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Wearing the Dunce Cap by KrishnaKarnak

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 17:33:11
Updated: 2022-03-13 18:29:50
Expiry: Never

  1. Wearing the Dunce Cap by KrishnaKarnak
  2. (Rainbow / Scootaloo)
  3. F/f, hoof, hairbrush, otk, corner, non-consensual
  5. (30/03/2014)
  8. ---
  10. The door to the classroom opened inwardly with a small creak as Cheerilee pushed against it with her hoof. Rainbow Dash followed the magenta mare inside and continued looking her confusion. Scootaloo was sitting down at her desk, her down, rolling a pencil back and forth across the surface with the tip of her hoof. Across the room, Diamond Tiara sat at her own, glaring in the opposite direction. She had a bruise on her left eye, continuing down to her cheek.
  12. Rainbow Dash put two and two together pretty quickly.
  14. “A fight?” she asked in an undertone, shooting Cheerilee a look.
  16. The schoolteacher nodded. “It happened during break and I had to pull Scootaloo off of her. I was very, very surprised at her outburst… she's normally the bigger filly in these situations; you know how these school children can get... I'm sorry to be the bearer of such bad news, Rainbow Dash.”
  18. Rainbow's insides were solidifying into ice as she cast her gaze over at Scoot, who had not looked up at her. “It's no… uh, no big, Cheerilee… probably be the worst news I'll ever hear from you, anyways!” The lightheartedness in her tone was very false, and Cheerilee seemed to think so, judging by her cocked eyebrow. “Sooo, uh, don't mind me taking Scoots now, do you?”
  20. Cheerilee shook her head and continued the whispered conversation. “No, of course not.”
  22. “She will be p-punished, you can be sure of that,” Rainbow Dash assured her. The authority of the words still felt so foreign to her.
  24. “I'll leave it in your hooves, then. I'll let Diamond Tiara go when Filthy Rich gets here, I suppose. Well… I'll be seeing you, Rainbow,” Cheerilee concluded sadly, patting Dash on the shoulder. She raised her voice to normal levels again. “Scootaloo?”
  26. Scootaloo lifted her head, giving a quick look at Rainbow Dash before snapping her eyes back to her teacher. “Yes, M-Miss Ch-Cheerilee?”
  28. “You're free to go. Don't forget what we discussed.”
  30. Scootaloo shook her head quickly. “N-no, ma'am. I won't…”
  32. Dash gave a sigh, beckoned Scootaloo with a hoof, and turned away from her, walking toward the door. Once outside, she came to a halt, listening for the tell-tale sounds of hoof-falls. As Scootaloo made her way onto the dirt path leading away from the school and reached her side, Rainbow Dash turned to look down at her.
  34. “You beat the head off her, Scoots,” Rainbow said in a low, disappointed growl. Normally, she'd praise a bully gettin' popped a good one in the kisser, but that orange filly knew better. Scootaloo immediately opened her mouth to say something, but Rainbow placed her hoof against it. “I don't want to hear a word. Not one peep. Climb up, we're going home.”
  36. ***
  38. “No, c'mon! Don't be mad at me, Sis! I didn't mean… C'mon, lemme go!” Scootaloo babbled rapidly, pulling against Rainbow's grip as they walked through the door.
  40. The journey home had been quick and completely silent. The moment Scootaloo had slid down from her back, Rainbow seized her by the hoof and threw open the front door.
  42. “Mad at you? REALLY, Scoots? I SHOULD be mad at you! But, no. No, Scoots, I ain't mad. I'm pretty upset.” Dash spoke in a low, disappointed hiss. “And not very happy with ya, either! There's a big difference… and all the same, you're in no position to tell me what I can or can't be mad about!” she continued, scolding the filly as she bucked a hind leg back to shut the front door closed.
  44. She couldn't believe she had to face this again. The first time had been a bad enough experience, filling a full evening with confused thoughts and indecision. And to have to go through it again, so soon? No, no, this was going to be different. A hell of a lot different. Scootaloo should know better, she reasoned with herself once again.
  46. Down the hallway and into the living room Rainbow moved, flapping her wings and hovering over the floor, Scootaloo practically galloping to keep pace. Rainbow already knew how she was going to handle this. Upon reaching the coffee table, she slipped Scootaloo's saddle bag off her back, placed it upon the table, and moved away from it. She approached the cabinet that held the television, stepped to the right, turned around, and jabbed a hoof at the wall. Scootaloo went into a full-blown panic.
