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Fluttershy's Adventure in Foalsitting by DCFTEF and Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:17:42
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:20:11
Expiry: Never

  1. Fluttershy's Adventure in Foalsitting by DCFTEF and Pan
  2. (Mrs. Shy / Fluttershy)
  4. (01/04/2018)
  7. ---
  9. >"Fluttershy, I'm almost ready to go!"
  10. Her mother's voice startled the yellow filly out of her daydreaming. Fluttershy had been doing a lot of that lately, staring out her bedroom window at the forests and mountains below Cloudsdale. Since her first, entirely accidental, visit there Fluttershy had been down to the ground a few times...but always with a grown-up. She'd gotten lucky the first time and even discovered her cutie mark but the city of Cloudsdale moved around and one never knew if the territory below was benign or dangerous.
  11. >"Fluttershy, did you hear me?"
  12. >"I'm coming, Mom!"
  13. By the time she galloped into the living room Mother was just saying goodbye to Zephyr Breeze.
  14. >"I'll only be gone for a few hours, listen to your big sister, she's in charge."
  15. This would be the first time Fluttershy would be left home alone to watch her little brother. Mom reviewed her instructions with both of them;
  16. >"You can go to the cloud park if you like, but no leaving the city or going down to the ground, understood?"
  17. Fluttershy nodded.
  18. >"Yes Momma, we won't."
  19. >"If there's any problem just go next door and ask Mrs. Windy Whistles for help. She knows you're foalsitting."
  20. >"Yes Momma, I'm sure everything will be just fine."
  21. Fluttershy was eager to do a good job. Maybe Mom & Dad would take her down to the surface as a reward for foalsitting well done.
  22. >"Alright, have fun and be careful, kids."
  24. No sooner had their mother flown away a rainbow colored streak flashed through the window. This was nothing strange, Fluttershy's friend Rainbow Dash came by nearly every day and she NEVER used the door. The blue filly took one fast loop through the room to scrub off speed and came to a stop, hovering directly over Zephyr Breeze until she tucked away her wings and plopped down directly on top of the colt.
  25. >"Hiya, Flutters! What ya wanna do today?"
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  28. Zephyr squirmed under Rainbow Dash's rump, but she teasingly ignored his struggles.
  29. >"Hey! Get off me! You're squishing me under your fat butt!"
  30. Fluttershy knew Dash was only playing, but she didn't want her brother to come to any harm while she was foalsitting.
  31. >"'re sitting on my little brother."
  32. >"Oh, I am?"
  33. At last Dash lifted off and released the squirming colt.
  34. >"Sorry, didn't see you there, twerp."
  35. Zephyr flashed her a cheezy smile and replied;
  36. >"It's no big deal. You've got the nicest rear-end to get trapped under."
  37. Rainbow rolled her eyes and muttered;
  38. >"Flutters, your brother is a total weirdo.
  39. >"So what do you want to do today?"
  41. The yellow filly proudly announced her task;
  42. >"Mom is away visiting a friend with a sprained wing so I'm babysitting Zephyr Breeze today!"
  43. >"Hey! I'm not a baby!"
  44. Both fillies ignored Zephyr's complaint.
  45. >"Wait...your Mom's away? That's AWESOME! We can do whatever we want!"
  46. >"We sure can! As long as we want to play nicely and only go as far as the cloud park and not get too close to cloud edges and never use the stove."
  47. Rainbow groaned;
  48. >"Fluttershy, I don't think you understand what an opportunity this is. Your folks are going to be gone for HOURS!
  49. >"We could have a party!"
  50. Fluttershy objected immediately;
  51. >"Oh no! This is my first time staying home alone...if we mess up the house I'll be in so much trouble!"
  52. >"Fine, no party. Let's go on an epic journey of adventure!"
  53. That idea was a little better.
  54. >"Okay...but only as far as the cloud park."
  55. She showed Rainbow a map her mother had left, clearly marking how far she & Zephyr were allowed to go.
  56. >"Ugh. Really? She drew you a map?"
  57. Fluttershy nodded.
  58. >"My Mom left me in charge and I'm not going to screw up. No ma'am!"
  60. Dash thought for a moment. She knew what her friend's weak spot was.
  61. >"You know, we could go on an epic adventure and not leave the safe zone.
  62. >"We could go down to the ground!"
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  65. Fluttershy was tempted, but wasn't taking the bait.
  66. >"Rainbow, how is that staying in the safe zone?"
  67. >"Your Mom never said anything about going up or down...she just said you couldn't go far away from the house."
  68. >"Yes Dashie...she specifically told me not to go down to the ground."
  69. She loved visiting the ground, with all its cute, exotic animals but she dared not defy the rules.
  70. >"Besides, I'm foalsitting Zephyr so we can't go."
