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Spank the Anon v4 by Pan

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:20:09
Updated: 2022-05-09 16:18:02
Expiry: Never

  1. Spank the Anon v4 by Pan
  2. (Twilight / Anon)
  3. F/m, hoof, otk, non-consensual
  5. (16/08/2015)
  8. ---
  10. I've been living in Equestria for a few years now. Ever since, ponies have been trying to get me to assimilate. It hasn't gone as well as some would hope. I have the basics of everything down, yes. But ask me more than a few sentences about Equestrian democracy, math beyond addition and subtraction, or what makes up matter in this world and I'd be just as lost as I was my first day on this planet. The only thing I know how to write is my name. English carried over to whatever language these tiny horses speak just fine. For whatever reason, I understand them and they understand me. Maybe it's because I'm a pony here too. I wasn't so lucky with the written word, so I couldn't study on my own time even if I wanted to.
  12. Not that I would. I had enough of that back home. Okay, it would be nice to read the menus at restauraunts, and offer some watering-hole conversation about upcoming parliamentary elections. Some ponies are even hoping to oust Mayor Mare, but she's held her office for decades. The activists here have a slogan, "ponies, not cronies" (it could use some work) to describe their opposition to the mayor, but without the local history everypony learns in school, I'm lost. Ponies, mostly the local nature-lovers, lecture me about how much nicer our town was before the railway expansion project, and I just have to nod along as if I agree. As if I even know what they're talking about.
  14. The older generation on Earth always said we used calculators too much. Here, I realize they were right. I can't keep up. Although calculus was only discovered in the last century, and ponies are having as many problems with classical physics as humans did, they are mental-math wizards. They use some kind of cognitive abacus. The technique predates Starswirl the Bearded, who Twilight gushes about almost weekly.
  16. Hans the Clever developed a method for multiplication and division that uses only the tapping of hooves to solve problems. It paved the way for more advanced math without having to write down most of the computations. After Hans, science was open to earth ponies and pegasi, not just the unicorns who could deal with pencils and quills.
  18. Apparently, the rest of the ponies who came from Earth are having similar problems fitting in. I'm not allowed to see them, and they're not allowed to see me, but we dictate letters that get sent between us. Princess Celestia believes that we outsiders hold a strange and powerful magic, and it cannot fall into the wrong hooves. The less ponies who know where each of us lives, or that there are any ponies from out of this world, the better. Twilight says there are fewer than 100 of us outsiders.
  20. We are a prize catch for the psychological community in Equestria. We have the knowledge of young fillies and colts, yet are old enough for ethics boards to approve experiments on us. Until now, the experiments have been short-term and basic, but now we are to participate in an experiment lasting eight months. Technically, we have to agree to the experiments. But magical ponies are not mammals you want to cross. I'd be alienated for life in this stange magical land if I didn't play along.
  22. Still, I would have liked to have been told what it was before being coerced into it. Not wanting to disappoint my adoptive parent, I agreed to go along with whatever I had to do.
  24. Apparently, it required a trip to Canterlot. Twilight left Spike in charge of the library. We had an audience with the princess. I thought this was odd, but I later learned that most of the other ponies from Earth saw Celestia more regularly than I did. Twilight saw me when we all first arrived, and asked to take me in.
  26. As I was led down a sort of hospital hallway,
  27. I heard Twilight whisper to Celestia
  28. >"dark magic for a good cause",
  29. and that did not sound pleasant. I once again asked Twilight if this was safe.
  31. >"Of course it is, silly!"
  32. She bopped me on the nose.
  33. >"With my magic, and Celestia guiding me through it, I can't fail!"
  35. Twilight told me that the process was safe... then strapped me down to an operating table.
  36. >"I sure feel safe. Are you going to steal my fillings?"
  38. Celestia reassured me since Twilight was so bad at it.
  39. >"Nothing like that, dear. At the end of this, you'll be good as new. Now relax... and count the stars on the ceiling."
  41. She made a laser come out of her horn and pointed at one.
  42. >"Count with me. One, two, three..."
  44. Then I was being poked awake, unaware of anything else they may have done.
  46. >"It worked!"
  47. >"Yes, Twilight. Soon you'll run out of magic to learn.
  48. Celestia noted, eyes weary as if she were just a *little* bit tired of Twilight's thirst for knowledge. Celestia was the first to talk to me:
  49. >"How are you feeling, little guy?"
  51. I was 30 seconds from falling back asleep. The next couch or sofa I saw, I declared I would claim. Must have been the sleep spell.
  53. Twilight picked me up. At first this wasn't a cause for alarm; she's used magic to do so a few times, for fun or practice or to make a point. Then I realized she draped me over her back like old laundry. I should have been bigger than that.
  55. >"Twilight, what's going on?"
  56. >"What do you mean, Anon?"
  57. >"Why are you so... BIG?"
  59. She let out one of her little laughs.
  61. >"Get some sleep. I'll explain in the morning."
