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Rainbow Thrashed by KrishnaKarnak

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:30:16
Updated: 2022-03-13 18:22:29
Expiry: Never

  1. Rainbow Thrashed by KrishnaKarnak
  2. (Teacher / Rainbow)
  3. F/f, cane, over desk, juridical, non-consensual
  5. (19/04/2014)
  8. ---
  10. The entire student body of Cloudsdale's comprehensive flight academy was assembled in the wide, indoor gymnasium. Seated near the front of the bleachers where Hoops, Dumb-Bell, and Score... the three colts who often made Rainbow Dash's days a living nightmare, especially in their summer flight camp. Unfortunately, today had a nightmare all of its own.
  12. The dean, a large and grey stallion with a wild, brown mane and a goatee, lead Rainbow Dash toward the centre of the polished floor. There was a single desk there, facing the other students. Beside it, standing on her hind legs and balanced using her long wings, was what Rainbow's classmates called the 'Mistress of Distress'. She was just a member of the faculty who had been appointed the school disciplinarian, much to the chagrin of the students. Clasped between her front hooves was the weapon. Twenty-eight inches long. Wickedly thin. The junior's cane.
  14. Rainbow Dash eyed her and the implement wearily as she approached that solitary desk, trotting cautiously several paces behind the dean. The disciplinarian was a tall, middle-aged mare with white fur and a beige mane, styled in a neat bun. Once the guilty vandal had reached her, she nodded curtly toward the desk. Gulping, Rainbow Dash turned to face it, trying not to look into any of the dark countenances of her fellow classmates, and especially not the bullies. The other students were like a jury, two hundred strong, judging her with the piercing beams of four hundred eyes. She would not give them the satisfaction of seeing her lose face.
  16. She moved into position. The desk was one of those old fashioned, dark wooden, paralysingly uncomfortable torture devices with the seat attached directly to the desk, with so little room between the seat and legs of the main desk that one would often bump their knees every time they took a freaking breath. Rainbow Dash hated it. She was going to hate it more, though. Climbing awkwardly onto the seat, she reached across to the top of the desk and pulled herself forward. The desk wobbled a little as she adjusted her form. Sighing, she pressed her back hooves against the very low seat-back and hung her front hooves over the front, dangling her arms over the void between this awful piece of medieval furniture and the other pegasi. This slumped position elevated her rump, and her waistline dug into the rim of the desk, which was very weathered and scratched, making her skin itch under the fur.
  18. Rainbow Dash could hear the fillies giggling and a few colts' mocking jeers. She hung her head low, so that the front of her radiant mane flopped over her burning face. She tried to ignore the adults as they discussed the upcoming spectacle in hushed tones. She caught the word 'sixteen'. Sixteen? Oh, sweet Celestia! The sweat beaded against her forehead. She'd only ever witnessed other pegasi in the school get twelve or less.
  20. She pitied herself, though. Nopony ever wanted to be the one lying against this desk on these dark afternoons, with the burden of this public execution followed by a letter they had to bring home to a parent or guardian to sign. Most of the time, these events were carried out in private, closeted in the Mistress' office... usually over her desk, or maybe across her knees if the crime had required some added humiliation. But on those rare occasions when the student goes above and beyond in wrong doings, the dean can decide to assemble all students and make a public display of the Mistress' finesse to deter others.
  24. Rainbow Dash let out a cry of pain. She wasn't ready, lost in her own self-pity! She hadn't heard the dean telling her that it was starting. The Mistress of Distress had landed her vicious cane across the lower buttocks, which clenched in response. Rainbow's wings flung wide in protest, stiff and tingling, as those poised for flight. However, a second later, she was able to control herself and folded them.
  26. She could hear Hoops' dumbass guffaw. It reminded her of that ludicrous Pontari commercial for that 'Vanguard' video game. With the big stupid earth pony jock and his retarded laugh. HUHUHUHUHUH. Oh, how she hated those stupid colts!
  28. The sting of the whip-like-hit to her rump had barely diminished when the second cane whack found its mark. However, now fully aware of her present dangers, she mustered through it a lot better than the first smack. Gritting her teeth, she breathed hard through her nose, glaring at what little of the floor she could see through crimson strands of hair. WHIIISHK! She could do this! She had to get through this! After all, spray painting that massive lightning bolt on the cafeteria wall was totally worth this... this child's play! WHIIISHK! No, Dash had to remind herself, no, she's not going to cry. Biting her lip, she flexed the tip of her left hoof. Then the right. WHIIISHK! L-left... right... had to distract herself. Keep her mind busy elsewhere. She couldn't permit herself to—WHIIISHK!—t-to focus on the p-pain.
  30. She couldn't cry! Not in front of the students and her classmates. WHIIISHK! N-no! How could poor Fluttershy look up to her if she broke down now? Sniffing her nose, she could feel the wet snot already building up. Though she had not been paying attention, the searing lines burned into her butt were telling her exactly where the cane had bit into her flesh. Criss-crossing both cheeks. Two near the top, just below the base of her tail. The rest, the lower portions of her cheeks. WHIIISHK! Dash nearly jumped when she felt the dean's hooves against her legs. Exactly... exactly how badly was she just kicking them? She hadn't even noticed. She was also now aware of how she was grinding her front hooves together. A tear ran down her snout and hovered, traitorously, on the tip before falling and splashing to the floor.
  32. It hurt. Oh, Celestia, how it hurt! If she was in the privacy of her own home, this would be so much better. Though she liked to act tough, such a tomcoltish rascal that she was, Rainbow Dash was at least allowed to kick and squirm, whimper and bawl like a naughty little filly when she was across her father's lap. Dad never judged. After all, her dad was not two hundred of her peers. She prayed he wasn't going to follow up her school punishment with an encore hairbrushing when she got home. Again and again, the Mistress of Distress laced the thin, over two-foot wooden weapon into Dash's sore cheeks. The pain was building, a blazing fire that was going to rush through her and set fire to this stupid, itchy desk! WHIIISHK! She had no idea what number they were on now as she writhed, doing her best to keep her legs still so the dean wouldn't hold her down and make her an even greater laughing stock. WHIIISHK! She was at the brink. She couldn't take anymore of this torture. WHIIISHK!
  34. It was too late. Her mouth was parted, her breaths heaving, her sobs audible. Her vision had long been blurred to near-incomprehension. Another hit, across her upper thighs. The sting was like fury. Rainbow Dash let out a howl of misery. Another savage, barbaric whack of the cane and she kicked her hooves hard against the seat, wailing in despair. She wanted it to end long ago. WHIIISHK!
  36. She was limp against the desk now, bawling, her whole body shaking. Above her own cries, she could hear hooves against the waxy floor. The dean and Mistress were leaving her. The end of the humiliating display was always the same, with the spanked filly or colt left in their battered state and the rest of the school to file out on their own.
  38. She slumped off the desk and barely managed to catch herself with her wings before she hit the floor. Straightening up, her butt muscles aching like nothing else, she pulled her wet mane from her eyes. What she saw surprised her.
  40. A large number of the students were grinning. Some of them had even started to clop their hooves together, now that the adults were gone. But they weren't looking at her. Turning around, she could see the giant lightning bolt. The gymnasium's long, slanted windows had given the entire student body a perfect view of her masterpiece, across the clouds that lead to the cafeteria building. She hadn't planned this.
  42. Rainbow Dash let out a crow of laughter, wiping her eyes proudly. It was going to take them weeks to prepare to repaint the distant wall. There was an assembly in the gym every morning.
  44. Everypony would be talking about this act of anti-authoritative school vandalism for months to come. Totally worth it!

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