  71. Dash shrugged;
  72. >"Lock the dweeb in his room with some candy. Dweebs love candy!"
  73. But Zephyr Breeze protested;
  74. >"I don't wanna be locked up! I wanna go too! I would like some candy though..."
  76. >"No pony is going to the ground!"
  77. Fluttershy almost raised her voice. She blushed and calmed herself down.
  78. >"Zephyr, you can't even fly yet. I'm not strong enough to carry you."
  79. >"But I am!"
  80. Even for a good flier like Rainbow Dash that was a wild boast but Zephyr believed her.
  81. >"Yeah! I can ride on Rainbow's back!"
  82. >"Come on Flutters...Zephyr's cool with it, and we all know how to keep a secret. What your Mom doesn't know won't hurt her!"
  83. >"Well it might hurt ME! If my folks find out I disobeyed and took my little brother to the ground I'll get a spanking for sure!"
  84. Rainbow tossed her arm around Fluttershy's shoulders.
  85. >"We'd be in trouble too, and none of us wants that..."
  86. Zephyr nodded in agreement.
  87. >" we just make sure we're back long before your Mom gets home.
  88. >"Come on, just a quick visit. Just think of all the awesome things we'll get to see."
  89. Zephyr exclaimed;
  90. >"Like a dragon!"
  91. Dash continued;
  92. >"Or a manticore!"
  93. But that was all too intense for Fluttershy;
  94. >"Or maybe some butterflies...or a nice friendly chipmunk. No WAIT! Chipmunks have teeth!"
  95. A chill ran thru Fluttershy's rump when she considered how much trouble she'd get in if she allowed her little brother to be bitten by a dangerous chipmunk. She hardly noticed that the two had tricked her into their plan.
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  98. Dash knew she'd won.
  99. >" vicious chipmunks. We'll just go for a short visit to the ground and be back before your Mom even knows we're gone."
  100. Fluttershy knew she'd lost, but was okay with it. As Rainbow said, it would just be a short visit and since they'd all get in trouble for their little adventure she was sure every pony would keep it a secret.
  101. >"Alright, but we better leave a note saying we've gone to the park just in case my Mom comes home early."
  102. Rainbow Dash gave her a hoof-bump (too hard) and exclaimed;
  103. >"Great idea! We'll make a sneaky pony out of you yet!"
  105. Rainbow found that carrying Zephyr Breeze was easier said than done. He clung to her neck tightly but kept looking from side to side, throwing off Dash's balance. She just managed but gliding down would be easier than the trip back up. They were all foals however, so advance planning was not their strong point.
  106. >"That clearing looks like a nice spot."
  107. Fluttershy reached the ground first, with Rainbow coming down hard a few moments later. It was not quite a crash but it was graceless, both she and Zephyr tumbling across the grass to a stop.
  108. >"Oh my goodness! Are you alright? Oooohhhh, I knew this was a bad idea!"
  109. Both Zephyr and Dash picked themselves up and brushed off the dust though.
  110. >"Relax, sis, we're fine. Now where can we find a 4-headed hydra?"
  111. Fluttershy nearly fainted. She would have fainted had she not been distracted by a frog hopping past.
  112. >"Why hello little guy. I've never met anyone like you...what are you called?"
  113. For the moment she forgot about watching Zephyr; he would be fine with Dash. Fluttershy followed her green skinned new friend into a dense thicket of thorn bushes, eager to see where this weird creature was going, where it lived.
  115. >"Hey Flutters, where are you?"
  116. >"Did you find any monsters yet, sis?"
  118. 5
  119. Fluttershy heard her friend and brother calling and realized she'd strayed too far away from the clearing. Rather than go back she called to them;
  120. >"I'm over here! I found a neat animal!"
  121. It took the pair a long time to catch up with Fluttershy, who was still following the fast moving frog. Zephyr Breeze complained the whole way.
  122. >"Oww! I thought we were going to see cool monsters...this place is nothing but prickly sticks!"
  123. Rainbow Dash puffed up and told him;
  124. >"Come on Zeph...adventures aren't supposed to be easy. Stick with me, I'll keep you safe, kiddo."
  125. He scoffed;
  126. >"Kiddo? You're like, a year older than me?"
  127. >"Yeah, so why are you complaining so much more?"
  129. Fluttershy snorted in annoyance. Why did those two have to be so loud? She was new to this but already understood if you wanted to see animals you had to...
  130. >"Be quiet!"
  131. She turned back to find the frog she'd been tracking, but it had disappeared.
  132. >"You aren't going to see any animals if you scare them off being loud."
  133. The yellow filly pushed aside a branch of thorns and was hit with a thick, humid stench, right in the face.
  134. >"Oh my goodness..."