  48. “Rainbow Dash, I'm really sorry! I shouldn't have hit her, I know I was wrong! I shoulda went to Miss Cheerilee, I know better! It won't happen ever again, I'll make sure!” she spoke very quickly, walking in place very hap-haphazardly, her hooves hitting the floor in what sounded like a tap dance. “I only did it because of—”
  50. Again, Rainbow Dash interrupted her. “Scootaloo, I don't want to hear excuses. I want you in the corner.”
  52. “N-no!” Scootaloo begged, wings springing open in her fear. “P-please!”
  54. “I'm gonna need to drag you over there myself, am I?” Dash asked, stamping her hoof once to show that she meant business. “You're going to stand in this corner on your back hooves with your head forward. I want it touching both walls! You're not gonna make a sound and you aren't going to move a muscle once you're there. Got it?”
  56. “But—”
  58. “No, Scoots!” Dash snapped. “Look, I'm gonna listen to your story, I'll let you explain EVERYTHING, but we're gonna deal with this first… not gonna let you be tempted to talk your way out of it. Nothing, nothing gives you the right to turn a pony into a punching bag! Not even a little snotrag like Diamond Tiara. Move!”
  60. Rainbow Dash moved even farther from the corner, extending her arm to its fullest extent. Very reluctantly, Scootaloo slowly walked forward, head hanging low and blinking tears from her eyes. With a slight bump, her head smacked the corner and she stumbled back a little, shaking the dizziness from herself. With a sad look back at Rainbow, she hesitated. However, Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes sternly and Scootaloo seemed to understand that there was no avoiding this. She lifted herself to her hind legs, buzzing her wings to help her along, and placed her head against the corner. Rainbow Dash had decided against telling her to keep her arms behind her head.
  62. Rainbow Dash fluttered back into the air and landed silently on the couch. Slumping, she folded her limbs, threw her head into the cushion, and set her gaze upon her adoptive little sister, that wonderful little filly that she loved as much as a daughter; she focused fully onto the pony she would raise as a mother would with watchful eyes, submitting herself to a few minutes quiet spectation.
  64. She wondered what had to be going through Scoot's head right now? Lots of panic, no doubt, considering what Dash herself had told Scootaloo about the corner. Well, it was all unavoidable now… Scootaloo had a choice, last time. This time? Not so much. The filly's tail twitched slightly in the few minutes that had passed so far.
  66. Eyes still locked onto that orange rump, Dash leaned forward and seized the saddle bag. The contents gave a rustle as it was moved. Opening the flap, Rainbow Dash extracted a few sheets of paper and looked over them, checking to see what homework Scootaloo would need to do that evening. However, at the sound of the bag's rattling, Scootaloo leaned back slightly and turned her head.
  68. “Eyes forward, Scootaloo!” Rainbow Dash commanded in a sharp voice.
  70. “Uh, s-sorry, Si—”
  72. “Keep your mouth shut, Scoots. Be silent and be still,” Dash reminded her, before inwardly wondering if she was being too angry in her tone. Scootaloo practically jumped back into position, giving a nervous shiver. “Just… yeah. Thanks.”
  74. Dash stared at her lap for a moment, breathing deeply. Being so adamant like this, so strict, so stern, it felt... scary. Well, what choice do ya got, Rainbow Dash? she mulled, flicking her left ear back and forth as though trying to swat an irritating fly. Scoots' earned another spanking. Just pony up and deal with it.
  76. Rainbow Dash stood up, walking quickly out of the room, not looking over at the corner. Entering the hallway, she moved straight for the small table under the mirror and stopped. She reached out, slid her hoof into that loop connected to the hairbrush she had once stared indecisively at, and took it by the handle. Running the other hoof over the flat, hard back of it, she tapped the brush against it a few times.
  78. “I'm sorry, Scoots…” she spoke softly to herself, feeling her eyes water as her own distant memories of such a tool filled her mind. “If it were any other crime, I wouldn't… but not a fight. You won't forget this.”
  80. She returned to the living room and laid the brush gently on the end table. With the decision to include such an object, she strolled straight over to Scootaloo, and placed a hoof against her shoulder. The orange pony seized up at the touch and tilted her head back to look up into Rainbow's eyes. The dull purple ones were still moist, but it was clear that no tears had spilt.
  82. “Alright, Scoots…” Rainbow spoke sadly, “I think that's long enough for you to think about what happened today. We're not gonna waste time, alright?”
  84. Rainbow walked back toward the couch. She picked up the saddlebag, threw all the papers and an eraser or two back into it, and dropped it onto the table. It was then that she noticed Scootaloo was still over by the cabinet, sitting low to the floor. She extended her hoof for the millionth time that afternoon and beckoned her again.
