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Riolu's Important Lesson by KrishnaKarnak

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:30:35
Expiry: Never

  1. Riolu's Important Lesson by KrishnaKarnak
  2. (Dad / Son)
  3. non-pony, M/m, non-consensual
  5. ---
  8. “Let go, Mama!”
  10. Riolu bared his teeth in a scowl, which only earned him an extra hard tug on his bandana-like black fur, which Mama preferred to yank on instead of those tiny ears.
  12. “I told you this morning you were [i]grounded[/i], did I not?” she asked, folding her arms and tapping her foot.
  14. Riolu frowned and didn't say anything. His mother, Rukario, an evolved lucario like his Papa, didn't look impressed. She pointed to his bedroom.
  16. “Since I don't remember you knowing how to perform Amnesia, you can stay in there until 9!”
  18. “I'm not staying there all night!” Riolu snapped, stamping his foot down. “You aren't throwing me in my room or [i]freaking grounding me[/i],” he said in a challenging bark, narrowing his eyes. “I'm thirteen, Mom!”
  20. Cartoonish lock-down noise later, Riolu grumpily stalked around his bedroom, rubbing his throbbing left cheek where he was slapped. Apparently, he was wrong. And the conversation ended with a dreadful malediction: you just wait until your father gets home!
  22. He shivered, paws running nervously over his backside. It had been ages since the last time… though not ages since he had been a bad little ‘mon. Only yesterday, he has been caught skipping his lessons and got a real good scolding from Rukario. But grounding him, too? That's too far!
  24. He stroked his bottom again. Alright, so, yeah, maybe he shouldn't have lashed out, but this still wasn't fair! Not only was he stuck in here all night, but when his Papa got home, he was “going to be sorry”. He tried hard not to imagine it.
  26. As the night drew on, he was getting thirsty… and annoyed. Riolu punted his waste bin as he walked by it with a weak low kick, but only got a stubbed toe for his troubles. Eventually, a strategy occurred to him. He moved swiftly to his dresser.
  28. Riolu fished around in the top drawer, not quite tall enough to get a good look in. His paw grasped a fleecy shirt and he tugged it out. Straining as he reached up with a hnnng, he found the matching pants in the back of the drawer. His light blue two piece pajamas should help fight these shivers of fear. And besides, he realized: Papa wouldn't expose a thirteen year old’s butt! That would be shameful.
  30. He jumped when he heard the front door open and close. Oh, no, he thought: he was already going to pieces and Papa wasn't even in the room! He couldn't stop thinking about finding himself across a knee.
  32. He growled and punched his pillow, flattening it in the middle and watching it poof back out. He was a strong boy for his type, but he had nothing on Papa, who fought professionally and ran his own dojo. He immediately pushed any thought of overpowering his father and thus earning a nod and fist bump of respect. [i]Probably[/i] when he evolved, would he defeat Papa.
  34. After all, he was Papa's pride and joy. Whenever there was free time between Riolu’s school and Papa's dojo, the father trained the son. Each opportunity Riolu had to accomplish a new feat of strength or defeat an opponent in the dojo itself, Papa's eyes burned with an intense, fierce pride. There was no Pokemon more strong and noble than a fighting type after an intense day of hard work, Papa always said. And he was always talking about his boy.
  37. Riolu shivered again. Still, maybe it wasn't all bad, he reasoned; Papa might just scold him or take away privileges. It had been sooo long since he got a proper whupping… obviously Papa thought he was beyond that age. Riolu was just being ridiculous and was worried for nothing.
  39. A tingly sensation hovered around his lower back when he heard approaching footsteps a half an hour later. He immediately plopped his butt on the bed, knees suddenly very, very tired. He watched the doorknob turn, his feet rubbing together. Lucario entered the room, tall and imposing, and locked eyes with his boy. Riolu felt a nervous blush stretching across his face. His father closed the bedroom door and stood in front of it, paw outstretched.