  136. There, just a few steps in front of her was a real-live monster.
  137. It had bright green eyes that glowed...and its body was made of the same stuff as trees. There was no hiding from it...the monster was staring right at had probably known she was there long before she knew about him. It opened its mouth, baring sharpened wooden teeth.
  138. >"Holy Celestia, what is that thing!?"
  139. Fluttershy never broke off eye contact with the huge animal...she felt like that was the only thing keeping it from attacking, but when Dash opened her mouth the beast growled.
  140. >"Rainbow, you and Zephyr get out of here!"
  141. >"No, Fluttershy, I won't leave you!"
  142. >"Dash, get my little brother out of here, NOW!"
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  145. Rainbow grabbed Zephyr by the tail and took off in a flash. She cleared the briers easily but could not gain altitude dragging the colt's weight too. She skimmed the top of the thicket, dragging Zephyr backwards through the thorn bushes.
  146. >"OW! OW! OW! Fly! Go higher!"
  147. >"I'm TRYING!"
  148. Not until they reached the clearing did the thorn covered branches stop smacking Zephyr Breeze in the backside.
  149. >"Zeph, you gotta flap your wings too! I can't do it alone!"
  150. Working together the pair finally gained altitude, though Rainbow was still doing most of the work. They doubled back to find Fluttershy, desperately hoping the monster had not already made her his lunch.
  152. Fluttershy had not yet been eaten, though she was losing ground as the huge creature backed her into the brier thicket. She dared not break off eye contact, it seemed to be the only thing keeping the monster at bay. The filly knew it would not stop him forever...any second now it would attack and she had no defense against that. It had been foolish to come to the ground alone...she wanted her Mommy. At least Zephyr Breeze and Rainbow Dash would survive this...
  154. >"Fluttershy, GO!"
  155. Rainbow swooped down, Zephyr now riding on her back. She buzzed the monster, coming so close that it snapped at her tail. That was enough for Fluttershy, who pushed off and flapped her wings for dear life. Frantic with terror she did not stop until she reached a cloud, where she turned around, lungs and wings burning, to look for Dash and her brother.
  156. >"Zephyr! Rainbow! Where are you!?"
  157. Rainbow Dash had nearly crashed into a pond when she swooped down to distract the timberwolf. Now, even with both of them flapping their wings she was unable to gain altitude. The monster had seen this and was chasing them, waiting for the two mouth watering foals to crash back into the brier patch where he would have them.
  158. >"Oh my goodness! I'm coming!"
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  161. Fluttershy had no idea what she could do against the fearsome predator made of wood but she had to do something. Rainbow Dash had saved her by swooping down and distracting the monster, maybe that would work.
  162. >"Zephyr! Rainbow! Hang on! Don't get eaten!"
  163. Her brother yelled back;
  164. >"We totally don't want to!"
  166. Gathering up all the courage she had Fluttershy made a dive. As she got closer and closer the wooden beast looked more and more terrifying. She wanted to bank off and turn away but was reminded in the worst possible way that she wasn't that good of a flier. Unable to stop or turn Fluttershy crashed into the back of the timberwolves head.
  167. Dazed, she tumbled out of control. There was no way she could recover...this was surely the end.
  168. >I'm so sorry I didn't listen, Mommy...
  170. But right before she crashed into the briers where she would certainly be eaten Fluttershy was caught. With the monster temporarily distracted Dash and Zephyr grabbed her arms.
  171. >"FLAP YOUR WINGS!"
  172. It took Fluttershy a moment to realize she wasn't dead yet but she followed Rainbow's command and flapped with all her might. Together the three pegasus foals gained a little altitude...just enough to avoid the snapping wooden jaws of the beast.
  173. Its meal out of reach the timberwolf howled in anger, but at last gave up and wandered away.
  174. Deer tasted better than ponies anyway.
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  177. After catching their breath on the first safe cloud they could find the three foals agreed they'd had enough of the ground for one day.
  178. >"Let's just go home."
  179. Rainbow Dash pleaded with Fluttershy to come up with a story that would keep them out of trouble but there was no explaining away the dozens of thorns stuck in Zephyr's rump. They would just have to tell the truth and hope for the mercy of the court.
  181. An hour later Fluttershy and Dash sat on opposite ends of the sofa in Fluttershy's living room. Upon arrival they had blubbered out a tearful but honest confession to Mrs Shy of everything they'd done and what had happened. At first they were all embraced and smothered with kisses as Fluttershy's mother thanked Celestia that they were all safe. It seemed for a moment that luck might be on their side until they were informed that all three of them were in deep, deep trouble.
  182. >"Ow! Ouch! YeeOww!"
