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Confessions of a School-Aged Farm Filly by KrishnaKarnak

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:25:16
Updated: 2022-03-13 18:01:31
Expiry: Never

  1. Confessions of a School-Aged Farm Filly by KrishnaKarnak
  2. (Candy Mane / Apple Bloom)
  4. (01/08/2016)
  7. ---
  9. Apple Bloom bid her cousin a sad 'see ya later’ as she marched down the hall of Babs’ home, trying to calm her breathing. Her vision was swaying as her head swam. Her skin was a million degrees beneath her pajamas. Oh, no, oh, no…
  11. She entered Babs’ bedroom, hearing each and every hoof-fall of Candy Mane as she followed her down the hall and inside. Candy closed the door, eyebrow raised.
  13. “You going to tell me what's wrong?” Candy asked, moving to sit on the bed and patting it invitingly. “I promise I'll help however I can, sweetheart.”
  15. Apple Bloom couldn't look her older cousin in the eye. Her stomach churned. She wanted to be anywhere but here, but there was nothing she could do. She already decided on that, after all. Apple Bloom didn't want this on her mind anymore. But she was terrified.
  17. “Apple Bloom?” Candy prompted her. “Come on, speak up. We're here, now, so out with it. What's wrong?” she asked, not unkindly.
  19. “Ah… Ah… aahh, shucks, C-Candy…” she stuttered, sitting down on the floor instead and covering her face. “A-Ah m-m-messed up… m-messed up b-bad…”
  21. She couldn't see Candy's face, but there was a stretch of silence. Apple Bloom could hear her leaning forward intently, perhaps deciding on how to approach the situation.
  23. “How did you mess up? You've got to tell me what happened, honey. Is it serious? Maybe whatever it is can be fixed.”
  25. “C-Candy, Ah… Ah did sommat real mean!” she blurted out, hating herself.
  27. More silence. Apple Bloom closed her eyes hard against her forehooves, willing herself not to cry; easier said than done. Her head still pounded and swayed.
  29. “Really mean?” Candy said at last, seeking clarification. “Did you get angry or upset and say something to Babs, or anypony else? Did you try apologizing?”
  31. “N-naw, Candy, it a-ain’t that, Ah…” Apple Bloom screwed up her face behind the hooves.
  33. “Apple Bloom, come over and don't hide, sweetheart. I can't understand you if you're talking into your hooves like that…”
  35. Apple Bloom rose up and took a hesitant step forward, her eyes staring at the carpet. She chewed her lip, her limbs shaking hard. It would've been way easier to just sit back down and curl up to never be seen again.
  37. “A-Ah did sommat to A-Applejack,” she mumbled ashamedly, sinking back onto her butt.
  39. “Sweetheart, this sounds like something you've got to work out with your sister, not me. I can listen and try and tell you what you should do, but if you did something bad to her, just talk to out when you get home.” Candy leaned forward even more and stretched out her hoof, stroking Apple Bloom’s raspberry mane. “You're obviously sorry, so…”
  41. Apple Bloom shuddered at the touch. She had good reason to feel apprehensive to her older cousin's touch. She rubbed her hooves together fretfully.
  43. “A-Ah can't. She can't never know!” Apple Bloom whimpered shamefacedly, her hooves instinctively moving to shield her pajama waistband, but she was able to look into Candy's face, silently trying to convey her conflicting thoughts and intentions.
  45. Candy looked at her for several seconds, her eyes alert as they searched her face. She relaxed back, almost sinking into the mattress, her hooves folded in her lap.
  47. “Is that why we're here?” Candy asked.
  49. Apple Bloom didn't need to ask what she meant by 'that’. Candy was quick on the uptake, a fact Bloom realized with a sniffle.
  51. “A-Ah sorry, Ah just… Ah 'unno w-what t-to d-dooo!”
  53. Candy sighed resignedly. She half rose off the bed and reached out, taking Apple Bloom by the fetlock. With a tug, she pulled the filly to her back hooves. Candy then moved her hooves down to the pajama bottoms and paused.