  86. “S-Sis…” Scootaloo said with a small quiver in her very quiet voice, ears drooping and tail tapping the floor anxiously, “please… d-don't give m-me a… a sp-spanking… I'm so-sorry...”
  88. “Scootaloo…” Dash sighed gently, sitting down in the middle of the sofa. “It's not your d-decision this time… I'm sorry, but this has to happen. You're ha-having a good cry today.” She gave another heavy sigh, steeling herself “C'mon… lie across Dashie's lap.”
  90. “B-But…”
  92. Rainbow Dash didn't say anything; she simply stared across the room at the guilty party. Eventually, Scootaloo started forward, tears sparkling in her eyes. Her courage left her as she journeyed. The filly shook her head before she reached the table, coming to a full stop. Dash bent her hoof once more, beckoning her onward. However, it was clear that Scoot was too afraid to approach any closer.
  94. Rainbow flapped into the air and hovered over the table, drawing close to Scootaloo. Dropping from above, she wrapped her hooves about the filly's waist and lifted her the rest of the way to her doom. Twisting in midair, she pulled Scootaloo close to her chest, holding her horizontally, and dropped nimbly onto her butt on couch. The orange pegasus slipped from her chest and landed across the lap with a huff. A sniff followed.
  96. “Sis... I'm sorry!”
  98. “Sssh, squirt…” Dash shushed her gently, moving Scoot's tail aside by brushing her own up and over the orange rump.
  100. The filly shivered as the coarse hairs scratched her. Resting her left forearm over the tail to secure it in place, Rainbow caressed her right hoof over the surface of her intended target. Scootaloo couldn't hold herself together any longer and broke down completely, back heaving as she took several raspy inhales between the sobs, her breath catching in her chest.
  102. With a soft clap, the first swat connected dead centre. Scootaloo seemed caught unaware, so surprised by the sudden spank that she didn't seem to feel it. Wasting no time, Rainbow flicked the hoof back up and down again, causing Scootaloo to squeal in discomfort when she landed on the right. The next few were all in the same spot on the left cheek, near the chubbiest part of the young athletic daredevil's butt: the droop before the undercurve. She spotted Scoot's front hooves rubbing against one another.
  104. “Keep them in front of you, 'kay? I won't need to restrain you if you do,” Dash suggested, now putting some focus on the right.
  106. Scootaloo bellowed out a grunt of pain in response, her little hoofy-kicks pounding against the rightmost arm of the sofa. Rainbow increased the strength of the smacks, eyes narrowed on the bum in front of her as it deflated and bounced back to firm form with each hard smack. She was already spanking harder than she had during the first spanking. This experience was going to be entirely different for Scootaloo.
  108. “Aaah! Please, it huuu-uuurts!” she cried in pain, but it fell upon deaf ears.
  110. Rainbow Dash increased the speed of her smacks, crashing down rapidly, moving slowly up one cheek and down the other, Scootaloo's shrill howls filling her ears. A splotch of pink was already visible, covering most of the rump, though it was darkest along the crease. Rainbow's cerise eyes drifted to the brush on the end table, causing her to slightly miss her mark. The hoof clipped hard at an angle against the right sitspot and Scootaloo threw her head back, front hooves pounding the couch cushions.
  112. “Raaainbow Daaa—” Dash corrected herself by smacking the sitspot properly. “Aaah!” The left got it, this time, and Scoot's back hooves whacked the couch over and over. “Ow!” Another to the left. “OOOW!” she bawled, writhing against Rainbow's lap as each firm smack of her hoof connected. Right, left, right. “Waaah! OOOW! I'm s-s-OOW! Stop, stop, waaah!”
  114. “Hush, Scoots… you know you deserve this!” Dash scolded her, clapping down hard again and again, navigating back to the middle of the cheeks. “I don't care if it was Diamond Tiara, punching another filly hard enough to blacken her eye?” Smack. Smack. Smack. “You're so much b-better than that,” she choked, biting her lip for a moment. She was already losing too much composure. “M-my dad had to teach me how much it… it hurts my own backside to seriously hurt another pony! And I hated it!”
  116. “Siiis! Waaa-aaa-aaahhh!”
  118. Rainbow's hoof extended across the arm of the couch and toward the end table. Carefully seizing the hairbrush by the handle, she wrapped the hoof around it best she could and lifted it over to her adoptive child. These were going to be hard.