  183. >"Stop squirming, young're just making it harder."
  184. Mrs Shy had first taken Zephyr into her bedroom to pluck the collection of thorns and splinters from his rump. The two fillies were ordered to sit and wait for their turn.
  186. As they listened to Zephyr through the door Rainbow dared speak up;
  187. >"I'm really sorry, Flutters, I feel like this is all my fault."
  188. The yellow filly sighed;
  189. >"Not all your fault. I was supposed to be in charge. I should have listened to Mom."
  190. Before they could say any more they were interrupted by the sound of her brother, frantically begging.
  191. >"Oh, no, no, no, Mommy! Please don't...not's gonna hurt!"
  192. >"Hold still, you know I have to do this..."
  193. There was a moment of tense silence and then...
  194. >"YEEeeeeOOOoooWWWWWW! Ow! Ow! It BURNS!"
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  197. The door opened at last and Zephyr Breeze came prancing out, rubbing his hindquarters with his wings and crying earnestly. His mother was holding a bottle of rubbing alcohol.
  198. >"You'll thank me when you don't get an infection. Now off to the time-out corner until dinnertime, mister!"
  199. Calmly, she turned to Rainbow Dash next.
  200. >"Dashie, you go straight home now. I'm giving you the opportunity to explain this to your mother in your own words because she and I WILL be having a talk about this."
  201. Rainbow gulped. It was an awful position for a naughty foal to be in.
  202. How much should she tell her mom? The more she told the deeper trouble she'd be in...but if she told too little and Mrs Shy filled her mother in with all the terrible details she'd held back Rainbow was sure to get a double punishment.
  203. >"Y-yes ma'am."
  204. Head hung low she trudged out, but not before turning to her friend and saying;
  205. >"Good luck, Flutters. Sorry about everything."
  206. For once Rainbow Dash actually used the door.
  208. Now just Fluttershy was left.
  209. >"Young filly, come with me."
  210. She dutifully followed her mother. Fluttershy knew she was going to her doom, a spanking was inevitable, she did not even dare to hope for reprieve. But first her mother was in a mood to lecture;
  211. >"Sit down here."
  212. She patted the bed next to her. Mother's voice was soft and kind but with a stern edge that left no doubt about what would eventually be happening. Fluttershy obediently sat down next to her.
  213. >"Dear, I don't need to tell you what a foolish, reckless, irresponsible thing you've done. That timberwolf told you all you need to know about that."
  214. Fluttershy blushed in shame.
  215. >"Yes Momma, I know. I'm sorry."
  216. Mrs Shy nodded.
  217. >"That's a start, but you're still going to be punished, and severely.
  218. >"You're a big filly now. You have your Cutie Mark, you're old enough to stay home alone and foal-sit.
  219. >"And you're also old enough to be spanked with my hairbrush for the first time."
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  222. The hairbrush!
  223. Up to this point Fluttershy had accepted her guilt and was prepared to suffer the consequences without complaint but the mere mention of that terrible tool made her recoil in horror.
  224. >"Oh, no, no, no, please not that!"
  225. Up to this point in her life Fluttershy had only been spanked with her parents' soft hooves. They had dropped a few hints that the hairbrush might be applied if naughty behavior did not cease but Fluttershy had always responded quickly to these threats and returned to being a good filly.
  226. >"Mommy, I'm SO SORRY, please just use your hoof! I know I was bad but please, PLEASE no hairbrush!"
  227. But Mother did not relent;
  228. >"Don't be silly, I've already made up my mind and you will be getting the hairbrush on your little rump today.
  229. >"You'll only make it worse for yourself if you try to fight me about it."
  231. Fluttershy knew she'd been a bad filly but could not bring herself to surrender. She'd seen the effect of a hairbrush on the rumps of her school and summer flight camp, and was just as scared as she had been of that timberwolf. She had already been in tears when Mom called her into the bedroom but now she was in full crying mode.
  232. >"Please, please don't! I promise I'll never go down to the ground again! I promise I won't put Zephyr in danger again! You can spank me twice as hard with the hairbrush if I ever do!"
  233. But it wasn't going to work.
  234. >"Fluttershy, calm down. You aren't being punished for 'next time'. What's done is done and now you're going to pay the price for that.
  235. >"YES, I am going to use the hairbrush, YES it is going to hurt and NO, it won't be over quickly.
  236. >"If you wanted to avoid all that you should have used your head and obeyed the rules when you had the chance.
  237. >"Now it's too late and your little bottom is going to get blistered whether you like it or not."
  238. Poor Fluttershy did not like it.
  239. She did not like it at all.
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  242. Fluttershy was terrified and desperate so, shamelessly, she tried to redirect some of the blame. Not all of it...just maybe enough to save her from the awful wooden terror she faced.
