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Sneaking and Shrieking by KrishnaKarnak

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:31:31
Updated: 2022-03-13 18:25:20
Expiry: Never

  1. Sneaking and Shrieking by KrishnaKarnak
  2. (Candy Mane / Apple Bloom)
  3. F/f, hoof, hairbrush, otk, pajamas, non-consensual, beg
  5. (27/06/2014)
  8. ---
  10. “Ah'm doomed. DOOMED!” Apple Bloom wailed, slamming her hooves down in frustration. Cascades of water and soapy suds splashed against the tiled walls and spilled onto the checkered floor. “Ah'm a goner...”
  12. “Ya dunno dat, Cus...” Babs Seed said fairly, frowning at the water now darkening the bathroom rug. “She nevers even said nothin', did she?”
  14. “That's the worst bit...” Apple Bloom sighed, sinking low into the tub. “Since yer Ma never said nothin', Ah dunno what'll happen!” She leaned against the edge of the tub and raised her rump, so that it breached the water behind her. “Ah'm gonna get it, Ah bet!” she sighed tragically.
  16. Babs shook her head. “Listen, Cus! Ma ain't gonna whup a filly who ain't her own, no matters whatcha did!”
  18. “Ah hope so, Cus'n...” Bloom moaned wearily, slipping beneath the water as though preemptively hiding.
  20. “C'mon,” Babs encouraged her, reaching down and seizing Apple Bloom by the mane. “Stop bein' all melodramatic! Ya'll be fine, Cus!”
  22. “Lemmego!” Bloom snarled, waving her hooves haphazardly, trying to get her hair free from her second-cousin's grasp. Water sloshed dangerously against the edge of the bathtub before spilling over and onto the floor. “Ah, ponyfeathers!”
  24. Within five minutes, both fillies were standing on the soaking wet floor and drying each other off with towels. The gurgle of the draining tub echoed throughout the bathroom... which just happened to be loud enough to disguise the sound of the approaching hoof-falls of Babs' mother. Without time for them to attempt to dry off the floor, Candy Mane knocked on the bathroom door.
  26. “Oooh, shoot...” Babs groaned, staring around the bathroom before raising her voice. “UH, YEAH, MA?”
  28. “All done in there, girls? Can I come in?”
  30. “UM...” Babs shot a panicked look at her cousin. “Oh crap!”
  32. “Give us a sec, Candy!” Apple Bloom called out, watching Babs frantically searching for a dry patch on her towel and dropping down with it. “We're naked!'
  34. There was a pause. “Yeah. Ponies usually are, Apple Bloom. You farm folk are silly.” With an ominous creak, the door opened.
  36. “WAIT, MA, we're—” Babs sprang up and dropped the drenched towel. “Uh...”
  38. Candy Mane's jaw dropped as her eyes quickly panned across the floor. “I'd suggest 'morons',” she said crisply, narrowing her eyes at her youngest daughter. “But that would be as mean as getting my bathroom floor SOAKING WET, wouldn't it, Babs?!”
  40. “Y-yes, ma'am...” Babs said with a nervous chuckle.
  42. Apple Bloom felt a twinge of horror when the older mare looked in her direction. Candy's eyebrows had formed one severe line. She looked like she was about to spit fire. Strolling over to the cabinet by the toilet, she extracted a few large towels and threw them over.
  44. “Girls, I think you're both a bit too old to make this much of a mess when you're playing in the bathtub! I want this floor bone dry and you two ready for bed within five minutes. Understand me?”
  46. “Yes, Candy,” Apple Bloom said quickly, doing her best to control the shaking of her limbs. She exhaled softly, counting her lucky stars that it looked like her earlier behaviour HAD come to nothing.
  48. Candy Mane moved to the door, but stopped before passing through it. She bowed her head. “Aaah, right...” She turned to the right, staring over at Babs Seed, who was unrolling a fresh towel in the wettest patch just in front of the bathtub. “Babs, when this is done, go watch TV, or something.”
  50. Babs froze, shooting a tragic look at Apple Bloom, who felt the stomach fall out of her body. Candy's head turned to find her. The farm pony’s hooves were vibrating against the floor as her body shook again. The inescapable fate she had earned was coming.
  52. “Apple Bloom, I want you to wait for me in Babs' room.”
