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Coco Ponut by KrishnaKarnak

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:24:36
Updated: 2022-03-13 17:58:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Coco Ponut by KrishnaKarnak
  2. (Chock-Full Carafe / Coco Pommel)
  4. (24/07/2016)
  7. ---
  9. Inspiration and cover pic (nsfw)
  12. Chock-Full Carafe groaned in agony, gasping for air and battling a horrific stitch in her stomach once she reached the fourth floor.
  14. “Fuckin’, FUCKIN’ stairs!”
  16. The big mass of caffeine-fueled mare leaned against the rail for a moment, glaring at the sloped ceiling of the stairwell. Once she had her breath caught, she huffed, adjusted the bag on her shoulder, and banged on the door.
  18. Coco Pommel opened the door and poked her meek face around it. Her eyes were low in guilt to match her ears, but she was definitely trying hard to keep her face straight. She was very shy this evening.
  20. Chock pushed open the door and grabbed the timid mare by the ear. Coco gasped as she was shoved back. Chock bucked the door closed and shrugged off her bag.
  22. “Really tryinna make it worse by delahin’, huh?! 'Oh, not today, ohhh, no the weekend don't FUCKIN’ work, ooohhh can we go to my apartment at da top of Mt. FUCKIN’ Olympus’?!”
  24. “P-please, you're h-hurting me!” Coco whined, one ear closed on the side with the wrenched ear. “I'm sorry I delayed, ma'am!”
  26. “Oh, ya sawwy, Miss Pommel?!” Chock snapped, stooping down to rummage inside it her with a free hoof. “I'll make sure ya sawwy!”
  28. Chock-Full Carafe pulled out her wicked cherry-coloured hairbrush. It was an old fashioned make, so the bristles were thick and coarse and it was made heavy-duty; the density of the bristles wasn't the only thing thick about the brush. Coco whinnied in fear.
  30. Chock dragged her towards one of the seats in Coco's living room, the vanilla mare struggling and whining the whole time. Once Chock approached the seat closest to the open window leading to her balcony, she went into real panic.
  34. Chock sat down and pulled hard. Coco Pommel tried everything she could to stay on her hooves, but Chock was ready for the resistance.
  36. “OOOW!”
  38. She cracked the back of the brush against Coco’s left cheek and she jerked her leg back. The second it left the floor, Chock pulled again. Unbalanced on her right leg, Coco crumpled. Her belly barely touched Chock-Full Carafe's lap before the brush cracked against the right cheek.
  40. “OOOWWWIIIEEE!” Coco whined, gasping at the pain. “Please, do-don’t!”
  42. “Shaddap ya little brat and take ya fuckin’ medicine!” Chock roared, whacking that brush down over and over again, planting heavy pink ovals against those lightly-coloured cheeks. She didn't even stop to adjust Coco's positioning; this burly pony was far stronger than the little dressmaker and didn't need to secure her tight.
  44. “AAAH! OOOW! AAAHAAA! N-N-NOOO! OW! OW! OWAAAHHHAAA-AAAHHH!” Coco howled, jerking her body every which way to avoid a flurry of spanks from that awful brush, her eyes scrunched up tight with tears already leaking down her cheeks.
  46. Chock had her by the dock, yanking it up painfully with her left hoof while pressing the bulk of the limb into Coco's back. She could feel the moisture in her lap.
  48. “I betcha just hate dis, huh?” Chock asked rhetorically, pausing long enough to survey her handiwork and noticing there's too much red forming on the right cheek. One more for joy! CRACK, hard against the reddest part. “Getting dis thin lil’ ass beaten red and knowin’ da fuckin’ second ya agreed ya’d never get out, right?”
  50. “AaaahaaWAAAAAHHH! AAA-aaahhh STOP STOOOP!” Coco screeched hard, pushing against the seat with all of her might.
  52. “Oh, are ya goin’ somewhere?” Chock mused, thrashing the brush up and down the left cheek to evenly distribute some burning, painful needles. “Don't like hangin’ out heah with ya window open? Bet all of Manehattan can heah ya screamin’ like some bratty youngster getting her fanny beaten, huh? And DON'T,” she continued, raising the hairbrush higher and delivering them with real force now, “ya DARE tell me 'stop’! I didn't think MISS POMMEL was in charge, was she?!”
  54. With each crash of the brush, Coco shunted forward an inch. Her legs were in a frenzy of kicking, the right one still trying to find leverage against the floor to force herself out of this lap, but it was hopeless. Her forehooves covered her face, trying to muffle her own cries as she sobbed heavily, gasping and choking.
  56. “Ya must love bein’ beaten like some dirty slut, huh?” Chock continued the assault, alternating cheeks, leaving blotches of deep red near the bottoms of both halves. “Ya gots me fuckin’ soaked, ya filthy filly!”
  58. “WAAAHHHAAAAHHH!” was all the smaller pony could reply. Her face had to be burning, but nothing like her ass. “OOOHHHWAAAAHHHH!”
  60. “Lean over the cushion on the floor! I sweah if I gotta ask twice, ya gettin’ it ALL OVER AGAIN. DO YA UNDERSTAND ME?”
