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Roo's Mother's Day Adventure by KrishnaKarnak

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:30:54
Expiry: Never

  1. Roo's Mother's Day Adventure by KrishnaKarnak
  2. (Kangaroo / Kangaroo, Rabbit)
  3. non-pony, F/m, F/M, spoon, strap, corner, otk, non-consensual
  5. ---
  7. [Happy Roo collage: ]
  9. And here we have Roo, a little kangaroo who is cute and never gets into trouble and everything is fine the end.
  11. So one day, Roo gets into trouble. Uh oh.
  13. He was bouncing along, a song in his heart, a smile on his face. He was going to collect a bouquet of special, rare flowers to present to his mother on this very special of days. It was Mother's Day! The only issue… the flowers are mountain flowers.
  15. Easy enough, Roo would trot up the hills, past the dark forest, and collect those beautiful flowers! Sure, Kanga always told him not to ever go into the mountain woods, but shucks, the Hundred Acre Woods was all forests and junk, right? Roo didn't believe it mattered.
  17. Unfortunately, the opinion of a young kangaroo on the safety of the dark forest was not the wisest source of information. Roo went missing for a full day. He missed Mother's Day and the gift he did give his mommy was a sleepless night of fright and worry and anxiety over the whereabouts of her little boy.
  19. To make matters worse… he was found by Rabbit of all folks. Unlike Tigger or Pooh or someone who might try to calm the waters before handing him over to a very distressed Mommy, Rabbit was a bit strict and an all-around douchebag.
  21. He was doomed. Or so his nearly eleven year old mind told him, anyway. Especially since Rabbit would have gotten there first: Once he bitched the big flappy ears off of Roo outside the dark woods, he went on ahead.
  23. Roo-Roo trotted up his front step cautiously. He reached high with a hnngh and tapped on the little door knocker, somehow thinking he'd better knock first instead of charging in post-missing. His little blue knapsack nearly slipped off as he reached up.
  25. The door opened and there was Mama. Kanga stood in her night gown, with fluffy panda slippers on her hilariously large kangaroo clownshoe feet, gazing down at him with a very disapproving look on her face.
  27. “Well, and there's your brat,” said Asshole, pointing out the obvious. “Once he was safely out of the woods, I figured he would be fine enough to hop along alone, he insisted. Probably to have a good think about what he did!”
  29. “Now, now, Rabbit, he's not your boy, so mind you don't talk down to him,” Kanga scolded, her words at complete odds with her face. “But thank you for telling me.”
  31. Asshole took a little bow and said he was happy to help, before he moved out past the little brown, soon to be most definitely yelled at marsupial.
  33. “Little Mr. Roo…” Kanga started as the door swung closed behind him. Roo flinched; Mama always called him that when he was in deep Eeyore doo-doo. “Where do I start?”
  35. 'With dinner' wouldn't be a good answer, Roo thought as his tummy growled heavily. But he hadn't eaten yet that day and he was getting real hungry at this point.
  37. “I-I… Mama, can I e-eat?” Roo begged, face frowning.
  39. Kanga was quick into mother mode. She scooped her little joey up and carried him to the kitchen, taking off his knapsack and dirty shirt as she did so. Plopping his rump on the hard wooden seat, Kanga gave a hop and quickly zipped between the ice box and the breadbox. She made him a sandwich and sat down beside him while he ate.
  41. And then the scolding began. Roo’s flappy weiner-dog ears drooped as Mama yelled, flinching at the end of each sentence. He wanted to say that he obviously knew NOW that he should not have went that out of the way to get flowers, but the squirmy feeling of guilt kept his trap shut. Kanga told him how their friends kept coming by to see whether he had been found and how worried he had made everyone.
  43. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry!” Roo interrupted, pulling his earsies down over his eyes. “I didn’t wanna worry you or everyone, honest!”
  45. “I know, honey, but you gave me a terrible fright! How many times did I warn you never, EVER go into the woods over the hills?!” Kanga asked, not realizing she had already asked this twice during her scolding. “And we are going to make sure this never happens again!”
  47. Roo gulped. “I k-know, Mama… don’t worry, it won’t!”
  49. Kanga folded her arms. “That’s right, it won’t. You can go wait in your bedroom.”
  51. Roo’s eyes widened and he slipped off the chair. “Mama, nooo! I said I was sorryyy!” He crawled on his knees toward her chair. “Pl-please, please, don’t g-g-give me a spanking!”
  53. “Go,” she urged her little joey sternly. “You’ll never forget to listen to Mama’s cautions EVER again!”
  55. Some time later, Roo sat on his bed, sweat on his forehead. He was squirming, lip quivering as he fought back tears. Oh, how he hated whenever Kanga sent him to his room for a good old fashioned spanking. He rubbed his big feet together nervously, eyes darting between his wringing paws and the door. He gave a jump and a little squeak when Mama opened the door.
  57. Once he saw what she was holding, he started to cry. Kanga had the belt Roo used to bind his books together, which he always slung over his shoulder when he went to study with Owl. She swept over to the bed, sat down, laid the belt across her lap, and picked up her son.