  41. Riolu slipped off the bed and walked noodle-legged across to Lucario and accepted the glass of water he was offering. He took a step back and bowed. The drink was very welcome, since his throat had gone even drier in the last ten seconds. His stomach turned to mud, though, when he saw Papa drop to one knee to put the pair on a level. Papa only did this when one outcome was very, [i]very[/i] clear: Riolu would be very, [i]very[/i] sorry.
  44. “You can begin by explaining why Rukario is upset with you, Riolu! Starting with yesterday.”
  46. Riolu decided it was much, much simpler to back up and set his butt back onto the bed, but Lucario’s eyes flashed when he took another step back. Nope. Baaad idea. He would need to talk right here, within arms length of Papa. He took another sip of water, sweating.
  48. If he lied, then anything he said that was at odds with what Papa knew would be catastrophically bad. If he told the whole story, then Papa would know every detail Mama might have left out. But… he would have to.
  50. “I… um, I…”
  52. “Did not go to your lessons, yes,” Lucario answered for him. “Continue.”
  54. Riolu felt less and less like a tough, rough, and determined teenager the longer Papa's eyes continued to drill into his skull. His stomach growled and all of a sudden, it struck him how very big his father was. He bit his lip, back paws digging at the carpet.
  56. “Yes, Papa,” he agreed, thinking it was best to be honest and score some brownie points, “I was wrong to skip my lessons. I'm sorry.” He bowed again.
  58. “[i]I told you to continue![/i]” Lucario barked. “You can apologize [i]after![/i]”
  60. “Okay, okay!” Riolu yelped like a puppy who just got his tail stepped on. “Mama grounded me and I wanted to go out anyway…”
  62. “When I was a pup who found himself grounded, I wanted to go out anyway, too. [i]That's why it's a punishment, Riolu.[/i] But you aren't telling me the whole story,” he told him, touching his paw to his son's snout. “I will not ask you to continue again.”
  64. Riolu went cross-eyed as he looked at the paw. He understood Lucario's words easily enough. He better start speaking whole truths. He stood straight, trying to act the confident warrior, but found himself touching his right butt cheek with his free hand, the fleece making his skin feel dry.
  66. “M-Mama caught me leaving and t-told me off… and I-I…” He looked into Lucario's eyes and every bit of determination or cunning he had left melted away. Riolu averted his gaze and bowed his head, sniffing back some mucus. “I told M-M-Mama she was f-foolish to th-think she c-could g-g-ground M-M-Mama and, and…”
  68. “[i]YOU WILL SPEAK LIKE MY SON AND NOT A QUIVERING WHELP[/i], Riolu!” Lucario snapped at him.
  70. Riolu blinked and felt the tears in his eyes. Oh, how he was so terribly, [i]terribly[/i] beaten in this fight. He took a calming breath and laid the glass of water down. Standing straight again, Riolu adopted his fighting pose, though the tears had started to run down his face.
  72. Papa looked proud for the briefest of moments. This was another thing he had taught his boy: when facing a stronger opponent or overwhelming odds, show that you still have your courage, even if your fear is stronger. Take your loss on your feet!
  74. “I… told Mama she cou-couldn’t…” He stopped. Deep breath. Another one. He continued. “I told Mama she couldn't ground me because I would just f-fight her.”
  76. Lucario closed his eyes. Riolu felt like the most disrespectful piece of garbage at that moment. The disappointment on his father's face meant that Rukario hadn't told Papa that particular detail.
  78. “I was wrong to say that to Mama!” Riolu added quickly, wanting nothing more than for the disappointment to leave Papa's face. “I argued with Mama, because I am a grown riolu now, thought this meant she would back down. When she didn't, I-I got angry and started to shout… and Mama slapped me and dragged me to my room…”
  80. “What did you say when you shouted?” Lucario prompted him immediately, eyes flying open.
  82. “I can't remember,” Riolu answered truthfully, his snout growing heavy with moisture. “Papa, I'm so sorry for what I said and how I acted!”
  84. Lucario moved forward and took his son by the arm. The grip was iron. As he was whipped around by speed of Papa's gait, Riolu's foot kicked over the empty glass. They were going towards the bed.
