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Bad Beehive-iour by Nomine

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:25:32
Updated: 2022-03-14 14:38:24
Expiry: Never

  1. Bad Beehive-iour by Nomine
  2. (Queen Bee / Filly)
  4. (03/05/2018)
  7. ---
  9. >Be filly
  10. >Naughty little filly, and having a very bad day
  11. >See beehive and convenient rock
  12. >You_know_what_to_do.jpg
  13. >Rock strikes true and all the bees buzz out, but don't attack
  14. >Instead their queen buzzes out, glows a second, and turns into a Bee-Pony
  15. >"Did you throw that rock?"
  16. >You shake your head frantically.
  17. >"Liar. Drone 265312879, get my paddle."
  18. >One bee flies in and retrieves a paddle made of thick hard beeswax.
  19. >It's so tiny you laugh, until it resizes itself to be much bigger in her hoof.
  20. >"You have one chance to escape this thing, filly. You're in for fifty swats from me, but for every word I give you that you spell right, I'll take off ten spanks."
  21. >Ohshit.jpg
  22. >You suck at spelling
  23. >"First word. Spell Naughty."
  24. >Okay, that's not so bad...
  25. >"N-A-U-G-H-T-Y."
  26. >"Correct, ten off. Now, spell Spanking."
  27. >Easy peasy! You know that word all too well.
  28. >"S-P-A-N-K-I-N-G."
  29. >"Not bad. You're only getting thirty. Now, spell Punitive."
  30. >Uhhhhh
  31. >"Can you use it in a sentence?"
  32. >"I am going to give a naughty filly thirty spankings for what she did to my hive as a punitive measure so she learns her lesson."
  33. >That doesn't help!
  34. >"P-U-N-E-T-E-V-E?"
  35. >"Incorrect. Still thirty. Now, spell Apiarist."
  36. >Wtf.jpg
  37. >"That's not a word!"
  38. >"It is indeed. It means a beekeeper. Now, spell."
  39. >Fucking...You'll teach her.
  40. >"A-P-E-F-A-C-E-D-F-A-T-B-E-E"
  41. >The queen is silent.
  42. >She looks pissed.
  43. >Now you've done it. Even her workers are buzzing angrily.
  44. >"I suppose you think that's funny. I think I'll just add another ten spanks back for that."
  45. >Crap
  46. >"And for your final word...I'm sure you know the word. Marey Poppins is famous for it."
  47. >Ohno.jpg
  48. >That know the word...
  49. >You slowly nod
  50. >"Spell it."
  51. >Ohcrapohcrapohcrap
  52. >You actually DO know how to spell that word. You studied it to impress your teacher and convince her to take off a failing grade on a spelling test.
  53. >"S-U-P-E-R-C-A-L-I-F-R-A-G-I-L-I-S-T-I-C-E-X-P-I-A-L-I-D-O-C-I-O-U-S"
  54. >You take a breath and hope.
  55. >"Wrong. I told you to spell it. It is spelled I-T. Forty spanks."
  56. >WHAT?!
  57. >Before you can move the queen has you grabbed and pulled across her knees, resting on her abdomen as well.
  58. >You can see that stinger of hers too...
  59. >With her pony-sized, it's huge
  60. >The first crack of that horrid paddle against your flanks puts an end to that thought chain.
  61. >"OWWWWYYY!!!"
  62. >That paddle is hard! Way harder than the modified ping-pong paddle Mom and Dad use!
  63. >She swats again and again, dancing that waxy thing up and down your flanks
  64. >You try to be strong, but you soon break down
  65. >"That's ten."
  66. >ONLY TEN?!
  67. >You can't stand it anymore, you start to sob and kick and squirm.
  68. >The drones and workers are buzzing around as the queen holds you tight.
  69. >You can hear them laughing!
  70. >"Pleaseplease I won't throw rocks!" you beg
  71. >She doesn't listen, and spanks you on your sit spots for all your squirming.
  72. >She's completely silent as she focuses everything she has on cracking that paddle down into your poor butt.
  73. >"Twenty."
  74. >Halfway there...maybe you can do thiOWWWW!
  75. >She's spanking harder now, much harder.
  76. >And she's aiming for your thighs too.
  77. >You can't stop kicking and squirming, and finally you throw a hoof back to try and stop it.
  78. >She grabs your hoof immediately and punishes you with a quick quintet of painful paddlings up and down the crack of your behind.
  79. >"Those don't count, they are punishment for squirming." she says.
  80. >No fair...
  81. >She's cracking that paddle down super-hard now, your breath is catching as you sob and try to beg
  82. >"Thirty."
  83. >Not ten can't take ten more.
  84. >You don't have a choice.
  85. >"PLEASE!"
  86. >"Five extra for begging."
  87. >She suddenly buzzes her wings and moves fast as lightning, cracking that paddle down into your butt so quick you can't distinguish the strikes
  88. >All you can feel is the pain and burning in your rump growing hotter and hotter.
  89. >You sob and kick and buck and plead, only to be held tight.
  90. >"Stop wriggling like a larva. You deserve this."
  91. >She punishes your wiggling with even more spanks to your crack.
  92. >You finally break down and wail
  93. >"I'M SORRRRYYYY!!! S-O-R-R-Y!!!"
  94. >She stops.
  95. >"Are you ever going to throw rocks at my hive or any other hive again?"
  96. >You shake your head. "N..No Ma'am."
  98. >Three spanks right on your sit spots.
  99. >"Are you going to lie when you misbehave again?"
  100. >Another headshake...
  102. >Three more to your thighs
  103. >OhCelestiaThatHurts
  104. >"Are you going to learn how to spell properly?"
  105. >You start to shake your head again, then quickly nod instead.
  107. >Three spanks to each of your cheeks!
  108. >She puts you down
  109. >"Good. See that you do. Because the next time you meet a bee like me, they won't be so generous."
  110. >Generous?! You won't be able to sit for a month!
  111. >"How were you generous?!"
  113. >She smiles.
  115. >"Most Spelling Bees are much harder on naughty fillies than that."

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