  63. Hospital couch. Score!
  65. The morning sun through the window hit my eyes and woke me up. Morning sun? Did I sleep from the afternoon to now?
  67. Now I was able to prod Twilight awake, instead of the other way around.
  69. >"I'm bored. I'm hungry. Let's go."
  71. She yawned.
  73. >"Euh... morning already?"
  75. >"Come on, Twilight! I want food!"
  77. On the way to some mediocre street vendor, Twilight explains everything. No longer inhibited by the sleep spell, I figured most of it out myself. Twilight was now a lot bigger than me.
  79. >"Our relationship shouldn't change too much, sweetie. But... you're going back to school."
  80. >"Aw, mom..."
  82. I've had enough of school.
  84. >"You yourself say how alienated you feel by not knowing what other ponies know."
  85. >"Yeah, yeah. Still stinks though."
  86. >"It won't be so bad. I can help tutor you!"
  88. At least I got some eggs for breakfast. I love eggs.
  90. ...
  92. Having lived with Twilight as her colt for a few weeks now, I can say a few things. The new arrangement has a lot more nuzzling. And cuddling. And being sent to bed without dessert. The reason I've been turned into a colt is so psychologists can study different things about growing up in Equestria. I am told that every other outsider has been regressed as well. I have to look up to meet Twilight's eyes. She towers over me. Normally this isn't a problem, but when she says this:
  94. >"Show me your report card, Anon. You've been stalling long enough."
  96. My blood runs cold. Which brings me to my current predicament.
  98. >"Anon, what's the meaning of these grades?"
  100. She lowers her eyelids in suspicion.
  102. >"I thought you said you were getting mostly jades, with one sapphire?"
  104. >I am a colt.
  105. >And I am in deep trouble.
  107. ...
  109. >You are a colt.
  110. >And you are in deep trouble.
  111. >You thought you were too old for parent-teacher conferences.
  112. >You were doing well enough in school!
  113. >Topaz in math and science
  114. >Sapphires in reading and social studies
  115. >Even a jade in physical education!
  116. >Your mom thinks you can do better.
  117. >Any other mom would be proud.
  118. >Too bad Twilight Sparkle adopted you.
  119. >She never had an imperfect report card in her life.
  120. >And she expects more out of you.
  122. "You lied to me! How are you ever going to get your science grades up if you keep me on the dark side of the moon?"
  124. >She's huffy.
  125. >Literally, she's exhaling air through her nose, like she's about to charge.
  127. "Mom. Topaz is average. It doesn't mean I'm a failure."
  129. >She's not buying it.
  130. "Some foals work really hard to get the grades you have."
  132. "Yeah, I see Snails staying after class to try to bring his PE grade up."
  134. "Don't play games with me."
  136. >She points an accusatory hoof in your direction. Without even thinking, you move back.
  138. "If you spent half the time studying as you did reading comic books, you wouldn't be in this mess."
  140. "What mess? I'm happy with the grades I got."
  142. "Well I'm your mother. And I'm not. All I want is to see you try."
  144. >You're pissed.
  145. >As if those tests aren't hard as fuck.
  147. "You're not my mom."
  149. >Even if you don't, well, study for them outside of class.
  150. >Or do most of the homework.
  151. >But you pay attention! Isn't that good enough?
  153. "I already went through 12 years of this shit! And now I'm a colt and practically have to start over! How would you like to be sent back to magic kindergarten?"
  155. >You've had enough studying to last a lifetime.
  157. >That sets her off.
  159. "Were you this lazy on your home planet? Or this rude, for that matter? Is that any way to talk to your mother?"
  161. "I already told you."
  162. "You're not my mother."
  163. >"Well you're living in my home, eating my food, and enjoying my company."
  164. >"And if I'm not your mother, then feel free to explain to Cheerilee tomorrow which complete stranger gave you this spanking in this castle you currently call your home young man!"
  166. >Not good.
  167. >You book it.
  169. "Hey! That's a first edition, you ungrateful spawn of Cerberus!"
  170. >The book didn't hit her, but she had to take the time to dodge it. The maneuver added a few more precious hoofsteps between you two.
  171. >You lock yourself in your usual hideout, one of the many guest rooms of the castle.
  172. >What usually happens after you do this is Twilight unlocks the door and smacks your hindquarters.
  173. >You know you can delay it a bit.
  174. "Twilight, how would you like it if you got spanked for every little thing you did wrong?"
  175. >The princess is magically fumbling with the tumblers of the lock.
  176. "That 'want it, need it' spell?"
  177. >She stops.
  178. >She's distracted.
  179. "Killing Celestia's pet?"
  180. "That had nothing to do with me!"
  181. >Studying the newspaper archives really comes in handy.
  182. >The more time she spends thinking about this stuff, the more time you have to plan an escape.
  183. >At the very least you get a five minute reprieve from your spanking.
  184. >An idea comes to you.