  59. “Roo, you are going to tell Mama why you are going to get a spanking,” she instructed him, putting him on his feet and holding onto his paws to keep him close.
  61. “M-Maaamaaa!” he whined, trying to look away. “Don’t!”
  63. “Roo!”
  65. “I-I-I got lost in the woods,” he stuttered, sniffing loudly as a bubble of snot edged toward his right nostril.
  67. “Roo, you were gone for a full day, and then some,” Kanga chastised, squeezing his palm softly. “Mama thought she lost you forever. You don’t know what that’s like, to think you’ve lost your little joey…” She paused briefly, collecting herself. “I know you were scared, too, but that can’t happen again!”
  69. She picked up the belt and doubled it over, wrapping one end around her right paw. Still holding Roo with her left, she tugged him toward her lap. Roo whimpered as she lifted him up. He climbed obediently, but reluctantly, across her left knee. As she closed her legs, she pinned his big feet between her thighs. Roo took a shaky, quaky breath, shuddering when Kanga bent the right arm behind his back.
  71. “You broke Mama’s heart, Roo. I can’t risk losing you again. I love you so much, but I have to punish you for this.” Roo couldn’t help but notice the stormy hollowness of her voice. Was that anger? Or... sadness?
  73. Roo gave a yelp! Kanga swung the belt out and CRACK! It connected hard across his rump, the leather biting into his skin and leaving a burning stripe of pain behind. The second stinging, searing tongue of flame slapped across and he cried out, tears dripping off his snout.
  75. His big tail wasn't flexible enough to block the belt, so it was useless for protection. Roo squinted tight, pressing his eyebrows into his forearm. Kanga smacked the belt down again.
  77. She wasn't going for full strength or any lasting damage. All her boy needed with a good sting and some warm, sore cheeks, and he'd howl and bawl and not forget this for a long time. He cried out again, wailing and trying to kick his legs, but Kanga's thighs kept them where they were.
  79. “Mama hopes this lesson will stick in your head for a very, very long time,” she said, cracking the belt on the left and then on the right. “My boy is getting older but that doesn't mean he would be safe enough to disappear into the woods near the mountain! No Mother's Day gift is worth your life! Kangaroos are not good at climbing, either!”
  81. “Maa-Maa-haaa-aaamaa!!!” Roo screeched, trying to roll onto his side to no avail. “I'M SOOORRYYYY!”
  83. Kanga squeezed his paw tight, but continued whipping the leather belt across his backside all the same. Roo bawled through gritted teeth, biting down on his paw, the pain in bum unbearable. Snot carved two paths down his snout fur and reconnected at his chin, dripping onto Kanga's tail, which was swept to the side his head was on.
  85. With an extra low crack leaving a burning rectangle behind, Roo roared out, tears streaming down, thrashing over her knee, left arm reaching for her tail and squeezing it hard. Kanga tightened the grip on his right paw, the good lacing he was getting turning his bottom into a sweaty, welted mess of red and pink.
  87. The rest of the spanking occurred with nothing worse. Kanga slapped the leather across his rear in the dull, methodical pace she had fallen into, and Roo had long given up the struggle, his bum aching in agony, twitching and hot.
  89. Kanga placed him on his big feet and let him screech into her apron. She laid the belt back onto his bed and rubbed his head softly. He reached up for her, expecting to be pulled into her arms and rocked, like when he was a younger joey.
  91. Instead, Kanga eased off the bed and took a hold of his arm. She walked towards the door, leading a sobbing Roo behind her. Down the hallway into the living room of the cottage, Kanga approached the front door.
  93. Roo pulled uselessly against her tug as she lead him onto the front deck and into the sunlight of the late afternoon. She lead him down the steps and made him stand against one of the supporting posts of the staircase, paws on his head, bright red bottom on full display.
  95. Roo knew that any of their friends could look and know that the little kangaroo was safe and sound again, and more importantly, that he wouldn't be trying anything foolish or dangerous for a good, long time. Kanga stood beside him for awhile, as Roo cried softly, reaching down to rub his snout and then caress his bottom.
  97. Roo whined every time he heard footsteps on the gravelly path next to the cottage. One was a pitter-patter of tiny cloven hooves, unmistakably Piglet, who scurried away frightfully.
  99. “Take your paws off your bottom!” a familiar voice snapped. “Make sure everyone can see what bad little boys get!”
  101. Kanga clearly had enough of this dipshit. Roo heard Rabbit grunt in pain as Kanga seized him by both long ears in a single fist.
  103. “You have sneered at my child long enough, Rabbit! You've obviously forgotten what it was to be young and foolhardy! That's fine, because I'll remind you, won't I, Roo? You stay there, Mama will be back in five minutes!”
  105. “Kanga, Kangaaa, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Rabbit spluttered in indignation.
  107. Roo heard them struggle back up the stairs and then heard the door close. Before long, the sounds of his mother's wooden spoon echoed through the open window.
  109. “Oh, bother… me thinks this is not a good time to ask for honey…” a voice mumbled behind him and continued on his way.

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