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Hot Seats by Anon and Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:18:03
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:21:00
Expiry: Never

  1. Hot Seats by Anon and Pan
  2. (Jeans / Fluttershy)
  3. fetish
  5. (22/03/2018)
  8. ---
  11. >New line of colt and filly clothing
  12. >magically swats the rear-end of the wearer in response to naughtiness
  13. >the pants must be calibrated to the magical aura of the individual pony
  14. >parent simply supervises the foal while they goes about their day
  15. >let the foal do something naughty and "get away with it"
  16. >then use an accompanying magical control panel to mark this as miscreant behavior
  17. >this technology is very expensive
  18. >only rich families use it
  19. >wealthy mommies and daddies don't have time to watch their little ones
  20. >little ones who are criminally underspanked
  21. >after the calibration period, a behavior shift
  22. >spoiled brats can't get away with anything anymore
  23. >even taking them off gives a warning swat
  24. >a reminder of the punishment they will receive if they try to ditch them completely
  25. >the Hot Seats can even give a full spanking if a qualified caretaker is feeding it energy
  26. >the pants are meant to stop misbehavior in the moment
  27. >if a filly or colt does something despite the swat to the rear their pants provide, more drastic action is required
  28. >"Spank Smarter, Spank Safer"
  29. >that's one of their slogans
  30. >a lot of energy is wasted in a traditional spanking
  31. >sound escaping off the naughty rump
  32. >air resistance
  33. >Holding the foal still so your hoof or brush can connect with their backside
  34. >applying correction to your foal's bottom is simpler through the Hot Seats
  35. >a spank never misses
  36. >each spank gives even coverage, to ensure no part of the hindquarters escapes the lesson
  37. >this can be customized of course
  38. >parents can focus on the sitspots if a foal is really out of line
  39. >coming soon: Hot Seats pajamas
  40. >with hourglass alarm clock
  41. >"Nothing Wakes Up a Foal Faster"
  43. >comes with all sizes.
  44. >Fluttershy secretly order one.
  45. >the doorbell rang and her heartbeat started racing.
  46. >she tried to quickly deal with the mail pony.
  47. >derpy showed her the signing papers.
  48. >fluttershy yanked it off her signed it.
  49. >then slammed the door at derpy face just before she tried to talk.
  50. >she ran upstairs to her bedroom.
  51. >blushing.
  52. >she opened it up.
  53. >it was smaller size than her tush.
  54. >she was disappointed but didn’t give up.
  55. >she tried putting it on anyway.
  56. >she struggled with her butt.
  57. >jumped up down.
  58. >used vasilne to lube herself in.
  59. >...and plop.
  60. >it was on.
  61. >she managed to get it on.
  62. >panting ...
  63. >she felt her heart gonna explode .
  64. >she was really excited.
  65. >”ok to get spanked I need to do naughty things “
  66. >like what... she wondered.
  67. >”perhaps I should just bluntly tell a lie. Like ... ummm ... hello my name is rarity and I hate fashion...”
  68. >before she continued the pants vibrated.
  69. >then she felt 3swats hitting her tush.
  70. >she felt sexually aroused.
  71. >her legs couldn’t hold her still she fell down laying on her stomach.
  72. >”that was pretty good , I want more “
  73. >as soon as she said that the pants vibrated again.
  74. >it registered that naughtiness.
  75. >and spanked her .
  76. Then she just got stuck there. Getting spanked for her naughtiness while unable to take it off.
  77. She came over and over. The pants got stuck vibrating and on maximum spanking settings.
  79. >it was so intense for fluttershy.
  80. >she passed out after multple orgasims.
  81. >when she woke up.
  82. >she was still wearing her pants.
  83. >but the pants wasn't spanking her anymore.
  84. >she tried to get it off.
  85. >but no matter how hard she tried.
  86. >it was wedgied in.
  87. >Unable to take it off.
  88. >She didn't want anyone to see her wearing it.
  89. >especially that she came in it.
  90. >she flew outside her cottage heading to the forest.
  91. >she went straight to the bear.
  92. >she told him to help her take it off.
  93. >The bear picked fluttershy up. and placed her on his lap.
  94. >he tried to take her pants off.
  95. >fluttershy felt something weird.
  96. >her position seemed very familar.
  97. >being lied down across someone's lap.
  98. >the bear also couldn't pull it down.
  99. >with his left hand he grabbed firm of her tail.
  100. >and his other hand he tried to pull her pants down.
  101. >The tail grabbing made fluttershy get a bit turned on.
  102. >in which triggered the pants.
  103. >she was being naughty again.
  104. >it vibrated and it spanked her right there on the spot.
  105. >she let out a muffled eeps.
  106. >the bear was startled by this. and throw fluttershy up in the air and ran off.
  107. >fluttershy flung up and fell on a branch of the tree.
  108. >she fell lied across the branch.
  109. >the pants continued spanking her.
  110. >the more it spanked her the hornier she gets.