  86. “Let me make one thing perfectly clear, Riolu: being thirteen years old does not make you a mature Pokemon. I did not even evolve until I was seventeen. You were disrespectful, rude, and arrogant to your mother. You dishonoured yourself, your family, and your past and future accomplishments.”
  88. Riolu wanted to say 'come on, Papa, it’s not that bad’, but was unable to think of a single argument. Having been entirely focused on Papa's words, the approaching outcome had slipped his notice. Once Papa sat upon the bed, he realized too late.
  90. “You'll never say anything like that to your mother again. Rukario has every right to discipline the riolu she hatched. You deserved the grounding as the cost of skipping your lessons, and [i]it will stand.[/i] You're going to get a fierce, hard spanking for everything else!”
  92. Riolu screwed up his face, willing himself not to choke up and start crying properly then and there. He was really going to get a spanking at thirteen. How cruel of a fate is that? Would he cry? Would it still hurt, even though he's becoming such a powerful fighter? Or would it just be incredibly embarrassing? Luckily, there is no one to watch them, so it isn't the worst thing in the world he reasoned with himself, his paws gripping the sheet as he forced himself to look up into Papa's face. Papa said to face losses on his feet, and a loss in the ring in the dojo was witnessed by many. This would be a lot easier.
  94. “You will take this punishment as I would expect my boy to take it, I trust,” Lucario commanded him. “I don't want any pointless pleading or fussing. [i]You’ve earned every bit of this[/i], and only by receiving your penance will you be forgiven, Riolu.”
  96. Riolu gave a few shaky nods, his black bandana tails flapping as he did so. He mouthed 'I promise, Papa’, more to himself than to Lucario, and placed his paws on Papa's thighs. His body was quaking with fear, but he wouldn't disappoint his father any more. Pushing against the powerful legs, he gave a little jump and crawled across Papa's lap. As he folded his arms and pressed his forehead into them, however, his flow of tears resumed.
  98. He felt Papa's paws caressing his bottom through the pajamas. He mumbled a nearly silent prayer, hoping against hope that what he feared wouldn't happen. He inhaled sharply through his nose when Papa's fingers caressed the waistband of his pajamas. His head shook side to side, but he kept his promise of not pleading… at least, not verbally.
  100. When his rump was exposed, the soft fabric dragging down his bottom and thighs, ending in a jumble at his knees, Riolu gave a soft, quiet wail of despair. His own strong leg muscles tensed, his glutes squeezed, and he braced for the first smack. However, it didn't come.
  102. “Relax,” Lucario told him. “Now, Riolu.”
  104. For the briefest of moments, Riolu thought relax meant nothing was going to happen. Then he realized! Papa didn't want his backside tensed and braced for impact. A spanking was meant to be completely unimpeded beneath this roof. Riolu let the seconds stretch on, fighting with himself, but slowly, his muscles cramped and shook. He relaxed his bum.
  106. SMACK! Riolu opened his mouth wide and inhaled in a hiss, scrunching his muzzle up against the pain and panting. The last time he was across Papa's knee, getting his bare cheeks chastised like this, it didn't hurt [i]that[/i] much, did it?! Not at first! With the second slap, both strikes hitting and flattening the centre, Riolu yelped.
  108. “Ooowww, Papa!” he whined, breathing heavier and feeling the burning in his eyes getting matched with a burning across his butt.
  110. “I know,” Papa agreed, swinging his deadly paw up again and slicing down through the air to strike hard against Riolu's lower left cheek. “It's going to hurt, my boy. It has to be something you don't want, doesn't it? Only then will you not make the same decisions that lead you to be face down over my knee!”
  112. “Aaahhh, ooowww, yes, Papa! I'm sorry!” Riolu gasped, balling his paws into fists beneath his torso and flexing his neck. “This h-hurts!”
  114. “Then we're getting somewhere,” Lucario said simply, swinging up again and slapping his son's middle left cheek with a hard clap of his palm.
