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Buzzy Studies by Nomine

By splishsplash
Created: 2022-01-05 18:26:18
Updated: 2022-03-14 15:35:58
Expiry: Never

  1. Buzzy Studies by Nomine
  2. (Queen Bee / Filly)
  3. non-consensual
  5. (17/02/2019)
  8. ---
  10. >Bee filly
  11. >No, Be filly, we’re not gonna open with THAT dumb of a pun
  12. >Or are we?
  13. >Be filly, still as naughty as before
  14. >Spelling test coming up tomorrow
  15. >You didn’t study at ALL
  16. >Kingdom Hearts 3 just came out!
  17. >NotGood.jpg
  18. >Fourth Grade spelling words are HARD
  19. >H-A-R-D
  20. >Sadly, that one was from first grade…
  21. >There’s absolutely no WAY you’re gonna learn all five spelling words
  22. >Not before bedtime for sure
  23. >Unless…
  24. >No
  25. >Not a C-H-A-N-C-E
  26. >That WAS one of the words! Now just...four more...
  27. >Teacher always gave an easy one...
  28. >Well...the plan might work
  29. >If you fail this test, you get a spanking AND grounded
  30. >And you’re so close to the end of the game…
  31. >Maybe she won’t spank you
  32. >Maybe
  33. >It’s a chance, right?
  34. >You trot out towards the outskirts of town
  35. >There’s the hive…
  36. >No rocks this time! You don’t wanna make her mad.
  37. >Copy down the words from the list to another sheet of paper
  38. >Wad that up
  39. >Throw IT at the hive
  40. >Bzzzzzzzzzz!
  41. >The bees swarm out, looking annoyed
  42. >Their queen flies out, changes to her large self
  43. >”You again?”
  44. >You nod
  45. >”I thought we agreed you wouldn’t throw rocks!”
  46. >You nod, then shake your head
  47. >You’re scared, of course you can’t speak!
  48. >You point to the paper on the ground
  49. >She goes over, picks it up, uncrumples it, and reads
  50. >”Yes, these words are all spelled correctly. What of it?”
  51. >You show her the original list, and point to the due date
  52. >”Oh. OH! I see how it is. You forgot to study, didn’t you? And now you come here, thinking that because I am a spelling bee, I’ll be willing to help you study?”
  53. >Eeep!
  54. >She seems...offended
  55. >You nod, slowly
  56. >”You’re lucky I am in a good mood, young lady. A queen’s job is a busy one. I cannot just take time to help a filly study willy-nilly.”
  57. >”But, seeing as you are in a sticky situation, I will help you.”
  58. >OhThankSun.Jpg!
  59. >You rush over and hug her leg
  60. >”ThankYouThankYouThankyou!”
  61. >She shakes you off
  62. >”Drone 4546B, fetch my Paddle.”
  63. >WAITWHAT?!
  64. >”Why?!”
  65. >”Because, young lady, you need to be punished for not studying. So, we are going to do the same arrangement as before. I am going to quiz you on each of these four words. For every one you get wrong, you will receive five spanks with my paddle.”
  66. >Oh no…
  67. >Still better than a grounding, though!
  68. >You can do this…it’s only five per word
  69. >”And we are going to read through the list until you get them all right in one go!”
  70. >Oh no…
  72. >Five minutes later, there you are
  73. >Over her abdomen-lap again
  74. >Sweet Celestia that stinger is big…
  75. >Focus!
  76. >She gave you five minutes to read over the list again
  77. >’s Showtime
  78. >”Alright. Let’s begin. Spell Chance.”
  79. >Easy
  80. >”C-H-A-N-C-E”
  81. >”Well done. Now, spell Question.”
  82. >Errr…
  83. >”Q-U-E-S-T-S-H-U-N”
  84. >SPANK!
  85. >You yelp out as the paddle cracks down!
  86. >”That was one. Consider it a warning. Spell it right.”
  87. >Oh right! It’s a Quest for an Ion! One gamer friend taught you that!
  88. >”Q-U-E-S-T-I-O-N!”
  89. >”Very good! Now, spell Infinite”
  90. >Oh crap…
  91. >That’s a HARD one…
  92. >”I-N...F-I...N-I-T?”
  94. >You squeal out as you reach back to rub, only to have your hoof tapped warningly
  95. >”No rubbing, Young lady! You still have to run through the list again. And you already are at Seven Spanks.”
  96. >”Now. Spell Infinite correctly. You missed a letter.”
  97. >OH! The E!
  98. >”I-N-F-I-N-I-T-E!”