  54. It's really quite amazing. When there's something coming that you're absolutely dreading, time just flies, doesn't it? That was certainly the case for Apple Bloom. In what felt like a heartbeat, the floor was dry, they had left the bathroom, and she found herself sitting on her cousin's bed. Dressed in raspberry pajamas in a vain effort for some protection, Bloom had to resist completely falling to pieces while Babs did her best to calm her down.
  56. “It'll be okay, I promise!”
  58. “No, no, it won't, Babs! IT WON'T!”
  60. “She probably just wants to talk to ya's!”
  62. “More than talk, Ah bet!”
  64. “No, listen...”
  66. Apple Bloom shook her head, curling up into a ball on the mattress and covering her face with her hooves. “N-no, Cus'n... jes' go, like yer Ma said! Ah'm gonna get it and there's no-nothin' we can do ab-about it!”
  68. Bloom was on the verge of tears already. Whenever she had been playing around with her cousin, Babs' always joked about wanting to see Apple Bloom get herself into trouble around Candy Mane. Never did she ever imagine she would actually one day find herself in such an unenviable position. Of course, that was the major difference between the two fillies: Babs, for some reason, tended to look forward to being punished. She had even got Apple Bloom to do it to her once or twice. But for Bloom to face it herself? She bit her bottom lip, willing herself not to break down.
  70. “Apple Bloom... well, uh...” Babs groaned again. “I mean to say, like... ya gots it before, right? It ain't the end of the world...”
  72. “Ah've never gotten it from yer Ma, Cus'n...” she whimpered, tugging her ears. “Y'all always said she's a p-pro!” Bloom looked up in time to see Babs rubbing the back of her neck.
  74. “Well... yeah, Ma is...” she said sheepishly. “Well, maybe Ma won't, and she'll just tell Applejack.”
  76. “Oh, boy! That means Ah'll prolly get a switchin' when Ah get home!” Bloom snapped sarcastically, wiping her nose. “What fun!”
  78. “I'm just tryin' to help. Sheesh...” Babs gave a huff and blew slightly-damp mane from her eyes.
  80. “Ah know, Babs... Ah know...” Bloom wailed, burying her face into the sheets.
  82. “I better beat it...” Babs said after a few seconds silence, save for Bloom mumbling frantically and incoherently. “Good luck, Cus.”
  84. However, once in the hallway, Babs stopped outside of the door. Her eyes widened as an idea struck her. A dangerous and risky idea, it was true, but... one that was potentially wonderful! She trotted down the hallway, trying not to look too happy with herself as she forced a sad look onto her face. Candy had turned into the hallway and was passing by her, on her way to Apple Bloom.
  86. “Make sure everything's turned off before you go to bed, Babs,” Candy asked, ruffling her daughter's mane as she went.
  88. “Yes, Ma,” Babs answered promptly, rounding the corner and entering the living room.
  90. Babs waited five seconds. Peering back around said corner, she watched Candy enter Babs' own bedroom and saw the doorknob reappear as it was closed. Now she was unable to stop herself grinning. This was going to be the best! If she played her cards right... she would get to enjoy her favourite, favourite thing.
  92. Babs moved stealthily back down the hallway. Without a sound, she twisted her doorknob to her mother's room and pushed it open very slowly. Stopping just before the point where the hinge would creak, she squeezed her pudgy frame over the threshold and closed it again. Since it was only herself, her mother, and Apple Bloom in the house, she wasn't at risk of being seen.
  94. Low to the floor, Babs barely lifted her hooves as she bolted across the room. Reaching her destination, she threw open her parents' folding closet door and leapt inside. It wasn't easy to shut from the inside, but she managed it without making a sound. Heart beating fast, she stepped over a few pairs of slippers and dodged some hanging dresses. Deeper and deeper into the closest she ventured, moving carefully in the darkness. Deeper. Deeper. Really, the design of their house was a little bonkers when it came to closets! Or rather, one single closet.
  96. Stretching from her parents' room all the way around the to her own. Each bedroom was connected to the same, massive space. It was more like a secret tunnel than storage room, she thought. Dodging all of her brother's silly sports equipment and zebra junk, Babs finally came around toward her own room. A golden line of light was shining through the darkness and she had to swallow a yip of victory. Her own closet door was slightly ajar.
  98. Barely able to breathe, Babs inched closer and closer to it. Heart thundering in her throat, she quickly thrust her head to the crack between door and wall and pulled away again. Exhaling quietly, she relaxed. They were back on to her. She wouldn't have to be seen. Free to spectate the entire ordeal.