  116. Riolu kicked out his hind paws, keeping his face screwed up, and squeezed his cheeks again, flinching in anticipation of the next stinging smack. With an 'aaah, aaah, aaah, Riolu…’, Lucario bounced his paw in three light raps against the young Pokemon's skin. Once he cautiously relaxed his backside again, Riolu arched his back in response to the next smack, the first to land squarely on his right cheek.
  118. “P-Papa!” Riolu hissed again, not sure what he wanted to say but being unable to stay quiet. He dug his knees into Lucario's thigh, curling his toes and waving his tail side to side. It was too stiff to be useful for blocking, but maybe waving it like a flag may distract from the pain. “Paaapaa!”
  120. “Don't say you're sorry again,” Lucario warned him, a stern edge to his tongue as he smacked hard against Riolu's lower right cheek now, “I told you you can apologize later, when you're crying into your mother's arms. She's the one you've really upset tonight, and you will tell her that you will never be a disrespectful little scoundrel to her again once we are done!”
  122. Riolu bit his lip, the aching in his left cheek growing into a throb, the heat of the last smack giving him a burning tinge across his right buttcheek. The shame of the words was hurting just as much, though he was positive the spanking would turn out a lot worse in the end. He hated knowing how much Papa was upset with him, even if Lucario didn't say so. Riolu wasn't stupid. He grit his teeth, another warm, wet tear rolling down his face. The next smack made him cry out again.
  124. “Aahhaaaa…” Riolu's arms shook from the strain of holding himself up; he didn't want to be some naughty baby Pokemon kicking and flailing his arms over a father's knee. He was going to take this punishment like a real lucario would! He was going-- “OOOWWWHOOO!” He was going to wail like a little girl nidoran if Papa went on much longer.
  126. Smack! Smack! Riolu's chest and back heaved with the intensity of his breathing. Once again, he had flinched his cheeks in anticipation of the next swat and Lucario had to pause again. Riolu's lips started to quiver, as though the painful fire in his fanny were a piercing cold. He ducked his head between his shoulders and felt the salty texture of snot extend from his wet nose to his fist and break, splashing against his tongue.
  128. He couldn't maintain this calm, warrior’s composure forever. Each time Papa's paw smacked across his bottom, the throbbing pain got worse and worse. Riolu wanted to curl up and howl with misery, but he was sure it would embarrass himself and shame himself to his father. He started to sniffle, the air rushing through his nostrils cold. His thighs pressed tight into his father's as Riolu fought to keep it together.
  130. “Aaah! Aaahhh! Ooowww, Papaaa, ooowww owww!”
  132. Riolu twisted in Lucario's lap, arms finally giving way and lowering down onto his chest. Arms and legs hanging off the floor, he wrapped around his father's knees and clutched them. Tears were falling thick and fast, mixing with snot and dripping from his snout. Again and again, Lucario's firm spanking darted Riolu's bum with sharp strikes.
  134. He opened his mouth, gasping, his quiet whines increasing in volume, digging his paws into Lucario's legs. Both buttcheeks stung, each smack leaving a throb that lingered and ached. Sweat beaded his face, hot with shame and embarrassment at his predicament. He thought he was nearly a grown Pokemon, but here he was, crying across a father's knee, being harshly disciplined for the harsh way he had acted.
  136. His legs kicked fast and his paws were balled into fists again, tapping against his Papa without his control. He couldn't hold it in any longer. He was soon to be yowling, howling and screeching like a little boy. He tilted his head back, eyes squinted tight, taking heavy breaths, shoulders shaking, lips squirming and quaking.
  138. “PAAAPAAAHHHAAAHHH, I'M SO SOOORR-OOORRRYYY! PLEEEASE STOP, I WON'T BE RUDE AGAIN! I WON'T, I WON'T!” Riolu begged, squeezing his butt together tightly, his muzzle soaking with mucus runoff.
  140. Lucario didn’t pause this time, but battled through Riolu’s attempts at clenching his rump in defense.[i] Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack![/i] Soon, the loud slaps against his backside were being drowned by his cries of pain. His voice cracked as he wailed out, his head shaking hard, black fur flapping from side to side.[i] Smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack, smack![/i] Riolu tensed his whole body, fighting tooth and nail to not completely break down uncontrollably, but the spanking was relentless. And then… it wasn’t.