  99. >”Excellent. You’re learning. Now, spell Pentagon.”
  100. >”P-E-N-T-A-G-O-N…”
  101. >”Good jo…”
  102. >”...E” you finish before you can stop yourself
  103. >She doesn’t even smack you. Just sighs.
  104. >”You still get five. But I admit that word is tricky right after Infinite.”
  105. >You whine
  106. >”P-E-N-T-A-G-O-N”
  107. >She nods. Time for the last word
  108. >”Alright. Last one. Librarian. Spell It.”
  109. >You’re Not Falling For That Again!
  110. >”I-T!”
  111. >The bees all around buzz
  112. >Even the queen has to stifle a giggle
  113. >”Alright. I suppose I asked for that one.”
  114. >”But, seriously, spell Librarian.”
  115. >That’s the Hard one…
  116. >”L-I-B-R-A-R-I-A-N?”
  117. >She nods!
  118. >You got it right!
  119. >”Well done...Now...we’ll start back at Chance.”
  120. >Aw crap…
  123. >Five. Five rounds was how long it took before you got them all right
  124. >You forgot Librarian on the second one
  125. >Messed up Pentagon and Infinite again on the third
  126. >And to your shame…
  127. >”C-H-A-N-S-E!”
  128. >Yeah, not gonna mention how she reacted to THAT
  129. >But now you got them all!
  130. >…
  131. >Now she’s holding that paddle over your flanks.
  132. >”You have received three already. And because you did so well on Librarian, AND made my hive laugh, I am willing to forgive a few more. You’ll be receiving Twenty-Five.”
  133. >You shudder. That IS merciful, coming from her
  134. >You feel her abdomen bounce, and then…
  135. >CRACK!
  136. >”OWWY!!!”
  137. >Oh Celestia that hurts!
  138. >”That was One. If you are squirming like a Larva over that, this is going to be very unpleasant for you indeed.”
  139. >No *Beep*, Fetlock?
  140. >CRACK CRACK!
  141. >You squeal out now, just hanging down and letting her spank you
  142. >Still better than a Grounding, you tell yourself
  143. >Hard to believe that when a series of five CRACKS lash your poor bummy!
  144. >”You really are a whiny one. Are all pony foals so vocal during their spankings?”
  145. >She’s asking you as she CRACKS that paddle down thrice more
  146. >”It HURTS!”
  147. >CRACK!
  148. >”That is rather the point, dearie. It wouldn’t be a punishment if it didn’t.”
  149. >CRACK!
  150. >Oh Sun and Moon now your bottom feels like it’s being stung is she actually using that stinger
  151. >”Why are you punishing me?!”
  152. >CRACK!
  153. >Is her venom in the paddle is that why it stings so much?!
  154. >”For not studying for your test”
  155. >CRACK!
  156. >”For throwing things at my hive again.”
  157. >CRACK! CRACK!
  158. >By this point you’re just a squirmy sniffly teared-up mess
  159. >”And most importantly, for bothering me in the middle of my duties as a Queen Bee!”
  160. >What...What the hay does that mean?
  162. >You yell out...but, there’s only five more…
  163. >“Chance.”
  164. >Meep
  165. >“C-H-A-N-C-E”
  166. >She doesn’t spank
  167. >No way…
  168. >”Question.”
  169. >”Q-U-E-S-T-I-O-N”
  170. >”Infinite.”
  171. >”I-N-F-I-N-I-T-E”
  172. >”Pentagon.”
  173. >”P-E-N-T-A-G-O-N”
  174. >”Finally, Librarian.”
  175. >”L-I-B-R-A-R-I-A-N”
  176. >She lets you go
  177. >You squeak as she sets you on your rump
  178. >You whimper
  179. >”Thank you…”
  180. >She nods
  181. >”Go home and study more.”
  182. >You rush to obey her
  186. >Bee Filly
  187. >After school next day
  188. >Going to the beehive again
  189. >You have a sheet of paper teacher gave you in your hooves
  190. >You gently knock on the tree instead
  191. >She appears behind you
  192. >”Yes? What is it now?”
  193. >You show her the Paper
  194. >It’s your Test
  195. >100%!
  196. >Even got a Happy Face Sticker!
  197. >”Thank you…” you say
  198. >She actually smiles
  199. >”I knew you would be able to do it.”
  200. >You blink
  201. >”How did you know?”
  202. >She smiles again
  203. >”After a spanking like that, I knew you’d remember our lessons…..for a Spell.”

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