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Silent Rose (New Alt Ending) by Anon, Vega and RoyalBard

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:18:44
Updated: 2022-03-20 19:23:51
Expiry: Never

  1. Silent Rose (New Alt Ending) by Anon, Vega and RoyalBard
  2. (King Sombra / Fluttershy)
  3. aftercare
  5. (15/04/2017)
  8. ---
  10. >You are Silent Rose, crystal pony maid extraordinar.
  11. >Well truth be told you're a pretty average maid but you do your best.
  12. >The crystal empire had returned from its apparent ~1000 year of absence just a few years ago and you with it.
  13. >Fortunately for you and every other resident a series of events involving the crystal heart, a purple alicorn, lots of rainbows and a certain yellow pegasus had purged King Sombra of most his more evil traits and saved you all from his unique brand of insane slavery.
  14. >Not to say the king was someone you would want to sit down and have tea with though.
  15. >He still had a very intense air about him and most did their best to avoid his notice.
  16. >Thankfully while the king was still somewhat harsh his new queen was anything but.
  17. >The little yellow pegasus was barely half the king's height but between you and the other maids she had him wrapped around her hoof.
  18. >Oh sure he tried to act tough but if his tiny fluffy queen didn't like something he tried to do he'd relent sooner or later.
  19. >Needless to say the queen was the best thing to ever happen to the crystal empire and as a result the castle staff tried to look out for her.
  20. >So on days like today where you just found the queen strutting around in the king's cape and regalia doing a funny if not flattering imitation of him you can't help worry.
  21. >You hated to stamp all over her fun, and she looked very cute in the king's garb, but you knew if the king found out there would be hell to pay.
  22. "Umm pardon me my queen please are you sure wearing that is well you know... wise?"
  23. >The queen turns you to trying her best to look imperious.
  24. >"Wise? Of course it is wise i am the wisest queen ever blah blah blah no fun blah crystals blah!"
  25. >She trots off with her head held high and her boots almost falling off to continue her little show, you just hope the king's little day trip lasts as long as scheduled...
  27. >An hour or so later while making your rounds cleaning the west wing windows your fears are realized.
  28. >The king's chariot is parked outside a full 2 hours sooner than it should be.
  29. >Did anyone warn the queen?
  30. >You know you have to get these windows done but they can wait, trotting of at a brisk pace you go in search of your queen.
  31. >If she doesn't get King Sombra's outfit back where it belongs before he sees what fun she's been having all day there will be hell to pay.
  32. >Just the idea of the king's wrath makes you trot faster in a desperate search for the yellow mare who's day is about to be ruined.
  33. >You know the king loves the queen dearly but despite her best efforts he still has a temper and isn't afraid to show it!
  34. >Asking a few guards points you in the last direction of the soon to be doomed yellow pegasus but the closer you get the more it sounds as though you may be too late.
  35. >"You dare mock me little mare!?!"
  36. >Peaking your head around the corner you heart sinks.
  37. >The king has the queens long mane in his magic and is dragging her down the hall in a very undignified manner.
  38. >"Baby please ow ow wait stop you're hurting me sombra sweetie!"
  39. >The size difference of the small pegasus and the hulking unicorn gives him little trouble dragging her down the hall like an errant child.
  40. >"Oh i'll soon give you something to cry about you brat!"
  41. >Despite her efforts to keep up sombra's longer strides cause him to practically drag the mare to her doom.
  42. >"I'm I'm sorry i was just having fun!"
  43. >Herding her into the royal bedchamber and slamming the door behind him you can't hear his angry response.
  44. >What you can hear a few minutes later is the too familiar sound of wood on yellow pegasus flank and the wail that soon follows.
  45. >The king has always been very physical in the discipline of his queen.
  46. >Never anything too severe but it still broke the castle staff's heart to hear her cute little bottom spanked so.
  47. >Knowing there was nothing you could do to save the sore and sorry mare now you set off to finish your rounds, you'd have to get her a soft pillow for dinner tonight.
  49. Fluttershy
  50. -----
  51. >Sombra is very nice.
  52. >Well he can be nice... Sometimes...
  53. >Right now he's not being very nice...
  54. >Right now he's ummm well the paddle and ummm hes about to well use it on umm you....
  55. "Baby please..."
  56. >He just looks at you with the large paddle suspended in his magic.
  57. >As soon as he'd dragged you to the bedroom he'd thrown you over the bed, and in the fun sexy time kind of way.
  58. >You knew his paddle well, he was a very old fashion pony with very umm different beliefs about how stallions should 'keep their mares in line'.
  59. >You try to be understanding, he's from a very long time ago, it was more common back then.
  60. >But it's hard to be understanding when hes ummm... spanking... you... hard...
  61. >"I go to this stupid diplomatic meeting. I do it for you. I could just crush these useless yaks but you want me to do it the peaceful way. And when i get back what do i find? You wearing my regalia making fun of me behind my back!"
  62. >Lining the paddle up with your rump he gives you a few light pats that make you whimper.
  63. >"You tell me stallions don't discipline their mares anymore but you act like a child as soon as i am gone!"
  64. >He raises the paddle high and you bury your face in the bed sheets.
  65. >You know he's going to do this, you've never been able to stop him before when he gets like this.