  243. >"B-But Rainbow Dash and Zephyr made me do it..."
  244. Her mother paused and considered things. Maybe there was a glimmer of hope.
  245. >"Well, perhaps you're right.
  246. >"If your little brother can influence you so easily maybe you are not ready to be in charge and be a foalsitter."
  247. This was not the direction Fluttershy wanted things to go. Maturity and independence held high value in pegasus culture and even a shy filly like Fluttershy felt their influence strongly.
  248. >"W-well, no...I just mean..."
  249. But Mother continued;
  250. >"So perhaps it's Rainbow Dash who is the bad influence here. Maybe you shouldn't be spending so much time around her."
  251. That was unthinkable! Dash was her best...her only friend! If they couldn't be friends Fluttershy didn't know how she could go on living.
  252. >"No! Please, Momma, it's not Dashie's fault at all!"
  253. That was the point Mother was trying to make.
  254. >"So who does that leave, Fluttershy?"
  255. The filly cried and bit her lip. She looked over at the hairbrush lying on the table. There was only once answer and it was the one that led to the terrible spanking she feared.
  256. >"Only me, Mommy..."
  257. Mother nodded and said softly;
  258. >"Alright then. It's time."
  260. Fluttershy still did not voluntarily climb over her mother's lap, she just went limp and allowed herself to be pulled into position without resistance. She could not see what was going on behind her but whimpered in fear as she heard Mom pick up the brush. Her tail was swept out of the way, exposing her most bashful parts. It did not matter that this was Momma, who had bathed her and changed her diaper when she was little, this was different.
  261. And it began...
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  264. Fluttershy's mother did not make her wait long. No more lectures or admonishments. The brush came down with a sharp smack, right in the center of the filly's rear-end. She jumped and howled in dismay but Fluttershy's mother held her tight.
  265. >Poor girl, there's going to be a lot more of those.
  266. Mom went to work, whacking her crying filly's backside over and over again. It was not hard to cover every square inch, Fluttershy was a lanky foal with a skinny rump and the hairbrush covered most of it with each sharp smack.
  268. It was not in Fluttershy's nature to struggle much when she was over a parental lap being punished but this time she could not help herself. The stiff wooden hairbrush was just as bad as she had feared, there was just no way to hold still and wait for it to be over.
  269. >"WhhhaaAAHHHhhhaaAAA! Ow! OW! Mommy, please! OW! I'm Sorry!"
  270. As she bawled out her apologies Fluttershy kicked and squirmed. Her front hooves scrambled for grip and pulled at the bedsheets. She could not escape though...Mom had her held tight and was letting go until the job was finished.
  272. Some Equestrian mothers had a special hairbrush set aside for the task of spanking alone. Some of them had been passed down from their own mothers and grandmares before them. Some of the most ancient did not even have bristles anymore. The brush doing its painful duty on Fluttershy's bottom was not one of these. It was the hairbrush Mrs. Shy used every day. It had passed through Fluttershy's long pink mane thousands of times...a sacred bonding ritual between mother and daughter that gave the shy little filly strength each morning before she had to go out and face an unkind world.
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  275. It was not strength that the wooden hairbrush was imparting now. Every sharp whack was like a hornet sting and the few seconds between spanks burned like fire. Nothing Fluttershy could do helped. She tried to tense up, the hairbrush still stung terribly...she tried to relax it stung even worse. When she struggled Momma held her tighter and punished her resistance with a salvo of faster spanks. When she lay still and tried to endure it the burn built up until she could take it no longer and thrashed, earning another agonizing flurry of fast smacks.
  276. >"OOOWWWwwwWWOOOoooowwwWW! MOMMY, please stop! I'm SOOOORRRRYYYY!"
  278. Mrs. Shy knew her filly was sorry, but she also knew how close she'd come to losing both foals today. It broke her heart to make her sensitive, fragile filly bawl for mercy but this was a lesson she had to remember. It was time for a big finish...
  279. >"Fluttershy, listen to me."
  280. It took a few moments of sobbing and choking for the little yellow filly to compose herself. Though she could not speak yet she silently begged Celestia it was over.
  281. >"You broke the rules today, you did something you knew was wrong..."
  282. >"I'M SORRRYYYYYY! I'm SO SORRY Mommy!"
  283. She got a sharp smack with the hairbrush for that, right at the bottom of her rear where it hurt most.
  284. >"Don't interrupt again, dear.
  285. >"You did something bad. You knew it was wrong but you did it anyway because you thought you wouldn't get caught."
  286. She punctuated the sentence with another smack, sending poor Fluttershy into fresh tears.
  287. >"Was it worth it?"