  55. “If you think it's going to help, Apple Bloom, we can still talk about it. I mean… if you want me to know, but this is happening now whether you want to open up further or not, you understand me?”
  57. There was a lot of detail in her voice. Something of disappointment, but still affectionate concern. Kindness, but a stern tone meaning her fate was firmly set in stone. But there was also uncertainty.
  59. “I don't know how severe this is,” she admitted, tugging the pajamas carefully down Apple Bloom's legs until they collected into a knot at the floor. “I don't know how severe you need to be punished and I'm not going to go easy just in case, so I'm going to get the brush. Do you want to tell me what you did?”
  61. Apple Bloom hadn't realized she was already crying. Her mouth was parted, sucking on air as she breathed hard to steady herself. Warm tears flowed down her cheeks. She nodded.
  63. Candy took her firmly and lifted her into her lap, holding the younger pony close to her chest. Apple Bloom's pajamas hung off her left leg.
  65. “Then we'll have a talk first.” Her voice carried a hint of exasperation; Candy wasn't going to do anything if the crime wasn't equal to a tanning.
  67. Unfortunately for Apple Bloom, it was.
  69. Apple Bloom shivered harder, feeling her exposed bumcheeks against Candy’s thigh. What would they feel like in fifteen minutes time?
  71. Candy put a hoof to her chin and made her look into her eyes. Apple Bloom gulped, hard against the feeling of the limb. Bloom tried to turn away, but was held steady.
  73. “Alright. You can start from the beginning, Apple Bloom, or summarize it quickly. Then we start.”
  75. Apple Bloom stayed quiet a moment longer, her legs closing together tightly, her tail swirling up to cover her bottom.
  77. “Ah… umm, see, wh-when Ah…” She stopped. Yeah, she needed to summarize it badly.
  79. “Out with it!” Candy commanded, keeping her moving forward.
  81. “A-Ah stole from Applejack!” Bloom exclaimed.
  83. The way she grit her teeth made it sound like the words escaped against her will. Bloom gave a weary sob, knowing she definitely earned herself a bad spanking by admitting something as awful as a dishonest act. And it was all over something so unimportant!
  85. Sitting there in Candy's lap, she started to explain it all. She paused often to regain herself, helped along with Candy's steady encouragement. The entire time, Candy rubbed her back through her pajama top. Candy never said anything beyond insistence, allowing the younger cousin to get the whole tale out of the frying pan before her tail end was sent into the fire.
  87. Applejack’s diary revealed that she had a secret stash of bits behind her wardrobe. It was concealed behind a loose piece of the wall. The Autumn's harvest had been a bountiful one, leaving some additional funds leftover that Applejack had already delegated.
  89. Some repairs had to be made before winter set in. The barn door needed replacing and the back of the house was nearly torn to pieces after a ferocious storm. They needed to purchase a bulk order of barrels to replace the ones scattered and destroyed by the weather. Most of the emergency funds were for those. A small portion left over was intended as a donation to the Hearth's Warming Eve Foal Fund.
  91. Apple Bloom was positive she could pay back what she took. She took that donation money and got a gift for herself, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. Three front row three tickets to the last Wonderbolt performance of the season!
  93. Long before she had collected even half of what she owed, from allowances and helping ponies out around Ponyville, the guilt started to set in. Because Applejack had no idea, Apple Bloom overheard her talking to Big Macintosh about the Foal Fund donation. You know, just to twist that knife a bit. The repairs had been made, but Applejack hadn't noticed what was missing, as Apple Bloom had put anything she made back into the bag.
  95. She was still short around 70 bits when those odd jobs and chores started to run out. That was a lot of money that wouldn't get donated. If Applejack found out her sister took it, even if Bloom was somehow able to pay it all back, she'd be so crushed and hurt. Apple Bloom was convinced she'd never be trusted again.
