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Assisting Flurry by Anon and DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:17:18
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:18:38
Expiry: Never

  1. Assisting Flurry by Anon and DCFTEF
  2. ( / )
  4. (20/04/2020)
  7. ---
  9. >be a guard
  10. >see princess Flurry standing alone in a corner
  11. >with teary eyes she orders you to stay with her
  12. >she asks you if you can gently massage her spanked butt
  13. >you notice she's not only spanked, but also winking
  14. >what do?
  16. >you crouch down
  17. >you start massaging
  18. >she whines quietly, but quickly starts grunting and moaning
  19. >you "accidently" brush your hand several times across her winking clit and butthole
  20. >she gasps and pushes her abused rump back against your hand
  21. >a sneaky finger runs down from her little ponut to the heart-shaped clit
  22. >your hands quickly grab her backside, as her legs give up
  23. >she grunts and shivers, a thin trickle of her juices escapes her tiny slit, splashing on the floor
  24. >as she finishes her orgasm, you help her stand up and continue her time out
  25. >you gently wipe her butt with a tissue, then put it on a floor to soak the filly puddle
  26. >poor girl is panting, yet looking with adoring eyes at you
  27. >you collect the wet tissue, planning to make perfume out of it
  28. >you lean forward, giving the spanked filly a kiss on a forehead, then you playfully squeeze her red buttock
  29. >she squeaks and scrunches at you, but clearly she's not angry
  30. >you stand up and walk away casually
  31. >only to meet a pair of violet eyes, spying on you from behind the corner
  32. >the pink alicorn, snatches the tissue out of your hands, and with a sly look hides it under her wing
  33. >"The only reason you're not castrated right now is the fact, that you were very gentle and caring about my little Flurry. But I think a quick paddling will teach you to not do such naughty things with her in public. To my chamber, human"
  34. >it was a painful, yet satisfying evening for you and the young princess
  36. I thought about it last night and this could be twisted into a full story:
  38. >Crystal Emp. Royal Family is visiting Manehattan
  39. >Diplomatic visit or whatever...fill in the blank
  40. >Good opportunity for teen Flurry Heart to tour the world famous museums of the city
  41. >The best tutors and professors volunteer to escort her
  42. >But she temper-tantrums against it
  43. "Why do I have to be followed around by an entourage of guards and teachers!?"
  44. "Can't I please just do some normal teenager stuff?"
  45. >Cadance & Shining are unexpectedly understanding
  46. >They agree to a compromise
  48. >One guard
  49. >Yeah, you pervs see where this is going
  50. >One single guard...a rookie not much older than Flurry himself (or herself, that could be cute too).
  51. >Flurry goes in disguise
  52. >Strict orders to keep on schedule and not get out of control
  53. >Yeah, know what's gonna happen
  54. >Shenanigans ensue
  55. >Bars, clubs...a frat party at Manehattan College
  57. >Next morning he's got to show Flurry how normal teenagers sneak in 10 hours after curfew
  58. >Busted.
  59. >But instead of sending the failed guard straight to the stockade, SA & PCD decide it was just two dumb kids out having fun
  60. >It was unfair to ask him to foalsit some pony almost his own age
  61. >So they'll be punished the record
  62. >You know what that means in this thread...
  63. >And Flurry finally gets to do 'normal teenager stuff'.
  65. -----Appendix:-----
  67. Anybody wanna try that one?
  69. >you try it?
  70. If nobody else bites I probably will. I was working out some scenes today at work.

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