  288. The filly was hesitant to answer, fearful that any answer she gave would lead to more spanking.
  289. >"N-No mommy *sniffle*, no it wasn't."
  290. >"Well you're getting older now and you have to be responsible for the decisions you make."
  291. Fluttershy whimpered...she knew her mother was going somewhere with this and that would inevitably lead to more spanks.
  292. >"Fluttershy, how old are you?"
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  295. The tearful yellow filly gulped before answering.
  296. >"E-Eleven, Mommy."
  297. Usually she said eleven-and-a-half, to sound older, but right now Fluttershy did not want to be older.
  298. >"Alright then. Count for me..."
  299. Fluttershy whined in fear. She hated this part more than anything but knew better than to object.
  300. *WHACK* A hard smack fell on the tenderest part of her bottom.
  301. >"OwOwOw!"
  302. >"Fluttershy?"
  303. >"One!"
  304. Mother nodded and reminded her;
  305. >"Good. Now don't forget another count or we start over. It would be a shame to forget on number ten."
  306. Fluttershy shivered in fear. A shame? More like prolonged agony.
  307. *WHACK*
  308. That one was even harder but Fluttershy did not forget this time.
  309. >"Two! Oh, boooo huuuuu...."
  310. *WHACK*
  311. To her horror, Flutters realized the spanks would only get harder until the end.
  312. >"Whhaaahh! Three! I'm soooorrryyy!"
  313. Only #3 and they were already unbearable. Fluttershy did not know how she was going to endure it.
  314. *WHACK*
  315. >"OOWW! Mommy, please stop! I'm sorry, I'll never..."
  316. Fluttershy's mother shook her head and tsk'ed gravely.
  317. >"That is not counting, little filly."
  318. >"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Number four!"
  319. >"Too late, my dear."
  320. >"But..."
  321. *WHACK*
  322. Fluttershy cried out, not just in pain but the unfairness of it all. She knew what she had to say next...
  323. >"Ouch...*sniffle*"
  325. The count may have been re-set but the intensity of the spanks did not. That last one had been the hardest yet and the miserable filly knew she had at least 10 more before she could get off Mommy's lap and receive the hug she so desperately wanted right now.
  327. 15
  329. Fluttershy cried helplessly as her ordeal continued. She almost missed counting #6 but managed to squeak it out just in time before Mommy re-set the count.
  330. *WHACK*
  331. >"WHHHAAAHHHH! EIGHT! EIGHT! OWW! No more, please!"
  332. Each spank was now so hard it was still burning by the time the next one arrived. Miserable, Fluttershy could only endure the agony and promise her poor blazing heinie that she would never do anything to put it in such a position again.
  333. *WHACK*
  334. >"NINE! OooohhhHHHOOoohhHHH! Please, PLEASE stop!"
  335. *WHACK*
  336. >"OoowwWW! Ouch, ouch, ouch! TEN!"
  337. Just one to go but by now all Fluttershy's courage and resistance had been spent. She tensed up for that last terrible spank, bawling and spilling out heavy tears all over her parents' bedspread. The seconds dragged on...and on. Fearing that final whack, Fluttershy tightened her rump and held her breath. She tightened so much that her muscles began to shake. She began to cramp but fear would not let her loosen up.
  338. >"Fluttershy, dear..."
  339. Mom's voice was calming. The scared filly felt a reassuring hoof rub her back and some of the painful tension left her.
  340. >"Honey, relax, we're almost done."
  341. Almost.
  342. With her mother soothing her the sobbing filly let down her guard...just as the last spank fell.
  343. *WHACK*
  344. >"OwOwOWWWW!"
  346. She'd been unprepared for this last one and it burned worse than all the rest before it.
  347. Fluttershy was terrified that she'd miss her count but Mom did not give her the chance this time. Before she could even breathe and say 'eleven' she was scooped up into a tight, squeezing embrace.
  348. >"There, we're done, sweetie, all done."
  349. Only now did Fluttershy realize her mother was crying too. Through the agony of that terrible hairbrush spanking she had never considered how much this hurt Mommy. It made Fluttershy feel guilty and selfish about the bad choices she'd made.
  350. >"Never, never do that again, sweetheart. I couldn't bear to loose you."
  352. 16
  353. Enjoying the tight hug (even if it was a little hard to breathe) Fluttershy promised never to disobey again;
  354. >"I'm sorry, Momma. I'm sorry I put Zephyr and me in danger. I'm sorry I didn't do as you told and I promise I'll never go to the ground again."
  355. Her mother relaxed the hug to look her filly in the eyes.
  356. >"No, don't say that.
  357. >"Fluttershy, I know the ground is going to be a big part of your future. You might even live there someday, who knows?