  185. >You're only as trapped as you think you are.
  186. >And until now, you've never considered the window as a part of this guest room.
  187. >But the second-floor window might be exactly what you've been praying for.
  188. >You go to it, and look below.
  189. >It might be doable.
  190. >The castle curves outwards. Crystal is smooth, right?
  191. "Get back here!"
  192. >Hope so!
  194. >Your front legs brace you at the window as you quickly position your back legs onto the castle wall.
  195. >Twilight makes it halfway across the room before you leave her in the crystal dust.
  196. >She should open this "slide" to the public -- it's fun.
  197. >You almost forget you're bolting from certain rump destruction.
  198. >Your back legs catch the ground and you use the speed from the slide to give you a head start.
  199. >Looking back, Twilight isn't following you.
  200. >She probably couldn't hop out of that narrow window and fly well enough to break her fall.
  201. >She's better at beating your butt than she is at flying.
  202. >Unfortunately.
  203. >You figure she would've caught up by now.
  204. >You're getting spanked, unless you can calm her down.
  205. >Not likely.
  207. "Anon! Your bottom has an appointment with my hoof!"
  209. >Does she have to say it like that?
  210. >Out here?
  211. >More importantly, she's outside now and gaining on you.
  212. >Your best idea ever is quickly turning into your worst idea ever.
  213. >Really you're prolonging your punishment.
  214. >It's going to be so embarrassing.
  215. >She'll publicly lecture you as she takes you back to the castle for the smacking of your life.
  216. >You've gotta stop following through on these dumb ideas.
  217. "Anon, we need to talk. Scoot."
  218. >You head back the way you came.
  219. >Here we go. It's not like this is downtown Canterlot, but a few ponies do get to see your misery.
  220. "That was dangerous and immature. You could've landed on your head and ended...
  221. >As predicted. Twilight's favorite thing to do is lecture.
  223. "I said come here."
  225. "Wha?"
  227. >Well, shit.
  228. >You're not at the castle.
  229. >And she's--
  231. "I don't have all day."
  233. >Sitting on a bench with an awful, determined look on her face.
  235. >You're not even going to ask to go back to the castle.
  236. >You're not setting yourself up for her to lecture you more about running away.
  237. >You approach her, reluctantly.
  239. "I think we can settle things here, Anon."
  241. "Okay."
  243. >She's expecting you to, so you may as well get it over with.
  244. >You climb over her lap.
  246. >Twilight yanks your tail to the side, letting it dangle over her legs.
  247. >You feel your tail brush against her fur as she pushes you into *juuust* the right spot.
  249. >It doesn't hurt that much at first.
  250. >At first, you always think you could handle it.
  251. >Then the reality of the situation sets in.
  252. >Twilight is so big, and you are so small.
  253. >Whack after whack attacks your unprotected behind.
  254. >Now, with pain not as bad as you know it will be later, you have time to bask in your embarrassment,
  255. >Regardless of whether or not you want to.
  256. >You blush as you realize your--
  257. (SLAP)
  258. >Fanny's getting blistered in front of other ponies,
  260. "Irresponsible!"
  261. (SMACK)
  262. >For the first time.
  264. "Rude!"
  265. (SMACK)
  266. >You're bucking.
  268. "And lazy, for that matter!"
  269. (SLAP)
  270. >You can't help it.
  272. "I'm not saying I expect you to get 'jades' in all of your classes."
  273. ...
  274. >No smack. What gives?
  276. "But it would really mean a lot to me to see you try. Okay?"
  278. >Is Twilight waiting for a response?
  279. >It's hard to tell sometimes.
  280. (PAT)
  281. >Much lighter than the others.
  282. >She looks into your eyes with a smile.
  284. "Okay?"
  286. >You mumble.
  287. "Okay..."
  289. >You're glad that's over.
  291. "Which reminds me of your attitude problem."
  292. "Huh?"
  293. (WHACK)
  294. "Ow!"
  295. >Shit, she's not done.
  297. "Don't run away, and don't jump out of windows!"
  298. (SPANK)
  300. >The barrage on your backside continues.
  301. >You'd do anything to make it stop.
  303. "Mom! Please!"
  305. >Still nothing.
  306. >Subconciously, your brain is trying every trick in the book.
  307. >Conciously, there's--
  308. (SMACK)
  309. >Just a lot of pain.
  311. "Mommy!"
  312. >You cry and kick your little hoofsies.
  314. "So I'm your mommy now? A half hour ago I was just some mare who made you breakfast."
  315. (TAP)
  317. "Yesmommysorrymommy--"
  318. >You blurt out, but not in time to avoid a
  319. (SLAP)
  321. "Good. Let's keep it that way. Come on."
  323. >She slides you off her lap, but as you try to set your own pace you realize she's taken you by the ear.
  324. "You're going straight to bed."
  325. >And you don't argue.
  326. >You don't run.
  327. >Because your butt is red.
  328. >And it hurts like hell.

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