  97. “So Ah 'unno if Ah’ll make up the rest of the money, Candy… Ah’ll do nothing but look for folks 'round Ponyville needin’ a helpin’ hoof, Ah guess…” Apple Bloom suggested to herself heavily.
  99. “Was the show worth it, Apple Bloom?” Candy asked, looking her dead in the eyes again. “Is an afternoon of entertainment worth all of this? Your guilt, stealing from your sister who had intended that money to go to less fortunate fillies and colts than yourself?”
  101. Apple Bloom hugged Candy tight, trying not to start bawling into her chest already. She pressed her snout hard against it. Her face scrunched up, her eyes battling the flow of tears.
  103. “It ain't h-happened yet… The Wonderbolt show is next weekend, just 'fore the snow,” she explained sadly. “Ah shouldn't go…”
  105. Candy pulled her away and sat her up straight, leaning back on the bed. Apple Bloom was sure she was thinking. Probably of what shade of purple to make her fanny, Bloom thought miserably. Finally, the older pony spoke.
  107. “If I remember right, all Wonderbolt shows have a very good refund policy. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were promised a show, so I'd let them go. You can go to the ticket office in Ponyville and refund your own, young filly. Take the money to Applejack and you tell her everything!”
  109. “She'd kill me! She'd hate me forever! She-” Apple Bloom gasped in shock, not even registering what a good idea it would be to just take her ticket back or sell it to someone else.
  111. “She's your sister!” Candy interrupted, wrapping her hooves around Apple Bloom, who froze in fearful realization. “Explain how you felt, what you did to get the money back, and how sorry you are. She'll understand. Applejack's gonna be pissed off, I'd imagine, but once she gets a good look at your fanny and reads the letter I'll give you to take home, she'll forgive you!”
  113. “Y-ya sure?” Apple Bloom asked sadly, covered her face, fighting with everything she had not to cry now.
  115. “I am sure. It wasn't so long ago that I was making a delivery to Ponyville and had to give my cousin a thorough reminder about the importance of honesty, Apple Bloom. Applejack, more than anypony, will understand the importance of such a lesson.”
  117. Before Apple Bloom could work out what was said, she felt her hooves around her torso tighten. Her eyes widened, knowing time was up. Candy lifted her up and draped her across her lap, right to left, like someone about to fold a towel. To make it all worse, she felt a hoof go to her backside and start to rub. She was going to get a long scolding first. Candy rubbed her butt hard. It was going to be extra sensitive after a good massage.
  119. “Apple Bloom,” she began solemnly, kneading the lower portions of Apple Bloom’s left cheek with the edge of her hoof. “What in heavens possessed you to take money intended for less fortunate foals and give you and your friends a gift for no reason?”
  121. Apple Bloom felt a shiver run down her spine, from neck to her tailbone, at the pressure of the massage on her exposed, vulnerable bottom. She couldn’t stop thinking of how much whatever Candy Mane had planned was going to really, really, REALLY hurt.
  123. “Ah ‘unno!” she moaned, twisting her earsies with her forehooves. “Ah was bein’ stupid ‘n’ greedy…”
  125. “Stupid AND greedy?” Candy repeated, moving across the canyon to Apple Bloom’s opposite cheek. “That’s a severe assessment, cousin. How intense of a brushing are you looking for, young lady?”
  127. Apple Bloom gulped. She covered her face again, groaning into her limbs. Equal parts guilt, equal parts ‘why in Luna’s Moon did I tell her?!’
  129. “Let me answer for you: you were an absolute BONEHEAD, Apple Bloom! A greedy filly who decided she and her friends needed an afternoon of fun more than those foals might have needed food or something to play with on Hearth’s Warming Eve. Is that right?”
  131. Candy gripped hard against the center of her right cheek, working a tight circle counter-clockwise before moving up and down it. Apple Bloom could feel each and every press and tug, knowing it was only serving to awaken her nerve endings even more. To make matters worse, Bloom blushed, knowing that Candy was getting a good view of her private areas with that aggressive rubbing.