  111. >she moved her hoof to touch herself while being spanked.
  112. >getting it on.
  113. >but at that moment rainbowdash flew by.
  114. >hey fluttershy what are you doing up in the tree?
  115. >Fluttershy jumped . and sat down up straight.
  116. >oh nothing just looking for my blue jay bird's nest.
  117. >she lied the pants starts vibrating again. and she received another swats.
  118. >She tried really hard to hide it. and not to make a sound.
  119. >oh i see.
  120. >I just came by to drop Tank for his usual bath.
  121. >oh that's nice just drop him by my cottage and ...
  122. >wait aren't you coming to ?
  123. >yes but in a bit.
  124. >alrighty then...
  125. >Rainbow Dash flow off.
  126. >phew that was a close one. she spread her legs to see a slight moisture stain on her crotch area.
  127. >Rainbowdash "I forgot to ask"
  128. >Fluttershy got startled again. and swiftly crossed her legs.
  129. >Rainbow Dash "What's with the pants ?"
  130. >ah err.. it's for protection...
  131. >Rainbow "from what ?"
  132. >Fluttershy started sweating ...
  133. >err " from wooden splinters . yea splinters.
  134. >for some reason the pants bought it and did not vibrate.
  135. >Rainbow Dash "wooden splinters eh.. yea they are the worst. there is one time i crashed into a tree. before i slammed my head i flipped my body off ..."
  136. >fluttershy (oh my ... she started telling stories now... what am i going to do.)
  137. >Rainbow " and then my flank got like a million splinters. I spent the day at the hospital bent over while the nurse picking them up one by one. it stung like hell. felt like i was being punished for it"
  138. >fluttershy was imaging Rainbow Dash's in that position. bent over tied down. and a nurse...which suddenly changed to herself. she was there standing behind her with a cropping cane. and swish"
  139. >her day dreaming got interupted by the vibration. oh noes not in front of rainbowdash.
  140. >Anyhow i got to go. Fluttershy yelled. and took off really fast.
  141. >Rainbow dash "i wonder why she was in such a hurry ?" ... "oh well i just drop u off tank. "
  142. >fluttershy got spanked in the air as she was flying off.
  143. >she went by a pound and hid behind a bushes.
  144. >where no one can see her.
  145. >she start working on herself the pants went crazy as well spanking her naughty ass as she was masterbating to it.
  146. >till she came.
  147. >she chilled her thoughts trying not to think about anything.
  148. >the pants stopped.
  149. >oh well i really need to take these damn pants down.
  150. >she struggled again to take them off but she failed.
  151. >she sat there thinking of a way to take them off.
  152. >as she was chilling thinking... what if i needed to go.
  153. >how would i do that. i can't just go and do it on my pants.
  154. >speaking of peeing.. I really need to go.
  155. >thinking about it made her want to go.
  156. >she panicked .
  157. >on noes what I'm gonna do.
  158. >she looked at the pound.
  159. >maybe if i just sit in the water.. and do it there...
  160. >she jumped on the pound and sat down just before she was about to release.
  161. >"Oh hi there fluttershy what are you doing in the pound ?" - Applejack
  162. >eep! oh I ...
  163. >"i found these ducks wondering around being all lost and all. I figured out i bring them in."
  164. >oh that's nice of you applejack
  165. >so what y'all doing in the water ... wearing pants that is.
  166. >oh i was just.
  167. >wait have I seen this pants before. I could swear it's like the one granny bought for applebloom. those flim flam were selling...
  168. >Fluttershy did what any pony else would have done in her situation.
  169. >she took off flying .
  170. >she was heading toward her safe heaven which was her cottage but she saw rainbow dash there.
  171. >she immediately switch to other direction.
  172. >rainbow dash saw her running off like that. why is she in a hurry .
  173. >she followed her.
  174. >Flutter shy wait
  175. >Fluttershy was in pickle
  176. >she need to pee badly . her friends might recognise the pants she is wearing.
  177. >and now rainbow dash chasing her.
  178. >She went to ponyville.
  179. >She tried to out maneuver rainbow Dash.
  180. >Rainbow dash took it as a Race challenge and kept chasing her.
  181. >Fluttershy then bumped into one of the shop signs and tripped her midair.
  182. >she was flung away by the momentum. and then hit a street lamp.
  183. >her pants got caught up in the lamp post. and she was suspended midair by her pants. wedging her.
  184. >she broke the sign she bumped into. which triggered the pants. so it acted accordingly.
  185. >it started spanking her.
  186. >while she was being suspended mid air in front of everyone.
  187. >rainbow dash got close to her. to see if she's ok and to help her.
  188. >But fluttershy couldn't hold it in anymore.
  189. >she peed on herself.
  190. >Which made the pants to get crazy and spank her really hard.
  191. >she started crying.
  192. >from both embarcement and pain.
  193. >ponies were pointing at her and laughing.
  195. The end

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