  142. “I WON’T DO IT AGAIN, PAAAPAAA! PAPA, I WON’T, I WON’T, I WOOON’T!” he repeated over and over.
  144. “You won't,” Lucario agreed again, stroking a paw across his son's freshly tanned, twitching cheeks. “And you've done well so far. Just a bit more, Riolu. We won't be here again, will we?”
  146. “Nooo, Papa, nooo, we won't! I promise!”
  148. Riolu clutched tight to his father's lap, catching his breath and trying to stem the steady drip-drip of snot. His bummy burned terribly and wouldn't be thanking him again anytime soon. He had just came so close to breaking down entirely, he felt so humiliated… and so humbled. He wiped his eyes, shivering suddenly as though the warmth of the thrashing was keeping him from freezing. His ears perked when the bedroom door opened.
  150. He peered bleary eyed over at Rukario. His mother gave him a firm look, though it became much more gentle as she surveyed the scene. Riolu's blush deepened as he imagined how foolish he looked with his red bottom on display, waiting for the encore. He squirmed a little, trying to calm down, collect himself, and attempt to restore his dignity with a darn good apology. Maybe that would spare him any further tanning.
  152. “P-Papa?” Riolu asked nervously, craning his neck to look up at his father, one arm running snottily across his snout.
  154. Lucario hushed him softly then said something to his mother. He hadn't caught what had been said, feeling lost in his misery, already so exhausted. Rubbing his paws together, Riolu looked the other way, at his mother, wishing he could somehow cover his butt. Mama was holding her big hairbrush.
  156. At first, he just didn't comprehend what was happening. Mama was running her paw over the flat back and nodding to Papa. He expected the spanking to resume once she had nodded, but it didn't. Then he understood.
  158. Mama was going to use that big, hard hairbrush on his rump! Even after he endured such a good spanking from Papa, he was going to get another flurry from his mother. The flow of tears built up before gushing forward again. He wanted to beg for mercy, to yell that Papa's paw had been plenty! He couldn't imagine how much that scary wooden brush would [i]hurt![/i] And it would be even more embarrassment, because he hadn't been across Mama's knee since he was seven!
  160. It was when Mama extended the handle out towards Papa that Riolu began to panic. Lucario's arm was already a mighty force to reckon with as it is. Strong and dexterous, flexible and coursing with aura at Papa's mere thoughts, a chop or punch from it could fell a big angry primeape! And now, it would be cracking that wide surface across his tush. He couldn't do this. Riolu just couldn't do anymore. He began to bawl.
  162. He pressed his paws into Papa's leg and pushed himself up, whole body rumbling with fear. He expected to be forced back down and receive that first heavy CRACK of the brush. Instead, the unexpected happened. As his father looked into his face, Lucario’s arm wrapped around Riolu’s head and pulled him into his chest, holding him close and as gentle as though he were a freshly hatched Pokemon. Riolu hadn’t even noticed he had broken down already. No more was he a hardened fighter only concerned with acting so tough in the face of adversity.
  164. He curled up in his father's lap, paws clutching at Lucario's fur, coughing through his sobs. He buried his face into Papa's abdomen below the soft spike and truly gave way to his emotional release. Mouth wide, he howled with misery, his left arm falling to shield his sore tush protectively. Lucario's arms wrapped around his torso and he rocked his screeching son. There wouldn’t be any further spanking; the lesson had been learned.
  166. At his mother's touch, Riolu pulled away from his father and reached out for Rukario, wet snot glistening on his snout. She pulled him off his Papa's lap and held him close to her chest. He shook with renewed sobs, squeezing her tight as she sat down with him.
  168. “WAAAHHHHMAAAMAAAAHAAAAHHHH, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SOOORRYYY!” he apologized over and over, roaring into her bosom. “I W-WAS WROOONG!”