  133. “Y-yeah… um, that’s r-right, C-Candy! If Ah was a decent filly, Ah woulda thought it through! Ah’m sorry, Ah really ams!” she confessed, willing Candy to take it easy on her now that they were here.
  135. “Sorry won’t cut it, honey,” Candy told her gravely, working the left cheek again with the tenderness of a therapeutic vibrating massage ring. “I am glad you came to me. You can clear your conscience this way, but it’s not going to stop you from getting the brushing of your life! Your bottom is going to be feeling this one in the morning, I can promise you that. I’m going to tan your hide good and long, tonight! I only hope it leaves a lingering impression, young lady.”
  137. Apple Bloom ground her teeth into what she was sure would be dust. Her head swam again and she felt the tears leaking from her eyes. She was terrified, now! All of her efforts to repay a bit of fun, and in the end, she’d be giving up her ticket… and getting a pair of rosey, blushing buttcheeks for her troubles.
  139. “You went behind your big sister’s back, Apple Bloom, stole what was never intended for you for a selfish desire, and if your sister already found out it was missing, you gave her unnecessary grief over NOTHING! I really hope the guilt is tearing up your tummy, cousin, because I’m going to tear up your fanny now.”
  141. Before Apple Bloom could even brace, she flinched as Candy’s hoof leapt up from her bottom and delivered a hard swat to the middle of the right cheek. Apple Bloom kicked out her legs, giving a cry of pain. She realized with a rush of relief that she wasn’t getting hairbrushed, only to immediately realize that Candy was just giving her a warmup before the main event.
  143. Candy wouldn’t have classified it as a warmup, though; the spanking started out hard, her well practiced hoof lashing out again and again on the yellow cheeks. Apple Bloom’s pajama bottoms fell off her leg with her kicks, the little filly starting to writhe in agony as the pain of the spanking began to really take shape. Candy’s focus was mainly on the centre of either cheek, clapping back and forth, hitting each side twice before swapping over again.
  145. “Aaahhhooowwwiiieee! Aaahhh, holy mooo-OOOLEEEYYY!” Bloom howled, whacking the bedsheet with her front hooves, screwing up her whole face, trying to resist the pain.
  147. Candy had to smirk at the exclamation, but continued the lesson. Her strikes were firm, sharp, quick, and painful. Already the spots smacked were tinting pinker and pinker, so the mare moved on. The cluster of sensitive nerves at the top of the bottom were assaulted next with rapid swats. Apple Bloom’s legs kicked back and forth, one after another, as though they could push off against the air and spring her to freedom.
  149. Bloom had miraculously thus far kept her tail hanging off the side of her back. However, as the rapid smacks returned to the increasingly tender and aching centre of those buttcheeks, clenched tight in protest, the tail twitched more and more. Apple Bloom gripped the bedsheets tightly, her torso twisted towards the edge of the bed so her head hung off, like a cat trying to slither out of a four year old’s frantic embrace.
  151. “Don't you dare think of blocking, Apple Bloom! You know that makes it worse and you're already in very big trouble as it is!” Candy warned her, delivering a series of hard, steep cracks across both cheeks, her hoof slapping her crease one after another. “You keep those hooves in front of your chin and that tail where it is.”
  153. “Nnnghhhooowww!” Bloom hissed through the crease of her teeth, her tears tracing an itchy, warm trail towards the tip of her snout and dripping off into her hooves or onto the floor. “Aaa-aaahhhooowww!”
  155. Candy silently continued to administer this reluctantly requested, crucial lesson. Apple Bloom's thoughts had long since left her regrets for confessing in the first place. All she could think about, with each and every merciless smack, smack, smack, was how much it hurt, how much her bottom was already stinging, how hot she felt, and how she knew she'd do anything for relief. And of course, how worse it would be if she moved her tail or reached back. Her cousin's expertised hoof left a blazing trail right across both cheeks, which had to be glowing like a setting sun by now! The spanks had moved up towards her tail, stinging and agonizing, but Candy's attention was going lower now.