  100. ~~~
  102. Apple Bloom couldn't take her eyes off the mare as she made her way across the room. The sweat on her hooves made them slick as she tried to curl them around one another in her lap. Her chest expanded and extracted with massive lungs fulls of air in her panicked trepidation. Candy reached her, gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder, which did nothing to soothe Bloom, and sat down.
  105. “Well, Apple Bloom...” she began with a slight hesitation.
  108. “Candy Mane, Ah'm real s-sorry,” Bloom interrupted her, staring at her own knees. “Ah'm real, real sorry. Ah never thought it through, Ah...” She, too, trailed off.
  111. “No, Cus, you never thought it through at all,” Candy agreed, using Babs' nickname for Bloom. It sounded weird having Candy call her that, even if Candy was as much her cousin as Babs was. “I don't… really blame you, since I might have done the same stupid thing at your age. However...” Candy stretched back on the bed, supported by her hooves, staring at her. “That doesn't make it right, does it?”
  114. “No, ma'am, it don't...” Bloom conceded, trying to control the grinding of her own teeth as she mashed them together nervously. Breathe in. Breathe out. “Please, Candy...”
  117. Candy Mane gave her a glum look. “Apple Bloom, I think you know better than to try to go where I think you're going.”
  120. “N-no! C-Candy, please!” Why, WHY did she have to choke back a sob now? Bloom practically jumped up and pressed her hooves imploringly against Candy Mane's chest.
  123. Candy gently grasped both of Bloom's hooves in her own and removed them from her chest. “The alternative is sending you home to your sister with the information for what you did in my shop today. It's best we take care of it now. Besides, she told me what happened, you know, so she'll understand my decision.”
  126. “Wh-what happened?” Bloom repeated in a croak, sniffling softly in confusion.
  129. “When Babs visited Ponyville the first time. Her bullying you and your friends and your... plan for revenge.” Apple Bloom swallowed hard. She didn't want to be reminded of the scheme with the golden apple float, nor the fact that the Crusaders came close to drowning Babs, let alone themselves. The memory of the punishment that night intruded into her brain and she shuffled against the bed. “It'll be alright,” Candy pressed on, sitting up straighter. “If you're embarrassed with me doing it, remember that Babs went through the same with Applejack as you're about to go through, after all... and your sister did give me the right.”
  132. “Please, Candy!” Apple Bloom started again, shaking her head left and right, bottom lip quivering madly. “Ah'm s-s-sorry!”
  135. “Nopony in the house but the three of us, there's no reason to be embarrassed,” Candy told her quietly, patting her lap.
  138. But Apple Bloom wasn't embarrassed. At least, not to the extent Candy had to be thinking. But she was scared. And would give anything to get out of her situation. But there was no escape. There's never an escape.
  141. When Bloom failed to act on her own, Candy reached out for her. The filly leaned away, half-wanting to spring off the bed and gallop to freedom, but before she could act on such foolish impulses, Candy had hooked her elbow. Apple Bloom let out a frightened wail and pulled away. However, the mare was equal to it. Once the second hoof reached for her, the battle was lost.
  144. Apple Bloom's weight left the bed as she was lifted bodily and glided into position across Candy Mane's lap. The shock of entering a familiar position in an unfamiliar location sent her panic to an almighty height, but before Bloom could muster any resistance, Candy had swept her tail out of the way and rested her left arm over it. Pinned by it as it wrapped around her upper body, pulling her tight into her first-cousin's stomach, she felt the opposite hoof resting against the seat of her pajamas. Hooves covering her eyes, Apple Bloom wanted to just disappear.
  147. The hoof lifted off her rump. She tensed up in fearful anticipation, but it simply returned in a soft pat. Candy patted her twice more. The knees pressing against Apple Bloom's stomach were uncomfortable; she loathed being in this position. She made an attempt or two to flick her tail, but it was pinned well, considering the lack of pressure Candy was applying to her back. One thought penetrated her terrified mind: Candy Mane was probably as relaxed as her surprisingly effective grip, and knew precisely what she was doing.
  150. “Candy, Ah'm sorry!” Apple Bloom sobbed in a final plea for mercy. “Ah don't wanna get a spankin'! Please, pleeease!”