  66. >Lifting your tail and raising your rump obediently you resolve to take it like a big mare.
  67. >For as long as you can at least...
  68. SMACK
  69. "AHH!"
  70. SMACK
  72. SMACK
  73. "PLEASEEEE!"
  74. >"I SMACK am not SMACK your SMACK baby!"
  75. >Sombra was never one to do things half way, your flanks are already on fire and probably starting to turn red.
  76. >"You will learn your lesson SMACK SMACK SMACK like every mare before you!"
  78. >"You will be!"
  80. >"You are going SMACK to learn to SMACK behave!"
  82. >The paddle is as large as your entire bottom and you can feel every inch of it destroying your bare rump!
  84. >He gives no response as he continues to flatten your seat making you cry harder and harder as the fire grows and grows.
  86. >Sombra goes quiet as he raises the paddle high, you think for a moment it might be over before cursing yourself as you hear the paddle flying fast
  87. >10 rapid fire spanks in a row and make you scream like a foal.
  88. >You can feel the blisters forming and try desperately to escape the inferno your bottom is being held too but your king pins you tightly to the bed with his magic.
  89. >After what seems an eternity the blows stop and your bottom returns to its original unflattened shape.
  90. >Collapsing into a mess of tears you struggle to form words to appease him.
  91. "Sorry sorry sorry...."
  92. >Rubbing your rump in circles with the paddle sombra takes a moment to inspect his work.
  93. >You'd not be sitting for days at least, your seat was as red as the cloak you still wore.
  94. >"I expect you at dinner and i expect you to still be wearing this cloak. There will be no hiding what you have earned and everyone will see how foolish you have been, do you understand?"
  95. >You can only sniffle and nod your head but that seems to be good enough.
  96. >Tossing the paddle on the bed beside you he turns and storms out of the room.
  97. >Reaching back you try to massage your tushy only to pull your hoof away when that only makes it worse.
  98. >It's a few minutes before you even dare to stand much less go inspect the damage in the mirror.
  99. >You matched the cloak almost perfectly both a bright shade of crimson red.
  100. >Wiping off your tears you find yourself returning to the mirror again and again.
  101. >You can't believe how sore your bottom looks and blush just as red remembering that your king ordered you go to out into the castle like this for dinner.
  102. >You suspected at least some staff knew of the king's umm discipline methods since it's you know kinda loud...
  103. >But to have to walk around like this makes you face blush almost as red as your flanks.
  104. >Taking a deep gulp you look at the clock.
  105. >You'd spent over an hour feeling bad for yourself, if you don't get to dinner soon your night might get even more sore...
  106. >Hiding behind your hair you set out for your embarrassing fate.
  108. -----Appendix:-----
  110. Two endings by two authors.
  112. -----Ending 1:-----
  114. >You discover that Sombra has made some "adjustments" to the dinner accommodations
  115. >he sat as he always did
  116. >sitting on his throne and facing his subjects
  117. >your usual throne is nowhere in sight
  118. >instead, directly across from him at the table is a cheesy-looking wooden chair
  119. >appropriate for a school pony, not the queen of the Crystal Empire!
  120. >most unfortunately, there's a design difference between this and your usual throne
  121. >the throne has a solid back
  122. >this has just a thick wood slat across the top of the chair
  123. >and nothing where you would really like some obscured visibility today
  124. >his anger has gone too far
  125. >you think to yourself
  126. >you resign to take action and do something about it
  127. >but at present, you don't see a way out of this
  128. >you walk forward like a spanked little filly
  129. >passed all the castle staff, some of whom you were sure didn't know about the king's tough love
  130. >just as you feared and Sombra wanted, his cloak was way too big for you
  131. >it all hung off to the side, offering no coverage in the rump area
  132. >you hope this will be a quick meal
  133. >if not, you imagine your poor bottom will be the topic of discussion, visible as it is to the entire great hall
  134. >you curse the architect who made the king's table sit on a raised platform at the end of the hall
  136. -----Ending 2:-----
  138. Sombra took another sip of his wine, glanced over at his queen who sat beside him not in a throne, but in a hard wooden stool. It did little to hide her spanked red rump.She squirmed uncomfortably on her clearly sore bottom.
  139. He had paddled her that afternoon because he had come home and seen her...mocking him in his cloak.
  140. "I'm a king and royalty doesn't participate in fun activities!"
  141. He sighed. What had he done to earn such ire from the Pony who had convinced him to peacefully negotiate with the Yaks instead of annihilating them.
  142. And it'd been a good idea. He respected her. Didn't...didn't she?
  143. She took a sip of wine and continued staring straight ahead. She hadn't spoken to him since the spanking. Normally her chastisements were concluded in a way that was more pleasurable to both parties.
  144. He'd taken her throne.
  145. His heart raced up. Commoner by birth she might have been, but she was His Queen. His heart acted like it was trying to escape from his chest. What if...she thought he didn't WANT her as queen anymore?
  146. What if she left him?
  147. He couldn't go back to those days.He stopped a servant. "A cushion for My Queen." He whispered to the maid. She went and fetched one. When she returned he took it in his magic, sliding it beneath Fluttershy's bottom. She offered him a shy smile, rested her head on his shoulder.
  149. The original ending was very severe. I like aftercare and tenderness.

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