  157. With each passing second, the well-worn middles got a stronger reprieve as the hoof drifted closer and closer to that fatty droop at the bottom of both cheeks. Two or three hard swats to her seat on the left, one good one across the crack, then two hard swats to the right. Soon the bottom of Bloom’s disciplined tushy was as tanned as the top. If Apple Bloom could think clearly, she'd be proud of herself for resisting shielding her burning rump this long. Never before had she shown such self control, perhaps subconsciously forcing her body to endure to ease her tortured conscience.
  159. But she reached the end of her tether. Her winces and cries of pain had given way to low wailing, spit from her howling, open mouth joining the tears on her limbs, the bedsheets, and the floor. Heavy drips of snot from her sticky, soaked snout hung around her open mouth and chin. A little trail connecting to her right forehoof broke when Apple Bloom couldn't take it anymore and threw it back.
  161. Candy stopped spanking her immediately. At once, Apple Bloom could feel her buttcheeks throbbing and shaking. Her right hoof strained hopelessly, trying to cover the right cheek as her tail swept over to cover the left.
  163. “P-pleeeaaaseee!” she croaked, throat dry and eyes heavy. “N-no moreee! Ah'm sorry! Waaahhh, Caaaandy, Ah'm sorry!”
  165. “You wanted this, young lady!” Candy reminded her, taking her tail by the dock and pulling it high. “I am NOT stopping a good, long deserved and well earned wearing out when we're still on the hoof! You're old enough to make it through this!”
  167. “NOOONOOO-OOO!” Apple Bloom pleaded, trying to jerk her tail free.
  169. The words stung, but not as badly as her tenderized skin. This was already the worst hoofspanking she had ever gotten, and the flat surface of a brush was still to come. Bum still throbbing like mad, Apple Bloom held tightly to her right cheek, wanting to keep it there but half wishing she had never reached back in the first place. Unfortunately, as though to vindicate Candy, as the next few seconds passed, the pain started to fade fast. While still warm and twitching as her glutes flexed relaxed, it wasn't anywhere near as bad before the spanking paused. Either she had already reached the point where she was too used to those little bumblebee-like stings from the bottom of Candy's hoof, or her rear end was numbing.
  171. Candy pulled the tail up and clamped it in her mouth. Lifting Bloom slightly, she reached for her sloppy, snotty left hoof and pulled it down by Apple Bloom's left side. It was pinned between the two ponies. The right hoof was pulled away from the butt it was shielding and held tight, at a sharp angle, away from her body. Bloom knew within the next five seconds that Candy was getting the little warm up over quickly.
  173. SMACKSMACKSMACKSMACK! Apple Bloom's bawling resumed instantly. Candy had moved below the bottom and was swatting her under curves as accurately and rapidly as chained lightning. Her hoof completely covered each thigh’s sitspot perfectly, bouncing back and forth across those super sensitive places. Apple Bloom's legs were in an utter frenzy of kicks, her body rocking across Candy's lap. She fought hard to release her right hoof or tail, but it was impossible. She couldn’t have freed her left if she tried; the strength was leaving her and it would be too tricky to angle it back when it was so close to Candy's stomach. AND her pajama shirt had tightened so much around it in her frenzied struggling.
  175. “WWWWAAAAAHHHOOOOOWWW! Waaahaaahaaandyyy!” she cried incomprehensibly, thrashing about.
  177. Candy smacked those upper thighs with continued deadly precision until she was satisfied. Then her hoof ventured up again to resume the stern guidance to that red backside. Once the flames were fuming again, Candy delivered several heavy slaps across the crack before releasing the tail and hoof.
  179. She only gave Apple Bloom a few seconds to catch her breath and steady herself. Hastily lifting her, she set the filly on her hooves. Apple Bloom's legs buckled a bit and she fought hard not to fall, her teeth chattering with the quivering whines escaping her mouth.
  181. “Come here,” Candy commanded, giving her a tug on the ear. “I want your snotty trap in the corner for ten minutes. Then we can wrap up and you can get yourself cleaned up for bed.”