  358. >"But for now you're still just a filly. A big filly, ready to foalsit and be responsible, but a filly just the same.
  359. >"You have to be patient, follow the rules and LEARN before you're ready to go down to the ground alone."
  360. She wiped a few tears away from her daughter's puffy eyes.
  361. >"Understand, missy?"
  362. The yellow filly nodded.
  363. >"Good, because I hate to use this for anything other than brushing hair but if you EVER disobey and put yourself in danger like this again I will not hesitate to give you an even longer and harder spanking next time."
  364. Fluttershy gulped. How could any spanking be longer or harder than what she just suffered? It seemed impossible. In any case she did not want to find out!
  365. >"Yes, Mommy, I promise."
  367. Fluttershy's mother squeezed her one more time before letting her go at last.
  368. >"Alright then, take your place in the time-out corner...opposite your brother. I don't want to see anything but your red rump until dinnertime."
  369. The chastised but forgiven filly hurried to put her nose in the corner. She did not want to risk ANY misbehavior until her poor rump was healed...and that might take weeks!
  371. Things calmed down at last; Mom working on dinner, Zephyr in his corner, Fluttershy in hers. Although she should have been looking straight ahead the filly could just see out the window from the corner of her left eye. She saw hills, streams and the forest below; it was beautiful. Mom was right. Fluttershy knew the ground was going to be a big part of her future.
  373. END of DCFTEF's story.
  375. There was a timid knocking at the door of the Shy house.
  376. Mrs. Shy had a feeling she knew who it was.
  377. As anticipated, Rainbow Dash was sniffling in the doorway.
  378. She looked like she had been crying.
  379. There was even a twinge of redness on Dash's rear.
  380. The same tint the Shys had to put on their foals' hindquarters from time to time.
  381. >Please, come in.
  382. As Rainbow Dash obeyed (all the disobedience spanked right out of her rump), Mrs. Shy got a good look at Windy Whistles' hoofiwork.
  383. Really though, she could tell even from the front.
  384. A mother knows.
  385. >My mom just wanted me to tell you I got punished-- er-- spanked for the stunt I pulled. I'm sorry, Mrs. Shy, and it won't happen again.
  386. >I agree some of the blame is yours. Your toasted backside explains that well enough. But my little ponies made bad choices too. That's why they are in time-out now.
  387. Fluttershy's ears fluttered in embarrassment at being called out
  388. She was just standing in the corner, snout firmly planted in the cloud walls
  389. >I don't want to keep you, Rainbow Dash. Your parents are probably waiting for you.
  390. >Actually I want you ... (mumble)
  391. >What was that dear?
  392. >My parents want you to p-punish me just like I was one of your foals.
  393. >Oh, my. You are very brave for coming here. Foalish, but your mommy already lectured you I bet.
  394. >(snif) M-hm.
  395. >Let me get a good look at you, dearie.
  396. Mrs. Shy flew over Rainbow Dash so she was looking at Rainbow's rear-end.
  397. >Hmm... your mother is quite thorough. Your bottom looks just like Fluttershy's did after spending the night at your house.
  398. (Squeak!)
  399. Fluttershy did not like hearing that.
  400. >Did she use a hairbrush?
  401. >Y-yes ma'am.
  402. >You've clearly been punished enough on that front. But if you were one of my foals, after brushing your bottom I would put you in time-out. Come here.
  404. Again, Dash dared not disobey. The two went to the kitchen.
  405. >We are out of free corners in the living room because they are occupied by naughty ponies. Here,
  406. she pointed
  407. >Make sure your muzzle is touching both walls and don't move a muscle. If I catch you taking your nose out of the corner you -will- get extra punishment.
  408. (gulp)
  409. Forehooves uncomfortably contorted and aching likewise, time passed slowly for Rainbow Dash. She thought about how torn-up her friend's rump looked, and how Zephyr seemed to have escaped a spanking entirely. He did get smacked with thorny switches, she thought. Spanking a cut-up tush is just torture, she decided.
  410. Eventually (a little shorter than a full corner time, Rainbow Dash believed), the foals were called for dinner.
  411. >Foals, supper time! ... Rainbow Dash, you can come out too.
  412. >Ms. Dash, why don't you stay for dinner? We could don't have to end your visit on a sour note.
  413. >Sure thing, Mrs. Shy.
  414. (Maybe Rainbow's mom would think all this time was punishment. Good to rack up easy pity points.)
  416. Mr. Shy came to the dinner table first, his foals and Rainbow Dash arrived soon after.
  417. Mrs. Shy pulled a chair from another room and squeezed it in-between the two Shy siblings' spots.
  418. Mr. Shy was seated, and Mrs. Shy was bringing the last dish to the table. Yet all three of the foals were standing up next to their table settings.
