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Necessary Privacy by KrishnaKarnak

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:30:01
Updated: 2022-03-13 18:21:15
Expiry: Never

  1. Necessary Privacy by KrishnaKarnak
  2. (Magnum / Rarity)
  3. M/f, hoof, otk, non-consensual, beg
  5. (22/08/2015)
  8. ---
  10. "Daddy! D-Daddy, no!"
  12. "Come on, right now!"
  14. She tried to pull against his dragging hoof, but it was no good! She had a feeling she knew what was coming. He was dressed in a fine suit and tie and looked exceptionally hot and bothered now, even considering how much he was sweating at the dinner party with the heat. She was in her fluffy pink satin dress. Ponies don't normally dress up, but it's different when you have high class, rich dinner guests.
  16. He reached the stairs and started climbing, redoubling the grip on his daughter's hoof.
  18. "D-Daaaddy!" she sniffled. "Please don't! Daddy, nooo!"
  20. "Remember what Daddy said?"
  22. "Daddy, I-I..."
  24. "I warned you, muffin! If you didn't behave, I was dragging you to your room!"
  26. No, no, it couldn't be! He wouldn't! Everyone might hear! The floors were thin!
  28. "Dad-Daddy, I'm sorry, I really am, please d-don't! Daddy!"
  30. She was terrified, trying to walk on quaking fetlocks while her father marched her to her room, the voices of her mother and uncle and the other guests still clear in her ears. Her tail hung low and her ears bent back, embarrassment and shame consuming her. He wouldn't...
  32. "On top of everything else you had to be scolded for by Mommy and Daddy, didn't I warn you not to play with the flagon?!"
  34. "Y-you did, and, and I'm sorry!"
  36. "Cranberry juice all over the tablecloth and Miss Featherfluff's gown! We'll need to pay to get that stream cleaned."
  38. "I'm sorry!"
  40. He opened her bedroom door and dragged her inside. Only when he shut the door with himself still inside did she know all was lost. It was going to happen for the first time. Two years of threats whenever she had misbehaved had finally caught up with her.
  42. Magnum sat down on the bed, pulling her in front of him. Rarity was shaking uncontrollably, tears welling in those sapphire eyes. With a flick of magic, her father pulled her dress up and over her head and deposited it beside them. Her doily little panties, customary to wear for a filly's private spots not to be seen when dressed, were magicked down and left where she had been standing. She was naked as a pony could be, the idea of being stripped before what was coming being completely unbearable. With a good yank, he lifted her up and across his neatly pressed dress pants.
  44. She had been protesting non-stop, unwilling to face her first time, especially when he told her that a properly raised young filly who misbehaved this badly at a fancy party could expect to get her bare ass spanked. She flinched at the last three words, tears in her eyes. Her father never, ever cussed as bad as the A-word.
  46. Once she was positioned, he scolded her. "Stop flailing those little hoofies, young lady; you've had this coming for a very, very long time, and you're going to be very sorry with a bright red stinging tushy!" he promised, laying her tail against her back and flattening a forehoof against her dock, holding her snug.
  48. "DAAADDYYY!" she howled, writhing, already bawling, kicking her legs and feeling goosebumps when she felt the dry, fleecy material of her dress against the bottom of her back left hoof. "I DON'T WANNA BE SPAAANKED!"
  50. But there it was. The little nine year old unicorn, already cutie marked, crying out in pain as the first smack to ever strike her white fanny echoed against the expansive space of the room that also served as a fashionista's first workshop. Her friends often told stories about their own times over laps or beds, hairbrushes and switches lacin' their tender bottoms. She never had a story of being punished, so Rarity could only imagine what it would be like to feel Mommy's hairbrush or hoof, or even Daddy's strong hoof, smacking her rump until she cried and cried and kicked and "Daaaddyyy, n-nooo! Stop-p-p!"
  52. It hurt worse than she could have ever, ever imagined! Left and right and right again, leaving a lingering throb, the heat roasting the surface, clenching her cheeks tight only giving the hoof more access to a larger spot. Smack, smack, smack, and she was in misery, completely unable to get away from the snug grip on her back as her cheeks danced and danced and tears fell, leaving little streaks in her light makeup and dripping from the end of her nose, snot running into her mouth.
  54. "You think Daddy's wanting to do this to you, sweetmuffin?" he asked, whacking her lower left cheek over and over, layering the stinging aches on top of each other before moving on. "Daddy's warned you again and again and again AND AGAIN so you'd never have to be taken over my lap and get your little tush smacked raw. You've got to listen to your parents, Rara!" She bawled, no longer able to keep track of the bouncing of that angry, evil hoof as it scorched her hinny, leaving a neat perimeter of agony around each plump cheek, encircling the centres where the sting was an entirely different story.
  56. "Daddy wants you to know, he wants you to learn to listen and to understand when to behave like a proper young filly around company and that there," SMACK, "are," SMACK, "consequences," SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, "when you misbehave!"
  58. "WAAA-AAA-AAAH!"
  60. He left her bawling limply across his knees, front hooves bent and covering her eyes, mouth wide open and tears flushing down her scarlet cheeks, the crimson of her bum showing exactly where she was throbbing and sore. He had focused the entire spanking on just her butt cheeks, leaving red ovals standing out in stark contrast to the white. Her panties wouldn't cover all of it, she would have thought had she had any thoughts at all aside from how much she never wanted this again.
  62. "I want you to sit down on that bare bottom and have a good think about all you did today," he instructed, the same hoof that just whupped her good now rubbing up and down her back, the other having released her tail and gently stroking her mane. "Then you're going to wash your face, get dressed all pretty again, and come down to apologise to Mommy and our guests. Do you understand, sweetcake?"
  64. "Y-yes, D-Dad-d-ddy..." she stuttered, coughing, allowing him to lift her into a sitting position on his lap against that scratchy fabric covering his legs. "I'm sorry..."
  66. He kissed her forehead, told her he loved her, and sat her down in the warm spot he had sat once he decided to get up and save her mother the task of entertaining alone. She knew they'd all know precisely what transpired as soon as he returned, but knew her Daddy would just brush off any enquiries and continue whatever story he had been telling before she magicked that flagon all over the tablecloth. She sniffled, leaning up on her left back thigh and running a careful hoof over her warm, sore, tender cheeks. Now she had a story to tell, too.
  68. END

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