  153. “Apple Bloom, you aren't the first filly I've had try and beg her way out of this,” she said in mild exasperation, lifting up and laying a moderate slap to Apple Bloom's protected right cheek. “And I daresay you won't be the last, once my grandkids come along,” she added as an afterthought. She raised the hoof again, pausing for a fraction of a second and then clapping down on the left. The first smack had taken Bloom by surprise, but the second solicited a yelp. “I've got your cousin here every so often, too, so save your breath, hun...”
  156. “Ooow!” Bloom whined, wiggling her rump and trying to twist it out of harm's way. Pajamas or not, these slaps were leaving an impressive sting. “Ah'm sorry!”
  159. “I know you're sorry, but that doesn't mean you're not getting your bum smacked,” Candy informed her. “You've earned this, Apple Bloom, haven't you?”
  162. Apple Bloom felt her face growing hot at the scolding. Applejack employed the same word-choice against her, as though she, Bloom, were a little kid. She was nine, for Celestia's sake! Trying to keep her breath steady as she clenched her teeth at the third and fourth whack to her fanny, Bloom willed herself to keep it all together. It was a hard fight, as tears started to blur her vision by the seventh.
  165. “I'm not going to badger you over and over about why you did what you did, Apple Bloom,” Candy told her, picking up the pace of this warm up, the smacks coming faster, but not harder, “but I want you to understand and appreciate the extent you're going to pay for your actions now.”
  168. This certainly did nothing to calm the farm filly down. She closed her eyes stubbornly at the warm, salty tears now running down her left cheek and into her mouth. A mild tingly feeling was stretching from the epicenter of each smack and going to the edge of her cheeks. It was not yet burning in addition to stinging, but it was only matter of time.
  171. “Caaandy! Please!” she choked out, kicking out her left hind leg at a particularly heavy whack as Candy slapped at a different angle. “S-stop!”
  173. “We've got a long way to go, Apple Bloom! You're going to learn your lesson very well tonight,” Candy promised, digging her hoof into the waistband of those raspberry pajamas. “When your rump matches these, then we'll be making progress!”
  175. If she was panicking before, it was nothing to what she was doing now. Apple Bloom dug her hooves into the mattress to try and pull herself forward. There was just no way she could take this spanking on the bare. However, Candy used the bid for freedom against her. By the time Bloom dragged herself forward about foot, Candy's grip on her pajamas ensured that the filly's pajama pants were pulled down the same distance. Wasting no time, the older pony lifted Bloom and repositioned her again.
  177. “AH'M SORRY, AH'M SORRY!” Apple Bloom howled in fear, already tensing up for a flurry of heavy spanks to her exposed rear, “AH'M SORRY AH TRIED TO RUN!”
  179. Still, Candy hadn't resumed the spanking straight away. Apple Bloom took a couple heavy breaths, not daring to dream that she was getting a reprieve already. The slight movements from the experienced spanker made Apple Bloom twist her head around, wiping a hoof across her eyes. Her jaw dropped.
  181. “N-N-NOOO! PLEASE, NOT THAAAT!” she begged, kicking her back hooves against the mattress in protest, almost sick with anticipation. “Please, please, Ah'm sorry! Anythin’ but thaaat!”
  183. Apple Bloom watched Candy Mane stretch out her right hoof and retrieved the very hairbrush her cousin had told her about in those many discussions they had about spanking together. She wanted to scream and kick and do anything she could to try and get away, but nothing was going to be any use. Already with a feeling of total defeat upon her, Apple Bloom laid her head down against her front hooves and started to cry anew.
  185. The tap-tap of the hard wooden surface against her already-tenderized cheeks sent chills of terror running from her tailbone all the way up her back and to her brain. The dire, heavy implement left her and Bloom tensed her entire body up, waiting for the dreaded moment when it would crash down like a lightning bolt. Candy Mane shuffled a little on the edge of the bed, doubled her grasp of Apple Bloom's back and tail, and down it fell.
  187. “Ooow!” Apple Bloom threw her head back and yelped to the ceiling, arching her back against her cousin's restraining grip. “Aaah! OW!”
  189. Candy Mane had left three oval-shaped burn marks across the centre of both of Apple Bloom's cheeks. At least, that's what it felt like to the farm pony. Both cheeks were clenched tightly, quivering in discomfort as a small fire was already beginning to grow and burn. Apple Bloom forced a hoof into her mouth, biting down and pressing her tongue against it. She didn't want to completely break down so easily.