  183. Apple Bloom marched behind Candy as quickly as she could move, standing as instructed and giving a quiet, miserable whinny in response to the promise of a wrap up. Forehead against the wall, snout still leaking, she heard Candy leave the bedroom. Only a minute later did a morbid curiosity strike her, though.
  185. She had to see what such a thorough hoofspanking looked like in the mirror.
  187. Apple Bloom wiped her face with her forehoof, taking a quick peep towards the door. She hadn’t heard it shut, but it was regardless. Grateful for the peace of mind, she massaged her spanked fanny without the anxiety that usually came with needing to stand perfectly still for corner time.
  189. “Aaah, consarnit…” she sighed weakly, miffed at herself for this whole escapade. “Coulda kept ya trap shut, Apple Bloom, but noo-ooo!” she groaned with a hiccup.
  191. As Bloom rubbed some of the aches and heat from her tanned rear, she continued to sob softly, occasionally snorting a dribble of snot back up into her nose. She no longer felt too guilty about what she had done with her sister’s money, now that Candy had given her the right idea to fix it. Of course, it wouldn’t do her any good to try to say to Candy ‘oh, it’s cool now, no need to go ahead with that brushing!’ Part of Babs’ reverence for her mother’s “amazing” spankings were how she could never get out of them however badly she tried.
  193. Apple Bloom walked carefully over to Babs’ dresser, looking up into the mirror. She could walk a good distance and face her tush to the glass, or… Apple Bloom could pull that chair over from the desk and get a good close up!
  195. “Wow…” she whistled in awe. “Haha, Ah took that like a champ!”
  197. No you didn’t, Bloom, but anyway, she continued to study how such a spanked bottom looked. She was looking between her legs, her butt pointing as high as she could get it. Both cheeks were a shiny shade of red, the colouring following the curve of the top of her rump before almost making perfect rectangles going down. A few parts around the bottom edges weren’t as fully reprimanded as the rest, but both upper thighs had splotches of dark pink hoof prints.
  199. The door opened at that point. Apple Bloom snapped her head up, keeping her expression as still as she could. And then her jaw dropped. That was NOT the brush she had expected!
  201. Apple Bloom's extremities started to shake again. She had made this sooo much worse for herself over and again. Candy was glancing over sadly with quiet disappointment in her eyes, leaning against the doorframe with the long handled bathbrush tapping against her thigh with that big oval flat back.
  203. “I guess fillies your age think corner time is beneath them, huh?” Candy asked with shocking quiet in her voice. “I had misgivings, hun… I really didn't want to have to use this on you. Not even Babs has gotten the bathbrush, but such a selfish act that you told me today convinced me that it would do you justice in the long run.”
  205. Apple Bloom's lip trembled. Already, she understood exactly where Candy's words were going and the guilt of earlier returned in full swing. Fear mixed with shame as the throbs of an aching fanny returned subtly. Candy closed the door behind her and approached.
  207. “You asked me to punish you, Apple Bloom. You're almost too old for a good lacing, definitely old enough for this brush, but I didn't desire this, young lady.”
  209. Apple Bloom would have been happier if Candy Mane had punched her in the stomach. She sank her sorry, worn fanny onto the chair, backwards and facing Candy, wincing slightly at the feeling of wood on naughty flesh. It was going to get worse.
  211. “I expected that at the very least, you would have been ashamed enough from this spanking to have stayed in the corner. You're familiar with the rules of corner time, Apple Bloom, that they didn't need repeating tonight?”
  213. “Y-yes, ma'am…” she croaked, unable to take her gaze off that awful looking implement.
  215. “But you left the corner anyway to… what? Look at your butt? What, are you proud of yourself, or something?” Candy asked, with sarcasm in her voice.
  217. “A-Ah was… Ah thought this woulda been e-enough!” Bloom admitted.
  219. Her reply took Candy by surprise. For a moment, Candy stayed silent. She bowed her head, shaking it back and forth.

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