  170. “Riolu,” Papa started, moving the discarded hairbrush aside, “I hope this has all been an important lesson to you. Yes, you are thirteen now, but you still have much growth to undertake. You don't always need to act the proud, impenetrable warrior at home when challenged by your parents. Do you?”
  172. Riolu shook his head back and forth in assent, grinding against his mother's chest. Rukario reached down and tugged up his pajamas carefully, unrolling the jumble around his knees and pulled them along his thighs. Riolu hissed as the fabric scraped along his hot bottom.
  174. “This spanking wasn't just about disciplining you physically,” Papa continued, getting up off the bed. Riolu twisted around to see him. “You had arrogant ways and I'm hoping they've been stamped out a little. I know so much of your energy was focused on staying tough throughout your punishment, I was worried you might not be focusing on the message of the spanking.”
  176. “H-how did you know I was trying to be t-tough?” Riolu asked sniffly, his mother stroking his head softly.
  178. Lucario gave him a half exasperated look, saying “I [i]know[/i] how to read my opponents, Riolu! And… I know my son.” He relaxed his face. “And what [i]you[/i] should know is that you're allowed to break down and cry when you're being punished by your parents or overwhelmed at home. Rukario and I already know we have a powerful and stoic Pokemon as a son, you don't need to convince us of anything. So do not act like you cannot be touched when you've done wrong; reflect on what's happened and why you're being disciplined. Do you understand me?”
  180. Riolu took a deep breath, sitting up properly on his mother's knee. He placed his paws in his own lap, relaxing his body. He briefly closed his eyes, nodding, no longer ashamed of showing his puffy red cheeks, stained with tears and mucus.
  182. “I understand, Papa. I'm sorry, I really, really am!”
  184. “I know, I believe you,” Lucario said, leaning his back against the dresser.
  186. “I'm sorry I was so rude to you, Mama,” Riolu went on, throwing his head back and looking up at Rukario. “You were right when you grounded me and I was wr-wrong. Do you forgive me?”
  188. His mother squeezed his torso tight, pressing the soft spike on her chest into his back and making him 'oof’. She rocked him back and forth, kissing his head. Only when Riolu began to fight the tight embrace that she spoke again.
  190. “I forgave you long ago, when you hatched from your egg and I first took you into my arms, little Riolu.” He didn't exactly understand that and it must have shown on his face, for she clarified. “You never need to seek forgiveness when you've been disciplined, my treasure. Especially not while you're still figuring out those... teenage emotions. Your parents are always going to be on your side. Just don't expect that to be an excuse to misbehave or challenge our authorities without good reason, or your father will be using that hairbrush [i]immediately[/i] on your bottom the next time you're being punished.”
  192. Riolu cringed and nodded quickly. Rukario gave him a little push and he jumped down onto his feet, paws folded in front of him. He bowed respectfully to his father, and when she stood, to her as well.
  194. “You need rest for your lessons tomorrow,” Lucario explained, opening the bedroom door. “You will awaken an hour before dawn for some training first… I'm giving you a match in the dojo.”
  196. Riolu's heart skipped a beat and he tried not to look too pleased, suddenly feeling enormously thankful that Papa didn't skin his ass raw with that brush after all. That would be hard to hide… as Riolu was operating under the assumption that the evidence of this paw spanking will fade quickly. If not, then he was totally going to make his opponent faint while showing off a red butt! They’d be talking about [i]that[/i] one for awhile.
  198. “Am… am I still grounded, though?” he asked meekly, rubbing his thighs absentmindedly.
  200. Lucario swept over to him, bent down again, and placed a kiss on his boy's forehead.
  202. “Of course you are. I told you that will stand,” Papa reminded him.
  204. Riolu sighed, nodding sadly.
  206. His mother walked past him, giving him one final hug. She paused at the door with his father, giving Lucario a searching look. He considered for a moment and nodded. Then Lucario walked away, leaving the door ajar.
  208. “Work hard tomorrow in your lessons and train well in the morning. If you win your match, I may decide to shorten your grounding, Riolu,” Mama said, giving him a smile. “Goodnight.”

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