  419. >Ponies, time to sit down so we can eat.
  420. >Could we stand and eat please?
  421. Fluttershy felt it couldn't hurt to ask. Dash, a guest and a red-bottomed one at that, was in the awkward position of not knowing what to do. She definitely was in no mood to sit.
  422. >Good foals sit for their dinners. You want to be good foals, don't you?
  423. >But it will huuuurt!
  424. Zephyr whined.
  426. >Yes. That is the intent. You should be remembering how misbehavior makes your bottom feel for a good long time.
  427. Rainbow and Fluttershy sat down, wincing as their punished posteriors made contact with their chairs. Fluttershy's dad tried to coax his son into sitting.
  428. >You are lucky you just have sore backsides. You could be head to hooves in bandages at Cloudsdale Foals'. You could've died!
  429. >Dear, I already lectured them. And I know Windy did the same for Rainbow.
  430. Zephyr Breeze pressed his luck.
  431. >But moooom! I wasn't even spanked!
  432. >Would you like me to change that?
  433. >Ah! No thank you!
  434. >Then you will do as your told and sit on your naughty rump like your sister and her friend.
  435. Finally, Zephyr swept his tail aside and sat down, just as painfully as he was expecting it to be.
  436. >AURGH!
  437. He tried everything he could to find a comfortable seating position, his co-conspirators not much calmer.
  438. Smiling next to her husband as she sat across from the three young ponies, she took in the scene.
  439. >Squirm all you want; your lessons are glued to your butts like cutie marks.
  441. Rainbow Dash tried to eat quickly so she could part ways with Mrs. Shy's parenting techniques. Mrs. Shy included her at every opportunity, however:
  442. >Rainbow Dash, I hear you are in the advanced fliers group at flight camp?
  443. >Yeah, we meet every other day instead of gym class.
  444. >That's so exciting! What do you do?
  445. >Just drills and exercises and stuff. It's like the military. You have to be willing to take an intense training regimen.
  446. >Military... do you still want to be a Wonderbolt?
  447. >Sure do! But who doesn't?
  448. She looked at Fluttershy.
  449. >Most ponies do anyway.
  450. >If you take your training seriously that may be in the forecast for you, young filly.
  451. >It's always a good idea to dedicate yourself to something. That's how I met this cutie.
  452. Mrs. Shy blushed and held her husband's hoof.
  453. >Dear... (giggle)
  455. >Best engineering school in the sky and I never thought I could get in. It's good you have parents who believe in you and keep you on the straight and narrow. Even spanking you when you need it. You don't know how lucky you are to have that.
  456. Dash's mouth went wide open. Fluttershy was mortified.
  457. >Daaad!
  458. >I can tell you don't believe me, but you should. It's tough love, but we do think it's for the best. Someday you will even thank your parents and ponies like us.
  459. >You might even decide to spank your own foals, if you ever have them.
  460. >What?! No way!
  461. Zephyr Breeze just gagged. The other two were shocked at the suggestion. Having foals was out of the question, and inflicting the same red backsides they were currently wearing on anypony else was unthinkable. Maybe the flight camp bullies.
  462. Mrs. Shy changed the subject, but it was not much better for the foals.
  463. >Do the other ponies at flight camp make fun of you when you have a red bottom?
  464. >Yes... VICIOUSLY!
  465. >Come on Flutts, it's not that bad...
  466. >They shouldn't be so mean. Practically all of the PTA uses corporal punishment. We are even trying to let the coaches paddle again. Mr. Hard Corps was especially keen on the idea.
  467. >MR. HARD CORPS! Oh please don't talk him into that...
  468. >I thought you were a good filly, Rainbow Dash.
  469. >I am, Mr. Shy.
  470. >Then you don't need to worry about what happens to naughty little ponies. A little motivator hanging on the wall can just remind you to do your drills.
  471. Mrs. Shy added:
  472. >Would it be worth a few paddle swats to get into the Wonderbolts?
  473. >I guess that's not so bad.
  474. >Besides, you wouldn't get paddled that much anyway.
  475. (That much?!)
  477. Rainbow Dash finished her food quickly, but eventually forgot she was trying to escape. The Shys were good hosts when they weren't disciplining her.
  478. >Well, thank you for coming to dinner, Rainbow Dash. Tell your mother we said 'hello'.
  479. >Thanks for having me. See you two at flight camp tomorrow.
  480. >Bye, Rainbow Dash!
  481. The young Shys were keenly interested in Rainbow as she walked to the door and outside. Her chastised bottom looked painful, but all three foals felt they had received the worst punishment. Foals always do. They knew they would compare tushies tomorrow.
  482. For tonight, their punishment was finally over.

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