  191. “Unclench those cheeks, missy,” Candy ordered firmly, delivering a solid whack to Apple Bloom's right sitspot.
  193. Bloom jumped as though from electric shock as soon as the smack landed. Still, she maintained the tight clench of her glutes, keeping them fortified against any further whacks with that awful hairbrush. At her resistance, Candy delivered a second whack against the sitspot, in the exact same place as the first one. She then cracked down the brush twice more, on the opposite side. Apple Bloom's legs were already dancing from the pain and she pulled her hoof from her mouth, letting out a miserable wail as all of her nerves screamed in protest, sharp needles stabbing through her thighs.
  195. “Relax your bum and take your hairbrush paddling like a big girl, Apple Bloom,” Candy instructed, sighing. “You don't want me to sit here and spank you right here all night,” she continued in a warning tone, alternating left and right smacks against the undercurves.
  197. She had no choice but to give up the fight and let her backside relax, though she couldn't completely stop them tensing every single time the hairbrush left her skin. Once the punishment returned to her sorry cheeks, which were going to be very sore in time, Bloom did her best to just calm down and take it. Whenever the brush hit too hard or the same spot twice, she couldn't stop herself from giving a little kick of her hooves or writhing in agony. For the most part, however, she tried to lie still, sobbing softly into the bedsheets with her ears flattened out.
  199. Candy Mane seemed determined to get the worst out of the way quickly. After a minute of Apple Bloom's soft bawling, there was the space of a few seconds where Bloom did her best to control her breathing, unable to think about anything else but how horrible this was. And then Candy started. One after another, quick, heavy spanks crashed down at an angle across one cheek and then the other. There was no rhyme or reason, no pattern, just enough impacts to ensure an even pink coating across each half. Apple Bloom's legs felt like they were acting on their own accord, beating the bed heavily or just kicking out randomly as she screamed out her wretched cries at the top of her lungs.
  201. She was squirming and wiggling her butt so much that her pajamas had actually managed to become a jumbled mess half-way down her legs. With a final kick, Apple Bloom freed her right leg, leaving the bottoms dangling from her left hoof. Candy Mane slowed down the spanking, leaving more time between the equally-intense smacks, working her way from the top to the bottom of Bloom's burning fanny.
  203. “Don't clench, hun, I've told you...” Candy laid another burning whack to the right sitspot.
  205. When Apple Bloom kicked out, her leg hung limply off the edge of Candy's lap. The older mare never bothered readjusting the filly, because Bloom couldn't really clench effectively with her legs spread like that. She was letting out loud, misery-filled bawls, tears and snot flowing down her face and all over her hooves in equal measure. Her backside felt beaten and bruised, though in reality it was a deep pink, turning red. Welted, definitely.
  207. Choking and retching, she had no strength left in her to writhe or otherwise struggle for release. Candy laid the brush down and placed a hoof carefully across the blazing cheeks. Bloom flinched at the touch but did nothing to resist it. After a few seconds, it was even welcoming. She cried and cried, one hoof being slowly gnawed by her teeth, the other holding tight to one of her ears.
  209. She felt Candy pull the pajamas off the left leg and lay them aside, too. When she made to lift Apple Bloom off her lap and either stand her up or rest her on the bed, however, Apple Bloom turned her anguished face into Candy's chest and wrapped her limbs all around her. Sobbing anew, she screwed up her face against the fur poking her eyes and repeated over and over, 'Ah'm sorry, Ah'm sorry...'
  211. “It's alright, Apple Bloom,” Candy said softly, stroking her mane. “It's all over with. My business will recover, sweetheart, and so will you. We'll keep this between us, alright? Your sister doesn't need to know what you did, but if you want to tell her, you can.”
  213. Apple Bloom had to think about that one. Telling Applejack would run the risk of her sister getting upset with her, too, and the last thing Bloom wanted was another spanking. At the same time, she cherished honesty with her sister, and doubted AJ would ever do anything after Candy had already dealt with it.
  215. “O-okay...” she murmured softly, pulling away and wiping her arm across her face. “And, uh... A-Ah am sorry, Candy. Really...”
  217. “It's fine,” Candy repeated with a patient smile, setting the filly onto the floor and holding out her pajamas. “Gonna put these back on?”
  219. “Yeah...” Bloom answered awkwardly, stretching out a hoof for them.
  221. Meanwhile, back in the closet and several minutes prior...
  223. To be continued!

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