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Spank the Anon v3 by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:19:47
Updated: 2022-03-17 17:34:22
Expiry: Never

  1. Spank the Anon v3 by Anon
  2. (Applejack / Anon)
  3. F/f, paddle, over chair, non-consensual
  5. (15/08/2015)
  8. ---
  11. "You realize this will end in horse tears and possibly blood, right?"
  12. >"This time it won't, Anon- I mean, 'Grass Lass'!"
  13. "Your names are worse than your haircut. Just call me Little Green or something."
  14. >"Sure, whatever. Anywaaay..."
  15. >She levitates something magicky and gemstone-y in front of you, then levitates it upstairs
  16. >"If you're a good little filly you can have this magical amulet that will return you back to normal. If you're naughty on the other hand, I might just forget where I put it."
  17. >Well, one day without starting shit might not be so hard after all
  19. >"Bye girls, have fun!"
  20. >Twilight waves as you sit tight in the little wagon hooked up to the little scooter rolling away from the treebrary
  21. >Yes, it's the treebrary
  22. "So what's the plan, other than failing at things and getting hurt?"
  23. >"Oh, we have the whole day planned out" Sweetie Belle started. "First order of business: introducing our newest member to the club. To the clubhouse!"
  24. >Said and done, you soon end up at the CMC clubhouse on the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres
  25. >First hour of being a pony, you are already being dubbed a knight of the blank ass
  26. "Fan-fucking-tastic."
  27. >"Whoah Green, you're not supposed to say that word" Applebloom says almost whispering. "If my sister or Granny heard that they'd give you a stern whacking"
  28. >You suspect the day's just gonna get worse from here
  29. >"... ally, bosom buddy, gal pal, compadre..."
  30. "... To suffer death by synonyms, and may God have mercy on my soul. I get it."
  31. >CMC membership GET
  32. >Fancy red cloak GET
  34. >"Well, now for the second order of business" Sweetie Belle starts, "let's go-"
  35. >"-CUTIE MARK CRUSADING!" the three of them burst out in chorus while jumping up and down
  36. >You all exit the clubhouse and prepare to set off for some CRAYYYYZEEEE adventures
  37. >Or you would have, if newfound pony physiology combined with a goddamn cape causes you to trip down the stairs
  38. "GAH... ouf, ow, pmmf, shit!"
  39. >"GREEN! Watch your language! What if someone hears?" Applebloom shouts
  40. "There's no one around to hear anythings besides for us, stop being such a fucking pansy"
  41. >Applebloom doesn't say anything, just stares behind you with a look of terror on her face
  42. >Oh shit
  43. >Oh absolute-
  44. >You slowly turn around
  45. "Uhm... Wait, there's nobody here."
  46. "Don't scare me like that, faggot."
  47. >"No, you know that feeling you just had when you turned around and thought someone was there who would punish you? That's how we feel every time you say those things. Stop it Green, or we'll have to tell on you."
  48. "Oh that's just FUCKING adorable. Like, holy SHITTING DICK NIPPLES, BATMAN. Who are you going to tell, exactly? Who the FUCK has any FUCKING authority over me out here?"
  49. >"Ah reckon I do, young missy."
  50. >That sounded a lot like an orange horse in a cowboy hat.
  51. >Nah, you're imagin-
  52. >"And ah reckon you're in a whole heap a trouble."
  53. >Well shit
  54. >The time for negotiations seems to be long gone
  55. >But that has never stopped you from trying before
  56. "Wow Applebloom, that's the best impression of me I've ever heard! But why did you have to say all those mean words? What was it, 'fooking'? What does that mean?"
  57. >"Applebloom, take your friends away from here. This lil' critter's about to learn some manners"
  58. >The three fillies prepare to leave on the scooterwagonmobile, while all you can do is prepare for the pain to come
  59. >But this pain will be on your terms
  60. >BLAM
  61. >You headbutt Applejack in the jaw and jump in between Sweetie and Applebloom
  62. "Punch it, Chewie!"
  63. >"Wait, what?" Scootaloo replies confused
  64. "It means DRIVE, STUPID!"
  65. >You smack her rump and she panics, taking off at full speed
  67. >After a while, you reach Ponyville town square and Scootaloo stops the scooter
  68. >All three fillies look at you angrily, before suddenly lighting up, as Sweetie Belle starts talking
  69. >"You know, I know a GREAT way to get our cutie marks over at my sister's place."
  70. >"What are you... Oh right! Yeah, a GREAT way to get cutie marks, and ice cream as well!" Applebloom fills in
  71. "I don't like ice cream, I'm more into candy"
  72. >"Well there's candy as well. Even more candy than ice cream! Let's get over there right away"
  73. >The three fillies are now pushing you toward the Carousel Boutique
  74. >This doesn't feel like a set-up at all
  76. >Enter Carousel Boutique
  77. >*SLAM* *Click*
  78. >Door locked, let's see what they're up to
  79. >"RARITYYYYYYY!" Sweetie Belle yells
  80. >Oh no
  81. >They're gonna sell you out
  82. >Exit, stage left
  85. >You hear hooves coming down the stairs
  86. >The time has come to formulate a plan, and quickly
  87. >What would Picard have done in this situation?