  120. “This is gonna hurt a lot—” Dash promised her, swinging the brush wide and bringing it down with a terrible WHACK across both cheeks. Scootaloo roared with agony. “—but it's for your own good, Scoots! I never—” Rainbow elevated her right knee slightly, raising the filly's bum high enough to stretch the skin of the sitspot tight against Scootaloo's glute. Another hard crack of the brush, solid against the left upper thigh. Scootaloo threw her head back again and howled, squirming with all of her might against the arm now pinning her down tightly. “—want to find out that you've punched another pony—” She swung the brush up again and connected to the right. Scootaloo was coughing, retching, bawling. “—ever again! NEVER, Scoots! YOU'RE BETTER THAN THAT!” Whack! Right cheek. Whack! Left cheek. Whack! Whack! Whack! Moving from the top of the cheeks, across the dead centre, and across both sitspots, Rainbow's last three spanks bit into Scootaloo's bottom, the light red marks of the brush leaving painted ovals all over the pink.
  122. Rainbow threw the hairbrush down into the corner of the couch's arm and the cushion, screwing up her own face as she fought to prevent herself giving way completely to tears. Scootaloo was nearly screaming, still writhing and howling in pain and misery, all four hooves grinding against the cushions or pounding it. Rainbow's vision was really blurry.
  124. “You're… you're better than me, Scoots. Don't become the filly I was...” Dash whimpered, wiping her eyes and staring down at the anguished child shaking over her lap. Please,” she continued, lifting Scootaloo off of her lap and pulling her into a very tight embrace, “promise me you're never gonna hit another pony again…”
  126. “Waaah-aaah!” Scootaloo continued to sob, staining Rainbow's shoulder with snot and tears. “I wo-won't… ever aga-again! I'm s-sorry! Sis! I'M SORRY, IT HUUURTS!” Scootaloo trotted slightly in place, front hooves wrapped around Rainbow's neck and her back nearly stamping against the blue thighs. “SO BAAAD!”
  128. “Scoots, I...” Rainbow took a deep breath, burying her face into Scootaloo's mane. “I know, Scoots. I still love you, s-squirt… so much! I had to do this!”
  130. She moved her hoof toward the bottom she had just thoroughly punished and felt Scootaloo tense against her as she pressed against the very warm flesh. The filly let out a little shriek of pain as Rainbow pressed into it, the sharp pain seeming to overwhelm her. It was short-lived and she slumped against Rainbow's chest, exhausted from the entire ordeal and blubbering quietly. Very carefully, very gently, Rainbow started to knead the hoof in little circles across the surface of the cheeks, moving down to the undercurve and massaging there. She could feel small lesions where the bottom and the thighs met. Aside from these little welts, however, Scootaloo's firm posterior seemed to hold up pretty well to a really good spanking.
  132. “You're a tough one, squirt!” Dash commented a few minutes later as she rubbed deeply into Scootaloo's bottom, finding the edges of the muscles and running her hoof along them. Scootaloo only made a few small whines, but otherwise seemed happy for post-spanking treatment. “Just don't get into any more fights and I won't need to use the hairbrush next time, IF there is a next time…”
  134. Scootaloo nodded fervently against her head. She was still breathing hard and sniffling quietly, but her composure was returning quickly. Though this spanking was a lot worse than the other one she had ever gotten, Scootaloo was definitely showing a stronger hide this time around. Rainbow Dash eventually ceased her rubbing once the sniffs and little sobs vanished entirely, allowing Scootaloo to slip off her lap. The filly winced slightly with the movement and even had a short-lived 'spanked filly dance' as she bounced on her back hooves, rubbing her rump with much greater ferocity than Rainbow had done. Jumping off the couch herself, she lead the filly into the hallway and got a box of tissues from the closest, sitting down on the floor and wiping Scootaloo's eyes and muzzle for her.
  136. “Blow,” she said, pressing a fresh tissue against Scootaloo's nostrils. As the filly blew, Rainbow pulled a jokingly-disgusted face and held the tissue at a distance from her face. “Nasty, Sis!”
  138. Scootaloo gave a watery giggle and rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Rainbow Dash!”
  140. Dash ruffled her mane. “You'll be alright, Scoots…” She pulled her into another hug, placing a kiss against her forehead. “And everything's cool. You're forgiven for all of it, ‘kay? Go get washed up and you can help me cook us some grub. Then, if you're up to it, I wanna know everything that happened today.”
  142. “Alright.” Scootaloo gave a nod and exhaled, still looking fatigued, but galloped down the hallway toward the corner leading to the stairs.
  144. Smiling, Rainbow gathered the tissues and went to throw them in the bin. She re-entered the living room, took the hairbrush from where it had slipped beneath the cushion, and returned it to the hallway table. With the worst of it all over, she went into the kitchen to start dinner, making a mental note to have a chat with Filthy Rich once Scootaloo filled her in.

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