  62. Coco, shaking in misery and exhaustion, fell to the floor the moment she tried to support her own body weight. Slunking to one of the cushions she had laid out for visitor seating, she fell across it, whimpering like a wounded dog.
  64. Sweating profusely, Chock dropped the brush to the floor and heaved her heavy frame off the couch. Catching her breath again, she returned to the bag on the floor.
  66. She pulled out the pink harness of the strap on, listening fondly to the whining mare on the cushion. As she locked the black dildo into the harness, she watched Coco's tail raising up to expose the swollen pussy and winking clit that Chock could smell the moment she had arrived.
  68. “Betcha really anticipated dis for awhile, huh? No wonder ya kept putting it off,” Chock snickered, opening a little bottle of lube and dribbling a bit over the flared tip of the dildo. “Didn't want ya first to happen too fast, eh?”
  70. Coco continued to cry, the bruised, scarlet cheeks well lit from the lamp in the corner of the room.
  72. “Ya gonna get ya little cunt worked tonight, don’tcha worry, but naughty fillies get their tight virgin assholes fucked first, remember?”
  74. Chock approached the presenting mare and pulled the dock a little higher to get a good look at the tight butthole. The hairs were all neatly trimmed and combed along her thighs, though a patch here and there was ruffled as she had thrashed during the spanking.
  76. “Dis is the special lube dat's hot to da touch. Dis will be fun, won't it?” Chock asked, moving forward and pressing the tip against the pristine asshole.
  78. “Ngghnn-aah!” Coco hissed, shyly squeezing her cheeks together.
  80. “Answer me, Miss Pommel!” Chock demanded, grasping hard at the right cheek and pulling it away from the other.
  82. “Hnnghhhyeeesss, m-ma'am!”
  84. Chock took her time working her way inside. Coco whimpered with each inch she took, biting her left fetlock, groaning and moaning as her cunt leaked onto the cushion, the snot in her snout and on her muzzle beginning to dry.
  86. Coco eventually stopped sniffling as she got used to the sensation of being rode, her tight fanny loosening with every passing second. Chock added more lube about halfway through to keep it slick, grinding the harness against her own cunt. She'd worry about that later; this was all for Coco. Though she had to admit, as much as she loved getting pounded herself, it was fun to be the top for a change.
  88. Leaving her gaping slightly and with warm lube slowly dripping down around either side of the labia, Chock wiped down the dildo with a few baby wipes she had stashed in her bag from the corner store and got back into position.
  90. “Get up a bit, I ain't as nimble as you,” Chock commanded and the younger mare obeyed, easing herself up on her still-shuddering back hooves and angling her sex higher. “We don't need lube for dis part, but ya gettin’ it anyway.”
  92. With a fresh application, Chock put her hooves on Coco's croup and put the flared tip against the opening. Then she thrust her hips forward.
  94. “Ooohhhaaahhh…” Coco breathed in a nasally shudder.
  96. “Mmm, das a different noise. She must like it!” Chock said with a grin, pulling out and pressing back in again.
  98. Coco shuddered again, arching her back and leaning her head low into the cushion. When Chock humped forward again, the crimson vanilla pony quickly spread her legs open even wider.
  100. “Aah… nnghnnn… o-oh m-my… hnnngghnnngh…” Coco sighed, spit falling from her mouth.
  102. The black dick slipped in further and further with each thrust, sliding in easily as the virgin’s cunt swelled and contracted, coating the strap on in juicies that mixed with the warm, soothing lube. Once the ring of the dick penetrated through the vaginal opening, scrapping just along the edge of Coco's clit, she whined out loudly.
  104. Chock really started to rut her properly now. In and out she thrust, grinding the ring along those muscles while the tip powered through areas never touched before. Coco breathed sharply, her whole spine curving with each inhale, her hooves digging into the carpet.
  106. Chock increased the speed, now diving in as far as she could go, before pulling out with a squelchy 'slllup!’ and trusting all the way in again. Coco was making an awful racket as she got so thoroughly fucked.
  108. “Ya take dis cock like ya was made to get stuffed with it, don'tcha?”
  110. “I-I’m a g-girl, y-yeah…” Coco giggled between frenzied breaths.
  112. “Don't get clever with me!” Chock scolded, slapping the bruised right sitspot with her hoof and making Coco hiss again.
  114. Really gutting her now, Chock slapped in hard, again and again, fucking Coco so deeply and fully. Finally, the younger pony's howls went up in a crescendo and her thighs shook with the intensity of her orgasm. A rush of sweet-smelling liquid gushed onto Chock's own thighs and stained down into Coco's cushion.
  116. Chock withdrew and sat down on her fat bottom, panting. Coco fell with a huff, her limbs giving out, and laid in a sweaty mess where she was.
  118. “Ya did good, honey. Y’know, for some inexperienced kiddo. Ya made a hell of a mess, too.”
  120. “O-oh… oh, dear…” Coco sighed, rolling off the cushion and examining the stains.
  122. “Get da fuck back over theah! Dat’ll wash out and I'm pounding ya again in a few minuets!”
  124. Coco blushed, covering her snot and tear streaked face, and quickly moved to obey.
  126. “We're def’ doin’ dis more often…” Chock decided, wiping the sweat from her forehead.
  128. End

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