  88. >tfw not Patrick Stewart
  89. "Look, we don't have to do this. If you just let me go, I'll stay out of your hair and clean up my language."
  90. >"Sorry Green, but this is for your own good. Plus, you smacked me, so you deserve this."
  91. >You can now see Rarity looking at you from the stairs. "Deserve what?" she asks
  93. >"What? Oh heavens here let me help you!" she says while unbolting the door
  94. >Jackpot
  95. >You rush outside, CMC hot on your heels with a confused Rarity running after to see what's really going on
  96. >"Come back here Green! You can still crusade with us if you just take your punishment!"
  97. >Where the hell do you hide in this town?
  98. >You enter the first door you find and start making it up the stairs
  99. >And then more stairs
  100. >And then more stairs
  101. >Oh, it's the bell tower
  102. >No way out of here but down, will you risk it?
  103. >Or what if...
  104. >You pray that this is a thing in Equestria
  106. "SANCTUARY!"
  107. >You swing from the rope making the bell chime
  108. "SANCTUARY!"
  109. >Ponies have started entering the streets to see just what is going on
  110. "SANCT-WOAAH!"
  111. >Welp, at least you'll die unspanked
  112. >Apparently hooves don't make for good grip on ropes, so you slipped and are now falling to your death
  113. >Goodbye, cruel world
  114. >...
  115. >I said "Goodbye, cruel world"
  116. >...
  117. >You have stopped falling
  118. >"Don't worry, your friendly neighborhood Rainbow Dash is here!"
  119. >Oh great
  120. "Why thank you! If you could just set me down far away from that crowd real quick..."
  121. >"Sure kid, I'll set you down real far away from that crowd"
  122. >She flies off with you away from the town centre
  123. "Uh... where are we going?"
  124. >"Oh, you'll see."
  125. >You look down to see what landmarks you pass. Some cottages, a river...
  126. >...Yep, that's the Sweet Apple Acres sign
  127. >...And yep, that's the Apple family barn
  128. >...And yep, that's Applejack with a rope and a paddle
  129. >Hooves tied, bent over a chair with your untested filly flank ripe for breaking
  130. >"Now, young missy, twisting and turning like that won't make the ropes any looser."
  131. >You cease struggling and try to think of a way out of this mess
  132. >Negotiation? Bribery? Intimidation? Force Persuasion?
  133. "I'm sure we can work someth-"
  134. >"Hush missy!"
  135. "I know some very wealthy ponies who would pay-"
  136. >"HUSH missy!"
  137. "Unhand me or DIE!"
  138. >SMACK
  139. "OOOOOW!"
  140. >"Now we're not supposed to start until your friends come here to see, but if yer so dead set on getting a few in early, I'll happily oblige."
  141. >Okay, this stings more than you thought it would
  142. >This isn't a turn-on AT ALL
  143. >The Harlequin Desire series lied to you all these years!
  144. >"Let's just say that one makes us even for my jaw."
  145. >After a while, the trio of RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL OF THIS show up
  146. "Rats."
  147. >"Well listen to that, your language is already better!"
  148. >"Now we're only doing this for your own good. You're not a bad pony, you just have a bad attitude. You'll thank us when you're older."
  149. >SMACK
  150. >Oh titty sprinkles that HURTS!
  151. "OOOW!"
  152. >SMACK, SMACK
  153. "OOOHOHOOW!"
  154. >"We're just getting started, bite down now."
  157. >SMACK
  158. >"None of that language missy!"
  160. >You're sobbing now
  161. >The mighty Anonymous brought to tears by something other than My Little Dashie, whouda thunk it?
  162. "Puh-please stooop!"
  163. >"It's almost over, and then you can go make up with yer friends."
  164. >You look over at the three little shits with tears welling from your eyes
  166. "WAAAHAAAH!"
  167. >You solemnly vow to yourself that noone must ever know it was Anonymous who cried like a bitch here on this day in the shape of a filly
  168. >You might have to kill Twilight to stop her from telling anyone
  170. >You could fry eggs on your cheeks judging by how hot they feel
  171. >"There. Now, is there anything you want to say to all the ponies you caused trouble for today?"
  172. >Never surrender
  173. "F-fuck all y'all."
  174. >SMACK
  175. >"So how was your day as a filly, Anon?"
  176. "Just give me the stone thing to change me back, Purp."
  177. >"Did you have any adventures? Learn any... lessons?" She giggles.
  178. "Stone, Twilight."
  179. >"Oh sure, I wouldn't want you to stay... TIED DOWN as a pony longer than necessary."
  180. "Are you implying something? Because I swear..."
  181. >"Oh Anon, don't be so *snort*... B-BUTTHURTWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!"
  182. >Fuck this mare. Fuck this mare with a world's worth of dicks.
  184. FIN

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