out of the window, Babs' hooves clopped the floor of the bedroom. Leaning back on the bed, Bloom watched the painful progress of her pudgy cousin's posterior’s advance as Babs moved across the room and out through the door. Apple Bloom had enough experiences with spanking to know that it's not fun to walk afterwards.
  495. As she reached the door, Babs gave a loud sniff, threw back her cousin a mournful look, and disappeared down the hallway. Bloom stretched out her arms and rubbed them with her hooves, trying to work the ache out of them. Picking up the bath brush in her mouth, she slumped off and out of the room herself, returning it to the bathroom.
  497. “No rubbing, Babs...” Bloom told her sternly, watching her cousin pause in the doorway to Applejack's room, a hoof to her rump.
  499. Babs couldn't respond, due to the wooden hairbrush handle she had clutched in her teeth. Her wet eyes looked like they were itching to let loose another stream of tears as Apple Bloom gestured back to her bedroom. Watching her chubby cousin walk by her, she gave the rump a hard swat as she passed, causing Babs to give a startled yelp.
  501. It was time to finish this. Apple Bloom followed her into the room. Babs moved to the bed and dropped the hairbrush upon it, turning around. Before she even had a chance to argue or plead, Bloom put a hoof to her mouth and shook her head.
  503. “Last thing, Cus'n. That's it, I promise,” Apple Bloom assured her, kissing Babs' forehead.
  505. “O-okay...” Babs whimpered, looking sadly down at the brush.
  507. Apple Bloom sat on the edge of the bed and tugged at Babs' arm. Her cousin fell across her lap and Bloom sank a few inches into the bed, as she had done before. This time, she was taking no chances. Adjusting herself slightly, she got Babs' left arm held tightly between her own thighs and pinned Babs' right arm and her tail to her back. Babs gave a little wiggle of discomfort, but Apple Bloom could tell that her cousin was tightly secured. Finally, she picked up the hairbrush after slipping her hoof through the hoof-strap, a curious feature of that brush if ever there was one.
  509. She brought it close to her face, studying it closely. While not as heavy as the bath brush, the head was a lot longer and wider, and a shorter handle would allow her to swing it much more quickly, the larger flat back compensating for the extra swing strength the bath brush had. Lowering the brush to her cousin's dull-red rump, she tapped it lightly against the left cheek. And then, she started.
  511. Crack! It was loud, echoing, and ferocious sounding. The first smack connected across both cheeks, which clenched from the hit, which nevertheless caused a great ripple to move from the point of impact. Leaving Babs with no respite, Apple Bloom brought the brush up again and connected again, across the cheeks once more, but higher on the bottom, just below the tail.
  513. Babs Seed cried out in pain from both smacks, jerking around in her lap but unable to free herself. Another two connected across both cheeks before Apple Bloom turned her attention to each cheek in turn, bouncing the brush up and down all over her cousin's backside. Babs had started to bawl anew, kicking her back hooves against the bed and wailing in misery.
  515. Apple Bloom did not scold or even talk to her cousin; she was busy counting in her head as she reintroduced her cousin to a spanking from Applejack's hairbrush. With each second that ticked by, Babs' crying grew louder and louder as the brush started to tan the hide a darker red. It would have been impossible to count the spanks themselves, but by the tenth second, Bloom would have estimated that she had delivered a good twenty or more vicious swats to that bum.
  517. “Waaa-aaah! Pleee-eeease! Apple Bloom, STOP! I'M SORRY!” Babs bawled, writhing in agony as Bloom continued to land the hairbrush with loud cracks.
  519. Apple Bloom ignored her, intent on nothing but finishing this spanking now. Left, right, left, left, right, middle, right, middle. There was no pattern to it, but Bloom wanted to ensure the entire canvas was painted a dark red, that feeling of authority back inside of her now as she watched each whack of that hairbrush, remembering its sting only too well. How different it was to be the one using it.
  521. Babs Seed's speech was too incoherent to make any sense by now. Her fighting had died down and her body lay limp over her lap as she continued to screech and bawl. Apple Bloom kept it up for the full thirty seconds, slowing down near the end to deliver the last ten hits firmly across her cousin's sit spots, reigniting Babs' movements as she lit the sensitive undercurve on fire. The hooves stamped out a tattoo against the sheets, but the effort was in vain. Crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack, crack!
  523. At long last, Bloom dropped the hairbrush aside and watched her bawling cousin squirm and shiver for a few moments, running a hoof down her back and across those blazing hot cheeks, rubbing them gently. She put pressure on her hoof as she worked tight little circles on each cheek. Whether or not these were bothering her cousin, she would never know, as Babs was still trying to steady her breath through choking sobs. The hoof moved down and rubbed the upper thighs, down between Babs' legs, where it was the warmest.
  525. “Ya did good, Babs...” Apple Bloom whispered to her, hearing the unmistakable sounds of voices and hoof-falls downstairs as their family members made their noisy progress back into the farmhouse. “I'll go close the door'n we can crawl into bed, 'kay?”
  527. “C-can we c-cuddle?” Babs mumbled after a few seconds.
  529. “Definitely,” Bloom promised her. “Oh, I’ll get your drink, first…”

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